Basis generator online. Sound frequency generator

SoundCard OSZILLOSCOPE - a program converting a computer into a two-channel oscilloscope, a two-channel low frequency generator and spectrum analyzer

Good day Dear radio amateurs!
Each radio amateur knows that to create more or less complex amateur radio devices, it is necessary to have at its disposal not only the multimeter. Today in our stores you can buy almost any device, but there is one "but" - the cost of the decent quality of any device of at least a few tens of thousands of our rubles, and it is no secret that for most Russians is significant money, and therefore these devices are not available at all, Or the radio amateur buys devices for a long time in use.
Today on the site We will try to equip a radio amateur laboratory with free virtual instruments -digital two-channel oscilloscope, two-channel sound frequency generator, spectrum analyzer. The only drawback of these devices is all operating only in the frequency band from 1 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The site has already given a description of a similar radio amateur program:“ “ - Program turning a home computer into an oscilloscope.
Today I want to offer to your attention the next program - "Soundcard Oszilloscope.". This program attracted me with good characteristics, thoughtful design, simplicity of studying and work in it. This program is in English, there is no Russian translation. But I do not consider this disadvantage. Firstly, it is very easy to figure out how to work in the program is very easy, you will see it yourself, secondly - someday you will have good devices (and they have all the symbols in English, although they themselves are Chinese) and immediately and easily get out of them.

The program has been developed by C. Zeitnitz and is free, but only for private use. The license for the program costs about 1,500 rubles, and there is another so-called "private license" - worth about 400 rubles, but it is rather a donation to the author to further improve the program. Naturally, we will use the free version of the program, which is distinguished by the fact that when it starts it, a window appears with a proposal to buy a license.

Download program (latest version for December 2012):

(28.1 MIB, 52,914 HITS)

To begin with, let's deal with the "concepts":
Oscilloscope - Device intended for research, observation, measurement of amplitude and time intervals.
Oscilloscopes are classified:
for the purpose and method of informing information:
- Oscilloscopes with a periodic scan to observe signals on the screen (in the west they are called oscilloscop)
- Oscilloscopes with a continuous scan to register a signal curve on a photo dent (in the West are Oscillograph)
by way of processing the input signal:
- Analog
- Digital

The program works in an environment not lower than the W2000 and includes:
- a two-channel oscilloscope with a frequency of bandwidth (depends on the sound card) at least 20 to 20,000 Hz;
- two-channel signal generator (with a similar generated frequency);
- spectrum analyzer
- And it is also possible to record a sound signal for its subsequent study.

Each of these programs has additional features that we consider during their study.

Let's start with the signal generator (SignalGenerator):

Signal generator, as I said, is two-channel - Channel 1 and Channel 2.
Consider the appointment of its main switches and windows:
1 button on generators;
2 output form setup window:
sine - sinusoidal
triangle- triangular
square.- rectangular
sawtooth- Pylocent
white Noise. - White noise
3 regulators of the amplitude of the output signal (maximum - 1 volt);
4 frequency installation regulators (the desired frequency can be installed manually in the windows under the regulators). Although the maximum frequency in the regulators is 10 kHz, but in the lower windows you can register any allowable frequency (depends on the sound card);
5 the windows for setting the frequency manually;
6 enable the "SWEEP - Generator" mode. In this mode, the output frequency of the generator periodically varies from the minimum value set in the 5 "windows to the maximum value set in the" Fend "windows during the time set in the" TIME "windows. This mode can be enabled or for any single channel or immediately for two channels;
7 windows to exhibit the end frequency and time of the SWEEP mode;
8 software connection of the generator channel to the first or second input channel of the oscilloscope;
9 - set the phase difference between the signals from the first and second channels of the generator.
10 - W.formation of the standard of signal (valid only for a rectangular signal).

Now let's look at the oscilloscope itself:

1 Amplitude - adjusting the sensitivity of the channel of vertical deviation
2 Sync. - Allows (setting or removing a tick) to produce separate, or simultaneous adjustment of two channels on the amplitudes of signals
3, 4 allows you to disseminate the signals at the height of the screen for their individual observation
5 setting the scan time (from 1 millisecond to 10 seconds, and in 1 second - 1000 milliseconds)
6 start / Stop Oscilloscope works. When you stop on the screen, the current status of the signals is saved, and the save Save appears ( 16 ) allows you to save the current status on a computer in the form of 3 files (the text data of the test signal, a black and white image and a color image of the image from the oscilloscope screen at the time of the stop)
7 Trigger. - a software device that retains the start of the sweep until some conditions are met and serves to obtain a stable image on the oscilloscope screen. There are 4 modes:
turning on / off. When the trigger is turned off, the image on the screen will look "running" or even "smeared".
auto mode. The program itself chooses the mode (normal or single).
normal mode. In this mode, a continuous scan of the test signal is performed.
single mode. In this mode, a single signal scan is carried out (with a period of time set by the TIME regulator).
8 selecting an active channel
9 Edge. - Type of signal startup:
- rising. - on the front of the signal under study
falling - on the decline of the test signal
10 AUTO SET. - Automatic setting of the scanning time, the sensitivity of the vertical deviation channel Amplitude, and the same image is driven into the center of the screen.
11 - Channel Mode. - Determines how the signals are displayed on the oscilloscope screen:
single - Separate output of two signals on the screen
- CH1 + CH2. - output of the sum of two signals
CH1 - CH2. - pin the difference of two signals
CH1 * CH2. - output of the work of two signals
12 and display on the channel screen (or any of two, or two immediately, the value is located nearby. Amplitude)
14 channel Oscillogram Outlines 1
15 channel Oscillogram Outlines 2
16 already passed - recording the signal to the computer in the mode of the oscilloscope
17 time scale (we have a regulator Time. It is in position 10 milliseconds, so the scale is displayed from 0 to 10 milliseconds)
18 Status. - Shows the current status of the trigger and also allows the following data to display:
- Hz and Volts. - output to the current voltage frequency screen of the test signal
cursor. - Enabling vertical and horizontal cursors to measure the parameters of the test signal
log to Fille. - per second record of the parameters of the signal under study.

Production of measurements on an oscilloscope

First, let's set the signal generator:

1. Turn on channel 1 and channel 2 (green triangles light up)
2. Install the output signals - sinusoidal and rectangular
3. Set the amplitude of output signals 0.5 (the generator generates signals with a maximum amplitude of 1 volt, and 0.5 will mean the amplitude of signals equal to 0.5 volts)
4. Install frequencies in 50 hertz
5. Go to the oscilloscope mode

Measurement of the amplitude of the signals:

1. Button under the inscription Measure Select mode Hz and Volts., put the checkboxes from the inscriptions Frequency and Voltage.. In this case, we appear on top of the current frequencies for each of the two signals (almost 50 hertz), the amplitude of the full signal VP-P. and efficient signal voltage Veff.
2. button under the inscription Measure Select mode Cursors. And put a tick of the inscription Voltage.. In this case, we appear two horizontal lines, and at the bottom of the inscriptions showing the amplitude of the positive and negative component of the signal ( BUT), as well as the total scope of the amplitude of the signal ( dA).
3. Test horizontal lines in the position we need relative to the signal, on the screen we will receive data on their amplitude:

Measurement of time intervals:

We do the same operations as for measuring the amplitude of signals, except - in mode Cursors. Tick \u200b\u200bset the inscription Time.. As a result, instead of horizontal, we will get two vertical lines, and at the bottom will be displayed the time interval between the two vertical lines and the current frequency of the signal in this time interval:

Determination of the frequency and amplitude of the signal

In our case, specifically calculate the frequency and amplitude of the signal is not necessary - everything is displayed on the oscilloscope screen. But if you have to take advantage of the first time in the life of an analog oscilloscope and you do not know how to determine the frequency and amplitude of the signal we will consider this question for training purposes.

The generator settings are left as it were, except for the amplitude of the signals set 1.0, and setting the oscilloscope setting as in the picture:

The signal amplitude regulator is set by 100 Millivolt, the sweep time knob is 50 milliseconds, and we get a picture on the screen as from top.

The principle of determining the amplitude of the signal:
Regulator Amplitude We are in position 100 MillivoltAnd this means that the price of the mesh division on the screen of the vertical oscilloscope is 100 Milvolt. We consider the number of divisions from the bottom of the signal to the top (we obtain 10 divisions) and multiply on the price of one division - 10 * 100 \u003d 1000 Milcivolt \u003d 1 VoltWhat means that the amplitude of the signal from us from the top point to the bottom is 1 volt. In the same way, you can measure the amplitude of the signal at any segment of the oscillogram.

Determining the time characteristics of the signal:
Regulator Time. We are in position 50 milliseconds. The number of division of the oscilloscope scale horizontally equal to 10 (in this case, 10 divisions are placed on the screen), divide 50 to 10 and get 5, this means that the price of one division will be equal to 5 milliseconds. We choose the area of \u200b\u200bthe signal oscillogram that we need and consider it to some kind of divisions (in our case - 4 divisions). Multiply the price of 1 division on the number of divisions 5*4=20 and determine that the signal period on the studied area is 20 milliseconds.

Definition of signal frequency.
The frequency of the signal under study is determined by the usual formula. We know that one period of our signal is equal 20 millisecondsremains to find out how many periods will be in one second 1 second / 20 milliseconds \u003d 1000/20 \u003d 50 Hertz.

Spectrum analyzer

Spectrum analyzer - Device for observation and measurement of the relative distribution of electric (electromagnetic) oscillations in the frequency band.
Low-frequency spectrum analyzer (as in our case) is designed to work in the range of sound frequencies and is used, for example, to determine the frequency response of various devices, when studying the characteristics of noise, settings for various radio equipment. Specifically, we can define the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the resulting sound frequency amplifier, set up various filters, etc.
There is nothing difficult in working with the analyzer of the spectrum, below I will give the appointment of its main settings, and you yourself have already experienced easily how to work with it.

This is how the spectrum analyzer in our program looks like:

What is here - that:

1. Type of display of the score of the analyzer vertically
2. Select the displayed channels from the generator often and the type of disbursement
3. Working part of the analyzer
4. Button recording the current status of the oscillogram when stopping
5. Mode to increase the work field
6. Switching horizontal scales (frequency scale) from linear in logarithmic
7. Current signal frequency when the generator is running in SVIP mode
8. Current frequency in the cursor position
9. Signal harmonic coefficient pointer
10. Installing a filter for frequency signals

View figures Lissuzhi.

Figures Lissena - Closed trajectories that are drawn by a point that performs two harmonic oscillations at the same time in two mutually perpendicular directions. The form of figures depends on the ratio between periods (frequencies), phases and amplitudes of both oscillations.

If you submit to the inputs " X."And" Y.»Oscilloscope Signals of close frequencies, then on the screen you can see the figures Lissu. This method is widely used to compare the frequencies of two sources of signals and to adjust one source under the frequency of the other. When the frequencies are close, but are not equal to each other, the figure on the screen rotates, and the period of rotation cycle is the value, the inverse frequency difference, for example, the turnover period is 2 C - the difference in signal frequencies is 0.5 Hz. With the equality of frequencies, the figure freezes motionless, in any phase, however, in practice, due to short-term instabilities of signals, the figure on the oscilloscope screen is usually slightly contracted. You can use not only the same frequencies for comparison, but also in a multiple relation, for example, if an exemplary source can produce a frequency of only 5 MHz, and the custom source is 2.5 MHz.

I am not sure that this feature of the program will be useful to you, but if you suddenly need, then I think that you can easily understand this function yourself.

Sound Recording Function

I have already said that the program allows you to record any beep on the computer in order to further study it. The signal recording function does not represent difficulties and you can easily figure out how to do it:

Program "Computer-oscilloscope"

To Play A Constant Tone, Click Play OR Press Space.

To Change The Frequency, Drag The Slider or Press ← → (Arrow Keys). To Adjust The Frequency BY 1 Hz, Use the Buttons or Press Shift + ← and shift + →. To adjust the frequency by 0.01 Hz, Press Ctrl + ← and Ctrl + →; to Adjust IT by 0.001 Hz, Press Ctrl + Shift + ← and Ctrl + Shift + to Halve / Double The Frequency (Go Down / Up One Octave), Click × ½ and × 2.

To Change The Wave Type From A Sine Wave (Pure Tone) to a Square / Triangle / Sawtooth Wave, Click The Button.

You can Mix Tones by Opening The Online Tone Generator in Several Browser Tabs.

What can i use this tone generator for?

TUNING INSTRUMENTS, SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS ( what's The Resonant Frequency of this Wineglass?), Testing Audio Equipment ( how Low Does My Subwoofer Go?), Testing Your Hearing ( what's the Highest Frequency YOU CAN HEAR? Are there Frequencies You Can Hear in Only One Ear?).

TINNITUS FREQUENCY MATCHING. If You Have Pure-Tone, This Online Frequency Generator Can Help You Determine Its Frequency. Knowing Your Tinnitus Frequency Can Enable You to Better Target Masking Sounds and. WHEN YOU FIND A FREQUENCY THAT SEEMS TO MATCH YOUR TINNITUS, MAKE SURE YOU CHECE FREQUENCY × 2 AND ONE OCTAVE LOWER (Frequency × ½), AS IT IS Easy to Confuse Tones That Are One OCTAVE Apart.

ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. There Is Some Early-Stage Scientific Evidence That Listening to a Can Reverse Some of the Molecular Changes in the Brains of Alzheimer's Patients. This Is One Of These Things That Sound Too Good to Be True, But Early Results Are Very Promising. HERE'S A AND A REPORT FROM A USER WHO TRIED 40 HZ THERAPY ON HIS WIFE. ( Note That This Tone Generator Is Not A Medical Device - I Don't Guarantee Anything!)


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An application that allows you to transmit the sound of different frequencies through several channels is indispensable when setting up professional musical systems.

Sound frequency generator - the program name speaks for itself. There is another name of the Sound Generator application. The system allows you to transmit sound with the additional possibility of setting the characteristics of the signal. An important plus application is the ability of multichannel sound transmission. When the generator is turned on, nine separate panels light up with a function of possible frequency setting for each channel. Their location can be changed or fixed in the desktop zone.

Characteristics of the application

The sound application is compatible with cards for 24 and 32 bits, the gradation rate should be 384 kHz. It is possible to transmit noise and and harmonious sinusoidal signals. Change the audio phases easily by mechanical switching system. Often these functions are used when using professional equipment.
Sound frequency generator - a narrow-directed application. This is due to the following functions:
  • Frequency range is not limited, depends on the technical capabilities of the sound system;
  • the generator provides for the operation of two or more oscillators with the simultaneous change function of the sound transmission characteristics;
  • the modes of reproduction of Brownian, white and pink noise, as well as the transfer of amplitude modulation and the swinging frequency of electrical oscillations;
  • the sound application has the lowest percentage of distortion;
  • processed sound can be saved in the computer.
New variations of the program developers were equipped with templates with specified sound characteristics. It is enough to find a ready-made preset on the desktop and run it double pressing the left key. The sound generator is not so hot in use. The only minus is that the free version of the program is trial, and its sound lasts about twenty seconds. For full-fledged application, you need to buy a license. Tonnerator (Online sound playback on a certain frequency and volume you specified. Used to configure sound or test acoustics / subwoofer)

Tonnerator (Online sound playback on a certain frequency and volume you specified. Used to configure sound or test acoustics / subwoofer)

How to use the tonnerator to install the desired slice frequency on the amplifier filter knob.

To begin with the amplifier input, you need to submit an audio signal from the device (PC, smartphone, etc.) connected to the Internet and playing sound.

All other devices from the amplifier input must be disabled.

After making sure that the sound from the device connected to the amplifier is played, you can start setting the amplifier filters.

Consider the adjustment of the amplifier filters using the example of a two-band system built on an aligned connection to the 4-channel amplifier.

Suppose, high-frequency (tweeters) are connected to the outputs of the amplifier 1 and 2. We connect to the appropriate inputs of the amplifier tinner.

If the tweeter should work with a limitation of 4000 Hz - set this frequency on the tone generator. On the amplifier, at the same time, you need to install the HPF regulator to a higher value (for example, 8000 Hz or to the extreme position of the knob of the regulator). We turn on the tone generator and very smoothly and slowly turn the knob of the regulator in the opposite direction until the specified tonny signal is heard in tweeters. As soon as the volume of the tonxignal ceased to be added when the handle turn is rotated - this means that the amplifier filter is set at a given frequency of 4000 Hz.

Now you need to configure Midbas.

We switch the device with the tone generator from the inputs 1 and 2 to the inputs 3 and 4.

First, configure HPF at the frequency, for example 65 Hz (configured as well as for tweeter). After the HPF configuration is completed, go to the LPF setting (low frequency filter).

The frequency is established, for example, the same 4000 Hz, on the tongenerator. The LPF knob on the amplifier set the value below the specified Tonnerator frequency.

We turn on the touch sign and slowly turn the adjuster forward.

When we hear in a customizable dynamics of the tonnerator signal and the volume will stop increasing when the knob turns - the specified filter value is set.

All other components of the system are configured in the same way.