How to use Charles 3.9 3. Charles Program with Complete Instructions in Russian

Charles with full instruction in Russian
A program with which you can intercept and modify packages. It works in conjunction with the browser. For this it will be necessary to configure the browser to work through the Charles. It should be prescribed in the browser server proxy settings following the following settings: IP: Port: 8888 And Proxy type Select HTTP. Details for Opera, Firefox, Internet Explirer Below. The current version of Charles 3.5.2. Also do not forget that for the work of Charles you will need to install Java machine, which will also be written below.
For the beginning, we will have Charlez himself 3.5.2:
You can download it by reference below.
Next java:
Swing the most relevant version for your OS Operations from here:

The installation process is simple, first install Java, and then Charles.
So if Charles is already installed with the types of packages
Packages with which we will work:

Well, these packages do not need these packets:

You also need to figure out how to distinguish the incoming (which we get from the server) and outgoing (which we send to the server) Packages:



everything is simple, they differ only by arrows.
Installation on various browsers:
For Firefox Charles, it establishes its addition called Charles Autoconfiguration and nothing else.
For Opera settings look like this:
1. Go to the tools - settings.
2. Go to the \\ 'Optional \\' tab.
3. Select \\ 'Network \\'.
4. Click on the \\ 'Proxy Servers \\' button.
5. We put a tick at the point \\ 'http \\'.
6. Enter the following data: IP: Port: 8888
After completing work in the Charles program, you must turn off the proxy server in the opera, otherwise the page in the opera will no longer be opened because Everything works in this mode through Charles.
For Internet Explorer, there is the following algorithm:
1. Go to the Tools tab -\u003e Observer Properties
2. Go to the \\ "connection \\" tab.
3. Click the \\ "button setting the network \\".
4. We put on a tick (if you are not set) \\ "use a proxy server for local connections \\"
5. In the first line where it is written \\ "http \\"
6. Enter such data: Address: Port: 8888
Do not forget to turn off the proxy server after closing Charles

Now let's talk about setting up or how to configure package interception (Breakpoint):
1. Open Charles
2. Click on to record history

3. Perform any action in the application or on the site so that you have requests.
4. We are looking for a folder that we need.
5. Click PKM (right mouse button)
6. And click on

Thus, you put the data interception label on this folder. Those. Requests in this folder will be intercepted.
7. Next, click on

In order to activate the interception of data.
8. And then we intercept the incoming data.
9. To change the data go to this tab.


Priest April 3, 2017 at 02:01

Charles - instructions for teapots

  • Testing mobile applications

Hyde about how with charles track packages and emulate the slow speed of Internet connections on real Android-devices.

You can download Charles on the official website:

The product is conditionally free (trial for 30 days), but it will be enough for us.

For tests you need:
1) LAN-cable with the universe in it with the Internet.
2) Laptop with the ability to connect to it the LAN-cable and Wi-Fi transmitter.
3) A real Android device with a mobile application installed on it that you want to test.

So, we turn off the laptop from all possible Wi-Fi networks and connect the LAN-cable to it with the sacred Internet. Next, we need to distribute Wi-Fi using the laptop itself.
To do this, you need to call a command line (be sure to start on behalf of the administrator) and enter the following two commands:

Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d WIFI KEY \u003d 12345678 KEYUSAGE \u003d Persistent
Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork
(or simply copy this text in a notebook, save as * .bat file and run it every time on behalf of the administrator).

Wi-Fi Access Point created. We connect to it with your Android device, the network name (as you guessed, probably) "WiFi", and password - 12345678.

An option is possible that you will not have access to the Internet on the device itself. In this case, you need to open sharing networks. How to do it can be easily found and yourself, but since I am writing this article, I will leave a useful link right here with the instructions for eliminating this problem:

After that, as practice has shown, the Internet on the device still appeared.

1) Your IP Address
2) Port number that uses Charles for proxy.

First find out here, on the command line, typing the ipconfig command.
Of the whole nonsense, you will be given cmd.exe. We are only interested in the "Ethernet Adapter connection on a local network", namely the IPv4 address.

We remember (write) it and go further.
The port number that CHARLES uses can be found within the program itself. To do this, in the main program window, select the Proxy menu item in the Proxy Settings drop-down list. There will be something similar to you:

As you understood these coveted 8888 and there is our second number. Now it is necessary to set the connection speed limit. To do this, let's go to the Proxy → Throttle Settings menu item.

Put a tick Enable Throttling. Only for selected hosts - can be removed (if you do not test the dependence of the application from a particular domain).

The most important parameter is Bandwidth - the bandwidth of our connection is to install the level you need (I tested a very slow connection, so I put 3kb / s). Also, turn on the record (Start / Stop Recording) by clicking on the main window panel to the corresponding button to start recording.

It remains only to configure our device. To do this, go to the settings, section Wi-Fi. We go into the properties of the network, which we distribute from a laptop (and to which the device is already connected) Select "Proxy Setup" and enter two magic numbers into the appropriate fields.

All is ready! Return back to Charles and in the Sequence tab we see a wonderful picture:

This is all the requests that our application makes (for the sample took the mobile version of VC), with detailed information on each request.

P.S: To write this article, a few things pushed me:
- Lack of full and accessible description in the Russian-language part of the Internet.
- The English-speaking population of YouTube in all rollers offered to test Charles on emulators, and for my old laptop it is death like.

I hope this article will be useful. Good luck to everyone in testing and smaller bugs!

Tags: QA, Testing Tools, Charles, Charlesproxy

Almost never pay attention to the indicators of outgoing and incoming traffic. Of course, subject to unlimited connection and the presence of a dedicated line it is not required. But what to do when such data is still needed? Now we will look at one of the most popular plugins called Charles, as well as describe how to use Charles with all its functions.

What is the plugin Charles?

As already, it is probably clear, Charles is a specialized addition designed to record incoming and outgoing traffic in real time, made in the form of a software web proxy server.

Initially, this plugin is designed to work in the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser environment, however, today there are versions that can easily be used in no less popular browsers like Google Chrome or Opera. The basic settings will be shown below.

In considering the question of how to use Charles, it is worth noting that such an additional utility will not only suit ordinary users, but also administrators of computer systems, individual terminals and local networks. With proper custom setting, absolutely all parameters can be monitored and changed.


As mentioned above, the addition is designed for Mozilla Firefox browser. Thus, the installation sequence looks like the initial installation of the browser, and after that - the corresponding addition. In general, the process is standard and difficulties does not cause.

After installing the plug-in in the browser menu, an additional menu will appear, in which it will also be necessary to set the settings or use it to perform some of the basic actions.

How to work with Charles: Preliminary Settings

As for the Firefox environment, after installing the plug-in, it immediately becomes available for use without rebooting the system. The default settings are such that it is not necessary to rebuild something. The only thing that will be needed is activation.

The settings menu will have a special field where you need to enable the accessibility mode "Enable Charles". Everything. You can start working.

Another thing is when used, for example, Google Chrome. In this browser, you must enter the settings section, which is called when you press the icon in the upper left corner, and find the item regarding the change in the proxy settings. Now in the connection settings you need to put the "bird" opposite the point of use of the proxy, in the address to register, and how to use the value of 8888 as the port.

If you consider how to use Charles in terms of Opera settings, in this case you have to use the tool menu with the subsequent transition to the common settings, then to the advanced, after which in the network connections settings in the HTTP and HTTPS fields. The port remains the same.

How to use Charles: Main Aspects

So, the plugin is configured and ready to use. The simplest action with the activation of the traffic record in real time is performed using the Start / Stop Recording button.

Editing settings is carried out by the simplest way for all parameters. On the desired row, you just need to use the right click, then select the "Edit" command. After changing this or that configuration requires confirmation of changes. It is performed using the "Execute" button.

Sometimes it may be necessary to use the so-called interception of requests. This is called BreakPoints. You can activate this service in the same settings where the check mark is set in the corresponding field "Enable / Disable BreakPoints". What will it give? But what: when query interception is turned on, the plugin will automatically block all incoming and outgoing access to the server or server to the computer in the opposite mode. In other words, at a given address, it is possible to simply exclude from the list of available resources it is those objects that, roughly speaking, are undesirable or prohibited for visiting.

Tracking direct and return queries and is easier. In the graphics mode, the remote server is displayed as red arrows directed upwards, and the incoming servers requests directly to the system - arrows with the direction down.

Problems and Use Charles

In general, these are only the main and most commonly used features of the plugin. Often it can be noted that in some cases problems may also occur. For example, there are very frequent situations when in the list containing the gateway folders (Gateway) may not display certain servers and their addresses.

Apparently, the user could simply bring them to the so-called "ignore list". You can restore the settings by entering the corresponding menu (via Proxy / Recording Settings) where the "Ignore Hosts" section is selected (sometimes it may be called the Black List, depending on the program version). From here the server you just need to delete, after which it will be shown in the main list.


In principle, that's all on the question of how to use Charles. As you can see, there is no supers shop here. The plugin is made in such a way that any, even a novice user can deal with its use without problems.

Another thing is that it is often used by some unclean users of users trying to hack browser games. This is their problem. In fact, most users prefer to work with this plugin in direct appointment. And I must say that it is he is one of the easiest and most sought-after in his field.

In general, if you repel from the possibility of adding, it is worth thinking about the feasibility of its use, because with modern methods of network or Internet connections, it is not necessary.

If you suddenly do not know what Charles is, I will explain. - This is a proxy server program, it allows you to skip all traffic that gets a browser, through myself and makes it possible to even edit it. Some use this program in dishonest purposes, but I think it was not created for this.

Before you figure out how to use Charles, it needs to be installed. The program is released for many platforms, including for Linux. Do not be versions under Linux, I would not.

Well, I will try to download and install. I haven't found a package under Ubuntu, but let's hope that this will not be a hindrance. You can download packages here Yes, there are many video lessons on this site on this site.

How to install Charles in Linux?

But everything turned out to be much easier, there are repository for Ubuntu such distributions. You can install it like this. First download the key:

Wget -Q -O - | Sudo Apt-Key Add -

Then open this command the sources.listsources.list file:

Sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.

And fit into the lowest line with:

DEB Charles-Proxy Main

After that, update the sources and install the Proxy server Charles.

Sudo APT-Get Update Sudo Apt-Get Install Charles-Proxy

After installing the program in the menu Applications - Internet We will have the Charles icon. I'll try to run ....

When you first start the program suggested that I set the expansion in:

Well, it is necessary so necessary. It turned out that you need to close Firefox before installing the expansion if it is open. After installation, it must be started again, go to the expansion menu and activate this plugin. After that, the program clutched when the browser is launched and showed that it opens when it starts: Multo :(

Well, here who has enough fantasy on. I looked at some videos and noticed that this proxy server most often use for hacking games, shops and so on. Personally, I am honest and so used to use the program, and I do not advise you.

My program is more interested in SEO plan. I launched my site (this) and looked where the page sends requests? I did not like that my social buttons climb into social networks. I already guessed that these buttons are very cunning. On this site, they are in the main one, so maybe from removing at all?

Later I'll see what I sends my site and to whom I will try to get rid of the extra "spies", do I need them? Not! And you do not use this program?

Charles - This is a program that allows the user to track absolutely all data that is transmitted between its own computer and the entire Internet network. More specifically, it gives information about all requests, answers (Requests, Responses) and HTTP headlines that include cache and cookies.

To the one who uses Charles shows all the traffic "as folders" With server names. Each folder contains requests, they demonstrate how this server is currently interacting with your computer.

Instructions for using Charles

  • If you do not have "Fireworks", is it possible to use the Charles program through other browsers? Yes of course.
  • First, Opera. You need to configure it, go to the "proxy servers", check the HTTPS, HTTP checkboxes and enter the necessary data: IP, port 8888. Press "OK". Everything, the browser is ready for work.
  • Secondly, Google Chrome. It is also not difficult here. "Parameters\u003e Change Proxy Server Settings", you are looking for the "Connections" tab and enter the same IP address and port. After that, you can use Charles on Google Chrome.

7. When working Charles may arise java error. It happens if you work under Windows 7, Java is missing in it, and at the same time installed the 64-bit version of the program. Try to delete it and set the usual one.