IT technology in musical equipment. Toolkit. Use of information technologies in musical education. Information systems, their classification

Sections: Music

The modern world is continuously changing, and our children change with him. Today there is no doubt that modern children are very different not only from those who described in their writings Ya.A. Kamensky and V.A. Sukhomlinsky, but also from its peers of recent decades. And it happened not because the nature of the child himself has changed - life itself has changed.

Informatization of the education system makes new requirements for teacher and its professional competence. The teacher should not only be able to use the computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also to create its educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities, given the individual and age features of children.

Education can be productive only when the needs of modern children will be laid in its content, and the learning and education process will be carried out taking into account their characteristics, potential and opportunities. And for this, the teacher must be modern. Based on the features of modern children, the teacher should be able to develop and use innovative education and training technologies in his professional activities, creating such conditions in which the child will show cognitive initiative, develop its imagination and creative abilities, will satisfy its need for self-realization.

To help the teacher in solving these tasks can a combination of traditional methods of training and modern information technologies, including computer. The use of information and communication technologies, the development of its own multimedia projects, educational, methodical, gaming benefits and the introduction of them in practical activity allows the teacher to improve the quality of the educational and educational process, make the learning process as interesting, and the development of the child is effective, opens up new education opportunities not only for Child, but also for the teacher himself.

In the practice of the musician teacher, the use of information and communication technologies reveals tremendous opportunities. Colorful informative presentations, videos, multimedia benefits help to diversify the process of dating children with musical art, make a meeting with music brighter and fascinating. Classes using information technologies not only expand and enshrine the knowledge gained, but also largely increase the creative and intellectual potential of students.

As the main goal of using information and communication technologies at musical classes, it is possible to consider the activation of cognitive and creative activities of students.

The use of information and communication technologies in musical education and education of children solves a number of important tasks:

  • increase the motivation of students for learning;
  • development of students' interest in independent creative activities; activation of the creative potential of students;
  • increasing the interest of students to musical culture;
  • enrichment of the methodological possibilities of organizing joint activities of the teacher and students, giving it a modern level.

The use in the process of musical education and the education of information and communication technologies stimulates the development of thinking, perception, student memory; allows you to make learning material more accessible to perception; expand the conceptual number of musical topics covered; It helps to improve the learning material assimilation. The use of information communication technologies in musical training helps to form the skills of active perception of music, enrich the musical experience of children, instill knowledge that in general is an important prerequisite for the enrichment of the musical culture of students.

Information and communication technologies can be included in all types of students' musical activities. There are many forms of modern didactic materials that a teacher can create a musician with the help of information and communication technologies. These didactic materials contribute to the optimization of the educational process, make classes with saturated, interesting and cognitive. So, consider these forms of didactic materials.

Multimedia presentation

The presentations allow you to enrich the process of emotionally-shaped knowledge, cause a desire to repeatedly listen to a musical work, help for a long time to remember the musical work proposed for hearing, the visual perception of the objects studied allows you to faster and deeper to perceive the outlined material. Presentations are indispensable in the acquaintance of students with the work of composers, in this case, bright portraits, photographs attract the attention of children, develop cognitive activities, diverse the impressions of children.

At the end of the presentation, test or creative tasks are possible, which are performed both in writing and orally. In the case of oral execution of tasks, discussions are possible, discussion, comparison of various points of view, which will lead to the main conclusion on the topic, that is, to the awareness of the artistic and pedagogical ideas of the lesson.

  • Demonstration of video phrases operas, ballets, musicals, documentaries, etc.
  • The video device must be extremely brief in time, and the teacher must take care of providing feedback with students. That is, video information must be accompanied by a number of developing issues that cause guys on a dialogue, commenting on what is happening. In no case should not allow the transformation of students in passive contemposes.
  • Virtual tours of museums of musical instruments, according to museums of composers apartments.
  • For the development of musical abilities of students, teacher can apply special multimedia musical and didactic games. They are in an affordable, attractive form contribute to the development of lade, timbre, dynamic hearing, feelings of rhythm.
  • When mastering theoretical information appropriate use of multimedia projects, educational and methodological manuals, demonstration materials created using information and communication technologies, such as a poster illustration, a poster scheme. Translated into digital format, they are undoubtedly convenient for frequent use. They can be demonstrated in the course of the explanation of the material; You can print and distribute students as a dispensing visual material.
  • This type of musical activity as singing also implies the use of information and communication technologies. So, the condition of expressive singing is an understanding of the students of a musical image of a song, an understanding of the meaning of her text. Assistance in solving this task can have the creation of a card files of electronic illustrations and presentations to various songs. Working on the quality of the performance of songs, sound removal, diction and other elements of vocal choral tempering, you can use video from the participation of children: written on the camcorder, the execution of the songs of the song, then, together with the students, this entry is viewed and discussed.
  • When teaching a child, the game on a musical instrument can be used by presentations-concerts, for acquaintance with the musical instrument and the specifics of his sound.
  • It is also possible to use Internet resources to perform homework, developing and applying new test tasks, taking into account personal-oriented learning technologies, as well as executing students with creative tasks using information and communication technologies.

In conclusion, I would like to note the importance and need of using the teacher-musician information technology. This contributes to improving students' interest in learning, improving learning efficiency, develops a child comprehensively, activates parents in matters of musical education and development of children.

For a teacher, Internet resources significantly expand the information base when preparing for classes associated not only with the world of music, but also with the world of art as a whole. And the ability to use the computer allows you to develop modern didactic materials and effectively apply them.

The use of information and communication technologies is not the effect of fashion, but the need for the requirements imposed on modern education.

The use of computer equipment allows you to make a music attractive and truly modern, to carry out individualization of training, objectively and timely monitor and summarize the learning outcomes.

List of used literature

  1. Beloborodova V. Methodology of musical education. - M.: Academy, 2010.
  2. Dmitrieva A., Chernoyvanenko N. Methods of musical education at school. - M.: Academy, 2011.
  3. Zakharova I. Information technology in education. Tutorial for Higher. studies. Establishments. - M.: "Academy", 2008.
  4. Clarin M. Pedagogical technology in the educational process. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009.
  5. Seleevko P. Modern teaching technologies. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010.
  6. Step V. Computer training programs in music lessons. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

Internet resources

should not only know the main resources necessary for the professional activities of trained specialists, but also be able to work with Web.2.0 technologies, to participate in scientific and training projects based on Internet resources; Know the principles of creating and operating personal web pages, university training portal pages. If necessary, they must change and complement the content of the resources used.

However, not all teachers are equally interested in the system use of information and communicative resources. Recently, the terms "digital aborigines" (Digital Natives) appeared, i.e. People widely using digital technology in all spheres of life, and "digital immigrants" (Digital Immigrants), i.e. Those who, by virtue of different, especially age reasons, do not want to delve into the essence of the change. They greatly reflect the attitude towards the use of ICT in the learning process.

A very important problem when creating your own content on the portal or its page is copyright when using materials from paper or electronic media. It is known what kind of

yezna struggle is now underway against pirate use and copyright infringement. At the same time, the use of legitimately published works and excerpts from them as illustrations in publications, in radio and telecasts, audio and video recordings of an educational nature in the amount of justified the goal, allowed.

It should be emphasized that in the practice of learning a foreign language, many teachers have long and successfully use multimedia tools, but in this case we are talking about creating an integrated system that extends to all language aspects and accompanying each trainee from the beginning to the end of the study of a foreign language in the university.


2. Education First [Electronic resource]. URL:

3. Kostina E.V. The mixed learning model (Bledded Learning) and its use in the teaching of foreign languages \u200b\u200b// News of universities. Ser.: Humanitarian sciences. 2010. P. 141-144.

4. Internet and right [electronic resource]. URL:

Information technology in musical pedagogy

G.N. Soykina

The article substantiates the need to master information and computer technologies in musical pedagogy. New areas of research in musical pedagogy are considered, including research related to information technology in music, studying the role of information technologies in musical creativity, their meanings in the actualization of creative potential.

Keywords: information technology, musical pedagogy.

Modern music lesson is a lesson, during which modern pedagogical technologies, computer technologies are used, electronic musical instruments are used. This topic is interesting to me, since I myself play on the electroscripting, I regularly give concerts for the most different public, including for your students and their parents. I also engage in the creation of video on various

musical works. Browse a video at the same time with listening to music helps to better penetrate its content, contributes to the understanding of classical music.

The music lesson is characterized by creating a creative setting, as the content of musical training make up emotions and their subjective experience. Similar specific content causes

1. Investigation of the processes of informatization of the education system in the context of globalization

choosing a variety of techniques, types of work and new multimedia.

The computer provides ample opportunities in the creative process of learning to play musical instruments both at a professional level and at the level of amateur creativity.

Music computer technologies have discovered a fundamentally new stage of technical reproduction of musical products: in notorate, in genres of applied music, in sound recording products, in the quality possibilities of sound-reproducing equipment, in theatrical and concert activities, in sound design and broadcasting music (including broadcasts on the Internet) .

One of the leading directions in the field of musical pedagogy XXI century. Speakers the acquaintance of students with information and computer technologies. The development of information and computer technologies is objectively necessary:

for professional training of performers;

for use as a source of auxiliary learning material (reference, training, editing, recording, sound-reproducing, etc.).

Computer programs are used in learning tools in instruments, in the development of musical hearing, in listening to musical works, in the selection of melodies, in the arrangement, improvisation, set and editing of music text. Computer programs allow you to determine the range of the tool, the fluency of the artist in the passages, the execution of strokes and dynamic shades, articulation, etc. In addition, the computer allows you to learn the plays with the "orchestra". At the moment I am engaged in the selection of minuses for using them in the lessons of the specialty with students of its class.

It should be noted that the use of computer technologies is directed to the individual nature of the work, which in general meets the specifics of music. Personal computer allows you to vary the individual mode of operation of the musician, as well as the amount of work performed.

Music pedagogy currently discovers new research directions, including:

a) research related to information technology in music:

Application of multimedia in projects;

Issues of computer analysis of musical works;

Information approach to the content of music;

b) studying the role of information technologies in musical creativity, their meanings in the actualization of creative potential;

c) Studies of direct implementation of information technologies in music education:

practical development of computer music, music editors;

the use of musical and computer technologies and electrical tools in the modern educational process;

d) study of problems relating to the educational culture of the teacher-musician:

Optimal professional activity;

Information technologies in the self-education of the musician.

Today there are another important and relevant direction in music training - the use of Internet technology.

The purpose of this trend of education is the optimization of traditional methods of teaching music using modern means of information technology. Modern computer telecommunications provide a variety of educational information, simplify its search, make more affordable, and also present it in the original form. This is exactly what is distinguished by modern computer technologies from traditional learning tools. Modern computer technology, including Internet technologies, suggest the development and implementation of fundamentally new methodological approaches to the learning system as a whole.

When using Internet technologies, the form of material representation is mainly due to the specific type of classes, the content of the course, as well as the role of the teacher.

Music and theoretical disciplines -wear component in music learning. The object of studying such objects as "Analysis of Music Forms", "Music History" is the works of global musical art. The development of this kind of disciplines implies the assimilation of a large amount of information affecting both the work itself and information about the composer, era, musical phenomena, also other areas of musical culture.

The materials of new methods of learning are the so-called multimedia educational resources. Such resources include: electronic libraries, encyclopedias, music archives, musical anthology, virtual museums (including musical instruments museums), educational music catalogs, electronic benefits designed as a training course with test tasks attached to it. These resources can not only complement the lectures of the teacher, but also to perform the basis for independent development of the course on musical historical and theoretical

skim disciplines. In the latter case, the material must be competently structured and organized. The teacher acts as a consultant and supervised knowledge controllers.

Information and educational resources on the basis of Internet technologies are distinguished by the forms of providing materials, control and testing knowledge, the interaction of the teacher and the student.

Software learning tools can be divided into the following groups conditionally:

Musical players;

Karaoke singing programs;

Musical constructors;

Musical encyclopedias;

Training programs; Programs for improvisation, group musitization, writing music.

Development and implementation of such information resources to the educational process, including Internet resources, significantly expands the borders of the training, makes it more efficient and diverse.

Information and educational environment of the university as a condition for organizing test control of the knowledge of the future teacher

E.S. Starro

This article concludes that under the conditions of an information and educational environment of the university, test control is gaining greater importance. This will lead to more efficient work, it will open access to electronic resources of libraries, will allow remote diagnostics of knowledge, preparation for exams in the form of computer testing.

Keywords: testing, information and educational environment of the university, remote diagnosis of knowledge.

Informatization of education is the process of introducing the achievements of computer science and information technology in training, education management and scientific research. Informatization of education is based on the use of computer tools for storing, processing and presenting information in a variety. Note that the above-mentioned main directions in education are interrelated and complement each other.

In pedagogical and methodical literature, benefits are allocated

information technologies in the conditions of the information and educational environment of the university: implementation of control with feedback, with diagnostics and evaluation of results; performing self-control and self-correction; ensuring the possibility of performing training tasks; Individualization and differentiation of the learning process due to the possibility of phased progress towards a meaningful lines of various complexity; clarity in the demonstration of the dynamics of the processes under study; Strengthening learning motivation due to images

For manuscript rights

Zabotskaya Irina Vadimovna

New information technology in musical education

dissertations for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences

St. Petersburg 2000

The work was performed at the Department of General Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A and Herzen

scientific adviser - Corresponding Member Rao, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N A Terentieva

Official opponents - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M in Schvetsky Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M E Ronenko

Leading organization - Leningrad Regional Institute for Education

The defense will take place "" B ".ZRO? OQO of the year in" / about "at the meeting of the dissertation law of the Council to 1130503 to award the degree of Doctor of Science in the Russian Pedagogical University named after A and Herzen at 191186, St. Petersburg, Nabra sink, D48 , Corpus 11, Aud

The dissertation can be found in the Fundamental Library of the University Abstract of Displays 14 04 2000

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor with and Pisarev

general description of work

Relevance Problems One of the directions for the development of modern pedagogical science and practice that corresponds to the modern state of science, culture and human activity is the process of informatization of education New information technologies that have arisen as a consequence of the general trend of company informatization are becoming increasingly used in educational process when teaching various disciplines more than 10 years in the RGPU them A and Herzen are working, related to the introduction of new information technologies in the education sector is being found in the formation of techniques and methods of training, which using computer technologies make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process (G. and Bordovsky, in A cabrows, Vorobiev, and And Rumyantsev, in P Solomin E A Tumalieva, m in Schvetsky) Today there are a large number of theoretical and practical developments on the use of computer equipment in teaching natural science and humanitarian disciplines algebra, geometry, drawing, foreign me Zykov (Baranova E and, Mongesaev NG, Hadovakov G in, Removal with P), with the explanation of many abstract concepts and processes of physics ("Electrodynamics", "Quantum physics"), biology ("bases of cytology"), chemistry ("Properties Metals ") and so on that cannot be observed directly (Smirnov in A, Galimov A M) appeared and intensively develops the direction associated with the use of Internet network capabilities for educational purposes (Dmitriev E and, Uvarova A, Bogdanova D A, Belyaeva and in, Fedoseeva A A, Vagaramenko YU A) Developed issues of using computer products in educational work with students (Konanyin Yu P, Lokutushin E A) At the same time, the possibilities of information technologies in the educational process were not sufficiently studied by the pedagogical capabilities of the computer as a means of learning the need to study problems The use of new information technologies in the system of musical education is due to a group of external factors associated with general trends Society of society and the education system as a whole and internal, due to the specific peculiarities of musical training and modern musical practice due to the fact that today these technologies have not found systematic and focused applications in musical education there is a need to determine the scientific research framework for their effective use. Therefore, the development of a system of using new information technologies in musical education and the definition of pedagogical conditions for their effective use are relevant research object - new information technologies in the system of modern education.

Subject of study - Methodical system of using new information technologies in the process of musical education.

The purpose of the study, the substantiation of a methodological system of using new information technologies in a modern educational process (on the example of musical education).

The development and logic of the study were predetermined by the following initial hypothesis "The use of new information technologies increases the effectiveness of the educational process if appropriate training and methodological and software training courses were developed, the sections of the courses of musical disciplines were identified, when studying which it is advisable to use new information technologies;

Conditions have been created to manage students in the learning process for evidence of the hypothesis required to solve the following tasks.

1 Examine the current state of application of new information technologies in the system of modern education to identify the main trends and patterns of its development, which are then reflected in the teaching of specific subject areas.

2. Determine the didactic capabilities of modern computer training systems.

3. Develop a set of didactic conditions for the effective application of new information technologies in the system of musical education.

5. Experimentally check the developed methodological system in the paper used the following research methods.

1 Analysis of the existing literature on the research topic.

2 Analysis of the practical experience of using new information technologies in the study process 3 conversations with experienced teachers on the subjects under study.

4 Approbation and analysis of research results in the practice of teaching, in scientific and methodological conferences and seminars 5 studying the quality of knowledge of students and schoolchildren when teaching musical disciplines.

6 Conducting a pedagogical experiment and processing experimental research results.

The methodological basis of the study was:. in the philosophical plan of the theory of knowledge;

Psychological plan - the theory of the organization of mental activity;

psychological and pedagogical foundations of computer learning,. In the methodical plan - didactic foundations of the formation of objective knowledge in modern musical education.

The accuracy and validity of scientific provisions is ensured by supporting philosophical, socio-psychological and pedagogical approaches in determining leading research ideas; application of research methods, adequate subject, objectives, objectives of the study; The author's participation in experimental work aimed at solving the objectives of the study, positive experimental results.

Stage 1 (1995 - 1997) - study of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical literature on the problem of research, analysis of curricula, study and analysis of the didactic capabilities of computer training programs and music editors, analysis of the practical experience of using new information technologies in the educational process analysis of programs, textbooks and Methodical literature on selected disciplines.

Stage 2 (1997-1999) - Development of a model of a system of using new information technologies in music education, determination of a set of didactic conditions for the effective application of new information technologies in the system of musical education, conducting a pedagogical experiment.

Stage 3 (1999 - 2000) - systematization and interpretation of the data obtained during the study, generalization of the results of work and the design of the dissertation Scientific novelty Research is:. In theoretical development of the foundations for the construction of a methodological system, which allows to use new information technologies in subject training, identifying pedagogical conditions, their effective use;

Justification of pedagogical conditions for the use of new information technologies in musical education;. Identify the pedagogical capabilities of information technologies in increasing education efficiency.

Practical significance Research is that the method of using new information technologies of training in the practice of teaching musical disciplines at various stages of modern musical education, which can significantly increase the level of learning material as a whole. Educational programs have been developed that explain the theoretical material difficult to perceive by students of the partitions of the musical theory.

Results of research Can be used in the implementation of new information technology training in the practice of teaching musical items.

1. Methodical system of using new information technologies in modern musical education, consisting of:

Principles of application of new information technologies in musical training;

Forms of computer learning and curriculum management;. Methods of computer organization of the educational process.

2. The system of musical tasks differentiated by the level of learning material learning, individual abilities of students and interests.

3. Pedagogical conditions contributing to improving the efficiency of musical education with the help of new information technologies:

Orientation for sociocultural interests of students;. the appropriateness of the application of new information technologies to solve their tasks;

Organic combination of traditional and computer teaching methods;

The presence of a special training teacher, (technical and methodical) ensuring the implementation of the possibilities of new information technologies in pedagogical activities.

Approbation of work. Main results The work was reported and discussed at the following scientific conferences: the International Conference "Regional Informatics - 95"; International Scientific Conference "Noology, Ecology of Noospheres, Health and Lifestyle" March 22-24, 1996; conference "Actual problems of continuous pedagogical education" March 20-22, 1996; The third international conference "Child in the modern world" 1996; International Conference "Regional Informatics - 96"; Conference "Information and Psychological Problems of Personality and Society" - SPb., 1997; 2nd International Scientific Conference "Noology, Ecology, Health, Humanism" SPb-98, January 21-24; International Conference "Regional Informatics - 98"; Conference "New Information Technologies in Education" of the RGPU. A.I. Herzen. 1999.

The main results of the work are set out in the methodological recommendations on the course "New Information Technologies in Modern Music Education", articles on the topic of research.

Structure of the dissertation. The thesis consists of administration, three chapters, conclusions, bibliography, applications.

In the introduction The relevance of the topic of research is justified, its goal, tasks, research methods, hypothesis are formulated, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical importance of work are revealed.

In the first chapter - "Theoretical Analysis of the Application of New Information Technologies in Modern Education" Based on the study of pedagogical, philosophical and psychological literature, the influence of changes occurring in science, culture and society on the development of pedagogical science, the problems of adapting the education system to the needs of modern society in the training of a specialist are considered.

An analysis is carried out in the dissertation:. Questions of informatization of education based on the works of Ershova A.P., Kovkchikova V.A., Sholokhovich V.F., Verzhbitsky V.V., Vershinina O.N. and others (the process of informatization of education - is considered to ensure the scope of education the theory and practice of the development and use of modern, new information technologies);

Issues of mutual influence of the informatization of society and the development of the personality (G. Bordovsky, in N. Vasilyev, in Voronov, and to the Voskresensky, in A cabmen, A and Rakitov, Tumalova E A),. Questions of training teacher in the field of new information technology training (Vorobyev in and, in A cabinists, and Rumyantsev, in P Solomin, Ershov and P, Saltov M and LE Self-Voltan) Analysis of human education problems in the information society, whose factor is the process of progressively increasing information technology for the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge, has shown the need and pattern of introducing new information technologies to the education system This sets fundamentally new tasks to the education system that require new technological solutions, create the need to search for scientific approaches To the organization of the educational process, as well as the optimal compliance between the established traditions and the use of new information technologies, the informatization of the modern education system gives real opportunities to create conditions for students to obtain the necessary and high-quality education, post Rotation of an open education system, the creation of a system of advanced learning, the creation of prerequisites and conditions for continuous self-education, greater individualization of the learning process. One of the trends in the development of pedagogical technologies is to integrate information technologies and adapting the capabilities of computers to solve pedagogical problems in the paper, the main concepts used in the pedagogical tasks are considered. Literature and practice of using new information technologies in the education system, such as pedagogical informatics, information technology, computer learning technologies, new information technologies and T D are the definitions of the concept of pedagogical technology with different authors and the stages of the evolution of the concept of "teaching technology" for this study used the concept Technologies as a system of pedagogical technologies and technical capabilities of modern equipment that implements the content of learning and ensuring achievement x Didactic objectives Research based on the analysis of the process of developing pedagogical technology with and Smirnov, m in Clarin, E with Zaire-Beck and analysis of new information technology, such basic requirements for the use of new information technologies, as ensuring the development of the personality, be effective with pedagogical and Didactic points of view, organically combine with the current training complex. The possibilities of remote (providing the effect of direct communication between the teacher and trainee at a distance) of computer training forms, the new information technology implements the content of the training and ensures the achievement of the didactic objectives, implying scientific approaches to the organization of training - the valet process, expands the range of knowledge provided by students, the possibility of greater individualization of the educational process (its content, the pace of training material), changes and provides Oblands, methods and learning tools as a universal pedagogical technology that combines elements of previously used educational technologies, new information technology training allows organically to combine traditional and innovative methods of pedagogical interaction, at the new level form knowledge, skills and skills, while promoting the development of the personality , satisfying her educational needs and interests commonly used training tools and created complexes of these funds and their systems cannot reflect all the principles of learning due to the lack of interactivity property, often do not provide synthesis forms of visibility when using computer learning tools In the pedagogical practice, the first place is the features of the cognitive activity of students on the assimilation, creative application of the knowledge gained, skills and skills with a given goal, selected by the teacher methods and the authority Information technology forms of information technology differ from traditional learning tools, first of all inherent in all the didactic property of interactivity, which makes it actively interfere with the proposed program, build tactics of using this manual depending on the level of possession of the material, the degree of interest in this particular material, and the degree of interest in this particular material, own psycho -physiological features of cognitive activity and the important advantage of computer form of training is the ability to study on individual programs of those subjects that are usually studied in the group, and this is always a deeper and complete learning of the material training programs can provide each student's own self-education trajectory, the possibility of learn In the second chapter "The use of new information technologies in the study of musical disciplines", summarized the results of the analysis.

Issues of informatization of education, new information technology as a universal mechanism of pedagogical technology,. Theoretical issues of constructing a methodological system (the basics of building a methodological system in general form - Titova E V, Stefanov N L and a methodological system of computer learning -Egorev T O, Apatova P in, Schvetsky MB) ,. Didactic and musical abilities of computer training programs and music editors. educational, methodical literature and experience of teaching musical disciplines, both with the help of computer systems and traditional means of teaching and based on the analysis, developed a methodological system for the use of new information technologies in musical education, pedagogical conditions are identified to improve the efficiency of musical education with the help of new information The technologies of the psychological and pedagogical analysis of the currently theoretical material and the experience of the practical use of new information technologies in pedagogy and musical culture revealed the need to search for new approaches to musical training, which in turn leads to a change in the content, methods and organizational forms of training. This analysis revealed a contradiction Between the requirements of the Company to the training of specialists, the needs of students and the traditional system of musical education, this is due to the following factors. Information technologies that have become widespread became the real property of musical culture and the factor of its development, mastering new information technologies gives additional opportunities for creativity and further professional self-realization. The presence in the system of musical education disciplines containing a large amount of information (mainly disciplines of theoretical and historical cycles) ,. The presence in the system of musical education difficulties associated with a large amount of information and with the specific features of the process of musical training that are not solved traditional through the peculiarity of musical education is a high degree of its individualization on the basis of computer equipment created training, gyms and controlling complexes for various disciplines of the musical system The formation and development of the creative abilities of students, their use allows for each student individual ways to acquire knowledge student can study the material in the most suitable pace for it, to regulate the forms and nature of individual-independent work with programs that demonstrate various aspects of theoretical disciplines, educational elements of music certificates, harmony, analysis, and others as showed an analysis of the possibilities of using computer technologies in musical education, their application will be especially effe Kivny and appropriate in teaching musical and theoretical disciplines, which determined the logic of this dissertation study in teaching the theory of music, solfedzhio, harmony, analysis of musical works, objects of the musical and historical cycle there are certain difficulties that can be solved by introducing new information technologies to the educational process as the need to individualize learning, the inability or the low efficiency of independent (domestic) study of students on some sections of courses, lack of timbres, ensemble sound, inhabitable tools negatively affecting the development of hearing (in particular, harmonic and timbre) lack of illustrative of the theoretical part of the courses, lack of sufficient For a full assimilation of the material material for some types of works, the complexity of written operations, the problem of developing certain practical skills of students with limited quantities The work of time is defined by the general principles on which most musical training programs are based on the elements of musical knowledge, the purpose of these programs and how they interact with the student have identified the difficulties of using computer technologies in the musical and educational process, the technical requirements for software are formulated, knowledge formation methods, skills are considered. And the skills in specific types of work on musical subjects and based on their basis, specific methodological recommendations on the use of new information technologies were developed in musical education. The following components of the methodological system of using new information technologies in modern musical education were allocated components of a methodological system for using new information technologies in modern musical education. Training objectives that include goals as desired perspectives in the development of personality and education standards orientation on common-goal and - priority for personal development goals, strengthening interest and motivation learning Achieving special goals as general

Scientific and technical conditions comprising equipping educational institutions with computer equipment that meets the needs of the musical and educational process and the presence of a complex of musical and musical and educational programs of various levels of complexity. The condition of the presence of a special training teacher, (technical and methodical) ensuring the implementation of the possibilities of new information technologies in pedagogical activities. The condition for providing teachers using guidelines for the use of training tools Third Head - "Pedagogical experiment" Experimental work on the application of new information technologies in music education was carried out in 1997-1998, students of the children's music school of the Vasileostrovsky district, students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Music, RSUP them A and Herzen experimental work included the following steps, participated in the experiment 1st stage - studying the state of the problem of study on pedagogical and educational literature, as well as by analyzing the practice of work of teachers of higher and secondary school, this stage included. Analysis of the theory and practice of teaching musical disciplines with the help of computer technologies,. Analysis of the didactic and musical possibilities of computer training programs and music editors,. Questioning of students and students,. conversations with teachers of music schools and universities, students Analysis of the experience of teaching musical disciplines when using new information technologies allowed us to identify the following difficulties arising in the process of teaching the insufficiency of training teachers (technical and methodical) to implement the capabilities of computer systems in the educational process, lack of the necessary technical and Methodological support (in particular, the lack of musical training programs in many sections of musical disciplines) The results of the study were used to develop guidelines for the application of new information technologies in music training 2nd stage - studying in practice the influence of computer technology on the study process for conducting research Educational programs have been developed that explain the theoretical material of difficult for perception by students of the partitions of the musical theory - "Intervals", "Chords" and Is The features of the music editor encore at this stage were used computer tools in the following computers IBM-PC PENTIUM -133, Pentium - 200, SBAWE sound cards, SB-64AWE Creative, Yamaha 220 synthesizer with MIDI interface to identify the level of interest in studies to the subject With the use of new information technologies, materials of students who have been trained using computer technologies and students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Music and Herzen are used to identify their attitude to the use of computer technologies in musical education. The results of the study showed that the use provides the opportunity Studying to regulate the forms and nature of individuals-based work with programs, choose for individual ways to acquire knowledge, regulate the process of perception of information that contributes to a deeper and complete learning of the material of the 3rd stage - processing the obtained The results on the basis of the study were made the following conclusions. . An important advantage of computer form of training is the possibility of greater individualization of the learning process, which is especially important when passing those courses that are usually studied in the group,. Using these technologies helps to interest students to increase learning motivation. It helps to increase the effectiveness of independent, creative work of students due to the possibility of interactive interaction with a learning means.

Promotes qualitative changes in the field of knowledge of students, in particular, the creation of specific images supporting abstract knowledge that make them more meaningful and personal-accepted. It makes it possible to manifest themselves with various students' abilities, creating the conditions for the most complete disclosure of its potential, which contributes to the implementation of various creative tasks and an increase in interest in the subject through a different nature of the activity (composer, arranger, performer, interpreter, etc.) or its organization research allowed to make a number Conclusions concerning the use of new information technologies in musical education 1 The needs of the modern education system and require the presence of modern methods of training 2 new information technologies in it are a polyfunctional means of knowledge, universal educational technology, which has adaptive properties that can combine elements of previously used educational technologies. As a generalized mechanism for the interaction of the established traditions and innovations, their use contributes to improving and centralizing the management of the educational process, the optimal distribution of The formation has a positive effect on the features of the cognitive activity of students, it makes it possible to fully implement the didactic principles, changes the role of a teacher who is already more as a manager, and not a distributor of information, the latter puts the question of the preparation of teachers for the use of computer tools, possession of methodology, principles and techniques Their uses 3 The study was carried out on the material of various disciplines (5 disciplines) of musical education based on them developed a system of using new information technologies in music education, focused on creating conditions for the maximum realization of the possibilities of new information technologies 4 identified pedagogical conditions for the effective use of new information technologies in the musical system Education 5 The results of the experimental verification showed sufficient training efficiency using computer technologies conducted by the experiment Erdil that computer forms and methods for submitting educational information influence improving the performance of the training established that computer programs can significantly step up the development of musical hearing and thinking, due to their intensive training capabilities, their use contributes to qualitative changes in the field of students' knowledge, in particular, creating specific Images supporting abstract knowledge that makes them more meaningful and personally accepted understanding of the elements of the musical language occurs with the help of sensations and visual visual ideas, which compared with the possibilities of verbal communication has a more specific, simple and dynamic nature of perception. The main results of the study Published in the following works 1 Computer Educational Musical Systems in Music Education // Abstracts of Reports of the International Conference "Regional Informatics - 95" (in collaboration) 2 Socio-cultural and environmental problems of noospheric education // Noology, ecology of the noosphere, health and lifestyle Thesis reports of international scientific Conferences March 22-24, 1996 (co-authorship) 3 Multimedia technology in the system of continuous music and pedagogical education // Abstracts of the reports of the Conference March 20-22, 1996 "Actual problems of continuous pedagogical education"

4 Computers and the formation of a child's musical culture // Third International Conserves "Child in the Modern World" Abstracts of Reports 1996 5. Multimedia Technology in Music Education // Abstracts of the International Conference "Regional Informatics - 96" (in collaboration).

6. Electronic textbook on the course "Theory of Music" // Abstracts of the Reports of the International Conference "Regional Informatics - 96" (in co-authorship) 7. New information technology in music education // "Problems of Informatization" Theoretical and Scientific and Practical Journal 1996. №4 .

8. Information and psychological aspects of computerization of musical education // Informational and psychological problems of personality and society. - St. Petersburg;

9. New information technologies and formation of musical culture // 2nd International Scientific Conference "Noology, Ecology, Health, Humanism"

10. New information technologies and problems of musical hearing development // Abstracts of reports of the international conference "Regional informatics Methodical recommendations on the course" New information technologies in modern musical education "

13. The possibilities of using computer technologies in musical creativity and education // Proceedings of the Conference "Regional Informatics - 98". 1999.

- from. 120 -125.

14. Computer music training programs // Tez. Dokl. conf.

"New information technologies in education" RGPU them. A.I. Herzen, 1999.

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Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

General Economic Faculty

Abstract on the topic:

Information technology in music

St. Petersburg 2009


1. New technologies and music

2. Sound recording

3. Prospects for the development of information technologies in music



One of the main characteristics of the post-industrial period should be considered the rapid development of electronic technologies that contributed to the automation of storage and processing information using computers.

The emergence of sufficiently powerful computers and new computer technologies has had a huge impact on the formation of modern musical culture. The possibilities of modern computers are increasing every day in parallel to achievements in the scientific and technical sphere and developments in the field of programming.

The time of mature constructive relationship came, the construction time of a common building, where both sides will feel the growing need for mutually enriching projects. Such a variety of people's intellectual activity ever seemed from the past decades of the past century over the past decades of the past century has not only imbued with mutual respect, but you can already safely burst into the brilliant fruitful development of their cooperation.

The evidence of the musical computer provided with fundamentally new opportunities in the development of professional thinking of the musician in all areas of musical creativity will inevitably lead to the growing introduction of musical and computer technologies, which will significantly supplement and even change the nature of the composition of the composer, musicologist, artist and teacher.

Numerous experiments with electronic (and not only) machines capable of extracting sound led to the emergence of various ways to write music, and from here to the emergence of various styles and directions. A new sound, an unusual and unusual ear has become innovation in music. Many well-known modern composers, for example, K. Shatokhausen, O. Messian, A. Shnitke, despite the complexity of working with equipment, created works using new electronic tools or only on them.

The development of the electronic computing equipment itself in the early stages led her to the "invasion" to music. Already in the 50s, using the very first computers, scientists made attempts to synthesize the music: to compose a melody or arrange with artificial timbresses. So the algorithmic music appeared, the principle of which was proposed in 1206, Guido Martzano, and later applied by V.A. Mozart to automate the composition of menuets - writing music according to the fallout of random numbers. The creation of algorithmic compositions was engaged in K. Shannon, R. Zaripov, Ya. Ksenakis and others. In the 80s, the composers have the opportunity to use computers equipped with special programs that could remember, play and edit music, and also allowed to create new timbres, print scores of their own creations. It became possible to use a computer in concert practice.

So, today the computer is a multi-temperature tool and an integral part of any sound recording studio. Undoubtedly, the word "studio" itself is associated with the concept of "mass culture" or "third formation", i.e. with manifestations of pop culture and modern show business. Perhaps this is one of the main factors that attracts applicants when entering sound engineers or any other faculties, one way or another, associated with musical and computer technologies. The question arises: what role does the introduction of computers in the formation of future teachers-musicians play?

It is permissible that some particular timbre-rhythmic code of computer music will help to treat some diseases. The availability of computer equipment and the convenience of software will create invisible conditions for musical creativity (musical "needlework"), comparable in part with the current avalanche-like spread of amateur physication in pop and rock-styles. Expressions: "My Music", "My Home Studio", "My CDs", "My Videos", "My Music Site" (everywhere "My" - in the meaning "I created") will also become familiar massives. Everyone will be able to try himself as a composer, arranger, sound engineer, writing of new timbres, sound effects.

Against the background of such a mass passion, the prestige and the quality of musical education will multiply, the content of which will change significantly due to the computer, will become more high-tech and intense, flexible customizable on any specific tasks. Each music teacher in a special lyceum or general school (indifferent) perfectly will own musical and computer technology. Of course, he can be interested and fascinating to lead his subject, it will not be easy for him to compose a song or dance, make the robust arrangements, to form a bright school concert, to write it on a digital disc to the digital disc and then give his pupils such an entry in memory of the beautiful pore of childhood and youth .

1. New technologies and music

The influence of new technologies to music is traced from ancient times. Music developed together with the development of its fulfillment, that is, musical instruments. It is impossible to imagine, for example, a fortiethymatic symphony of Mozart, played, admit, on a branch sticking out of the stump. But it is from here and takes the beginning of music. Someone there trogs in the Mesozoic Era sat and from nothing to do the branch. Another trocked by walked by, heard the sounds, caught some harmony in them and decided to try it too. The third, the smartest trobs, guessed that it was not a branch better, and some fiber, such as horse-haired hair, made it a rim from a tree and across her pulled this very hair. This is about such a story of the birth of the first string plug-in musical instrument. I note that if the third troglodite would not be known to the technology of wood processing, then it would not have happened.

In the future, with the development of mainly woodworking and metallurgical technologies, people began to notice the dependence of the sound from the tree of wood from which the frame is made. Also, the continuing horse hair gave way to a metal string. And somewhere in two thousand years BC, such instruments such as Lira or Harp appear.

For the entire period of human history, a huge number of musical instruments were created from the invention to the present day. But the greatest influence of new technologies over the past one hundred and fifty years has undergone three groups - keyboards, shock and string (mostly guitar).

When electricity was opened, people began to try to apply it in almost all areas of their activities. It was not an exception and classical piano. People tried to make the strings of the string with unlucky, that is, they wanted the volume of sound not to decrease with time, like in wind instruments. As a result, such a design was invented: the key was installed under the key, which turned on the electromagnet. At the same time, as in the usual piano, the hammer hit the string, she began to fluctuate, and when it reached a magnet, it turned off by pressing the string to another contact. When the string under the action of the elastic forces deviated back, then the contact was blocked, and the magnet again began to work and attract the string to himself. Due to the fact that the strings periodically concerned contact on the electromagnet, this tool had a very sharp sound and therefore did not get much spread.

Another key tool - the organ - suffered another problem: its high cost and sizes. After all, there for each frequency needed its pipe, so the classic organs occupied whole halls. Yes, and the bellows needed to download continuously. In the invention of the electrical generator, a question arose about its use in musical instruments - because if it is rotated with different angular speed, then when it is connected to the dynamics, the sounds of different frequencies can be heard. The first tool that uses this principle was invented in the late eighties of the year before a last century in Chicago. He was called the Tellarmonium. Since there was a separate generator for each frequency in it, he occupied a whole basement. In this basement, a musician was sitting, as a rule, an experienced organist, and played. At the same time, the phone was invented, and the first speakers.

And so, to listen to music, the Chicags called at a certain number and connected to the television. Because of its cumbersome and complexity of manufacturing and configuration, the TellarMonium has not received quite widespread. However, later on the basis of the Tellarmonium, the American engineer Hammond, in the thirties of the last century, a tool was created, very strongly resembling the sound of the organ. He was called - the Hammond organ. He got a very widespread due to its cheapness and good sound. Also, the Hammond authority began to apply not only in classical music, but also in the strength of rock music at that time.

Modern keyboard tools - synthesizers - occurred, in principle, from the Hammond organ. With the development of electronics, people tried to somehow improve his sound. Gradually, mechanical oscillation generators were replaced by multivibrators first, and then integrated chips.

Also with the further development of microelectronics it became possible to receive almost any timbre. In modern popular music, the synthesizer today is the king and God. Because of the ease of use, everything is used now, everyone who is at least a little can play the piano. There are enough three classes of an ordinary music school to play it more or less to play.

Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

General Economic Faculty

Abstract on the topic:

Information technology in music

St. Petersburg 2009


1. New technologies and music

2. Sound recording

3. Prospects for the development of information technologies in music



One of the main characteristics of the post-industrial period should be considered the rapid development of electronic technologies that contributed to the automation of storage and processing information using computers.

The emergence of sufficiently powerful computers and new computer technologies has had a huge impact on the formation of modern musical culture. The possibilities of modern computers are increasing every day in parallel to achievements in the scientific and technical sphere and developments in the field of programming.

The time of mature constructive relationship came, the construction time of a common building, where both sides will feel the growing need for mutually enriching projects. Such a variety of people's intellectual activity ever seemed from the past decades of the past century over the past decades of the past century has not only imbued with mutual respect, but you can already safely burst into the brilliant fruitful development of their cooperation.

The evidence of the musical computer provided with fundamentally new opportunities in the development of professional thinking of the musician in all areas of musical creativity will inevitably lead to the growing introduction of musical and computer technologies, which will significantly supplement and even change the nature of the composition of the composer, musicologist, artist and teacher.

Numerous experiments with electronic (and not only) machines capable of extracting sound led to the emergence of various ways to write music, and from here to the emergence of various styles and directions. A new sound, an unusual and unusual ear has become innovation in music. Many well-known modern composers, for example, K. Shatokhausen, O. Messian, A. Shnitke, despite the complexity of working with equipment, created works using new electronic tools or only on them.

The development of the electronic computing equipment itself in the early stages led her to the "invasion" to music. Already in the 50s, using the very first computers, scientists made attempts to synthesize the music: to compose a melody or arrange with artificial timbresses. So the algorithmic music appeared, the principle of which was proposed in 1206, Guido Martzano, and later applied by V.A. Mozart to automate the composition of menuets - writing music according to the fallout of random numbers. The creation of algorithmic compositions was engaged in K. Shannon, R. Zaripov, Ya. Ksenakis and others. In the 80s, the composers have the opportunity to use computers equipped with special programs that could remember, play and edit music, and also allowed to create new timbres, print scores of their own creations. It became possible to use a computer in concert practice.

So, today the computer is a multi-temperature tool and an integral part of any sound recording studio. Undoubtedly, the word "studio" itself is associated with the concept of "mass culture" or "third formation", i.e. with manifestations of pop culture and modern show business. Perhaps this is one of the main factors that attracts applicants when entering sound engineers or any other faculties, one way or another, associated with musical and computer technologies. The question arises: what role does the introduction of computers in the formation of future teachers-musicians play?

It is permissible that some particular timbre-rhythmic code of computer music will help to treat some diseases. The availability of computer equipment and the convenience of software will create invisible conditions for musical creativity (musical "needlework"), comparable in part with the current avalanche-like spread of amateur physication in pop and rock-styles. Expressions: "My Music", "My Home Studio", "My CDs", "My Videos", "My Music Site" (everywhere "My" - in the meaning "I created") will also become familiar massives. Everyone will be able to try himself as a composer, arranger, sound engineer, writing of new timbres, sound effects.

Against the background of such a mass passion, the prestige and the quality of musical education will multiply, the content of which will change significantly due to the computer, will become more high-tech and intense, flexible customizable on any specific tasks. Each music teacher in a special lyceum or general school (indifferent) perfectly will own musical and computer technology. Of course, he can be interested and fascinating to lead his subject, it will not be easy for him to compose a song or dance, make the robust arrangements, to form a bright school concert, to write it on a digital disc to the digital disc and then give his pupils such an entry in memory of the beautiful pore of childhood and youth .

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