How to disable all USB ports on your computer. How to access USB ports only for authorized devices and prohibit everything else? Disable or enable USB ports in BIOS

Sustier, unauthorized USB media in working computers can cause enormous harm to the entire corporate local network: from the output of the network as a whole, to theft of corporate data.

Therefore, many system administrators do not give "users" to use, so-called, "flash drives" on workstations and are trying to disable USB ports. This is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance (and it is not even necessary to pour USB ports by mounting foam, although it is also found).

You can simply disable or delete "USB controller" at all in the Device Manager, but the usual installation of the drivers will reduce all efforts to not.

How to programmatically disable USB port?

The following method relates to registry editing to lock USB media, but not a touch keyboard, mouse and other computer components.

So, turn off USB ports on your computer as follows:

Open the registry by running the "Regedit" command;

  • - Next, in the catalog, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONLSET \\ SERVICES \\ USBSTOR";
  • - in the right part of the window, find the Start string and open it with a double click or right-click and "Change";

  • - By default, the number "3" should be specified in the "Value" line. It permits connecting USB media to a computer with pre-installed USB controller drivers;
  • - So, it is in this line - "value" and it is necessary to change the number "3" to "4", which will block the connected USB media.

Change the registry in this way it is necessary on all computers consisting on the local network.

How to disconnect USB power on a Windows computer?

And an important point: you need to restrict user rights to access the registry editor, because to allow you to connect USB media, it will only be necessary to change the value to the "3" digit.

You can simply be limited to the installation of a registry editing using "Group Policy", and set the value to "prohibit access to registry editing tools" (or "Make the registry editing tools")

This item is in the "Group Policy" section - "User Configuration" - "Administrative Templates" - "System"

It is often necessary to limit the paths on which programs are not intended for the computer with the security system, and even interfering or harming the operation of the security system.

It may be the most harmless games or milder viruses. In any case, their presence is undesirable. The most common way to transfer viruses and games is simple USB flash drive or any other USB drive. In order to limit the use of any USB drives in the system and leave the ability to connect a USB drive approved by the Tutor, use the following information on


  • Computer production operators (OC Windows7)
  • Approved by the authorities USB flash drive for transferring data from industrial computers to computer operators

Provide connection only one approved by the supervision of a USB flash drive, Forbid, while connecting other, unreserved.
You can completely disable the use of USB drives using the instructions, but in our case this method is not suitable, for one flash drive must still work. So we will do differently:
So, in steps (of course, you need to have the rights of the local administrator):

  1. Win + R. (Starting analog -\u003e Perform), regedit..
  2. . This key stores information about all ever connected USB media.
  3. Give yourself full access to Usbstor (right mouse key -\u003e permissions, mark item Full access Group EVERYTHING).
  4. We delete all the contents Usbstor.
  5. We connect an approved facility, we are convinced that it was determined. Inside Usbstor Must appear key type Disk & ven_jetflash & prod_ts4gjf185 & rev_8.07 (F5 to update the list).
  6. Right click on Usbstor, Permissions. Remove Full access Group EVERYTHING, I leave the right to read.
  7. The same rights must be assigned to the user. System.But it will not work directly. First you need to click Additionally, remove the check Inherit from the parent object..., in the window that appears Safety to tell Copy. After clicking on the button "OK" User rights System. will be available to change.
  8. Press the button to fix the effect Additionally Once again and celebrate item Replace Permissions for all subsidiaries ... Confirm the execution.

What did we achieve in the end?
The allowed flash drive connects and turns off without problems. When attempting to unauthorized Windows connection, the device will determine the device, but it will not be able to install it by issuing an error of the connection. Moreover, a new key will be created in USBSTOR, which will unambiguously indicate an attempt to connect an incorporated USB drive.

Hello everyone! Today we will consider several questions at once on how to connect a USB to a computer. First, we will learn to connect any devices to a PC or laptop. And secondly, I will tell you how additional USB ports can be connected to the computer if you lack them for all devices. So let's go!

How to connect a USB cable to a computer?

USB port to date the most common type of device connection to a computer or laptop. Data connector is three - 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. If the first can now be found only on the oldest computers, then the second and third are used today. In essence, they differ in data rate. And in appearance, what is more important for us - color. USB 2.0 has a black color of the connector and forks, USB 3.0 - blue. You can read more about specifications and differences of standards.

Before connecting a USB wire to a computer, look at the plug of your gadget - if the blue connector is connected to a black port, the device will not use all its high-speed characteristics to the maximum. If the black plug is in blue, then absolutely nothing happens - simply the USB port 3.0 will work on the speed that is maximum for 2.0.

So, we look at the rear panel of your computer, we find the USB port of the same color as the fork, and plug.

After that, the device is either determined by itself in the system, if it is a keyboard, a mouse, a webcam or any more simple and common device, which in Windows already has a driver. Either it will be necessary to install the software that is attached to the CD device.

How to connect additional USB ports to a computer?

On any modern motherboard there are already built-in USB ports - both 2.0 and 3.0. However, we usually connect so much of any different reprocess that they can easily miss, for example, in order to connect a flash drive or an external disk and transfer fresh photos to it.

Connecting USB Planks on the back panel

What to do? There are two ways. The first, preferred - to purchase a separate bar with USB ports and paste it into additional slots available on the back of the case - in the same where we are secure video or audio card, wireless adapter, and other components connected directly to the board. It looks like this:

In order to implement this task, it is necessary that the motherboard supports connecting additional USB ports. It is possible to determine this by the presence on the system board of connectors, marked USB or USB 3.

Connectors for USB 3.0 large, have many contacts and are designed to connect two ports at once in the same fork.

USB 2.0 less and each of them can be connected by 2 ports of the folder.

Accordingly, we look at the presence of such connectors on the motherboard, we buy the appropriate strips, fix them in the back of the case and connect to their connectors.

Connecting a USB Block Ports instead of Flopic

Another kind of such a way to increase the number of ports is a special unit with USB, which is inserted into the front of the case instead of the old digital - Flopic 3.5

Options for execution of such a block set. For example, combined to connect USB 2.0 and 3.0

And in the following example of the USB 2.0 ports are combined with connectors for connecting microphone and headphones

Connecting such a block occurs in the same way as the above described plank - to the appropriate connectors on the motherboard.

External USB Hub

Finally, another option for increasing the number of ports is to buy an external USB hub. However, there are a number of minuses, because of which I would not connect any serious equipment through it, but would use it only for flash drives or, in the extreme case, mice.

Since this is a hub, the whole load from several ports is on one single computer, to which it is connected. Because of this overload, certain devices can periodically fall off, which is not GUT. If you connect a hard disk to USB hub, then the electricity supplied through it may not be enough for its operation. Therefore, the specifically is left only for light fast food - flash drives.

Thank you! Did not help

In some situations it may be necessary disable portsuSBWhat implies two questions: "How to do it?" And "Why is it necessary?". We will try to first deal with the second question, and then consider in detail the procedure for disconnecting USB ports.

Why turn off the USB ports?

If there is no access to your computer, you will most likely not be interested in how you can turn off the USB ports. Otherwise, the value of this kind of information will be undoubtedly due to ensuring security.

Any external device connected to a particular USB port may contain malicious code capable of creating the conditions for leakage of confidential information. Therefore, when using one PC by several persons, including family members who can use the "left" flash drive and put the "malware", should be collected by the temporary shutdown of USB ports.

How to disable USB ports on your computer?

There are several ways to achieve the task. We will not consider everything them, but we will focus on one, involving the use of registry editing. In particular, it will be necessary to find the desired object within the registry and change only one parameter. For this:

  1. Open the registry, which can be achieved by calling the "Run" window (Win + R), followed by input to the search string of the REGEDIT command and click on the OK button.
  2. Find the USBSTOR folder on the next way:
  • System;
  • Currentcontrolset;
  • services.
  1. The click on the USBSTOR folder will cause the appearance of parameters, among which you should interest only one of them - Start.
  2. Click on the string with the Start parameter by right-click and go to the "Edit ..." menu section.
  3. A window will be available in which you want to change the value "3" to the value "4" followed by clicking on the OK button.
  4. This task can be considered made.

The actions described above will lead to the fact that the USB ports will be disabled, that is, the system will be able to see plug-in drives, but the execution of any programs recorded on them will become impossible. To return the system to its original state, it is sufficient to bring the START parameter to the value "3".

How to disable a specific USB port?

To disable a specific USB port, you can contact the "Device Manager" capabilities:

  • use such a keyboard key as Win + Pause to open the System section;
  • in this section on the left there is a link "Device Manager".

In the selected section, find "USB Controllers", then the required port with the opening of its properties: Right click, which implies a menu call, where the bottom line is "Properties". To disable the selected USB port, open the Driver tab and use the "Disable" button.

Modern PCs are very productive, they are able to handle hundreds of tasks per second. If a third-party device connects to it, then the performance will increase at times. It can be a scanner or printer, smartphone or webcam. All this makes the computer a unique tool.

Disable USB ports are needed to the user so that foreign people cannot drag important information from PC. This is a kind of privacy policy. A person will not be able to connect a flash drive or hard drive with a USB connector, in order to copy important data. But it is important to make that the workers remain the connectors under the keyboard and the mouse. One of the easiest solutions is to disable USB ports through the registry on Windows 10. The main plus of this method is that it is not necessary to download different in this way, littering your PC

So, proceed. Press the Win + R keys combination. On the command prompt, write Regedit and press ENTER.

The registry appeared before us. In his left part, we find a section * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE * and click on it twice. There is a folder * System *, in which the subsection * CurrentControlse * is hidden. Next, found * Services. * And in it we are looking for * USBSTOR *. In the right part of the registry, we find the value of * start * and click on it. You will open the * Changing the DWORD * parameter. To turn off the ports, select the * 4 values \u200b\u200bin the * 4 field instead of 3.

3 - Enable USB ports, 4 - Turn off. Now reboot the PC and detect that USB ports are disabled.

Everything is very simple here. Click PCM software * My computer * Select the property item.

In the window that opens, select the section * Device Manager *.

Before us, the Tree of all devices of our PC. We find and select the * USB controllers *. Selected this section and disconnect all the necessary ports through the PCM.

It is worth noting that this method is not always operational. There have been cases when turning off 2 ports from 4 or one.

Using third-party programs

Set the ban to USB ports in the easiest way - through programs. One of these - USB Ports Disabler. This is a free program that deactivates all ports on your PC. The utility has a very simple and minimalistic interface. The program is free. USB Ports Disabler detects and disables the USBSTOR, which we have seen in the registry. So, reading data from a USB drive will be impossible.

Download usb ports disabler -

Another utility decent attention. First of all, USB MANAGER is compatible with all the VINE version. The program itself is a minor, and the installation will not cause questions. The utility is completely multilingual, difficulties with the tongue will not arise. USB Manager in one click disables \\ includes all USB ports on your PC.

Download USB Manager. -

It is worth remembering that the main malicious files enter the system through USB drives, so disconnecting the reading ports, you can easily protect yourself from headaches. You can choose a specific connector that would like to disable, it can be a connector for a printer or scanner. The program itself works quickly, clearly and correctly. It is very often updated, by the way, in the latest version updated the shutdown system for the user.