How will the events in Ukraine will develop further. Pashinyan called I.O. premiere and reported how events will develop on (video) how events will develop further

. Interview with economist experts for MGIMO military-political research center Recent events in Kiev and in general, in Ukraine has not been disregarding Russian and foreign press for several months. Political circles of Russia and Europe carefully follow the development of events. Currently it becomes more difficult to determine whether the current government can keep the situation in Ukraine, as well as the vector of foreign policy will be chosen by Ukraine. These and other issues in an interview with an expert of the Center for Military Political Studies, MGIMOs answered such experts as director of the Information and Analytical Center "Perspective" Pavel Rudyakov, Director of the Center for Political Marketing Vasily Stankin and Ukrainian Economist, Director of UAEAS Programs (Ukrainian Association of Eurasian cooperation) Alexander Dudchak.MGIMO Military-Political Study Center: Is the current government be able to keep the situation in Kiev and in general in Ukraine within the legal field? And if yes, what methods?Pavel Rudyakov: Relying only on its own strength and using exclusively its own resources is definitely unable. The current Ukrainian government is rather weak and ineffective by itself, in the current situation it is practically helpless. Threats are too strong and seriously, the external factor is too active, too deep contradictions within the power itself.Vasily Stankin: Theoretically, yes. There are two strategies for action. Introduction of a state of emergency, Maidan's acceleration, attraction to the responsibility of Maidan's leaders (not necessarily opposition leaders). However, this does not mean the stabilization of the situation in the country (resources to stop the anti-constitutional activities in Western regions), and this strategy itself requires an adequate response from the world community, which is not and will not. The second option is negotiations and mutual compromises. Spacious for compromise is wide, but the opposition leaders are inadequate and non-produced.Alexander Dudchak: The situation has long been out of the legal field. Existing laws are not respected. The government takes new ones, and they are not executed. Even in cases where the government is trying to go on the "opposition", announcing the amnesty to the participants of the riots - and in this case cannot fulfill its decisions. You can hold the situation with power methods. The quiet arrests of the most aggressive organizers. Demonstration of power, but neat application. This is waiting for the majority of the population of Ukraine. Almost all Kievans. But Maidan gangsters are excellent coordinated. Kievans are separated. There is no doubt that "unknown snipers" are a well-known taking pressure on power with the help of a pre-prepared "public opinion", the organization of the relevant information campaign in global and local media. Negotiations with the "opposition", the purpose of which will compromise - the undertaking is unpromising. "Opposition" do not need compromises. They will post obviously not fulfilled requirements. They need a resignation or capitulation on the conditions of "opposition", which is almost the same.MGIMO Military-Political Research Center: Is the current authority and Ukraine are ready to consider an option to join the Customs Union as a counterweight of the main idea of \u200b\u200bEuromaidan in the form of European integration?Pavel Rudyakov: As far as I know, surrounded by V.Janukovich there are people who are ready to think about it. However, currently such an option is far from major, even, can be said marginal. About him in the corridors of power somehow it is not customary to speak out loud, since it is believed that "Dad" (president) against. "To get on the agenda of power the question of joining the CU without a strong external push, it seems to me that it cannot.Vasily Stankin: In Ukraine, there is no current government as a whole. The power elite split, and the threat from Maidan has yet gained such a character that would threaten her all (even the "anti-polgarchic" Maidan of 2004 did not imagine such a threat). Most of the factions of the power elite are tuned to European integration and in collaboration with Russia only see the mechanism of damping or compensation for the negative socio-economic consequences of European integration. Moscow agreements are essentially the model "3 + 1" in relations with the TC, these functions are mainly carried out.Alexander Dudchak: In general, it is obvious that the current government does not exclude such an option. Ultimately, it is only interested in her personal interests exclusively. But, openly declare the official change in the integration vector, the authorities hardly risk in the current situation. Despite the fact that it was on the integration slogans with the TC of the Party of Regions and Yanukovych came to power. Only in the conditions of an obvious exacerbation of the situation, and in the event that the EU breaks relations with Ukraine, an attempt is possible to change the official courses. However, the implementation of the latest agreements between Ukraine and Russia will actually mean the gradual integration of Ukraine in the CU. Let not be declared openly. Improving the economic situation, as a consequence of agreements with Russia, would have experienced the inhabitants of Ukraine in the foreseeable future. But, on the prevention of this (including) today all efforts are so-called. "Opposition".MGIMO Military-Political Study Center: Currently, given the exacerbate situation on the streets of Kiev, how likely the scenario of return to the question of signing the Association with the European Union and discuss further European integration issues?Pavel Rudyakov: When maintaining power in the hands of V.Janukovich, let it even in a trimmed volume, a refund to the negotiations of Kiev on the CA with the EU is impossible. Brussels will now speak only with the successors of Donetsk.Vasily Stankin: It's not all over. And the case is not so much in the situation in Ukraine, how much is that the EU has already begun to reorient the new model of relations in the Russian-Ukraine triangle triangle, signs of what are clearly visible in the first interviews of Steinmeyer. There is reason to believe that the United States provoked unrest in Kiev to solve an important task in relations with the EU - to return Europe to the Farwater of American Policy in relation to Ukraine, from which she was noticed after the breakdown of the announcement of the Association with Ukraine (we recall that the signing of this agreement was initial There was a US span and their European allies, but not Germany, which opposed this project).Alexander Duduchak: In Ukraine, they are trying to call European integration signing Association Agreement and Free Trade Zone with the EU. However, it is too far from the real "integration" - only one-sided opening of its market by Ukraine. Returning to the question of the signing of this association would finally killed the remnants of confidence in the power of those who were once her supporter and voted for her in the last election. It is difficult to talk about supporters of power. Rather, we can talk about opponents of opponents of power. Having received power, Yanukovych and the Party of Regions in their texts almost completely switched to the rhetoric of their opponents. For almost three years, they, contrary to the will of their voters, talked about "European integration", as their main goal. By committing an unexpected reversal in November 2013, they redeemed some of their guilt in front of their voters. But one more such reversal towards Europe finally achieves the remnants of the electo station.

Yerevan, October 16. News-Armenia.Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resigned on Tuesday. He reported this during the live broadcast of public television of Armenia.

"As I said, today I will resign from the post of Prime Minister of Armenia. The purpose of this resignation, however, is not care from the post of prime minister, that is, evasion from responsibility, but on the contrary - bringing to the logical end of peaceful," velvety ", People's Revolution and the return of all the authorities to the people," said Pashinyan.

The news is loaded ... "Leo"

He presented a "roadmap" to conduct extraordinary parliamentary elections.

"Immediately after my resignation, the President of the Republic will spread the government. In the next 14 days, the National Assembly does not elect the prime minister twice, as a result of which will be dissolved. The president will announce the extraordinary parliamentary elections," Pashinyan said.

According to him, all this period members of the government will continue to fulfill their duties, and he will continue to fulfill the constitutional powers of the Prime Minister, remaining the guarantor of the victory of the people.

"If in December you give a state of confidence in our political strength, I will be re-elected as Prime Minister," said Pashinyan. .

He also commented on the concerns of those who think that parliamentary forces would nominate another candidate of the premiere.

"I don't even want to talk about it. Events on October 2 showed that we are more than ready for any scenario, because no power can not resist the will," said Pashinyan.

After accepting the Parliament on October 2, the draft law enforcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan brought people to the streets and declared a resignation at the rally. On October 8, the head of the Party "Prosperous Armenia" Gagik Tsarukyan and Pashinyan signed a Memorandum on holding extraordinary elections in December, according to which the party undertakes not to nominate the candidacy of the Prime Minister.

"But now I don't even want to discuss a similar scenario. Despite contradictions and sharp disputes with a number of parliamentary forces, I can not think that they have an intention to act against the people and national security of Armenia," said Pashinyan.

According to him, the parliamentary forces proved that regardless of all contradictions and disagreements, the stability and security of the state are "red line" for them.

"I believe that they will never cross this line. Moreover, the fractions of the Republican Party of Armenia, and the Tsarukian block, and Dashnaktsutyun publicly stated that they are not going to put forward candidate or elect the Prime Minister," said Pashinyan .

Turning to representatives of the former majority of the National Assembly, he noted that the political force being in power often criticized them and criticizes, but this does not mean that someone is looking for enemies in Armenia or should look for them.

"In the course of my entire political activity, I said and now I want to repeat that in Armenia, among Armenians I did not have enemies and will not. And I want to wish good luck to all political forces in the extraordinary parliamentary elections and confirm that our government will guarantee Elections are free willing of the people, "he said.

Stressing that the resignation is a formal character, Pashinyan noted that the moment really exciting, since the results of the current stage of the revolution are summed up and the transition to a new one.

"Summing up the five months of my premiership, I want to thank you for your infinite support and trust. I also want to apologize to all those I disappointed, whose fair and legitimate hope I did not justify who I was upset," said Pashinyan.

He called on to prepare for new victories and to the creation of a new and happy Armenia.

The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) extended to October 9th a statement that he would not nominate the candidacy, but rejected the early elections voiced by the paired. However, later about two dozen deputies from the RPA subscribed under the document, which states that they support the position of Pashinian on holding extraordinary parliamentary elections in December 2018. The head of the faction of the ARF "Dashnaktsutun" declared on October 16, that the faction does not intend to nominate the candidacy for the Prime Minister.-0-

How will events develop further?

It is safe to say that such a sharp transformation of the ownership structure of the employees and its place in the mechanism of protection against "hostile" absorption for many years will determine the direction of its development in the United States, since it meets the interests of three powerful groups that protested against manipulations1 with the ownership of employees from leadership until 1988, i.e. The interests of shareholders, employees and judicial power. In addition, within the framework of this transformation, attempts have been made to solve a part of problems in relations between employees and leadership, which draws Jensen (how true, he spoke about contradiction in the interests of all shareholders and leadership, but his ideas are quite relevant for relations between shareholders employees and leadership). Will shareholders continue to initiate claims and require the abolition of ownership of employees? Of course. Let's take a look at the numbers again. We have already talked above that in 1988-1990. Six out of every ten companies, under the abstract or specific tomb of the absorption, made certain measures to neutralize the negative consequences of the introduction of the property of employees for other shareholders, but this means that more than a third of such companies did not accept such measures.

The attitude of corporations to the property of employees will also depend on what response will be received for four issues delivered by recent events, namely whether the impact of the ownership of employees on the value of shares will affect; Whether employees can solve the outcome of the "battles for voices", which are increasingly resorted by "absorbers" to establish their control over corporations; What is the end of the last loud trials; What legislation will be accepted at the federal level and state levels?

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