App Store in Russian. App Store on Android is the best option to search for high quality content. How to install automatic downloads in the AppStore

In iTunes 12.7, Apple has removed the App Store tab and program management. It became impossible to save applications on the computer and load them through the aytyuns. We completely lost the opportunity to independently manage what is installed on our devices. But everything is not as bad - on our side the largest companies from Fortune 500. Their pressure forced Apple to leave a spare stroke. What happened how to put iTunes with an appstore and whether it is necessary at all

App Store In iTunes An important part of the ecosystem

While the iTunes had an App Store, an intermediary between the iPhone and Apple could perform a computer. It was kept all that we bought through the App Store. Even with the internet absence or with the full disappearance of Apple with all its infrastructure, it was possible to install and delete downloaded applications. We had our own collection of downloaded applications.

Without a mediator, all applications will be managed only on the Apple side. This means that when you delete an App Store application, you will no longer install it. Only through the jailbreak (which is rather the dead than alive).

I visually showed the problem in this video:

Why Apple returned the App Store in iTunes 12.6.5

Apple devices enjoy large companies from Fortune 500. They set special applications that do not exist in the App Store, and also tied on old applications. They, as we, are important control over applications and data. Together they pushed on Apple so that they released the decision.

Apple made a special version of iTunes for business. It has the App Store tab and you can manage programs on the device. It supports all modern devices, including iPhone X. But this is not an update. This is an old version of iTunes, which can be installed and use. This aytyuns has version 12.6.5. I call him iTunes business.

Do I need to install iTunes 12.6.5 (business)

You need to install if you are important for something from this:

  • Old apps
  • Control over applications without internet,
  • Storage of applications on a computer to save space on iPhone,
  • Special applications that may disappear from the upstore,
  • You have more than a dozen devices and you drive them through USB hubs

Video Installations iTunes Business

Preparation for installation iTunes 12.6.5 Business

The library will need to be restored. I think that now you are using a version higher than 12.6. This means that your physician iTunes (files with information about what you have in iTunes) has been updated. If you install itunes 12.6.5, he will not be able to read your new media library and you will need to restore it to the state on September 13, 2017. All that has been added / deleted later - consider lost.

iTunes will no longer be updated itself. You will need to install new versions manually. But this is not a big problem. You can install the update only if something does not work for you. At the moment, the iTunes 12.7 is only trimmed with functions. Aytyuns 12.6 maybe everything and even more.

Install iTunes 12.6.5 (business)

The first thing you need is to download installer:

  • iTunes 12.6.5 for modern 64-bit windows
  • iTunes 12.6.5 for 32-bit windows
  • iTunes 12.6.5 for Macos.

Interesting starts when we run iTunes. Typically shows such a window:

Warning of the new iTunes Library file

I talked about it above. Your library is too new and he cannot read it. He offers to install new iTunes to read it. But we were not for this put iTunes business? \u003d)

We restore the iTunes Library.itl library

Close iTunes.

Go to the folder with iTunes Library.itl

/ Users / [Your Useser] / Music / iTunes

Windows XP.

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ [Your Useser] \\ My Documents \\ My Music \\ iTunes

Windows Vista.

C: \\ Users \\ [Your Useser] \\ Music \\ iTunes

Windows 7, 8 or 10

C: \\ Users \\ [Your Useser] \\ My Music \\ iTunes

We will back up. Rename iTunes Library.itl in iTunes Library.itl.New. You can rename as you like, but I like NEW - means that this is a newer library. You can simply add units or zeros to the name. As you wish.

Then go there go to Previous iTunes Libraries.. Among them we find the library over September 13, 2017. In my case, it was a library of September 13: iTunes Library 2016-09-13.itl. Transfer it to the folder above so that it is with iTunes and rename iTunes Library.itl. Now iTunes when starting tries to use this file and detects a "native" library in it on September 13.

This looks like the iTunes Library file.

Correct menu

After starting the program will not appear. Need to choose "Edit the menu ..." and put a tank about "Programs".

To appear to appear, add them to the menu

Choose, reappeared, programs in the drop-down menu on the left. The App Store tab is again here.

iTunes 12.6.3 with the "Programs" tab

Return new iTunes.

If something stops working. Or you decide that it is no longer needed iTunes business, you can easily return the new version.

Download iTunes from Apple site. Mail and address can not specify if you do not need Apple advertising.

When you first start, the library will be updated and everything will become as Apple wants and the government \u003d)

Here's a video:

In this section of our site you can get acquainted with the news related to the App Store application service. Stay up to date with all new products and get information about which of them deserve your attention. This section is just a storehouse of useful information and tips on which applications and games are simply obliged to be in your Ideevay.

Applications designed for Mac often do not pay so much attention as programs for iPhone and iPad. Of course, Apple computers are at times less than users of its mobile devices, but this is not at all reason not to do for MacOS. After all, many programs often have to look for independently - not everyone will immediately fall into the App Store.

Applications - the thing is very specific and having a property quickly accumulate. Therefore, after some time, plus-minus each user should accumulate library of the desired software, which is updated quite slowly. Personally, I can't even remember when I last downloaded some new app, because I had long got the desired set of software for which I use on an ongoing basis. Therefore, it would seem that if not bend in the long run, then at least no longer will be so successful as before. But everything came out completely differently.

We write the developer of the BEST9.APP application

My name is Mikhail Lutsky, at the moment I am a student of the magistracy of the Moscow university. I work the iOS programmer, mainly writing on. Programming is fond of more than 7 years, periodically apply it in training, working goals, participating in large hacatons. However, it is much more pleasant to obtain the experience of developing its own product for me, and the idea suitable for the implementation rarely and in the most inappropriate moments, when all the deadlines are already burning. So it happened this time, when work began on creating a

Apple, perhaps, as no one knows how to combine incompatible. In Cupertino, they can go for freedom of speech and self-expression today, and to remove all applications from Hong Kong, which use protesters, simply because the Chinese government demanded that this is done. Therefore, Apple is alone, then others seek the removal of certain programs as arguments as arguments. But, perhaps, the most unexpected was the requirement of the copyright protection association on the Internet (Azapi), which decided, Apple should remove Telegram, because his developer ignores the agenda.

About the voyage of Google Chrome can be given legends. Perhaps no other browser loads the "iron" of the computer as it does. There is a large number of Chrome functions, which is engaged not only by providing access to the Internet, but also many more - from working with extensions before scanning a computer to viruses. What to say, if Google itself understands that high load is a problem, and therefore some time ago added a function of hardware acceleration into the browser, which allows you to divide the load between the processor and the graphics accelerator. But even this was not enough. Therefore, in the last update in Chrome there is freezing of tabs.

- This is exactly what makes the operating system alive. Do not be them, modern smartphones would not be half such a functional as now. After all, in fact, the developers do something to which the manufacturers either did not think of themselves or found the implementation of too expensive. As a result, the smartphones were able to record on long exposure, got a function of laying routes and even learned to replace the gaming consoles. Therefore, Apple whose success is partly dependent on third-party software, could not be admitted and made a list of the best applications and games that trends in the industry in 2019.

Today's article will be devoted to the Apple Games and Applications store, which is called the App Store. I will tell you how to download it for a regular computer.

The versions for the PC are certainly not, but let's try to find options that will help you use the APP Stor on the usual Windows.

What is the App Store?

Before you use the applications with games from this service, let's see for a start a little what it is and why this store generally needs this store.

As we all know, there are two dominant operating systems on the market today - it is iOS and Android. For each of them, shops were created where you can download games and applications.

For iOS devices, App Store was created, and for Android devices - Google Play Market. Both stores are very good, but the first one can note such advantages:

  • new games and applications appear most often in exactly here the first;
  • more careful security control;
  • more modern interface.

The store for devices for Android is also very good and it improves every day. It can find more and less applications that may be simply useless or dumb.

Download App Store on PC

We all know that Apple's policies are quite strict and therefore IOS is a closed operating system. Install or download any APP Stor to an ordinary computer will not work.

But to our happiness, Android is open and all applications with games are almost identical to all devices. Therefore, there is a way out of the position and it is called an emulator for android.

There are very many programs and in general the process of the appearance of any game on the PC is as follows:

  1. swing the emulator and use only proven sources like or;
  2. then set the emulator to the PC;
  3. running it for the first time, you will have to undergo authorization from Google;
  4. now write the name of the desired game in the search field of the emulator or Play Market and Click ENTER;
  5. a list of results opens, in which we choose the desired and click Set;
  6. after installation, simply run the application.

It is also possible to install using files.apk. There is a small minus emulators, because some games or applications may be absent in the store. But it is extremely rare and most popular you will find exactly.


This is how the situation looks like something if you suddenly want to download the Apple apple store to your computer with the name App Store.

Alternative I described you, but or use it, this is your decision. I can only say that playing games and use many applications is quite comfortable.

Either buy yourself MacBook or IMAC, which is very expensive. And one more, no emulator exists, there is iPadian 2, but it can not absolutely nothing and it's just a duv.

In addition to digital devices that Apple's world-famous company produces, appropriate software is needed. It is known that the American brand produces techniques according to the US standards, which are somewhat not coincided with European.

Therefore, the company fully provided users of their products to all necessary for full work with i-devices. This concerns not only connectors for connecting to the network, but also some software nuances.

What is the App Store?

All Apple devices operate on the IOS operating system. This applies not only to the laptop MacBook and computers, but also tablets and phones. This operating system looks and works somewhat different than the familiar for most Windows or Android.

The App Store is a store where in online mode you can download the necessary application to work on any mobile i-device. This is one of the sections of a larger online store iTunes Store. That is, in the App Store you can download everything for the full work of the phone or tablet.

This application is standard when installing the IOS operating system.

Applications that, by the way, are divided into 29 categories in the App Store, you can download free or for money. Of these 29 categories, there are three, created directly by the company and intended for iPad and iPhone.

The remaining 23 is the software created by other global brands of the computer industry specifically for Apple users. These are programs for downloading and listening to music or watching video, browsers, maps and navigators, financial applications, various books and reference books, weather.

The big partition is the games separated by genres. These are the most commonly used applications, but the entire list is much wider - in 2012 there were about half a million applications.

How to use the App Store?

You can use the App Store in several ways - to go through the application directly from the phone or tablet or through the iTunes Store installed on the computer. Both options are essentially identical. You can find the desired application in the appropriate category or immediately enter the name in the search bar and click the search button.

Next, you need to select your favorite application from the list of proposed and go to the page with a detailed description and reviews. If all the characteristics are suitable, you need to press the "Get" button, after which the load will start.

Note: For more convenient operation with the application, you can use sorting, for example, "new", "popular", "often downloadable", etc.

How to download the application via the App Store?

To buy and download free applications from the Apple online store, you need to have a special Apple ID identifier. It is one for all Apple services and works on the principle of a virtual personal office, or in other words - account.

Credit cards are usually attributed to it, with which you can make purchases in the App Store. The same identifier can be used on any Apple - iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, MacBook or Apple TV.

Important detail: Using Apple IDs can be reused or other devices download applications that were purchased earlier. At the same time, the second time the download will be free.

The only thing that is worth considering when downloading (both the first and subsequent times) is the volume of the application, which is supposed to be downloaded: if its volume exceeds 10 MB, it is better to use Wi-Fi.

How to pay applications in the App Store?

Usually, credit or debit cards are used to pay for any paid application, which are attributed to the personal identifier of the Apple ID. You can also use the means that are listed on the gift maps from the App Store, iTunes or Apple Music.

Note that in some countries there is an opportunity to use other payment methods, for example, through Internet banking, paypal virtual payment systems, electronic wallets or due to money on a mobile account.

Pros of the use of the App Store service. Usually, when they talk about the benefits of using this kind of services, it is believed in view of the "product range" - in fact, as in any store, it does not matter, in traditional or via the Internet. In this regard, the App Store online store undoubtedly occupies a leading position. According to statistics by the end of 2014, the number of applications in the App Store has reached a mark of 1.2 million, while the number of downloads amounted to approximately 85 billion.

In addition to the wide range of products of a large list of categories, Apple products have always been famous for high quality, although the cost has always been high.

However, if you consider that most users of i-devices are very wealthy people and use these devices directly to work, it is not difficult to guess that they have a financial opportunity and are ready to pay for high quality.

For the average user, this is not always affordable, although it will most likely be necessary to use expensive programs.

Alternative to App Store.

The App Store is included in the top five leading services of a similar orientation with Google Play, Windows Phone Store, Amazon AppStore and BlackBerry WORLD.

As can be seen from the statistics below, the main competitor to the App Store is the Google Play service.

There are several reasons for it, and the main of them is the availability of devices on the Android platform for users with an average and low income level.

In this case, the list of proposed applications in Google Play is not inferior, even on the contrary. Therefore, the choice between two competing brands will always depend only on personal preferences of users.

It should be notedIn 2015, for all applications and Apple products, censorship was introduced, according to which it is now forbidden to mention competitors and disseminate not confirmed official information about new products and Apple devices.

We are often asked how to install this or that application, bypassing the App Store. IOS 9 Together with version 7.0, they were finally able to answer this question, and with the official resolution of Apple itself.

Having at its disposal the latest version of Xcode and iPhone or iPad, you can set many applications without (so-called sideload). It is better, of course, to upload programs only from proven developers, otherwise you risk entrusting all your personal data to fraudsters. For this, you do not need a jailbreak, but all the actions you perform at your own risk. It is worth remembering this.

First you need to create a developer account. You can do this on this page, and enter either under your own Apple ID, or create a new specifically for tests.

The second stage is the download and installation of Xcode 7. Load it on this link, install and go to Preferences - Accounts. Here you need to add your Apple ID, which you created in the first step.

After that, we need to find an open source application for installation. The easiest way to do it on GitHub. We find a program, open its page and copy a link from HTTPS CLone URL.

Then open the Xcode 7, then the Control Source and Check Out section. Insert a link from GitHub here and wait when the application is imported into Xcode.

We connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer and in the pop-up block name of the project, select your device. Be careful - the detection of your gadget may take a few minutes.

Click Play, after which the installation of the application on the device will start. As soon as the installation is over, go to "Settings" - "Basic" - "Profiles", select your Apple ID and click "Trust".