How to open H264 file from surveillance camera. How to open H264: application suite H file

The table below provides useful information about the .h file extension. It answers questions such as:

  • What is a file? h?
  • What software do I need to open the file. h?
  • Like a file. h be opened, edited or printed?
  • How to convert. h files to a different format?

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✅ C Header File

Description (in English):
C language header file. Information that is needed by several different files or functions is collected into a header file. A header file contains C-language definitions and structures. Centralizing information into a header file facilitates the creation and update of programs.

H format description not yet available

Application: -

MIME type: text/plain

Magic number: -

Magic number: -

Sample: -

H aliases:

Related links:

Related extensions:

Other file types may also use the file extension .h.

🔴 Can't open file.h?

When you double-click a file to open it, Windows checks the file name extension. If Windows recognizes a filename extension, the file opens in a program that is associated with that filename extension. When Windows does not recognize the file name extension, the following message appears:

Windows can't open this file:


To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it...

If you don't know how to set up file associations .h, check .

🔴 Is it possible to change the file extension?

Changing the file name and file extension is not a good idea. When you change a file extension, you change the way programs on your computer read the file. The problem is that changing the file extension does not change the file format.

If you have any useful information about the file extension .h, !

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If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file my-file.h, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan with AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open and scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system link your H file to the correct application software, influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling MacroMates TextMate may solve your problem by linking H correctly with MacroMates TextMate. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating MacroMates TextMate to the latest version to ensure you have the latest patches and updates.

This may seem too obvious, but often the H file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the H file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is important to keep your computer up-to-date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your file is H related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open file H you get .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening H files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of H files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem is quite common if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having trouble keeping up with a task because the operating system (and other services running in the background) may consume too many resources to open the H file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening C/C++/Objective-C Header File. Freeing up all available resources on your computer will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the H.

If you completed all the steps described above and your H file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or intensive multimedia work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(commonly called "RAM" or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

Today, surveillance cameras can be seen at almost every step. You may also be planning to install one or more cameras in your home. Such devices work with video files in .264 or H.264 formats. But we’ll look at how to watch the video and how to open the file in the article.

Differences and similarities between 264 and H.264 formats

Format.264– These are the raw elementary streams of H.264-ES video files (also called MPEG-4 temporary video file). In turn, H.264-ES is part of the H.264 format specification. Older DVR models record video in .264 format. Such video files cannot be used for direct viewing by conventional players and require processing with special programs.

Allows you to reduce video recording to a minimum size. After video recordings are fully compressed, the quality of video and audio remains at a high level. CCTV cameras and new type DVRs work with this format. H.264 files are also called MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC/H.264. Despite the long and scary name, it is very easy to find an H.264 file player online.

To open such files, you must use one of the following methods:

  • use special programs and utilities;
  • convert video files.

Opening H.264 video

Almost all popular programs and converters work with the H.264 format. Popular ones are:

  1. Light Alloy.

Working with .264 format

Let's take a closer look at how to open a .264 file from a DVR or surveillance camera.

Special programs

To open video.264, the following programs will be useful:

.264 video files can be combined or separated. We will look at how to do this further.


To play a .264 file, you need to put it in a container format that any media player can recognize. For this purpose, we recommend using one of the following utilities:

  1. Demuxer – can create dsm or mpc recordings. It is worth noting that dsm files can only be played in this utility.
  2. MKVcleaver – with its help you can cut videos into .MKV.
  3. Mkvmerge - can change, cut, merge or separate video files. After video processing, the video quality does not deteriorate, and the format changes to .MKV.
  4. Haali Muxer – can help in converting, merging or unmerging video files. After processing the video, it is assigned the .MKV format.

Michael Barr

When I talk to C programmers about hardware interfaces or a programming standard, I often see that they do not have the necessary skills and information about this programming language. Typically, this is because we are all mostly electronics engineers who learned C (or some other language) on our own.

One such skill relates to creating header files. What should (or should not) be placed in the C header file.h? When should you create a header file? And why?

I have my own list of answers to the above questions.

Create one .h header file for each “module” of the system. A module may contain one or more compiled files (such as .c or .asm), but it must implement only one aspect of the system. Examples of well-chosen modules are: driver for ADC; communication protocol such as FTP; an error manager that keeps a log of errors and alerts the user about them.

Include in the .h header file all prototypes of the functions that make up the front end of the module. For example, the adc.h header file could contain prototypes of the adc_init(), adc_select_input(), adc_read() functions.

Do not include functions or macros in the header file that are intended to be used within a module. It is advisable to hide these internal “helpers” if they are not used in other modules. (If your module consists of multiple compiled files that use these internal functions, then create a separate header file for these purposes.) Module A should call module B only through the public interface defined in the header file moduleb.h

Do not include executable code or variable declarations in the header file. But note that you will have to make an exception for inline functions.

Don't put variables in the header file, as is too often done with the extern keyword. Proper module encapsulation requires hiding all internal data inside the C source files. Whenever possible, internal variables should be declared with the static keyword to limit their scope to the boundaries of the module.

Do not reveal the internal format of specific data structures used by module interface functions. In other words, there should not be any struct(…)foo in the header file. If you have a data type that needs to be passed to or from a module, define the data types in the header file using a typedef. For example, “typedef struct foo moduleb_type”. Client modules do not need to know the internal format of structures.

Although these tips are not specific to embedded software, I hope you find them useful.

I was recently asked a similar question by a colleague who was starting to program in C. And I thought this was a good opportunity to share my understanding of this issue. Because even experienced programmers do not always have similar points of view on this matter.

Partly this is a matter of taste, so if anyone is interested in how I do it, welcome to the cat.

Despite the fact that “the whole truth” about h-files is contained in the corresponding section of the description of the gcc preprocessor, I will allow myself some explanations and illustrations.

So, literally, a header file (h-file) is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions intended for use in several source files (c-files). Let's illustrate this.

It is easy to notice that functions 1 and 2, as well as macro 2, are mentioned in both files. And since including the header files produces the same results as copying the contents into each C file, we can do the following:

Thus, we simply extracted the common part of the two files and placed it in the header file.
But is the header file an interface in this case?

  • If we need to use the functionality that functions 1 and 2 implement somewhere else, then Yes
  • If macro 2 is intended only for use in the Unit1.c and Unit2.c files, then it has no place in the interface file
Moreover, do we really need to have two C files to implement the interface defined in the header file? Or is one enough?
The answer to this question depends on the implementation details of the interface functions and where they are implemented. For example, if you make the diagrams more detailed, you can imagine a scenario where interface functions are implemented in different files:

This implementation option leads to high code coherence, low testability, and difficulty in reusing such modules.
In order to avoid such difficulties, I always consider the C file and the header file as one module. In which,
  • The header file contains only those declarations of functions, types, macros that are part of the interface of this module.
  • The C file, in turn, must contain the implementation of all functions declared in the h-file, as well as private types, macros and functions that are needed to implement the interface.
Thus, if I were to implement the code that corresponds to the diagram above, I would try to achieve the following (the endings _с and _h in the file names were added due to the impossibility of using a dot in the tool I used to create the diagrams):

The diagram shows that in fact we are dealing with two independent modules, each of which has its own interface in the form of a header file. This makes it possible to use only the interface that is really needed in this particular case. Moreover, these modules can be tested independently of each other.
The reader probably noticed that macro 2 from the header file was returned as a copy in both C files. Of course, this is not very convenient to maintain. But making this macro part of the interface is not correct.
In such cases, I prefer to make a separate header file containing the types and macros needed by several C files.

I hope I was able to identify those entities that need to be placed in header files. And also, show the difference between interfaces and files containing declarations and macros required by several C files.

Thank you for your attention to the material.