Program guide for batch processing images. Batch photo processing Program for batch photo processing

We will open a new window containing two partitions with files and several commands:

In the right column with files, all files in the current folder are indicated, in the left - selected for batch processing. You can add or delete selected files using the "Add", "Add All" buttons, "Delete", "Clear"

On the left below are the tools for mass rename and change the date of creation of pictures, work with them is intuitive.

In the Row "Output folder" you can select or create a new folder to save the converted photo.

To fulfill most of the mass operations, a checkbox will be set in Chekbox "Change settings (sizes ...) and click on the" Advanced "button:

Pressing the button opens a new window:

With the help of this window, we can set one or more types of editing images:

  • Change of size
  • Turn
  • Trimming
  • Changing the size of the canvas
  • Color depth correction
  • Change contrast, brightness, saturation, color gamut, image blur, converting to negative, black and white and sepia
  • Permission image
  • Text imposition
  • Water sign imposition
  • Adding Frame to Photos

I repeat, a significant advantage of mass editing photos using Faststone Image Viewer is that we can apply as much as one and several editing types.

For example, I want to change the brightness of the selected photos. To do this, I click on the "Image Settings" tab, put a checkbox in the checkbox "change brightness, contrast, gamut, saturation" and the following parameters appear in the window:

Change any parameters in such a window is not convenient, because We do not see the image itself. Therefore, press the "Design and Preview" button, and we have a new window, where there are all these settings, and most importantly, the photo itself is displayed:

The interface of this window is convenient and intuitively understood.

On the right, in the "Input List" section, you can select a photo to preview.

On the right above are the zoom buttons: with their help you can see the photo in real size, adjust the window size, increase or decrease the display scale.

In order to look at the result of the changes, click the Preview button.

After you set the necessary settings, click the "Close" button, the window closes, we fall into the previous window and can proceed directly to conversion by clicking OK or add more settings by selecting the desired tab at the top.

After clicking OK, the window closes, and we return to the main batch conversion dialog box. Click the "Start" button starts the packet conversion process, the process status is displayed:

Upon completion, click OK. Ready! Processed images are stored under the old names in the specified conservation folder, or if the folder has not been specified, then the images are stored in the original folder under the old names added, depending on your settings, numbers and / or prefixes and / or suffixes.

I needed a batch processing utility. Before that, I made image processing only in the Adobe Photoshop program, but it would be too much to put photoshop on that laptop, so I installed it the XNConvert program. I think it is the best free program for batch processing of photos and images.

The XNConvert program has under all three families of operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux. It is noteworthy that among Windows operating systems, not only Windows 10, but also previous operating systems Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP are supported.

The main features of the program:

  • Change of size
  • Cropping
  • Water sign imposition
  • Overlay text
  • Rotate images
  • Delete EXIF \u200b\u200band other meta data
  • and much more...

Consider the main case of using XnConvert. For example, we have a folder with photos that need to be resized, add a watermark and squeeze a bit. The XNConvert program allows you to do all this. You just choose your folder with images, set the necessary settings and select where you save files. Next, I will tell you in detail about these possibilities.

Appearance XnConvert.

The program interface is divided into tabs. You select the input images, select actions, select the folder where you save the data and select the image quality in the settings.

The program can make a chain of action:

And here is the list of possible actions:

And it is without filters! The capabilities of the program are really limitless for batch processing of images.

As a result, if you need a simple utility for packet image processing, we boldly choose XnConvert, you will not be mistaken.

Applied to process several photos at once, i.e. In several photos, the same action is used and all these photos are saved at once for one click.

The first thing you need to create a folder where you want in my case I created a folder on the desktop. Further allocate all photos and move them to the folder in which you created.

Now open photoshop. It is desirable that photoshop was version with CS. 5 and higher. Load in Photoshop any photo for processing. Here is the most important nuance, it is necessary to create an operation that is the most important part of this reception. On the top panel, select the "window" item

Drop-down list menu you need to select the section "Operation"

open this window

Now proceed to create an operation. On the bottom tab of the window that opens, click on the "Create a new set" icon. Write the name "My Set" and click "OK"

You can write any name. As you see your set appeared in the list of sets. Click on our set so that the arrow is pointing down.

Now go to the bottom panel and click on the "Create a new operation" icon.

Open this window

You can also assign hot keys to help perform. batch photo processing For one click, as desired, choose color, but it does not matter I leave.

It remains only to start recording before clicking on the record you should already be downloaded photos and everything is ready.

In my case, I will use batch processing of photos for cooking photos to publish on your blog. I will apply my styles, effects, filters, etc. And you apply the action that you need. And so let's start the batch processing process, click "Write"

First, go over the layers section. Open the menu "Window" Select the section "Layers"

i will add "levels" and increase the sharpness. You can add any effects and filters, as well as change the size of the image. After you finish the photo processing, you must click on the "Stop" icon in the bottom panel at the "Operation" window

now check whether the reception works batch photo processing. To do this, on the top of the panel, open the "File" menu. Insend the mouse cursor to the "script" point and select the section "Image handler"

the window that opened is divided into 4 parts:

  1. Indicate the path of batch processing photos
  2. Indicate the place to save the result
  3. Select image settings. Indicate the photo format and each format indicate the length and width. We also determine the quality of photos
  4. Apply the necessary operation

In our case, I created a folder on the desktop. In the first item, click "Select a folder" and select the desired folder

in the third paragraph I will indicate the following settings. Save photos of JPEG format and will indicate the quality 5 or 6 as it is normal for publishing the Internet.

And the last point simply choose the operation we created

After you specify all the parameters click "Run". In your eyes, the batch processing process will begin.

I honestly love to watch this process. Once batch processing of photos. On the desktop we go through the folder we created and indicated during processing,

there, Photoshop created another JPEG folder and retained all photos that were processed.

In my practice batch photo processing It was useful when I needed to handle a lot of photos to publish on my blog.

Since the photo was very much, but to process each picture separately it was just punishment. And I found out the situation with this method.

I hope this information will be useful.

You will be interested

Sometimes there is a need for mass, batch processing of graphic images. Insert into digital images watermark, Post text, resize, perform image correction - Contrast, Alignment of the histogram, Lightening or darkening, apply filters on images, adding a mask in the photo, overlaying the effects of mosaic, painting or deformation, removing and preserving metadata. With all this and many others will apply a wonderful and free program XnConvert. The utility is easy to use and the result of the flow processing of graphic images is achieved in several mouse clicks. XnConvert supports work with more than 500 graphic file formats, including PSD, PS, PPM, IFF, ICO, GIF, EMF, BMP, JPG, JPEG2000, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, OPENEXR and CAMERA RAW.

Change a lot of images

The program supports many languages \u200b\u200bincluding Russian. Easy and quickly, the photographer can easily be able to impose an author's watermark on all photos and drawings before placing them on the Internet. Web Designer The program will help massively resize images and convert them to another format, impose a filter and an interesting effect (for example, sepia or an old chamber) for a harmonious combination with the design of the site. If you need to handle a group of images quickly and maximally, take to XNConvertse.

Get a multitude of pictures in the age of digital cameras is not a problem, much more difficult to understand your photo archive, because hundreds and thousands of images with any meaningful names can be stored. Therefore, without renaming photographs, it is not necessary, and this is one of the most time-consuming operations on the organization of photocollection. Rename the photo manually for a long time and tedious, it is better to call on the aid of the application for batch processing of images, with which the task has been solved almost instantly.

But this is just one side of the question. Pictures, depending on their purpose, have to be subject to one or another additional processing. Let's say if it is supposed to publish a photo on the Internet, then, as a rule, do not do without a decrease in size, but in some cases it is converting to another format and adding watermark images. In addition, it may be necessary to conduct a correction of the photo in order to improve their improvement (color correction, control of contrast and saturation, etc.), as well as in photo decoration. Of course, all these operations can be performed manually, but if there are many pictures - it will be truly titanic work. It is not worth spending your time so meaningless, it is better to carry out similar routine operations in batch mode.

Software solutions equipped with functional for batch processing of pictures in the market set. This is both graphic editors (including recognized by all Adobe Photoshop professionals), and photocatalogators (including the eminent Adobe Lightroom and more modest products for a wide range of users: Zoner Photo Studio, Picajet, etc.), and various kinds of graphics viewers (IrfanView, XnView and etc.) However, simple routine snapshotwork operations are often more convenient to perform with specialized batch processing utilities. Such utilities are very simple in use, compact, differ in the impressive speed of transformation of the pictures and are often free, and therefore will use any user.

Rename Snimkov

Names that are assigned to camera images when shooting are completely non-informative - guess which picture is hidden, for example, under the name DSC02799.jpg is absolutely impossible. Therefore, when copying photos from the camera to photo archive to the hard disk, they are usually renamed, giving descriptive names, "speaking" about when and where the photo was taken, which event on it is displayed, etc. Useful, for example, to specify in the name of the shot date (perhaps only a year and month) and the number, frame - for example 2011-09-05_0015.jpg or 2011-09_0015.jpg (15th frame, shot on September 5, 2011 or in September 2011 ). It is also possible to add to the name of a snapshot name of a place or event - the name of the name of a particular photo from the group in this case may have the form: thailand_2011-09_0015.jpg.

As a rule, such renaming is carried out in batch mode. To rename the image group, the file name mask is specified in general. Usually, in such a mask, the letters of the English alphabet, numbers, underscores and a number of special characters can be used, conventionally indicating the original file name, year and month of shooting, the sequence number, etc. (symbol designations in different utilities may vary).

For example, we rename several photos of the utility Faststone photo resizer.. Activate the tab Batch Rename.In the left part of the window, open the folder with the source files and add the images of interest to the list on the right side of the window. Please note that the files on the left side of the window can be displayed both as a list and in the form of a miniature, more convenient. After that, if necessary, you can open the following folder with the source images and again select photos for processing, etc. The file mask is then entered in general form (in our case - Large_patok_2011_07 _ ####). This will mean that the name of the site (Large_PATOK) and the shooting date will appear in each snapshot, and at the end will appear the sequence number of the frame. Now it will remain just running the process by clicking the RENAME button (Fig. 1), and all selected files will be renamed and will be saved in the source folder.

Fig. 1. Package Rename Files in Faststone Photo Resizer

Approximately the renaming of snapshots in other utilities supporting this feature. However, in some solutions, more flexible schemes can be implemented, for example in the program Rename Master The view of the names generated in batch mode is limited only by the user's fantasy. There are no special difficulties in the formation of this kind of names here, although at first the utility interface seems difficult, and the help leaves much to be desired. The principle of renaming files in the Rename Master step-by-step: The entire process is divided into a variety of separate actions (delete characters at the beginning / end of the name, replace the number or text, add a certain set of characters, etc.). To perform a specific action, follows the tab Renaming Scripts. Activate the desired script and adjust its parameters in accordance with the task being solved, then carry out similar operations in relation to the following of the scripts of interest, etc. Consider this in practice to replace in a series of snapshots of the names set by the camera (that is, the names of the form DSC_0064.jpg), on the names of the type Dacha_winter_2013_0021.jpg (21th frame, shot at the summer of 2013). Initially, we delete the first three characters of the name (action Remove Characters.) and replace the number of the snapshot in accordance with the number of images in the processable folder and the shooting sequence (Replace Numbers; Fig. 2). Please note that in the preview pane (located on the right part of the program window) immediately displays the result of connecting any script, which allows you to make sure that or incorrectly selected parameters. After that, add the text at the beginning of the name Dacha_winter_2013 (Fig. 3) and completed rename by clicking on the RENAME button. As a result, the whole group of files in counting seconds will be renamed. By the way, the date (as well as other information that is available in the properties of the file or meta-tags, manually specify not at all, since this program implements the possibility of connecting the corresponding variables inside the scripts (Fig. 4).

Fig. 2. Setting the removal and replacement scripts of characters in the name using Rename Master

Fig. 3. Connecting a script to add a phrase at the beginning of the name (Rename Master)

Fig. 4. Adding the date of shooting during batch renaming in Rename Master

Preparation of images to publication online

Many users publish their photos on all kinds of Internet resources and exchange pictures with friends and colleagues by email. However, the photographic material filmed in modern cameras, "weighs" a lot and upload a large number of images in its original form into its online photo album accounts for quite a while even at the current connection speed with the Internet. Yes, and there is no point in that. Therefore, snapshots intended for publication and online exchange are usually pre-reduced to the webstand. In addition, in some cases, the publication has to resort to converting images to another format in accordance with the requirements of a particular resource. We will also be addicted to the pictures of watermarks when placing them on the network. Perform all these operations manually for a long time to get the result, using tools for packet image processing.

For example, in the Fotosizer utility to change in the batch mode of the size of the image group in the simplest case, it is sufficient to simply drag the pictures to the main program window (one or wholesale), specify the processing parameters: Size (we chose the preset profile to send to e-mail) and a folder for saving and then start the process (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Packet change of sizes of shots in Fotosizer

If we are talking about a large number of images, it is no more difficult and even faster to reduce the size of the pictures using the Photo Magician utility. True, here in the usual mode of operation, dragging does not work - you have to manually specify the folder and the folder. Then the processing parameters are then determined (it's easier to select a profile for placement on the network or viewing on an interesting portable device) - Fig. 6 - and run the process. For the processing of snapshots, the utility will cost a minimum of time and, in addition, carefully suggests at the end immediately send snapshots to the Internet, such as Facebook photo album.

Fig. 6. Setting up the size reduction settings for viewing on iPod (Photo Magician)

A more visual decrease in the size of the pictures (thanks to the display of thumbnails with the basic sizes) is implemented in the PixResizer program. At the same time, batch processing technology is approximately the same as in other utilities of this plan: you need to specify the source folder and the folder, determine the desired photo size (Fig. 7), if necessary, change the format and start the conversion process.

Fig. 7. Changing the sizes of snapshots in batch mode in PixResizer

You can also simply prepare reduced copies of images for online in the Imbatch program. Just drag the original photos to the utility window, select the operation in the list of tasks Resize And set the desired size in certain units. After that, select the conservation operation of images ( Save as), Point the folder and start the processing process (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Packet Reducing Image Using Imbatch

In a similar way, other operations are performed, which sometimes must be carried out before publishing pictures on network resources - convert and add watermarks. With conversion, everything is elementary because it is necessary to simply select the desired format and in some cases also adjust the conversion parameters. With watermarks (as a rule, this is a signature of the author and / or his logo) a little more complicated - unlike professional solutions for the introduction of watermarks in the utilities under consideration, it is impossible to create water marks themselves, you can only insert ready-made images on a transparent background. The possibilities of mapping such implemented watermarks here are minimal, the largest functionality in this regard will boast the program Imbatch (operation Watermark - Fig. 9), in which it is allowed to adjust not only the level of transparency of the sign and its position, but also the scale, type of overlay and a number of other parameters.

Fig. 9. Watering imposition on the snapshot series in IMBATCH

Correction and artistic image processing

Not always the pictures are not always like. Causes can be different: due to excessive noise, insufficient sharpness, due to unsuccessful selected shooting parameters (for example, an incorrectly exhibited balance of white or exposure), insufficient either redundant lighting when shooting, etc. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to make a shooting and make better pictures, therefore, part of poor-quality photos have to be adjusted. In particular, suppress the noise, increase the contrast, correct the color reproduction distortions, increase the detail in the dark or light areas, increase the sharpness and other dispute, for obtaining professionally decorated images, such operations are performed by means of solid graphic products (such as Adobe Photoshop), and, As a rule, an individual approach to each image is supposed. However, to process a specific series of pictures having the same shooting defects, if desired, it is possible in batch mode. In some cases, to improve amateur pictures, you can resort to the help of the appropriate toolkit utilities for batch image processing. However, count on a miracle with such a correction, of course, it is not worthwhile - at best you will be able to just improve the image.

You can try to connect to the case a very simple to use the XNConvert program, which provides a functionality for correcting levels, aligning the histogram, lightening / dimming images, changes in exposure, adjustment of the color balance, etc. To quickly improve the snapshot group, you need to drag the images to the tab. Input data (You can open files directly on this tab) and add on the tab Actions An interesting set of image correction operations. The result of the impact of any of the added operations will be immediately displayed in the preview window (for the first image from the group), and changing the parameters, you can try to achieve some improvement in the picture (Fig. 10). After that, the output data on the tab of the same name is determined, that is, you specify the output folder, as well as if necessary, indicate the name of the file in general form and the extension, if it is assumed to simultaneously perform batch renaming and conversion. Upon completion, only click on the button Transform - In the specified output folder, converted photos will appear.

Fig. 10. Darkening of several too light pictures in XnConvert

The utilities considered in the article may also be useful in the simplest artistic image processing, for example, to add fraction, blending filters and effects. The aforementioned XnConvert utility is most interesting in this regard. For example, we will try to turn an ordinary modern picture to the old photo in the style of "retro". In our case, we managed to achieve such a metamorphosis, by connecting the effects of "Sepia" and "retro" effects in the complex with a vignette effect for dimming the edges of the picture (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Getting a photo in the style of "Retro" means XNConvert

The possibilities of all other decisions in the plan under consideration are an order of magnitude more modest - the corresponding capabilities in them are often represented by just a few simple filters. Yes, and select the effects of effects often in these programs may be quite difficult, primarily due to an uncomfortable preview. But it's not worth disclingoning this toolkit. For an example, we will create a framing with a shadow using the IMBATCH utility. The procedure will be as follows: Initially, we will turn on the operation Rounding regional, then add the effect Soft shadow and upon completion will turn on the effect Inner shadow. The first shadow effects will provide the addition of soft external shadows to the image border, and the second will create a shadow inside the border (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Framing of pictures in the IMBATCH utility

Finally, we will spend another experiment - try to turn the usual picture made in the Northern Urals, to the Martian landscape, which, as is known, is distinguished by a peculiar red-colored surface, the rays of the Red-Orange Sun. We use the Image Tuner utility to carry out this operation. Technically, there is nothing complicated in processing, the source shots are dragged into the utility window, set the folder to save it and select the desired settings. Of course, to determine the size and format for images is simpler simple, complexity occurs in the process of selecting the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of brightness, contrast and saturation, as well as parameters of colorization, which is relevant for us in the view of the problem being solved. The fact is that the selection is carried out in the full sense of the word at random until the desired effect is achieved, and each time after changing one or another parameter, you have to click on the file to update the image in the preview window (Fig. 13). However, ultimately, if you wish, you can achieve an acceptable result. Upon completion of the selection, the conversion process is started (button Process images).

Fig. 13. Colorization of the image using the Image TUNER toolkit

Briefly about products

Faststone Photo Resizer 3.1

Developer: Faststone Soft.

Work running: Windows 98SE / ME / XP / VISTA / 7

Price: free for personal use and for educational purposes; For commercial use requires a license for $ 19.95.

FastStone Photo Resizer is a simple program for packet image processing. Main solutions with this task utility - Conversion (tab Batch Convert.) and renaming ( Batch Rename.) Snapshots in batch mode. The source images can be in a variety of graphic formats, it is allowed to convert only JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF and JPEG2000 formats. Simultaneously with the conversion of the image, a row of transformations can be subjected - you can change the size, rotate, to adjust the depth of color and carry out the color correction (change the brightness, contrast, color shade, gamut, saturation, and sharpness). Also, with batch conversion, it is easy to add text, watermarks and curbs to the images. Rename is carried out taking into account the mask selected from the list or user entered.

Faststone Photo Resizer 3.1


Work running:Windows XP / VISTA / 7; There are versions under Mac and Linux

Price:is free

XnConvert - cross-platform tool for packet editing images. The program understands many graphic formats (including RAW) and allows you to perform more than 80 different operations in batch mode - from standard actions in this kind (resize, rotate, reflect, change the depth of color, add a watermark, to carry out color correction, etc. ) To sufficiently complex operations. In the list of the latter, it is possible to mention, for example, noise suppression, enhancing sharpness in the field of focusing, image blur, as well as the overlay of a series of artistic effects (oil painting, retro, "old chamber", etc.). It is also worth noting the wide possibilities of color correction - here you can adjust the levels, color temperature, color balance, exposure, brightness / contrast / gamut, etc., while saving, it is possible to rename the mask files and convert them to another format; In the processing process, exif data can be saved.


Developer: High Motion Software.

Work running:Windows 2000/2003 / XP / Vista / 7/8

Price:is free

Imbatch - Convenient program for batch image processing. It processes all popular graphic formats (including RAW) and can be used to quickly change the size of images, their rotation and renaming, convert to another format, as well as performing many different variety of operations with images: add watermarks, trimmed (usually in The objectives of obtaining a simple framing), rounding edges, etc. There is a simplest functionality for holding color correction, adding blur (by Gaussian and in motion) and shadows, converting into shades of gray, etc. When processing, it is possible to save or delete EXIF? / IPTC- tags . Prepared images upon completion of batch transformations can be published on Facebook directly from the IMBATCH interface.

Photo Magician 2.3.6.

Developer: Sheldon Solutions.


Work running: Windows XP / Vista / 7

Price:is free

Photo Magician is an easy-to-use software for a batch change in the size of images and their conversion. The utility understands dozens of popular graphic formats (including RAW and PSD) and differs from the analogs of high processing speed, as well as the presence of a large number of built-in profiles, thanks to which the choice of correct settings are simplified to view photos on various types of devices (TVs, iPhone, iPod and Dr.). Processing modes Two: Basic (it has access to all settings) and accelerated processing mode designed to quickly process images according to a specific profile. In addition to changing the size and conversion in batch mode, it can be rotated with images, their vertical / horizontal reflection, as well as the use of one of the three available effects (sepia, negative, transformation into a black-breed shot). It is allowed to save in the final images of EXIF \u200b\u200bdata. Immediately after the conversion is completed, the resulting images right through the utility interface can be sent via email, downloaded to the FTP server or the Facebook photo album.

Image Tuner 4.1.


Work running: Windows NT / 2000 / XP / VISTA / 7/8

Price:is free

Image Tuner is a simple program for processing images in batch mode. With it, you can quickly change the dimensions of the pictures, rotate and mirror them to reflect them, convert to another format, renamed, and also convert, that is, adjust the brightness, contrast and saturation, colorsization and add watermarks. There is a functionality for the simplest color correction and coloring of the pictures, but here the settings are least. In the final images, EXIF \u200b\u200bdata can be deleted and other information. The utility differs quite quickly processing images and opens all common graphic formats (JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PCX, etc.), as well as a number of RAW formats; You can convert only to JPG and PNG formats.

Fotosizer 2.01.

Work running: Windows XP / Vista / 7

Price:Professional - $ 15.95; Standard - free

Fotosizer is a batch processing utility. The program is able to work with files in JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and TIF formats and allows you to quickly change the size of a plurality of photos (taking into account the quality level and DPI value). If necessary, the size change can be combined with rotation and reflection of the pictures vertically / horizontal, as well as with the imposition of simple effects (sepia, black and others). When processing JPG snapshots, exif data can be saved. Converted images are saved in the original format either in any other of the supported; It is also possible to rename files with a mask, which is selected from the list or is created by the user. The commercial edition of Professional is additionally included in the functional for overlapping watermarks, color correction of images, etc.

PixResizer 2.0.6

Developer: David de Groot.

Work running: Windows 98 / ME / NT4 / 2K / 2K3 / 2K8 / XP / VISTA / 7/8

Price:is free

PixResizer is a simple tool to change the sizes of snapshots in batch mode; It can also be used to process single photos. The utility supports JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF formats and, along with photo scaling, can be used to convert them. The new size is specified in the pixels in the width of the image, and with the simultaneous display of the thumbnail, which displays the user dimensions in comparison with the basic. It is possible to save in the final images of EXIF \u200b\u200bdata. The range of additional features is limited to the conversion into shades of gray. In single image processing mode, a snapshot is also rotated, its printing and opening in an external editor.

PixResizer 2.0.6

Developer:Jackass Joejoe.

Site program:

Work running:Windows (all versions)

Price:is free

RENAME MASTER - utility for batch rename files. The program works with different file formats (including graphic) and is characterized by high performance. With it, you can add, delete or change any fragments of the file name and, if necessary, combine the rename files with their move. The program does not require installation and can be used to start with removable media (for example, flash drives).

The renaming process is built with the connection of scripts; Scripts for frequently used rename options can be saved for further use. When forming new names along with a standard set of functions (delete characters at the beginning / end of the name, replacing text, add new fragments of the name, etc. - options set) It is also possible to include in the name of information extracted from the file and JPEG / MP3 properties / MP3 Video tags. The result of any changes in the settings of the scripts is immediately visible on the preview panel; In case of incorrectly selected parameters, new names are displayed in red, which allows you to navigate and make appropriate corrections.

Today, every user in practice is dealing with hundreds and thousands of pictures. At the same time, often with many images you have to perform a number of one-type and sufficiently simple operations (rename, reduce dimensions, rotate, convert from one format to another, etc.). This is an incredible task consideration if you manually handle each snapshot.

Believe me, such routine actions are not worth spending strength and precious time, because exactly the same result can be obtained much faster - by processing photos in batch mode. The question is only in which software product this work is carried out. This is a matter of taste and personal preferences. The variants are many, and the final choice can be made only with a wide variety of factors. Perhaps users should also look at one of the programs considered in the article, the main advantages of which are simplicity of use and speed.