What if they were shed liquid on a laptop or keyboard? Interesting facts and useful tips poured the laptop tea do not work keys

Laptops today are of great popularity. These are compact computers that are sometimes superior to their "large brothers" in terms of power and possibilities. But laptops are more vulnerable, and their repair is a difficult occupation. What if shed water to a laptop? And any other liquid? Answers to these questions will be presented below. Even a novice PC user can quickly correct the situation and avoid serious equipment breakdowns.

Types of liquids

What if shed water to a laptop or any other liquid? The algorithm of actions depends on what is distant.

Conditionally all fluids are divided into:

  1. Non-aggressive - from them the damage is minimal, problems when spilling on the keyboard can be avoided at all or they will be non-critical. These include water, unsweetened tea.
  2. Aggressive - contain in its composition salt and / or sugar. Harm from aggressive liquids is most huge. The chances of independent fixing of the keyboard, which was shedding "aggressive" drink minimal. Such fluids include: carbonated drinks, juices, sweet tea, beer, energy, and so on.

The algorithms of action during the spill of aggressive and non-aggressive liquids will be slightly different from each other, but the first 2 steps in the situations described are always the same.

Completion of work

What if shed water to a laptop? And if the keyboard was poured by any other non-aggressive liquid?

First you have to calm down and tune in to operational action. The slowness is the enemy of successful troubleshooting arising from behind the chosen keyboards.

If computer B. this moment It works, it must be immediately disabled. Normal windows work It is not an indicator of lack of problems with a laptop. The sooner the user turns off the computer and disconnects it from the power, the better.

Important: Laptop with a removable battery needs to additionally disconnect the battery.

Fluid drain

Budget decision Problems usually helps to avoid negative consequences with non-aggressive fluids.

The second step is a plummy of spilled beverage on the keyboard. For this, the laptop is recommended to open and turn upside down. In this position, the device is better fixed for a while. You can leave the device near the window at sunny side.

Fluid drain - long process. For complete drying of the components of the laptop usually you need 1-2 days.

IMPORTANT: Many users make a huge mistake trying to include an unpressed laptop. This action can lead to serious breakdowns and faults.

Full drying

What if shed water to a laptop? The next step is applicable only to incidents with non-aggressive liquids.

As soon as the drink hitting the keyboard, it will be merged from the laptop housing, the user will need to dry the device independently. To do this, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner.

It is necessary to act like this:

  1. Split a laptop.
  2. Gently remove rear panel Device.
  3. Loose the inside of the computer with a napkin or a dry cloth.
  4. Include a vacuum cleaner and carefully dry the accessories of the laptop. It is recommended to use a weaker device. Sometimes suitable cleaners for furniture.

That's all. You can assemble the device and check its performance. The inclusion of a laptop is carried out only after its complete drying.


What should I do if on a laptop or keyboard spilled tea? And beer? Further, the given tips will help minimize damage from any aggressive fluids.

Often, such drinks lead to a sticking of the keys. Aggressive liquids quickly penetrate motherboardthat gives a lot of trouble.

After the device is de-energized and carefully sucked, the user need to find out where the drink is penetrated - only in the keyboard or also in the notebook components.

In any case, the keyboard is required to promote or remove. After that, the buttons must be rinsed under running water. It is best to add a little detergent without abrasives to the water. Let's say the same fairy.

Buttons are washed? Then the time to let them dry. It is better to leave the keyboard for a day in the sun. If you wish, you can speed up the drying process using a vacuum cleaner, dry cloth or mini fan.

Now you can collect the keyboard and watch what happened. Usually, the laptop begins to work normally. Now he will last another for a long time.


Or keyboard, if shed tea? Sometimes liquids fall on the motherboard of the device. In the case of aggressive drinks, such a situation can deliver a lot of problems.

Ideally, the user must take a laptop and attribute it to service center. There the computer will figure out, dried, and then specially treated. After that, the laptop will work normally.

If you wish, you can try to cope with the task yourself. Drying the motherboard is carried out in the same way as the entire laptop - with the help of a rag and vacuum cleaner.

The computer does not turn on

We found out what to do if shed water to a laptop. And what if even after the manipulation done the device did not turn on?

Then the user will have to carry a gadget to the service center. It is recommended to do this and then when the laptop was shed an aggressive liquid. It is impossible to repair the unfinished device yourself.

What if shed liquid to a laptop? Caring for this device delivers minimum trouble. Especially if you immediately dry your computer.

Here are advice that will help avoid serious problems in the studied situation:

  1. Do not set near laptop drinks and liquids.
  2. Drink away from laptop.
  3. Have a not too powerful vacuum cleaner at hand in case of a casus with drinks.
  4. Cover the keyboard with a special protective film - it will help keep moisture.

In any case, immediately after drying Lapplet the best decision - This is a visit to the service center. You will have to spend money, but the device is fixed.

On the laptop keyboard spilled water? What to do? Sometimes damage completely displays a device. In this case, you will have to buy a new computer.

Despite the recommendation of specialists not to use different drinks during the computer, many modern users prefer to do as it is convenient. Often, everything ends with a spilled key to the surface of the keys with liquid and the panic search for the exit of the situation. If the keyboard from the computer or monoblock can be simply replaced, then it will not work with the keys on the surface of the laptop.

Some think that it is enough to pour the liquid, turning the device, and wait until it dies. In some cases, it really helps, but should not be surprised if after a few days or weeks after an accident will stop working.

Actions that need to be performed first

Emergency help consists of three stages, the correctness and speed of which will directly affect the status of the laptop. You need to start at the same time when the liquid, regardless of its quality and texture, was spilled:

  1. Determining the device and pull out the battery. The correct completion of the system in order to preserve the data is not as important as the warning of a short circuit and combustion of all contacts. Contrary to popular belief, the battery shutdown is equally important, because in it, even after disconnecting from the network, the power schemes work.
  2. After that, disconnect from the device flash drives, discs, memory cards.
  3. Next, we act depending on the number of spilled water or other liquid. If its volume is no more than 1-2 tablespoons, then we turn the keyboard or laptop to prevent the moisture penetration into the central parts of the case, after which the surface with a paper towel is wedged. In the case of a larger volume, we install the device on the edge, the ventilation holes need to be located at the bottom, and gently shake, deleting maximum amount liquids.

Tip: in the implementation process emergency It is strictly forbidden to include the instrument to check if it works. We will have to come to terms with the fact that the minimum of 2-3 days to use it does not have to.

Only by spending all these manipulations, you need to decide what to do next - try to clean and restore the device yourself or seek help in the repair shop.

Features of the effects of various liquids on the keyboard state

The degree of damage to the laptop depends not only on the volume, but also on the quality of the liquid spilled on its surface. All beverages are destroyed by all drinks, which must be taken into account during the repair process.

  • Water. If the water was spilled on the keyboard, the chances of restoring the system are quite high, the product is quite harmless. The main thing is to act quickly and strictly according to the plan developed by experts, otherwise the risk of corrosion of individual elements arises. You must not forget that the clean product will spread through the internal movement of the device rapidly, increasing the possibility of short circuit. In no case can you just try to dry the keys, the processing should be full and consistent.
  • Traditional drinks such as tea or coffee, including those in which sugar or milk are added. With such defeat, the situation is much worse due to acids that are part of most components. For example, tea contains a tannin with an acidic reaction. If milk is added to the drink, the level negative impact Still rises. Coffee is also quite aggressive, and in combination with sugar and cream, it guarantees the appearance of a sticky layer interfering with the operation of the keys.
  • Natural or packaged juice. Often consists of quite large particles that are able to hurt between the elements. In addition, the sweet drink contains fruit acids with a pronounced destructive effect.
  • Beer. Not many know that beer not only leaves a sticky trail on plastic, but also corps the elements of the device due to the low content of acids. Many owners of laptops that were pouring beer, let and minimal volume, are faced with the fact that the product quickly fails, even if it did not give a failure.
  • Suggage. Represents the highest possible danger. In Cola, sprite and their analogues an impressive amount of chemical components, oxidizing and corrosive internally of a laptop or keyboard. In this case, it will have to act very quickly, in just a few hours a drink can cause the device with irreparable harm.

Regardless of what was spilled on the surface of keys, coffee, wine, tea, juice, beer, or milk, it is necessary not just to get rid of excess fluid, but rinse the item with clean water. After that, you can go to the service center or proceed to independent repairs.

How can you restore a spoiled laptop yourself?

To qualitatively and correctly, do not necessarily contact the specialists. In general, they will be done with the device all the same, but at the same time a precious time may be missed, which, in the case of a spilled gas, is calculated for hours.

  • First, the product needs to be disassembled. To do this, we are armed with suitable screwdrivers and, laying under the panel, the oilbox, we separately unscrew each cog. To not be confused with latches and hidden panels, it is recommended to use the instruction on the analysis specific modelwhich can be found on the Internet. After that, we carry out inspection and evaluate damage. Before you do anything further, you need to disconnect the battery feeding the motherboard, preventing theoretically possible closure.

  • Cleaning and flushing components. Armed with a magnifying glass, inspect all the elements of the keyboard or laptop, looking for signs of darkening of the material or the appearance of spots. All suspicious formations are removed with a soft cloth without a pile or a dry toothbrush. First you need to use the alcohol solution, then distilled water (in the extreme case we replace the component of drinking or filtered water). In the same way, you need to clean all the details of the device.
  • If the board is damaged too much, then we take it out, processed in the traditional way and leave the minimum one per day.
  • After processing, it remains to dry the laptop. Some wizards to accelerate the process of getting rid of unnecessary fluid advise to use a hairdryer, but this is too dangerous approach. If at least a little reap the device, you can melt various elements or drive dust where it is not necessary. It is better to leave the product for 1-2 days in a dry room without dust and with good ventilation. You need to take care so that the details do not hit the straight sun rays.

In the event of a laptop of water, all the same manipulations are carried out, you do not only need to rinse the product. After all the deadlines go through, you need to collect the device, it is better to do it according to the scheme, and not by memory. If the device does not turn on or does not work, you still have to contact the service center. Sometimes after such a cleaning, only the keyboard does not work, then you can try to replace it or attract an external device.

The most common reason for the release of a laptop is to enter it fluid. Fortunately, in many cases, the flooded laptop can be repaired, and this directly depends on the subsequent actions of its owner. In this article, we will briefly tell about which damage can the laptop can be applied and what needs to be done after it gets inside the laptop computer.

How can fluid be in a laptop? Sometimes the rain is to blame, under which a laptop computer got, or the unwillingness of the user to part with it while taking a bath. Most often, the cause of fluid getting into the laptop is to overturn various beverages on its keyboard during the meal, so in this case we will focus more.

If you have been shedding any liquid to a working laptop, it must be urgently de-energized - the sooner the better. Do not waste precious seconds on standard procedure Completion of work operating systemEven if it threatens the loss of important documents - if necessary, the data will be able to restore, but a laptop as a result of delay can be lost forever. After the laptop is turned off, you must remove the battery from it. Now the injured laptop must be flipped upside down and put on a flat surface (it is desirable to open so that you do not hit the matrix). If the laptop is visible outside the laptop, it should be gently wiped with a soft cloth or sponge - but after the laptop is turned over, otherwise the part of the fluid can be driven into the inside.

The flooded laptop should urgently disassemble and dry (it is desirable to trust professionals)

The next step is perhaps the most important thing, since his failure is the most common cause of the death of laptops filled with liquid. This step is an immediate appeal to the help of the service center specialists. Unfortunately, many users do not make it that usually leads to the loss of laptops.

It is quite common is the error that if after drying the fluid, the laptop turns on, it means that the trouble passed. Alas, it is not. If the laptop is flooded with water, juice, coffee or other liquid, then it falls inside its body and begins its destructive work. Usually spilled tea or coffee on the keyboard, under which the motherboard is located - the main (and most expensive) detail of the laptop.

Even if immediately after the laptop was flooded, remove the liquid from the housing and turn the laptop upside down for drying, part of the fluid still penetrates its motherboard. With a laptop housing, the liquid evaporates quickly, but the corrosion process begins inside the laptop. That is why it is very important to give a stressed device in as soon as possible, because with each hour corrosion captures an increasing surface of the motherboard. Chips on the motherboard as sponges are tightened with moisture, and, if you quickly do not take action, then the repair of the laptop will become impossible.

Repairing a flood laptop can not be delayed

Often the owners of laptops during the holidays or rest drop it into the pool or pour it in any drink, while laying out a trip to specialists for several days, and then weeks - because the laptop is not required for work, so why waste time on computer service ? And then it usually it turns out that the whole motherboard is made by corrosion, and sometimes other details are also destroyed, which means that the recovery of the laptop cannot be speech. Perhaps such an outcome cannot be considered a good completion of the vacation - so you need to contact the master immediately after the laptop was flooded.

If there is no possibility to contact the service center immediately after the tea has a laptop - for example, if the trouble happened at night outside the city, you need to leave a laptop in an inverted state for drying and try to find a way to contact a specialist over the coming hours.

The main thing is in no case to try to include a laptop, no matter how much it wanted. The inclusion may cause a closure that will require more expensive. By the way, there are often cases when after entering the liquid, the laptop works normally for several days, which makes thinking that the problem is solved. However, in two or three weeks, the computer turn on to refuse. After contacting the service center, his owner learns that the insides of the laptop were made of corrosion and recovery are not subject to.

Not all fluids are the same "useful"

The rate of erosion of the motherboard depends on which fluid turned out to be in the laptop. The most harmless of all is water: if you do not expose the laptop with machine wash, but just accidentally shed a little water on it, then the laptop repair is most likely successful.

Tea or coffee, especially with sugar, represent a greater danger, but the consequences of their getting into the laptop usually can also be prevented. But Coca-Cola, Fed, spray and mineral water can cause great damage in a matter of a matter: a large number of all kinds of chemicals quickly provokes the oxidation reaction, leading to the destruction of the motherboard. We are lucky if the soda remains in the keyboard and will not go deep - then the keyboard can be replaced, and the laptop is back into the ranks.


So, we hope that this information will be useful to all those who shed tea to a laptop or atevice in the pool - no one is insured against this chance. But if such a situation can not be predicted (you can avoid eating near the laptop, do not take it with you to the bathroom and to the beach, but it is unexpected to be a victim of flooding neighbors from above), then each can increase the chances of a successful one - for this you need to clearly comply with the above rules. And running the laptop to the service center, and probably in a day you can work again for your laptop, as if nothing has happened!