How to set a password to open the Excel file. How to protect the Excel file? Put a password on the sheet and all the book. How to put a password to change the exel document

Safety and protection of data are one of the main directions for the development of modern information technologies. The relevance of this problem is not reduced, but only grows. Especially important data protection for table files in which important information is often stored in the commercial information. Let's find out how to protect Excel files using a password.

The program developers perfectly understood the importance of installing the password on Excel files, so there are several options for performing this procedure at once. At the same time, it is possible to establish a key, both on the opening of the book and on its change.

Method 1: Setting the password while saving a file

One method involves setting a password directly when saving Excel's book.

So we defended the Excel file. Now it will take appropriate passwords to open and edit it.

Method 2: Setting the password in the "Details" section

The second way implies the installation of the password in Excel "Intelligence".

Method 3: Installation of the password and its removal in the "Review" tab

The ability to install a password exists also in the tab "Reviews".

As you can see, Microsoft Excel offers several ways to protect the file with a password, both from deliberate hacking, and from unintentional actions. You can pass through the opening of the book and editing or changing its individual structural elements. At the same time, the author can determine himself, from which changes he wants to protect the document.

One of the most effective document protection methods is to install a password on it. Today, computer users have the ability to set a password to any document from the Microsoft Office package. If your Excel document contains important data that should not be seen to third parties, you can put a password to this document to ensure reliable protection.

How to set a password to an Excel document?

Almost every full-fledged spreadsheet editor has a password document protection function. Below we will look at the procedure for installing a password for two popular programs - and free LibreOffice office package.

Installing a password in Microsoft Excel

1. Run Microsoft Excel, click on the menu button and go to the point "Prepare" - "Enchant Document" .

2. In the window that opens in the graph "Password" Enter anyone desired security key, the duration of which should not exceed 255 characters.

3. Confirm the password by specifying it again in the column "The confirmation" and then click on the button "OK" .

If you suddenly need, then you can do it by moving to the menu "Enchant Document" and then exposing in the graph "Password" and "The confirmation" Empty strings.

Installing the password in LibreOffice

1. Run the spreadsheet in LibreOffice, and then go to the menu "File" - "Save As" . In the displayed conductor, specify the folder where the copy of the document, extension will be saved, check the point near the item. "Save with password" and then click "OK" .

2. The password task window appears on the screen. Come up with any desired password, enter it in the first graph, and then repeat it in the second. Once you click the button "OK" The specified folder will appear a pellet copy of the document (if necessary, the old copy without a password can be calmly removed).

Password removal is as follows: Go to the menu again "Save as" and make sure that the conductor opened is not a tick "Save with password" . After pressing the button "OK" A copy of the document will appear in the folder on the computer, but already as before, without a password.

Using such a simple data protection method, you can be confident in the confidentiality of your information.

It is worth touched upon such an important question: how to pass an excel file. The presented tool is an integral part of Microsoft Office. Excel allows you to create tables of various levels of complexity, apply formulas, change design. To date, all versions of the program support the password setting.

detailed instructions

The description of the process can be divided into several stages. Passing Excel materials allow * .xls format files, as well as any other Microsoft Office documents, including Word and Access. To perform the procedure, the following steps are required:

1. At the end of the process, click the File item. It is located in the menu, at the top of the Microsoft Excel window.
2. When the list appears, you need to go to the "Save As" section. To do this, click on it with left mouse button.
3. In the File Save window, you should find the "Service" menu and press the inverted triangle.
4. After that, the "General Parameters" feature will appear, which and must be applied.

Password setup

Now go to the main actions that allow you to pass the Excel file. When the "General Parameters" section appears, you will need to enter a password that will allow you to enter the document, as well as to edit it if necessary. When you activate the "read only" function, the default toolbar is turned off when the password is installed. When you provide a document protection only for starting it, the input request occurs constantly at the time of opening the table. In order to use it, as well as edit its data, you need to know the secret combination.

To open an Excel sackcloth file, provided that the protection is set to change the material, the launch is carried out standard without preventing requests. Difficulties arise when introduced into the table of new data, as well as an attempt to save the document. As a result, the user will require to introduce a secret combination. Installing both password types provides double input during the opening and closing file.

It is worth noting that you can install different passwords for opening and editing the material. Now you need to return to the setting. After the password is created, you must click "OK", which is in "General Parameters". In the conductor, you need to enter the name of the file, save it using the appropriate function.

Removing the password is also affected by the question that concerns the definition of the installed protection in Excel. To solve such a task, an additional program is required. The application is equipped with built-in tools capable of performing these actions. First you need to run Excel, as well as open the file you want to get rid of the password. Then you need to use the "File" menu. It needs to specify "Save as" and the "Service" menu.

After that, it is worth moving into "General Parameters". To do this, you need to make a double click of the mouse on asterisks located in the password row. Then use the "DEL" button to perform the necessary actions. The correct implementation of the operation is confirmed by the "OK" key. After that you need to click "Save", and then the "Yes" button, which opens in a new window. After completing such simple actions, the password in Excel will be removed.

When using sheets, similar operations are carried out. You need to open the "Service" menu, then use the "Remove Protection" command. To cancel actions, you will need to enter the password installed earlier.

The methods presented above can pass an excel file, as well as to remove the protection from the document.

How to put a password on an excel file

Safety and protection of data are one of the main directions for the development of modern information technologies. The relevance of this problem is not reduced, but only grows. Especially important data protection for table files in which important information is often stored in the commercial information. Let's find out how to protect Excel files using a password.

Installation of the password

The program developers perfectly understood the importance of installing the password on Excel files, so there are several options for performing this procedure at once. At the same time, it is possible to establish a key, both on the opening of the book and on its change.

Method 1: Setting the password while saving a file

One method involves setting a password directly when saving Excel's book.

  1. Go to the tab "File" Excel programs.
  2. Click on item "Save as".
  3. In the window that opens, click on the button "Service"located at the very bottom. In the menu that appears, select the item "Common parameters…".
  4. Another small window opens. Just in it, you can specify a password to the file. In field "Password for opening" We enter a keyword that will need to specify when opening a book. In field "Password to change" Enter the key to be entered if you need to edit this file.

    If you want your file to be able to edit unauthorized persons, but you want to leave access to view free, then, in this case, enter only the first password. If two keys are specified, then when you open the file, you will be prompted to enter both. If the user knows only the first one of them, then it will be available only to read, without the ability to edit data. Rather, it will be able to edit everything, but it will not be possible to save these changes. It can only be saved in the form of a copy without changing the initial document.

    In addition, you can immediately put a tick near the item

    At the same time, even for a user who knows both password, the default file will open without the toolbar. But, if desired, he will always be able to open this panel by pressing the appropriate button.

    After all the settings in the common parameters window are made, click on the button Ok.

  5. A window opens where you want to enter the key again. This is done to ensure that the user is erroneously at first entering the typical. Click on the button Ok. In case of incomprehensibility of keywords, the program will offer to enter a password again.
  6. After that, we come back to the file saving window again. Here, if you wish, change its name and determine the directory where it will be. When all this is done, click on the button "Save".
  7. So we defended the Excel file. Now it will take appropriate passwords to open and edit it.

    Method 2: Setting the password in the "Details" section

    The second way implies the installation of the password in Excel "Intelligence".

    1. Like last time, go to the tab "File".
    2. In chapter "Intelligence" Click on button "Protect file". The list of possible options for protection of the file key opens. As you can see, you can protect the password not only the file as a whole, but also a separate sheet, as well as to establish protection to changes in the structure of the book.
    3. If we stop the selection at the point "Encrypt password"The window will open in which the keyword should be entered. This password meets the key to open a book that we used in the previous method while saving a file. After entering the data we click on the button Ok. Now, without knowing the key, the file no one can open.
    4. When choosing item "Protect the current sheet" A window opens with a large number of settings. There is also a password input window. This tool allows you to protect a specific sheet from editing. At the same time, in contrast to protection against changes through saving, this method does not provide for the ability to even create a modified copy of the sheet. All actions are blocked on it, although in general the book can be saved.

      Settings for the degree of protection The user can set himself, exposing the checkboxes at the respective items. By default, from all actions for a user who does not own a password, available on a sheet is only the selection of cells. But, the author of the document can allow formatting, inserting and removing rows and columns, sorting, applying an autofilter, a change in objects and scripts, etc. You can remove protection with almost any action. After setting the settings click on the button Ok.

    5. When clicking on the item "Protect the structure of the book" You can set the protection of the document structure. The settings provide blockage of the change in the structure, both with password and without it. In the first case, this is the so-called "fool protection", that is, from unintentional actions. In the second case, this is already protected from targeted document change by other users.
    6. Method 3: Installation of the password and its removal in the "Review" tab

      The ability to install a password exists also in the tab "Reviews".

      As you can see, Microsoft Excel offers several ways to protect the file with a password, both from deliberate hacking, and from unintentional actions. You can pass through the opening of the book and editing or changing its individual structural elements. At the same time, the author can determine himself, from which changes he wants to protect the document.

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      How to put a password to the Excel file to protect your document?

      Good all the time of day, dear friends! How are you feeling? Personally, I have it Friday, but it's not ahti outside. Anyway. Please tell me, and what office package do you use? I am sure that most of you enjoy Microsoft Office, and I am no exception. And of course, everything is probably known about Excel. So you know that it turns out to be a built-in means of protection?

      No, I do not mean antivirus. I mean what you can protect this document using the password. In one of my articles, I told how to put a password for a folder or archive, but I see no sense to use the program presented in that article if you need to protect the Excele document or information that can be placed in a text document (for example names, passwords, etc. d.).

      In general, today I will show you how to put a password to the Excel file if you still do not know. And all these methods work perfectly both in the 2010 version and in the version of 2013. We went!

      Password protection for opening

      1. Go to Microsoft Excel and create a new book or discover your already available document. After that, click "File", then select "Details".
      2. Next, select the "Protection of the Book" item and select "Enchant using a password" from the drop-down list.
      3. You will pop up the window in which you will need to enter your invented password. After that, you will open a similar window in which you will need to once again enter the same password. After that, do not forget to save the file.

        Everything. Now leave Excel and open this document again. You will pop up the window where you need to enter your password. Just do not forget passwords from the document, otherwise, in contrast to other Internet services, you cannot restore e-mail or telephone.

        Editing protection

        In addition to conventional password protection, you can block some specific functions on a separate sheet, or on the entire book entirely. Let's see how it is done.

        1. Well, I think it's not necessary to go to Excel. In the menu from above, select "Review". Then click on "Protect Leaf" or "Protect the Book" (or again select "File" - "Information" - "Protect the Book"). In both cases, everything is done equally, it simply understands that the first option is valid only within one sheet, and the second in the entire book is entirely.
        2. You will highlight the window in which you will need to choose those items that will not be available for any user until it enters the cherished protective word. Well, let's leave the checkbox as it is. Now be sure to enter the password to disable the protection and click OK.
        3. Try to enter some cell. You will immediately show the window with the inscription: "And Krenushki you!". Well, I was joking about the last). Just the window will simply be displayed in which you will be said that this cell is on a protected sheet. In general, you will need to remove protection.
        4. To remove this protection, you need to select the "Review" menu and click "Remove Protection". After that, enter your password and everything works.
        5. Well? Everything worked out? I think you should have had problems. But if all the same have problems, then contact. I will help you).

          Alternative way

          You can put a password and a little different way.

Very often refer to how to set a password to Microsoft Excel 2007/2010, so that the document is available to other users only in read mode. Today I will explain how to establish protection for changing the Excel file.
This information is designed primarily for newcomers, therefore, it replete with a large number of screenshots and a detailed description of actions that may seem completely requiring comments. Please treat with understanding.
1. And so, we have an open XLSX document with the name Book 1.. Go to the tab FileAs shown in Figure 1.
Picture 1.
2. Here you choose the item Save asCircled red.

Figure 2.
3. A document dialog box appears. At the bottom of the window, click the button Servicemarked with a red marker in Figure 3.

Figure 3.
4. After that, a pop-up menu will appear. In it you need to choose the item Common parameters.

Figure 4.
5. We see the general parameter window where you can set the password both to open the file and change. In our case, you need to install a password only to change, so in the field Password for change We enter a password.

Figure 5.
6. Next, press the button OK.

Figure 6.
7. In the password confirmation request window, we enter our password again, then press the button OK.
Figure 7.
8. The system returns us to the file saving dialog box where you press the button SaveCurved in the figure below.

Figure 8.
9. And so, we have a XLSX document that is protected by a password for change. We try to open it.

Figure 9.
10. When trying to open the file, the password for full access will be requested. In addition, as we see in Figure 10, we can open it in reading mode.

Figure 10.
11. The header of the Microsoft Excel window will be seen, the document is open in limited mode.

Figure 11.