Connect the release to the fire alarm console. Connection diagram of an independent release. PH47 release disconnection circuit

An independent release is an addition to the protective device for the power grid. It is mechanically connected to the circuit breaker. An independent release performs the function of the chain break when factors are detected capable of damageing the line and appliances included in it. These include increasing the strength of the current above the limit, which can withstand the cable, the test of the electric current to the ground or the case of the instrument turned on into the chain, as well as a short circuit. This material will help you to figure out what kind of circuit breakers, which are the types of this device and what is the principle of action of each of them. In addition, we will tell how to check the performance of these elements.

Automatic protective switch with independent release

An independent release, as mentioned, is an extension element of the chain protection device. It allows you to disable av at a distance when the voltage is received onto its coil. To return it to the original state, you should click on the device with the "Return" inscription.

Quick Switches of this type can be used in single-phase and three-phase networks.

An independent release is most often used in electrical caps and automatic shields of large objects. The power supply management in these cases is usually made from the operator console.

An example of a trigger of an independent release on video:

What is it triggered by an independent element?

An independent release can work for various reasons. We will list the most common of them:

  • Excessive decline or, on the contrary, increasing the voltage.
  • Change the specified parameters or power states.
  • Violation of the function of circuit breakers, a failure in work for an unknown reason.

In addition to independent excavating devices, there are similar elements that are part of protective automata. Built-in circuitors of circuit breakers are divided into thermal and electromagnetic. These devices also help protect the line from excessive loads and short circuit. Consider them in more detail.

Heat release of automatic protective switch

The main element of this device is a bimetallic plate. With its manufacture, two metal with various thermal expansion coefficients are used.

Being compressed together, they expand into varying degrees when heated, which leads to the removal of the plate. If the current is not normalized for a long time, then by reaching a certain temperature of the plate concerns contacts AB, interrupting the chain and de-energizing wiring.

The main cause of excessive heating of the bimetallic plate, due to which the thermal release is triggered, is too high load on a specific line of line, protected by a machine.

For example, the section of the output cable AV, which goes into the room is 1 square meters. mm. It can be calculated that it is able to withstand the connection of the instruments with a total capacity of up to 3.5 kW, while the force passing in the current line should not exceed 16a. Thus, you can safely connect the TV and several lighting devices in this group.

If the owner of the house decides to include in the outlet of this room further washing machine, electrocamine and vacuum cleaner, then the total capacity will be much higher than the one that is able to withstand the cable. As a result, the strength of the current passing through the line will increase, and the conductor will heat up.

Cable overheating can lead to the fact that the insulating layer melts and lights up.

So that this does not happen, the thermal release is entering. Its bimetallic plate is heated together with the metal metal, and after a while, bent, turns off the power of the group. When it cools it, the protective device can be turned on manually again, pre-pulling the power cords from the outlet, which led to overload. If this is not done, after a while the machine will cut off again.

An example of using a reclining in the Fire Protection on video:

It is important that the nominal AV corresponded to the cable cross section. If it is less than the necessary, the trigger will occur even at normal load, and if more, then the thermal release does not respond to dangerous excess current, and as a result, the wiring is burning.

In order to protect electric motors from long overload and phase breakdowns, thermal discharge relays may also be installed on these aggregates. They are several bimetallic plates, each of which is responsible for a separate phase of the power unit.

Automatic network protection switch with electromagnetic release

Having understood how the machine gun works with a thermal release, we turn to the next question. The protective device, the analysis of which we have just conducted just that it does not work immediately (it takes at least a second), so it is not able to effectively protect the chain from the superhowers of short circuit. To solve this task in AB, an electromagnetic release is additionally installed.

The releasers of electromagnetic type circuit breakers include inductor inductor (solenoid), as well as a core. When the chain operates in normal mode, the electron flow, passing through the solenoid, forms a weak magnetic field, unable to influence the network function. If a short circuit occurs, an instant increase in the current strength is tens of times, and in proportion to it increases the power of the magnetic field. Under its influence, the ferromagnetic core is instantly shifted to the side, having an impact on the shutdown mechanism.

Since the process of gaining a magnetic field with a short circuit occurs for a split second, the electromagnetic release under its effect is triggered instantly, turning off the power of the network. This avoids the serious consequences associated with CZ overflows.

Checking the performance of releasers

Quite often, fans electricians are interested, whether it is possible to independently check the health of circuit breakers. It should be said that it is impossible to conduct such tests on their own, and if they are engaged in a beginner assembly, the work should control the experienced specialist. We give step-by-step instructions for the implementation of this procedure:

  • First of all, the box surface should be visually visual to make sure the integrity of the case part.
  • Then you need to click on the trigger lever several times. It should be easily installed in the included and turned off.
  • After that, the device is loaded. So called the quality of the quality of the equipment in adverse conditions. This stage provides for the presence of specialized equipment, and if it is fulfilled, a qualified electrician must be present. During testing, a time is recorded that runs from the moment of increasing the current increases before turning off the release.

  • Finally, a similar test is performed on the device from which the housing is removed.
  • During the inspection on the operation of the heat release, the time is recorded to shut down the device under the influence of electrotock of increased strength.

Checking the health of protective devices in accordance with the requirements of PUE is performed only in overalls. As mentioned above, an experienced specialist should be controlled by this procedure.

On the video process of installing an independent release in the circuit breaker:


In this article, we dealt with the theme of the excavating devices, they described what they represent and how to work independent, as well as built into the circuit breakers. Now you know what principle the various types of this equipment work, and which function is performed by each of them.

In each modern unit, which is used as a reliable protective mechanism for power grids in the household industry, there is necessarily a circuit breaker with an independent release. The principle of the device of such an element involves the presence of a mechanical connection with the switch. Its main task is to timely exercise the power grid upon influence of a negative factor.

a brief description of

Universal independent releasers are multifunctional units that are always mounted with automatic switches. Most often, such devices are used in the process of designing a high-quality ventilation system. A huge advantage is that releasers can be freely operated with different load switches. Modern manufacturers specialize in the industrial manufacture of those models that are calculated on 20, 24 and even 30 A. The design of each unit may differ.

In order for a purchased independent release, all the tasks delivered and did not break, it is necessary to deal with the scheme of its functioning. The thing is that such an unit that is intended for an automated switch, always equipped with a diode rectifier. Manufacturers are accustomed to using powerful dinters of different designs. The efficiency of their operation depends on the mounted modulators.

Standard models for phase switches are necessarily equipped with special transceivers. The controlled relay is mounted in the lowest conn, which significantly simplifies the operation of the unit.

To protect the consumer from lesion to current, experts have provided high-quality insulators. Abandable contacts are located above the main modulator. But transistors are installed in parallel to each other. With standard external winding, kenotrons are often used, which are fixed by the modulator.

General device

Each independent release model is represented as a high-quality unit used to remotely disconnect the protective equipment. This unit is operated along with modern circuit breakers that have one, two, three or even four poles. Most often, the wizard is connected to the email to the introductory machine, and in the event of an emergency situation, a complete de-energization of the electrical panel occurs.

The design of the unit more resembles a magnet. When a short-term impulse affects it, the device is affected by a special lever on the working mechanism that disables the automated protective device. Besides, the design provides for the presence of an electromagnetic coilwhich may have different power indicators. The product can be calculated on the constant or alternating current with a voltage of 110-415 V and 12-60 V. It depends exclusively from the selected model. The method of attachment to the machine as depends on the modification.

It is worth noting that it is from the correct connection of the release with a protective device that the timely triggering of the entire system depends. The master must comply with all the requirements of the connection scheme. For example, phase conductors should be left from the lower phase terminals.

If such a rule is not respected, it is fraught with a premature failure of the installation. When everything works correctly, the automatic switch with independent crash is turned off in a timely manner, and the voltage from the coil of the device completely disappears.

Principle of operation

To protect the household electrical chain from adverse effects, the wizards use high-quality automated modular design switches. The great demand of such aggregates arose against the background of what they have compact sizes, and also easily installed and can be repaired.

Externally, such devices are represented as a conventional body made of heat-resistant plastics. The main button on and off is located on the front surface. The rear panel is a fixture-latch for installation on a DIN rail, and from the bottom and on top - screw terminals.

In the usual operational mode through the unit, a current is current less or equal to the nominal value. The upper terminal enters the supply voltage from the external network (this node is reliably connected to a fixed contact). Next, electricity is supplied to the main thermal release, and after it - on the lower terminal and the load network connected to it. In emergency situations, the circuit breaker disconnects the protected chain. An independent device is responsible for performing this function. The cause of such a triggering can act any emergency:

  • Voltage overload - short circuit in the chain.
  • The occurrence of overflows is an increase in current force in the power grid exceeding the nominal switch of the switch.
  • Voltage drops.

Varieties of model range

Many home masters prefer to use independent releases proven time. Such aggregates are triggered exclusively under the action of voltage, which gradually passes along the main circuit of the circuit breaker. The big popularity of such installations arose against the background of what each wizard can control the system in remote mode, which is not provided in other categories of releasers.

The automated switch helps to turn off absolutely all devices and other sources from the power supply time and other sources that function at the expense of electricity. This feature is especially important in those situations where the network is observed a noticeable voltage deviation from the rule given by the consumer. But it is important to take into account the disadvantages that are associated with the transfer of energy into thermal selection. The presence of such a factor may be fraught with the fact that the switch will be disconnected in improperly.

Modern Z-ASA / 230

Manufacturers noted the fact that disabling ventilation during a fire through the independent switch of this series occurs extremely quickly. This model is available with high-quality moving modules and six pairs of contacts. Such a device is particularly relevant for pulse switches. The unit works perfectly in extreme conditions, where heightened humidity is observed. The device is often used by experts for remote control. The conduction level of the current is equal to the 4.5 MK indicator.

On the relay, the unit supplies a voltage of 30 V. The powerful stabilizer is mounted without any adapter. Durable operational period is due to the presence of double-type transistors. It is worth noting that the kenotron in this model is not provided.

Improved modifications on 30a

This type of release for the circuit breaker is manufactured with a special code expander. The final output voltage indicator is equal to 35 V. The coordinated operation of the unit is associated with diode rectifiers. All contacts are mounted on moving plates.

Experts have provided transceivers with rapid resistors. Many models from this category are connected to the electrical panels through high-quality condenser blocks. In order to prevent the negative impact of unscheduled overloads on the network, expansion dynins are used.

Aggregate IEK pH47.

Specialists with confidence argue that this release is one of the most sought-after. The compactness of this model is of great importance. Reliable fixation with the shield is ensured due to small condenser blocks. In addition, the model provides only two rectifiers, and all contacts are movable.

The expander itself is located in the lower conn, along with the relay. The presence of the transceiver is not provided.

Increased attention should be paid to the operating parameters of an independent release - the output voltage is within 40 V. The maximum network load should not exceed 30 A. In addition, numerous studies have been conducted, which showed that the minimum detection temperature is within -10 ° C . The unit is completely not afraid of exposure to high humidity. All wiring is isolated in a special way for the safe operation of the device.

Household SHUNT 250 VAC

This independent release model is based on a diode rectifier, which is located above the relay. Attention should be done and the operating parameters of the system, which are 44 ohms. Standard threshold overload equal to 24 A. The miniature condenser unit is used to connect a modification.

All conductors are equipped with powerful insulators. The unit is equipped with three pairs of resistors, reliably fixed over the rectifier. Manufacturers have not provided only the presence of a stabilizer. Due to this, such a model is ideal for low-power drives.

Sudden shutdown of the mechanism

Specialists were recorded a lot of cases when the circuit breaker was triggered. This situation requires rapid response from the Master. To prevent negative consequences, specialists identified the main list of reasons that provocate the shutdown of the mechanism:

Since there are so many negative factors in the household industry, all modern devices began to equip several working mechanisms that allow you to quickly pop up the network. They are produced from mechanical, electromagnetic or electronic particles. The rational use of such a release helps to maintain all homework in integrity and safety.

Check service

Each wizard sooner or later has situations when you need to make sure the integrity of the releasers. Such a question is particularly interested in amateur installation and beginner masters. It is possible to make sure that the aggregate can be ensured:

It is worth noting that any inspection of the performance of independent releases on triggering should be carried out exclusively in specialized clothing and under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

In each electrical circuit, various protective devices are installed. Quite often, in addition to them, an independent release is used associated with the automatic switch mechanically. In the event of conditions that threaten damage to the instruments and the line itself, it breaks the electrical chain in a timely manner. This is usually happening with a short closure, breakdowns and leaks, as well as the growth of current strength above the nominal limits dangerous for cables and wires.

General device of the release and connection scheme

Each independent release is a device with which the remote disable of protective equipment is performed. As a rule, it is used in conjunction with various automatic switches - with one, two, three or four poles. Usually, the release is connected to an introductory machine and when an emergency occurs, a complete de-energization of the shield is made.

The design of the release is made in the form of an electromagnet. When a short-term pulse arrives at it, the device has a special lever effect on the mechanism that turns off the automatic protective device. Electromagnetic coils used in the design can be different, calculated on an alternating or permanent current with a voltage of 12-60 V and 110-415 V, in accordance with one or another modification. Mounting to the machine also depends on the specific model and is performed on the right or left side.

A clear response of the entire system depends on the proportion of the proportionate device.

The normal operation of both devices largely depends on compliance with all the requirements of the connection scheme. For example, phase conductors must be connected from the lower phase terminals of the machine. If this condition is not compared to this, the probability of failure, incorrectly connected release, is high. Normally, the circuit breaker with an independent release must be disconnected, and the voltage from the coil of the device disappear.

Remote response control is carried out by means of a closing contact of one of the fire alarm devices or by pressing the usual button with closing contacts. By a similar scheme, it is shutdown at once several excavating devices distributed by separate groups.

Independent release for circuit breakers

As already noted, this device is an additional protective element of the electrical circuit. With it, a remote shutdown of machine guns or load switches is carried out.

The highest distribution of an independent release was obtained in the preparation of projects of ventilation systems. In accordance with the regulatory documents, in the event of a fire, ventilation must be completely disabled. Therefore, to an introductory machine installed in the shield serving the ventilation system, an independent release is additionally connected.

In electrical shields, designed for current up to 100 amps, modular machines are installed. The total entry in most cases is protected by the load switch. It is to it that an independent discharge device is connected, which performs a shutdown with emergency situations. If the current at the input is over 100 A, the installation of a more powerful circuit breaker is required. You can choose the most suitable independent release.

With this device, it is possible to disable not only single-phase, but also three-phase instruments. In order for the release begins to act, it is quite enough to submit a voltage pulse to its coil. Returning the release to the original state is carried out using the "Return" button. Her pressing manually indicates a remote shutdown, and not a trigger as a result of a short circuit.

The triggering of independent releases may occur for various reasons. The following are the most common:

  • Excessive voltage jumps in the direction of increasing or decreasing.
  • Violation of the established parameters, change the state of the electric current.
  • A malfunction failure, the impossibility of their functions.

There are similar disconnecting devices used in conjunction with automatic switches. They perform the same functions, but on the principle of operation are thermal and electromagnetic.

Thermal sealing machines

Bimetallic plate serves the main element of thermal delaying devices. It is made of two metals, each of which has its own thermal expansion coefficient.

Both metal are pronounced among themselves and during heating they have different degrees of expansion, which in turn causes deformation and curvature of the plate. If the current situation does not return to normal throughout a certain period of time, the plate under the action of the increased temperature will touch the contacts of the automaton, turning off the electrical circuit.

Thus, the operation of the thermal release is caused by an increase in the temperature of the plate under the action of an excessive load on any site under the protection of the machine. That is, to a wire or cable with a certain cross section, you can connect a strictly limited number of devices and equipment. When trying to turn on another device, the total power of the instruments will exceed its allowable value for this cable. The current will begin to grow and cause heating the conductor. Strong overheating often leads to the melting of the insulating layer and fire.

This situation is prevented by the work of the thermal release. The heating of the bimetallic plate occurs with the wire, and after a while its bend, affecting the machine, turns off the current supply. After cooling, the protective device is turned on manually with the pre-shutdown of instruments that caused overload. Without this procedure, the machine will turn off again after a while.

The use of a thermal release requires accurate correspondence to the cross section of this cable. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to triggers even at normal loads. And, on the contrary, with dangerous exceeding the current, the release does not react and the wiring fails.

Machines with electromagnetic releases

The disconnected devices in which an independent release and a thermal release is complemented by an electromagnetic device with similar functions.

The need to use them is dictated by the specifics of thermal releases, which cannot work instantly and perform shutdown only for one second and more. In this regard, they cannot provide effective protection against short circuits. Therefore, in addition to the thermal, another discharge device is installed - electromagnetic.

The design of electromagnetic devices consists of inductance coil - solenoid and core. In the usual operating mode, the electrons circuit through the solenoid and form a weak magnetic field that does not affect the overall network performance. When a short circuit occurs, the current is instantly increases many times. At the same time, the proportional increase in the power of the magnetic field is observed. Under its exposure, an instantaneous shift of the core affecting the disabling mechanism occurs. Thereby preventing serious consequences from the action of superhtow short circuits.

How to check the health and performance of the release

This check should be performed only by qualified specialists. Actions are performed in the following order:

  • Visual inspection of the surface of the case for chipping, cracks and other defects.
  • Make a few click switch. The lever must easily become in all positions.
  • At the next step, you need to perform the so-called device loading by creating adverse conditions. This requires special equipment and the presence of qualified electrical engineering. The main indicator of testing is the time interval from the moment of increasing the current and until the device is completely turned off. Exactly the same procedure is performed on the device with a damned case.
  • During the inspection of the thermal release, it is necessary to set the time required to turn off the device under the influence of increased current.

I never wrote about the releasers, because I thought that everything was clear and clear with them. But my adorable synchronies told me that the world wants this post, because for the beginning of this week, the three different people asked me about these releasers. As usual, I'm tired of writing to each one and the same - and I do the post! \u003d)

What is this release? This is a thing that is needed in order to force the machine to work and turn off. And what is it for? Initially, this is a firefighter fault: when the "fire" signal comes to the shield, then you need to turn off all kinds of ventilation so that it does not inflate the fire (if it is not so - then correct me in the comments please). In order not to put contactors for this (which is more expensive) - they found a simple solution in the form of a release.

Mostly, these releasers are applied: irreversibly (while you can not turn on your hands and you will not turn on) disable some chain. One of the customers asked me to put a release on him right on the introductory chop to the external team chopped him in the shield. Yes! Swimmer! Since ABB, the modular rotches have been updated to the SD200 series (), they began to approach them the same accessories that go to the S200 series machines.

Be careful! The releasers are suitable only for machine guns and switches of full-fledged series - S200, SD200. Household Series SH200 (L), SHD200 are not suitable!

And also the same abbush releasers are on the simulator Wagon "Oka" in the UPC of the metro at the exhibition station. There they are used to simulate machines in the car - there are different emergency situations on this (in the subway they call "cases") when the machinists are trained.

Here are the order codes for them:

  • 2cds200909R0001 ABB S2C-A1 Remote release for S200 AC / DC 12..60V (Right Connection)
  • 2cds200909r0002. ABB S2C-A2 Remote release for S200 AC 110..415V (Right Connection)

Inside the release is a weak electromagnet, which twirls the lever inside the machine and thereby makes it work and turn off. Everything is simple! Here is the connection scheme ( the release chain would be very good to protect the fuse):

See how the scell is connected here: it turns off itself. Why is it done? That is why: the first models of the releasers (and especially Chinese) inside had only electromagnet. It is clear that if in this case, the power to the electromagnet is to be electromagnet, it will work and will work and die. Then the releasers were finalized so that he could turn off itself, and the scheme was historically remained.

If the external signal to which the release must be disconnected - the usual dry contact, then take a 230V release and do the same as I have shown in the diagram. If you want to dump the machine with a low-voltage signal - then take a low voltage release, but the control signal is better to make a pulse. Just just in case.

Well, the third option is to untie everything that we want, with the help of intermediate relyus, of course. And signal inversion, if necessary, and control voltages.

The release must be attached to the machine or the switter before we put them on a DIN rail in the shield. Complete with a release comes a small lever and instruction. In the automaton or the chopper, it is necessary to rejuvenate the plug near the handle and insert this lever there. The instruction was very muddy, and I got with the fourth attempt. Therefore, I tried to sfotkat, how this lever is in the drive of the machine:

And after the lever is inserted, it should look like this:

You can even check it out: weigh the machine or the chopper, click on the lever, and the machine will immediately turn off.

After that, in the off position, we take a breakdown to the machine or, in our case, the chipboard:

And that's how it all looks in, where this release must turn off a dozen lines of small single-phase fan coils. On the photo to the chopper, the test nutrition is thrown up - I just checked if I rightly put the control lever into the chopper.

Here initially thought that fan coils would eat from three phases - so I ordered the chopper on three poles. Then the customer insisted that all Fan Coils should be hung over one phase, and the chopper began to tear L-N. That's all the trick with releasers!

Independent releasers are devices that are installed with automatic switches. Most often, the models are used with it is also important to note that the releases are capable of being operated with load switches.

Manufacturers make models at 20, 24 and 30 A. By the design of the device may differ. In order to figure it out in more detail in this matter, you should consider the standard release scheme.

Scheme of ordinary model

An independent release for has a diode rectifier. Distraters are used in various conductivity. In this case, the extensions are installed with modulators. If we consider modifications for phase switches, then the transceiver is provided. The relay is most often installed at the bottom of the structure.

Insulators are used to safely operate the release. The modulator is located contacts. Transistors are set opposite each other. Kenotrons are often applied with external winding and are attached to the modulator.

Principle of operation

How does an independent release work? This question worries many, however, the answer to it is extremely simple. In fact, the principle of operation of an independent release is built on changing the position of contacts. This is due to the supply of a short pulse from the diode rectifier. In this case, the transistor plays the role of the conductor. Due to the modulator, you can adjust the frequency of the release. Kenotron is used to combat electromagnetic interference.

Device connection

How to connect an independent release? If you consider ventilation systems, the connection of the device is carried out through dyntorators. In this case, the output contacts are connected through insulators. The negative resistance parameter itself is obliged to fluctuate in the region of 25 ohms. The relay connection is provided through the expander. When connected, check the threshold resistance. The specified parameter should not exceed 30 ohms. Fixing the release is carried out in the power shield. To check the voltage you need to use the tester.

Models at 20 a

Flap 20 and are often used for phase switches. The threshold voltage parameter of the models is located in the area. Some modifications are made with stabilizers. It is also important to note that the market contains releases with the SP20 protection system. The transistors are used in broadband type. All this suggests that they can withstand large overloads in the chain.

Connecting to the shield of many models occurs through the kenotrons. They are produced most often than two-contact type. The conductivity of the current in many models does not exceed 5 MK. It is also important to note that the models for ventilation systems are manufactured with condenser modulators. In some cases, they are mounted with expansion. For remote control switches, they fit perfectly.

24 a devices

24 A devices consist of diode rectifiers. They are installed in various conductivity. As a rule, the protection system is used by the IP21 series. However, in this case, much depends on the manufacturer. Modulators apply only orthogonal type. For pulse switches, models are suitable based on semiconductor thyristors.

Stabilizers in devices are used low sensitivity. The output voltage of this type of release does not exceed 20 V. The average current performance indicator is 3 MK. Insulators are used to attach the device to the shield. If we consider modifications without transceivers, then they use a condenser unit. Many modifications are suitable for low-voltage switches.

Modifications by 30 a

Footage by 30 A are produced with code expansion. The output voltage indicator in the models is 35 V. As a rule, rectifiers are used by a diode type. In this case, the contacts are installed on movable plates. Transceivers are used with many models connected to shields through condenser blocks. In order to avoid large chain overloads, expansion dynins are used.

Some releasers are manufactured on the basis of a two-pole transceiver. Their distinctive feature is high current conductivity. This parameter varies in the area of \u200b\u200b6 MK. However, the disadvantage of such systems is rapid wear of capacitors. It is also important to note that the models are not suitable for pulse switches.

Z-ASA / 230 model

Disable ventilation in a fire through an independent Z-ASA / 230 release occurs very quickly. The specified model is made with movable plates. There are six pairs of contacts here. For pulse switches, this device is suitable perfect. It is also important to note that the model is capable of being operated in conditions of high humidity. Directly open contacts are carried out very quickly. For remote control of the ventilation system, the specified installation is well suited. The conductivity of the current release is equal to 4.5 MK.

In this case, the output voltage on the relay is equal to 30 V. The stabilizer in the device is installed without an adapter. Transistors are used double-type. The kenotron at the model is not provided. Connecting an independent release to the shield is carried out through a dynisterist. It is installed with one panel, which is located at the bottom of the case. Before connecting the device, the negative resistance for each phase is first checked. It is also important to note that the wiring is important thoroughly isolate.

Z-ASA / 250 model

Why do you need a release independent Z-ASA / 250? This model is used exclusively for phase switches. The conductivity of the current is equal to 4.5 MK. The threshold overload of the device is no more than 24 A. The output voltage on the relay does not exceed 33 V. The rectifier is set by a diode type. In total, there are five pairs of contacts. The modulator has an orthogonal type. To connect the model, a condenser unit is used, which is included in the standard set of modification.

If we talk about structural features, it is important to note that the transceiver is applied single-pole type. The protection system of the manufacturer is provided with the marking of the IP30. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is not more than -15 gr. The stabilizer in this configuration is not provided.

Model IEK pH47.

This independent release (photo is shown below) is quite strong. First of all, it is important to mention its compactness. To connect to the shield, a small condenser unit is applied. In total, the model uses two rectifiers. Contacts in this case are provided by moving type. The extender is directly located at the bottom of the design along with the relay. Transceiver in this case is missing.

If we talk about the settings of the release, it is important to note that the output voltage is maintained at 40 V. The threshold overload of the model is equal to 30 A. The minimum permissible temperature of the release does not exceed the rate of B -10 degrees. Increased humidity model is not afraid. The protection system is standardly applied with the IP30 marking. Wiring in this case is used with insulators for safe operation.

Model IEK pH48.

This independent release (the connection scheme is shown below) is performed with two diode type rectifiers. The relay in the device is used high-voltage. The current conductivity parameter is at 4 MK. There are two resistors in the device. Contacts are installed on special plates. Directly opening is carried out pretty quickly. It is also important to note that the device is allowed to connect through the condenser unit. The output relay is located in the lower part of the design.

The modulator applies orthogonal type. For phase switches, the model is suitable. If we talk about the parameters, it is important to note that the threshold overload is at 24 V. The output voltage on the relay maximum reaches 30 V. The minimum permissible modification temperature is -15 degrees. The system of protection in the release is applied with the marking of the PP30.

Model IEK pH50

This independent release is performed for pulse and phase switches. For ventilation systems and drives, it fits well. The current performance indicator is about 3 MK. The parameter of the negative resistance on the relay maximum reaches 46 ohms. Transceivers in the release are used bipolar type. In total, the model has three pairs of contacts.

They are attached on special plates that are above the relay. Modulator Manufacturer provides an orthogonal type. Through the condenser unit, the model is prohibited. For this, only Kenotron is suitable. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is -10 degrees. Output voltage on the relay maximum reaches 40 V.

SHUNT 230 VAC model

This independent release can be used only for a pair with a phase switch. For remote control of the drive, the model is suitable. The extender here applies code type. Also, of features should be noted the presence of trimming resistors. Directly the transmission of the signal is carried out through a diode rectifier. The modulator is used in the orthogonal type chains. The threshold overload of the system does not exceed 30 A. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is on -20 degrees.

SHUNT 250 VAC model

This independent release (the connection scheme is shown below) is made on the basis of a diode rectifier. It is located above the relay. If we talk about the device parameters, the negative resistance of the system is 44 ohms. In this case, the threshold overload is equal to no more than 24 A. To connect a modification there is a compact condenser unit. Conductors in this case are used with insulators. In total, the model has three pairs of resistors. They are located above the rectifier. The stabilizer in this case does not provide for the manufacturer. For low-power drives, this model fits perfectly.

Model S2c-A

This independent release can be used only with pulse switches. The rectifier in the device is set by a diode type. The relay is used with the expander. The conductivity indicator is not more than 4.5 MK. Transceivers are installed above the relay.

The stabilizer in the presented release is not installed. The models are located on the plates. Signal transmission is carried out due to an orthogonal type modulator. Connecting the release is made through the kenotron. Condensatory blocks are not suitable for this purpose. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is on -10 degrees.