ICT technology in vocational training. Modern problems of science and education. Multimedia accompaniment Obzh lessons

ICT (information and communication technologies) are processes and methods of interaction with information that are carried out using computing devices, as well as telecommunications.

The role of ICT in modern society

Currently, it is possible to observe a constant increase in the influence of media technologies per person. They have a particularly strong impact on children: another twenty years ago, the child would prefer to watch a film than read the book. However, today under a powerful press of information, advertising, computer technologies, electronic toys, game consoles, etc., is increasingly breaking away from reality. Now, if the schoolboy does not avoid reading the book, he no longer goes to the library, but downloads it to his tablet. Very often you can observe such a picture: in the park, the square or shopping and entertainment complex sits a group of young people, they do not communicate with each other, all their attention is riveted to smartphones, tablets, laptops. If this phenomenon is observed further, then soon the children will completely dispel to communicate. And now the Ministry of Education of many countries on our planet instead of developing interest in schoolchildren to live communication and schools in general, they decided to go along the way the least resistance and give children what they want. According to some specialists, the child's brain is better perceived by new information if it is fed in entertainment form, which is why they easily perceive the data offered at the lesson with medicines (in connection with this today, the use of information and communication technologies in the field of education) is constantly growing. It is difficult to argue with this, but after all, the reverse side of the medal of such a educational process is that children cease to communicate with the teacher, which means that the ability to think is reduced. Wherever to rebuild the learning process so that it is not boring and always supported the thirst for new knowledge in the child. But this issue will have to go on the conscience of officials.

The concept of communication and information technologies

Informatization processes in modern society, as well as closely related reform of educational activities, are characterized by improving and mass distribution of modern ICT. They are actively used to transfer data and ensure the interaction of the teacher and trainees in the modern system of remote and open education. Today, the teacher is obliged to own skills not only in the field of ICT, but also to be responsible for the professional application of information and communication technologies in its direct activity.

The term "technology" came to us from the Greek language, and in translating it means "science". A modern understanding of this word includes the use of engineering and scientific knowledge to solve specific practical tasks. Then the information and communication technology is such a technology that is aimed at converting and processing information. But that's not all. In essence, the information and communication technology is a generalizing concept describing various mechanisms, devices, algorithms, data processing methods. The most important modern ICT device is a computer equipped with the necessary software. The second on the account, but no less important equipment, the means of communication with the information posted on them are considered.

ICT tools used in the modern education system

The main tool of ICT technology for the information environment of the education system is a personal computer equipped with the necessary software (system and applied nature, as well as tools). The system first includes operating software. It provides the interaction of all PEVM programs with equipment and PC user. This category also includes a service and service software. Application programs include the provision that is an information technology toolkit - work with texts, graphics, tables, etc. Modern education system is widely used by universal application office and ICT tools, such as text processors, presentation preparation, spreadsheets, graphic Packages, organizers, databases, etc.

Development of Information and Communication Technologies

With the organization of computer networks and similar to them, the process of education moved to a new quality. First of all, it is associated with the possibility of prompt receipt of information from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the global computer network, instant access to the planet is now possible (electronic libraries, file storage, databases, etc.). In this popular resource published more than two billion different multimedia documents. The network provides access and allows you to use other common ICT technologies, their number includes email, chat, lists, newsletters. In addition, special software for online communication (real-time), which allows you to transmit text after the session establishing a session (entered from the keyboard), as well as sound, image and various files. Such software makes it possible to organize a joint connection of remote users, with the provision running on a local personal computer.

7. Ensuring training flexibility.

Negative impact of ICT funds on students

The information and communication technology implemented in everything leads to a number of consequences of a negative nature, including a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors of influence on the health and physiological state of the student should be noted. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, ITC leads to the individualization of the educational process. However, this lies a serious drawback associated with total individualization. Such a program entails coagulation of the already deficient in the educational process of living dialogical communication of participants: students and teachers, students among themselves. She offers them, in fact, surrogate communication - a dialogue with a computer. And in fact, even active in the speech plan, the student ships for a long time when working with ICTs. This is especially characteristic of educational remote and open form formations.

What is so dangerous?

As a result of such a form of training during the entire occupation, the student is busy with the fact that silently consumes the material. This leads to the fact that part of the brain responsible for the objectification of human thinking is turned off, in fact, immobilized for many years of study. It is necessary to understand that the trained and so does not have the necessary practice of forming, formulating thoughts, as well as dialogue communication in a professional language. As psychological studies have shown, without developed communication, it is not formed at the proper level and the monologue communication of the student with himself, exactly what is customary to be called independent thinking. Agree that the question given to itself is the most faithful indicator of the presence of independent thinking. As a result, if you go along the way to individualization of training, you can miss the very possibility of forming a creative process in the person, the origin of which is built on a dialogue.


Summing up, one more significant lack of information and communication technologies can be noted, which follows from the main advantage - the publicly available information resources published in the network. Often this leads to the fact that the student goes along the path of least resistance and borrows ready-made essays, solving problems, projects, reports, etc. Today, this already familiar fact confirms the low efficiency of such a form of training. Of course, the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies are high, but they must be implemented, without manic totalization.

Mariam Papikianz
Using ICT in professional activities

Using ICT in professional activities

A modern society lives in the world of constant multiplication of the flow of information, which almost doubles every few years. Do not drown in this information sea, but accurately focusing on solving practical tasks, a person helps a computer. "Tomorrow" Our children are an information society. Every year, modern information technologies are increasingly increasing in our lives. Therefore, a pre-school educational institution, as a carrier of culture and knowledge, can also not stay aside. Therefore, information - communication technologies (ICT) are used me to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Throughout the pedagogical activities in his work regularly i use Information and communicative technologies. Information and communicative technologies contribute to the best absorption of the material, help in the game, fabulous form to explore the necessary material. In addition, information and communication technologies contribute to an increase in cognitive interest, activate mental children's activities.

In preparing for classes, when searching for material regularly we use the resources of the boarding school, where many pedagogical technologies are presented, the experiences of educators, a variety of visual, musical and video materials.

Usage ICTin the process of holding classes: --- "Gather Bouquet for a cute mammf for a holiday", allow pupils in a bright, interesting form to consider the concepts and definitions, see objects of classes in videos and in photos, fix the material in an interesting form, which contributes to a clear perception of material on a particular topic.

I did open views for teachers MBDOU№1 with using ICT: "Balls for clown"; "Moms and their children", "Vegetables", "Wonderful bag grandmother-fun" in which modern information and communicative technologies used to fully. At the round table, I was presented with a presentation in which I showed my professional activities on the topic"Child adaptation to kindergarten".

The site of education workers has created its own page http://nsportal.ru/lmariam-oganesovna/where put the materials and photos of their professional activity. Here I found many associates, with which communication occurs. A large material presented on the website of education workers helps me in my work, my horizon expands.

Periodically participate in the work of the network professional community: The site where we place the abstracts of classes.

Information and Communicative Technologies i use And in working with parents. In everyday activities We regularly make a video, from which the thematic videos submitted to parent meetings on the topic ---, this allows parents to look into the world of their child, not to miss the important points of its development due to employment at work.

Using Modern information and communicative technologies in training preschoolers are suitable. This allows for a slight time allotted for directly educational activities, cover material wider, present it more interesting and more relevant. In addition, animated and video materials are perceived by children with pleasure, the learning of knowledge occurs in a relaxed form.

In my work, I i use Information and Communication technologies:

In the selection of illustrative material for classes (Scanning, Internet, Printer, Presentation);

In the selection of additional material from various sources to educational activities, acquaintance with scenarios of holidays and other events;

In exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodic, developing other teachers;

In creating presentations in the POWER POINT program to improve the efficiency of educational classes with children;

IN usage digital photographs and photo editing programs that allow you to control snapshots, edit and demonstrate them;

IN usage Internet in pedagogical activities, in order to informational and scientific and methodical support of the educational process in a preschool institution, as a search for additional information for classes, expanding the horizons of children.

In the design of booklets.

Creating an email, keeping your page on the site of educators.

Using ICT contributes to the activation of cognitive activities pupils, stimulates and develops mental processes, the development of thinking, perception, memory. The use of information computer technologies on gaming classes not only facilitates the assimilation of educational material, but also provides new opportunities for the development of creative abilities. children:

Increases the motivation of pupils to the study of a new material;

Activates cognitive activity;

Develops the thinking and creative abilities of the child;

Forms an active life position in modern society.

  • § 3. Orphoepic and accentological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • About r f about up and ch e s k and e n o r m
  • Characteristic of strokes in Russian
  • And kz e n t o l o g and ch e s k and e n o r m
  • Didactic material
  • § 4. Lexical and phraseological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • LEK S and CH E S C AND E AND F R A S E O L O G I C O S C I E N O P M S
  • With n o s o b s and with p and in l e n i l e to s and h c and x o sh and b about to
  • O W and BC and V and S P O L S O V I N I N I F R A S E L O M S I C:
  • Didactic material
  • 3. Compliance between adjectives and nouns with which you can
  • 6. In proposals made mistakes in the use of paronyms:
  • § 5. Morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • M o r f about l about g and ch e s k and e n o r m
  • Noun
  • II. Adjective
  • 2.1 Brief adjectives
  • 3.2 Collective Numeral Both - Both
  • IV. Faming.
  • V. Glagol.
  • 8.2. Prepositions in mind, instead, it seems, due to, like, over, about,
  • 8.4. Quality distinguish between prepositions and independent parts of speech
  • Didactic material
  • 1. Allows it by chance in the theater,
  • 2. During work,
  • 3. At this time, the value of the defensive structure,
  • 4. Experienced to work on the abstract,
  • § 6. The syntactic norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • C and N T A K S I E S C I E N O P M S
  • 3. Choosing the right case and preposition
  • 4. Use of particle turns
  • 5.Oblel members of the sentence
  • 6. According to the subject to the subject
  • 7. Eating involved turnover
  • 8. Approval of applications
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of Concepts and Terms
  • Topic 1.3. Speech etiquette. Control questions
  • § 7. Speech etiquette. Norms and rules of business etiquette. Ethical norms of relationships with colleagues, partners, customers. Reference material
  • F o r m u l s r e ch e o g o e t and k e t a
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of Concepts and Terms
  • Topic 1.4. Use of information and communicative technologies in professional activities. Control questions
  • § 8. The concept of information and communicative technologies. The use of information and communicative technologies in the preparation of a specialist. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of Concepts and Terms
  • Et and p s p o d r o t o v k and k in s t u p l e n and
  • Where to find
  • Functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning
  • Means of expression of logical connections.
  • Drawing up various types of plans
  • Drawing up the introductory and final part of the text of the speech. Rules for writing entry and conclusion of speech.
  • Receptions used in the final part of the speech
  • Didactic material
  • § 10. Editing the text of the speech. Reference material
  • Some types of grammatical errors
  • Didactic material
  • Tasks for text
  • § 11. Speech activities and its types. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • § 12. Terms of successful communication. Reference material
  • Causes of communicative failures
  • Didactic material
  • § 13. Oral conversational speech. Conversation. Business conversation. Reference material
  • Genres of speech communication
  • Didactic material
  • § 14. The main qualities of speech. Features of sounding speech. Non-verbal means of communication. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of Concepts and Terms
  • Topic 2.2. Practical stylistics. Control questions
  • § 15. The concept of practical stylist. Functional styles of speech. Reference material
  • Basic varieties of language use
  • Therefore, the following speech styles distinguish:
  • Didactic material
  • § 16. Scientific style. Types of information processing of text (summary, thematic abstract, abstract). Reference material
  • Language features of scientific style
  • Features of the scientific - popular line
  • Types of informational processing of text
  • Types of abstract
  • The procedure for preparing the abstract
  • Work on thematic abstract
  • How to write abstract
  • Abstract structure
  • Didactic material
  • Language features of formal business style
  • Norms of considerations
  • In and d s d o c u m e n t
  • Form of treatment, presentation of requests, expressions of appreciation, ways of argumentation in production situations.
  • Methods of argument
  • Didactic material
  • § 18. Official-business speech style. Drawing up business documentation. Reference material
  • Administrative and organizational documents.
  • Information and reference documents.
  • Speech errors allowed when drawing up documents
  • Some types of medical records
  • Didactic material
  • § 19. Publicistic speech style. Convincing genres. Reference material
  • Publicistic style linguistic features
  • Comparative characteristics of scientific and journalistic performances
  • Main speech actions leading
  • Main speech actions arguing
  • Types of questions
  • Analysis of speech
  • Didactic material
  • § 20. Publicistic speech style. Basic appliances and communications with colleagues, partners, customers: Rules of hearing, talking conversations, beliefs, counseling. Reference material
  • Styles of communication
  • General Tips for communicating with colleagues, partners, customers
  • Rules of hearing, conducting conversations
  • Consulting features
  • Basic consulting techniques
  • Conditions of successful consulting
  • Didactic material
  • § 21. Spoken style of speech. Forms and methods of communication with patients. Reference material
  • Some reasons for non-compliance with therapeutic plan (medical purposes):
  • Didactic material
  • Product quality
  • § 22. Conversational style of speech. Methods for effective communication with colleagues, leadership, patients and their surroundings. Reference material
  • The main syntactic constructs used in the "Health - Patient" dialogue:
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of Concepts and Terms
  • List of recommendation literature
  • Dictionary of Concepts and Terms

    Speech etiquette- Developed speech behavior, a system of speech formulas for communication.

    Formulas of speech etiquette- These are typical ready-made structures that are regularly used with correct communication.

    Etiquette- This is a combination of the rules of good tone adopted in this society and establishing the norms of human behavior in certain situations.

    Natrogenation - unfavorable changes in mental state and psychogenic reactions that contribute to the emergence of neuroses that appear as a result of incorrect (unqualified) actions of a medical professional carrying out an unsliminated inspiring effect on the patient (for example, due to the careless statement of the severity of the disease, an unfavorable disease forecast; inappropriate references to a bad outcome of similar diseases in other people, etc.).

    Topic 1.4. Use of information and communicative technologies in professional activities. Control questions

      The general concept of information and communication technologies (ICT).

      ICT tasks.

      Classification of ICT funds.

      Psychological and pedagogical features of the use of ICT.

      Forms of use of information and communication technologies in the preparation of a specialist.

    § 8. The concept of information and communicative technologies. The use of information and communicative technologies in the preparation of a specialist. Reference material

    The creation and development of the information society in the modern world involves widespread use. information and Communication Technologies (ICT) In professional activities, which is determined by a number of factors:

    ● ICT implementation significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated social experience of mankind not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

    ● Modern ICTs, improving the quality of education and education, allow a person to more successfully adapt to what is happening social changes.

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - A combination of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated in order to collect, process, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.

    The use of ICT applicable in the field aims to implement the following tasks, such as:

    Support and development of the system of thinking;

    Support for all types of cognitive activities in the acquisition of knowledge, development and consolidation of skills and skills;

    Implementation of the principle of individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity.

    ICT educational tools can be classified for a number of parameters:

    1. On solved pedagogical tasks:

    Funds providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    Practical training (tasks, workshops, virtual designers, simulation programs, simulators);

    Aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, readstatology, educational games, multimedia training sessions);

    Comprehensive means (remote training courses).

    2. According to functions in the organization of the educational process:

    Information and training (electronic libraries, e-books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational programs, information systems);

    Interactive (email, electronic teleconference);

    Search (catalogs, search engines).

    3. By type of information:

    Electronic and information resources with textual information (textbooks, textbooks, tasks, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and teaching materials);

    Electronic and informational resources with visual information (Collections: photos, portraits, illustrations, video phrases of processes and phenomena, demonstration of experiments, video and video; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: schemes, diagrams);

    Electronic and informational resources with audio information (recording of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sound and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    Electronic and informational resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of living and inanimate nature, subject excursions);

    Electronic and information resources with combined information (textbooks, teaching aids, primary sources, hostesses, tasks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

    with combined information (textbooks, training aids, primary sources, hostesses, tasks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

    ICT capabilities can be used:

    When building interactive tables, posters and other digital educational resources on certain topics and sections of the academic discipline,

    To create individual test mini-lessons;

    To create interactive homework and simulators for independent work of students.

    Educational and Methodical Aspect . Electronic and information resources can be used as educational and methodological support of the educational process. The teacher can use various ICT educational tools when preparing for the lesson; Directly with the explanation of the new material, to consolidate the learned knowledge, in the process of monitoring the quality of knowledge; To organize an independent study of educational additional material, etc. Computer tests and test tasks can be used to carry out various types of control and assessment of knowledge.

    The development of human activity is due to a change in its structural component: subjects, objectives, activities, actions, actions that ensure the achievement of the target, the means of performing these actions. In this case, the change does not occur in any particular link, but in the entire structure of activity. As a result, traditional and new forms of human activity in the sphere of labor, knowledge and communication are converted. Modern ICT tools have become a new tool, a tool of human activity.

    The use of ICT tools as a tool means the emergence of new forms of mental, mesmerous, creative activity, which can be viewed as the historical development of human mental processes and continue the development of the principles of historical development in relation to the transition conditions to the post-industrial society. The learning assimilates the mastering system that makes up the main content of knowledge.

    The nature of ICT funds perfectly affects the formation and development of human mental structures, including thinking. Printing text, until recently, the main source of information is based on the principle of abstraction of the content from reality and is organized as a sequence of phrases in the order of reading from left to right, which forms the skills of mental activity, which has a structure similar to the printed text structure, which features such features like linearity , sequence, analyticality, hierarchy.

    Other media communications - photography, cinema, radio, television - have a structure that is significantly different from the print structure. Images and sounds do not send the course of the thoughts of the listener or the viewer from one object to another with intermediate conclusions, as when perceiving printed information. Instead, they create recognition models, addressed to the sensual side of the subject.

    Just as printed materials and technical means of mass communication led to a gigantic expansion of human knowledge, fixation and experience, the computer increases the potential of human thinking, causes certain changes in the structure of mental activity. The main processes of organization and interpretation of information are the main. It can be encoded and presented on the display screen in the form of mathematical symbols, tables, graphs and diagrams, images of processes complemented by sound, color image, etc.

    The training medium forms such characteristics of thinking as a tendency to experimentation, flexibility, connectivity, structurality. These characteristics correspond to cognitive processes associated with creative activities and solving problems. Thus, the understanding of the essence of phenomena and tactics of solving problems is described as the ability to perceive in new ways apparent obvious facts, to find a way of comprising non-related, at first glance, things, to establish original links between the new and old information.

    ICT funds contribute to the development of students' thinking, orient it to find apparent and non-obvious systemic relationships and patterns. The computer is a powerful means of assisting in understanding many phenomena and patterns, however, it must be remembered that he inevitably enslaves the mind, which has only as a result of a set of learned facts and skills. A simple knowledge message, mastering the programming language, the ability to program itself is only the first step towards implementing its capabilities. It is really possible to consider only training in which thinking skills, and thinking of a new type, in a certain way different from thinking, formed on the basis of operating with printed information, using mass communication by means of mass communications.

    Thus, due to the use of ICT, the revision is subjected to representations not only about thinking, but also about other mental functions: perception, memory, ideas, emotions, etc.

    The inclusion of ICT helps to improve and diversify the traditional forms of transmission and mastering the educational material.

    ICT forms:

    Electronic textbooks and a variety of manuals decorated in digital educational resources are expanding the possibilities of working with text and create prerequisites for deep mastering material.

    The didactic game, supported by ICT, acquires, in addition to simulating simulation of studied systems, phenomena, processes, visibility in the design of the solution and the results of the game itself and team action.

    The use of media funds in the training of specialists provides the ability to combine the necessary information in different forms (text, sound, video, etc.).

    ICT in teaching aims to develop certain skills and skills of independent activities, ensure the transition to self-education. How is the activation of the cognitive interests of students in the classic lecture and seminar system of learning using ICT, one can consider when analyzing traditional forms of classes.

    1. Computer programs should not be used with entertainment and with an exceptional goal of improving interest in the subject by displaying visual objects. In the language development of the student, it is important to use multimedia tools (ICT) not only as an illustrative material, but also as a basis for structuring and systematization of information, creative use of knowledge gained,those. Illustrations must support cognitive activity, and not replace it .

    2. When using ICT important intensify work with text, increase the volume of communicative exercises, to activate cognitive activitiestraining through reducing time costs for other types of work, such as various kinds of chosen.

    3. It is necessary create problematic situations, develop the creative potential of students; Do not overload educational material using ICT (Excessive passion for the computer can bring harm, reduce performance).

    4. For the development of communicative competence, it is necessary to think over the interaction of students in the group, the poet w.iMPORTANT When using ICT to plan group tasks.Thanks to the discussion and design of the educational process, its participants are accumulated by the experience of discussions acquire many useful skills and properties: to allocate and express their position and perceive someone else's; obey the general rules and produce on this basis the methods of self-regulation and adequate self-assessment, etc.

    UDC 37.0 + 371 + 378

    Strekalova Natalia Borisovna

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Vocational Education of the Samara State University, [Email Protected], Samara

    information and Communication Technologies in Higher Professional Education

    Annotation: Active information and communication technologies are actively introduced into higher professional education perform at the same time as an area of \u200b\u200bprofessional knowledge, and as basic technologies of the educational process, and as a tool for transformation of education. However, the issue of effectiveness of their use in the educational process still remains open, which requires further pedagogical studies.

    Keywords: information and communication technologies, the effectiveness of information and communication technologies, independent work of students.

    Strekalova Natalya Borisovna.

    Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciencees, Associate Professor Of Department Of Theory and Methodology of Professional Education Samara State University, [Email Protected], Samara.

    information and Communication Technology in Higher Professional Education

    Annotation: Actively Introduced in Higher Professional Education Information and Communication Technologies Act As Both The Area of \u200b\u200bExpertise, And How The Underlying Technologies of The Educational Process and As A Tool for Transformation of Education However, The Question of their Effectiveness in the Learning Process Is Still Open, Which Requires Further Educational Research.

    Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, The Effectiveness of Information and Communication Technologies, Self-Dependent Work of Students.

    In accordance with the Federal Educational Development Program for 2011-2015. Implementation of all activities for the development of education established the priority importance of modern educational and information and communication techno-low. The relevance of the use of information and communication technologies in the system of higher professional education is due to a number of objective reasons.

    First, the orientation of vocational education for training specialists capable of successful professional activities in the context of the global informatization of society. In this case, information and communication technologies act as a masterful area of \u200b\u200bprofessional knowledge.

    Secondly, the ability of these technologies to maintain almost everything

    types of activity of any educational institution: organization, management and monitoring of the educational process; automated training and its information and methodological support; ensuring access to global information resources; provision of modern information processing technologies; Remote interaction of participants in the educational process. In this situation, information and communication technologies can be viewed as basic educational technologies that require information culture from faculty and students.

    As a result of the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies, the following trends were developed in the educational process in higher education: the actualization of continuous vocational education as the terms of success

    work activities; development of distant learning technologies and a single educational space as fixed assets of continuing education; Increasing the importance of independent work of students as a method for the development of self-organization of personality and the conditions for further self-education. Here, information and communication technologies are the tool for the transformation of higher vocational education.

    At the same time, the issue of the efficiency of using information and communication technologies in the educational process is still open. On the one hand, the analysis of scientific articles and a large accumulated pedagogical experience in this area allows us to conclude that the pedagogical community as a whole positively assesses the possibilities of these technologies for education. The fact that information and communication technologies create conditions for the full implementation of traditional didactic principles, actively actuate the student's pedagogical and information support and the tool revealing his personal potential, ensure the personification of the educational process, contribute to the more successful achievement of cognitive and professional-oriented purposes, lead To the growth of academic and scientific mobility of graduates and their competitiveness in the labor market.

    However, the opinions are increasingly expressed that the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process does not always lead to improved learning quality, and in certain situations may even have negative consequences. Analysis and generalization of these statements allowed us to formulate them in the following theses:

    Restriction of the channel perception channels and the reduction of living human communication between the student and the teacher deprives students of the psychological adaptation of the perception of educational material, the many-risk explanations and an individual approach;

    The range of acquired training skills is narrowed in favor of technical

    by reducing the analysis skills, dialogic communication and interaction, the loss of the possibility of forming students' thinking, making it difficult to systematize their knowledge;

    Excessive passion for Internet resources in the educational process leads to increased information pressure on personality, to the psychological information dependence and identity asocialization;

    The excess of the optimal information capacity of the educational material inevitably leads to a student's disorientation in educational material and to reduce the quality of his assimilation.

    Thus, a contradiction was revealed: increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in one aspects (information support, automated training, modularity, personification, etc.), information and communication technologies reduce its effectiveness in other aspects. The resolution of this contradiction demanded aerobatic studies capable of answering questions: What types of information and communication technologies used in the educational process are most popular among teachers and students? Which of them are most effective for the educational process and under what conditions of use? What requirements should be made to electronic educational resources so that they are more useful for the educational process? What are the negative consequences of using information and communication technologies possible in the educational process?

    Mail studies were conducted in the Togliatti Academy of Management (TAU), the experience of informatization of which is more than 10 years: in the period from 1998 to 2003, the information system for managing the learning process and the test training system were developed and implemented in the educational process. Investigation participated teachers and students 1, 2 and 5 training courses. The sample was more than 70 students of different directions of training and 30 teachers (informatics, philologists, culturalists, foreigners). Under the information and communication technologies in the study was understood: personal computers with a set of

    participating and / or test programs; multimedia projector with an interactive board; multimedia presentation; Open training web courses.

    Analysis of the results showed that in TAU, information and communication technologies are used almost at all or almost all courses and disciplines (such a response has chosen 88% of students and 100% of teachers). Absolutely all students relate to the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process positively, 44% of them noted that their use in the educational process is the norm. Thus, a high level of informatization of the studied educational institution is confirmed.

    The most popular form of use of information and communication technologies in the educational process at the professorical and teaching staff (see Fig. 1) is a presentation (55% is used permanently, 45% - as necessary) and specialized programs (53% - constantly, 15% - as needed). The use of open academic web to ° Rza is prior to -rene. RLEKZ (less than 10% of the teachers surveyed). In our opinion, such a situation is applemented due to the fact that the presentation is the most accessible and ocher technology for teaching, at that time, the use of distant forms of the educational process requires not only high levels

    informatization of the educational institution, but also to improve the qualifications of teachers in this area.

    At the same time, almost all teachers (95%) note the high efficiency presentation for the educational process due to the visibility of the materials studied and, as a result, a deeper assimilation of the educational material by students. The effectiveness of the presentation in this aspect confirmed 56% of the students' respondents, the rest relate to the presentation as to the opportunity to rest and relax during the classes, work out with their affairs. Thus, during the study, the task of finding special pedagogical techniques and methods to use presentations in classes in order to deeper the involvement of students in this process, identifying conditions, whose stem will allow to make a presentation more efficient.

    N-reviewing that the effectiveness of the presentation was confirmed by 56% of the students surveyed, most of the students (88%) all-taxes easely that for the N-X, the most effective way to master the educational material is its ORD with a teacher in dialogue mode (in the questionnaire Students could choose several effective ways to master the educational material). Thus, the informatization of the educational process does not reduce the significance of live communication of the NTU stude with the teacher in the framework of the educational process. Such methods for the development of the new OAC material itself.

    Figure A - Frequency of use of RCZLISH types of information and communication

    exclasses in the educational process

    with the help of a specialized program or training literature chose a small number of students (25% and 12%, respectively). Perhaps independent forms of studying material for students are not attractive because of their labor intensity, as well as low students' motivation to perform independent work.

    According to teachers, the most efficient use of information and communication technologies (see Figure 2) during the consolidation of knowledge (9 points on a 10-point scale), explanations of the new material (7.5 points) and conducting control tests (7.5 points ). The use of information and communication technologies To fulfill domestic / independent work, teachers consider less effective (3.2 points). The student survey confirmed the high popularity of electronic tests in the student environment - 100% of students prefer to take tests on a computer, and not in writing, which can be explained, in our opinion, the presence of instant feedback mechanism in tests, which reduces the time waiting time and reduces psychological Load. However, a large number of students (75%) prefers to work with published educational materials, and not by their electronic versions.

    As conditions affecting the efficiency of using information and communication technologies in the educational process, the overwhelming majority of

    changing noted high-quality preparation of the material being studied (70% of teachers and 81% of students) and the level of information culture of the teacher (70% and 56%, respectively). According to other conditions, the views were divided: teachers are more concerned about the quality of the equipment and the complexity of the material being studied (55%), and students are the time of using information technology, at the beginning or end of occupation (38%). Thus, the importance of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process and the need to include in the information culture of the teacher of relevant knowledge is confirmed.

    The presence of the negative consequences of the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process confirm half the respondents (52%), but the nature of the consequences is called different: violation of the spelling of the Russian language, the reduction in the ability to work with texts and printing publications (26%), influence on health, eyesight and General status of students (21%), reducing live contact (10%), "giving the oblivion of effective traditional forms of training (10%). However, students themselves assess the negative consequences for their body more radically: 38% of respondents are tired during work and a large amount of educational information; Each second tired sometimes, depending on

    figure 2 - Evaluation of the efficiency of using information and communication technologies

    in different types of academic work

    duration of work (50%). At the same time, the reaction to such fatigue can be different: I want to distract and engage in other affairs (87%), it is difficult to think to think and perform tasks (50%), a headache or pain in the eyes (37%) appears, irritability, aggression (25 %). It is interesting to note that even those students who noted that they do not get tired of working on a PC, identified certain forms of fatigue. Thus, it is confirmed by the problem of the negative impact of information and communication technologies on the human body and to some extent to the educational process.

    So, as a result of flight research, the following results were obtained: the most popular types of information and communication technologies for the educational process among teachers are multimedia presentation and special software; Information and communication technologies are most effective in such types of academic work as a consolidation of knowledge, the study of new material, testing; The conditions for the efficient use of these technologies in the educational process are high-quality preparation of electronic materials, the level of information culture of the teacher, the quality of the equipment; The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process may have negative consequences for both health and educational process.

    A comparative analysis of the results of the survey of teachers and students made it possible to identify a number of problems and outline the paths of further research, the results of which will increase the efficiency of using information and communication technologies in the educational process and the quality of higher education as a whole. The directions of further research are: identifying the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective use of information and communication techno-

    logistics in the educational process, taking into account the problems of the negative impact of information and communication technologies on the quality of the educational process and the health of students; Determination of methods for the development of students' self-organization mechanisms and improving motivation to perform independent work, including means of information and communication technologies; Search for effective means of managing independent work of students in the conditions of a single educational space and avalanche-like information flows.

    Bibliographic list

    1. Voevoda E.V. Internet technologies in training in foreign languages \u200b\u200b// Higher education in Russia. - 2009. - № 9. - P. 110-114.

    2. Kolesnikova I. A. Open education: prospects, challenges, risks // Higher education in Russia. - 2009. - №7. - P. 12-23.

    3. Kostyaev A. E. Didactic basis for the use of technical training in the school educational process // Problems and prospects for the development of education in Russia: a collection of materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Novosibirsk: NSTU Publisher, 2011. - P. 147-151.

    4. Motununa L. N. Information technologies as a means of pedagogical support for students // Higher education in Russia. - 2010. -№ 8-9. - P. 151-155.

    6. On the concept of the Federal Target Program for Education Development for 2011-2015: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.02. 011 N 163-R // Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - 28. 02. 2011. - №9, Art. 1255. [Electronic resource] Access mode: http: // www. Base. Consultant. Humble work ^^ OPNPE. CGI? REQ \u003d Doc ... (Reference date 5.01.2013).

    7. Sazonova 3. C, Matveyeva E. V. Information and educational space of the new pedagogy // Higher education in Russia. - 2011. -№2. - P. 103-108.

    8 Smeushekhevich L. N., Cherepanova M. N., Urine-Lina T. I. Effect of computer technologies on modern educational space // Information technologies in education and science: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of IT0-Samara-2011. - Samara, M.: Samara Branch MGPU, 2011. -s. 166-169.


    "European University" Business Triangle "

    Final abstract

    according to the advanced training program (PC)

    "Updating the activities of the teacher-organizer of the Obzh

    in accordance with the requirements of GEF "


    « Information and communication technologies in the professional activities of teacher Obzh »

    Abstract prepared:

    Emelyanova Irina Valentinovna


    teacher Obzh

    Place of work:

    MBOU "OOSH number 21" Yangarsk

    Room and date of the contract:

    2016 / 01-6866-12 from 12/06/2016

    4 January 2016

    angarsk, Irkutsk Region

    the Russian Federation


    The formation of the XXI century is based on the principles, in many ways different from previous centuries. Thus, the fundamental categories in the learning process was the development of the schoolchild personality, the formation of common abilities and eruditions in accordance with the individual capabilities and features of each, the formation of an elementary culture of activity, mastering the main components of educational activities, the formation of readiness for self-education. A natural step to achieve new learning outcomes was the search for a new, corresponding to the modern generation of students, tools of pedagogy. Modern innovative education at school provides for a significant expansion of the role of information technologies as an effective means of self-development, self-improvement, self-education and self-control of students in the educational process

    In this regard, information technology is currently widely applied. The most popular in the practice of Russian educational institutions are the following areas of use of information technologies:

      Computer programs and training systems (computer textbooks, diagnostic and test systems, simulators and imitation programs, laboratory complexes, expert systems, databases and knowledge bases in various areas, applied and instrumental software).

      Information media based on databases and knowledge bases.

      Telecommunication systems that implement email, teleconference and allowing access to world communications networks.

      Electronic desktop printing houses allowing in individual mode with high speed to issue textbooks and documents on various media.

      Electronic libraries of both distributed and centralized character, allowing new to implement access to international information resources in a new way.

    Today it is necessary that each teacher for any school discipline can prepare and conduct a lesson using ICT. Such a lesson is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves Teacher's time and student. It allows the student to work in its pace, and the teacher makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate the results of learning.

    1. Advantages of using ICT in lugs

    The specifics of each educational subject dictates their requirements for working with information. Obzh lessons are more specific, unlike other school items, both in the methodical, didactic and technological aspects. The possibilities of using the Internet in the Obzh lessons is as follows:

      Free search for Internet resources on a given topic;

      The study of a specific Internet resource as a didactic agent in the OBZH lessons.

    Thus, the Internet has enormous information and didactic capabilities in the preparation and conduct of OBZH lessons.

    Information technologies make it possible to implement the principles of a differentiated and individual approach to learning. In the classroom, the teacher makes it possible to work independently with educational information independently, which allows it to disassemble a new material in detail in its schema.

    The use of computer technology makes it possible to increase the level of self-education, the motivation of educational activities; It gives completely new opportunities for creativity, gaining and consolidating various professional skills, and of course, corresponds to the social order that the state places school.

    Multimedia technologies reveal the capabilities to teachers to abandon the traditional training of routine types of teaching activities, giving it the opportunity to use intellectual forms of labor, exempt from presenting a significant part of educational material and routine operations related to the development of skills and skills.

    The main goal of the teacher, applying information and computer technologies in the teaching of the OBZH, is an effective admission to overcome the complexity of the study of the material by supporting the activation of the formation of skills and skills of students, the development of mental thinking and imagination.

    Applying information and computer technologies in the classroom lessons The teacher implements a productive training model, that is, the study of the material is not a sake of acquaintance with the material itself (with a possible subsequent assessment of the depth of this acquaintance through answers to questions), as in the productive model, but for the sake of solving a certain task . Interactive learning contributes to the involvement of all students in the process of knowledge, makes it possible to understand and reflect on what they know and think. This creates the conditions under which the student feels its success, intellectual consistency and, which makes the learning process itself.

    In the practice of learning schoolchildren, OBZH is observed both a knowledge-oriented and personal-oriented approach. The OBZH course provides for not only the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of certain skills and skills of the student of a schoolboy in emergency situations of a natural, social, technogenic nature. With the first of these approaches, the academism of learning content is observed, the predominance of the teacher's activities on the activities of the student, the presence of negative stimulation. In the case of a personal-oriented approach, a practical aspect of the material under study is ensured, the priority of positive incentive. Practical work in the course of the Obzh lesson in the future will help students overcome stress in the event of a danger in real conditions, adopt the only correct decision that will allow minimizing injury and death of people, material losses, protect themselves.

    Conducting lessons using information technologies is a powerful incentive in training. Through such lessons, mental processes of students are activated: perception, attention, memory, thinking; Much more actively and faster the excitement of cognitive interest. The man in nature trusts more eyes, and more than 80% of the information is perceived and remembered by it through the visual analyzer. Didactic advantages of lessons using information technologies - creating an effect of presence ("I saw it!"), Pupils appear interest, desire to learn and see more.

    Currently, computer support for any subject, including OBZH, has been developed. Without replacing a textbook or other teaching aids, electronic publications have their own didactic functions. They are not tied to a particular textbook, they present the most significant issues of education for the main and older school. In addition to using these textbooks, I make a presentation in which I include the necessary schemes, tables of drawings and video materials.

    It seems to someone that the use of information communication technologies allows the teacher to relax in the lesson, because it all makes a computer with the installed program. However, the development of lessons and the use of information technologies requires a large number of personal time. And this work is almost impossible at school, therefore video digitization, scanning, the search on the Internet is most often underway using a home computer. But all these costs are justified when you see which result is the fruits of your work in the lesson.

    2. Application ICT in lug lessons

    Preparation of printed handouts

    The use of ICT allows you to create handouts faster and more efficiently compared to standard "hand drawing" and subsequent rewriting (or photocopying). Documents created on the computer are easy to edit and print again and again. You can enter, edit and format text, insert pictures, tables and charts into it. You can create various documents, prepare a distribution material for lessons, texts of test work, tests, help to place schoolchildren explanatory notes to creative projects. And also quickly and efficiently make the required number of cards on each topic.

    The specificity of the OBZH subject causes a variety of photographs, drawings, schemes as a visual material. You can get everything at your disposal as follows:

      Photos to make or use ready made from various multimedia sources;

      Pictures and schemes make using graphic editors or use them from books, newspapers, magazines and multimedia sources.

    The easiest way is to scan the image. This simple process and his children know well after the first year of studying computer science.

    Multimedia accompaniment Obzh lessons

    When studying the material, the teacher of the Obzh is needed illustrated posters, schemes, graphics, videos. Modern information technologies make it possible to fully and interestingly illustrate the content of the curriculum using computer presentations (slide films). A distinctive feature of such benefits is entertainment, and not just informativeness.

    The use of multimedia techniques, on the one hand, facilitates the work of the teacher, on the other - obliges not only to master the computer, but also more carefully planning lessons for more effective learning.

    The lessons use the main forms of the interaction of the teacher and students.

    Passive method - Interacting students and teachers in which the teacher is the main acting person and manages the course of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners. From the point of view of modern pedagogical technologies and the effectiveness of learning educational material, the passive method is considered to be the most ineffective. When this method is selected, the presentation is mainly illustrative.

    Active method - Pupils and students interact with each other during the lesson. Students are not passive listeners, but active participants.

    Interactive method - in contrast to active methods, focused on wider interaction of students not only with a teacher, but also with each other, on the dominance of students' activity in the learning process. The teacher's place in the interactive lesson is the direction of the interaction of students with each other to achieve the objective of the lesson. As practice has shown, the use of presentations in any case increases the cognitive value of the lesson, its effectiveness, regardless of the learning method.

    The structure of the combined lesson using multimedia techniques has significant advantages. With the help of the presentation, each stage of the lesson can be trying to make a more dense, visual and informational. However, the excessive use of presentations in the lesson can lead not only to a decrease in its effectiveness, but also to reduce the interest of schoolchildren to the subject, as such. Therefore, when designing a lesson using a presentation, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, the features of his perception. For example, the use of graphs and charts, for younger schoolchildren it is impractical, opposite the bright images contribute to the more complete perception of the new material. In addition, I always complies with the regulation of the use of the presentation and varies from 25 to several minutes in accordance with the percentage distribution of the lesson's time as proposed by D. Kolb. Of course, the presentation cannot fully displace traditional techniques in the lesson, such as oral response, written work and others.

    For each stage of the lesson using the presentation in its work, follow certain rules.

    At the initial stage of the lesson (organizational and informative installation or motivation)it is designed to concentrate the attention of students on the topic, to interest them, show the need and benefit of the study of new material. I use slides to create a problem situation with the subsequent yield on the formulation of the theme themselves. This contributes to the number of slides, certain animation effects, image information (drawings, photos, graphics, charts). It is worth noting that the application on the slide of statistical tables is inappropriate, as they are difficult perceived and analyzed by schoolchildren of any age.

    When creating such slides, we use: speech, musical, visual (illustrations with signatures to them) accompaniment depending on the topic of the lesson. At the same time, the main directions of my work are:

    The formation of skills to analyze, compare, allocate the main thing, to generalize, draw conclusions;

    - development of associative thinking.

    In this case, together with children, I define the problem and ways to solve it.

    At the next stage of the lesson - checking the depth of understanding and strength of students' knowledge,apply a presentation to output at any time on the screen of the information that is supported to check the knowledge and their update. I have the ability to return to previously covered topics, direct restoration of the abstract, the course of the previous lesson, the use of visual prompts, which contributes to the development of long-term memory, strengthening intreme and interprete relationships. This part of the lesson sometimes put before the deputy of goaling, especially if the lesson is a continuation of the study of a new or generalization of the previously passed material.

    At the stage of studying the main material, select the tasks, when performing new knowledge, skills and skills to schoolchildren. Thus, when creating this part of the educational presentation, I adhere to the basic requirement - only useful information, reflecting the objectives and objectives of the lesson, should be on the slide. Special attention is paid to the selection of information and illustrative material indicating the authors, titles, events, dates.

    When working in interactive mode, the process of obtaining new knowledge occurs in the interaction of students among themselves, as well as a teacher. Working with a presentation allows me to clearly fill in advance prepared forms (lesson abstract). In this teaching of children to formulate the main thoughts, and to express them specifically, concisely. When designing slides, I plan phased filling of the schemes of causal relationships using knowledge on a new material or other subjects. Presentations have a certain advantage on the formation of practical skills, when with the help of slides or animations, sequentially demonstrate each step of action. In this case, there is not only brighter illustration of their illustration, but also increases the time for individual work with the child.

    Slides may also be triggered on the eve of any actions, fixing the order of their sequence.

    During the consolidation of the studied material, the diagnosis of the strength of the learning, the estimation of work in the lesson, we create a presentation on the principle of flexibility, visibility, impersonal. When choosing this approach, I give every student to appreciate my progress yourself, determine errors, correct them. In this case, the advantage of the presentation is that it allows, with the correct design, not only to issue the correct answer, but also to illustrate it with a fragment of the lesson.

    Using the presentationwinning when carrying out reflection, instruction on the performance of homework,summing up the lesson, since it allows you to quickly restore the entire course of the lesson, focusing on significant parts for homework. At the same time, students are forced to become active participants, remember the course of their own reasoning and re-formulate the main thoughts.

    In the final part of the lesson, the presentation allows me to return to its beginning, build a dialogue about achieving the goals and tasks. As a result of such an end to the lesson, already posing information on the success of the study of a new material.

    In addition, in our work I use the presentation:

      as an element of the health-saving technology - gymnastics for the eyes (relaxation, motor).

      for the development of cognitive processes;

      patriotic education;

      formation of culture and skills of independent design and research activities.

    The use of multimedia techniques in the modern lesson is expanding the possibilities of creativity of the teacher and his participation in the process of updating education, forms competencies of various levels as a teacher and student.

    Control of knowledge level using test tasks

    Tests in the modern educational process are widely implemented into the practice of studying many objects, including the teaching of the discipline "Basics of Life Safety".

    If we talk about the method of using tests, it is very diverse. Using tests can be carried out by many functions. So in the course of training you can inform students, bring the numbers and facts to reinforce the outlined material data from tests. An heuristic option is possible when we give test and possible answers. The student must find the right answer and explain why it is correct, and the rest is not.

    Computer control, including materials for the diagnosis of the ZUN level, has several advantages:

      saves time to identify errors;

      computer control is differentiated, taking into account the individual capabilities of students;

      statistical processing of results makes it possible to assess the quality of mastering material according to the topic studied.

    Working with tests is developing self-work skills in students. As a result of the use of test tasks, an increase in students' activity is increased, the quality of knowledge is growing.


    Under current conditions of training at school, it is impossible to do without modern information and communicative technologies. Their use increases with students to motivate learning. The teacher must own the skills of the computer and be able to use the computer as a convenient tool in its daily activities.

    The computer facilitates the activities of the Obzh teacher at school, keeping a lot of data and programs necessary in the work, helping to quickly prepare plans, reports, reports and projects of orders, in fact, is a whole working complex that provides a quick search for the necessary information and its presentation in a convenient for user form.

    The use of ICT in training contributes to the disclosure, preservation and development of individual abilities from schoolchildren inherent in each person a unique combination of personal qualities; the formation of cognitive abilities in students, the desire for improvement; ensuring the complexity of studying the phenomena of reality, the continuity of the relationship between natural science, technology, humanitarian sciences and art; The constant dynamic update of the content, forms and methods of the learning process and education.

    The main results of the application of ICT in the valves of the Obzh:

      Growth in the level of independence and amateurness of students in the lesson;

      Positive attitude of students to the subject of the Obzh, to the teacher, to each other;

      Designation of the objective orientation of students' activity on the development of their identity;

      Appearance and growth in students of cognitive interest;

      Educational and developing personality movements that have arisen during the lesson.

    Of all the above, one can make one single conclusion: the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of the OBZH is one of the substantial means of implementing the goals and objectives of the learning process.


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