What is SAR level in a modern phone or smartphone? SAR in the phone - what it is, what a valid level for a person what kind of SAR level is safe

A detailed study of the impact that cell phones are on us. The risk to health, the growing mistrust of society towards large manufacturers and the role of science in the conflict.

Scientific research is constantly identifying all new threats to our lives.

Cell phones - The symbol of permanent communication is threatened by human health. So far, humanity is waiting for the verdict from science, there are difficult tasks before scientists. When radio waves come into contact with alive organisms, the border between such different sciences as physics and biology is erased.

Is the radiation used in telecommunications so susceptible to human cells? How can they affect so good a balanced car? What did researchers find that it is so extinguished by the press?

At the time when society expects an accurate assessment of health risks, researchers conduct their research.

Year of issue : 2009
Country: France
Genre: Documentary
Duration : 00:52:26
Transfer: Professional (two-haired), Studio "Lexicon"

In the film are involved : Andrew Marino (Doctor, USA), Joe Viart (Engineer of Communications, France), Alain Vian (Biologist, France), Olya Johanson (Professor Neurosurgery, Sweden), France Hadkofer (Coordinator of the Reflex Program, Germany), Isabel Lyagrode (biologist , France), Bernard fans (physicist, France), Leif Salford (Neurosurgeon, Sweden), Roni Siger (biologist, Israel), Lenard Harde (Oncologist, Sweden).

SAR level for popular devices 2014

According to the data obtained, it can be said that the iPhone 3G, which at the same time, and the highest impact on the body, was the safest for influencing the head. The most dangerous can be considered iPhone 5, which has the highest SAR on the head, simultaneously with a fairly high level of specific absorption coefficient on the body.

These results suggest that SAR in the iPhone, starting in 2010, remains at a sufficiently high level, which is not a good indicator, especially when compared with competitors.

Today it is safe to say that the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is one of the most harmful phones for health, in contact with the level of specific electromagnetic energy absorption coefficient (SAR).

To obtain a permit for the sale of electrical engineering companies should receive several certificates that confirm their challenge in the materials of the case and internal parts, support for the minimum allowable frequency range and some other permits, one of which is the SAR level.

In different countries there are different standards and requirements with valid values. For example, in the United States, the maximum allowable SAR value in mobile phones - 1.6 W / kg. This requirement is explained by scientific research, which showed that the harmful effect begins at the level of impact from 2 W / kg - With a long-term effect of such a dose on the human body, the temperature of 0.3 degrees Celsius increases, and minor changes in proteins are recorded. At level less than 1 W / kg No effect on the body failed to fix.

In iPhone 6 (A1586) and iPhone 6 Plus (A1524), the SAR level is at 1.18 and 1,19 W / kg equally for the head and body, respectively. Thus, experts strongly recommend avoiding immediate continuous contact with the device and try to keep it at a distance of 5 mm from the skin surface. For example, you can wear a smartphone in a case, then the discovered camera will not confuse you, and the smartphone will remain more likely.

According to measurements SAR, We can say that the most harmless smartphone is Motorola MPX200, which was released in 2003, the SAR value is 0.120 W / kg per head. And the lowest SAR value among the iPhone marked 3G - 0.52 W / kg per head. If we talk about more topical devices - LG G3 (D855), Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (N910C), Sony Xperia Z3, Samsung Galaxy Alpha (G850-F), Nokia Lumia 930 and HTC One (M8) - the SAR level in them Presented on the schedule:

In order to protect yourself from excess radiationYou do not need to put a smartphone into bed while sleeping, try to wear it not in your pocket, but in a bag, and more attention to other areas of vital activity, where the impact on the body can cause irreparable harm in a short time - food, road behavior, harmful habits and lack of full sleep.


SAR - important damage to phone

Hello, dear readers! We will ask you now one question ... just do not rush to answer it. Think ...

What is SAR?

Well, what are the options for answers? There may be several of them:

Saudi Arabia's monetary unit - Saudi Rial (abbreviated SAR).

Indicator of a parabolic system / price system - horror, as difficult ...

Public Airport Code in Sparta, Illinois, USA - Who would think ...

What nonsense! - You say, - how does all this belong to the topic of the site?

Okay, I will not torment you. I will say the correct answer!

SAR is a specific absorption coefficient of electromagnetic energy (Specific ABSORPTION RATE). This indicator is determined (attention!) The magnitude of the harmful effects of a mobile phone per person.

SAR - Important Indicator!

So, the indicator is important. And it will also know it too.

We will not be able to first get acquainted with the articles about radiation from the phone and the detriment of the phone.

As we know, there is a signal receiver and transmitter in the phone (articles about the sensitivity of the phone and the power of the transmitter). They are the sources of electromagnetic radiation. International organizations have the maximum valid values \u200b\u200bof the SAR level. This value is measured in W / kg.

In the US, the limit norm is 1.6 W / kg, in Europe - 2 W / kg. As you can see, there is no unity here. In the UK, this value is generally 10 W / kg. But this does not mean that if you arrive in the UK, the phone will become less harmful to you. In all this confusion, only one thing is clear with extremely allowable SAR numbers - the smaller the better.

In Russia, research on the effects of a mobile phone on the human body was not held until 1997. Only then during the studies it was found that the electromagnetic field of mobile phones has some influence on the brain.

In different countries, in different years, various studies of the influence of cell phones per person were carried out. Here are some results:

1) The subjects had an impact of a cell phone for 30 minutes. During this time, their intelligence increased. The time of completion of the tasks for the promotion was reduced due to improving the blood circulation of the brain caused by a slight heating.

2) Canadian scientists have revealed that mobile phones cannot cause serious health complications.

3) Their German colleagues found that during the conversation on the phone the pressure rises.

4) Mobile phones cause interference in the work of cardiovemifiers. More than a million people live with them in the world.

The conclusion suggests one: scientists around the world cannot come to a common opinion on the dangers of mobile phones. Hence such differences in determining the safe SAR level. I repeat, the less - the better! With this certainly you will not argue.

SAR - How does your health affect our health?

The SAR value for the phone is determined by the level of electromagnetic radiation (measured in watts) by 1 kg of the brain. And this value is determined for a mobile phone at maximum power. In reality, the radiation power depends on a number of parameters, one of which is the quality of communication. The rule here is: the better the quality of communication at the point of finding the subscriber is the less radiation power.

From here, simple tips flow, allowing to reduce the effect of radiation on us with you.

1) When talking, do not shrink the antenna with your hand.

2) In the room, try to approach the window while talking to the window where the connection is better.

3) If you are in the zone of weak reception, do not talk on the phone for a long time.

4) At the time of reception / call, the phone radiates to the maximum. Therefore, do not brings the phone to the ear immediately after the dialing. Wait for the connection to establish.

Not many people know that the SAR level is in mobile devices. Today we decided to discuss this question. The SAR level is a special indicator that is able to characterize the largest amount of electromagnetic radiation for various models and brands of mobile phones.


If you have previously encountered information about how a mobile phone is able to influence the human body, in this case this article will be able to supplement your knowledge, well, and those people who never have seen the relevant data will be able to learn a lot for themselves. For example, the SAR Philips level can be significantly different from its characteristics from other mobile phones. It will be interesting to know about how the communicator is able to influence the human body. Of course, there are currently a large number of a wide variety of disputes on this. Some experts are looking for all hooks in order to prove that the radiation of the devices can cause great damage to people. On the other hand, scientists convince that the dangerous indicator in mobile devices is not able to exceed certain norms, and accordingly, communicators are completely harmless. Surely now many of you have become wondering how the SAR level can affect the body, as well as to determine the mobile device that produces the most radiation.


In fact, there is no specific answer, or rather, no one knows exactly how these waves are able to influence the human body. The SAR level of mobile phones is a certain part of the absorption coefficient of electromagnetic radiation by the human body.

This data can be measured in watts per kilogram.

Permissible norms

Surely you know that almost all mobile phones that are sold at present in the salons pass special certification, and this procedure can be completed successfully only if the SAR level does not exceed the established norms. There are special regulatory authorities that are engaged in testing and measuring these parameters, in most countries the SAR norm is 1.6 watts per kilogram. This refers to the unit of human mass. For example, the SAR Nokia level is specified separately for each model. The same can be said about the large number of other popular mobile devices manufacturers. The value is characterized directly by the electromagnetic radiation of the device itself at maximum power. If you are judged by practice, then it is safe to note that the level of this indicator is significantly lower critical, but the increase in these parameters may depend on various kinds of factors, such as the presence of the signal.

How to reduce the negative impact of the communicator

Surely many people want to learn about the basic rules that are able to reduce the influence of the radiation of the mobile device on the human body. Now we will give you a few such rules for you, and if you wish, you can use them. The SAR level is actually able to negatively affect the human body, but with the help of special rules can be removed away from such radiation, of course, it will not work out 100%.

The first rule is that you should wear a mobile device as far from your body as far as possible, especially for vital organs, for example, such as the heart. During telephone conversations, it is recommended to use a special headset more often or simply turn on a loud connection, while the communicator itself needs to be kept as far as possible. If you are in a zone where the mobile device does not take a signal well, it is reasonable to abandon long conversations, since in such cases the radiation may increase even several times. Briefing your mobile phone to the ear is recommended only after the connection with the called subscriber is completely connected, since when dialing the phone starts to work at the maximum power level.

Closed space

Users, finding in the smartphone specifications string "SAR level", as a rule, do not give the value prescribed in it, attention. And in vain - on how large it is depends on the damage, which the gadget can cause the health of the user. What SAR level for mobile phones is considered normal, and what - excessive, we will tell in this material.

SAR - Abbreviation from Specific Absorption Rate, that is, the energy absorption coefficient. The SAR level shows how much the energy of the electromagnetic field absorbs the tissues of the human body in 1 second. Unit of SAR phones emission unit - W / kg. Accordingly, looking at the level, the user can immediately decide how likely it is that the gadget hurts him.

SAR value is not constant. At each specific moment, the radiation level depends on the set of factors - primarily on the quality of communication. If the connection is good, there is little energy allocated. The worse the connection, the more negative attitude of the smartphone renders on the body. The maximum is achieved when the gadget switches from one tower to another. It is the maximum value and should indicate manufacturers in specifications.

It is worth noting that the experts have not yet defined exactly if mobile devices affect the human body at all. But the uncertainty in this case is even worse - therefore doctors scare active users by dieting cells and the formation of cancer tumors. What kind of symptoms occur during irradiation, you can learn from this table:

How much energy emitting devices?

The first NMT standard communications was characterized by SAR levels of 5 W. If now experts discovered a similar device, they would be horrified by heads and began to write everywhere where it is possible that such a device cannot be allowed to sell. High radiation was due to the minimum number of base stations.

Later, the requirements for this parameter began to tighten the stronger - in GSM devices, the radiation power did not exceed 1 W. A common opinion that old phones with buttons were more harmful to modern advanced devices, in fact erroneous - laboratory studies have shown that the phichton radiation range ranged from 0.42 to 1.12 W / kg. This is the current standards norm.

The limit value of SAR is not unified - every geographic area has its own opinion on this:

  • In the United States is considered the norm if SAR does not exceed 1.6 W / kg per 1 gram of tissues.
  • In Europe, a slightly different method of calculation - there SAR is considered to be 10 grams of tissues. The maximum permissible value is 2 W / kg.

In Russia, the method of measuring radiation is completely different - SanPiN prefers to define it in W / sq. Cm. Of course, manufacturers of "mobile phones" are in no hurry to publish information about radiation in Sanpina measurement units. The SAR level in W / kg in these units is also not converted. It remains to believe the word to Russian statestations that claim that Sanpina technique is even more tough than those used in the United States and Europe.

How to find out the SAR level?

The SAR level must be recorded in the technical specifications of the mobile device - that is, in a small book, which is included. If this information is not there, you can climb on the Internet and "google". It is worth entering the site "" and search the SAR value in the list of characteristics of a particular device.

Spare option is a DevicesPecifications.com portal. In the cards of many smartphones on this site there is a tab " SARยป.

Going into the tab, you can find out the emptophone empty level in 2 versions (for the head and for the body), and also see how bad the gadget of a particular model compared to other models of the same brand and other brands.

What phones are most secure in terms of SAR?

If you believe the results of a fan study conducted by russia and the international ICRT organization, smartphones recognized as harmless. The gadgets A3 and A5 were in the top five from the radiation point, and the Galaxy S7 EDGE recognized the best of the set of many security and quality parameters. The radiation level of the latter is only 0.264 W / kg.

But Apple has nothing to boast. The devices of this company are considered very harmful. Only 3G is different in a satisfactory level of SAR, which many have not remember.

Most iPhone models emits 5-6 times more energy than Samsung Galaxy Edge 7 (with Exynos processor).

A good job of the security of their devices was also a company. In popular models MI5, REDMI 4 and MI MIX, the SAR level is in the range from 0.35 to 0.4 W / kg. Listed phones with low SAR definitely will not harm their owners.

How to reduce the negative effect of the phone on the body?

To reduce the negative impact of the mobile device on the body, it is worth listening to the following recommendations of experts:

  • Make a smartphone to the head only after the call is installed. During the connection, the most intensive radiation occurs.
  • Call from the subway, trams, trolleybuses, cars only with extreme need. When calling from the transport, the signal will not be perfect (the metal creates interference), and therefore radiation will be higher.
  • When talking to approach the window or getting off to the balcony, so that the connection is better.
  • Do not cover your finger antenna during telephone conversation.

The best option for those who want to avoid exposure at all - Purchase. Then it will be possible to talk as much as you like and anywhere, not surviving for your health.


Whatever physicians speak, serious reason to worry about the fact that the smartphone is able to irradiate the owner and provoke the emergence of any disease, no. Even the iPhone 7 Plus, "different from the minus sign" a significant SAR indicator, may be safe - after all, the number present in the specifications is maximum, and not average. However, it is not worth ignoring security measures yet - there is no doubt that the definite effect on the tissue of the human body radiation of the smartphone has.

Camera, battery, processor - all these are very important criteria when choosing a new gadget. However, it is worth paying attention to the security of the device, learning empty level of smartphones. This will help to understand which smartphone is safer, and what high indicator SAR.


To get a German certificate for the ecology "Der Blaue Engel" (translated from the German "Blue Angel"), the specific absorption capacity of the phone should be less than 0.60 W per kilogram. All presented smartphones in ranking SAR More than two times higher than this indicator.

Therefore, the universal guidance on the "safe" level of radiation phone does not yet exist, as there are different safety standards.

What phones are then safe?

Siaomi models in the last infographics are not. This does not mean that the Chinese company phones are absent in the rating safe.

In the previous article, an indicator of less than 0.60 W per kilogram showed: MI 5, MI 5S, REDMI 3 Pro, Redmi 3S Prime and Redmi Note 3 Pro.

All this already outdated models, which, from the point of view of software updates, the company will not support in 2019. Therefore, for the relevance of information, we analyze the latter in a separate review.

Dear readers, if you did not find your mobile phone in the list (no matter how much Xiaomi you have or not), but you want to find out what he has the level of radiation, write the model in the comments.