Let's figure out what a browser is. What is a browser? Which browser to choose? Default browser 1 What is a browser

For those who continue to comprehend the Internet and what is connected with it - today we will tell you what a browser is for what it is needed, and also carry out a small analysis of the most popular Internet browsers today.

What is a browser and what functions it performs

The browser (Web browser) is a program that provides browsing websites on computer devices and gadgets. The essence of the browser is to handle the user's request, and download the site you requested. Now let's briefly consider which functions browser performs.

As mentioned above, the main feature of the browser is the opening of websites web pages. The web pages themselves consist of a code that actually receives a browser from the server where the site is located. This browser code processes, and you see the "Finished Picture" monitor. In order to see what is actually a site - right-click, for example, somewhere in the side of the site and select the item in the "View source code" context menu that appears (or "Page source", or that Similar). The correct source code is very important for the browser, as it depends on the adequate display of the site pages and the execution of its functions.

Browsers allow you to save your passwords from sites to each time to access your account on one or another resource, you did not need to re-enter your username and password. All browsers also save the history of visiting you to various sites so that if necessary, you could find the desired, previously visited by the site. Well, the last thing that is worth noting from the main functional of the browser is the possibility of storing sites in bookmarks to memorize and quick access.

In addition to opening the web pages themselves, browsers allow you to download files from sites, that is, the browser makes them loading. It can be programs, games, music and other files.

Modern browsers in the absolute majority support various additions. These supplements may include: expansion of the functions of the browser, informers from various resources, as well as additions in the form of visual topics of the browser itself. Consider them in more detail:

  • Extensions. Bright examples of browser extensions are extensions from antivirus programs: anti-banner and reference check module that protect users from intrusive advertising, and also check dangerous links and sites.

  • Informers. Informers are also made in the form of extensions. As it is clear from the name, "Informers" - inform. The most popular informers are weather informers, informers for the arrival of new mail, messages, etc.

  • Visual topics. Visual topics allow you to change the design of the browser: tabs, buttons, background pictures and other elements.

It is worth noting that an unlimited number of browsers can be installed on the computer, while one of them must be the main - default browser. The default browser is a browser that is installed as the main operating system, all links and services that you go from other programs will be opened through it.

Now let's consider the most popular browsers today.

What are the browsers?

The total number of browsers today is very difficult to count. Below we want to consider the top five browsers that use most Internet users.

Internet Explorer Browser

Internet Explorer is a standard browser that comes with the Windows operating system. That is, you will immediately be able to enter the Internet via Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer We called first not because it is the most popular or best, but because you initially use everything, at least to download another browser. Yes, by the way, a joke is on many computer Internet resources: "Internet Explorer is the program with which you can download a good browser."

Yes, in every joke there is some truth, and as you understand, this joke has emerged. The fact is that Internet Explorer (IE) in our opinion is not the best browser option. First, he is very slow and his slowness lies not only in the work of the program itself, but also in opening pages. Secondly, IE web pages themselves opens the wrong, as they say in the commoner - "crooked". In addition, Internet Explorer is a very non-visational browser, and most importantly - its updated versions do not carry something radically new and do not even have a hint of it. IE does not have the support of the integration of extensions and does not support visual themes, which today makes it quite marginal.

Internet Explorer browser uses predominantly newcomers who do not know, do not understand or are not particularly deliberate in the concept what a browser is and what other browsers are except IE. In most cases, those users who tried other browsers, no longer use Internet Explorer, which is why we recommend installing another, or rather a good browser.

Internet Explorer does not require installation, as it is integrated into the Windows operating system.

Google Chrome Browser

The most popular browser on the territory of the former USSR is a browser called "Google Chrome" (Rus.). Chrome is a browser from Google, which is not only a popular browser, but also probably the best. By the way, Chrome is a rather young browser, but at the same time over a few years of its existence that has won a large army of fans.

Probably the very first advantage of this browser is its "ease", which is to quickly work, both the program itself and in the rapid opening of the pages of sites. This Web browser is well thought out, so it is very convenient to use. A large number of functions are also the row of Google Chrome browser. Let's separately consider the functional features of Chrome.

In our opinion, the most important functional advantage of Google Chrome is the synchronization of passwords and bookmarks in the browser with the Google server, so that by entering the login and password, you will get access to your bookmarks and passwords after reinstalling the system or on your other gadgets. This is very convenient, since, for example, when reinstalling the system is not so difficult to reinstall it, as it is difficult to remember all your visited sites and passwords to them. And with Chrome it is only enough to log in in the Google system, and all your bookmarks and passwords will be restored. Also, from the functional features of Chrome, it is worth noting the possibility of installing extensions and changes to the design style, which have a large number in the Chrome online store, and for free. Well, the last thing you need to mention is a smart address string, that is, in the address bar (in the field where you enter the site address), you can enter and search queries - it is universally and convenient.

In order to download the Chrome browser to your computer - go to: "Google.com/intl/en/chrome".

Mozilla Firefox Browser

The next browser, which we would like to consider is Mozilla Firefox. The Mozilla Firefox browser has already been about 10 years old and is one of the old-timers among web browsers. Mozilla Firefox uses predominantly webmasters and advanced users, thanks to its correct and correct display of the site pages.

From the functional features of the Mazila (Eng. Mozilla) It is worth highlighting the presence of a huge number of plug-ins (extensions), the amount of which largely exceeds the range of extensions in Chrome. In addition, in Mazile, Firefox has the ability to change the visual style of the browser, which should also be attributed to the benefits.

Despite all this, Mozilla Firefox is enough "heavy" browser. It, compared to other browsers, starts slightly longer, and sometimes hangs and slows down, even at a pretty powerful computer. If you compare the Mozilla Firefox with the aforementioned Chrome, then the disadvantage of the first is the lack of synchronization of bookmarks and passwords. Therefore, if there is no particular need to use the masters, it is better not to use it as the main browser.

You can download Mozilla Firefox browser from the official browser site: "Mozilla-russia.org".

Browser Opera.

Opera browser is an aksakal among browsers, which exists practically 20 years. Opera browser is light enough and comfortable. Of the functional features, you can allocate support for widgets and plug-ins, but they did not receive wide use. It is worth noting the TURBO function that allows you to quickly download pages at slow velocity of the Internet connection or to save traffic with its compression, but, as a rule, this feature is relevant for laptop owners on the limited tariffs of the 3G Internet.

Analyzing Opera browser, it is impossible to say something bad, but something good is also difficult to allocate. In our opinion, Opera lacks some charisma, which would allocate it among the above browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

You can download Opera browser from its main page: "Opera.com/en".

Well, finally, it should be said about the fifth browser, which in our opinion deserves its place in our five. Yandex.Browser is the last on our list, but not the last value. The first mentioned although the Internet Explorer is, but it is far from the leader, but perhaps even the outsider of our top browser list.

As for the Yandex browser, then this is the youngest browser that is the development of Yandex. This browser exists only about a year, but despite the novelty, he quickly conquers his audience. Probably yandex (-Y) wanted something more serious than an intrusive way to integrate my Yandex.Bar (add-on with my services) to other browsers, so the company's developers decided to create their own full-fledged browser. "Your" Yandex.Browser is somewhat difficult to name, as this is the same chrome, with a bit converted design and with some additionally embedded functions. One of these additional functions is the TURBO function, which was borrowed from the Opera browser. Let's analyze Yandex.Browser in more detail.

The browser from Yandex is made on the same engine as Chrome, so they have similar appearance and similar functionality. In the new versions of Yandex.Bauser, it is possible to synchronize its passwords and bookmarks with the Yandex server. Also, the Yandex browser allows you to set extensions, but they must be installed manually, since Yandex does not have their own store for downloading supplements. It is worth noting the ability to install a background image, but the ability to change the background of the navigation panel in the browser, unfortunately, is not. But there is a convenient "scoreboard" - a panel with sites icons for quickly opening, which is very original and convenient. You can also note the possibility of searching for a query in different search engines from a "smart string" of this browser by selecting the desired search engine below.

Summing up It is safe to say that Yandex.Bruezer is the same Chrome, but more oriented to Russian-speaking users living in the CIS. If you decide to remove Yandex.Browser, then.

To load a browser from Yandex, go to its official page: "browser.yandex.ru".

Which browser to choose?

Give an unequivocal and categorical answer to the question: what browser to choose - it will be wrong. Each browser has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own features, so for each user "its" browser is the best. For example, someone prefers the Chrome browser for its simplicity, integrating passwords and bookmarks with Google, and someone - Mozilla Firefox for its huge number of different additions. Despite the fact that in the structure of browsers are all the same, they have their own visual differences, which significantly differs from each other. In order to determine which browser to choose, and which one is better for you - you need to try them all to take for yourself this decision.

We understand what browsers are what happens and where to take them

Hi friends. Let's deal with you what a browser is and for which it is used. Browser or Internet browser is a program that is needed to attend various sites.

It is like, for example, a video player that is needed to play video, and the browser is needed to open the sites and their all sorts of pages.

If a little more details, sites and their pages on the Internet are based on HTML hypertext markup standard, that is, all sites consist of a code based on the HTML markup language. And therefore, all sites are in the original form (to see the code of any page or site, you need to click on, while on them, the Ctrl and U keys) look like this:

And so in order to make a job on the Internet (global network) convenient and visual for users, browsers were created, and in the initially transmitted text only. Now, as we can see, there have become a large amount, with so diverse functions that you can master and everything is possible for a long time.

In Windows, the Internet Explorer is traditionally standard and the only (present immediate) browser (usually below the taskbar near the Start button). It is far from the most popular and convenient, but they can be fully used (at least download another more suitable for you).

At the moment there are several leading browsers using most PC users. This Google Chrome, Opera (how to download can be found in the article to set the opera for free), Mozilla Firefox for free and other less common.

To the question of which one to choose, there is no unambiguous answer. Mostly users proceed or out of the habits of the developed time (Opera) or popular Google brands (Chrome).

In order to determine which suitable you need to work with each of them, especially since you better find out what a browser is in practice.

On this, ask your questions in the comments, thanks for your attention.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Browsers are important not only to users who are looking for themselves the fastest, convenient and glossy version of the Internet browser, but also webmasters.

It is no secret that in different programs some sites can be displayed differently and that this does not happen, the webmasters are trying to use. But today I want to move a little from webmastering problems and offer you together with me try to evaluate the most popular from famous browsers.

For ease of assessment, I decided to split them into two groups: popular and little-known. Also, in general terms, the characteristics of all creation participants participating in the review with reference to a detailed description of all their capabilities.

History and Top 5 best browsers of modernity

I'll start with what is a browser And what is the history of the development of this direction of software. Of course, the first browser could be born only after. Actually, the first browser was he who created, because without this necessary attribute, the whole meaning of its invention would lose sense. I will explain my thought.

Tim Bernes-Lee developed all the technical aspects (HTTP data exchange protocol, HTML hypertext markup language, the principles of formation and much more). But all this would not have gone without a program that would interpret the page markup language in their display on the monitor screen.

In fact, the browser is an HTML language interpreter, the stylist markings of CSS and Java scripts. Moreover, different versions may vary some nuances, which leads to the difficulties of sites of sites. But the webmaster has long been learned to learn them these situations and in most popular browsers all network resources are displayed almost always correctly.

The first graphic browser (He could already display not only text, lists and tables, but also pictures!) There was a famous Mosaic. In fact, he became a source of all modern observers and his popularity at that time was very large. With the use of its code, those known in their time masterpieces as Netscape and the first Internet Explorer, which, thanks to its integration with the Windows operating system and free, fully displaced the first player from the market.

However, the non-profit organization was created, which inherited the original Netscape codes (in fact Mosaic). Nevertheless, this company, whose name came from the variation of the English words "kill Mozaik", fully reworked the code of the first browser and created one of today's market leaders - Mazil Firefox.

Usually, the quality of work with one or another observer is judged by its functionality, convenience of work, start-up speed and speed of loading new pages (especially it is critical). Also an important aspect is now the safety of the work and sustainability of the program with any bullying over it. Almost all leaders meet these requirements to one degree or another.

In addition, almost everything, for any other distribution model encourages developers for failure and unwindiness. As you probably remember, a very good Browser called the Opera, starting from the date of its birth (1995), was paid and only in 2005 there was an official opportunity to download it for free (we are with you, dear residents of the post-Soviet space, so long waited). What did it led to?

In RuNet, Opera now occupies a leading position (it was very nice to have a paid program for free - if anyone remembers), well, and in the nitrate bourgeois, this application is still strong in memory and his share in the bourgeoite barely pass over the units percent. So here.

In essence, the nine and its followers are the ray of light among frankly the radical previous implementations of this mastodont. This browser version is fairly stable, well protected and fast enough. But still, this version has not yet demonstrated any special advantages over other modern counterparts, and the share of the Internet Explorer in the world (and RuNet in particular) continues to steadily decline (only 25% of the total market).

It lasts only only due to the initial integration in all versions of Windows. However, small-scale have their own in the asset, for which it is simply necessary to take data on user preferences when traveling over the Internet, and for this purpose it is the ideal solution that is exactly the observer. Therefore, I am confident that in the new version of the Internet Explorer, the microsoft will be ahead of the outdoor or at least not far backward from competitors.

Since 2005, Opera can be downloaded completely free, but it is precisely it until 2005 played a dick joke:

In addition to the desktop option, there is still an asset and fairly popular mobile versions of the browser, which now occupy a leading position in their segment. So in the mill developers of this miracle is not so bad.

Having appeared later than all other competitors (in 2008), Chrome took a very sharp start and went about four years to overtake all other players. I overtook already for a lot (42% of the entire market) and this can be considered a huge success for such a young product.

This browser is primarily distinguished speed and reliabilitywhich allows it not to fall even when hanging one of the open pages or applications. Well, and you fully trust the picture of an excellent browser.

Naturally, the chrome can be downloaded completely free by accepting the conditions for its use on the official website for the slightly above button.

Best Browsers of the Second Echelon

Of course, there are still dozens of various Internet observers, the fate of which is not so indispensable as designated slightly above five. To consider them all within this article is not possible, so I decided to stop only those observers who decided to "sit on the tail" super popular now chrome. The benefit that he was made on the basis of the free WebKit engine.

    It is clear that the prototype (test stand) of chromium entitled is defined popularity. In principle, it has a lot of google brainchilding functionality and the numbering of its versions is ahead of the version of the rapid browser in the world:

    However, the functionality of the chromium is somewhat inferior to Chrome, and in stability it clearly loses, because in fact all the time resides at the beta testing stage. Probably, I would not use it as the main browser.

    Everything has changed, but not one of the browsers, even after updating the page with the holding of SHIFT on the keyboard, not displayed changes. I had to clean the cache and only after that everything fell into place. How to do it?

    Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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I think, at today, the overwhelming mass of personal computers has a connection to the global Internet, and the number of worldwide web users is inexorable annually. According to some agencies, now in Russia, the number of users of the global network exceeds 60% of the total population of the country. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many users, all their main time at a computer, are carried out on the Internet.

To get into the global network, in addition to the physical connection itself, a special program (program) is needed, which will allow you to comfortably view your favorite websites and web pages contained on them. Those programs are called browsers (sometimes they are also called browsers), from the English word "Browse", which can be translated as "viewing".

Despite the fact that almost all modern browsers are free - these are quite complex programs endowed with a large number of functions, and many specialists are engaged in the development of the most popular solutions. Their main task is to make surfing on the network not only comfortable, but also safe.

A bit of history

To date, there is a sufficiently large number of different browsers from different developers, but from their common mass you can select the five most popular products - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari.

In the late 90s, the majority browser was Netscape Navigator. But Microsoft's policies have drastically changed the balance of strength in this area for debts years. It was at that time that it was decided to deliver Internexplorer with the Windows system, which literally squeezed all competitors from the browser market.

The Internet at that time was not so developed, and the VEB-pages themselves looked quite simple. Therefore, ordinary users had no need to think about the convenience of surfing, network speeds and supported standards, and to view text pages "for eyes" enough of the embedded solution.

Capturing the lion's part of the browsers market, the software giant did not calm down and continued to improve IE (Internet Explorer). In 2001, together with Windows XP, his 6th version was published, which was the main Internet tool with the overwhelming majority of users, and Microsoft herself had revered on the laurels, without thinking about the release of new versions of his browser.

It was such a long stagnation that gave the opportunity for competitors to submit to users alternative solutions, instead of the order of the annoying Internet Explorer. Opera Norwegian company, having developed a new Presto engine, introduced the Opera 7.0 browser, which liked many and began to rapidly gain popularity. But the biggest "surprise" for Microsoft, has become a revival seems to be destroyed by Netscape. His engine was based on the Mozilla Suite product, from which Firefox appeared in 2004, which later had a quarter of the browser market for the IE.

At this trouble for Explorer did not end. In 2003, Apple on its computers replaced the product from Microsoft to his own brainchild called Safari. And not so long ago, in 2008, the search giant Google released his browser version - Google Chrome.

Beginning such activity in the market, Microsoft began to release new versions of Internet Explorer, together with Windows Vista, it was released its 7th version, and with Windows 7 - 8. But it was too late, these versions were not able to make a worthy competition to their rivals, because their functionality only copied the one that other developers had been used in their products. Despite the fact that the last 9th version of IE can be called a truly modern solution, the monopoly on this field was irretrievably lost.

In the modern browser market, among the aforementioned products, a serious struggle for the sympathies of users, which sometimes, because of aggressive advertising, it is not so easy to make the right choice in favor of one or another solution. As you already, probably guessed, in this material, we will get acquainted with the main possibilities of browsers of the big five, as well as talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

The main criteria for assessing browsers

What to pay attention to first of all when choosing a browser?

Web standards support

The general principles of the global Internet operates the World Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is it that develops and approves all existing web standards to which all web pages located on the Internet should be configured. Therefore, for the correct display of sites and web pages, the browser is obliged to support approved web standards and the more he knows them, the better.

To check the compatibility of browsers with those or other standards, the ACID 3 test program is most often used, in which the scored 100 points correspond to full compatibility with all existing web standards.

User interface

The presence of a well-thought-out and understandable user interface is the key to success and popularity of any browser. After all, it is for providing users with convenient surfing on the network and is the main purpose of these products. Developers and designers have to seriously break the heads over how to properly place all sorts of controls of the functions of the browser. A strongly cluttered interface can also be as uncomfortable, as well as superloconary, so the purpose of the manufacturers is to find the best balance of the layout of the elements in the browser window. At the same time, you should not forget that the user interface should be not only convenient, but also outwardly attractive.


Modern browsers have become similar to a small operating system - through them we view pages with a complex interactive interface, watch movies and listen to music, use them as a means of development, download files from the network, we use both FTP clients and much more. Therefore, most users began to relate to the browser no longer just like a banal "page viewer", but as a serious worker tool, which should have wide opportunities and be convenient in everyday work.


In modern browsers, safety issues are given close attention, but, nevertheless, there are no fully protected observers. Unfortunately, the attackers constantly find all new vulnerabilities in browsers, allowing you to infect users of users or access their personal data. The developers remain close to the detected holes using regular updates, and the more quickly it occurs, the higher the safety of their product.


Let's start with the most popular browser, which remains such for many years. True, recently, this product has lost more than half of its fans, and its share has decreased to 40% throughout the world.

The current version of the browser from Microsoft is Internet Explorer 9. For two years of its development, the manufacturer has made a serious work on errors, which resulted in support of almost all modern standards, including newcomers HTML 5 and CSS 3. In the specialized ACID 3 test, 9- The Explorer version scored 95 points out of 100 possible. By the way, IE 8 had 20 points in the same test.

To process multimedia content web pages, Internet Explorer actively uses the hardware capabilities of the central and graphics processors of the computer, which significantly increases its speed.

The interface of the last version of this browser has been recycled. Microsoft itself calls it "compact", because it is based on only one panel, where all the necessary controls are located:

  • on the left - buttons back / forward and address string, combined with the search field, including the update and cancellation buttons;
  • in the center - the panel for the tabs viewed pages, and to the right of them - the opening button of the new tab;
  • right - button transition to home page, Favorite and browser settings.

Ascetic panelInternet Explorer 9.

Despite the so ascetic design, the new IE turned out to be quite stylish with a memorable design.

The address row of the browser corresponds to all modern requirements, automatically substituting options from the visits log or from the list of previously visited sites, when entering the address itself.

Due to the fact that the entire user interface was fitted into one line, the place for the tabs remains not so much, which makes it seriously difficult to navigate with their large quantities. True, there is a possibility of transferring the tab panel to a separate line. It is also possible to move any tab to your own window, by dragging it to any place of desktop.

Another interesting point, you can call the ability to secure tabs in the Windows7 taskbar, which will later allow you to start your favorite pages as regular applications.

At the bottom of the browser screen, there is a pop-up string of tips arising from certain user actions. The first time it is easy to not notice and for a long time to think why the browser does not take any action on your teams.

The latest version of the browser received a new file download manager and the tracking system for the performance of installed plug-ins.

Despite the improved protection against malicious sites, it is in the brainchild Microsoft who find more vulnerabilities, and their correction, unfortunately, is not enough operational.

Another disadvantage of IE are very scarce possibilities to expand its functionality with plug-ins, as the code of this browser is not available for third-party developers.

Mozilla. Firefox.

For quite a long time, the Mozilla Firefox Observer held the second place in popularity among the first five browsers. To date, the current version has an index 9. The truth is worth considering that the last five releases share only 7.5 months.

According to the truth, Firefox 4.0 became revolutionary among them, which received a new design and new core. Nevertheless, subsequent versions contain only refinement, impairing, fault tolerance and security of the browser.

With the support of all kinds of modern web standards, this browser does not have, in the aforementioned ACID 3 test, it gains 100 points out of 100 possible.

Thanks to the modern engine, the total speed of the new version of Firefox is significantly accelerated, including the download speed of the pages and the launch of the application itself. In this case, the hardware acceleration of graphics allows you to view the complex interactive content of multimedia sites without any problems.

After a certain criticism of users, whom the developers took into account, starting with the 4th version, Firefox received a new modern interface. In the upper left corner, the menu call button with various settings is accommodated, and the panel for the page tabs moved to the top. Under it lay the navigation panel, which includes:

  • on the left, buttons back / forward;
  • in the middle, the address bar with the add buttons to Favorites viewed pages and their updates;
  • the right is the search box and the Home button.

Even below, there is a bookmark panel, in which you can keep links to the most visited pages.

The browser is endowed with an intelligent address line, which, at the beginning of entering the address, provides a window with prompts, where all coincidences are selected font. Using it, you can go to any open tab.

For the most frequently visited sites in Firefox, there is a very useful feature for securing tabs, prescribing them to a permanent residence in the left side of the tab panel. After the new opening of the browser, this type of tab will always be in its place.

Nevertheless, the main advantage of Mozilla Firefox can be called its rich functionality. The code of this product is open, so the browser has a huge number of all kinds of supplements that make it possible to make a real powerful working tool from it, which allows you to solve any tasks. Moreover, with the help of special wallpaper and themes, the plug-ins configurations of the interface, tabs and bookmarks, you can transform the appearance of the browser for any of your whims. All these joys are located on a special site dedicated to supplements for this browser.

Despite the fact that Firefox is the second browser in the number of vulnerability found, they are fixed by the developers quickly, which significantly improves user data security.

Google Chrome.

Despite his youth, today Chrome broke out on the second line of popularity in the world, overtaking Mozilla Firefox. In principle, this is not surprising, since this browser is the brainchild of the Google search giant, which has a powerful technical base in its arsenal and large financial capabilities.

At the moment, the current version is Google Chrome 17. Such a high product index is explained by the choice of several other policies of his assignment - the browser receives it immediately after making any significant changes to the developers.

For supporting web standards in the case of this Internet browser, you can not worry, in the ACID 3 test, Chrome shows a 100% result.

There are no complaints about the speed of Google Chrome. Moreover, by the opinion of many specialists is generally the fastest browser in the world. Thanks to the modern WebKit visualization technology, the browser opens the pages literally instantly. Also quickly in it are launched complex web applications and 3D graphics, the processing of which is carried out at the hardware level.

As for the design of the user interface of this browser, it can be called strict and concise. It was Chrome who asked a new-fashioned tendency to place tabs at the top of the window. Under the tab panel there is a toolbar, called the developers of the Omnibar, on which:

  • On the left - the back / back buttons, update / stop;
  • In the center - Omnibox is a smart address string, combined with a search and button for adding a page to bookmarks. At the same time, the search results or address of web pages begin to display as the text set;
  • Right - Button Settings and Browser Management.

Even below, you can enable the display of the bookmarks panel.

As well as in Firefox, in Google Chrome, it is possible to fix the tabs with the most frequently visited pages, after which they are moved to the left side of the screen, taking more compact size.

As well as in Internet Explorer, there is a pop-up auxiliary string that occurs at the bottom of the screen at certain user actions, for example, when downloading files from the network.

Initially, the Chrome has a fairly large number of useful features, for example, an automatic web pages translator or output of miniature images of frequently visited sites and running applications on a special tab called a quick access page. But if you seem a little starting browser functional or want to convert its appearance, then you have access to a variety of applications, extensions and additional topics that can be downloaded from the Chrome online store.

Another undoubted mercy of the company Google is the attitude of developers to its security system. Built-in protection from phishing and malicious software is a good help in the fight against attackers trying to use browser vulnerabilities for their own purposes. Also, the automatic update system provides timely installation of patches and various corrections that increase the overall reliability of the security system.

Despite the fact that the Norwegian browser in the world rankings occupies the fourth line, growingly behind the first triple, in Russia this is a very popular observer. For several years, Opera is a favorite of domestic users, and must be said quite well deserved.

The current version of the browser - 11.6. In the ACID 3 test, Opera shows a 100% result, so that with the support of all modern web standards this browser has no problems.

The Opera core is constantly being improved by the developers, which serves as the key to the rapid and stable work of the browser on the Internet. The opening speed of the web pages does not cause any complaints, and for many professionals, is considered the reference. For output to the screen of complex animation in Opera, a specialized high-speed graphics library called Vega, which allows you to achieve quick and smooth image processing.

The Opera user interface is somewhat similar to Mozilla Firefox, however, not in terms of design, but in terms of the location of the functional elements. In the upper left corner there is a basic menu button, which includes all sorts of browser settings. The web pages are traditionally located on top. On the right, on the tab panel, there is a button reflecting the history of closed tabs. The toolbar, located below, has the following elements:

  • On the left - buttons back / forward, page updates, enter;
  • In the center, traditionally, the smart address line with the RSS-Ribbon List and Favorite buttons;
  • On the right - the search query field.

By default, the Opera is turned on by the sidebar display, which is placed on the left vertical and contains the buttons: bookmarks, widgets, unite, notes, downloads, history and side panel settings. It is also possible to enable the bookmarks panel.

Opera browser has one interesting feature - the ability to group tabs. To do this, simply drag one tab to another, and next to them appears the group disclosure / closing icon in the form of a triangle. When you hover the mouse cursor on the tab of the tab group, the browser will show the thumbnails of all grouped web pages.

If we talk about the initial functionality of the Norwegian browser, that is, about the possibilities that the browser possesses immediately after installation, perhaps the Opera is the richest. The developers have endowed it as a variety of options that such a gentlemansky set is quite capable of satisfying almost all the basic needs of users. At your service download manager, BitTorrent support, spell checking and so on. A pleasant bonus for users can be the existence of an express panel - a special page with the displayed miniatures of the most frequently visited sites.

At the same time, the Norwegian developers went even further, and added the ability to additionally expand the functionality of its product using special mini-applications that are posted on the Opera website.

Opera security system is at the highest level. When visiting sites, the browser in real time checks their data and gives the message to users in case of danger. It is possible to use private tabs, for example, when working in Internet banking.

The last browser of our review will be an observer from Apple. It is worth noting that this product is more focused on the market of computers produced by the company itself and using the Mac OS operating system. Despite this, his share in the global market is about 5%.

The current version of this browser has an index 5. Support for web standards is organized at the highest level and the ACID 3 test is a hundred percent Safari.

Perhaps on native systems, Apple's browser performance is the highest, but in Windows, various tests are the average results, relative to competitors, which, on the other hand, is quite good. The browser supports hardware acceleration of graphics, accelerating the drawing of interactive web pages and has an optimized caching algorithm that allows you to upload previously visited pages at a very high speed. It is noteworthy that Apple uses the same engine in its browser (WebKit) as Google in Chrome.

The user interface in this browser is somewhat different from the four previous ones, which, in general, is not surprising. The view of the classic control panel for some users may seem slightly old-fashioned, so have a cap, and page tabs are located under all panels. From above, in the header of the browser, the name of the viewed page is reflected. Below is the toolbar containing mainly already familiar elements:

  • Left - Back / Finger buttons.
  • In the central part, the smart address line, which begins with the "+" button, which performs the page for adding a page to read lists, a specialized page that displays the miniatures of the most visited resources and the bookmarks panel. In its right part, there are buttons for viewing RSS feeds (appears if it is on the site), activation of the READER mode (appears, if possible) and update the page.
  • On the right there is a search string, as well as the current page menu buttons and the browser settings.

Further, below is the bookmarks panel and only under it - the tab panel, which when watching the only page is not visible at all. In order to add the first tab, you need to refer to the appropriate menu item of the current page, which for many users is not obvious. True, after the appearance of the tab panel on the screen, their addition is performed using the "+" button located in its right part.

One of the interesting functions of Safari, you can call the Reader mode, which allows you to allocate the material of a separate article to an independent pop-up window that has its own font size settings and other text formatting items. All other elements of the site in this mode are darkened, allowing the user to focus only on reading a specific material.

Very original in Safari looks like a page of frequently visited sites, called Topsites. The developers have endowed it with a three-dimensional design, which looks stylish enough and beautiful, however, like Apple's all products.

The general functionality of the browser from Apple can be significantly enriched with the help of expansion on the developer's website. Moreover, if more recently, their majority was available only to Mac OS users, now plugins for Safari are available on the Windows platform.

About the safety of this browser is definitely quite difficult to speak. As already noted, most of the users of this browser are the owners of devices with the Mac OS operating system, which do not use the attackers so wildly popular as Windows, which means that the hacks of the system through Safari are fixed much less frequently. Yes, and the developers themselves reluctantly disclose information about the safety problems of their product, motivating these targets to protect user data. The company believes that he has not been disclosed and without confirming data on certain vulnerabilities of his browser, it will save confidential information that intruders could take advantage of the protection system.


The developers of modern browser solutions spend a lot of effort and means to please users. After all, it is necessary to take care of many factors contributing to the successful promotion of our own product on the market. Among them:

  • support for web standards, for correct and full display of web pages;
  • convenient and pretty user interface;
  • powerful engine capable of managing pages containing a complex graphical interface, 3D images, audio and video content;
  • ensuring the security of user data.

A few years ago, the Internet Explorer browser positions seemed unshakable, and only a bunch of enthusiasts resorted to the use of alternative solutions. Today, the situation has changed dramatically. Microsoft browsed over all its advantage, and its popularity continues to rapidly. True, we can say that the 9th version of Internet Explorer turned out to be decent, it is faster and more convenient than previous versions, as well as contains a number of important improvements. True, nothing revolutionary, compared to competing solutions, it cannot suggest that it is unlikely to cause a massive influx of users who are currently using other browsers. Although, to stop migration to competitors products, this version is quite capable.

Google Chrome, despite his youth, recently rapidly gaining popularity. Already, many rating agencies put it on the second place in popularity, which for many years belonged to the Firefox Observer. Developers put a lot of money and efforts in their brainchild, which pays off by a hundredfold. According to many analysts, in their arsenal, Chrom has the fastest engine and the best security system. At the same time, the browser made a fashion legislator in placement of the tabs of the pages from above, as well as align the address and search row.

Despite the fact that Mozilla Firefox somewhat lost its position in the world ranking of a competitor from Google, this browser is of great popularity among users, and in Russia and is at all the leader in use in desktop computers. The most important advantage of Firefox before competitors is the existence of a huge number of free additions, with which it is possible to drastically change the functionality of the browser, its interface and appearance. True, sometimes, for such flexible expansion, it is necessary to pay increased memory requirements, slower user interface operation and browser departures. In the latest versions of this browser, the developers try to improve the stability of its work in every way, not only eliminating memory leaks, but also improving the mechanism of its use itself.

Opera's Norwegian browser has been one of the most popular solutions among Russian users. Initially, this browser has very rich functionality and a set of useful services, which makes it an attractive solution for those people who want to get all the most necessary "out of the box" without resorting to installing add-ons. Without special deficiencies, the decline in Opera's popularity can be explained only by the activity of competitors who constantly improve their products, offering no less attractive solutions in this area.

Safari browser, being developed by Apple and initially focused on using Mac OS's own operating systems, is quite difficult to fight for the place under the sun in the Windows-systems niche. Many experts agree that the performance of this browser on the Windows platform is much more modest than when used in the "native" OS. However, it has a quick engine capable of cope with the tasks of any complexity and its own unique user interface having its admirers.

For all those who want to see browsers in the case, on our portal there are regular large-scale testing of the most recent and most popular versions of Internet observers with the last of which you can familiarize yourself.

Despite the fact that the browser is a product that has been creating a lot of people, and considerable money is invested in its development, it remains free, which makes it possible to users in the presence of desire and time to independently get acquainted with all the main solutions in this area.

Finding on the Internet, we are faced with a mass of incomprehensible terms, many of which are borrowed from English.

This applies, in particular, to the term "brodser", which occurred from the English verb to Browse, which means "browsing", "scroll through."

Thus, the "Internet browser" ("Web Browser") is literally translated as "Internet Viewer." So what does the browser mean?

Browser - program to view Internet pages (more precisely, worldwide web).

Fans of the Russian language instead of the word "browser" prefer to use the word " reviewer"But in essence it is the same. The browser or browser is a program that turns unclear to us codes of Internet sites in those cute pages that we see on their screens. Reading this article is currently possible for you precisely thanks to the invisible work of the browser program.

An interesting fact about the English Word "Browser", which allows you to better understand what the browser means. This term is multivalued, that is, has several different meanings in English. Also in Russian, the word "key" is multi-valued:

  • key from door,
  • the key in the sense of "Spring",
  • key as code to cipher, etc.

Similarly, a browser, except that this is a computer program, in the theory of ecology still means a vegetable animal, feeding from foliage and branches from the tops of trees. The classic example of such a browser is giraffe.

I like this analogy between a computer browser and an ecological browser, that is, a giraffe. This analogy can be expressed by words from the song "I can see everything from above, you also know."

The giraffe sees all the tops of trees suitable for food, and the Internet browser sees all Internet sites, allows you to display them on the user's screen and thereby it is our guide to endless spaces of the Internet.

Browsers are also used on various mobile devices that allow you to access the Internet: smartphones, communicators, cell phones, etc.

What are the browsers?

The most common browsers are currently:

  • Internet Explorer,
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox,
  • Opera,
  • Safari.

If the Windows operating system is installed on the computer, then the Internet Explorer browser is automatically included. "We are tamara we walk a couple" and Windows always comes with Internet Explorer.

If a computer with the Mac OS operating system, then with it there is a Safari browser from Apple.

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers are free programs, at the request of the user are installed on a computer from official sites of these browsers. Please note that when downloading from official sites, no SMS and other fees are required for their installation to your computer.

Of course, there are still many other browsers, in addition to the above five, but the usual user quite grabs one - two browsers for the reason that one browser is already built into the operating system, and the second browser is set "for the soul". For example, for the soul I used to be a Mozilla Firefox browser, now - Google Chrome.

Consider three options.

1st option How to go to the browser:

using the browser label on the desktop or using the browser icon on the taskbar.

For this, the computer must be connected to the Internet. If you bought a computer with installed software, then it means that the browser is already on your computer and you will not pass by it.

The browser is a program, so the question "How to go to the browser" can be answered like this: "You need to open a browser as an ordinary program."

  • To do this, click 2 times
  • on the browser label on the desktop,
  • either the browser icon in the taskbar.

The browser label is different from the browser icon by the fact that the label has a small arrow in the lower left corner.

Below, the following browser icons on the taskbar are presented in the figure (indicated by numbers 1-4):

1 - Internet Explorer
2 - Opera.
3- Mozilla Firefox.
4 - Google Chrom.

Browser labels on the desktop Windows 7 look like presented in the figure (figures 5-8):

5 - Label for browser Google Chrom,
6 - Label for browser Mozilla Firefox,
7 - the label for the Opera browser,
8 - Label for Internet Explorer browser.

2nd version:

with the start of the browser program.

Go to the Start menu. For Windows XP. Click on the "Programs" option, in the list of looking for a browser, at least Internet Explorer, must be, for this browser is a mandatory program that is part of Windows.

Similarly, act for Windows 7.: Start - All programs - browser, such as Internet Explorer:

3rd option.

This automatically starts the browser installed on your default computer. Runing the browser as the proposed way, then you can use it at your discretion.

1st version. The browser is a program, so it can be closed as other programs. Usually it is used for this cross in the upper right corner. If you click on it, the "Close all tabs or only current only?" May appear?

If you click on the "Close current tab" button, this tab will be closed, and all other tabs and the browser itself will remain open.

If you click on the Close All tabs button, all tabs will be closed, and the browser will also be closed.

2nd version How to close the browser. You can use the combination of hot keys Alt + F4.. This may also appear "Close all tabs or only current only?", Which is written in the 1st version.