How to resume a deleted VKontakte page. How to restore a page in contact. How to delete an old page if you forgot your login and password

If for some reason it was, then you can restore your account within seven months. To do this you will need a login and password.

If you lose information in one of the provisions, you can restore the data using the linked email.

Note: if 7 months have not passed since the account was deleted, and they demand at least some amount from you to restore the page, it is a virus.

To continue working with Vkontakte, you need to clean your computer using an antivirus.

How to restore a page after deletion

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To figure out how to restore a VKontakte page after deletion, you need to go to the social network site, and then:

1 Log in to your account by entering your phone number and password.

Log in to your account by entering your phone number and password.

2 Then a page will open, where it will be indicated that the page has been deleted, and at the top of the window there is a button "restore your page".

3 After which you will be asked to repeat the account recovery command.

The account is unblocked and suitable for its intended use.

How to restore a VKontakte page if you forgot your data

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Very simple procedure page recovery if the password and login were saved somewhere. But if you lose information such as a password, you need to act a little differently:

  • On the com/restore page you need to enter your login, email or phone number (whichever you remember) that matches this account. If you don’t remember any of this, you need to find “click here” at the bottom of the window. This is suggested in case “if you don’t remember the data or don’t have access to the phone.”

If you don’t remember the details or there is no phone number nearby, click “click here”

  • In the pop-up window, you can enter a link to the page, or you can ask one of your friends.
  • If it doesn’t work through other people, you can choose from a list of people. To do this, you need to enter the first name and last name under which your VKontakte account is registered. To make the process go faster, you can use filters by indicating the country, city and other details available on the page.
  • After a successful search, you need to click on the desired page with the indication “this is my page.”
  • Now to restore you need to enter old number the phone number to which the page was linked, as well as a new valid number that will be listed under this page. In addition, you will need a password.

This can be done by clicking on “help” in the menu bar at the top of the page, then going to the introduction line and typing any question.

When the answer is given, it will be possible to click below "this doesn't solve my problem".

When clicked, a transition will take place to a form that will need to be adhered to while presenting the problem as clearly as possible.

Here you should indicate in as much detail as possible why the page was deleted or blocked, what you remember, what you don’t remember, and what you did.

Wait for a response. If the support service refuses to help, the account cannot be restored.

How to restore a blocked VKontakte page

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Fill out the form

Typically, after this procedure, the user is notified of the reasons for blocking the account.

It often happens that a blocking period is indicated. And if it is still ongoing, then when you try to restore your account, you will be notified about this.

Thus, when trying to recover an account on the VKontakte social network, you need to know the login and password in order to be able to recover without problems within the first 7 months.

Although, even if some data is lost, it is not so difficult to return your page to its intended use.

But it is important to exclude the presence of viruses on the computer, otherwise information leakage may occur.

Many people probably had the following thought: “That’s it, I’ll delete myself from all social networks, I’ll spend more time doing useful things, I’ll finally see my friends in person!”

But after a month has passed (some have more, some have less), you think that you should go to VK or Facebook and find out what interesting things happened there during your absence.

If you deleted your account yourself, then you shouldn’t worry about this incident at all. This problem can be solved in one click, the main thing is that your absence from the Internet does not last longer than seven months. Otherwise, this will no longer be possible and you will have to create a new profile.

So, what steps need to be taken:

  1. Login to VK.
  2. Enter your username and password in the appropriate place.
  3. In the window that appears in the left corner, click on the inscription “Restore”.

But in addition to the above-described case, it happens that you forgot your password or login, you were hacked or blocked. Then things will be a little more complicated with restoration. But you can - just read the article to the end.

How to restore access to a page in contact if you have forgotten your login information

Yes, it happens that after a long absence from your page, you completely forget your login information. Therefore, I strongly recommend saving them somewhere, especially since you can’t always trust the browser in which this data is supposed to be stored.

So, to log into your account, you need an active phone number or e-mail that was used to login. A message with a new password will be sent to it if you entered everything correctly in the “Restore access to page” menu https://vk. com/restore (enter without spaces). Enter the numbers received on your phone or email and then change the password to a more convenient one for you.

If there is no link to the number, you should contact the service for restoring access to the page for help. https://vk. com/ restore?act=return_page (remove spaces). Here you will have to enter a link to your profile. If it is not saved in memory, then, in principle, it’s okay, you can simply enter the first and last name under which you were registered.

Unlock procedure

VK may not open due to your device being infected with viruses, and the problem with logging in can be solved by simply cleaning it with an antivirus.

The login block is also the result of a violation of rights that you were warned about during registration (and most people do not read them and immediately click “Next”). VKontakte moderators indicate the reason for the blocking and provide a link with instructions on how to prevent them in the future.

You may also receive messages offering to restore your lost account for money. This is a scam! VK moderators perform these procedures for free.

This type of blocking, called “freezing,” does not last long. The page is simply unavailable due to minor errors. You just need to go to VK and link your number.

After linking, you will receive an SMS with a code. Let's invent New Password and click on “Unfreeze page”.

If the site is blocked for serious violations, then there is nothing left to do but wait for the end of the period for which access is blocked. It is indicated in the same way as the reason.

If you have done something completely unforgivable, then you are unlikely to get permission to enter. You will receive this message:

You, of course, can talk to technical support workers, but it’s easier to create new account and no longer violate the rules for using the social network. But you can still try. Maybe you can make the VK specialists feel sorry for you.

If somehow a hack occurred, then you need to try recovery methods using the phone number or technical support that were indicated above.

The support service will help with closed access to your account, but you will never be able to restore lost connections with family and friends. Moral of the story: Meet more often in real life, not online!

Now you know how to restore access to a VK page, if you still have questions, ask them in the comments below.

You can regain access to your VKontakte account even after deleting it, if you have forgotten your password or your profile has been hacked by scammers. Repeat the simple steps in our instructions and do not agree to offers to buy a magic script that will solve the problem. We'll tell you how to restore a page in Contact without paying and using legal methods.

It is not difficult to return a VK account after deletion within the first 7 months. like this free opportunity provides all users with a social network, while you also restore your friends list, feed entries and saved contacts.

To restore your personal page in Contact after deleting it, go to the social network website with your login and password. You will see the deleted profile and the data until how long the recovery function will be available to you. Click on the “Restore your page” link above and confirm the action. The usual social network news feed will open; you have managed to restore your page after deletion.

If more than 7 months have passed since the deletion, how can I restore the deleted page? Write a request to VKontakte technical support and be prepared to confirm the authorship of the account. If it is still archived and can be restored, you will receive detailed instructions further actions. Once the profile is permanently deleted, it will no longer be possible to resume it - you can only create a new page.

After blocking or hacking

You may lose access to the page due to administrator blocking - if you are caught sending spam or other violations of the rules. Fraudsters can also hack your account and change your password. Before restoring the VK page, it would be a good idea to check your computer with an antivirus - some viruses block access to the social network and display a spoofed message in which they offer to restore the VK page for a certain amount. Do not agree to the offer; after treating the PC, access will immediately return.

How to restore a page account in a contact depends on the type of blocking:

  1. Temporary - for minor violations of the rules. After logging into the social network, you will be asked to run the antivirus, then confirm your identity by entering the code from the SMS message. At the same time, you can change to receive SMS directly on the profile unfreeze page.
  2. For serious violations, next to the message about detected abuses you will see a blocking period. You can restore the VK page only after its completion.
  3. Eternal - in case of repeated non-compliance with the rules or fraud, the administration blocks the VKontakte page forever. If you still want to return your Contact page, click on “Contact support” below. State in detail the circumstances of what happened and wait for the administration’s decision.
  4. In case of hacking - if fraudsters hacked the account and set a new password, the profile will be frozen. All you have to do is enter your login and confirm page recovery with the code from SMS via phone. During the process you will change your password, use a more complex combination to avoid being hacked again.

We have discussed how to restore access to a page after being blocked by the administration. Use official methods and do not use a spy script, which will only make the situation worse.

No password

How to restore your VK profile if you forgot your login and password? A special social network form will help you regain access at:, because people often forget their login details. Algorithm for recovery if you forgot your password:

  1. Enter your phone number or email address.
  2. Enter the last name indicated on your personal page.
  3. Confirm that the system has found the required account.
  4. Receive it on your phone or email code, enter it in the form.

If a phone number was not linked to your account, and there is no access to e-mail, then return it to yourself. old page it will still work. How can you start recovery without a phone number:

  1. Click on the phrase about forgotten data below.
  2. In the next step you will need the address of your page. If it is not saved by you or your friends, run a search for people on VKontakte. Use your first and last name, city, age, place of study - everything that was indicated in the profile.
  3. Next to the link you want, click “This is my page.”
  4. To restore the page, enter an available number mobile phone, take and upload a photo - your face against the background of a PC monitor or tablet with open browser from VK.
  5. Add a photo of your ID. You only need a clear image of the name, surname and personal photograph in the document; its number can be covered with a piece of paper or erased in a graphics editor.
  6. Submit your application and you will receive the administration’s decision via SMS.


We figured out whether it is possible to return a hacked VKontakte account and how to log into the social network without forgotten password. For all problems there is an official and free solution. Therefore, do not pay scammers money for restoration or for a script - there is a high probability of losing access to the social network forever.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1.— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2.— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when it was deleted for you by someone who gained unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    . If after this you decide to restore your VK page, then use the following method.

    What is it for

    After deleting a page, you have 7 months to return to social network. It is enough to restore the page and you will immediately receive full access to your profile and all functions.

    How to restore a VKontakte page after deletion

    Go to the main page:

    Here, in the login and password entry form, we must enter our credentials (see). After that, click the “Login” button.

    We will see a message stating that the page has been deleted. Here we are interested in the link "Restore your page". Let's click on it.

    we will be moved to a special form where we need to click a button "Restore page".

    After that, he redirected us to his profile page. Great, you can use the contact again.

    Restoring access to the page

    If you cannot log into your profile because you have forgotten your credentials, you need to use the password reset function.

    After entering your password incorrectly, you will be redirected to the access recovery page. Here you need to enter your phone number that was linked to the page (see), and click the button "Restore access".

    A code will be sent to your phone which you need to enter into the form. After that click the button "Restore access". You will need to come up with and enter a new password (see).

    After you go to your VK page, you can proceed to the recovery process.


    Please note that if within 7 months you do not return your page, all data will be deleted. Then you will need to register again.

    Now you know how to restore access to your VK page. Use it!


    In contact with