Remove the number from VK. How to untie the number from VK. How to untie the number from VKontakte pages

Today I will continue to disassemble the problems that arise from social network users. The problems of these, it should be noted, a great set: one does not work, then something else is incomprehensible, another user ... In general, there are enough questions and most of them have to meet the support service. Today I will tell you how to untie the mobile phone number from the page in VK.

Users who registered on the Pavel Durov's project of five years ago, probably remember those times when the binding to the phone was not in principle. Then the idea appeared on small projects, and then large "players" of the Internet market began to enjoy it. Now it is definitely unknown who invented this method (Russian specials or foreign), but he works great. Why? Yes, just because you will never lose your account - if the phone is at hand, you can always restore access to the page. In addition, it can be done so that you would receive notifications about any changes on the device, including new messages, delivered likes, etc.

Initially, the binding to the number in VC was not mandatory - it was possible to use social. Network immediately after registration. But some time ago there was a real revolution - any account was forced to tie to the phone! Some project members were dissatisfied with such innovation, others did not even pay attention to him ... Personally, I believe that this is one of the most brilliant appearance of the Durov, because a person uses his number as a login, it may instantly restore access to the profile, and the number Questions related to its recovery decreased dramatically, which helped unload. In general, some solid advantages.

However, in the whole situation there is one minus - it is impossible to untie the number today in principle, you can only change it to another to which you have access. To do this, go to your account, select the "My Settings" section, lower the page down to the "Change Phone Number" item and click on the button of the same name.

Here we write a new number, waiting for the code on the phone and enter it into the appropriate field. All, renuncation was successful.

What to do if the page is deleted or blocked? Only one can help here - you need to write support with a complete description of the problem. You also need to do the same if you are trying to create a new account, and the system tells you that the number is already tied to another page (this is possible if you recently acquired a new SIM card). Follow all the necessary recommendations that will follow from support representatives and your problem, I am solved.

If questions appeared on the article, ask them - I will try to help you.

Previously, to register on the social network VKontakte and log in to your page, you needed to specify the address of the mailbox. Over time, the mail was replaced with a mobile phone. Binding with the phone number was made for safety. Now users may not be afraid that their pages will "lead" attackers, and to restore access after freezing is much easier.
But at the same time, the innovation has somewhat complicated life. If mailboxes can be registered several, then there are no mobile phones numbers, with rare exceptions. And if you want to open several of your pages or communities in VKontakte to different accounts, you need to bind a new phone number to each of them. Is there a way out of this situation? There are official, and unofficial ways.

So, to register more than one page on the same cell phone number, it will be needed. It may be useful to untie the phone from the account and in a banal case, for example, if you have lost the old SIM card. And naturally, you can't use the old number now, and its binding to your acting page is meaningless. Also, the number is also recommended when removing the page in the social network VK. If you do not, it will be stored in the contact database.

How can I unscrew the page in VK from your phone number?

Until 2013, phones numbered simply: for this you needed only to change the method of binding by specifying the address of the mailbox. And after it became a new rule, you can untie the number of the old phone, but in return should be sure to specify a new one. This is due to new safety rules that began to act in this social network three years ago. And now, to enter the site, on your page, you must specify the phone number. Also, and to register a new page will be needed not stored in the social network database number of the mobile phone number.

Therefore, if you lost the old phone to which your page is tied, simply specify a new one by editing the account security tab. Let's talk about the rules operating on the social network VKontakte:

  • The rule is first. One number is one page. This innovation is a way to combat spam. Users advertising or selling their services and goods used to create many pages. Now to do this, they will have to register each page to a new phone number.
  • Rule second. If your page was created before the introduction of innovations and is tied to the mailbox, on this phone number (old) you can safely register a new account. Old phone number will be untied from that page. The only inconvenience that expects you is notifying the phone binding system. With each authorization, you will strongly recommend specifying your phone number. If you are ready to suffer such inconvenience, create a new page on the old phone.
So, how nevertheless bypass the existing rules of VKontakte:
  1. If you have lost, gave the old SIM card, turn it out by the official or unofficial way. The first (if it is impossible to access the old number) takes about two weeks, and the second is the day. But remember that using an unofficial way, you expose yourself to risks.
  2. If you have two pages on the social network and for some reason you need from one account to transfer to another phone number, respectively, tightening it, you can do it. True, not without delays, but maybe.
  3. Users who earn VKontakte on advertising and chests use the third way - the services of special services. The task of such a service is to provide the user to the "temporary cell phone number". There is also access to messages. And using such a service, you can bind this number to the page, get a confirmation code on it, and then forget.
The fake room can be used for the official abuse of an old phone. Thus, the old phone number will be clean (untied) and a new page in social can be tied to it. network VK. This method is applicable in case of deleting a page. The fake room, firstly, will make it possible to remove its own from the contact base, and secondly, if necessary, reiterate it, but already on a new account.

Where is the phone number attached to the page in VK?

Change the phone number, tightening the old, you can in My Settings. Find the phone number and click Edit. A window will open, where you can specify new number numbers.

But this is if the number is "clean," was not previously tied to any page. Otherwise, you will have to wait two weeks. This is the so-called official method of binding a new number.

If the phone is new, it will immediately be tied. And if not, you will receive a notice that the replacement process goes around fourteen days.

But everything can be done much faster and in the official way if the old SIM card is not lost. Follow the link and perform all the steps of the wizard. So you will get a faster result. You can speed up the phone's replacement in another way. But they immediately warn you: it is laborious. If you ever recovered access to the account during the loss of the phone, you can assume that you are waiting for.

How can you speed up the boundary of the room 14 times (without guarantees)

You can untie the old number fast, during the day, but this unofficial way can be no longer working, yes, and conjugate with risks. If you use them, be prepared not only to "freezing" pages, but also a possible long blocking.

Using this method, you act at your own risk.

In the social network, VKontakte detected a bug that allows you to make a manipulation with a binding-dislocation of the phone. When the page freezes, you can change the phone and immediately unlock it. At the same time, the old phone will be harvested instantly, and it will not be necessary to wait fourteen days. If the bug is not corrected by this time, you can use the way, but repeat: at your own risk and risk.

How to do it?

First you must achieve "freezing" of your page. This is relatively simple. The social network of VC, as is known, is constantly fighting the spammed methods of promoting pages. And there are such services, for the mention of which an instant "freezing" of the account occurs. Fir you leave on your wall such a prohibited link, your page will be blocked and offered to defrost using a mobile phone. Look at the following picture:

Send link from the picture and update the page. Your account is blocked temporarily, and you can immediately restore access to it.

As you guessed, the account temporary blocking is needed to change the phone. In the bottom panel of the window there is a button, pressing which allows you to "specify another phone". Do this manipulation, change the number and "Get the code" already on this new phone. But before this, the system will notify that the number is already tied to this page. But you need to untie him? Therefore, agree with the warnings.

A new phone will come SMS with confirmation code. Specify it and follow the second step - write a new password for your page. Now click the "Defense Page" button:

This is not the end, but close. Complete a test consisting of several simple questions. You do not need to ignore the test, otherwise the page does not understand.

Here are such manipulations we achieved that quickly untied the old phone from the page and tied a new one. And no waiting for fourteen long days. If you have everything turned out - excellent. If the unofficial and somewhat risky does not work, it means that you have done something wrong or a "shop" the developers of the social network VK covered. Try or not try this quick way - your business. But remember: we warned you about possible consequences.

When registering a page or binding the VK number writes: "This room has recently been used." or "The page has already been tied to this room. Please enter another number. " What to do? Here are ways to solve the problem.

1. Do not bind the number to the new page, and to restore the old

If you have already registered a page to this number, and you are trying to register a new one, it is better to restore the old one. The fact is that only one page can be on the same number. If you register the second, the number will harm the first page, and you can not go to her. And it will be difficult to restore access (or even impossible). It is serious, think about it! Want to restore the old page by number right now? Click here: Password recovery, access VKontakte.

And if you deleted the old page, you can restore it for a certain time. And you do not need to register a new one. Look: how to restore the remote page of VKontakte.

2. All the same to use this number (through the full version of the site!)

If no page is not tied to the number now (it writes when recovering: User with the same phone number not found), But the registration of the VC does not give, it means that the page has recently been on this room, and he has not yet been released. VKontakte gives the phone to different pages only a few times. When you tie to a new one, he is rejected from the old! Perhaps you have the last binding.

If the number is exactly yours and it will remain, you can remove the error and register a page. Only this should not be done from the phone, but through the full version of the site - from a computer or tablet. It is important that it is through full, not through mobile and not through the application. If you try to register from the phone, you will receive only an error message and offer to enter another number.

To enter the full version of VK, click here: how to go to the full version of VKontakte. How to use the number, read on.

Attention: If another page is tied to the number and you still need it, do not tie the number to the page on which you are now sitting or registering! You risk losing the previous page. Here is the situation in which you enter: two pages for one VKontakte number. Use another number.

Example: how to remove the error and use the number

So, you need to register a page to the room that has recently been tied. Try to do it in the full version of the site VK. Go to the full version, preferably on a computer, laptop, and start logging. When you enter the number, you will receive a warning: this number has recently been used. The room has already recently tied to another page VKontakte. If this is your number and you want to use it, click here. This is the warning, but not a mistake.

At this moment, click on words "click here". A window will appear with the latest warning: Each phone number can be tied to a limited number of times to Vkontakte pages. For the room left so much Binding (or last binding). Make sure you link the number to your own page. Bring it to another page can now be very soon.

Here is an example of warning - people are badly reading it and even worse understand:

Many people think that you can create multiple pages and bind the same number to all. But no, it works differently. One number is one page. From the previous page the number will harm.

Read carefully, it all applies to you personally and to your number. Are you sure that you want to register a new page on this number and lose access to the old? Then click the button "Yes, use the number" - And then you can continue registration. If you changed my mind, click "No, I will use another number."

In case the number belonged to someone else (this often happens) and someone else's page was created, see what to do to untie the number from it: Alien page VKontakte and my phone number. Similarly, the problem is solved when the number you bought is blocked - what to do if the phone number is blocked by VKontakte.

3. Wait

Some people think that if the number is bothering from the page, it becomes free and can immediately register a new page on it. But it is not. Since the WC rules allow you to have only one page, such games with numbers are difficult.

Even if the number is not attached to any page, it does not mean that it can already be tied to a new page.

Perhaps after a while, this number can be used again. Wait for two weeks and try attempt. If it does not work, then maybe it will be possible to use the number after one or two months. In the meantime, you can bind a page to another number (of course, if another page that you need is not attached to it.

4. Turn the number from another page through support service

If nothing happens, create a request to the support service agents.

VKontakte requires entering the phone number when registering an account. Tie a mobile phone number is necessary in order to protect against hacking. In today's release, questions will be disassembled: why people do not want to tie the phone number to the VK page, how to untie the number from the VKontakte page, check-in in VK without a phone number and some other branches of this topic.

Why do people do not want to tie a mobile phone number to the VK page?

It seems to be additional security, the level of protection increases. It makes it easy to restore access when I forgot the password. Why then people do not want to tie the number to the page? There are several reasons:

How can you notice the reasons. Although specific, but weighty.

It was because of this that the question arose: is it possible to untie the number from the VKontakte pages? Answer: Yes!

You need a bustling can not only because of: I want to create new aques! It is possible that you need to save VK from this number, due to the fact that the SIM card is lost or it is required to bind the phone number to another page. If you have suddenly happened to something with SIM, then try to restore it in the cabin of your operator. A person's passport will be required, who was cleaned. If you want only, then read one of the articles on the portal.

I almost forgot to say about one important point. There is someone deciding to remove the VK page. In this case, it is important to untie the mobile phone number in a mandatory order, since after removing the page, the number will remain so tied to it, which will "deprive its ability to bind to other accounts."

How can I unscrew the page in VK from your phone number?

Now this procedure does not work, because admins take care of the security of users' pages. The level of protection allows you to change the mobile phone number. It will not be done very difficult. Soon we will look at how to untie your page from the old room. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the rules on which VKontakte social network moderators are focused:

Based on the above rules, we made the following conclusions:

  1. Treat the number to which you have lost access (Lost SIM card, is broken, given to a friend ...) You can.
  2. If you have several pages in VK and there is a need to tie the number to one of them, it will be convenient to use the number that is tied to a less significant account. Thus, you can untie your mobile phone number from the VKontakte pages. Do such operations from time to once will not work. The system is arranged so that only after a certain period of time you can repeat certain actions on the dressing of the phone numbers.
  3. As for the creation of fake accounts, spammers and here they found a loophole. Bypassing the "One Number \u003d One Page" limit using special services on the Internet. They allow you to get an SMS message with an account registration code. Such sites will help not only fakes, but also to those who just want to untie their number when deleting a page. Otherwise, if the page is not deleted, it is not worth untieting your phone, since access to the account will later get extremely difficult.

Where is the phone number attached to the page in VK?

How does the dislocation process at all?

If you tied the entered number to another page earlier (not so long ago), the message will appear: the number recently has already been used, try specifying another number or attempted later.

I hope you did not experiment as me, and you have everything in order with the process of change.

How to untie the phone number from the VK page using a virtual number

But what if you want to save the number from the pages tied at all. That is, it is not easy to cross the sim card to another account, but completely spill up from VC. In this case, third-party services will help.

Here is a small list:

  • receive-SMS-Online
  • receiveFreesms,
  • receiveSMSonline.

To use the services of the service, you need to go to the site and register, in some cases it will be necessary to pay, but it is better to find free ways, as for money we can and the SIM card to make a separate one. It is difficult to reliably, what service is it better to use, because on some sites I tried to bind to their number, but VKontakte writes that this number is blocked. This speaks about the work of the admins, they follow the attempts to register accounts from one number and block them with suspicious activity.
The best option to untie the page, of course, binding to another SIM card, which you can easily buy in the cities of Russia without a passport. Of course, not in official communication salons, but at normal points. You get the cheapest sim card and throw on the account. After that, your main number is free as the wind.

Registration in VC without phone number

So there can be no registration in the VC without a phone number, because after you have been set to "Register", go to the next step is impossible without entering the number. However, you can create an account in Facebook and already with the entry through Facebook to carry out the entrance to VC. It is important that the e-mail is not illuminated, that is, use a clean mail on which not a single aka in VK is not registered.

As you can see registration without a room is possible, but it is not a fact that everything will go smoothly.

If you visit the social network VKontakte, you probably encountered a phenomenon when the login form is automatically filled with one of the previously used numbers. The reason for this is the preservation of data during a visit to the site, which can be removed without much difficulty.

To solve the problem with deleting numbers from VK, you can resort to three different methods that are driven to working with the browser database.

Method 1: Selective Removal

Selective removal of numbers at the entrance of VK can be implemented in any modern browser by visiting the special settings section. In this case, if you need to delete all the auto-complete data, contact immediately to one of the following methods.

The browser Mazila Firefox is built on his own engine, and therefore the removal process of numbers is very different from all previously described cases.

  1. Open the main menu and select "Settings".
  2. Through the navigation menu, switch to the page "Privacy and Protection".
  3. Find and click on the line "Saved Logins".
  4. Add to the string "Search" Site address VKontakte or the desired phone number.
  5. Click on the line with the desired data to highlight. After that click "Delete".
  6. You can get rid of all the rooms found right away by clicking the button. "Delete shown". However, this action will need to confirm.
  7. Having finished deleting, you can close the context window and the tab.

On this we finish this method, moving to more radical.

Method 2: Mass Cleaning

In addition to manually removing separately taken numbers, you can completely clean the entire browser database, guided by one of the corresponding instructions. Immediately note that in contrast to the past method, global cleaning in each browser is almost identical to others.

Note: You can delete both all the information and limits the autofill data.