Message from (VS)

and the reference is broken;)

I tried again, it opens ....
Here is one more ....

Here is a more complete info:

And I've caught up, but something is confused by simplicity:
I have long wanted to listen to mp3 drives in the car.

Thoughts came to mind from listening to headphones from a portable player (what nonsense!) Before installing MP3 magnetic instead of available. Cheap MP3 Magnitol did not want, good too road.

It was decided to leave Pioneer DEH P6000R in place and connect to the linear entrance is excellent in my opinion the player I-River. Little difficulty consisted in the absence of a standard linear entrance.
I learned from the conference (the search rules!) About, stopped the need to embed an additional fee in the radio. Well, the price of 50 ya seemed high. The question of the organization of linear entrance on pioneers was interested in many. With difficulty in the internet, I found a description of the IP-Bus tire, according to which the head communicates with Chenger and other devices. On 7, 9, 10 and 11 connectors of this tire, you can make a linear input. Experience has shown that many IP-BUS studies refused to discuss this tire -, in addition sites ( For example) containing information about The use of this tire turned out to be closed ((if you find this site - please inform.

In addition to self-making linear login, it was possible to use the finished device:
Pioneer CD-RB10 AUXILIARY INPUT - $ 30\u003d23621&sn\u003d&id\u003d455263
Precision Interface ELECTRONICS PIO / P-RCA - $ 20\u003d23621&sn\u003d&id\u003d455236
However, in our Russian realities, the price has grown 2-3 times,
with the condition to deliver prepaid in a month

In general, it was decided not to bind to original devices, but to make it yourself.
Pioneer IP-Bus RCA ADAPTER CD-RB20 Scheme\u003d23621&sn\u003d&id\u003d455310 was found on the site, it turned out to be useful from a cognitive point vision, but useless for further experiments. There was no task to repeat. And searches on the Internet continued ...
The pinout of the IP-Bus connector (\u003d23621&sn\u003d&id\u003d455322) was discovered on the site
A more clearly connector\u003d23621&sn\u003d&id\u003d455549 was presented on the site

Suitable to the IP-BUS connector (\u003d23621&sn\u003d&id\u003d455577) in chip and dip was not. Cable is worth (\u003d111) no less than the CD-RB10 adapter, there was no meaning to buy a cable for one connector.

Poor mouse.
To get the connector was dispersed old, a completely efficient mouse for the COM port. She sacrificed her tail for the sake of the right thing. COM connector was squeezed by a knife. Such knives with the saw blade on 10p at the metro are sold and live from strength a month, I didn't require much from him. As a result, I received 4 contacts - too large for IP-Bus response contacts, so they were compressed by passatages, after which they were embraced about contact with effort.

Due to the absence of audio wire (two-tier shielded), a mouse cable was used to which on one side soldered tuned connectors, and on the other jack 3.5mm. Jack was bought on the eve of 5 rubles.

Carefully connected the appropriate contacts, isolated them from each other with pieces of plastic.

While she was in the parking lot checked everything I did everything correctly, did not forget anything.
Magnitol in its place, a new linear input cable dangles in a glove compartment, a linear input through the Magnetic system menu, an additional AUX source appeared, the i-RVER mp3 player is connected to the cable. Well, the responsible moment. I turn on the player - and I enjoy the sound !!!

Everything has earned the first time. The quality is not different from the CD, despite the fact that not shielded wire long 1 meter is used.

Additionally: I found a description of Pioneer DEH 6100 7100
Instead of the puller, used a suitable strip from a metal clamp (purchased for 20r)

TOTAL. Costs of 5 rubles per Jack, 2-3 hours for the manufacture of cable and removal of the radio tape recorder. About the week to find information.