Semiconductor devices diodes transistors download a presentation. Semiconductor devices. Types of semiconductors and their conductors

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Classification and designation of semiconductor devices: Teplikov I. Senyukov E.

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Introduction When using semiconductor devices in electronic devices for the unification of their designation and standardization of parameters, symbols are used. This system classifies semiconductor devices for their purpose, basic physical and electrical parameters, structural and technological properties, semiconductor type view. The system of conditional designations of domestic semiconductor devices is based on state and industry standards. The first GOST on the system of designations of semiconductor devices GOST 10862-64 was introduced in 1964. Then, as the emergence of new classification groups, the instruments were changed to GOST 10862-72, and then on the sectoral standard OST 11.336.038-77 and OST 11.336.919-81, respectively, in 1972, 1977, 1981. With this modification, the main elements of the diguristic code of the symbol system are preserved. This system of designations is logically designed and allows you to build up as the element base is further developed. The main terms, definitions and alphabetic designations of the main and reference parameters of semiconductor devices are shown in the following GOSTs: 25529-82 - semiconductor diodes. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations; 19095-73 - Field transistors. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations; 20003-74 - Bipolar transistors. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations; 20332-84 - Thyristors. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations.

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Conditional notation and classification of domestic semiconductor devices The system of designations of modern semiconductor diodes, thyristors and optoelectronic devices is established by the sectoral standard OST 11 336.919-81 and is based on a number of classification features of these devices. The designation system is based on an alphanumeric code that consists of 5 elements ...

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The first element is the first element (letter or digit) indicates the original semiconductor material, on the basis of which a semiconductor device is created. For the instruments of the general use, letters are used, which are initial letters in the name of the semiconductor or semiconductor compound. For special use appliances, numbers are used instead of these letters. Original material Conditional designations of germanium or its compound g or 1 silicon or its compound to or 2 gallium compounds (for example, gallium arsenide) A or 3 India compounds (for example, India phosphide) and or 4

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The second element - subclass of semiconductor devices. Typically, the letter is selected from the name of the device, as the first letter of the name subclass of instruments. Legend. And thyristors are triodeful in emitting OE devices L tunnel diodes and optocouplers

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Third element. The third element (digit) in the designation of semiconductor devices, determines the basic functionality of the device. At various subclasses of devices, the most characteristic operational parameters (functionality) are different. For transistors, it is an operating frequency and dispelled power, for rectifier diodes - the maximum direct current value for stabilitons is the stabilization voltage and the power dissipation, for thyristors - the current value in the open state.

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Fourth element. The fourth element (2 or 3 digits) means the sequence number of technological design and varies from 01 to 999.

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The fifth Element. The fifth element (letter) in the alphanumeric code of the symbol system indicates the disorder according to separate parameters of instruments made in a single technology. For the designation, the capital letters of the Russian alphabet from A to Z, besides the s, o, h, s, sh, etc. I, similar to spelling with numbers.

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Conditional designations and classification of foreign semiconductor devices abroad there are various systems for semiconductor devices. The most common is the JEDEC designation system adopted by the United States Technical Council on US Electronic Appliances. According to this system, the instruments are indicated by the index (code, marking), in which the first digit corresponds to the number of P-N transitions: 1 - diode, 2 - transistor, 3 - Tetrod (thyristor). The figure of the letter N and the serial number, which is registered by the Association of Electronic Industry Enterprises (EIA). The number may be one or more letters, pointing to the breakdown of the instruments of the same type on the symptoms in various parameters or characteristics. However, the digits of the serial number do not define the type of source material, the frequency range, the scattering power or the scope. In Europe, a system is used in which the designations of semiconductor devices are assigned by the Association International Pro Electron. According to this system, appliances for household apparatus are widely used in two letters and three digits. So, in devices of wide use after two letters there is a three-digit sequence number from 100 to 999. In instruments used in industrial and special equipment, the third sign - the letter (letters are used in the opposite alphabetical order: z, y, x, etc. ), Behind which the sequence number is from 10 to 99.

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First element. The first element (letter) denotes the original semiconductor material, on the basis of which a semiconductor device is created. 4 Latin letters A, B, C and D are used, in accordance with the type of semiconductor or semiconductor compound. Source material Width of the prohibited zone, EV Conventions Germany 0.6 ... 1 and silicon 1 ... 1.3 V Arsenide Gallium more than 1.3 with India Antimonide less than 1.6 D

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The second element (letter) indicates a subclass of semiconductor devices. The third element (digit or letter) denotes in alphanumeric semiconductor devices, intended for the instrument of general use (digit) or for special use equipment (letter). As a letter, in the latter case, capital latin letters consumed in reverse order z, y, x, etc. are used. The fourth element (2 digits) means the sequence number of technological development and varies from 01 to 99. For example, VTX10-200 is a silicon controlled rectifier (thyristor) of a special purpose with a registration number 10 and voltage of 200 V.

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the standard JIS-C-7012 standard designation system developed in Japan (JIS-C-7012 standard, adopted by the EIAJ-Electronic Industries Association of Japan) allows you to determine the semiconductor device (diode or transistor) class, its purpose, the type of semiconductor conductivity. The type of semiconductor material in the Japanese system is not reflected. The conditional designation of semiconductor devices according to the JIS-C-7012 standard consists of five elements. First element. The first element (digit) denotes the type of semiconductor device. 3 digits (0, 1, 2 and 3) are used in accordance with the type of instrument. Second element. The second element is denoted by the letter S and indicates that this device is semiconductor. The letter S is used as an initial letter from the word semiconductor. Third element. The third element (letter) denotes a subclass of semiconductor devices. Below in the table shows the letters used to designate subclasses a fourth element. The fourth element denotes the registration number of technological development and begins with the number 11. Fifth element. The fifth element reflects the modification of the development (A and B - the first and second modification).

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JEDEC JEDEC DEVICES SYSTEM (JOINT ELECTRON DEVICE ENGINEERING COUNCIL), adopted by the United States Technical Council on US Electronic Appliances. On this system, the instruments are indicated by the index (code, marking), in which: the first element. The first element (digit) denotes the number of P-N transitions. 4 digits (1, 2, 3 and 4) are used in accordance with the type of instrument: 1 - diode, 2 - transistor, 3 - thyristor, 4 - optopara. Second element. The second element consists of the letter N and the serial number, which is registered by the E-Industry Association (EIA). The digits of the serial number do not define the type of source material, the frequency range, the scattering power and the scope. Third element. The third element is one or more letters, indicate the breakdown of the instruments of the same type on the symptoms on various characteristics. The manufacturer, the instruments of which in their parameters are similar to the instruments, registered EIA, can represent its devices with the designation adopted via the JEDEC system. Example: 2n2221a, 2n904.

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Graphic designations and standards in technical documentation and special literature applied conditional graphic designations of semiconductor devices in accordance with GOST 2.730-73 "Conditional designations, graphic in schemes. Semiconductor devices. "

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Triode, locked in the opposite direction, turnable, with control of the cathode anoma

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Conditional designations of electrical parameters and comparative reference data of semiconductor devices for semiconductor devices are determined and standardized the values \u200b\u200bof the main electrical parameters and the limit operational characteristics that are given in reference books are identified. These parameters include: voltage (for example, UPR - constant direct diode voltage), current (for example, Ist, Max - the maximum allowable current in stabilization of stabilion, power (for example, the output power of the bipolar transistor), resistance (for example, Radiff Diode Differential Resistance), Capacity (for example, CK - collector transition capacity), time and frequency (for example, TWOS, OBR - reverse recovery time of a thyristor, diode), Temperature (for example, Tmax - Maximum ambient temperature). The number of basic electrical values Parameters are calculated by hundreds, and for each semiconductor device subclass, these parameters will be different. In reference editions, the values \u200b\u200bof the main electrical parameters and the limiting operational characteristics of semiconductor devices are given. Below as an example, these data are given for typical representatives of various types of instruments.

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Examples of signs of some transistors: KT604A - silicon bipolar, average power, low-frequency, development number 04, group A 2T920 - silicon bipolar, high power, high-frequency, development number 37, group A 2PS202A-2 - a set of low-power silicon field transistors of medium frequency, number Development 02, group A, inapplication, with flexible conclusions on the crystal holder. 2D921A - a silicon pulse diode with an effective life time of nonsense charge carriers less than 1NC, development number 21, group A 303g - arsenidogallium tunnel generator diode, development number 3, group G Ad103B - arsenidogallium emitting infrared diode, development number 3, group B.

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Main GOSTS: GOST 15133-77 Semiconductor devices. Terms and definitions of OST 11 336,919 -81 Semiconductor devices. System of symbols. GOST 2.730-73 Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Semiconductor devices GOST 18472-82 Semiconductor devices. Main dimensions GOST 20003-74 Bipolar transistors. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations. GOST 19095 - 73 Field transistors. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations. GOST 23448 - 79 Instruments semiconductor infrared emitting. Main sizes. GOST 25529-82 semiconductor diodes. Terms, definitions and alphabetic parameter designations.

The rapid development and expansion of the applications of electronic devices are due to the improvement of the element base, the basis of which is a semiconductor device semiconductor materials according to their resistivity (ρ \u003d 10-6 ÷ 1010 OMM) occupy an intermediate place between the conductors and dielectrics. Popoloretric materials

Semiconductor diodes are a semiconductor device with one P-N-N-transition and two conclusions, the operation of which is based on the properties of the P-N - transition. The main property of the P-N - transition is one-sided conductivity - the current proceeds only in one direction. Conditionally - the graphic designation (HTO) of the diode has the shape of the arrow, which indicates the direction of flowing the current through the device. A constructive diode consists of a p-n-transition concluded in the housing (with the exception of micromodules inappropriate) and two conclusions: from the P- region - anode, from N- region - cathode. That is, a diode is a semiconductor device that transmits only in one direction - from the anode to the cathode. The dependence of the current through the device from the applied voltage is called a volt - ampere characteristic of the instrument I \u003d F (U).

Transistors The transistor is a semiconductor device designed to enhance, generating and converting electrical signals, as well as switching electrical circuits. A distinctive feature of the transistor is the ability to enhance the voltage and current - the voltage transistor acting at the input and currents lead to the appearance of a significantly greater amount of voltages at its output and currents. The transistor received its name from the reduction of two English words TRAN (RE) Sistor is a controlled resistor. The transistor allows you to adjust the current in the chain from zero to the maximum value.

Classification of transistors: - on the principle of action: field (unipolar), bipolar, combined. - by the value of the dissipated power: small, medium and large. - by the value of the limit frequency: low -, medium -, high - and super-frequency. - by the value of the operating voltage: low - and high-voltage. - by functional purpose: universal, amplifying, key, etc. - according to constructive execution: inapproprous and in the case, with rigid and flexible conclusions.

Depending on the functions performed, the transistors can operate in three modes: 1) active mode - used to enhance electrical signals in analog devices. The resistance of the transistor varies from zero to the maximum value - they say the transistor "opens" or "closed". 2) saturation mode - the resistance of the transistor tends to zero. In this case, the transistor is equivalent to a closed relay contact. 3) Cutching mode - the transistor is closed and has a high resistance, that is, it is equivalent to the opening relay contact. Saturation and cut-off modes are used in digital, pulse and switching circuits.

Indicator Electronic Indica Á Thor This is an electronic showing device intended for visual control over events, processes and signals. Electronic indicators are installed in various domestic and industrial equipment for informing a person about the level or value of various parameters, such as voltages, current, temperature, battery charge, etc. often the electronic indicator is erroneously called the mechanical indicator with an electronic scale. Electronic Showing Device Mechanical Indicator

The rapid development and expansion of the applications of electronic devices are due to the improvement of the element base, the basis of which is the semiconductor device semiconductor materials in their specific resistance (ρ \u003d 10-6 ÷ 1010 Ohm m) occupy an intermediate place between the conductors and dielectrics. The rapid development and expansion of the applications of electronic devices are due to the improvement of the element base, the basis of which is the semiconductor device semiconductor materials in their specific resistance (ρ \u003d 10-6 ÷ 1010 Ohm m) occupy an intermediate place between the conductors and dielectrics.

For the manufacture of electronic devices, solid semiconductors are used having a crystalline structure. For the manufacture of electronic devices, solid semiconductors are used having a crystalline structure. Semiconductor devices are called instruments whose action is based on the use of semiconductor properties.

Semiconductor diodes are a semiconductor device with one P-N-transition and two conclusions, the operation of which is based on the properties of the P-N - transition. The main property of the P-N - transition is one-sided conductivity - the current proceeds only in one direction. The conditionally graphic designation (Hugo) of the diode has the form of an arrow, which indicates the direction of flowing current through the device. A structurally diode consists of a P-N-transition enclosed in the housing (with the exception of micromodules inapproprous) and two conclusions: from the P-region - anode, from the N-region - the cathode. Those. A diode is a semiconductor device that transmits current only in one direction - from the anode to the cathode. The dependence of the current through the device from the applied voltage is called the volt-ampere characteristic (WA) of the device I \u003d F (U).

Transistors The transistor is a semiconductor device designed to enhance, generating and converting electrical signals, as well as switching electrical circuits. A distinctive feature of the transistor is the ability to enhance the voltage and current - the voltage transistor acting at the input and currents lead to the appearance of a significantly greater amount of voltages at its output and currents. The transistor received its name from the reduction of two English words TRAN (RE) Sistor is a controlled resistor. The transistor allows you to adjust the current in the chain from zero to the maximum value.

Classification of transistors: Classification of transistors: - on the principle of action: field (unipolar), bipolar, combined. - by the value of the dissipated power: small, medium and large. - by the value of the limit frequency: low-, medium-, high and ultra-high-frequency. - by the value of the operating voltage: low and high voltage. - by functional purpose: universal, amplifying, key, etc. - according to constructive execution: inapproprous and in the case, with rigid and flexible conclusions.

Depending on the functions performed, the transistors can operate in three modes: Depending on the functions performed, the transistors can operate in three modes: 1) active mode - used to enhance electrical signals in analog devices. The resistance of the transistor varies from zero to the maximum value - they say the transistor "opens" or "is subfed". 2) saturation mode - the resistance of the transistor tends to zero. In this case, the transistor is equivalent to a closed relay contact. 3) Cutching mode - the transistor is closed and has high resistance, i.e. It is equivalent to an open relay contact. Saturation and cut-off modes are used in digital, pulse and switching circuits.

Indicator The electrically indicator is an electronic showing device designed to visually control events, processes and signals. Electronic indicators are installed in various domestic and industrial equipment for informing a person about the level or value of various parameters, such as voltages, current, temperature, battery charge, etc. Often the electronic indicator is erroneously called the mechanical indicator with an electronic scale.

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A presentation is represented that can be used in physics lessons, as well as in the exercise on electrical engineering and the basics of electronics in secondary vocational educational institutions. The paper is set out the topic "semiconductor devices".

Semiconductor or electrical constructive is called instruments whose action is based on the use of semiconductors.

K semiconductors include elements of the Fourth Mendeleev Table Group, having a crystal structure. Germany, silicon, selenium are the most common.

K semiconductors also include metal oxides - oxides, compounds with gray - sulphides, selenium compounds - selenides.

Types of semiconductors and their conductors. Own semiconductor is an unprepared semiconductor.

The process of the occurrence of free electrons and holes is called the generation of charge carriers.

B semiconductor is possible process, reverse generation process - recombination. During the recombination, the pair of charges of charges The electron-hole monitoring of charge carriers occurs, and therefore, the electrical conductivity in the semiconductor increases with increasing temperature. At temperatures, the concentration of charge carriers for pure ge is 10 13 cm -3, for Si - 10 11 cm -3.

This semiconductor has its own conductivity, which consists of electrons and holes in equal amounts

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Types of semiconductors and their conductors

Electronic semiconductor

The conductivity of this type is called electronic or n-type (from negative - negative).

An impurity, which gives excess electrons is called donor (giving electrons - the main carriers of charges, and the holes are non-core.

Hole semiconductor

The hole (p-type) is the impurity semiconductor, the valence of atoms of the impurity of which is less than the valence of atoms of the pure semiconductor. For example, Germanium with an admixture of India. The conductivity of such a semiconductor will be determined by holes and is called hole or r-Type (from POSITIVE - positive).

An impurity, which gives an excess hole, is called acceptor (host).

The holes are the main carriers of charges, and the electrons are non-residential.

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Semiconductor diodes

1. The case of lack of voltage.

The area in which the double electric layer is formed and the electric field is called the electron-hole N-P transition.

The main charge carriers, moving through the N-P - the transition, create a diffusion current. The movement of non-core charge carriers creates conduction current.

B condition of equilibrium These currents are equal in size and opposite in direction. Then the resulting current through the transition is zero.

2. Direct voltage case.

This polarity is called straight.

With direct voltage, the external field weakens the N-P field - transition field.

The transition of major charge carriers will prevail over the transition of non-core charge carriers. A direct current will go through the transition. This current is great, because Determined by the main charge carriers.

3. Case of reverse voltage.

Through N-P - the transition passes only non-core charge carriers: holes from N - semiconductor and electrons from P - semiconductor. They create in the external circuit current, opposite to direct current - reverse current. It is about a thousand times less direct current, because Determined by non-core charge carriers.

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Voltamper characteristic diode

With increasing return voltage, the streams of the main charge carriers are reduced, the reverse current increases.

Further increase of u arr increase the current slightly, because It is determined by the streams of non-core charge carriers.

The main property of diodes: because The diodes are well conducted in the direct direction and badly in the opposite, then they have the property of one-sided conductivity, are electrical valves and are used in AC rectifier diagrams.

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Types of diodes

Device of plane diode.

Digid diode device

Designation of semiconductor diodes in diagrams.

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Support silicon diodes

This diode is designed so that increasing the return voltage (applied to n-P. - transition) above some limit leads to a diode break - rapid increase in the return current I. OBR with constant return voltage U. arr.

If the current through the diode exceeds I. Mah, it will lead it to overheating and destruction. Workstation characteristics is a plot from I. MIN BE I. Mah. , which is used to stabilize the voltage. The reference diodes are used to stabilize the voltage and create a reference (reference) voltage. Therefore, they are called silicon stabilongs.