How to change or add a disk letter, as well as how to hide the Winchester section? Change sections C and D or how to change the letter of the logical disk I can not change the letter of the disk

Windows WINTOVS automatically assigns all external and internal devices connected to a PC, the letter from the alphabet from A to Z, available at the moment. It is accepted that symbols A and B are redundant to floppy disks, and C - for the system disk. But such automatism does not mean that the user cannot independently override the letters that are used to designate disks and other devices.

In the practice of the name, the letter of the disk does not benefit, but if the user wanted to personalize the system for his needs or some program depends on the absolute paths prescribed in initialization, then you can perform this operation. Based on such considerations, consider how you can change the letter of the disc.

Method 1: Acronis Disk Director.

So, if you need to change the letter of a non-system disk, follow such actions.

Method 3: Using snap-in "Disks"

The most familiar way to carry out the renaming operation is the use of everyone known tool. "Disk management". The procedure itself is as follows.

It is worth noting that the renaming operation can lead to the fact that some programs that use the previously used disk letter when initializing will stop working. But this problem is solved either by reinstalling software or by configuration.

Method 4: "diskpart"

"Diskpart" - This is a tool with which you can control the volumes, partitions and discs via the command line. A rather convenient option for advanced users.

To take advantage of the DiskPart functionality to change the drive letter, you need to perform such steps.

Obviously, it is quite enough for solving the task. It remains to choose only the one that you like most.

In folder My computer You can see your logic discs, each of which is tied to a certain letter of the Latin alphabet. Historically, the letter C. Fastened for the system disk to which the Windows operating system is installed. The remaining letters are distributed in alphabetical order. Each user quickly gets used to the letters with his arrangement, but there are situations where the letter must be changed: for example, just wanted to change D. on the X. Or it is necessary for the operation of the program in which the path is rigid to some disc. There are also cases when the letter must not be changed, but to assign independently for the external drive if Windows cannot do it automatically.

Up to 26 letters for disks can be used in the computer. A. before Z.. Letters C.Z. Used for hard drives. Letters A. and B. Reserved for diskette drives. However, if the computer is not equipped with a diskette drive, these letters can be assigned to removable media.

For assigning, changing and removing the letter corresponds to the utility Disc management. You can open it in the following ways:

1. Click right button mouse on button Start And in the menu that opens, select "Disc Control"

2. Open Start - Perform and enter diskmgmt.msc.

3. Open Start and enter in the search bar diskmgmt.msc.. In Windows 8 in the Metro interface, you can also use the search feature to start the utility.

Window utility Disc management

Change the letter of the logical disk

In the Disk Management utility, select the desired disk and right-click on it. In the context menu, select Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk.

The settings window of the selected disk opens. Click on the button Change.

In the next dialogue in paragraph Appoint letter In the drop-down list, select the Literature appropriate to us.

Actually, all! However, it should be borne in mind that changing the letter is best on a clean disk to not violate the work of already installed programs.

Change the letter of the disk - the procedure performed to start the program in which absolute paths are installed in the initialization files, or ordering the hard drive sections in a certain way. Therefore, you need to know how to change the letter of the disk in Windows 10.

Rename section

The letter C is intended for the name of the system partition (it happened from the very appearance of Windows). The remaining sections are referred to in alphabetical order from D to Z.

Useful! The letters a and b are used to name floppy disk drives. If these devices are absent on the PC, use these liteers.

To change the litera, follow these steps.

  1. Start Menu → Control Panel → Administration → Computer Management → Disk Management.
    Alternative way to start the utility - in the "Run" window, enter the command: diskmgmt.msc.
  2. Select the desired section → PCM → Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk ... → Edit.
  3. Set the switch to "Assign a Disc Letter (A-Z)" position → Specify the desired Literature in the open list → Confirm the actions after the warning appears.

Important! If you rename the section in which programs are installed, most likely, their launch will be impossible.

In the case of a flash drive, repeat the same actions as when renaming hardware sections.


The video will help to clearly see how to change the letter of the disc.

Appoint letter

Assign the letter of the disk in the event that for some reason it "flew", with the result that this section of the hard drive stopped displayed when entering my computer.

How to hide the section

  1. Run the registry editor: In the "Run" window, enter the command → Regedit.
  2. Go: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Policies.
  3. Menu Edit → Create → Section with the name "Explorer".
  4. In the "Explorer" parameter, create "DWORD parameter (32 bits)" with the name "nodrives".
  5. Open "nodrives" → Set the switch to the "Decimal" position and set the value corresponding to the letter to be hidden.
    You can find out the numeric value corresponding to each disk in the table:
    A.1 I.256 Q.65536 Y.16777216
    B.2 J.512 R.131072 Z.33554432
    C.4 K.1024 S.262144 hide
    All sections
    D.8 L.2048 T.524288 display
    All sections
    E.16 M.4096 U.1048576
    F.32 N.8192 V.2097152
    G.64 O.16384 W.4194304
    H.128 P.32768 X.8388608

    Useful! To hide several sections (two or more), specify the amount of their numeric values \u200b\u200bin the field.

  6. Restart the computer.


When renaming the Winchester sections, the program installed on them can stop working. Therefore, it is necessary to perform such actions only in extreme cases or if applications require. Rename algorithm for HDD, SSD (read how to configure Windows 10 to work on SSD you can in the "Optimization of Windows 10 settings for operation of the SSD disk") and a removable flash drive of the same.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the letter that calls the disk. Why can this need it? Consider the main reasons.

Why change the letter of the disk?

The first is the convenience of data storage. If important information is stored on the same disk where the system itself is installed (typically, C), there is a risk of loss of data with possible Windows failures that happens not so rarely.

To protect the data, usually one physical disk is divided into two, C and D. On disk C install the operating system, and on the D disk - store all important information. If there is a need to reinstall the system, it is produced on the C disk, while this process can not harm the information stored on disk D.

The reasons for the second is the desire for order in the system. It happens, of course, that someone simply arises such a fag - to change the name of the disc instead of the letter D per letter F, or the other. However, this is usually done not for the sake of whim, but to streamline devices in the list.

During installation, the Windows system assigns the letter with the system disk, the letter D - DVD drive, and all logic disks assign the letters following D - E, F, G, etc. I really want to see all the discs in the list of alphabetical order, and only then drives and all other devices. To do this, it is necessary to change the letter that refers to the desired device.

The cause of the third is the use of authentication programs through the connection of the flash drive. Often, the flash drives are not called the letter, but the names, as well as are determined by the system when connected. Applications that are associated with authentication, for example, installed on a computer-key-keys for the client-bank system are adjusted to the USB flash drive, which is indicated only by a specific letter.

If another drive is connected, the flash drive called by another name does not allow the client's bank-client program. In order not to change the settings of the authentication program, you can change the name assigned to the flash drive to the appropriate letter.

You can change the letter of the disk as special disk management programs and Windows tools. Without understanding the process and administration skills, it is better not to climb into this process. But sometimes circumstances occur when it is necessary to change the letter of the disk.

However, before doing this, some features of this process should be taken into account.
1. To name hard drives, you can use letters from A to Z, only 26 letters. From the letter C to Z, use for the name of hard drives. Letters up to C, A and B are originally reserved for drives, but if the computer is not equipped with them, then you can use the letters a and b to name other disks and removable media.

2. Many programs written in Windows and MS-DOS are referenced by the classic letters that are most consumed in the name. For example, as a rule, a drive, C is a system disk. Manual assignment of other letters to these disks can lead to the fact that these programs will not work correctly.

3. Before you start the process of changing the drive letter, make sure that this disk does not occupy any processes or programs. If the disk is busy, complete all the processes and programs that are connected with it, and only then change the disk letter, otherwise these applications may not work correctly.

Consider how to change the drive letter using Windows. You can do this, only owning administrator rights. Actions are the same for both Windows 7 and 2000 / XP. So,
Change the letter of the disk using Windows tools:

Press "Start" - "Control Panel" - Select (for Win7 System and Security tab) then "Administration", then - "Computer Management", after which, on the left open the "Disk Management" item.

Step 2.
Select the desired disc, section, or logic disk by right-clicking on it. From the drop-down menu, select "Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk".
Step 3.
Click "Change".

Step 4.
Select "Assign a Disc Letter (A-Z)" if the letter is not yet selected, select the letter you want to call the drive in the drop-down menu, and confirm your choice by clicking OK.
Step 5.

Confirm once again - "OK".

After changing the drive letter, volume or section will change, and the new letter of the corresponding disk, volume or partition will appear in the "Disk Management" menu. You can use!

Greetings to you, dear guests!

In this article you will learn how to change the letter of the disk in Windows 10, Whether it is an additional partition with films / program archives, such as or a flash drive, or a removable hard disk. Only for the system partition (disk C, as a rule) you will not be able to change the letter. The instruction is written for Windows 10, but it is possible to apply it for previous versions of the OS.

Let's go right away. Right-click on the Start menu and select Disk Management item.

Another three options to go to the disc management, for those who do not seek easy ways and wants to know everything:

So, a window with a disk list opened. If you entered the computer control, then select item on the left Disc management In the Storage Devices section.

Right-click on the disk that you want to expose operations on changing the letter. Select Menu item Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk ...

In the next window, you allocate your disk in the list and click Edit.

Next will pop up the new window, in which the item has already been highlighted. Assign a Disc Letter (A-Z). To the right of it in the drop-down menu choose the desired letter. Only free letters that are not yet busy by other discs are displayed.

After clicking OK, you will see this warning that some programs that use this drive letter can stop working. If you installed any programs or games to a separate section, I do not advise you to change the letter of such a disk, otherwise there will be problems with the launch of these games / programs.

In general, agree to continue, press OK.

That's all, the letter of the disk was now replaced by a new one.

P.S.: Some labels can stop working if they refer to this disk or on the file from this disk. Therefore, check the performance of such shortcuts.

Have questions about replacing disc letters? Ask, I will answer.