B. Interaction with client experiences. Debugging DLL Cube with Visual Studio Join the Visual Studio process

Visual Studio has a convenient opportunity to join the running process (Tools - Attach to Process ...) during debugging. Comfortable until it has to do with enviable regularity, then the choice of the desired process from the opened list becomes extremely tedious. That is why a desire arises to automate these simple actions.

Consider the decision on the example of Visual Studio 2010, there is no principal difference for other versions.

1. First, Macro Explorer (Tools - Macros - Macro Explorer) will create a new Attachtoprocess module.

2. In the module code, add a process of attachment to the process with the ProcessName parameter.
Public Function AttachToProcess (ByVal ProcessName As String) As Boolean Dim success As Boolean success \u003d True Try Dim debugger As EnvDTE80.Debugger2 \u003d DTE.Debugger Dim transport As EnvDTE80.Transport \u003d debugger.Transports.Item ( "Default") Dim name As String \u003d System.Security.principal.Windowsidentity.getCurrent (). Name name \u003d name.substring (0, name.indexof ("\\")) Dim Process AS Envdte80.Process2 \u003d Debugger.getProcesses (Transport, Name) .Item (ProcessName ) Process.attach () Catch Ex AS System.Exception Success \u003d False End Try Return Success End Function
3. Add a method that will be used later to call from Visual Studio. It sets the name of the process.
Sub attachtow3wp () if not attachtoprocess ("w3wp.exe") then System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show ("Cannot Attach to Process") End if End Sub
The final code of the module.
Public Module AttachToProcess Public Function AttachToProcess (ByVal ProcessName As String) As Boolean Dim success As Boolean success \u003d True Try Dim debugger As EnvDTE80.Debugger2 \u003d DTE.Debugger Dim transport As EnvDTE80.Transport \u003d debugger.Transports.Item ( "Default") Dim name as string \u003d system.security.principal.Windowsidentity.getCurrent (). Name name \u003d name.substring (0, name.indexof ("\\")) Dim Process AS Envdte80.Process2 \u003d Debugger.getProcesses (Transport, Name). Item (ProcessName) Process.attach () Catch Ex as System.Exception Success \u003d False End Try Return Success End Function Sub Attachtow3WP () If Not Attachtoprocess ("w3wp.exe") Then System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show (" Cannot Attach To Process ") End if end sub end module
You can run the macro manually and check that everything works as it should.

4. Add toolbar for the macro call button (View - Toolbars - Customize ...).

5. Add a button (command). Macros are in the Macros category, as it is surprising.

Now we have a panel with a quick joining button.

6. Last bar. We assign a key combination to start macro.

Voila! From now on, call ATTACH to the desired process can be in one click with the mouse or with hot keys.

In Visual Studio, there is a joining mechanism to perform processes using the Visual Studio debugger. The most detailed debugger Visual Studio is written in the documentation to join the processes. The debugging will be discussed on the example of a cube created in the Cube DLL in Visual Studio.

1. In order to attach to the process and start debugging a DLL cube, it is necessary that it is loaded into memory. DLL load in memory occurs after selecting the strategy name in the field Strategy type name. After downloading the DLL, it will be possible to attach to the process.

2. In Visual Studio, choose the item Debugging -\u003e attach to the process.

3. In the dialog box Accession to the process Find in the list Available processes process Designer.exe.To which you want to join.

If the process is performed from another user account, you must check the check box. Show the processes of all users.

4. It is important that in the window Join The type of code that needs to be debugged was specified. The default parameter Auto Attempts to determine the type of code to be debugged, but does not always correctly define the type of code. To manually set the type of code, you must perform the following steps.

    In the join box click Choose.

    In the dialog box Select code type Press the button Perform Debugging the code of the following types and select Types for debugging.

    Press the OK button.

5. Click the Connect button.

6. In Visual Studio in the code, it is necessary to place the stop point. If the stoppoints are red and filled with red (and studio in debug mode), it means that the version of the DLL is loaded. And if the stop points are red and filled with white (and studio in debug mode), then it means that the DLL version is not loaded.

I share my experience and offering a certain master class in the vaccination of cucumbers. Reports are not mandatory - I do not chase a rating on the site, I will show in this post in the form of additions, I will answer questions. In the photo grafted cucumber last year before landing in the ground.

Prehistory. Three years ago, after reading smart posts and after watching videos, fascinated by vaccinations of garden crops. It all started with watermelons - I wanted to grow them in our cold suburbs. Watermelons instilled, and here the cucumbers rose, they also decided to instill, because there are many lagenaries, and the process of vaccination delays. The first experience in the cucumbers was very successful: the first cucumber from OG was eaten on June 5, instead of ordinary July 3-7. It pleased me and I decided to put it annually. But the watermelons were not lucky - for them, the summer was raw and cold, nothing has grown. For the second year, I was confident hand with a dive with a lead, as a result, everything spoiled and only one grafting on cucumber and steam on the watermelons took place. Thank you, even on this watermelon, I am not lucky again, and I apologized to them forever, the cucumber was again pleased - before all the others it was reckoned and later I left for peace. But last year I approached the vaccination with all seriousness, I bought the right clothespins from the Chinese, Iiii ... did not spoil anything, but he wrote as much as he had seeded to distribute neighbors. And he planted as much as 9 pieces of graft and one kinseum, instead of the standard two vaccinated and four corneal. Remember, probably, the cold summer is 17 years? In June, we have snow fell. The only cucumber cucumber and Pomere, without preparing the weather cataclysms. But the grafts did not pumped up, gave a decent harvest (the sauarse will eat before the new year, probably).

Why do these vaccinations need? We produce the color, then you mean the accuracy, in your hands, as well as a small motorcycle for brains, learn something new, and also kill time and occupy windowsill and if you discard jokes to the side, then for the crop, of course. Especially for early, as well as harvest in the conditions of natural cataclysms. Why graft cucumber is stronger than the korecobal? Because the lagenarium (stock) is a powerful root system, which begins to work when heating the soil from 7 degrees, unlike the cucumber, for which the comfortable temperature of the soil from 14 degrees, besides, the roots of the lagenarium are not so gentle as cucumber and in transplanting A permanent place is not so injured. Seedlings in the ground can be planted not only a 30-day, and calmly wait until the snow comes down and do not worry - whether the cucumbers transfer the transplant in the gross age.

Are there curious? Then I will continue.

I continue.
Semi uniforms of Lagenarians and sprouts of cucumber are clearly visible in this photo.

Closer. It can be seen that the cucumber is completely separated from its roots and grows already on the lagenarium

We will need: seeds of lagenarium and cucumbers, preferably cucumbers to take early ripening for an early harvest, small pliers, razor blade and clothespins for vaccination. All tools and remedies can be replaced with all sorts of devices that are at hand. Pickles for vaccinations are in Fix Price. Brown clothespins are hairpins for hair, I use it when the vaccination has already passed, the stem has grown up, but the vaccination place still needs to be fixed.

Supplement 1. I soaked today, 03/29/2018, seeds of the lagenarium so that they soften the shell. For a day. Filled hot, hail 70, water. Tomorrow you will need to do "autopsy"

After reading your comments, I learned that the seeds of the lagenarium are pretty expensive or there are no them on sale. And we do not need extra spending. After all, ruined plants will definitely be in the process. I myself first at first there was a lot of seedlings, I will not last it, I fracture when the sections combine and the vaccination place fix. Therefore, I propose first to practice on any pumpkin, just to fill your hand. So simultaneously with the Lazhenaria, soak any seeds of pumpkins, cucumbers - everything that is not sorry to throw away.

Supplement 2.
8 hours passed and I decided to check the seeds of the lagenarium. It turned out that the shell is no longer so firm. Therefore, we continue and make an "autopsy", or more correctly - scarification. Take care of the pliers carefully every seed, pressing her on her shoulders. Then we send everything in a bowl, where a little water, a bowl in the package and all this in a warm place. We are waiting for the seeds will begin to skill.

I want to warn that I do not use any stimulants. You can do the same as you are accustomed.

Supplement 3.
On April 1, I do not believe anyone (I remembered from childhood) And I do not believe my eyes, because the seeds of the Lagenarium began to cross.

Of the prepared 15 pieces, until only 5 proceed. Look at them into separate 200 gram cups. Over seeds 2-3 cm Earth. I take the earth very light, loose, so that later, when vaccinated, the plant could easily be removed from the soil - it is more convenient to vaccinate. If you sow into one toss, then make the distance between the seeds in 4-5 cm.

Supplement 4.
April 2. I continue to plant the proceeding seeds of lagenariums in cups,
And now it's time to take over the cucumbers. I begin to sow them through soaking. Will be proceeded - I also put in 100 gram cups.
Next time we will meet in a week or two, when the lagenaries and cucumbers will reveal their semiodoli. Usually I grown plants without backlighting the lamps, they pulled out, put it with the tongue it was very convenient. This time I will put some plants under the lamp and then I will see - whether such plants are convenient for vaccinations. It turned out that shoots should be left without artificial illumination until the first real sheet appears. The elongated stepper knee is very convenient for vaccination.

April, 4. Cucumbers-Toropygi had to plant in the gross condition. And all the day I was not at home

The first looping of the Lagenarians and three more crushed seeds. Of 15 seeds 12 live - a good result.

Supplement 5.
April 23. Finally I got to vaccinations, today it happened! I immediately assigned a couple of lagenia aside - I will put a compost bunch, I will grow a pumpkin for seeds for the next year.
For work, we need cucumber and lagenarium plants, clutches for vaccinations, razor dews.



Put in half-liter glasses, fixing the clothespins with chopsticks.

The first couple of days the seedlings on the full sun are not exhibiting. Plants will lose the tour at first, which is not surprising - they cut them. A week later I will challenge the cucumber stem under vaccination. It must be done in three receptions in three or four days. The first time is quite a bit, then much, and for the third time you can completely cut the stem of cucumber, separating the plant from its roots. After these manipulations, the full sun on the first day is contraindicated. At the same time I look at the lagenger and, if the growth points appear, again we remove them with a toothpick.

Clothespins and backups remove after planting plants in the ground (I leave the root of the cucumber there, there will be no harm to it). At the same time, I look at the lagenger - there is no kidney there - I cleaner. The vaccination must be 2-4 cm above the soil level.

B. Interaction with client experiences

One of the oldest definitions of psychological psychotherapy is: psychotherapy is "Treatment Treatment". Of course, for a hundred years old, the development of psychotherapy, we learned to use "for treatment" not only the conversation, but it is still it remains the main channel of interaction with the client, through which we sell most of our psychotherapeutic agents. With some part of the convention, it can be said that the psychotherapeutic conversation is the continuation of the development of an ordinary conversation in which some special features appear and the main one is - attention to customer experiences.

In a psychotherapeutic conversation special attention is paid to the client's experiences, And this conversation is specifically arranged so that in it experienced experiences that were not manifested before.

It is not difficult to note that according to this criterion, most social and consumer conversations are arranged completely different. For example, in many ordinary conversations, participants are not interested in the experiences of others. And naturally, in most conversations, people are not immersed in their experiences as much as it happens in specialized conversations with a psychotherapist.

At the same time, not every conversation about experiences is useful in psychotherapeutic work. In most cases, the therapeutic conversation and should not be a conversation "about experiences", and should be the "direct experience of them." That is, most often, it is useful not to analytically talk about experiences, but to worry directly and directly.

Such actions of the psychotherapist aimed at manifestation of customer experiences and their direct experience, I will further call - deploying experiences.

Why is the expressing experiences so important for psychotherapy?

Expressing experiences is a prerequisite for effective psychological work. There are at least two very simple reasons why it is necessary:

  • Most client problems are becoming "problems for the client", just because of the presence of emotional conflicts in them. In this sense, it is obvious that to understand the "client's problem", it is necessary to explore his experiences and emotional conflicts.
  • Deploying the experiences associated with the client's problem, increases the sessions of its experiences of subjective discomfort from this problem and thereby gives motivation for active psychological work.

And if with the first cause everything is more or less clear, then I will write a little more detail about the second:

In order for the client to have any changes due to psychotherapy - the client needs not only to come to therapy, but also actively on it "work". Moreover, such work is required from the client, both during the therapeutic sessions and after them - directly in life. That is why the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic work increases very much when the client is experiencing strong discomfort from exciting problems, because It is this discomfort and acts as a natural motive for active psychotherapeutic work. And therefore, it is important to work with customers about the topics where the client has something "hurts", where he feels "discomfort", because It is in such topics that the client has a motive to "work" and changes.

And the good news is that in the overwhelming majority of cases, if a person still declares a certain topic, then somewhere there is a discrepanant "discomfort" with her connected. And in order to activate the process of "work on the change" by the client, we need to find the point of this discomfort - i.e. Deploy the most complex experience in the proposed topic.

How to deploy customer experiences?

What does psychotherapist do this so that the client's experiences manifested in a psychotherapeutic conversation? Next, I will describe the main actions that the psychotherapist can do to this:

Keep the importance of all experiences

Throughout the work, a psychologist need to give the client all the time to feel that all his experiences are important for psychological work, even the most "strange, stupid, inadequate and ridiculous." Those. For a psychologist, when it works, in principle, there should be no strange, stupid, inadequate and ridiculous client experiences - any experience of the client must be heard and perceived. And very often, psychological work has to start with the fact that the psychotherapist supports the right of the client to worry about everything that he is experiencing - gives him the feeling that his feelings "have the right to be". And on any replica of the client in the Spirit "I have a stupid experience," you need an instant supporting answer:

  • 0: The experience cannot be stupid, it is what is. And if it is, it is important to talk about it.

Join and share customer experiences

When we are important to experience another person, we automatically join them. For example, sad together with a person who is sad, or fear along with those who are scary. The psychologist must be involved in the experiences of the client and to some extent to join them, because Only in such an environment most people can talk about their experiences. Such an "emotional responsiveness" of a psychologist gives customers a feeling of "division" of their experiences, and supports their deployment and deepening. Externally, this can manifest, for example, like this:

  • Little bodily cleaning of customer experiences;
  • Repeating the last words of the client, repeating its intonation, volume and speech speed;
  • Confirmation by the words "yes", "aha" of those moments when the client begins to speak emotionally.

In the learning process, it is useful to pay attention to that if you join you for the experiences of the client, and it can even be realized to try to do it stronger. But naturally, in the immediate work of the psychologist, all this happens automatically, as the natural manifestations of the "emotional responsiveness" of the psychotherapist.

Ask about experiences

Naturally, the client of the experience can and need to ask. Here you want to celebrate two details:

  • Questions about experiences should not sound uneconomically or rigid, otherwise they give the opposite effect. Imagine a question asked by an ice and hard voice: "What experiences did you appear at that moment?" - And you will understand his absurdity.
  • The generalized question "What do you feel?" - More often harmful for our task than it is useful. This question is often only disorienting the client, instead of helping him. A more detailed discussion of this issue "What do you feel?" A separate paragraph will be devoted to this chapter.

You can ask the customer about his experiences, for example, here are such questions:

  • 0: What experience did you have at that moment?
  • 0: Describe this experience more. At what point did it appear?
  • 0: What did you want to do or say at that moment when this experience appeared?
  • Well, naturally, the whole range of questions on clarification and deployment, for example:
    • Scared? \u003d\u003e What? \u003d\u003e What did you want to do? \u003d\u003e Show bodily.
    • Got angry? \u003d\u003e What? \u003d\u003e What did I want to do / say? \u003d\u003e How could it be?
    • Was delighted? \u003d\u003e What? \u003d\u003e How did it worried? \u003d\u003e Show bodily.

Ask about events caused by experiences

Serebrying people arise not from scratch, but as a result of the fact that customers fall into different situations. If we manage to correctly determine the situation that caused the strong experiences of the client, then it is already enough for us to simply ask the client about it so that all customer experiences manifest themselves. The question of the situation may look, for example, as follows:

  • 0: What happened there? What started? And what then?
  • 0: What did he say? And how did he say that? What happened to you? What did you answer? And how did you say that?
  • 0: At what point of this event did you have the most experiences?

Summary. Training client experiences

In this manual, a lot of exercises will be devoted to learning to unfold client's experiences. In a sense, all psychotherapy can be called "the ability to deploy customer experiences." In order to avoid excessive repetitions, I will not offer you a lot of exercises for turning out the experiences right now, because They will still meet within the framework of narrower topics. But after all, at the end of this paragraph, I want to offer you one exercise on which you can try:

  • Join and share customer experiences;
  • Ask the client about his experiences, with a simple, but completely working method.

Exercise B1. % 2 Deploying experiences through a word indication in speech

  • Client Chooses for the story any item that he likes: Christmas toy from childhood, children's toy, etc.
  • Therapist, at first:
    • Asks for a person to try to describe him that he attracts it in this subject thing he likes.
    • Strive to become "emotionally responsive", join and share customer experiences.
  • Therapist, the main task:
    • Listening to a human speech, the therapist chooses from every second replica one wordBehind which it seems to him, some important emotional experience is hidden. This place in speech can be perceived by therapist as:
      • emotional;
      • embarrassed;
      • touching;
      • disturbing;
    • By choosing such a word, the therapist builds a replica as follows:
      • 0: Say a little more about "[ word]».
    • Additional options for diversity:
      • 0: Try to listen to your experience when you say "[ word]».
      • 0: Try to listen to your experience lying for the words "[ the words]».
    • 0: What was interesting for you in our conversation?

Two modes of working with experiences

Supporting customer experiences at different points need differently. When the customer experience becomes strong, the psychotherapist requires stability, courage and activity. But at the moments when the client's experiences "hid as a snail in the house", from a psychotherapist, it is necessary to become very delicate, unobtrusive and supporting the smallest manifestations of experiences to "lure them out" to the surface.

This difference in working with experiences is well illustrated by comparison with the dilution of fire. When we divorce the fire, at the beginning, it is important for us to not extinguish a small flame - we delay your breath, very carefully put the paper and let him flare. But when the flame has already broken, we need significantly more decisive actions so that there is at least somehow affect the fire. And when there is no longer a risk to put out the flame, we can actively use it in accordance with our goals.

Approximately both our work with client experiences are also arranged. For efficient work, a psychotherapist needs to be able to be at least in two modes of working with experiences:

Practice shows that novice practice students most often are either in one, or in another mode, while they need both for full work in the desired sequence. Classic errors of choice of not the mode look like this:

  • When the client comes to a psychotherapist, in the first few minutes he does not experience anything very bright. Moreover, in this first few minutes, many customers are often difficult to identify what happens to them, and what is important to them. And if at such a moment the psychotherapist will ask him an overly persistent question in the spirit: "What do you want at today's meeting?" Or "What do you feel?" - These questions can only disorient the client. But if the psychotherapist gives the client time, it will not hurry it, and will ask, for example, to start simply pronounced out what comes to his mind, in a few minutes the client has an emotional sphere and direct questions will be activated for him.
  • When a client is in strong experiences, we often can see the opposite picture - a novice psychotherapist scared, over carefully and is rather waiting for strong experiences. While this is the very moment when it is possible to make the main psychotherapeutic work - if adding to the delicacy of the psychotherapist is still stability and courage.

Mode of detection of experiences / "Laying of hidden experiences"

This mode of operation is needed in many cases, but most frequent of them are as follows:

  • The client comes to a meeting with a psychotherapist without actual experience or the finished topic for work.
  • The client comes to a meeting with a psychotherapist with a clear topic, but formed a long time ago. And at the moment the topic is deprived of the most important thing - the actual "living" experience. Those. Some time ago the topic was charged, but by the time of the session "buried" or was ousted by more "hot" topics.

Technically, the detection mode of the experiences looks like this. Most often, at the beginning, the psychotherapist is important to suspend a little and calm the client so that he takes the time to "be in emptiness", without the need to answer something quickly.

  • 0: Do not rush. Take time. Give yourself to come to yourself.

After that, the psychotherapist can offer a client somehow a very easy task that does not require voltage and does not knock down the customer's own state, for example:

  • 0: Try just start talking out loud what comes to your mind.
  • 0: Try to lead thoughts that involuntarily spin in the head.
  • 0: Try to cross different topics about which you thought today.

After that, the psychotherapist gives the client time, and seeks to "not knock down" his experiences with premature issues. And when the client talks and its emotionality is enough to turn on, they will be able to move to the next stage of work.

Find current and live customer experiences is important because without them you do not have to count on the occurrence of our own cognitive activity of the client and their own desire for change. Unfortunately, working on themes that are irrelevant at the time of the session, customers often reduce the potential utility of psychotherapy.

The mode of active interaction with experiences / "movement towards experiences"

But anyway, the main mode of operation of the psychotherapist is. As soon as the emotional sector of the client has been activated enough and "flared" (from a metaphor with a flame), in most cases the therapist requires active work on the exploration and study of customer experiences, and help him in their stay.The therapist requires carefully, but purposefully move along with the client to the most difficult places and towards the strongest experiences.

In my work experience, the supervisor, the most frequent problem, because of which beginner psychotherapists did not work out to make training sessions useful - this is an avoidment in working with the client of the most emotional and sophisticated places. It looks so that novice psychotherapists seem to be afraid to cause too many experiences and masterfully bypass all the difficult places. And everything would be fine, if it were not for the fact that the psychotherapeutic effect just possesses contact with the most complex experiences, and the psychotherapist is often needed to help the client it is done quite carefully and safely. All of the above is not about the fact that the psychotherapist should be rude and tactless - on the contrary, a psychotherapist requires a lot of sensitivity and accuracy to talk to the client about the most complex and frightening, but so that it does not cause an affect or uncontrollable emotional reaction from the client, In which there is really nothing useful. Therefore, in our work we need connect into one:

  • accuracy, delicacy, attention to the state of the client;
  • cummage, the focus on the search for strong experiences and readiness to meet with them.

I will give a few questions of the psychotherapist, which correspond to this mode of work with experiences, compare them with unobtrusive stylistics of the previous mode:

  • 0: What is the most difficult and unpleasant for you in this thread?
  • 0: What does your most concerns / experiences cause you in this topic?
  • 0: Do you manage to talk about what you still care about?

Obviously, questions of this type require a psychotherapist of a good combination of courage with delicacy. Specifying them, the psychotherapist seems to tell the client, which is ready to meet and withstand any strength of the client - and next to this psychotherapist, the client becomes less terrible to meet with strong experiences.

Summary for two modes of work with experiences

Note again that mode of active interaction with experiences not at all like on the - But for work we need both at different points in time. If you say simplistic, then mode of detection of experiences We most often need at the beginning of the session, and mode of active interaction with experiences- all the rest of the time of work.

Further, to increase the effectiveness of learning, I combine two training tasks in one exercise. I suggest you to practice the skill of detection of the client's experiences, on the example of the most typical task - aid to the client find an up-to-date topic at the beginning of the session.

Exercise B2. % 2 Help the client in the detection of its current experiences

  • Idea exercise:
    • Help the client to detect its current experiences, giving him time and offering him very light questions. The same can be said in words: to give the client to be for some time in contact with your "void", "not a swift emptiness," and give it to listen to it and see what topics from it will appear.
  • TherapistAt the beginning, it offers the client:
    • 0: Do not rush, in this exercise it is especially important not to rush. You can try to lend out loud different questions or exciting topics that can potentially be important or interesting for you today. Try not to choose some one theme right away, but a little talk about different.
    • If necessary, before the first question you can offer:
      • 0: Or, take a pause and just start to pronounce out loud, what begins to come to the head - and maybe then gradually it will become clearer about what you wonder now.
  • Therapist, in the process:
    • 0: Say a little more about this topic.
    • 0: Tell me more about your experiences about this topic.
    • 0: Is there any yet Some interesting topics, thoughts or experiences?
    • If suddenly the client focuses on one topic and does not go to others at all, then you can try to "expand the review" in a different way:
      • 0: What are you seen from the subject within this topic?
    • The therapist is important to ask not for the deepening of each topic, but to expand the number of topicsSo that the client talked about different themes before choosing some one.
  • Completion (Highlight 1.5 minutes at the end)
    • 0: Listen, and try to answer for myself, which of the following you listed the most experiences? (Please note that this question already belongs to another regime of the therapist - "Moves to meet the experiences")
    • 0: If you were from all the listed chosen the topic, which is most important for you, what would you choose?
  • Discussion (1 minute at the end):
    • The client tries to describe how he was in the exercise, as the aspects of the therapist were affected at the beginning, and how a question was affected by the Group at the end of the movement.

If this exercise is performed correctly, then 90% of the time, the client with the therapist will be in the "Exception Mode" mode. But at the end, I suggest a therapist to ask one, and only one question from the "movement movement regimen". This should be enough to feel the difference between the modes.

Learning to listen

In some situations, for some people, detect and identify the experiences in themselves is difficult. And it is not enough for the therapist just switched to mode of detection of experiences. Sometimes customers need a more detailed instruction that they need to do to understand what they are experiencing and identifying their experiences.

So that in such a situation to help the client to identify his experience, the psychotherapist should not just ask about the experience, and give the client a detailed instruction, by completing the client to understand what he feels. Here are examples of such instructions:

  • 0: Return, please mentally at the moment when it happened. Remember the moment when you saw it. What first did you want to do at this moment? What is the first movement in the body at the first moment?
  • 0: Return, please mentally at the moment when it happened. Remember how he told it to you. What did the first wanted your soul then? What is the first coming to mind you wanted to say then?
  • 0: Mooch look at that situation. Tell me a little more about your experiences that you begin to appear when you start thinking about it and mentally consider it.
  • 0: Say a little more about this mysteriousness. Do not rush, try to somehow express this feeling in other words as strange.
  • Or universal, although rather generalized:
    • 0: Do not rush. Take time. Try to listen to this experience. What is it trying to tell you?

You can note that all the examples above are offered to a person:

  • To slow down.
  • Recreate some picture in his imagination (eg back to the past).
  • Start "listen" to what is happening in the shower and body, in one way or another.

In many people, there was no experience in life so that someone in principle was attentive to their experiences, considered their experiences important, and offered not to rush and express them with words. Therefore, when it makes a psychotherapist - one may turn out to be a new and important experience for a person. Moreover, there is even a meaning, in the process of psychotherapy to do this in a similar way and the same words. The more the same words we will offer to the client to slow down and listen to yourself, the more likely that he will master it as an algorithm and learn how to do it himself in ordinary life.

In the exercise below, you can try the impact of such instructions. For exercise, I chose a very generalized, but universal instruction.

Exercise B3. % 2 Client training listen to their experiences

  • Client Chooses an unclear current experience or, unclear experience in some situation.
  • Therapist, in the process:
    • Listens and if you need a little bit helps to tell the client, for example, with the help of replica:
      • 0: Try to tell more about this experience.
      • 0: Try to describe what you would like to understand about it?
  • Therapist, the main task:
    • It will be fine if the therapist during the conversation at least three times will give the client instructions to listen to yourself, preferably as the same as possible:
      • 0: Do not rush. Take time. Try to listen to this experience. What is it trying to tell you?
  • Completion (highlight a minute at the end)
    • 0: What turned out to be interesting for you in our conversation?

Why does the question "what do you feel?"

This widely well-known psychological question is often not working as well as we would like. It often happens that he not only does not help, but on the contrary prevents the client and the psychotherapeutic process. This is what the question may be bad:

  • It requires a response from the client, which the client may not yet be - and thus disorienting it.
  • He can shoot down a client with an important thought for him or with an important experience.
  • He pushes the client to the "generalization of many experiences in one sense" - and this is almost always harmful.
  • He does not explain to a person how he understands that it is he who worries - many do not know how to do.

Ill. The question "What do you feel?" In action. (Illustration of notes on this topic)

In addition, this question does not change clearly, is it in mind:

  • a) Experiencing at a specific moment of some kind of situation;
  • b) experience at the time of the story about the situation;
  • c) vague general experiences now;
  • d) experience in interaction with the therapist;
  • or something different.

And in this sense, at best, he gives an unpredictable answer, and at worst - the client's disorientation or the harmful "generalization of many experiences in one".

We will not give solutions now for all the problems listed above the issue "What do you feel?". But there are two simple principles that most problems solve, and from which we will start:

  • The question of the therapist should take into account the current state and the possibility of the client.
  • The question of experience should indicate a specific point and on a specific sphere. For example:
    • 0: Say something about your experience ...
      • ... arising when you find yourself in that place.
      • ... The emerging when you remember this person.
      • ... arising when you think about this topic.
      • ... arising when I asked you the previous question.

Experiences should be told by another person

The very presence of another person significantly affects the quality of manifestations of customer experiences. Such a presence aggravates emotional traces of social traumatization, and creates an experimental platform for new emotional experience.

In the previous phrase, two important ideas sounded in a very compressed form. I will reveal them in more detail:

  • Most experiences do not accidentally have external expression, for example, faithful manifestations. Our ancestors lived with groups, and a good understanding of the experiences of each other was necessary for effective group life. Thus, experiences, except for the functional in the regulation of behavior, there are congenital communicative functions.
  • On the other hand, most of our emotional baggage appeared with us "thanks to" interaction with people in various "success". And if, for example, the client has some strong social traumatization, then its traces will most likely be shown and in cooperation with the therapist - and thanks to this will be diagnosed.

Of this there are several consequences of interesting things for us:

  • Because of this sociality, emotions, the presence of another person next to the experienced - has a significant impact on the severity of the manifestation of most experiences.
  • Part of the experiences are better experiencing and fully in the presence of another and when the story is another.
  • And part of the experiences, in the presence of another, are experienced just more difficult. But it is extremely useful for the diagnosis and understanding of the complexities of the client. And in these cases, it happens that difficult experiences are enough just to tell another person so that they lose the relevance and "let go."
  • A worried person often needs a certain response from another person to his story. For example, in a response that demonstrates understanding, a warm relationship, accession to experiences, etc. Although a worker person himself does not always understand it. And without this response, there is no good completion and "discharge of experiences".

And the foregoing is already enough to recommend most people in most situations, they are not alone, and next to someone else. And if this someone is still "specially trained", it is generally good.


The parental public was outraged by the State Duma by laws discriminating citizens on the basis of family bonds - in these weekends in Russia will pass mass protest picles with the collection of signatures under open letter of the Russian Federation.

Public scientists from the "Parental All-Russian Resistance" (RVS) will continue to collect signatures of citizens under the appeal to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with a request to reject juvenile bills No. 953369-6 and No. 953398-6, which put the family into a discriminated position.

Recall, on June 21, 2016, "Decrimalizers" from the State Duma of the Russian Federation, ignoring the calls of pickets and numerous publications in the media after the All-Russian protests of the 20th and June 21st, under the pretext of the alleged "execution of the instructions of the President", adopted these bills in the 3rd Reading, approved, thus "landing" parents for educational slap to a child (and not only).

Recall that in December 2015, the President of the Russian Federation V.Putin, in his message, requested the State Duma to support the proposal of the Supreme Court about "decriminalization" of a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - we are talking about not serious crimes. In particular, about article 116 "beatings." The goal of the good: for example, if a young man stumbled for the first time and beat someone, causing physical pain, but without prejudice to health, it is not necessary to break him the life of the "criminal label" - here you can restrict ourselves to the administrative punishment. However, according to new bills, if the same physical impact comes in a circle of relatives and loved ones, it will be considered a criminal offense!

Amendment to the bill # 953369-6, introducing a new subject of criminal law - "close person", was introduced in the interval between the first and second reading of the draft law. Violent actions with causing physical pain in relation to loved ones in this bill equal to the actions of "from hooligan motives, or based on political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or hostility, either based on hatred or hostility regarding any social group " At the same time, the termination due to reconciliation of close people will not be subject to criminal proceedings!

This "crime" will be punished, in particular, "restriction of freedom for up to two years, or forced work for up to two years, or arrest for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to two years."

Note that bills are even before the adoption of the State Duma received a negative feedback from the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Discussion of bills, including the specified amendment, can be viewed on the official website of the Public Chamber https://www.oprf.ru/press/conference/2148.

By the way, in the same way, contrary to the protests of the parent public, the State Duma approved the FZ-442 bill "On the social service of the population in the Russian Federation" in December 2014, in which representatives of the Russian juvenile lobby under the pretext of "care for disadvantaged families" could have improved the possibility of establishing the regime in relation to families Social accompaniment "without the consent of the citizens themselves and without the right to refuse this" service "(that is, full and unconditional control over the life of the family).

Thus, it can be stated that in the Russian Federation in full swing, at the highest legislative level, the formation of the juvenile anti-seamy system on a western model is underway, according to which the traditional methods of education of children who have developed in our country are qualified as "a violation of the rights of the child", with his subsequent With the withdrawal of the parents, and the family itself, with all its complex, diverse palette of the relationship between close people, is represented by the "seedler" of potential criminals.

For the final adoption of bills No. 953369-6 and No. 953398-6, two more instances should be passed - they must be approved by the Federation Council and be signed by the President. Our task is to prevent it!

Public scientists from the RVS in an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation are requested not to sign these bills, "violating the Constitution of the Russian Federation, who do not respond to the aspirations of the people of Russia seeking to preserve traditional family values \u200b\u200band prevent the dissemination of juvenile technologies on the territory of our state."

"Very soon we can all be in a" difficult life situation ". We say "everything" because many have a family and children, and many of them will soon be created. Therefore, we, citizens of the Russian Federation, appeal to you, as the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the norms of which can be eaten by the laws adopted. Stop them, Mr. President! "

We invite everyone to join the collection of signatures.