View file bin. How to open file.bin. Other data in format

All files with extension. BIN are software files, open which is not necessary to the usual user. As a rule, such files are stored binary code, a set of zeros and units, thanks to which a particular computer program or a game is correctly operating. But because of any problems, sometimes you need to open such a file and make some changes to it. This may be due to a failure in the work, or because of banal curiosity when it fades just play games.

Note: Since these files may be important information, the violation of which can lead to a complete failure of the program or the game, which this file belongs, before opening it is better to make a backup copy and save it in a separate place. This will help restore previous settings and parameters if something goes wrong with you and the file will deteriorate.

Consider several of the most popular ways to open files with extension.bin.

Step-by-step instruction

Open a file with extension.bin using a variety of programs that we point a little later. Now consider the overall instructions on which it is worth working with such files:
1. Creating a backup;
2. Decide which program you will be more convenient to work with this file;
3. Specify the location of the bin file, i.e. where all its "insides" will be retracted;
4. Start working with extracted files
As the rules, the most common reason for which such a type of file is required is to install games. The developers are very often packaged game installation files in this way.

Opening a bin file on the Windows 10 operating system

The latest updates of this operating system, which without exaggeration is one of the most popular in the world, have made difficulties in some users with extracting such files, so it will be useful to learn how to perform the necessary actions in which there is nothing complicated:
1. A bin-file is most often the image of some kind of disk as a file with a format.iso, so you can open and unpack it using standard disk images, such as Ultraiso, Alcohol, Daemontools or any other.
2. After opening the file, you need to click on the unpacking button. In each program, its finding is different, but the work principles are the same: you specify a place where to unpack the file and click the unpack button. Below is an example of work on the Ultraiso program.

3. Now you just need to open the folder to which you learned the desired files and start performing the steps you need.

Opening a bin file on the Windows 7 operating system

Nowadays, many users still use the previous most successful version of this operating system, so it is worth knowing that the bin-file on Windows 7 is as simple as on Windows 10. In some point it is even easier, because for this operating system More special programs have been developed to solve the problem. Consider once again a list of actions.
1. download the desired program;
2. Opening a bin file in this program and unpacking;
3. Work with unpacked files.

Note: If you are 100% sure that there is any video in the file you open, then you can not use third-party programs. Just click on it with the right mouse button, select "Open using" and select the desired player in the drop-down list by clicking on it. After these actions, the video is automatically played. The procedure is shown in the following screenshots.

Popular programs for opening bin files

Consider the most popular 10 programs to work with this type of files:
1. Ultraiso;
2. Daemontools;
3. Alcohol 120%;
4. VCL MediaPlayer;
5. Poweriso;
6. Gizmodrive;
7. Anytoiso;
8. Poweriso;
9. TotalVideoPlayer;
10. Magiciso Maker.

Using any of these programs, you can quickly unpack the bin file, so the further choice remains only for you, because the interface preferences, the speed of operation and other nuances have individuals.

There are several ways to open the bin file, and in this material these programs are presented in the format of the top 5.

There are a wide variety of types of such files with different content.



What is this format. Talking briefly, such a combination of letters is the beginning of the word "binary". This suggests that all data in such a file is saved in binary format.

And this is all, that is, this type of document does not speak absolutely about its contents, because it may be the most different.

Such documents do not carry any independent value. In the general case, this is an additional software tool required to perform a particular command on the device.

These materials are not designed for any changes and even viewing (at least, an ordinary user, and not a program developer).

On modern computers, most often, files of this format belong to one of the following types:

<Рис. 3 Nero>

3rd place. Daemon Tools.

This most suitable for game bin. That is, if such data is found in the disk with the game or in the folder with it, then open them better through this software.

The program has a free trial with a practically unlimited functionality and steadily works.

In order to open BIN, do the following actions algorithm:

If necessary, you can not only familiarize yourself with it, but also make changes.

The program works much more stable all listed above. It supports BIN of many types and allows you to correctly display their contents.

<Рис. 4 Daemon Tools>

2 place. FULTRA ISO.

It differs from previous programs to the most stable work. In addition, it is capable of displaying the contents of a larger number of bin types.

Thanks to constant updates, it works stably and does not give failures almost never.

In addition, it is not demanding of computer resources, does not create a significant burden on the "iron".

It applies for free and is available in many species for different versions of the computer software.

The principle of operation in this program is similar to everyone else:

Although the principle of operation of such a program does not differ from the previous ones, it is preferable to download it. Since it works with almost any BIN types.

<Рис. 5 UltraISO>

1st place. Original Soft

Under the original software in this case, the program for which the file was developed is understood.

If we are talking about a small bin that appeared after or cameras, then we are talking about the driver file.

In this case, you can open it using the software that is connected to the connected device.

<Рис. 6 Оригинальный софт>

When downloading information from the Internet, you may encounter documents with documents that have BIN extension. Open ordinary applications will not work. Therefore, the question arises: what program to open the BIN file in Windows?

Why do you need bin files?

BIN extension comes from the word "binary" - binary. The document contains information in the form of a binary code. They are used as auxiliary files when storing information or in games as installation archives. Some programs when copying DVDs or CDs discs create images with this extension.

Than open

Files with the BIN extension are not intended to open users. They are used by computers in the work. But if such a need appears, install special utilities on the computer.

In notepad

PCM on the desired document - open with a notebook.

It is worth knowing! This method will allow you to open the file, but you will see a set of incomprehensible characters that are not carrying any information. Therefore, it is used very rarely.

Large file

Before you look for an application for opening this type of file, check its size. If it is comparable to the size of a CD or DVD disk, then this image. To open the image, use Ultra ISO, Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools.

Driver or firmware

If a file with a small size extension is likely to contain a driver or firmware. Find out how it opens, you can in the instructions for the device for which it is intended. For more information, more information is available on the manufacturer of the equipment manufacturer, where special applications will also be prompted to open such files.

Installer by

If you encountered an auxiliary file with the BIN extension intended to install some kind of program, applications or games, there is no need to open it, because it does not contain any important and useful information for the user.


You can view how the BIN files of various types are opened.


The need to open a file with the BIN extension from the user appears after downloading from the Internet or detection on the computer. To do this, use images for mounting images (Alcohol, Daemon Tools or Ultraiso) or special utilities created by equipment developers (if it contains drivers or firmware). In other cases, it is not necessary to open this file.

Sometimes on the PC, in the mail or other sources, the user comes across the files in the BIN expansion (bin) - how to open it, especially when it weighs enough, but there is no information on its use at all.

If such a document is discovered in the usual way: double click and so on - nothing happens. The screen will seem the window in which you want to select a special program to run this program.

But it also happens that the operating system itself offers programs for working S.Bin from those installed on the PC. But if with the help of the applications proposed, nothing came out, or the applications simply are not suggested - find the required program itself.

1. Bin (bin) file what is it?

bIN files are binary files. They are needed to work programs and components of programs. And, as a rule, they go to the "set" with executing files with extension.exe, as well as with libraries.dll on windows. For Mac OS, such a executor can still be type .App.

Inside the bin file contains:
- some additional information for the application and program;
- archives for a program or game;
- The image itself.
To find out what is. Bin file can be disassembled by its type.

2. Opening options bin file

Such files can be used using a variety of applications, even with the help of PC already.
For example, the same notebook will help to view any information. But the display in notepad will be unreadable and in general wrong.

Incorrect display of the open file in notepad can be observed when it is small, usually up to several megabytes.
But in the event that the information takes from 100 and above MB, then this is most often the disk image and to open the file, you can use special applications specializing in applications.

3. How to open the disk image

To open the disk image under. BIN extension, it is best to use the following programs:
- Ultra ISO;
- Alcohol 120%;
- Daemon Tools;
- Poweriso;
- Nero.

Listed utilities, most often conditionally free, or free completely.
If none of the listed programs are not available on the computer - download any of them and try to open the required bin file.
An operation "Reformatting" bin file in ISO is still possible. To do this, a special Magiciso converter will be suitable, which will change the file format for a pair of minutes.

4. How and how to open the driver, firmware, or installer software?

If the BIN file is a small size, then it can be a firmware of some device, or its driver.
Decide how to use such a file can be easily. Download the application you need, which can change files and open them. Download Pic Bin Editor Best of all from the official source.

But if .bin. - This is an auxiliary file of any application, and it is in the same folder as the application itself - it is not necessary to open it.
Data from the file is determined and used automatically during the operation and download of the main program. No useful information for the user file, in this case, does not bear.

5. Open binary video file

It happens that. Bin Fi on a PC is a rare binary video file Bin Video File. - The same copy of the DVD, or another source with video.
This type is a kind of standard image, which, usually, is in a group with such an extension as: .cue. It opens without emulators, but simple players:
- MPlayer;
- KMPlayer;
- VLC Media Player.

6. Data warehouses that do not require opening

In the event that the information is provided in the form of a binary code, it is not always possible and it is required to open it with the help of utilities. Often such files weigh up to 10 kb, and are used by applications, games and others, and the launch of the files are automatically used.
But if the contents really need to be viewed, it is done using programs: Resource Hacker and Winhex.

7. Work S.Bin on Mac OS

In addition to Windows, binary files are found on Mac.
Here the information will be "macbinary" by the file that contains data, title and resources. NIDE apps for work S.Bin expansion on Mac Os.
- zipzag;
- Apple Disk Utility;
- The Unarchiver;
- Stuffit Deluxe.

8. Using.Bin files on Linux

Linux also occurs like a similar type of files. Having found this type, you need to refer to the command line and enter "name file.bin" into it. But most often the opening of such files is not needed.

9. .bin game consoles files

The BIN file often may be part of any game for PS, or Nintendo and even xbox.
In this case, the file is an important attribute in the folder and part of the program. Opening such a file - nothing happens.

10. More options

Today, the data that is stored by V.Bin files is needed for the following devices:
- BlackBerry highly uses such files where they serve as special control files and OS updates;
- Almost all mobile phones with chipset Mtk - This is most of Chinese gadgets on android.
- on obsolete Nokia phones, such a file can be ringtone.
- on scanners Acer, Agfa, Epson.
To find out why this file is not so difficult, because all the information is in the common folders and you need to work with another software.
Opening such types of files, most often, you only need to developers that use something from it. The PC user does not need to "climb" in these files. First, it will not give him anything, and secondly, any change can stop the operation of the file.

11. Outcome

Bin file is easy to open using additional by a lcohol, Daemon Tools etc. Perhaps even change (conversion) of its format.
There is a mass of software that works with type so-type files, and most often their opening is not required, and even more so change.

Probably, more than once met with files in BIN format and each time they asked themselves the question of what Bin format is? Why does it serve? How to open bin? The answer to these questions is very simple, although ambiguous. This is one of the most popular formats, and the name BIN comes from the "Binary File" (binary file). In practice, this means that the BIN format file may contain ... almost any kind of digital content - text, video, music, graphics.

After we learned what the bin file is, the question remains, how do we open it. Below we will tell you several ways to open files that have this strange extension and how to get their contents.

How to open a bin file

The bin file is most often used as a disk image, as well as. If we assume that the BIN file contains an image of a CD or DVD disk (it may indicate it a large size), then you can open it one of the free programs intended for processing this type of content. The BIN file will be created and mounted in a virtual drive, as well as, for example, ISO - files. We recommend that this purpose is a popular and free program Daemon Tools Lite.

BIN file may also include ... Text! Therefore, if its size is not big, you can try to open it in a notebook, i.e. by default in a program that supports text files in the Windows system.

It can also happen that in the file with the BIN extension is hidden ... Video! If you deal with a file that you cannot open not one of the above methods, then try to do this using popular video playback programs. In our case, the VLC Media Player program has proven well

Before you download and open the BIN file, it is worth checking it using an antivirus program. Unfortunately, the virus can also be hidden under the BIN expansion, so it is better to check what then regret.