How to create a new chamachi network. How to connect a remote computer with home TV via the Internet. Or local network via Hamachi

It is a unique, according to the Contest, a program that allows you to use the multiplayer mode, for example, if the opponents have no own direct IP addresses, a pirated copy of the game is used or, the game refers to the category of old developments in which the multiplayer mode has not been provided Own game server. By and large, the application allows you to create a virtual local network, and the computers connected using the program work as if they were connected to physically to the local network.

Now about the principle of using the program. After you have installed the program to the computer, you need to create an account, that is, login. After that, you are assigned a unique IP address, which, in this case, is constant. It is on it that the rest of the players will be able to find you.

Now you need to create your own client network or connect to the already created earlier. To create a new network, you must go to the "Network" tab at the top and select the "Create New Network" section. To protect access, you will need to come up with a network name and password for the entrance, which you can subsequently provide friends or players with whom you want to play. To connect to the already existing network in the "Network" tab, select the "Connect to an existing network" section, then enter the name of the network and the access password.

Consider some issues related to the games themselves. The fact is that in different games the multiplayer mode can be called differently (multiplayer, online, etc.). But this is not the main thing. You will need to create a virtual game server. In most cases, this is done right in the game, however, sometimes you may need to download additional programs or modules. After creating such a server, your opponents will need to enter your IP address to access the game in a specific field. When using the "game via local network" fields, the Hamachi program may not understand that such a network exists. Therefore, it is better to use the "game via the Internet" type and enter the IP address there.

In theory, if everything is done correctly, the game can be launched. However, in some cases a program failure can also occur. In most cases, it can be associated with a firewall included. You can try to go to the settings and there in the "Exceptions" section specify the name of your game. It is not recommended to completely disable the firewall, because, in the process of the game, it is possible to take a lag and viruses. If it does not help, on your own risk, the firewall will still have to turn off.

Sometimes some errors that are not associated with the firewall can occur. For this, the Hamachi program itself must be included in the list of exceptions. For example, in the settings of the NOD32 antivirus, we turn on the advanced settings mode and go to the "Personal Firewall" tab. Next, click the "Switch to Interactive Filtering" link. Now at startup Hamachi. You will receive a notice that the program is trying to access the computer. We click "Allow" and become a tick everywhere, so that the firewall no longer issued such messages once by time. After that, choose "Automatic filtering with exceptions". Everything. More firewall does not interfere with us. You can safely launch the game and enjoy the gameplay with a real opponent.

Instruction and setup. Arcanum: network game online.

Hamachi instructions: Installation and configuration. Hamachi: how to use?

What is Hamachi?

(Hamachi.) This is a program that allows you to create a virtual local network via the Internet. At the same time, it is possible to use all (almost) LAN features (Shared documents, games on the network [including with "not official" CD-KEY or installed crack], etc.). I note that the speed of the network will not exceed the speed of your Internet.

Download Hamachi (Hamachi)

Hamachi (hamachi): What is she needed for?

In order to highlight you an external IP address (if you have it for some reason, no).

We will proceed to a detailed consideration of the program Hamachi.. I hope you have already downloaded it, installed and launched. (To view the screenshot, click on the preview, the picture on the right.)

Hamachi (Hamachi): how to use?

First we decide who to connect to. Important: Hamachi program must be installed in both players. Create a network can any player by agreement (as you want). For example, you decided to create a network, then:

Select the network creation button, select item Create a new network.

We enter the name of the network (any name) and enter the password (more than three characters). Click the Create button (Screenshot to the right).

The network will be created, its name will appear in the network window (drawing on the left).

Nothing else is required of you, you only tell your opponent network Name and Password (which you came up with / entered Hamachi).

The opponent enters this data, and connects to your network. Its IP address and name will be shown below the name of your network (as a list).

The connection process was successful, now if you want to be a server (i.e., you create a game, and the opponent connects to you), then it enters your "virtual" IP address in FIFE. Probably, it is not necessary to explain that your "virtual" IP address is displayed at the opponent as a connected user.

Accordingly, if the opponent says you to connect to it and gives you your settings, you must do the following:

Select the network creation button, select item Log in to an existing network (drawing on the left).

We enter the name of the network that the opponent will say, as well as the password. Click the login button (drawing on the right).

You appear in the Hamachi list as a connected user.

P.S. The server can be any player! The main thing is that you know the IP address of Hamachi!

Hamachi setting successfully finished!

Enjoy the game!

To get the address and password of the Arcanum Club subnets, you need to register on the forum and leave a request in the "official" network of Arkanum Club. In the same topic, you can ask questions on setting up and installing Hamachi, familiarize yourself with updates, additions and other network game information
Arcanum: Of SteamWorks and Magick Obscura (however, "network battles" of different games occur in our network, not only arcanum).

FAQ on Hamachi configuration for those who do not see the host and invisible

To read and fulfill, it is necessary (for in your own interests).

1. After installing and creating your own network, first of all, it is necessary to cut off a firewall or allow Hamachi in it. It is necessary to disable this disappearance through the "Control Panel / Administration / Service", find there firewall there, open the properties and in the "Start Type" menu set "disabled".

2. Then open the "Network Connections" folder through the magnitude of the control panel, and in it through the "Advanced Options" menu. There on the left there will be a list of connections. In this list you need to raise on the very top with the button with the arrow.

3. In the "Network Connections" folder, open the Hamachi connection properties. In the "Components used by this Connection" list, you need to select "TCP / IP Internet Protocol" and click "Properties". On the first tab, click the "Advanced" button, in the window that appears, there is a list of "Basic Gateways" click on the "Add" button below it and enter "", remove the "Automatic Metric Purpose" checkbox and prescribe a "1500" metric (in the article At the official forum, Hamachi is written that it will work with automatic value, but I did it and everything works).

All, click OK, we save the changes, reboot, check.

Naturally need to customize the firewall. If weak - disable.

Tunnel setting

Cupakermoretor forum Arcankm Club - Saruman. Addition.

Practice and tests of work ARCANUM in the network show that:

  • there are cases of individual incompatibility between the peers of the Hamachi network;
  • encryption and data compression affect the speed and combustion of the network game in the negative side.

To eliminate the troubled problems and improve the quality of the game, you need to perform the following steps:

1. Open the hamache settings window by clicking the left key on the gear button.

2. In the Window window, set a daw on the show "Advanced ..." PEER MENU ITEM.

3. Open the Tunnel Configuration menu by changing the right key and selecting Anvanced on any Pir.

4. Set Encryption and Compression parameters to the "OFF" position and confirm by pressing "OK" all settings.

5. Clean this setting for each pyr (player) of the network.

Many believe that to play unlicensed games on the Internet or in a company of several friends except on pirated servers or Game Spy is impossible. But you can use the called and how to configure it, you will learn in this article.

Why do such emulators need?

Of course, you can play via Game Spy, but for this you need to comply with a number of important requirements: the presence of a direct connection to the Internet player (it creates a game server), the connection should not go through the router or router, and must also be properly configured by the firewall in System. In case of non-compliance with features or a small deviation in the settings, there may not be a gameplay. This case is better to use auxiliary programs. It is worth only to deal with the question: "How to set up hamachi?".

Hamachi - What is it?

First of all, it is a small utility that creates a direct Internet connection between two PCs in any corners of the planet. How to play? It's easier to nowhere, since the third Hamachi server is used to connect personal computers to each other, but the subsequent game traffic does not go through it. It turns out that the program is necessary to establish a connection and only.

We get an analogue of a simple local network where you can exchange files, play to run or FTP). This connection is quite reliable and safe, as it uses modern and standard algorithms and protocols. But for all this pleasure you need to know how to use Hamachi.

Installation and first launch

The process extremely simple and does not require special knowledge. Place the program in any folder. Immediately you will see that you have a new connection that will only work with Hamachi enabled.

When you first start the utility, the utility will pop up the window, where you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the information on how to set up Hamachi. There is a lot of "water", but if you have a simple interest in the emulator program, you can read, but it is not worth the time spent.

After you offer to choose nicknames, under which players will see you (it does not have to be unique). The next window will show you your game name and network address.

How to use Hamachi - Features of the connection and login

To enter the existing network, use a triangle in the lower right corner (you need to know the password). You can create it and yourself (item "Create a new network"). Important: This emulator has a limit on the number of users on the same network (no more than sixteen people).

There is a big minus, if you do not know how to use Hamachi: it is impossible to delete (immediately, as you entered, the utility fade writes your name); Duplicate users if you forgot the game name and entered a different (in fact, the player is one, but the network considers two names).

To quickly enable / disable the program, there is a red \\ green button in the lower right corner, and for wider settings, click the gear.

The gameplay is quite simple and does not require special knowledge of how to configure Hamachi. To play you with a friend you need to be on the same network. If the green circle is burning on the name - everything is correct and you can play. Just define in advance who the server is. For the connection test, click on the player right mouse button and select "Check availability". This team presses the car, and if it happens, you can enjoy the game with pleasure.

If the circle is opposite the player burns yellow, then check all the settings and firewall systems re-or try to reboot into the program.

As you can see, playing through the emulator of the Hamachi local network is very simple and reliable. Good luck!

Despite the efforts of Hamachi developers to make this program as "friendly" and simple, many users still have difficulties with its setting. Following the instructions written below, you can easily configure Hamachi to play or work.

Shared Hamachi Setup on Windows
In this article, we will look at how to set up Hamachi - today. The example shows the setting Hamachi for Windows 7Since this OS is most common today.

In general, Hamachi does not require any additional configuration, all you need is to install the program, run it, click on the "Turning on" button (Fig. 1).

After that, you need to connect to the network you are interested, clicking "connect to an existing network" (Fig. 2) or "Network" -\u003e "Connect to an existing network" (Fig. 3).

You will appear the network details window where you need to enter the network ID and password (Fig.4).

If there are enough free slots in the network, you connect and see the window with the list of participants (Fig. 5).

Hamachi asks for registration, what to do?
If your Hamachi PC starts for the first time, or information about previous launches is damaged, the program will display an authorization error message (Fig. 6).

In this case, you need to either free register in the Logmenin system (Fig. 7), or authorized if you already have a Logmenin account.

What if Hamachi does not connect?
First, you should check whether the network you are interested in everything is in order. To do this, enter the Hamachi Test Network in the search engine and try to connect according to any details from the search issuance.

If Hamachi does not connect to any network, click "System" -\u003e "Parameters" (Fig. 9).

Select the lowest left panel point - "Parameters", find "Encryption" there and place the type "any" (Fig. 10).

Then press the "Advanced Settings" item below (Fig.11).

If you do not use the proxy server, install the appropriate attribute with the flag "No" (Fig. 12).

Note that when using a proxy, the connection problems may be due to them.

Then allow the names of the MDNS protocol (Fig.13).

Disable the traffic filtering by selecting the Allow All Flag in the appropriate field (Fig.14).

Enable the presence in the Hamachi virtual network (Fig. 15).

Confirm the changes made (Fig.16).

Close the program and go to it.

If the described above does not help, try temporarily disable your antivirus.
Sometimes hamachi is also not connected due to the fact that it blocks the firewall.
To disable it, click " Startยป -> Control Panel -> Firewall-> Enable and disable firewall
(Fig. 17) (Fig. 18) (Fig. 19) (Fig. 20)

Hamachi Setup via Router
Sometimes the source of malfunctions is not wrong setting up Hamachi or too "alert" antivirus, and the port through which your router behaves broadcasting.

Open two arbitrary free ports in the settings of your router (each concrete router model has its own specifics to open ports - see the instructions). Then, configure Hamachi to use them, speaking in the already familiar "Advanced Settings" attributes Local TCP address and local UDP address (Fig. 21).

After that restart the router and restart Hamachi. Important moment - when "reprobating" ports do not confuse the addresses for TCP and UDP protocols!

Private cases setting Hamachi
It is worth noting that the program is quite often a gamers for building game networks, as well as a variety of organizations to create corporate file systems. In such cases, the instructions of the game community or your company should be clearly followed. However, at the same time, it is necessary to understand that it is necessary to download and install a third-party unofficial distribution of Hamachi, you are dangerous to the safety of your PC - without the need to refrain from connecting to such networks.

How to set up a language in Hamachi?
Optional language selection in the program, unfortunately, is not provided. In order not to run for the dictionary, it is enough for you to have a Russian version of Hamachi. If for some reason you need another language - reinstall the program that has previously downloaded the localization of "Homyakov" corresponding to the language of interest to you.

notice, that official site Hamachi. Provides the ability to download only the English-speaking version of Hamachi. We can.

Good day, dear friends, readers, visitors and other personalities :)

Today's article will be useful to the game contingent (or simply speaking - gamers), but also for general, so to speak, development will be useful and all the other varieties of computer users (especially for beginners or middle aestricts).

This article about a program that allows you to create a virtual private network ( VPN. - V.irtual P.rivate N.etwork) and use it for their own mercenary purposes. This program is called - (in commoner - hamster).

About Hamachi program

That's what the official website says:

Logmein Hamachi. - This is a host service VPN.allowing to safely connect devices and networks and providing the ability to work in virtual LANfor mobile users, distributed commands and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on demand through public and private networks. You can safely manage and maintain from anywhere through the web interface.

In other words, this is a virtual local network that mimics the physical, as if deployed on the base (conventionally speaking, over) the Internet channel. What is its advantages and why do we need it?

Consider two examples of use: gaming (greyeries) and office (for companies, offices, corporations, etc.)

  • Game case: Let's say you want to play the game together (on the local network), but are from different providers or is generally far from each other, or in the game simply there is no such item like " Play through the Internet", but there is an opportunity" Play".
    The program is just engaged in what unites you into one network (it imitates it more precisely) and gives a certain IP.-press (which has the appearance of 5.xx.xx. xx for IPv4), thus causing to think the operating system that you are in one physical local network (and not just try to connect to each other for thirty lands). Then everything is simple: you create a room (network), your friend connects to it and everything .. you can play.
  • Office case: You have several computers, scattered throughout the area. And you need to somehow make a local network from all this so that you can go to computers and use common resources (files and TPs) as if you are sitting in the same office.
    The program will help you with this. You create a room, add computers to it and share (open the sharing) everything you need.

In a nutshell and as much as possible something like that.

Installing and configuring Hamachi

The program has a friendly interface (especially starting with version 2.0), in Russian and it can be used for free (at no commercial purposes and with minor restrictions).

You can download from the official site, namely, from here (choose "unmanaged mode").

Free version differs from the licensed that it not worth it 200 the American Dead Presidents per year and has a limit, namely, to organize networks (rooms) maximum to 16 -This computers each.

I will not stop at the installation, there is nothing complicated there. Let's talk about setting up a commercial thought miracle.

We launch the program and see such a window:

Where immediately cheer in a blue button to, actually, include this holiday soul.

After you, another window will appear, where you specify any of your customer name (see Screenshot above).

Now consider the option of creating your network. To do this, smear in the blue button " Create a new network ..".

Here, as you see, there are two fields:

  • Identifier- This is a unique network name (you can use the gap between the words). Can't repeat, i.e if someone has already called its network, for example, " My magic network", then you can no longer give your such name.
  • Password- This is, in fact, a password for accessing your network using which the remaining members will connect to it. You can also not specify it, but in your network will be able to get anyone who knows the name (identifier) \u200b\u200bof this network.

Setting it, press the button " Create", after which we get a network to which our comrades can connect.

Let's go back to the second blue button, namely "Connect to an existing network".

Here we meet all the same two fields - " Identifierand Password".
In the first, as you already understood, you specify the name of the network, and in the second insert the password if it is.
Let us turn to the settings. For you, jumboat in the program window: " System-- Parameters".

There are three tabs, namely " Status", "Safety"And" Parameters":

  • Status.
    On this tab, you can change your username that will see the other members of your network, as well as see some server information.
  • Safety.
    The security settings are set here, you can conjure with keys and users (block unwanted and TP).
  • Parameters.
    Well, here you can disable the screensaver, enable encryption, compression or update. Actually, it is also possible to go into additional settings and throw all sorts of differences there, but I would not recommend without necessary. Moreover, everything works fine.

There is nothing more to create and connect to the network, and therefore I will tell you a few words about control:

  • Unwanted (or capricious) users can always be deleted (we give the right mouse button on the user in the main program window and select item "Exclude").
  • As for the change of password, it is enough to click on the right button by the name of the network and choose the item " Install access". Here you can change the previously assigned password, as well as prohibit new users to enter your network (for which a check mark is installed opposite item" Do not take new network members") Or manually authorize users.
    If you went to the network, then everything you can do with it is to leave this network .. :)
  • You can communicate with users via a private chat (right-click on the user -\u003e " Chat "), or in common (right-click on the name of the network and item " Open the chat window").
  • By the way, you can always check the availability of the user (right-click on the nickname in the list and item "Check availability") For sending packages. If this does not happen, their firewall may block access to the program.
  • By selecting the option " Overview"From the same context menu, you can use shared resources (folders, files and TP).

Something like this;)


Perhaps this is all.
As always, if there are some questions, additions and TP, I will always be glad to see them in the comments to this article.

To new meetings! ;)

PS: For the existence of this article, thanks to a friend of the project and the member of our team under the nickname "Barn4k".