How to untie the number from someone else's page VKontakte. How quickly and without difficulty untie the number from the VK page. Do I need to delete a number before removing the page

Today I will continue to disassemble the problems that arise from social network users. The problems of these, it should be noted, a great set: one does not work, then something else is incomprehensible, another user ... In general, there are enough questions and most of them have to meet the support service. Today I will tell you how to untie the mobile phone number from the page in VK.

Users who registered on the Pavel Durov's project of five years ago, probably remember those times when the binding to the phone was not in principle. Then the idea appeared on small projects, and then large "players" of the Internet market began to enjoy it. Now it is definitely unknown who invented this method (Russian specials or foreign), but he works great. Why? Yes, just because you will never lose your account - if the phone is at hand, you can always restore access to the page. In addition, it can be done so that you would receive notifications about any changes on the device, including new messages, delivered likes, etc.

Initially, the binding to the number in VC was not mandatory - it was possible to use social. Network immediately after registration. But some time ago there was a real revolution - any account was forced to tie to the phone! Some project members were dissatisfied with such innovation, others did not even pay attention to him ... Personally, I believe that this is one of the most brilliant appearance of the Durov, because a person uses his number as a login, it may instantly restore access to the profile, and the number Questions related to its recovery decreased dramatically, which helped unload. In general, some solid advantages.

However, in the whole situation there is one minus - it is impossible to untie the number today in principle, you can only change it to another to which you have access. To do this, go to your account, select the "My Settings" section, lower the page down to the "Change Phone Number" item and click on the button of the same name.

Here we write a new number, waiting for the code on the phone and enter it into the appropriate field. All, renuncation was successful.

What to do if the page is deleted or blocked? Only one can help here - you need to write support with a complete description of the problem. You also need to do the same if you are trying to create a new account, and the system tells you that the number is already tied to another page (this is possible if you recently acquired a new SIM card). Follow all the necessary recommendations that will follow from support representatives and your problem, I am solved.

If questions appeared on the article, ask them - I will try to help you.

Sometimes there are cases when there is a need untie mobile number from your page VKontakte (Vkontakte, VK, VK). Maybe you do not want to use your personal phone for your page or just want to change the attached number to another. The reasons may be a lot, which in the end lead to one - the dislocation of the phone from the page. Let's look at how to do it.

Today we are friends, friends, consider two ways to dismiss rooms from your page. Before starting to untie the phone, you need to make sure that your page is tied to e-mail. It is very important! We turn to the main page of the contact, where you need the "My Settings" section. Select the "Alerts" tab, below are looking for an "alert by email". If the email address is not tied to your page, please specify an e-mail by clicking on the button,

When the email address is tied to your VC page (Vkontakte, VK, VK), you can proceed, actually, to the disdicker of the phone itself. To do this, go to and enter the phone number you want to untie.

And click "Send Code" after which the message will come to the phone. This code is driven by the next window,

Here we warn us that if within 15 minutes the code does not come, then it is necessary to repeat the attempt. When the number deletes, you need to drive the e-mail as a login, which we indicated above.

I note that after the dislocation of the phone from the page, each time a reminder will be shown about the need to tie their page to the number.

You can also change your number. To do this, let's go to "My Settings", the "General" tab - change the phone number,

A mobile phone number window opens. We offer your phone and click "Get the Code",

Today we will provide you with a simple visual instruction as you can untie the number from one of your pages in VKontakte and tie it to another. We tried to simplify this procedure as much as much as possible and show you how JTO to do everything without any problems.

If you have any questions or something will not have anything, you will not be written in the comments and we will help you with pleasure.

How to untie the number from the page in the VC and tie to another page?

Even until 2013, in a social network of VKontakte, with a change of the account number, only email was required. Of course, this method was very comfortable and easy, therefore, it is not surprising that soon the developers decided that in order to avoid the influx of fraud it would be better if, when changing each user will indicate its other, free phone number. Currently, without this data, it is impossible to create a new profile. Therefore, sometimes some users decide to create a new account, but there is no extra room. In today's article we will talk about how to untie the number from the page of the VC and tie to another page.

Is it possible to untie the page?

Generally, you can. However, it is necessary to admit that it will not be easy. The fact is that earlier in order to untie the phone number, it was necessary to add email address. But those times passed and currently need another number to untie the page.

If you suggest, the process of changing the number takes a lot of time. It is necessary for developers to conduct a thorough check.

ATTENTION This information is on verification.

  • Nevertheless, if you do not have these two weeks or, you just do not want to wait, then we hurry, you have one way to delight. You just need to be temporarily frozen.
  • To do this, in some group simply enter the address of the site that is engaged in the cheating of likes. By updating the page, you will see that your account is frozen for a while.
  • You will have a notification that you will know about it, at the bottom of the notification you will see that you can change the phone number. By specifying other data, the number from this page will be hardened in a couple of hours.

It is worth noting that this method may end that your profile can block forever and the room including. So that if you are not afraid of anything, you can use this option.

Below I will tell you about how to untie the mobile phone number from your page, and also how to change the phone number, If the old one is more unavailable.

How to untie the phone number from the page?

To do this, you it is primarily necessary to bind your page to the email address (If you did not do it earlier). Without this step, you will not get to untie the mobile number.

A WARNING: The same vKontakte numberit is possible to bind to different pages in VKontakte only a few times. Therefore, after the dislocation of the mobile number it happens, so that it is already becoming impossible to be used to register a new page. Therefore, if you want 1 number to register 2 accounts on the social network, then it is better not to risk.

In order to check, the phone number is tied to the page or not go to " My settings» – « Alerts" Find the line " E-mail for alerts"And make sure that the email address is available on the opposite. If necessary, click on the link " Change"And following the instructions, specify the actual e-mail.

Now, when all is ready, You can directly go to the disdicker room. To do this, use the link

In the first window, enter in international format (through +7 +34, etc.) the number of your mobile and click on the "button" Send code" In the next step, after arriving SMS, enter the received code and clap on " disable alerts».

If you are all right, then the number will turn away from this page.

NOTE! After the mobile number is bothering from the page VKontakte, to enter the social network as a login, you must use the attached email address!

How to be if there is no access to the old number?

In this situation, I i recommend to use the form of access recoveryused to unlock pages after hacking. More on how to make it is written in the article "Contact is blocked - hacked the page." Read the instructions under the watch 2.

Also try to change the phone number you can contact the Support Service In contact with.\u003dnew. and describing the current situation as it is.

The obligatory condition for creating a page in Russians "VKontakte" is a binding account to the real mobile number. The site administration this measure was invented for no accident. First, the binding page allows you to reduce the number of profiles of fakes, which we divorced quite a lot, and secondly, if the user will forget the password from the site "VKontakte", then it will be much more convenient to restore it using SMS messages. The measure would seem rather justified. However, users do not have no question: "As" VKontakte "untie the page from the room, and is it possible at all?"

What is important to remember?

  • The same mobile phone number cannot be tied to two or more pages.
  • If the "VKontakte" profile is already registered to your number, even by changing it to another, you will not be able to use for binding to another page.
  • Removal / change of mobile number is possible only if it is presented.
  • In the process of changing the number, both phone must be included and active.

How does "VKontakte" untie the page from the number?

So, let's start with the fact that if you do not want to attach a profile to the phone number, you should understand that it is impossible. That is, you can only change the current mobile phone to the new one. What is it done for? The site administration is confident that in this way it protects our accounts on the social network. How does "VKontakte" untie the page from the number?

  1. In order to get to the section where you can change your data, you need to go to the site "VKontakte" under your credentials (enter your username - mail, mobile number or nickname and password).
  2. As soon as you find yourself on your page, go to the "My Settings" section.
  3. Next, select the first tab in the top of the page and find subparagraph "number of your phone".
  4. Click on the "Change phone number" button.
  5. In the window that opens, you need to enter a new number in +7 format (hereinafter 10).
  6. After that, expect SMS messages with digital codes. They will arrive at each of the rooms (current and new). You need to enter them on the site to confirm.

How to untie the number from the page "VKontakte" if it does not exist?

In this case, you have two options:

  • take advantage of the form for (on the main page of the site, click the "Forgot password" button);
  • contact the technical network (in the message you must specify that you want to untie the number from the VK page, but it no longer exists).

In the first case, in the process of data recovery, indicate that you do not have access to the mobile number. After checking all the main data, the site system will prompt you to enter a new phone number. If you applied for help from the social network specialists, then be prepared that your appeal will not be considered immediately (the estimated response time will be indicated immediately after you are making up and send your message).

In this article, we told you as "Vkontakte" to untie the page from the room. This information will help you in this matter.