Than the diff differs from the RCD. Favtomatomats (differential circuit breakers) and RCDs What is the difference? Automatic Differential: What it is, the principle of work

The main difference between the UzO (it is sometimes referred to as the diffrelev) and the diphtomatom lies in the decoding of the instruments: the Uzo is a shutdown protection device, the DIFAVTOMAT - differential (i.e., in this case, a multifunctional) circuit breaker.

Technical principle of operation of the UDO, DIFAVTOMATA

The protective device (UZO) is an electrical device, which includes the detection module of the difference of currents that proceed through the device. Those. If this difference does not match the specified value, contacts will occur. To ensure this process, separate elements capable of detecting, measuring the differential current and "decide" on the opening of contacts. The latter operation produces a disconnector that does not contain elements of the protection of electrocups from the closure, overloads.

Diffattomat, in fact, a block in which the UzO and the shutdown device are combined. The machine protects the electrical circuit from the current leakage (like UZO) and at the same time interrupts the power supply with a short circuit (KZ) or overloads. The performance of such functions is ensured by the presence of protection against overheating and overheat, which guarantees the chain protection, equipment.

The difference between the rattomatom and the UZO

The function of the protective device - shutdown of the electrical circuit only in the event of a current leakage, i.e. This is just a device included in the network for which protection is necessary. The UZO is a module that detects the current leakage (for example, when insulated damage) and gives the command to the power mechanism for disconnecting the chain. In this case, the UzO cannot protect the network from overload or KZ. Simply put, if there is a closure in your electrical wiring or all the load standards will be exceeded, all wires burn together with the RCD.

Differential automatic machine - electrical assembly, including and protection against current leakage and closure protection, plus overloads. At the same time, the diphawtomat protects itself. You can distinguish both devices and visually. On the differela, there is a designation performed by large letters; For example, "16A" indicating the rated current. If on the body of the device in front of a large digital there is a Latin letter, for example, "C16", then before you - the DIFAVTOMAT ("C" characterizes the type of release calculated on 16a). If there are designations in Russian on the instruments, "VD" will mean that you have an RCD, but if AVDT is written, then this is an "differential-type circuit breaker."

Most people, ordinary consumers, understand the question, how to distinguish the RCD from the rattomate is not necessary. Our article is focused on start-up electricians who are simply needed to choose and install the desired device. The material will also be useful to homemade craftsmen who are interested in dealing with everything and make it yourself.

But, before disassembling, the characteristic of the protective device from the differential apparatus is distinguished, it is necessary to recall their basic functions and the principle of operation. So to speak, compare them among themselves.

RCD and differential EKF production machine

Functionality of devices

Immediately note that the appearance and the device of these devices among themselves is quite similar. In the electrical network, they have the same function: protective. However, it makes it a bit differently.


This automatic shutdown device responds to a change in the current difference. As is known, the current circulates on the electrical wiring: on the phase wire enters the consumer, along zero core - returns. In this case, the difference must be zero. If the difference between the passing current appears, the RCO will react to this indicator and will automatically turn off.

The appearance of the leakage current is caused by damage in electrical wiring insulation. This can cause a CZ or fire, and the phase breakdown on the body of the electrical appliance is a human damage to electric. It is to exclude these factors and is raised.

Installation of the UDO is prescribed to the socket group, electric plates, washing machines and water heating boilers. These consumers are the most dangerous in terms of human defeat.

Separately, it is worth noting that the UZO does not protect the wiring from overload and short circuit. For these purposes, it is necessary to put in front of it. At the same time, it is important to choose that the UZO is powerful for the permissible load. What is it for? In the event of a load above the permissible limits or short circuit, the machine will work earlier than the RCO will fail.

Differential automatic

This device is universal and actually consists of two devices. In one case, manufacturers combined the UzO and the automatic dispersion, which is very convenient and practical. At the same time, the differential apparatus is characterized by high reliability and protects the electrical circuit from a short circuit, unacceptable loads, and a person - by electric shock.

The differential automatic has a high response rate, durability. Protection of the chain from voltage jumps is added to the main functions of this device: with an increase in value up to 250V, automatic protection will work.

Supplying the line, we note that it is possible to install any option: a differential automaton or a Uzo plus the circuit breaker. Both options are considered correct. The solution to which option is to be selected for connection is taken at the installation site based on the specific conditions, network characteristics and electrical appliances.

Differences of the RCD from the differential automaton

After we found out what the difference between two protection devices, let's figure it out how to distinguish between the RCD from the peel to select the desired device. Note that all differences are visual in nature, so before purchasing it is worth considering the device very carefully.

Inscription on the housing

Many manufacturers so that it does not work confusion, especially for consumers are written on the side of the device. It is worth noting here that the general standards of such marking are absent, so each manufacturer makes it at its discretion.

Such marking (if any) is used only by domestic producers, imported analogs of such a mark have no. Therefore, it is not always possible to choose the differential apparatus.

In addition, some domestic manufacturers are applied to the abbreviation of the device on the front of the case. In this case, the RCO is marked as a VD. Professionals understand that this means the differential switch. An AVDT abbreviation is applied to the pea.

Rated current

Also, the VD differs from the rattomate designation of the rated current. For the UzO, the maximum allowable load is displayed only in digital designation (for example, 16a).

For the rattomate, a more important characteristic is the response time. Therefore, the housing indicates the rated current with alphabetic designation (for example, C16).

Important! The letter marking for the UDO denotes "Amp". It characterizes the properties of the thermal release (the response time during overload).

Electrical circuit

The concepts under consideration are applied to their concept. On the front of the Uzo, only a differential transformer is drawn, and a schematic designation of both releasers is added on the rattomate.

This method choose a protective device is more complicated than those discussed above, but also has the right to use. For something, the manufacturer inflicts the scheme to the device?

Occupied place

By the installation method, both devices are similar to each other: they are installed on a metal DIN rail, pre-fixed in the electrical protection. At the same time, both devices are two-pole, therefore, occupy two places on the rail.

The difference between the Uzo is the need for an additional installation of a single-pole circuit breaker. Thus, it turns out that such a combination takes three places in the electrical panel, and the differential automaton is two. This factor is decisive in the question of which device to choose when installing the electrical wiring in a small panel.

Today, one-graddable RCD is proposed, the advantage of which in saving space in the shield. But such compactness of the device is displayed on its internal stuffing. Instead of a reliable electromechanical, in such devices, an electronic discharge circuit is used. Therefore, experienced electricians do not recommend using such protective devices.


In conclusion, we briefly consider the technology of installing protection devices and some nuances arising from their operation.

Installation of the system

As a rule, the installation of protective devices does not cause difficulties. They possess a simple and understandable way of fasteners: on an inserted or installed DIN rail. On the instrument housing is indicated, the phase wire is connected to which the phase wire is connected, and to which is zero. It remains only to determine the polarity of wiring using a probe.

End of wiring must be neatly cleaned, without damage to the veins. At the same time, the bare ends should not be opposed to the body of the device. To ensure the reliability of contact, the clamping screws are tightened with sufficient effort.

When installing the bundle of the Uzo plus the circuit breaker, the phase wire is additionally skipped through the switch terminals.

Tip! When choosing devices, you should pay attention to the leakage current. The optimal parameter is considered to be 30 mA. With such settings, the device securely copes with its protective functions, while false responses are almost excluded.

Determination of causes of response

The reasons for the triggering of such protective systems three:

  1. Short circuit;
  2. The occurrence of leakage current.

If you have a differential automatic machine, it is not always possible to identify the cause of the triggering, it can be any of the factors, plus damage in one of the electrical appliances. Setting the causes of the protection of protection can take some time.

The bunch of the UDO and the automatic dispersion in this regard is more convenient. If the protective device worked, then there is a leakage current in the chain. It is necessary to make diagnostics to detect the site with a breakdown of isolation. If the circuit breaker is triggered, the problem in the overload on the line or has arisen.

Additionally, it should be noted that in terms of reliability and time of triggering a large difference between systems there. Both protective schemes are perfectly coping with their functions, reliable and designed for operation in various conditions (except for high humidity). When installing the UDO or the diphawtomate in the bathroom, it is necessary to use a special waterproof box.

To eliminate abnormal situations, it follows every 2-3 months to check the efficiency of the instruments. To do this, on the housing of the protective device (UZO and differential automaton) there is a "test" button, when you click on which protection should work. When the device is output, the defense will not work, such a device is replaced.

As mentioned above these devices, different functions are similar, they are just like the type of fastening and in appearance.

What is the difference between the RCD from the machine

Circuit breaker

- This is the creation of electrical wiring protection against damage with a short circuit and long-term overload. Without an automatic wiring, it would be necessary to change the electrical wiring very often, because the short-circuit currents would melt the wires, and the overload currents would burn all the insulation of the wires.

The automaton has electromagnetic protection against high short circuit currents. It is an electromagnetic coil with a core.

At the moment of short circuit, the coil creates an electromagnetic field and magnetizes the core, which causes it to push the latch of the trigger and the machine is turned off. If the overload currents occurred, then heating and bending, bimetallic plates, move the levers and cause the trigger mechanism to work.

Automatic switch AVV.

Time to disable overload protection directly depends on the overload current force. In the housing of the machine, there is also a fugging chamber, which is designed to quench the spark and increases the service life of the contacts.

Protective shutdown device and its work

The difference between the RCO from the circuit breaker is that it has a function of protection against leakage current, the machine does not have such protection. The Uzo in its composition contains a differential transformer, which determines the difference in the phase and neutral wire current during current leakage.

These currents reinforced by the secondary winding of the differential transformer are entered into a polarized relay associated with the trigger that turns off the protection. Thus, the UDO device has protection against leakage currents.

Protective shutdown devices

Leakage currents may occur when the wire isolation is insulated on the housing of the electrical appliances and the touch of its person. In this case, this type of protection saves human life. The operation of the UDO is based on the definition of phase and zero current, therefore it has two terminals for connecting the phase and zero, two more phase output terminals and zero to connect the load.

That is, this device is a bipolar for a single-phase network, and for a three-phase network - a four-pole. Also, the RCD differs from the simple machine in what has a test button to test the performance. The machine for a single-phase network has a single-pole module, and for the three-phase network of a four-pole.

How to connect the UDO and the machine

The UZO does not provide protection against short circuit, as well as from overload, so that the protection device does not fail, it is necessary to put the machine with a rated current below the nominal current of the Uzo to one to two orders.

The correct circuit of the Uzo connection in the apartment shield. After the introductory automaton of VA - 47 / 50A is ECF 2 / 63A / 30MA

EXAMPLE - AND AUTOMATING - If there is a 50 A automatic machine, then you need to put the UZO on 63 A. in this way, we decided the question to be installed, automatic before RCO or after. The answer is clear, the machine is put in front of the RCD to protect it, to de-energize and save the device.

But more and more often the question began: how differs the RCD from the differential automaton? At first glance, these devices are really similar, and it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. Yes, and again, why distinguish?

As it turned out, there is why. Although the appearance of the UDO and the diphawtomat is very similar, after all, they perform a little different functions. By the way, even "Wikipedia" does not distinguish them.

The main misconception is that many, by installing the RCD, believe that not only protected from electric shock, but also for the power network of apartments should not be afraid. But this error is very dangerous, because The protective shutdown device itself needs to protect against overloads. But first things first.

To begin with, let's try to figure out which device and what is responsible for.

Protective disable device

The protective disable device (UZO) is a protective automation device that takes into account the current flowing through it and, comparing its potential on the phase and zero wire, determines leaks. In other words, if one of the devices in the apartment has a breakdown isolation, and when touched it, the effect of electrical current will be felt, the RCD will turn off the voltage supply. The same will occur when a person is contaplied with a bare wire or a contact that is under voltage.

But although this device is protective, it will not be able to turn off the voltage during overloads. In other words, if there is a lot of powerful electrical appliances at the same time in the room, the wiring will rather be fed than the UDO will work. Even if you create an extremal situation and close the wiring, grieves the NEO itself, but it will not follow the shutdown.

It is for this reason that the machine gun is always installed to protect the UZO. In case of an emergency, it will turn off the power when overloading, saving a protective disconnection device from failure. And because the question "Uzo or Avtomat?" incorrect. These devices complement each other.

Differential automatic

What should pay attention to

Many many people have a question: what is it, this most damage? Let's try to understand. In fact, the differential circuit breaker (also called the differential automaton) performs the functions of the RCD, but this device is already more functionally. And although it also protects a person from electric shock, and the network is from leaks, while it performs all the functions of the machine. In other words, when it is installed, it does not need to install any additional equipment for protection. In essence, the diphawtomat is universal - this is the main thing than the RCD differs from the differential current.

The automatic differential current switch (AVDT) is exactly the same as the UZO. It can also have 2 or 4 contacts on the input and output, and the test button also contains on the front panel. And yet the electrician knowing some nuances will immediately determine what is in front of him.

And since it is really important to know which device is mounted in a power shield, try to disassemble in detail not only the technical difference between these devices, but also to distinguish them from each other visually.

Main differences

Despite the large external similarity, there are many signs for which you can see a protective shutdown device (UZO) from the differential circuit breaker (AVDT).

But, nevertheless, knowing the marking of each of them, it will be possible to do it very easily. The fact is that it needs banal attentiveness, as in any work related to electricity. With careful consideration, it can be noted that different schemes are applied on them, switches and even labeling of the nominal devices are not the same and have a different designation. Well, let's try to disassemble how to distinguish the RCD from the rattomatat.

Differences of rated current marking

The very first difference between the RCD from the DIFAVTOMATA and what pays attention to when acquiring such devices is the rated current. The marking is applied to larger characters, it is visible on the front panel very clearly.

So, if you take for an example of the UZO, in its marking on this parameter there is a figure, after which the ampere designation is (a). For example, it can be 32 A, i.e. The rated current of the protective shutdown device is 32 A. But if you take AVDT with the same characteristics, then on it, in the beginning, in front of the numbers, it will be one of the letters, indicating the characteristics of the released release (electromagnetic and thermal). This may be b, C or D. For example, C32.

It is necessary to remember very well. 16 A - UZO, and C16 - automatic differential circuit switch.

Device diagram and name on the housing

Such device schemes are applied on the hulls of all such devices. They are also very easy to distinguish the rattomat from the RCD. Without going into details, it can be said that in addition to the designation of the differential automaton (oval in the scheme), AVDT has the inclusion of a thermal release that responds to overload currents, and an electromagnetic release that is responsible for overloading with a short circuit.

Also, very often, knowing about the problem of definition of devices, domestic producers began to apply on the side (end) part of the device full of its decoding, i.e. If this is a Uzo, then the side will be written - the protective shutdown device, but if AVTT is an automatic differential circuit breaker.

And, of course, the abbreviation itself. It is also applied to the front part. Either it will be "VD", i.e. Switch Differential, or Uzo, or AVDT.

Choose what is better

Deciding for yourself, which is better, a differential automatic or a Uzo in a certain case, you should pay attention to the fact that when you buy a protective shutdown device in any case, you must purchase a machine for protection. If we consider this question from the point of view of value, the automatic differential current switch for the price will be although not much, but nevertheless is cheaper than the Uzo and the machine.

It was so necessary that the quality of imported products is higher. Domestic analogues lose them in their technical characteristics and in the "stuffing", and even as a body.

There are no differences in the quality of work (DIFAVTOMAT or UZO + automatic), the reliability of the triggering is high in both.

Of the minuses of the DiffaVatom, it is possible that because of its multifunctionality there is no confidence, for what reason he worked, i.e. It will turn off when overloaded, and when leakage, which is not very convenient when searching for a malfunction. Of course, today there are already devices with an indication of the worked assembly, but the cost of such products is too high.

Many say that it is better than DIF, because It is very convenient in montage. It takes less space than the Uzo and the machine, less switching compounds requires. But, upon failure, the replacement will be required to fully all the device. In this sense, using the RCD, repair, of course, will be cheaper, only one thing will have to change.

As for the electrical wiring schemes in the apartment, here, of course, it does not matter completely, which will be installed - be it a Uzo or differential machine. Well, if the wiring is mounted in private homes, it is necessary to think very well, which groups will be installed + automatic (most often it is light and sockets), and on which AVDT (for it is optimally connected to economic buildings, boiler room, etc. .).

In any case, the option would be chosen by the Master, Uzo or DiffAvtomat, most importantly, so that he understands what he does for what. With this condition, any of the proposed protection types will be practical.

The home electrician is a rather complicated and diverse topic, and it is desirable to know the basic details of each homeowner, since not only money costs depend on this, but also the safety of your home. In this article we will try to find out what is better - the diphawtomat or the Uzo.

Introduction to the topic, or what is the DIFAVTOMAT?

To deal with this question, for a start, let's try to determine the basic concepts. So, DIFAVTOMAT.

The device called the differential automaton successfully combines the functions of both the RCD and the usual automatic machine protects the person in the case of contacting the conductive part of the wire or those parts of the electrical networks that are under voltage due to damage to the wiring or other similar factors. To date, there is a huge amount of such devices that are calculated both on different working currents and on different leakage currents.

The main distinguishing feature is that it consists of two well-separated functional parts: a circuit breaker (for two or four poles), as well as an electric shock protection module. The mounting of the dipaptime should be made exclusively on the mounting DIN rail, and this design takes a much less space than the combination of the Uzo and the circuit breaker.

Given the speed of the speed, which is only 0.04 seconds, the differential machines provide the most adequate protection against human damage by electricity in almost any operating conditions. It is important that the differential automatic automatically protects devices on the network from overloads, which inevitably occur with different kinds of PE. And further. Its design provides the most rapid power outage in conditions when voltage jumps are observed on any section of the network.

Given the unenviable characteristics of domestic electrical networks, as well as the degree of their worn, the last characteristic is especially important.

The main advantages of DiffAvtomata

Very high response speed.
. Protection of equipment from voltage jumps and operating overloads.
. The possibility of operation in conditions from -25 to +50 degrees Celsius.
. Huge threshold of wear resistance.

What is UDO?

You can not get around the attention and the second "opponent" in the dispute over "DiffAvtomat or Uzo". What is UDO?

This abbreviation is decrypted as "protective shutdown devices". The trigger is carried out when registering the presence of leakage currents. Simply put how much the current came to the device one by one wire, the same should be left over another portion of the wiring. If the current begins to go to the ground or on the ground wire, the protection is triggered instantly, immediately turning off the network from the power source.

Such a system necessarily (!) Should be put on sockets, as well as boilers, washing machines and electric kitchen stoves. This kind of device does not protect (!) Your technique and wiring from system overloads or short circuit.

The latter circumstance is very often not taken into account the grief-electricians, which is often the same as the RCD only use the scheme. In addition, self-interest occurs, when it is issued for a differential automaton, the cost of which is higher.

Basic information about the device UDO

What is the principle of work of the UDO? Its work is based on the reaction to the change in the differential value of the current in the conductors.

What is current sensor? This is the most ordinary transformer, but made by the type of toroidal core. The trigger threshold is exhibited using a magnetoelectric relay with extremely high sensitivity.

It is important to notice that all the UzOs, made on this classical scheme, are extremely reliable and simple devices with very high reliability and reliability.

It is necessary to warn that today there are electronic UZOs, which are based on a special electronic circuit. The relay or scheme act on the mechanism that opens the electrical circuit if necessary. This is what includes the UDO device.

What details consists

  • From the direct contact group licked for the maximum current.
  • Springs, which directly blocked the chain if some problems are observed in its work.

If you want to independently check the device for performance, it will be enough to click on the "Test" button. In this case, the secondary winding is artificially fed, and the relay is triggered (must, in any case). So, if necessary, you can easily and without any costs, you can test the health of all your equipment.

Principle of operation of Uzo.

If we talk about regular mode of operation, the current (I1 \u003d I2) flows in a counter-parallel direction, tiping magnetic currents in the secondary winding of the transformer (F1 \u003d F2). They possess exactly the same size, due to which each other mutually compensate. Since the current in the secondary winding, in this case, actually zero, cannot happen.

UKO work when leak

When contacting with conductive parts, leakage current occurs. In this case, the current I1 is not equal to I2, and therefore the current appears in the secondary winding, the value of which is sufficient to trigger the protective relay. It provokes a spring switch, the UDO is turned off.

Differences between two protection systems

It should be noted that the lighting of this issue is extremely important, as it is sometimes not able to distinguish these devices from each other some electricians. However, there is nothing to be surprised here: they are extremely similar even in photographs.

The main difference between the diffanthataat from the Uzo is that they are intended for several different purposes. We have already said about it above, but we will repeat this again: the UZO cannot be used to protect equipment and overload or short-circuit wiring! Moreover, before the Uzo, it is necessary to mount which the device itself from this kind of trouble will be saved. This is how the RCD differs from the DIFAVTOMATA.

Be sure to take into account this when you buy or consult with particularly "thoughtful" by electricians who will be happy to save on your own technique.

The rattomat is much better in this plan, because it combines in one case both the RCD and the circuit breaker. Accordingly, this kind of device does not only protect a person from electric shock, but also saves your wiring and technique from the brand in the event of a short circuit. Thus, the UZO and the diphawtomat, the difference between which we just have just revealed are somewhat diverse mechanisms.

Recall once again that the differential automaton can be used as a fuse in those houses where there is a constant danger of chronic overloads on the network.

This is the detailed difference between the DIFAVTOMATA. But how to make the right choice in the store? After all, we have already talked about the fact that these devices are extremely similar in themselves even in photographs.

We buy right!

First, pay attention to the direct name of the device itself. Today, almost all manufacturers finally went to meet consumers, deigning to specify information about the device itself about the DIFAVTOMAT or UZO in front of you. And therefore we would not recommend buying such a Chinese production technique. The prudent Asians or do not indicate anything at all, or do it, using them some understandable designations.

Approximately the same discharge refers to the advice on attentive acquaintance with the marking, which should always be indicated on the same device of the device or on its packaging (less reliable option).

So, if you see on the housing only the value of the rated current (16, for example), and there are no letters before this designation, then you hold in the hands of the RCD. Note that "16" in this case means "ampere". If the letters in, s or d are available in front of the numbers, then in your hands you have a diphawtomat. Letters denote the typical characteristics of thermal and electromagnetic releases, but at the household level to pay special attention to them optionally.

In addition, it will not prevent the connection scheme. This method is somewhat more complicated, but it gives a 100% warranty of differentiation. This information should also be displayed on the housing. So, if the diagram only indicates the presence of a rattomate with the designation "test", then you are located in front of you (do not confuse!). Accordingly, if there is a "test" and linked windings, you keep the differential automatic in your hands.

Finally, it has some sense to draw attention to the overall dimensions. If we talk about the old models of the dipaptomatoes, then they are an order of magnitude wider than the Uzo. In those days, they simply did not know how to produce sufficiently compact releases, and therefore they needed the case of a greater internal volume. Attention! All modern differential machines are as time to occupy less space!

However, it is important to prevent you that at the last point you pay any serious attention is not worth it, as there are currently a huge number of absolutely identical devices in size.

Go to the main thing

So, DIFAVTOMAT or UZO? What is the conclusion on the basis of all of the foregoing? What is better to choose what is more reliable and suitable for operation in domestic realities? To answer this question, we will make a comparison of devices immediately six indicators. Compare all the pros and cons, we will try to come to consensus.

The volume occupied by the device in the shield

Of course, in this aspect, only those people who have very little space in the apartment can be seen any important differences, which does not allow you to place a normal electrical shield in the hallway. However, given the universal desire to compactness and beauty, most in our country. In addition, it is better to place everything in advance in as far as possible, since the shield will not have to expand if it is necessary to install more powerful electrical equipment in the apartment.

So, at present, the UDO (three-phase - including) takes a significantly more space in the shield than the differential automatic. What is it connected with? The most attentive readers already and themselves could find the answer to this question in the article.

We have already talked about the need to install protection machines before the Uzo, so because of this, the entire design in the shield begins to take more space. If the differential automatic is mounted there, you can save some space. For example: in the standard case, the Uzo with shutdown automata occupy three modules at once, while differential automatics will take only two.

Thus, in this "round" won the DIFAVTOMAT, allowing to leave a place for the expansion of the structure.

Easy mounting

As in other cases, the speed and simplicity of the entire design are important for many electricians. If you are interested in installing the Uzo, the phase is driven onto the switch, and from its output it is mounted jumper to the input of the disconnection device. Zero is also connected to the input. It should be noted that there are several connection schemes at once, which are studied by professional electricians. As a rule, in everyday life they are not needed.

How to mount differential automatic machine?

And what is the connection of the DIFAVTOMATA? If we talk about the differential automatic machine, then the phase and zero immediately clings to the input terminals of the device, so that in the general scheme it turns out where as less jumpers and transitions. Accordingly, the internal structure of the flaps is also greatly simplified.

Thus, the connection of the rattomate is much easier and faster, so in this case, we are confidently awarding victory to him.

Advantages of operation

Theoretically, we can assume that one day on the line of sockets in the bathroom worked the UZO. You can immediately assume that a current leakage occurred somewhere on the line. Of course, the algorithm for identifying faults is somewhat more complicated, but the main conclusions can be done immediately.

If the circuit breaker turned off, then the reason is quite obvious: overload or short circuit. You only have to find out the reason and eliminate it. Given that the reason for the shutdown of the machine is more or less clear, it will not be so difficult to do it.

And now let's look at all the same, but in relation to the differential machine. With his disconnection, the reason is immediately unclear, so you will have to check all the well-known reasons. Accordingly, the time for it will go much more. This is how the RCD differs from the rattomate in this regard.

Thus, at this stage, we would prefer the RCD.

Question value

Since today the market presents a huge number of most distinguished manufacturers, consider the cost of EKF products, which is quite popular in the professional electrician environment. Thus, the standard EKF-DIFAAVTOMAT is 16 a worth of about 600 rubles, the RCD is at the same current current costs the same 600 rubles, and the disabling automatic is sold at a cost of about 40 rubles. By purchasing all the same on specialized sites, you can even count on the shutdown machines, which in such cases are hardly sold permanently.

Before connecting the DIFAVTOMAT, should be verified in the absence of frequent and sharp voltage drops. Why are we talking about this? It becomes clear after considering the question of the features of the replacement of this equipment.

Given the vibrations of cost depending on the supplier, it is difficult to talk about the advantages of a particular option.

and replacement cost

As it can be assumed, the characteristics of this criterion are automatically measured from the previous one. Everyone knows that any electrical equipment has a certain period of service, after which it becomes unsafe in expiry it. Let's assume that for one or another reasons, a Uzo or automatic shutdown came out. What to do next? Detail changed out of order, after which the system will continue to operate in the same mode.

But with a rattomatom, the situation is not so unequivocal. Suppose that the winding of any of the releasers came out of the system, while the built-in UzO testing has shown its full performance. Alas, but it doesn't matter, since you, in any case, have to replace the entire DIFAVTOMAT, the price of which makes this event extremely unprofitable. It is much easier to replace a spear machine, which comes out of order most often.

Thus, in this round, the victory again for the Round.

Reliability of operation

Among the specialists are greatly distributed about the fact that devices that combine several functions in themselves differ in less reliability in comparison with automata that are calculated only on something one. So UZO or DIFAVTOMAT? What to choose to ensure the highest reliability?

You can argue about it for a long time, but practice unequivocally showed that in fact the percentage of failures is almost the same. It is possible that this parameter depends solely from the manufacturer. So in this case it is extremely difficult to conclude about the unequivocal advantage of this or that device.

It is only possible to say that the Uzo, the connection diagram of which we are considered above, implies greater reliability in the conditions of domestic voltage drops. Naturally, if you do not forget to connect a shutdown machine before him, which we have repeatedly mentioned above.

Thus, in most cases, it is precisely the UZO that will be the best choice. However, it all depends on the characteristics of your network, as well as the size of the electrical panel.