Archive of Beeline tariffs - the most relevant information. What is the archive tariff plan according to the company? How to find a mobile company offers

Hello, dear readers. We continue the conversation about the tariff plans and options of the Beeline Cell Operator. This note will be discussed about archival tariff plans.

What is archival options and tariffs

It is no secret that most of the tariffs of cellular operators periodically change or are complemented.

What is archival options and Beeline rates

Cellular operators for their part argue that any changes made to tariff options are made exclusively for the benefit of their subscribers. As for the opinions of the subscribers, then not everything is so unequivocal.

Undoubtedly, many new tariff plans can be quite profitable. However, if you pay attention to those tariffs that are currently removed to the archive and are not available to connect, among them you can find really profitable options.

Only options with unlimited Internet what is worth.
Many cellular operators are archived options, although not available to connect, however, those subscribers who have previously managed to connect to these tariffs, they act.
Meanwhile, Beeline, under the pretext of the fact that allegedly improves the service of subscribers, makes changes to their tariff plans that were previously postponed to the archive. Some rates have been disabled.

Experienced study on archival tariffs Beeline

In this article, we will look at such moments as disconnecting archival tariffs whether the operator will translate you to another tariff, allegedly more suitable for you, or will allow you to stay on the old tariff that suits you. What options and rates will be removed in the near future, how to choose a more appropriate tariff based on the remote.

Example of the archive of tariffs on the Beeline site
  • We have several SIM card operator Beeline on which we periodically conduct tests of various options and tariffs for this cellular operator.
  • Just as it turned out, the archival options remained on these SIM cards, therefore, we did not fail to take advantage of the possibilities and conducted a study.

Approximately from May 23, 2016, on the official website of the cellular operator Beeline, we read the news. It said that the operator was going to reduce the set of archival options, remove the unclaimed, cancel the tariffs to which new subscribers were not built for a long time.

The argument was built under the good intentions to "improve the quality of service of subscribers and give them more opportunities on new tariffs." Also, the subscribers who are currently continuing to use archival tariffs should be sent to SMS or notification of new available tariff plans and annuling old.

And although, according to the operator's assurance, all these changes were to be made after some time, namely the disabling of the Internet in the old tariffs should have been made from the second June 2016, dissatisfied subscribers had occurred.
And after all, they can be understood.

For instance You were the owner of the SIM card with the Highway connected option and you have connected completely unlimited Internet. After the transfer of the subscriber to the new tariff plan, namely "Highway 9GB + night unlimited" I think everyone could feel the equivalence of "replacement".

  • Moreover, on the fact of replacing the tariff, notifications have not received the connected SIM cards.
  • With such a change, many subscribers were able to familiarize themselves only by going to the Personal Cabinet Beeline.

After such changes unilaterally, most of our acquaintances who are Beeline subscribers decided to change the operator.

We also decided to translate several test sims to another operator. To do this, we called the Beeline operator, the answering machine asked for a few minutes. We waited, called again. This time we were offered a robot to wait another 10 minutes. Without waiting for an operator's response, we visited the sales office.
The manager referred to the fact that all the changes made by the operator in tariff options and packages are made exclusively for the benefit of subscribers and do not intend the goal to earn more money with the worsening the quality of the services provided.

The most interesting thing is that these changes are unilaterally legitimate and are provided for by the Treaty, which consists at the time of purchase of the SIM card and the conclusion of the contract with the cellular operator.

Interesting conditions are offered by another cellular operator - MTS. Pay attention to the new tariff

However, now mobile slavery is no longer relevant, and the subscriber with a clean conscience can move from one mobile operator to another while maintaining its number. For our part, we keep track of all similar steps, and we will try to inform you in a timely manner about any changes in service.

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Related Materials

Also, the Beeline operator had all their shares that have accumulated over the years, packaging one page of their site.

It is about such actions and the most popular shares of the specified list to be involved in more detail.

How to find a mobile company offers

A large archive of all offers who ever betrayed the operator can be found through the worldwide network.

Such a request can be promoted on the company's official website or look for something in foreign sources, which are also trying to give people up to date information.

To find the company's archival offers with the specified name, customers are worth:

  • open the default search system on your own computer or cellular device;
  • enter the request to search in the search string;
  • view sources from issuing and proceeding to the one that gives the most accurate information.

By doing so, a person will know everything about the proposals of the company's mobile service and can even buy a good rate for himself. The archive has a wonderful offer for business, lovers to send text messages and active Internet users.

The most relevant archived tariff plans

At such a virtual stock of shares and special offers there are about 200 tariffs, the conditions of which can be viewed fragile, after which you activate some of the favorable packages for yourself. The most relevant in the list presented should be considered the following proposals:

  1. Success formula - for the Moscow region, subscription fee 990 p.
  2. All for business - several sets of different sizes, from which the payment depends.
  3. Moscow and MO - a regional tariff with good conditions for use.
  4. Russia is a profitable offer for communication throughout the country.
  5. Business gold - still there are categories silver, platinum and bronze.
  6. All inclusive XL is a fairly good solution for active Internet users.

The tariff plans in the company's archive is much more and each of them can be called unique. Archive tariff is the ability to activate for yourself via the Internet and how exactly this should be considered more detailed.

How to connect archival tariffs Beeline

To answer the question how to connect one of the archival tariffs Beeline, a person should first decide which promotion interests him. If this information is already known and the client knows what exactly the Beeline rate is perfect for him, then he needs to do this:

  • go to the archive of offering a cellular operator through the World Internet;
  • view a list of all offers;
  • select the desired option and go to its detail;
  • get acquainted with the information at the rate and simply press the button activation.

Often in this list you can find very good shares and special offers. If you look at everything carefully, the selection will be as profitable as possible.

If some shares are connected from the list represented, then the person must report this process with the help of SMS.

After the client reads the system notice, it needs to turn off and re-enable your mobile device. Such an action is necessary for the new settings to start correctly.

Connecting to a selected tariff is performed within a few minutes and this time on a person's mobile account must be money to pay for the service. To find a lot of good offers from the mobile company is quite simple, because it is enough to open and explore the archive to this.

If all actions by a person will be performed correctly, he will be able to satisfy fully its main needs in terms of mobile communication. If the action ceases to like the client, he can deactivate it by choosing some kind of decent substitution from the list.

You can view all the shares of a cellular company very simple and can do it completely each. In a specially created section, you can view everything that the cellular operator offers and only after that select the necessary parameters for mobile communication.

Like many other your subscribers, we passionately go to the SkyNet rate.
Paid TV I need, because On the network, all channels have free and in much more. But the speed gain would not interfere.
Promotional cost in 250 rubles. I'm not interested, I want to simply change the tariff with archival to the current.

With joy, making sure that my current fare moved to the archive list, I went to the LC.
However, there I did not see new tariffs, and I saw 2 archival tariff plan for which I, it turns out, I can go: Sky-100 and Sky-Unlim.

Actually, from here and the main question:
What is the archive tariff plan according to the company?

On the page with archival tariffs it is said:
(Connection to these tariffs is not produced)
However, in the LC I can connect.

Among other things, no "tariff line", which you mention in responses on this resource are not defined by anywhere. Neither in the offer, nor on the site, nowhere. Why we can change the tariffs only within these limies, and then selectively - a mystery.
It is known that a number of diverse competent organizations adore such riddles ...

Additional questions:

  • Will we have the opportunity to change tariffs from archived to valid?
  • If it is, when exactly?
  • If not, then on the basis of what?
  • Is it possible to take advantage of an annual subscription with a change of tariff on SkyNet?
Thanks in advance.

Noted as a solution

Specialist of the Quality Control Department


You confuse the concept of changing the tariff and connection. Connection is not made for new subscribers, but you can change the tariff plan within your line.
Archive tariff plan, this is a tariff for which new subscribers are not made.

A single answer to all other questions.

You can use the annual subscription at the desired tariff plan. The possibility of transition to a new line (with a monthly calculation) is not yet and not expected, this offer does not apply to you and you can not use it.