How to embroider a portrait of a cross photo program. Programs for embroidery cross, and creating schemes. Pattern Maker. View XSD files

If you want to independently develop a cross-embroidery scheme, for example, in a photo or picture that smelled into the soul, you can do this using special cross-stitch programs.

Times when the schemes on the Internet were laid out in the form of huge scanned poorly read files, passed. Today, such schemes can simply be simply viewed and created using programs that can be easily found on the Internet. Below is a brief overview of the most convenient of them.

2. Table of translation of thread Moulin

Website website It has no relation to the development of the Cross program.
On issues related to the work of the program, please contact its developers.

Pattern Maker. View XSD files

One of the best programs available to the wide circle of embroidery lovers is the Pattern Maker for Cross Stitch. A large set of tools used when importing images and circuit processing makes a program for a truly functional at all design development stages. Among others, you should mention the "Front Plan" tool, allowing you to choose the priority colors of the foreground, as well as the ability to illuminate the crosses of the selected color, which allows you to effectively deal with single crossbars.

The program has a good color conversion algorithm. A machine module can be embedded in the program. The fact that a method for renewing a trial period was found to widespread the program. For our users, its rusification has become a good stimulus for the development of the program, as well as the presence of Russian-speaking literature on the program. All of the above allows the Pattern Maker to consider the best solution for those who develop their own schemes. Well, everyone who simply uses ready-made schemes, you must have this program on your computer or the corresponding viewer to be able to view and print the schemes in this software format.

The first versions of the program created files with the PAT extension. In the new, fourth version, files have an extension XSD. Currently, version 4.06 is available on the developer's website. In addition to the four-day trial version, you can also download a free XSD file viewer.


Crossstitchpro - a wonderful program in many ways. First of all, it is the best of the programs under consideration by the algorithm of conversion of colors. There are such chips that have not dreamed of other programs:

  • The ability to change the saturation and brightness of colors is not only in the original image, but in the already finished or almost finished scheme!
  • The mechanism of automatic destruction of single cross! True, it is necessary to apply it carefully, but nevertheless.
  • Machine module.
  • Illumination of the selected color.

From small disadvantages it should be noted a bit of a heavy interface, in particular inconvenient printing. And the largest drawback of the program is its low prevalence due to the high cost and lack of a trial period.

Embroidery is an art that can depict anything. The same drawing, but is valued much more due to the fact that it requires much more strength to implement. It happens that it will want to embroider something, and there are no suitable schemes on the Internet. Especially when I thought to embroider a photo. And this is such a great gift. The soul and heart are invested in it, if you are given this miracle from Moulin, it means that they are very valued and respected. The present, made by her own hands, has always been valued more purchased. A program comes to create a scheme for embroidery! After all, it is not in vain that it is not so difficult to embroider the picture, how to find a good scheme.

What is the essence of these programs and how do they work?

The essence is simple, you just download the necessary photo and get a scheme for which you can create. Choose how it will look. It may be symbols, signs, each indicates a specific color. In general, the same as on the usual schematic figure. If the finished result does not have many colors of different shades, you can make a scheme more visual. Each square will show what color there should be a future cross.

The program for creating cross-embroidery patterns indicates which article has a certain color of some popular firms for the production of Moulin's thread. These are used by ANCHOR, DMC, COATS and others. It is very convenient to the fact that you do not have to run around all the shops of fittings in search of suitable shades. You immediately know what you need. It is advisable to use the recommended firms, because they create high-quality material. It eliminates you from problems such as confusing and breaking the threads.

You yourself choose the number of colors that need to be used, their smoothing and image size.

The program for creating embroidery patterns can be paid, free, work online on the Internet or require downloading to a computer.


"Cross" is an excellent choice for those who decided to create a program is paid and installed on a computer. The cost depends on the version, ranges from about 1000 to 2000 rubles. It was engaged in its development of Russian programmers, therefore the Russian interface language and only those that can be purchased in our stores.

Her difference from free analogues is as a finished result. That is, this program for creating embroidery schemes is better working for a more convenient and understandable use. The picture will be as close as possible to the photo. This happens by the fact that single crosses are removed automatically, partial fill is offered (it is necessary in some pictures, such as portraits or icons), you can manually correct the shortcomings.

The program is always finalized and automatically updated on your computer. Educational clocks and instructions are applied to it.


A program for creating embroidery schemes EmbroBox has such an advantage as calibration. Before you start work, you choose, how many threads are embroidered, count how many cells are accounted for ten centimeters of the canvas, specify data on threads for calculating the cost, define the structure of the tissue. Not all programs have such data, but this also free, but is installed on a computer.
Works can be saved, then open and change.
An excellent option for those who want to get a qualitative result without material costs.

Myxmap and Xfloss.

Xfloss is running online. It is more convenient because it is not necessary to spend time on the installation and allocate the place on the computer. This program is less practical to create a cross-embroidery scheme. Suitable for small, easy works. More complex drawings with small details will not be highly depicted. Much will have to compelling manually in the editor.
You can very quickly print the scheme in a large format.
In general, the program is not bad, but the schemes are not always accurate.
Myxmap is a program to create embroidery schemes that also works online. You choose the colors at your discretion or use the automatic selection. You can mix two colors close by shade to get the third one. So the image will be as close as possible to the original.


Many consider this program to be the best of all options. In the working interface, you will find a large number of buttons that allow you to handle the image as you like. It is very functional. Special attention requires the "foreground" tool, it allows you to highlight the main colors.
Automatically single cross are not corrected, all the same, this free and does not provide all the functions, which is, for example, the "Cross". But you can highlight the cross of one color and get rid of them yourself.


"Beading" automatically selects the colors of the future embroidery in accordance with the assortment of the company for the production of beads from the Czech Republic Preciosa. It distributes a large picture into small parts, which allows you to look in detail every little thing, without spoiling vision. Also, the shortcomings can be fixed manually. Has learning information. Separately, you can create material for embroidery on the fabric.
Installed on a computer. The price for the basic version is up to 1000 rubles, the master version stands a little more - 2000.

When you choose an embroidery image, consider some factors:

  1. There must be high quality and image resolution.
  2. Skip faded or too dark areas, as usually threads Muline bright colors.
  3. Do not choose and too bright original, on which and so "hurt" to watch
  4. Observe the balance of colors. Everything should be evenly.
  5. Too multicolored images require many different shades and colors to get a worthy result.
  6. If you are not sure that you have enough patience to embroider a big picture, do not choose a photo with a lot of small details as the basis.

The program for creating embroidery schemes will help you make an unusual picture and instead of the usual photos within the framework you will have masterpieces. And the best gift than an embroidered picture, just not to find!

With the help of additional programs, you have an exceptional ability to independently create and view the embroidery schemes from any pictures you like. It is also possible to translate threads Moulin from one palette to another, counting the required amount of threads and much more. The following are a number of programs most popular among needlewomen.

Pattern Maker Viewer is a program created to view and print embroidery patterns. This program opens files with XSD extension. Such an extension is often found in embroidery schemes downloaded from the Internet. Please note that this version of the program is not intended to create schemes ...

Crestik is a program for the translation of the thread of Moulin, for the handmakes that embroider the cross. At the moment there are many manufacturers of threads Moulin, and consequently and conformity tables. But all these tables have one drawback - they are big, long and use them is not convenient. Therefore...

We continue the series of articles dedicated to the program for creating embroidery patterns. Today we will talk about EmbroBox. EmbroBox- program to create embroidery patterns. Perhaps this is the most simple one of all the embroidery software. In the previous article, I told how to download and install a program on my computer ...

Below is a list of 6 best programsDesigned to help cross-embroidery lovers to create their own design, as well as converting existing images into a cross-stitch scheme.

"Cross 2.0"

A really good and convenient program (its site is a cross-cross. RF) to create embroidery schemes from photos or images!

On the one hand, the program is quite simple, understandable and convenient: if you don't want to understand, you can simply download the desired photo into it, to specify the size and number of colors and choose the Muline manufacturers, under which the scheme will be selected (DMC / PNK I. Kirova / Gamma / Riolis / Anchor / Madeira). And all - in principle, after that, with the key received by the scheme and the key, you can come to the store, buy the necessary Moulin and the same day to sit for embroidery!

On the other hand, the "Cross" has all the necessary functionality for editing schemes obtained in automatic mode. Removing single stitches, adding and removing colors into a circuit, refinement of the schema for individual stitches, - all these and other necessary editing tools are also present in the "cross".

Main window of the program "Cross" - Creating a scheme from a photo of a kid

By the way, the program is fully implemented in Russian, has instructions, video lessons and technical support (e-mail, telephone and consultant on the site) Also in Russian!

Probably this is the only program that is currently available in the program for embroidery programs, which the authors are not thrown, but actively finalize and develop. You can simply write a letter to the authors with a proposal to improve the program (contacts are listed on the program website) - and if your idea is worth it, "after a couple of weeks wait for the program updates with the refinement you need. By the way, the program at each start is fully automatically updated from the Internet to the most recent version.

Meet all the features of the program on her website:

This is probably the most common software product in the world of embroidery. His idea is to convert the image into a model consisting of stitches of cross, keeping all the details and at the same time simplifying image. This idea has gained considerable success among the embroiderers of the cross of different skill levels.


The program is easy to work.
It has an intuitive interface with easily understandable cross-embroidery features.
The size of the files created by embroidery schemes is much less compared to other software.
Although these advantages helped to win this program so many fans, his simple toolbar has some essential drawbacks.


The selected color feature is missing even in the professional version of PcStitch.
It is pretty hard to search for separate stitches on the diagram if you need to remove any color.
The color scheme is somewhat rejected in the red side of the spectrum.

SUMMARY: This is a good solution if you just started drawing up the embroidery patterns of the cross using the software. The set of functions of the PCStitch program is basic, while the end result is sometimes moderately acceptable.

Cross Stitch Professional Platinum

This software is used to create unique user embroidery custom schemes. Another feature is proposed by the program, it is converting digital photos in the embroidery circuit. The program creates a complete scheme that does not require additional editing.


Cross Stitch Professional has automatic digitization: just draw or scan the image, and the software will do everything else.
The program offers visualization of finished work, a diagram and layout of the threads.
There are 5 versions of the program: three for manual embroidery and two with the function of creating digital circuits for embroidery machines.
This guarantees accurate color reproduction.
The latest software versions also allows the use of CMYK designation for colors, user stitch editor, etc.


A complex set of tools that requires some time to explore.
Relatively high price.

Summary: This is a good program that allows you to make high-level schemes. In addition, this program accurately transmits colors. For beginners, it may seem difficult due to a large amount. Functions


Unlimited ability to export images and extensive tools to make this program to embroidery the cross of one of the most complete versions on the market now. The programs covers all stages of creating an embroidery design cross.


Function "Front Plan" Allows you to select priority colors that are necessary for the forefront of the cross-stitch circuit.
You can highlight all the stitches of the color you need.
This program can be used for machine sewing.


The color scheme is slightly deviated to the red side of the spectrum.

Summary: Surely, this program will be the best choice for people who make their own embroidery schemes from scratch.

PM Stitch Creator

This is an excellent choice for people who create their cross-embroidery circuits. This program also offers an extensive set of JPEG and Photoshop image image converting tools.


With PM Stitch Creator, you can view your pictures like color blocks, threads, or visualization of the embroidery result.
The program has a helping navigator for users who clarifies various functions of the program.
It has an easy-to-use interface for the user.


This is a relatively long time to get acquainted with the program.

Summary: This is an obvious choice for people who make their own schemes. Assistant who is included in the software package must facilitate the learning process for beginners.


This cross-embroidery program is not as popular as the rest. This program offers all basic functions, however, it is worth paying attention to it.


All basic functions are included.
Converting images into the scheme included.


This program has not been widespread, you can experience difficulties with file compatibility for this program.
The price is relatively high.

Summary: It is definitely worth considering the possibility of getting a free trial before buying.

Now you know that the market has good cross-embroidery software. Use this guide to choose the most suitable option that matches your needs is best.

Program Pattern Maker. To open, edit and create embroidery schemes in electronic format. Expansion schemes.xsd.
In past versions, it was necessary to make a lot of manipulations to put the crack and key. Now all the necessary components have accommodated in one installation file. Swing. Unpack. Install. But before that it is necessary to delete the old program Pattern Maker. (if it was installed earlier).

Pattern Maker 4.06 - 4.08 multisboardenchantable enough for normal use. The work is checked not by one user. Excellent goes on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

archive 13.9 MB

Pattern Maker 4.06 (Pro + Me) Rus Portable - This is a portable version of the program, does not require installation and does not leave after itself files. It is convenient to use on flash drives and other portable media if there is no possibility to put the Pattern Maker at work or in print services. Run the program from the media and through the File menu, open the desired diagram. Direct click scheme will not open!

archive on OneDrive 19.8 MB

After installing any version of the program, do not rush to the clay on the field with the scheme. Each press changes / adds stitches, which is not provided by the scheme, thereby risking it to spoil it. If suddenly it happened, closePattern Maker.NOT Keeping changes.