What do impressions mean on Instagram? What are impressions and coverage on Instagram: what does it depend on, why does it fall, how to increase it. What does it depend on?

It's not just about you - everyone wants to increase their Instagram follower engagement these days.

The widespread Instagramization of the planet is forcing developers to introduce more and more new algorithms. It's no secret that since the new algorithm was introduced on Instagram, people began to receive less coverage from their regular posts, some had a sharp drop in reach and, accordingly, to correct this they tried everything from comments to “stories” to increase coverage.

The good news is that Instagram will soon release an even newer algorithm that will hopefully help your posts be seen by more of your followers.

Despite this, here are some life hacks that will help you “deceive” the algorithm and increase your reach on Instagram:

What is reach on Instagram?

Previously, interaction on Instagram was simple. “Reach” equaled likes and comments, and your goal in increasing your reach was to get as many reviews and comments as possible.

But Instagram is rapidly evolving, and with new features like Instagram Stories changing the platform, the feed's reach (engagement) has also changed.

Reach on Instagram in 2019 still depends on likes and comments, but it also includes reposts, favorites, swipe up and DMs (direct messages). Only one views can be different: video views, story views and regular post views!

The time has come when we start changing the way we interact with Instagram. Instead of limiting engagement to just likes and comments on each of your photos, you should think about engaging your entire account.

The most important thing is that your customers and followers interact with your business. If you're getting a ton of views on your stories but not a lot of likes on your posts, that's completely normal.

Use Instagram Stories Highlights

If you want to increase Instagram engagement, start with your most active followers. An easy way to turn your regular followers into super fans is to use Instagram story highlights.

Think of your stories as a catalog of products or services, for example. By creating different highlight categories, you will encourage your followers to spend more time on your business, view your content, and learn more about your products or services.

A great example of someone who uses Instagram Stories is Erin Ireland, a vegan blogger who shares her delicious recipes through her stories every day.

After she makes a recipe on her Instagram Stories, Erin pins the recipe to her profile, turning it into a Stories highlight so people can watch the recipe directly on her profile.

Once you've created your Instagram Stories shortcuts, it's time to entice your followers to watch them by viewing your highlights from your regular Instagram posts. Add a call for this in the text of your next post.

Existing followers rarely visit your profile after they've subscribed, so it's important that you encourage them to check out your highlights because they might not even know they exist unless you tell them!

Then, when your followers go to your Instagram profile to watch the specific moment you mentioned in your post, they will be surprised to find that you have a ton of other stories that they will be interested in, and they will become even more engaged and will watch again!

Suddenly, you'll turn your Instagram profile into a valuable resource that your followers will visit again and again, increasing your brand's engagement without having to do any extra work.

You can follow this strategy in any niche, such as creating highlights of different workouts, blog posts, guides - the possibilities are endless!

Use all Instagram features

It's true that the new Instagram algorithm rewards accounts that use all of Instagram's features, so if you only post photos, you're not getting all the benefits possible.

Start experimenting with photo sliders or create a poll in your stories! Insta is constantly adding new features, so even if you don't love them, it's worth trying them to increase your reach and engagement.

You can also use it, cheating does not mean purchasing fake accounts. If you use the promotion correctly, you can further increase your target audience.

Top 5 books on Instagram

  1. Instagram Administrator. Guide to making money. Authors: Evgeny Kozlov, Dmitry Kudryashov. The book is a bestseller and a bestseller. Liter rating: 4.46.
  2. The phenomenon of Instagram 2.0. All new features.
  3. How to promote a blog on Instagram: life hacks, trends, life.
  4. Pop art marketing: Insta-literacy and content strategy.
  5. Instagram: I want likes and followers.

Switch to an Instagram business profile.

Despite the rumors, there is no evidence that Instagram business profiles receive lower engagement and reach. Instagram business profiles have access to powerful analytics that will help you learn more about your audience and what type of content they like, which will help you create more engaging content!

Additionally, Instagram business profiles gain access to additional features that can not only help you with engagement (like adding links to Instagram stories) but also gain attention from reach algorithms.

Here are some of the additional features you'll only get with a business profile:

  • Adding Links to Instagram Stories: Accounts with 10k+ followers can engage audiences and drive traffic by adding “swipe up” links to stories
  • Shopping on Instagram: You can tag certain products in your regular posts
  • Schedule Posts: Save time by scheduling automated posts in advance.
  • Boost Instagram Posts and Ads: Get more likes and comments by boosting your Instagram posts to audiences similar to your followers, or run ads to gain new followers or sell your product or service.
  • Instagram Insights: Get detailed analytics on how your followers interact with your account

! Important. If you need to outsource the tasks of maintaining your Instagram account, then you can use the service of remote workers on kwork, this service can help you with a number of services: creating posts, maintaining an account, writing selling texts for posts, creating a content plan and much more other.

Plan the best time to post

If you want to get more reach on Instagram, you will have to interact with other accounts.

But what if you don't have time for this?

Scheduling your posts can save you many hours of work, which means you'll have more time to create Instagram Stories content or comment, like, and comment on your followers' posts every day. Convenient scheduling service - SocialHammer.

Insta recently announced changes to their API, giving business profiles the ability to schedule posts directly within Instagram so that your posts are published automatically later at a set time. This will save you a lot of time.

But this is not the only advantage of planning. If you want to increase engagement, you should schedule posts when most of your followers are online. You are more likely to collect quickly and a lot of feedback in the form of views, likes and comments.

If your post receives a lot of likes and comments immediately after it is published, this signals to Instagram that your post is high quality and the algorithm will show your post to even more of your followers, increasing your reach!

Once you know your ideal time to post from your statistics, you can sort of hack the algorithm to increase your reach.

The best time to post feature calculates the ideal times to post and displays them in your content calendar so you always know them when planning.

Post stories regularly

One of the best hacks to increase your reach and engagement on Instagram is to think beyond likes and comments and focus on opinions.

Instagram Stories is quickly becoming the most popular feature, but many businesses haven't yet woken up to the trend or simply can't make up their minds. Since Instagram Stories is still new, now is the time to build audience engagement before the feature becomes oversaturated. One of the best ways to do this is to be consistent and post regularly.

The good news is that your stories don't have to be super exciting every day! Many people often don't post photos on Instagram, but their Instagram is growing steadily just because they create stories every day.

People are creatures of habit and they just like to see the same people in their stories day after day. By posting your stories consistently, you train your followers to expect new content from you, and they will continue to actively watch if you continue to post.

Just by posting your stories every day, you can create a cult following for your brand on Instagram. Plus, using features like polls is a great way to get people interested in your stories!

Stories are a free and easy way to keep in touch with your followers, even if they don't like or comment on your regular Instagram posts. In fact, more and more users are spending more time watching stories than scrolling through their feed. Instagram Stories are the future!

You're probably inspired now that you've learned ways to increase your reach on Instagram. But, nevertheless, one gives up, because there is such a huge amount of work to be done, and time is limited and other tasks are attacking from all sides. That's why I use the program - cloud service SocialHammer. Social-Hammer allows you to automate many routine operations to increase the engagement of your subscribers.


26.03.2018 | Alexey Nesterov| No comments

What affects reach on Instagram?

In this article, I want to tell you about what indicators affect the reach of a post on Instagram, and based on this, we’ll look at how to increase it.

Let's first understand what organic reach is.

Organic reach on Instagram

Organic reach— this is the number of unique users who saw your post without using paid promotion methods.

And when you just post a post, its organic reach begins.

And if previously all user posts were shown in the order in which they posted them, then on March 15, 2016, Instagram announced that it was changing the principle of ranking the feed (i.e., the principle of display).

This ranking system was given the name "Smart Tape". Those. Now your posted post is shown not to all of your subscribers, but to some of them. And if those subscribers who saw your post somehow react to it (like, comment, save), then Instagram shows this post to even more subscribers, etc.

If no one reacts to the post, then its reach decreases. Therefore, if you have a large number of bots in your subscribers, your coverage will gradually decrease. How to avoid this.

This is what your post is about. For the one who looks at this post, it happens like this: He is shown the topics with which he reacts the most.

For example, if he watches more videos, comments on them, and likes them, then Instagram will accordingly show more videos to this user.

If the user reacts well to your content, then you will be shown to him first.

If he doesn’t respond to it, then you will gradually disappear from his feed, which of course we don’t need)

And after we figured out what organic reach is, now we roughly understand how it can be influenced, but before that, let’s specifically understand what influences what.

What positively influences reach on Instagram

A large number of likes. If your post gets a large number of likes, then this is a good sign for Instagram, because... he sees that people like your post and it needs to be shown to more users. This way you can get to the top.

A large number of comments. Similar to likes. Moreover, comments have much more weight. However, if you are trying to increase comments through third-party services, then Instagram will see this, because cheating occurs mainly with emoticons. This doesn't work now because... for weight, the comment must consist of a minimum of four words and should not be repeated many times. There is one service that can generate likes and comments. True, it’s paid, but Instagram doesn’t fire it, because... likes are put by users and comments on the post are written by you, and users already put them. And the post very quickly gets to the top and recommended. You can look at this service. There is a free period. Register and try. It really takes some getting used to, but you can try. I don't use it yet, but I plan to

Comments containing mentions of friends. To specify a friend, you need to enter the “@” sign and then start entering his nickname.

Communication with page administrators in comments. If you actively respond to comments on your post, then people like it and are more willing to interact with your posts.

Great interaction immediately after publishing a post. This is why you always need to track when your audience is most active. And at this time it is necessary to post content.

Well filled profile. If your profile does not have a photo or description, then, firstly, new guests who come to you do not understand what you do, and secondly, it will rank better in search. And you can even get searched for queries.

Using stories. I don’t know how it works, but it attracts people to your account well and thereby increases the reach of your posts. Shoot 3-4 stories every day.

We’ve figured out what has a positive effect on the reach of your posts, let’s now figure it out:

What reduces the reach of Instagram posts?

When Instagram reach dropped

Very high interaction with your post compared to the usual one. This happens when you just start getting likes. This is a bad sign for Instagram. The algorithm is far from stupid and can easily recognize scams.

Text that has already been published before. Only original and fresh content. No boys!

Messages containing words such as “Like”, “Comment”. Well, Instagram doesn’t like it when you try to manipulate your subscribers.

How to Increase Your Follower Reach on Instagram

Let's draw brief conclusions from everything we said above:

You initially need to register your account correctly so that when people come to you, they subscribe. In order to attract as many people as possible, you can try using the Tooligram service. For 16 rubles. per day he will do all the work of attracting people for you. Moreover, you can try it for free for the first seven days. I use it and am satisfied.

At the same time, you need to post three posts daily. They must be original, interesting and beautifully designed. They should encourage people to interact with your posts. To do this, you must understand what is interesting to your audience.

Be sure to shoot stories. Use them to announce posts that appear on your account.

Friends! I hope that this post was useful to you and that you will use the knowledge that you received in it. Write in the comments what you think about this. Don't share it with your friends!

May the force be with you!!!

For those who do not understand or do not fully understand what all these numbers mean (what is reach on Instgaram, what is engagement on Instagram), I will explain in simple language:

Impressions- the total number of times your post was viewed. That is, if I view your photo 5 times, then each time will be counted towards your numbers in this field. In general, I will bring you 5 impressions.
Reach- the number of unique Instagram users who viewed your post. No matter how many times I see your photo, I will only be counted from you once in this field.
Engagement- this is the number of likes + comments + saves.

Why do you need to know this?

If you run Instagram for something, and not just like that, “it’s a shame,” you should understand at least a little what’s what.

What indicators are considered normal on Instagram:

Coverage: norm - 30-60% of the number of subscribers
Engagement: norm - 10% of coverage


You have 1000 subscribers. It’s normal if your reach is 300-600, and your engagement is 30-60.
You have 10,000 subscribers. It’s normal if the reach is 3000-6000, the engagement is 300-600.

And now even more interesting:

There is such a service LIVEDUNE . This is an analytics service for Instagram. Here you can track the performance of any Instagram users. It is useful both for you and for PR people or stores that want to order advertising from a blogger. I have been registered in this service for a long time, but I go there occasionally, and yesterday I was stuck for a long time, tracking my (and not only my) statistics.

Many people are now trying to increase their percentage of engagement, since it is this that is important now, and not the number of subscribers. You can have 10K followers and a much higher engagement rate than someone with 30K. But it’s worth remembering that in any case, the more subscribers, the percentage will, whatever one may say, decrease. Just in time LiveDune you can see this percentage.

Today I have 2 Instagram accounts with the following indicators:

As you can see, the sea Insta @soulinthewaves rules! This is despite the fact that I publish posts there very rarely (5-8 posts per month!), and the engagement is much higher.

And in more detail: due to a week-long downtime in my personal account, my engagement percentage has dropped and cannot rise in any way. And it was at almost 12%! Let's look:

Do you see this abyss? After restoring my account, I immediately rose to almost the same level for several days and began to slide down. I'm slowly scooping it back up.

In @soulinthewaves the situation is better, but it is also noticeable that the percentage of engagement has fallen (from 13% to 8%). And it fell just after I left Odessa, since I began to publish posts much less often.

What numbers can be considered “normal”? What is the good and bad percentage of engagement on Instagram?

Of course, the higher the percentage of engagement on Instagram, the better. And we need to strive for this! It sucks if your engagement rate is around 2%.

Here are examples and explanation with LiveDune

Curiosity is a great thing and I took advantage of it. I was wondering what percentage of engagement our “great” bloggers have, who charge pretty good sums for advertising on Instagram. Some percentages surprised me, of course. Apparently, I’m the only fool here that I’m still embarrassed to ask for money. Anyone can register on the LiveDune website and be able to track the statistics of any blogger. All this is in the public domain. You can see for yourself.

What to do to increase engagement on Instagram?

Firstly, you need to start understanding that the number of followers on Instagram is no longer as important as their activity!

Secondly,(when you accept “firstly”, it will be easier for you to accept “secondly”) every day little by little we begin to get rid of bots, mass followers and shops among your subscribers. How? We block them (blacklist them). Yes, your numbers (number of subscribers) will fall, but your engagement percentage will gradually increase. Maybe not right away, but over time - for sure. Just don't make my mistake! Don't block too much at once! I got stupid and blocked almost 2 thousand stores, accounts with 6000+ subscriptions and people without avatars in a few days. It is better to block approximately as many subscribers as follow you per day. I currently block 20-40 people a day.

Thirdly, You need to understand that posting 3-5 photos a day will not help increase your engagement rate. Stop being an annoying spammer! Make one normal, high-quality post per day (maybe one every 2 days). It’s better to write interesting text for a photo than to fill in five photos with emoticons in the description.

Fourthly, you can organize giveaways, competitions, various games, whatever comes into your head. I won't stop here.

Fifthly, promote yourself on Instagram. At least just try it. I tried it. I'll test it some more. I think I’ll write about my experience later, when I have something meaningful to say. So far it looked like this (advertising lasted 1 day, spent $2):

These are the thoughts for today. I hope that it was at least a little useful and/or interesting for someone. And of course, a moment of self-promotion.


I write all sorts of nonsense there. People seem to like it 🙈

Have a nice day everyone and high engagement rate, damn it 😜

The addition of functionality also meant a change in the algorithm of Instagram itself. In particular, the indicator came to the fore , displacing such a quantitative indicator as the number of subscribers.

Instagram began to cut back on organic reach and now only a portion of subscribers began to see published content. The resulting reach is influenced not only by the time of publication and how often users log into Instagram, but also by the ER (engagement) indicator. All other things being equal, the higher the ER of the previous post and the account as a whole, the more subscribers will see your new publication. And vice versa.

But! Even with the maximum ER, you will never reach 100% of the audience; this is the social network’s policy aimed at attracting advertisers. But something can still be done. Let's consider the issue in more detail.

Reach on Instagram is the number of unique users who saw a post. You can view the reach for each post separately by clicking “View statistics” below it.

If the coverage of a post is 100, then exactly 100 users saw it. Reach sources are not only your subscribers, but also other views:

  • from “Home” - or views in the feed, where only your subscribers can see your posts;
  • from profile - when viewing a post from a profile, for example, you start mass liking, users become interested and go to the profile, view the posts but do not subscribe;
  • hashtags - when a user views publications using a particular hashtag;
  • from “Other” - the number of views from the recommendations section.

What are impressions and what do they mean?

Let's return to the example we looked at above. If we scroll through the statistics for the post just below, we will see statistics on impressions. The reach rate is always higher than the reach rate. Impressions mean how many times your post has been viewed overall. If your post is viewed 10 times by one user, then the reach will be 1 and the number of impressions will be 10.

In the context of Instagram algorithms, this means that the more people return to view your post or read the text under it, the more interesting it is to the audience. This is one of the signals to give additional coverage to the post and show it in the recommendations section.

Also, in addition to the reach and impressions for a single post, Instagram shows statistics for the last 7 days for the entire account. More precisely, for all posts over the last 7 days in total. The statistics also show how these indicators have changed relative to last week and the distribution of coverage by day of the week.

To see, go to the statistics section for your entire account and scroll down.

To view data for each post individually, go to the content tab. From here you can open detailed statistics on publications or go to view all posts for the year.

Don’t forget about Instagram Stories, since the social network also records reach and impressions for them.

On the “Content” tab, move down and find “Stories”. Here you can see statistics for the latest Stories or go deeper by clicking “All” and see data for all Stories for the last 14 days.

How to increase reach on Instagram

  • find the best time to publish;
  • engage users;
  • write interesting posts that you want to read;
  • address painful and exciting topics;
  • create provocative content;
  • don’t forget about situational marketing;
  • use different hashtags;
  • run ;
  • publish stories daily;
  • publish videos - they can be watched much more willingly;
  • respond to comments as quickly as possible, then users will come back to answer you and the post will receive additional impressions;
  • apply .

Why is it important to maintain high coverage rates?

If you blogger, then statistics are very important for advertisers. If the average reach of posts is 5000, then even if you have a million subscribers, this figure means nothing. And the majority shows coverage data. When you work directly with advertisers, you will most likely also be asked for statistics or checked through a third-party service.

For business:when you yourself or a third party promote your account, then in any case you accumulate a subscription base, for which you paid a certain amount for attraction. And if your coverage indicators are declining, then it can be partially assumed that the budget is not being spent effectively. In addition, the greater the coverage of posts, the more the target audience sees your offer and the higher the chance of making a sale.