How to name a boy: names by month and date of birth. The most beautiful names for girls: rare and unusual, Orthodox and Muslim, modern Russian Unusual Russian names for girls

At all times, naming a child was taken seriously and responsibly. After all, the name becomes part of life, it remains with a person from birth to death.

In ancient times, special attention was paid to choosing a name for a boy, since the son is the successor of the family. That is why sons were often named after gods, heroes or brave ancestors.

Nowadays, parents have different criteria for choosing a name: some study all possible options thoroughly, while for others it is enough that it sounds beautiful and fits the middle name.

Name and destiny

From ancient times to this day, people believe that the name given to a person at birth can influence his destiny, which is why it is so important to know the origin and meaning of the name.

Modern young parents tend to give unusual names to their offspring: be it Old Slavonic and for a long time forgotten names or intricate, in a foreign manner. But when naming your son, you must remember that one day he will also become a father, and his name will become a patronymic.

Many fathers strive to give their child their name, but this does not always benefit the son:

  • the power of the name is, as it were, “diluted” by its frequent use, which can negatively affect the boy’s character;
  • uniqueness disappears, and even the meaning of the name may change in a negative direction;
  • and in combination with a patronymic, such names become awkward to pronounce.

Counts It is a bad sign to give the names of relatives who did not die a natural death, since the child can take over the fate of the previous owner of the name.

According to psychologists, a good choice would be names that have a full and short, softer form. This can help when raising a child. For example, if a boy shows cruelty from early childhood, then affectionately calling him by name can soften his character and calm his rebellious spirit.

First name and patronymic

When choosing a name, it is important to consider how it combines with the middle name. After all, adults are often called by their first and patronymic names.

  • Foreign names sound quite ridiculous in combination with Slavic patronymics and vice versa.
  • A long name is extremely inconvenient to perceive and pronounce with an equally long middle name. In this case, the best option would be to choose a short name.
  • The beauty of the sound of the name and patronymic is also important. If the middle name begins with a vowel, you should choose a name that ends with a consonant and vice versa.

It's worth remembering that the name is combined not only with the patronymic, but also with the surname, so this criterion should also be taken into account when choosing a worthy name.

Name and seasons: relationship

Oddly enough, the time of year in which the baby was born can significantly affect his character.

Name and date of birth

Often, a scandal arises in a family when two parents of a newborn cannot decide which name to choose. Our ancestors did not have such a problem; parents simply came to church and there they were asked to choose a name for a boy based on his date of birth from the Orthodox book “Saints of Saints.” This book contains more than 1,500 different names, indicating the dates on which certain Christian saints are honored.

According to modern canons, the naming of a child should take place from the day of his birth and no later than three days after the baby’s baptism. If on a given date there is not a single suitable name, then the church allows the opportunity to choose a name for a boy according to his month of birth.

Male baby names by month

To make choosing a name for a boy easier, a list of male names for a child, Russian and by month, will help. With the help of such a list, it will not be difficult to find out what to name a boy born in January, April or October.

Name and its meaning

Each name has a designation, a special characteristic that leaves its mark on the personality of the bearer of this name.

Alphabetical list of popular male names and their meaning:

Alexander is a protector, protector.

Alexey is a protector and assistant.

Anatoly - east, dawn.

Andrey is courageous and brave.

Anton is an opponent, always ready for battle.

Arkady - happy, blissful.

Arseny is mature, courageous.

Artem is healthy and invulnerable.

Boris is strong and a fighter.

Vadim is a debater, a troublemaker.

Valentin is healthy, strong and strong.

Valery is cheerful.

Vasily - ruler, king.

Benjamin is a happy son.

Victor is the winner.

Vitaly - life-giving, long-lived.

Vladimir is the ruler of the world.

Vladislav is the owner of glory.

Vsevolod is omnipotent.

Vyacheslav is the most glorious.

Gabriel is God's helper, God's warrior.

Gennady is noble.

George - cultivator of the land.

German is dear, real.

Gleb is the favorite of the gods.

Gregory is awake.

David is my favorite.

Daniel is fair.

Demyan is submissive.

Denis is a merry fellow, a reveler.

Dmitry is a farmer.

Evgeniy is noble, good genes.

Egor - cultivator of the land.

Elisha - God protects him.

Zakhar - memorable to the Lord.

Ivan - pardoned by God.

Ignat, Ignatius - fiery.

Igor is militant.

Elijah is a believer, the power of God.

Innocent - innocent, honest, impeccable.

Kirill - lord, ruler, sun.

Konstantin is persistent, constant.

Leo is warm-hearted.

Leonidas is like a lion.

Makar - blessed, blessed.

Maxim is the greatest.

Mark is a hammer.

Matvey - gifted by God.

Michael is like God.

Mstislav is a glorious defender.

Nikita is a winner, a conqueror.

Nikolai is the people's winner.

Oleg is a saint, bright.

Pavel is small, junior, baby.

Peter is solid, reliable.

Prokhor is the choir manager.

Rodion is heroic.

Roman - Roman, Roman.

Rostislav - growing fame.

Savva is an old man, a sage.

Savely is hard, backbreaking work.

Svyatoslav - holy glory.

Semyon - heard by God.

Sergei is tall and distinguished.

Stanislav - who became famous.

Stepan is crowned.

Taras is a restless, rebel.

Timothy is a God-worshipper.

Tikhon - fateful, accidental.

Fedor - gifted by God.

Philip is a life-loving person.

Khariton is pleasant, handsome, generous.

Julian - July, curly.

Yakov - following on the heels, pursuing.

Yang - God's mercy, protector, patron.

Yaroslav is bright, strong.

Attention, TODAY only!

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task. After all, a person’s name can influence his fate. The choice of a child’s name is influenced by family traditions, fashion trends, national, religious roots, political views of parents and even the seasons.

Often, when baptizing a child, the priest does not find the name you have chosen in the Christmastide and offers to baptize the child with a different name. There's nothing wrong with that. Our ancestors gave their children two names. They baptized under one and kept it secret from strangers, and when addressing the child they called him by another name chosen by them.

Born in winter

Winter, with its severity, endowed those born at this time with talents, determination, and great willpower. , then, as a rule, they are thoughtful and at the same time contradictory, stubborn, and proud individuals. They do not spare themselves in their work, therefore they achieve high results. They are difficult to confuse as they are confident in what they do. But in their personal lives, these people face considerable difficulties. It is not easy for them to live in a family. They sometimes argue over trifles, bringing themselves to an extremely excited state.

Children born in winter should be given soft, melodious names so as not to aggravate the severity inherent in nature itself.
Born in spring

Those born in spring are physically vulnerable, selfish, indecisive, and squeamish. Most often, these people are gifted, but lack of confidence prevents them from becoming leaders. They more readily agree to the role of followers, although they think correctly. Every word and action is weighed, the opinion of the interlocutor is carefully listened to. These are reinsurers who find it difficult to adapt to change. They are stubborn, selfish, cautious, susceptible to flattery, and are not devoid of self-admiration. Characteristic habits: often looking in the mirror, biting nails.

Spring natures show flexibility in various situations, but few of them have fighting qualities. But among them there are many talented mathematicians, brilliant speakers, and successful athletes. Girls find it difficult to get married. They are hampered by caution and fear of change.

Children born in spring show flexibility in various situations, but do not have fighting qualities. This can be corrected with a more “hard” name. This will give them self-confidence and will protect them from life’s adversities.
Born in summer

Summer has a beneficial effect on those born at this time. Their natures are broad, not petty, ready to take risks, they are alien to careerism. Great hard work allows you to achieve success in business. These are very emotional, impressionable, quick-tempered, impulsive people. Their kindness extends to other people's children and animals, and their temper does not develop into rancor.

Children born in summer are proud, courageous and persistent in achieving their goals, and are active.
Born in autumn

Wise autumn, associated in our minds with maturity, experience, and slowness, endowed people born at this time with the corresponding traits. They are calculating and think for a long time before doing something; they take few people’s word for it. There are many pedants among them. They are thrifty, know the value of money, thrifty.

Diplomatic and principled, they are diligent and diligent in their work, adhere to a clear line of behavior, and are persistent in business. A clear and balanced character and devotion contribute to strong marriages. Those born in autumn rarely have conflicts in the family and love children and animals. Among them are actors, philosophers, people of exact sciences.

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Choosing a name according to the time of year.

Choosing a name for a child is a difficult task. The name given to a child affects his entire future life. The child’s name is chosen under the influence of family traditions, fashion, religious views, nationality, and political views of the parents. Sometimes during the baptism ceremony it turns out that the name you chose for your child is not on the Christmastide list. Then the priest may offer you a different name for baptism. There is no need to be afraid of this. In the time of our ancestors, each child received two names. One name under which the child underwent the naming ceremony was secret, and the other was used in everyday life.

Before giving your child a name, remember his middle name. They must be combined, because the patronymic also affects a person’s fate. But it is undesirable to give a name in honor of an event or memorable date, as well as non-existent names (for example, Oktyabrina or Traktorina). You also need to be careful with the names of loved ones. The fate and character of this relative can “pass on” to the child. It could even lead to the disappearance of your family. The child needs his own name, suitable for him, with which he will build his life.

When choosing a name for a child, you need to pay attention to the time of year in which the child was born.
It is better to call a winter child a soft, melodious name that will help smooth out the harsh character inherent from birth.

Winter male names.

Alexander, Andrey, Alexey, Afanasy, Artem, Arkady, Boris, Valery, Valentin, Victor, Vitaly, Veniamin, Grigory, Evgeny, Efim, Zakhar, Ivan, Ignatius, Ilya, Kirill, Klim, Lev, Maxim, Marat, Matvey, Mikhail, Oleg, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Sergey, Timofey, Fedor, Yuri,
Avdey, Arseny, Anzor, Aristarchus, Arno, Arsen, Boleslav, Boyan, Valerian, Bracliy, Gabriel, Gury, Daniil, Jean, Ivar, Isaiah, Karl, Leon, Leonty, Lyubomir, May, Miron, Miroslav, Murat, Nathan, Seraphim, Erast.

Winter female names.

Alena, Alisa, Anna, Asya, Varvara, Victoria, Vera, Galina, Dina, Zoya, Irina, Larisa, Lyubov, Marina, Natalia, Nika, Nonna, Nika, Olesya, Oksana, Polina, Raisa, Rosa, Svetlana, Faina
Ariadna, Amira, Bella, Bogdana, Veta, Vitalia, Gayane, Gretta, Gemma, Julia, Eva, Ivona, Iya, Lesya, Leah, Marianna, Mirra, Mikhailina, Natella, Pavla, Silvia, Snezhana, Stella Nora, Hristya, Eda , Ella, Elmira, Yaroslava.

Spring children are pliable in difficult circumstances, but do not know how to stand up for themselves. Because of this, it is better to give such children a “hard” name. It can help in difficult situations and make them more confident.

Spring male names.

Anatoly, Bogdan, Bronislav, Vladlen, Gabriel, German, George, Gregory, David, Daniel, Zakhar, Kirill, Konstantin, Mark, Makar, Mstislav, Pavel, Peter, Rostislav, Spartak, Stanislav, Taras, Timur, Fedor, Philip, Yaroslav, Yakov,

Spring female names.

Alexandra, Alex, Antonina, Bronislava, Daria, Evdokia, Irina, Karina, Claudia, Lydia, Maria, Ruslana, Sabina, Serafima, Stella, Stanislava, Rostislava, Sofia, Faina, Julia.

Summer children are distinguished by activity, courage, perseverance, pride, and the ability to set goals for themselves.

Summer male names.

Konstantin, Dmitry, Roman, Valery, Igor, Gleb, Moses, Nikolai, Prokhor, Julian, Gury, Evdokim, Ephraim, Zakhar, Elizar, Alexander, Isaac; Anatoly, Andrian, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Ignat, Makar, Nikita, Eduard.

Summer female names.

Anna, Alexandra, Antonina, Alla, Anfisa, Elizaveta, Valeria, Daria, Lyudmila, Maria, Margarita, Tamara, Tatyana, Olympiada, Sofia, Yulia.

Autumn children usually soberly assess their life situation. They are not particularly trusting and like to double-check everything. They are calm, non-conflict, balanced. They know how to correctly evaluate money, are economical and prudent in spending.

Autumn male names.

Anatoly, Alexander, Artem, Bogdan, Valentin, Valery, Vladimir, Vasily, Victor, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Gabriel, Gennady, German, Gleb, Grigory, Denis, Ephraim, Zakhar, Zinovy, Ivan, Innocent, Illarion, Kirill, Konstantin, Lazar, Mark, Maxim, Miron, Mikhail, Nikita, Oleg, Pavel, Roman, Sergey, Terenty, Trofim, Philip, Yakov.

Autumn female names.

Anna, Alexandra, Ariadna, Vasilisa, Vera, Evgenia, Elena, Elizabeth, Euphrosyne, Zlata, Zinaida, Zoya, Irina, Capitolina, Claudia, Cleopatra, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Natalia, Nastasya, Maria, Olga, Raisa, Sophia.

The month of birth also affects the child's character traits. Let's take a closer look at which names are best to choose to match your birth month.

Winter- this is the time of year when talented, strong-willed and hardworking people are born, whose stubbornness sometimes knows no bounds. These are strong personalities who can handle a lot. They know how to set goals correctly and achieve what they want. Under no circumstances will you be able to confuse a person born in the coldest time of the year. However, such people usually have a difficult time in their personal lives. They argue over trifles, sometimes reaching a very excited state. Children born in winter seem to have a certain severity inherent in nature itself. In order not to aggravate this, parents are advised to give their children soft names.

Those born in winter find it difficult to cope with indecision, self-doubt, capriciousness, disgust, and selfishness. Such people are quite vulnerable, and they often have low self-esteem. Usually they do not become leaders, since they do not have the appropriate inclinations.

They don't do anything rash. They will think several times before saying anything. Spring personalities They pay attention to the opinion of the interlocutor and listen to him with pleasure. These are reinsurers in everything, who love themselves and are accustomed to exercise caution. Children born in spring take a long time to get used to changes. The key to their heart is flattery. They often have the habit of biting their nails and looking in the mirror.

Such natures think flexibly and cannot boast of fighting qualities. Among such people there are many wonderful speakers, mathematicians, and athletes. It is difficult for girls to get married; fear of change and excessive caution in everything are an obstacle to this. In order to help your child born in spring develop his weaknesses, choose a “tough” name for him that will protect him from all adversity.

Summer children They will definitely not suffer from careerism in the future. They are not petty, they are always generous, kind and open. They like to put in effort, which makes it possible to achieve high results in business. Summer children are characterized by excessive emotionality, they are impulsive, hot-tempered and impressionable. They often show kindness to other people's children and abandoned animals; they do not hold grudges in their memory for a long time. Summer natures can boast of courage, determination, they are proud and persistent in achieving what they want.

A time of year like autumn associated with wisdom, slowness, experience. It's no surprise that people born in autumn have all of these traits. They do nothing thoughtlessly, always calculate everything, care about the future, and are not gullible. Among such people there are many pedants. Children born in the autumn period know exactly the value of money. They are not wasteful, principled, diligent in their work, and diplomatic. They have their own clear position on every issue in life. They do not have a hot temper, such people are usually faithful in marriage, they are not prone to betrayal and lies. Autumn natures show persistence in business, avoid conflicts with loved ones, they are not grumpy or vindictive, and love children. Often born in the fall, children are prone to philosophical reflection. Such people often become actors or find themselves in some other creative activity.

Almost immediately upon learning that a baby will be born soon, young parents try to choose a special and unique name for your child. What to name a child, because it is known that a name can greatly influence a person’s fate. Therefore, it must be selected very carefully and after first studying what it means.

When choosing a name, you need to take into account the time, year in which he was or will be born.

  • So children who were born in winter, you need to give soft and sonorous names in order to avoid the severity already bestowed by nature based on the time of year. Such names as Kirill, Anton, Maxim, Prokhor, Trafim, Ulyana, Evgenia, Tatyana are suitable for them.
  • But for children born in spring, you need to give strong names that will give them self-confidence and fortitude. These could be the following names: Philip, Ivan, Makar, Bogdan, Tamara, Ulyana, Daria.
  • Proud and brave summer kids names that always achieve their goals are: Alexander, Konstantin, Fedor, Ignat, Inna, Zhanna, Elena.
  • Autumn babies usually realistic and distrustful, very smart and calm. Such children in adulthood are very thrifty and thrifty. Here are some names for them: Demyan, Tikhan, Mark, Vyacheslav, Marianna, Veronica, Nelly.

When choosing a name, consider the middle name

It is also very important to try on the first name with the middle name; you can choose the most beautiful name that will not suit it at all.

Is it possible to name a baby after something?

  1. You cannot name a child in honor of someone, especially if this person has already died.
  2. You should not give a name in honor of some significant date important for the family or holiday.

The child should receive the name that will give him a happy destiny and make him unique.

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