Windows 7 Remote Desktop Manager. Review and testing free RDP clients for Android. RDCMAN: Access to the Hyper-V Virtual Machines Console

Hi, Habr! This post is written solely in order to shed light on an undeservedly lost program of Microsoft program, and not to review all its capabilities. Here will not even be downloading links. But first things first.


Emoxam Habrustr Post inspired about the convenience of remote servers management. And in particular, running Windows Server. For * NIX systems I use the old woman Putty and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mega-combine I do not like. But this, of course, is a purely personal opinion. I will say honestly, I used to be lazy enough and enjoyed the standard client of the remote desktop Alya Mstsc.exe. But by going to another company, with the number of servers an order of magnitude more, the endless windows of the terminals began to tire.

Programs like Radmin and DWNTU install their modules / services for each computer that needs to be controlled. And so wanted something native (i.e. working on the RDP protocol), as well as free. I will not list a list of monsteroidal combines and simple programs that have been tested, also refrain from transferring their advantages and minuses worthy.

Random Nakhodka

Separately, I want to stop on the program to which I came across randomly. This lightweight (less than 800 KB) and, as it turned out, a very convenient program does not require setting hundreds of parameters, does not support the skins and does not ask for a separate database for storing connections. But it fulfills its main purpose on perfectly. Its name is the Remote Desktop Connection Manager or RDCM or RDCMAN, as Microsoft calls it. The latest version is dated 2010, but it does not affect functionality. I checked it in work and from 2000 and with 2008R2 servers (from 2012 has not yet been able to test). In addition to the standard set of functions such as storing and substituting a login / password, Favorites, etc. T.P. The program has its own raisin, or rather three.
  • The ability to connect to the console. For me it is very useful, because The company strictly follows the licensed policy therefore the terminal service is not installed far from each server. The default Windows Server allows two simultaneous Remote Desktop connections. The same feature allows you to "raise" a restriction to three. Yes, yes, it is in the standard client, but not all of the competitors.
  • Interactive open connections miniatures that are renewed in real time. Those. You can not only monitor what is happening on multiple servers at the same time, but also click, for example, OK in the junctioned window, right in miniature. Not a key function, of course, but competitors are not seen.
  • Tree view of the list of servers and open connections. It is necessary to get used to a little and it turns out to be much more convenient to the tabs. Again IMHO, so in third place.
Not enough unless the functions of adding servers through the network scanning.

Not known to anyone

The main factor prompted to write this article is that the program is little known, rarely who uses it and from my point of view it is not deserved. None of my colleagues heard about such. Of course not an indicator, but still. Bypassed her side and Wikipedia. You can find RDCM on the English version of Microsoft. If you are interested, look for the full name.

Thanks for attention.

The system administrator of the large network daily has to connect via SSH or Telnet to network hardware for configuring and troubleshooting. And how many times a day does he introduce his credentials to once again connect with Windows RDP server?

Utility Rdcman. (Remote Desktop Connection Manager) - Convenient RDP manager connections for Windows system administrator, allowing you to manage in one window with a large number of RDP connections, create tree-like structures with Windows remote servers (with which you constantly work or control), use various RDP connection options for individual servers and groups and save Administrator credentials (user) for automatic authorization on RDP servers, which eliminates routine and is greatly saving time.

Download and install RDCMAN

The RDCMAN utility is free and is available for download on Microsoft. Actual version 2.7.1406.0. Upload file rdcman.msi. (size 1.1 mb) by reference:

All modern versions of Windows are supported, up to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are also supported, but on these OSs you need to pre-install the RDP client version 6 version and above.

RDCMAN installation standard, no tricks. We run, click Next-Next-Next and actually everything. The label on the desktop is not created, look for a program shortcut in the "Start" menu.

Configure RDP Server RDP groups in RDCMAN

Run Rdcman.exe. And we see an empty console. First you need to create a configuration file in which your settings will be stored by pressing Ctrl + N or through the "File" menu - "NEW". We specify the name of the * .rdg file (in fact, this is a text XML file that can be edited manually). In one configuration file, you can save any number of RDP connections to your remote servers. The utility allows you to structure RDP connections on a feature convenient to you: Use this and create groups.

For example, you can create a group with 1C servers and a group with domain controllers. You can group remote servers by location, roles or by customer.

You can save the user RDP credential to connect to servers in this group. In the properties of the group, we find the "Logon Credentials" tab and enter your credentials. All servers in this group inherit the group settings. To change any server parameter other than the specified group settings, remove the checkbox in the Inherit From Parent checkbox and set the personal settings.

Do not forget to click "Save".

Attention! Passwords for RDP connections in RDCMAN are not stored in Windows Credential Manager, and directly in the RDG file in encrypted form (independent of domain). However, the encryption algorithm is unstable and there are many utilities that you can decrypt the RDG file and get a password for the RDP connection in the open form (it is desirable to encrypt the RDCMAN configuration file using, for example or TrueCrypt).

Configure RDP Parameters Connections in RDCMAN

Now go to the RDP settings on the Connection Settings tab. By default, the RDP connection is used standard port 3389. You can change the port if yours. Remove the daw from the Inherit From Parent checkbox and change the port. Put the checkbox in the CONNECT TO CONSOLE check, it will allow you to connect to the server in the console mode. The console mode simulates a direct connection to the local monitor server, is used to connect to the server with RDS without use or in situations where the licensing server is not available or.

Customize the screen resolution to be used in the remote RDP session on the "Remote Desktop Settings" tab (I recommend setting "Full Screen") and local resources in "Local Resources", which you want to redirect when you remotely connected (for example, you can arouse in the RDP session Buffer sharing, local printer, local disk, etc.). So that you do not have scrolling and the RDP window is guaranteed to fit into your monitor, be sure to set the "Scale Docked Remote Desktop to Fit Window".

PCM click on the group and add the server.

  • Server Name - host name or IP;
  • Display Name - server name displayed in the RDCMAN console.

As a result, you will have this console with the tiles of servers that are updated in real time.

Now, when double-clicking, the server will be installed RDP connection using the saved password.

You can make a Connect Group - then the RDP console will be open to all servers in the group.

You can perform standard actions with the server, they are all intuitive.

  • Reconnect Server - reconnect if the server is blocked;
  • Send Keys - send standard keyboard shortcuts to the server;
  • Disconnect Server - Disconnect from the server;
  • LOG OFF Server is to be divided into the server;
  • List Sessions - view sessions connected to the server;
  • Undock - makes the current server in a separate window;
  • Dock - Returns the server to the console.

Most importantly - be sure to save the configuration file. Otherwise, when you exit all the settings will disappear.

Import servers in RDCMAN

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to import servers directly from Active Directory. Pretty strange, as this is a developed Microsoft tool.

But you can import servers from a text file or CSV file (you can upload lists of computers or servers from AD using cmdlet). To do this, in the "Edit" menu, select Import Servers. In the window that opens, specify the path to the file with the server list and click "Import"

In order to smash the imported list of server servers, use the "Edit" option -\u003e "Add Smart Group" option. Name the group and set the rules by which servers will be placed in it (for example, a common fragment of the displayed name or IP address).

RDCMAN: Access to the Hyper-V Virtual Machines Console

In RDCMAN 2.7, you can configure direct connections to the consoles of virtual machines running on the Hyper-V host (mode mode). To do this, you need to get a virtual machine identifier on the Hyper-V server. Use the command:

Get-vm -name your_vmname1 | SELECT ID

After you received a VM ID, you can use it when configuring the connection to RDCMAN. When adding a new server in the RDCMAN console, specify the name of the HYPER-V host, check the " VM Console Connect."And in the ID field, copy the received Identifier VM. The connection is performed under the account with the Hyper-V administrator rights, via the VMBus bus (i.e., you do not need network access to the IP address of the guest OS - access works through the Hyper-V host by port 2701).

RDCMAN has a simple user interface and is very easy to use. There is also an installation version on Linux.

If you just need a RDP connection manager, then it is a great and easy-to-use administrator tool.

Configure RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - Remote desktop

If you have a professional or maximum version - you can configure the input to your PC via the remote desktop. For this you need to do a few things.

- Allow the login through the remote desktop (for the younger versions of this menu)

- Add users who have the right to work through a remote desktop (usually Windows adds the current user automatically)

How to start a remote desktop in Windows 7?

All through the "Start" button:

We type in the search bar "Connect to the remote desktop" (ridiculous - this is exactly how Microsoft recommends that Microsoft recommends via the "Search" line) or "mstsc.exe" - the program itself is so called

Or through the folder "Standard" in the programs. Not in all versions of Windows, there are, for example, in Windows 7 Started (yes, that is the most with the program restriction of RAM in 2 GB) there is no such folder.

After starting, we get the form of remote desktop settings, we need a detailed option (with parameters)

On the general tab, configure:

Computer - or IP address or computer name

User - user, under which we will enter a remote PC

On the Local Resources tab, choose whether printers of the main computer and the clipboard will be available.

If you have all the PCs on the local local network (i.e., the network speed is not critical) - you can use the background drawing of the remote PC desktop on the Advanced Desktop tab.

Well, it seems to be configured - we return to the first tab, save as a shortcut - we try to connect.


The main reasons for such a situation are:

  • remote PC has an IP address assigned to him by a router via DHCP, it changes periodically. It is necessary to register a fixed IP address in the adapter properties.
  • forgot to resolve remote access through the "Properties" of the computer
  • remote access was allowed, but forgot to specify a user who can be included
  • prohibits Windows Brendmauser, you must add "Remote Desktop" in exceptions
  • You made a remote reboot of the PC and before the local user login, the remote desktop will not work

In most cases, Windows 7 must do all this itself (add the current user, resolve in the brandmoreser, etc.), but it does not always work. Those. For example, a "remote desktop" in the program list in the Bredmauser added, but the check mark is not installed: (I need to check everything yourself.

Additional remote desktop settings.

1. There is a need to restart the PC via the remote desktop. The reboot itself is not a problem - either through the task manager either through Alt F4. (The "Start" button will not be this feature). But before the local user login, the remote desktop will not connect. And if the PC is standing in a dark room, where there are no local users?

Here Surprise - you need to create a shortcut for the remote desktop via the command line with the / admin parameter

Like this: mstsc.exe / admin.

Visually, the label setting will be the same - but the system will be allowed through a remote desktop after rebooting the remote PC.

Here is a complete list of parameters for starting a remote desktop from the command line

2. If necessary, allow the login of without a password (it is extremely recommended for the corporate segment)

start menu - Run - GPedit.msc - "Computer Configuration" - "Windows Configuration" - "Local Policies" - "Security Settings" - "Restrict the use of empty passwords ... .." - "Disabled"

Yes, on the younger versions of Windows, of course, the gpedit.msc does not start (there is no this setting)

- All household versions of Windows allow only one user to work on a PC (when the new user logins the current user will be forcibly closed), unlike server options. This is a licensing restriction - but there is a way out. Some shamanism - and everything works, look (opening in a new window)

3. Automatic input with saved login and password

There is a magic check mark "Allow me to save credentials". If you start the change again - the checkbox will be changed to "always request credentials"

We receive a request for data entry, they are saved, the input to the remote machine only works on click on the label.

And if credentials are not saved (in Windows 7 and older)?

Or we get a warning "The system administrator forbade use the saved credentials for logging into the remote computer system, since its authenticity is not completely verified. Enter new credentials. "

What to do?

The fact is that in the latest versions of Windows password is not stored in the RDP file, but in a separate repository (Credential Manager - the credential manager). At a minimum - the following parameters must be disabled in group policies:

  • User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows components - Remote Desktop Services - Customer Connection to the Remote Desktop - Disable Password Saving;
  • Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows components - Remote Desktop Services - Customer Connection to the remote desktop - disable password saving.

Here you can (opens in a new window)

4. Sometimes when connected you see such a picture - "Unable to check the authenticity of the remote computer"

Authentication was added, starting with Windows XP SP3. But it is disabled by default (on WiBDows Vista is already included).

How to enable remote computer authentication on Window XP SP3?

We go to the regriedit.exe registry (execute)


Open the parameter Security Packages. And we are looking for a word tspkg.. If it is not, add to the already existing parameters.


Open the parameter SecurityProviders. and add to already existing providers credssp.dllif there is no one.

Close Registry Editor. Reboot.

If this is not done, then when you try to connect the computer, you will ask us the username and password, but instead of the remote desktop, the following will answer:

Connect to a remote desktop
Error checking authentication (code 0 × 507)

5. When connected, a prevention of Windows security system appears.

"Unable to determine the publisher of this remote connection"

This means that the RDP file is not protected by a signed certificate. For the local network, there is nothing terrible here, you can put a tick "no longer output ..."

The security system itself works as follows. The policy parameter allows you to specify whether users can run on the client computer unsigned remote desktop protocol files (RDP) and RDP files received from unknown publishers.

If this policy setting is enabled or not configured, users can run on the client computer unsigned RDP files and RDP files obtained from unknown publishers. Before starting the RDP session, the user will receive a warning and a request to confirm connection.

If this policy parameter is disabled, users cannot run on the client computer unsigned RDP files and RDP files received from unknown publishers. If the user tries to start a RDP session, then it will receive a message about blocking the publisher.

Supported: No lower Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Registry Path. Software \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Terminal Services
Value Name. AllowunsignedFiles.
Value Type REG_DWORD.
Enabled Value. 1
Disabled Value. 0

File default.rdp

Actually, it is the file, and not a label of a remote desktop. This configured file can be sent to another user, it will save it - and everything will work.

Moreover, this is a simple text file in which all the remote connection settings are stored and this file can be opened with notepad. By the way, part of the parameters is not edited through the standard settings, you can enter them with your hands.

screen Mode ID: I:- 1 - a remote session is performed in the window mode, 2 - in full screen. Edited on the "Screen" tab of the "Connection desktop" options "Connect to the remote desktop".

use Multimon: I:- 0 - Prohibition of support for multiple monitors, 1 - resolution of support for multiple monitors. Can be used in Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 and later versions.

desktopWidth: I: - Width of the desktop. Selects on the "Screen" tab of the "Connection Table Remote Desktop" tab.

desktopheight: I: - Height of the desktop. Selects on the "Screen" tab of the "Connection Table Remote Desktop" tab.

session BPP: I: - color depth. Selects in the "Color" group on the "Screen" tab "Parameters" window "Connect to a remote desktop".

winPosstr: s: - Position and size of windows in Windowpos format

compression: I: - 0 - Do not use data compression, 1 - use.

keyboardHook: I: - Determines how the shortcuts of the Windows keys are interpreted. The value of this parameter matches the setting in the "Keyboard" field on the "Local Resources" tab of the "Connect to the Remote Desktop" tool. 0 - on the local computer. 1 - on a remote computer. 2 - only in full screen mode.

audioCaptureMode: I: - Determines where the sound is played. The value of this parameter corresponds to the "Remote Sound" settings on the "Local Resources" tab of the "Connect to the Remote Desktop" Tools. 0 - on the client computer. 1 - on a remote computer. 2 - sound is not reproduced.

videoplayBackMode: I: - 0 - Do not use RDP Efficient Multimedia Streaming when playing video. 1 - use.

connection Type: I: 2 - connection type to achieve maximum speed. Complies with the "Speed" settings on the "Advanced" tab of the "Parameters" window "Connect to a remote desktop" is determined by the type of selected connection speed.

displayConnectionBar: I: - Displays the connections panel when entering the remote computer in full screen mode. The value of this parameter corresponds to the status of the "Display connections panel when working in full screen" on the "Screen" tab of the "Connection desktop connection" window. 0 - Do not display the connections panel. 1 - Display the connections panel.

dISABLE WALLPAPER: I: - Ban display background pattern of remote desktop. Complies with the settings in the "Speed" group - check box "Background drawing of the desktop" on the "Advanced" tab of the "Connection to the remote desktop". 0 - Display background pattern. 1 - Do not display the background pattern.

aLLOW FONT SMOOTHING: I:- Permission to smooth fonts. Corresponds to the settings in the "Speed" group - the "Font Smoothing" checkbox on the "Advanced" tab "Parameters" to the "Connection to the remote desktop". 0 - Do not use smoothing. 1 - use.

allow Desktop COMPOSITION: I: 0 - Complies with the settings in the "Speed" group - the "Smoothing fonts" checkbox on the "Advanced" tab of the "Connection to the remote desktop" checkbox. 0 - Do not use smoothing. 1 - use.

dISABLE FULL WINDOW DRAG: I: - Displays the contents folder when dragging. The value of this parameter corresponds to the status of the "Display the contents of the window when dragging" on the "Advanced" tab of the "Connect to the remote desktop". 0 - Display content when dragging. 1 - not display.

disable Menu Anims: I: - Prohibition of visual effects. The value of this parameter corresponds to the status of the Visual Effects checkbox when displaying the menu and windows "on the" Advanced "tab of the" Parameters "windows. 0 - Use visual effects, 1 - not to use.

dISABLE THEMES: I: - Prohibition of using topics. 0 - Use themes. 1 - Do not use themes.

dISABLE CURSOR SETTING: I: 0 - Ban the cursor settings. 0 - Cursor Setup is allowed. 1 - prohibited.

bitmapcachepersistenable: I: 1 - caching of point drawings on the local computer. The value of this parameter corresponds to the status of the "Permanent caching of point drawings" on the "Advanced" tab of the "Parameters" window. 0 - Do not use caching. 1 - Use caching.

full Address: S: - The name or IP address of the remote computer to which RDP is connected. If necessary, you can specify the number of the TCP port used.

audioMode: I: - Determines where the sound is played. The value of this parameter corresponds to the entry in the "Remote Sound" field on the "Local Resources" tab of the "Parameters" window. 0 - on the client computer. 1 on a remote computer. 2 - The sound is disabled.

redirectPrinters: I: - Using printers during a remote session. The value of this parameter corresponds to the "Printers" checkbox on the "Local Resources" tab of the "Parameters" window. 0 - Do not use local printers during a remote session. 1 - Use the automatic connection of printers.

redirectComports: I: - Use serial ports of a local computer when connected to a remote desktop. 0 - not to use. 1 - use.

redirectsmartcards: I: - Use of a local computer smart card when connecting to a remote desktop. 0 - not to use. 1 - use.

rEDIRECTCLIPBOARD: I: - Use a common clipboard for a local and remote computer. The value of this parameter corresponds to the status of the "Exchange Buffer" on the "Local Resources" tab of the "Parameters" window. 0 - Do not use the overall clipboard. 1 - use.

redirectPosDevices: I: - Redirect devices that use Microsoft Point of Service (POS). 0 - not to use redirection. 1 - use.

redirectDirectX: I: - Redirection DirectX. 0 - Do not use DirectX redirection. 1 - use.

autoreConnection Enabled: I: 1 - Automatic connection when the connection is broken with a remote computer. The value of this parameter corresponds to the "Restore connection when breaking" checkbox on the "Advanced" tab of the "Parameters" window. 0 - Do not use the automatic restoration of the connection. 1 - use.

authentication LEVEL: I: - Authentication level for remote connection. Defines actions in the case when it fails to confirm the authenticity of the remote computer. Determined by the configuration of the Server Authentication group on the Connection tab. In Windows 10, the "Connection" tab corresponds to the "Interaction" tab. 0 - If you failed to confirm the authenticity of the terminal server, then connect without warning. 1 - not connect. 2 - Connect with a warning.

pROMPT FOR CREDENTIALS: I: - request to the user to confirm credentials in case they have been saved earlier. 0 - Do not request credentials if they have been predetermined. 1 - Always request credentials.

nEGOTIATE SECURITY LAYER: I: - The encryption level of the RDP session. 0 - TLS 1.0 encryption session (SSL) will be used in case of support by the client. If the client does not support it, the standard built-in RDP encryption will be used. 1 - remote session will use X.224 encryption

remoteApplicationMode: I: - Mode of operation with a remote application. 0 - Mode of operation with a remote desktop. 1 - working with a remote application.

alternate Shell: s: - The name of the alternative user shell.

shell Working Directory: S: - the working directory of the user's shell.

gatewayHostname: s: - The name of the gateway server of remote desktops. The values \u200b\u200bof the gateway server parameters are determined by the "Connection from anywhere" group on the Connecting tab (for Windows 10 - on the Advanced tab).

gatewayUSAGeMethod: I: 4 - Method of using a remote desktop gateway server. 0 - Never use a remote desktop gateway server. 1 - Always use a remote desktop gateway server. 2 - Do not use the remote desktops gateway server for local clients. 3 - Use the default settings of the remote desktop gateway server. 4 - do not use the remote desktop gateway server, but in the "Connection from anywhere" setting - "Options" are enabled. Do not use the remote work desks for local addresses.

gatewayCredentialssource: I: 4 - Used user authorization method. 0 - Use NTLM (Password Request). Complies with the option "Input method" - "Request Password (NTLM)" in the "Connection from anywhere" settings - "Parameters". 1 - Use smart cards. Parameters that determine the use of a remote desktop gateway server and input parameters and connection parameters are interconnected, and a change in one of them can cause a change in the other.

driveStoreduct: s: - redirection of local computer disk devices. The value is determined by the settings on the Local Resources tab - "Read more"

Supported redirects of the peripheral devices of the local computer and the syntax of the contents of the RDP file depend on the RDP version and may differ in a slight degree.

Fighting a "cross" terminal session.

Here it is a pest (on the connection panel when working in full screen)

The problem is that the "cross" only closes the "remote desktop" on the user's PC, but leaves the server open terminal session on the server. If users are much - all of their sessions remain on the server open and occupy memory.


  1. In general, remove the panel from the user - in the settings when creating a remote desktop (output only through the completion of the session)

2. Remove the "Cross" himself (exit only through the completion of the session)

We will figure it out on the local network to make a permanent IP address for the device. We assign a permanent IP address through Windows 7 settings. We go to changing the adapter parameters. Then in the properties of the desired connection, we choose the Internet Protocol ...

Good day! Dear Readers and Guests, Computer Blog №1 In Russia, the site. I write a lot about how using technologies to save your time in various aspects of your life, a recent example, this is the payment of utilities services through Sberbank online, where I described this process in detail. The system administrator or engineer can also save its time and do its work as convenient as possible and preferably everything from one or two consoles. Today I will tell you about a very ease of system administration tool, which allows from one utility to produce a huge amount of RDP connections displayed in one window, and even with different parameters and structuring. Today it will be about the super utility from Microsoft. We will analyze where to download the Remote Desktop Connection Manager and how to install it, and of course set up.

What is Remote Desktop Connection Manager

The RDCM is a Microsoft utility, designed from one window conveniently manage a large number of remote RDP connections to various servers:

  • I allow the user to create folders to structuring servers
  • Set automatic input with saving user credentials
  • Set the resolution of the compound
  • Console input
  • Interactive open connections miniatures updated in real time
  • Much more

Where to download Remote Desktop Connection Manager

You can download RDCM from the official site of Microsoft or from my site, where I poured it on Mail cloud.

The official page of Microsoft\u003d44989

Go to the official page Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.7 and click the download button. You have a small MSI distribution, 1 megabyte size (rdcman.msi).

Installing RDCM 2.7.

Installing this software should not cause any problems with you, as it is trivial. I will only give her for the integrity of the article. I will install the Remote Desktop Connection Manager in the Windows 10 1803 operating system, it costs it in the workplace.

Run the installation, to do this, open the RDCman.msi file. You will find the installation wizard, in the first step you simply click "Next".

Well, the last step, this is pressing the Install button (Install)

After a couple of moments, you will see that everything is successfully installed, you can see the log if you wish, press the "FINISH." Button

All installation RDCM 2.7 in Windows 10 I produced, now let's show how to configure it. Open the utility, she had to create an appropriate icon on the desktop. If it is not, then look for it through the "Start" button

You will find the program window, the default everything will be empty here and you need to create a configuration file to start.

It is done through the File menu - NEW or simply pressing hot keys Ctrl + N

we specify the name of your file, you can call files by accessories to various Active Directory domains or sites.

Since this utility allows you to structure your RDP in a hierarchical form, it will correctly create the desired number of groups that combine servers for any service or territorial accessory, so for example, you can conveniently combine all participants in terminal farms. I click the right click on the root and from the context menu select the "Add Group" item to add a group.

In the first step, you will be asked on the GROUP Settings tab to set the name of the group, I advise you to write meaningful names, in order not to be confusing, and not just Windows 2008 R2 or 1012 R2. In my example, I called the domain controllers group

Go to the "Logon Credentials" tab, on this tab, the RDCMAN will ask you to specify the credentials on behalf of which will be deleted connections. I asked my domain data, do not forget to click save them.

Saving will allow you to use them later for other groups created in RDCMAN 2.7

Now your credentials are saved, you can go to the Connection Settings tab.

On the Connection Settings tab, you will see the RDP connections port, it is 3389 by default, unless of course you did not change it for security purposes.

Remote Desktop Connection Manager allows you to change the standard RDP port, To do this, remove the Inherit From Parent dawkey and the fields are activated. The "Connect to Console" field will allow you to connect both by the console if you connect to the monitor and keyboard, it is useful to do when connected to a farm member so as not to receive an error "Connect to a remote desktop could not be connected to a remote computer"

On the Remote Desktop Settings tab, you can select the desired screen resolution, but I advise you to install Full Screen (full screen)

So that you have no scrolling and your entire screen in RDCMAN focused on, then be sure to set the "Scale Docked Remote Desktop to Fit Window"

Local Resources tab will allow you to choose which devices you would like to redirect when the connection is remotely connected, I only left the clipboard.

We now add the server to the desired group. It is also done through the right click, but already in the group, all rights of the group will be applied to the participants, but you can also change them. Once you have added server, do not forget save configuration fileOtherwise, coming out from Remote Desktop Connection Manager, you will lose all your settings.

I eventually have my modest, test stand looks like this. Everything looks like comfortable tiles, which by the way remind you, updated in real time.

Operations are available on the server:

  • Connect Server - A regular connection will be made on behalf of the account, which is specified in the settings.
  • Connect Server AS - Run on behalf of another person
  • Reconnect Server - Convenient When the server has been blocked
  • Send Keys - Sending keyboard commands
  • Disconnect Server - Disconnect from server
  • log Off Server - Output from the operating system
  • Properties - Properties

The rest are little useful.

There is a version of the RDCMAN version created by the community for Linux to download it go to the site:

For Android

Version 3.6

The latest version

Installation in Linux

  • $ sudo dpkg -i / path / to / the / shashlik / deb / file
  • $ sudo apt-get install -f
  • $ sudo APT-Get Update
  • $ sudo APT-Get Install Libgl1-Mesa-Dev

I think I told you in detail about what Remote Desktop Connection Manager is, as you can use it conveniently, and the most important utility is completely free and from the developer, the operating systems to which we connect.