How to remove the application from autoload. Autoload. How to delete unnecessary programs from autoload. Disconnection using the Autorun utility

Excess programs interfere with the user with each computer start. You have to wait and spend time in empty, and sometimes they are simply not needed at all. I will provide instructions on their disconnection. This will significantly reduce the download time of the computer.

Attention! Some programs may again get into autoload when they are turned on ( for example, UTorrent).

To avoid this, you need to check their settings and remove the autoload.

All ways you can see not only in the article, but also in the video. Everything is clearly demonstrated. However, the article has some nuances.

Disable Start through the menu

There is a special folder in which the files are running each time the computer is turned on. Usually, programs are added to themselves when installing if it is configured. There may not be them, but it's still worth checking.

Go to Start \u003e\u003e All Programs \u003e\u003e Autoload. And delete the extra, by pressing the right mouse button and delete.

In this example, only Skype starts from this folder. Only the basic programs in this folder are displayed here. To turn off the rest ( usually they are in the registry) It is better to take advantage of other ways.

Disable autoloading in system configurations

In all popular version of Windows, there is a built-in utility for managing the system. With it, it is enough to simply disable the autoload that remove the checkboxes. Usually it turns out to be enough to solve this problem.

You need to open the command line. Go to Start \u003e\u003e Perform ( Win + R.) And enter msconfig As in the image below.

Select the "Auto load" tab and remove the checkboxes from unnecessary programs. I automatically load the program and antivirus.

After that there will be a proposal to restart the computer. This can be done later. Absolutely all way to remove it. Only the most basic. If this is not enough, then see the following ways.

Disconnection in CCleaner

In contrast to the methods above, here you can disable the autoload from applications. First download the free CCleaner program, install and run. Select the category "Service" and the autoload. Turn off or delete unnecessary programs as shown in the image below. I left only antivirus.

Disabling makes an inactive task for autoloading, and removal removes it to the end. However, I can still add the task yourself anyway even after using deletion.

Disconnection in the registry

Everything is done manually here. If you do not want to make hands, then go to the next way. There this is much easier.

In the execution row write regedit. And go to the catalog:

  1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run

Then appear a list of tasks for autoloading. Each string will relate to a separate program. Delete unnecessary as in the image below.

Look more carefully on the road:

  1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Branch for all users.
  2. HKEY_CURRENT_User - branch for the user you are on.

If this is not enough, the next way should help.

Disconnection using the Autorun utility

The utility allows you to conveniently work with the registry and turn off the startup of only 1 click. Its capabilities include disabling not only programs, but also various DLL libraries, system services, devices drivers, and in general, which is loaded automatically. Download it and. Installation is not required.

Run the Autoruns or Autoruns64 file depending on your system version and accept the license agreement. Other files run it in the execution row.

Now your interface appears before you. Here, select the "Everything" tab and simply remove the checkboxes from unnecessary programs. All possible autoload objects will be shown here.

Clean only what you know! Disabling important system libraries or services can lead to unstable computer operation.

After that, just close the utility. Save nothing unnecessary. It will correct the value in the registry immediately after adding or removing the check mark. Manually do nothing.

It also highlights strings with various colors:

  1. Yellow - there are in the tasks of the startup, but the files are not found. They will not automatically start.
  2. Red - files without a description and without the author. It may be viruses ( but not always so).

From below, information about the file is displayed. Weight, location and more. Separate tabs indicate the location of the objects. You can tinker and turn off a lot of extra and unnecessary ( all individually). The main thing is that you turn off.

How many programs do you have in autoload?

- It is automatic downloading programs after starting the operating system. As a rule, using autoloads, those programs that must work continuously until the computer is turned on. But, many program developers abuse the possibility of autoloading their programs. As a result, programs that should not be there appear in the startup. Over time, the number of programs that are loaded automatically, grows and the computer begins to work much slowly, spending most of the performance for useless work. From this material you will learn how to remove the program from autoloading in Windows 7 and solve this problem.

Use settings to remove the program from the startup in Windows 7

Remove programs from autoloading in Windows 7 in several ways. The easiest way is to open the program settings and disable the autoload function. In most cases, this will be enough to ensure that the program is no longer loaded with the start of the operating system.

For example, to remove from autoload. You need to open the menu "Settings - program settings".

And, after the program settings opens, go to the General tab and remove the mark on the function "Run UTorrent along with Windows".

All, after that it will remain to save the settings by clicking on the "OK" button. These simple actions will be enough in order to in Windows 7 or any other version of Windows. After the next reboot of the computer, the UTorrent program will no longer be loaded automatically.

How to remove the program from autoloading in Windows 7 with msconfig

The Windows operating system has an excellent utility called "System Configuration". It allows you to manage autoload, services, as well as other parameters of the operating system. In order to open this utility you need to execute the "msconfig" command. This can be done through the "Run" menu or through the search string in the Start menu or on the starting screen with tiles if you use Windows 8.

So, press the Windows + R key combination. After that, the "Run" menu must appear before you. In this menu you need to enter the command "" and click on the input key.

After that, the "System Configuration" utility opens. Here you need to immediately go to the "Auto-loading" tab.

On this tab you can. To do this, it is enough to remove the mark opposite the relevant program. After you removed the mark Do not forget to save the settings by pressing the "OK" button.

Also using the System Configuration utility you can disable the unnecessary services. After all, services can also be used to start programs. Click the "Services" tab and set the mark on the function "Do not display Microsoft Services".

After that, you can explore the list of programs that are downloaded as services and disconnect some of them if necessary. This is done just like both on the "Auto-loading" tab: remove the mark and save the settings.

Using Autoruns To remove programs from autoloading in Windows 7

Also in order to remove the not necessary programs from the startup in Windows 7, you can use third-party programs designed specifically to solve such tasks. One of the most advanced programs of this kind is.

Use the AUTORUNS program is quite simple. All you need to do is remove the mark in front of the program you would like to remove from the startup.

Most programs that are in autoload are available on the Logon tab. And the services can be disabled on the "Services" tab. After removing the mark, the settings are applied immediately. So keep something that is not necessary.

Almost every program, installed on the computer, strives to put yourself in autoload. Therefore, the icons in the system tray (Tray - next to the clock) is becoming more and more, and the time of loading the operating system, every day, everything increases and increases!

In most cases, there is no need to automatically download programs. How to turn off the startup of the program and reduce the number of icons near the clock?

Removing programs from autoloading in Windows 7 is done like this.

Press the Start button 1, then in the search string 2 enter the word msconfig And, press the search button 3. Although most likely you will not need to press the button - the search will be performed automatically.

Fig. 2.

Under the name msconfig, 1 program was found (Fig. 2). Click by name msconfig.exe.

Fig. 3.

The System Configuration window opens (Fig. 3). In this window, select the Topproof tab (circled with a red pencil).

Fig. four

. General view of it - as in Fig. 4. Only programs you will have those that stand on your computer, but not like me.

In the list of autoload elements, calculate those programs that brazenly loaded when Windows is started, put your badges next to the clock, and sometimes even open your dialog boxes when nobody asked them!

On my drawing you see: checkmarks marked programs that are started in automatic mode. But it is the top of the iceberg! Below is a list of more programs, the autorun of which is disabled.

Your actions on this tab - delete ticks in front of the programs that are logged out when Windows startup, and you do not want it!

Of course, by name Startup element It is difficult to determine which program belongs to this element. Then see the folder of which program leads the team. If you are not visible to the whole line of the team, then pull the mouse cursor to the right dividing element between the words command and location. Then the whole line opens.

Disable autoload no need to anti-virus programs and firewalls.

In addition, for example, I have a Punto Switcher program automatically switches Russian and English keyboard layouts. When you work on the Internet, this program is simply not replace. Naturally, every time it will be tired of it. Therefore, the best option is when it stands in autoload.

But the download master, Adobe Reader and many others can be launched if necessary - why they all the time hang around in autoload.

After you remove the checkboxes in front of some programs, press the apply buttons, and then OK (Fig. 4). The following message will appear.

Fig. five

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, you press the reboot button. And if you don't hurry, then press the output button without rebooting, and, all the changes you make will take effect after another turning off the computer or reboot.

If the result turns out to be unexpected - somehow I accidentally turned off the system clock along with the language panel, do not worry! It is enough to install the tick back, make a reboot and everything will return to your places!

Remove programs from autoloading in Windows XP

In Windows XP, the removal of programs from the startup is done so. Press the Start button and open the main menu.

Fig. 6.

In the main menu, click the Run button.

Fig. 7.

The Startup program opens. You dial in the Open field: msconfig And click OK button.

Fig. eight

You will open the system Setup window. In it will see 6 tabs. You don't need to touch anything on five tabs! Immediately click the cursor over the tab. General view of it - as in Fig. 8. Only programs you will have those that you put, but are not like me.

In my picture you see: green checkmarks are marked by programs that are started in automatic mode. But it is the top of the iceberg! Below is a list of more programs, the autorun of which is disabled.

Looking through the list of programs and remove the green tick before unnecessary, in your opinion, programs.

After you select the startup elements to shut down, press the Apply buttons, and then OK (Fig. 8). The following message will immediately appear.

Fig. nine

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, you press the reboot button. And if you do not hurry, then press the output button without rebooting, but still the changes made by you will take effect after another shutdown of the computer or reboot.

Disable startup from Windows XP and Windows 7 is similar, so not to repeat, you can see my tips under Figure 4.

Disable programs in Windows 10 autoload

Easier and faster, you can, disable autoload programs in Windows 10 through Task Manager.

To call the task manager, press the keys Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC And the window appears in front of us:

Turning off the program forwarding in Windows 10

In the Task Manager window, click the Top-load tab. The tab shows a list of programs installed on your computer, where the status of the startup is indicated: enabled, or disabled.

Click on a program that needs to turn off the startup. The string is highlighted in blue1. Press the Disconnect 2 button and the autorun of this program during Windows boot will not work.

By the way, on the button 2, instead of the command, disable, will appear on. That is, if you, inadvertently, turned off the wrong program, you can correct the error and, by repeatedly pressing the button, turn on the autoload of this program.

Many programs after installation automatically record themselves in. Over time, it creates a lot of problems, since all programs from autoload are loaded immediately after the start of the operating system. As a result, the speed of loading the operating system itself and the speed of its operation as a whole is significantly reduced. In this article we will tell you how to delete programs from autoload.

As a rule, programs are recorded in the autoload in two ways: regular startup and autoloading as a service. Sometimes two of these methods are sometimes used.

Consider several ways to remove programs from autoload.

Method No. 1. Configure the program.

Most of the programs that write themselves into autoload, allow the user to disable this feature. To do this, you need to go to the program settings and disable the program startup. Most often, this possibility is implemented as a checkbox (checkboxes). In the picture below settings for autoloading in the program.

But not all programs allow it to do. Therefore, if you could not find a way to disable the autoload of the program in its settings, you need to use the following methods described.

Method # 2. MSCONFIG utility.

In Windows operating systems, there is a very convenient utility called MSCONFIG. With it, you can configure many system parameters and including remove programs from autoload. In order to start it, you need to call the "Run" menu and enter the msconfig command.

Also, the msconfig utility can be found and run by searching in the Start menu or in the starting screen if you have installed Windows 8. When the MSCONFIG utility is running, you can switch to removal of programs from autoload.

To do this, go to the "Auto-loading" tab and remove ticks in front of programs that should not be in autoload. After that, go to the "Services" tab and make the same.

When working with the "Services" tab, you need to be careful. Disconnecting some services may entail the unstable operation of the operating system. Therefore, it is better not to disable the services for which the Microsoft Corporation manufacturer is specified. The same applies to services that are installed by drivers. The manufacturer, for these services, will indicate the name of the company of the manufacturer of your components. For example, it can be: Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, REALTEK.

After all the necessary settings are made saving the result using the "OK" button.

Method number 3. Third-party programs for managing autoload.

There are a large number of diverse programs that allow you to delete programs from startup. One of the most convenient programs of this type is Autoruns.

This program provides the user with full access to all methods of autoloading in the system. But we, first of all, are interested in tabs under the names "Logon" (records of programs recorded in the autoloader) and "Services" are stored here (programs recorded in autoloading as a service).

Working with the Autoruns program is very simple. In order to delete the program from autoloading with the right mouse button on the program and select the Delete item.

Almost every program, installed on the computer, strives to put yourself in autoload. Therefore, the icons in the system tray (tray - next to the clock) becomes more and more, and the boot time of the operating system increases. In most cases there is no need to automatically download programs. How to turn off the startup of the program and reduce the number of icons near the clock? Today's post is about it.

Remove programs from autoloading in Windows XP

This is done so. Press the button Start And open the main menu. In the main menu, press the button Perform (Circled with a red pencil).

Fig. one

Window opens Running program . You dial in the Open field: msconfig

Fig. 2.

Now click the button OK and the window opens System Setup.

Fig. 3.

In this window you will see 6 tabs. You don't need to touch anything on five tabs! Immediately click the cursor over the tab. General view of it - as in Fig. 3. Only programs you will have the ones that you put, but are not like here. In the list of autoload elements, calculate those programs that are loaded when Windows is loaded, put your badges next to the clock, and sometimes even open your dialog boxes when no one asked them. In Figure 3, you see: Green checkboxes are marked by programs that run automatically. But it is the top of the iceberg! Below is a list of more programs, the autorun of which is disabled. Of course, by name Startup element It is difficult to determine which program belongs to this element. Then watch the folder which program leads Team . If you are not visible Team , then the mouse cursor pull the right separation element between words Team and Location . The whole string will open. All commands that are sent from the Program Files folder are automatically falling under suspicion as unauthorized.

You do not need to remove from autoload antivirus programs and firewalls . You can experimentally determine, you need one or other program in the autoload. For example, if you disable PRAGMA translator, then after removing from the startup, the program will stop the name itself to be installed in Word. Each time you will need to first start the PRAGMA program first, and then translate the text. Naturally, it is inconvenient, therefore it is worth returning this program into autoload, putting a tick opposite its element.

Also, many have a program Punto Switcher. Automatically switchables Russian and English keyboard layouts. When you work on the Internet, this program is simply indispensable. Naturally, every time it will be tired of it. Therefore, the best option is when it stands in autoload.

But the programs Winamp. , Download Master , Adobe Reader. And many others can be launched, if necessary, there is no need to hang around in autoload all the time.

Driver 32. - purebred virus.

MSDTC. - Makes steps for the internet dialing on each download. - Spy.

NewsUpd. - generally installed to download updates. However, at the same time collects information about the user and sends them to the expanses of the Internet.

Savenow. - Variety Spyware. .

TimeSink Add Client. - Spy. Gather a lush bouquet of banners in your collection. Destroy immediately.

After you choose the desired startup elements, press the buttons Apply , and then OK (Fig. 3). After that, the following message will appear.

Fig. four

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, you press the button. And if you do not rush, then press the button Exit without reboot But still the changes made by you will take effect after another shutdown of the computer or reboot. If the result will be unexpected - for example, inadvertently turned off the system hours along with the language panel - do not worry! It is enough to install the tick back, make a reboot and everything will return to your places! Fig. 7.

Window opens system configuration which is slightly different from that in Windows XP (Fig. 3). Therefore, I will not repeat - Then you act according to the recommendations under Fig. 3.

I wish you success!