Map of Basic Stations Yota. Yota Antenna LTE What are the options for Yota signal amplifiers

Make a yot signal amplifier is very simple. Many managed to notice the LTE routers (as well as ordinary) have one bad feature - they lose the signal. Sometimes it comes to even before standing next to the transmitting device, we can absolutely not see the mobile network. To do this, you need to strengthen the Yota signal.

The distortion and loss of the signal can proceed from both metal structures and from other devices (whether smartphones-phones or microwave equipment).

4G or a regular Wi-Fi router in an indifferent place from all the devices received.

If you install an access point or your Yota router on the outskirts of the site - in the summer house and the signal you try to catch in a gazebo on the other side of the site, this is not the best solution to the problem of the bad signal of the wireless router

Do not install Yota Router near or in iron boxes, in the corners of the walls

All metal items as well as elaelacbrid (refrigerators, washing, dishwashers) strongly reduce the WiFi signal transmitted from Yota router.

Strengthen iota WiFi Routher Antenna

At the same time, remember that regular antennas are omnidirectional and evenly distribute it in all directions. Do not forget this when the router is located on the border of the site because, with an open and non-Pollient network, half of the signal will get to your neighbors.

In order to enhance or send a wireless signal, there are many ways.

1) The main is the easiest - if the WiFi router is removable antenna, then it should be replaced with more powerful.

2) a fast or economical way is to use the reflecting abilities of foil (metallic) materials.

Here you can use even empty bears from under beer, which in skillful hands turn into antennas with high efficiency.

Solving the problems of weak WIFI card-network adapters

In many devices including as stationary computers or mobile netbooks, manufacturers often put highly cheap network adapters. They are mainly designed to work with a steady signal.

For this purpose, an option, for example, you can replace the built-in WiFi card to more suitable and with the possibility of attaching an external antenna. It will always have (in emergency situations) the opportunity to attach an external antenna to your computer (netbook, laptop, etc.) and Get a signal from Yota router located at a rather remote distance.

WiFi repeater. Add the coating Yota router

If the coordinate task is - in order not to receive a signal from a remote managed network, then as an option, this network can be extended to lengthen.

1) Remember that all wireless devices have several channels. Therefore, remember that on different channels there may be a different signal reception quality.

How to change the router channel? - For this, you need to log in to-router configuration and change the WiFi channel. Look the best channel, save the settings and do not worry about the configuration of your computer, laptop, etc. Do not change. Only the program settings are not changed.

2) If there are opportunities, you can reduce interference from refrigerators and other radio devices

3) Update all network driver firmware

4) Try to choose the network wireless equipment to choose the network wireless equipment.

Yota coverage map is designed using a computer model. Users carefully read it. It is worth reminding that in each region of Russia the coating map is its own. But the overall trait in all coverage areas is one - a computer card cannot reflect the actual indicators of the power level and signal speed.

The basic stations Yota on the map, of course, are indicated, but without taking into account the relief characteristics of the locality and the situation of radio exchange at the subscriber equipment connection point.

The quality measurements of the Yota signal are permanently produced. Accordingly, the Yota map on the site that displays the operator's coverage of a region, all the time will change (according to the expansion of the coating).

Colors are meaning

For the map of the WOTA coating in the Moscow region, special tables are presented with local items, signal power levels in dB and Internet flux speed.

The original solution is proposed by the separation in Sochi, where Yota ties on the map are marked with multi-colored tags:

The Yota Step Map gives a variety of information. Thanks to it, it is possible to obtain data on the alteration of stations to transfer the LTE-Internet. The search option for your base station for subscribers is extremely simple: press Ctrl + F and dial the final BSID numbers in the search window.

Wider step

The Yota repeater card suggests that the operator coverage zone is steadily growing. This year an increase in the number of LTE network stations is more than half (60%). The main indicators of the operator made representative offices in Irkutsk and Khabarovsk (there are 2G repeaters there than 2 times). Good results are fixed in the North-West of the country: the Leningrad and Vologda region - the overall rate of 50%.

The launch of the new basic stations of the LTE network significantly increased the coverage area of \u200b\u200b4G YOTA and reduced the load on the already operated tower. The operator is systematically increasing its presence in the high-speed Internet market.

Some details

The operator Yota, the map of which, is dismisted to external realities, warns its subscribers that:

Maximum oscillations

Yota power changes, the maximum DB signal is measured using test programs or instruments, can lead to rupture connections. According to The signal level in the Moscow region ranges in the range of 18-22 dB. The maximum value is marked in 29 dB.

In zones with low signal power (0-2 dB), for its high-quality increase (up to 20 dB), you can purchase antenna of amplification with the corresponding indicators and the built-in modem Yota.

Exterioryota antenna - a simple solution to a big problem

The Yota amplifier, as you can guess from the name, is nothing more than an external (installed outside the housing) receiving-transmitting module, made in the form of a street or room antenna, compatible with the modem and routers manufactured under the Yota brand. It assumes the functions of their regular low-power antennas, increasing the integrity and data transfer rate.

Wireless Internet from Yota is such a thing ... often it does not reach the speeds promised by the operator. It is not surprising that the Yota amplifiers enjoy the population with such great demand, which is not just remained unchanged over the years - it is steadily increasing. After all, for many, the amplification of the Yota signal has become a real "headache" - a problem that is seen intractable.

However, exactly until they percade the electronic store site, where you can always buy an antenna for Yota, and not just buy, but this is the most profitable price in the city! The solution of many years of Internet problems, as practice shows, probably not take you not only much time, but also money. Not so serious was this problem if you figure it out ...

How not to make a mistake with the choice of antennaYota.

However, it is not necessary to assume that it will be able to allow it absolutely any antenna for Yota, which you purchased on the occasion of the subway. Such purchases are rare when it turns out to be successful, and therefore you do not need to lay great hopes on them ..

What do we mean by the word "good"? This is such an amplifier for Yota, which will be the same efficient and in the city feature, where the neighboring buildings are closed by radiation of base stations, and beyond where the base stations are strongly removed. Problems with the use of wireless Internet arise everywhere, but you no longer need to worry about them - they don't touch you now!

Having preferred an electronic store site, you are guaranteed to get an effective amplifier of the Yota signal, since others are simply not in our assortment. All you have to do is to decide on the technical characteristics that directly depend on the technical characteristics of the Yota device you use the (modem or router).

Objective signs of a good antenna foroTA

Not least materials from which are produced by our amplifiers for Yota have not latter. External antenna, even if it is used in the room, and if in the open space - so in particular, should be made of high-quality weather-resistant, but at the same time do not create interference materials. Otherwise, the Yota amplifier is not that will not provide due efficiency, but will not work for a long time.

Distinctive features forYota.LTE

External antennas designed to enhance the Yota LTE signal (Yota 4G) have become widely demanded relatively recently. The wireless networks of the fourth generation, which came to the major cities of Russia, did not fully, because of which many subscribers were not able to enjoy the traffic and stability of the Connect.

According to its design and the principle of the antenna, the Yota LTE is no different from the antennas intended for use in the networks of previous generations. The difference lies in the data standards supported by it, which are more demanding and to the receiving, and the radiative antenna capabilities, as well as in technologies and devices developed under them.

However, in the same measure as the external antenna Yota, it concerns cable products and connectors used to attach it to the same names and routers. LTE amplifier for YOTA, if it has been connected using low-quality cables and connectors, can lose up to 15% of the received and transmitted signals, thereby crossing all the advantages of its use ...

On the dangers of low rooms for antennaYota 4.G.

But back directly to the Yota LTE signal amplifier. All of them are developed taking into account the most modern achievements in the field of wireless communication and therefore no complaints cause. Developed by many companies from the USA, China and some other countries, because for LTE, if you believe international experts, the future, and for its commercial use - a big benefit!

The situation spoil small producers, who, wanting to make it easier to reduce their products (including Yota LTE antennas), use absolutely unusable materials that are capable of any, even the most brilliant project to turn into a "non-viable freak". Examples of this - thousands. Their lion is made up of Chinese-made antennas, intended for use in conjunction with USB modems.

External antennas for Yota (to enhance the signal of the said operator) are presented in Russia very widely. Buy the Yota 4G amplifier today is not a problem, it is in another - in his choice! The latter is quite difficult to the innumerable manifold of trademarks, among which are extremely little trustworthy. Often the buyer has to choose between bad and ... bad, in our opinion it is unacceptable.

Amplifier for modemYota at a bargain price

Fortunately, you are on the website of the electronic store site, whose clients who have decided to purchase one or another device for Yota (signal amplifier, for example), do not face similar problems. The Yota LTE external antenna bought here will certainly be summarized by providing perfect reception and data transfer regardless of the remoteness from the base station.

However, this is not the only strong side of our antennas to strengthen the 4G Yota signal, - their favorable value also worries many, attracting all new and new buyers to the site. Precisely profitable, but not understated; This, let me notice, not the same thing! With cheap, incomprehensible to whom the antennas we do not have, and you do not advise you!

The same antennas for enhancing Yota LTE, which you can see in the catalog of this site, are sold at the best prices in Moscow, which we rightly call profitable! These antennas were not accidental here - they are made of high-quality metal alloys and modern polymers, with the strictest compliance with the requirements of the LTE standard and the global standards associated with it.

Strengthening the modem signalYota technologyMimo.

A separate word deserve antennas that support MultiPle Input Multiple Output technology (MIMO) that have recently appeared in the external device line for Yota. Mimo-antennas are characterized by a more complete use of the bandwidth-provided capacity provided by the LTE standard, which has become possible due to the separation of the receiving-transmitting device into two parts - accepting and transmitting.

The MIMO compliant Internet signal amplifier for Yota is thus not one, but as many as two antennas that need to be installed so that they do not interfere with each other, creating frequency correlations. Such antennas for the LTE modem Yota provide at least twice the best data transfer rate, and this is no change in the level of standards.

To date, the MIMO signal amplifier for the Yota modem acts best solving problems when using Radio Frequency Channels for LTE Standard. Its disadvantage, and then small, it is considered only the need to set two antennas instead of one, but it is successfully eliminated by the use of frequency selectivity technology (by connecting these antennas in one case).

Your choice - antenna and modem (router) in one set

Antenna for 4G modem Yota, like an antenna for another popular Yota-device - Router, you can buy from us not only separately from the modem itself (router), but also with it. After all, the electronic store site sells not only a variety of antennas, but also other devices designed to work in the Wireless network of the Yota operator, as well as accessories for them.

Buying a Yota-modem with an antenna is, without any doubt, the right decision. Antenna, you will have to purchase anyway - not now, so then, having spent annal amount of time on her selection of the modem characteristics, which is not at all as easy as it may seem at first. It is better to do this in advance by buying a modem of the Yota operator with an antenna in a set! So, by the way, not only more convenient, but also cheaper.

Note - Antennas with the built-in Yota modem from us are also sold. Such antennas are predominantly indoor (intended for operation in rooms with normal humidity and temperature); They are optimal for use with laptops and tablet computers, at home, at work, outside the city, on the road - no restrictions!

Sale Antennas for ModemYota and not only

We are engaged not only by selling, but also by installing Yota antennas. This service is one of our most popular: it took advantage of more than 80% of those who have bought these very antennas at one time. Considering how well the specialists of the electronic store site are dealt with Yota's devices, the installation of the antennas does not seem such a challenging task for them.

Here you need to clarify that they are far from always with each other compatible - modem Yota and external antenna. Many modems of this brand, as well as many of its own routers, do not have connectors for connecting such antennas at all, which pushes their owners to experiment with the soldering iron. How can all this turn into? In addition to losing guarantee on the device, nothing ...

With us you can not only purchase modems and routers, but also modify them by adding the possibility of joining the external Yota antennas. Buy alarm amplifier and not to be able to connect it to the modem - this is, of course, unpleasant, but not so much to spoil yourself. Just contact us, and we will eliminate this annoying error of modem manufacturers.

Yota is a young Russian operator who has won the huge popularity in the provision of Internet access on the 4G / LTE technology.

What are the options for Yota signal amplifiers?

There are three most popular Yota signal enhancement options. On our site you can buy any of them:

  • The enhancement system from the receiving 4G / LTE from Yota antenna installed in the place where the level of the Yota signal is the highest, and the mobile router connected to the 4G / LTE antenna and the already reinforced signal via Wi-Fi. This is the easiest and most inexpensive version of Yota amplifier.
  • The external client for Yota is a signal amplification device in which the antenna and a router and Yota modem are combined into one protected hermetic case. This option of the amplifier is the easiest to install.
  • The 4G / LTE amplification kit from the repeater and antenna is the most reliable version of the Yota amplifier, which allows you to achieve maximum signal amplification. And if none of the above-described Yota enhance systems suits you - just call us, and we will pick up an individual amplifier for you, which will fully comply with all your requirements.

How to choose the right place to install the Yota amplifier?

Buy the desired amplifier for YOTA - half of the execution of the signal to enhance the signal. It is equally important to choose the right place to install an antenna or an external client. If possible, the amplifier must be installed in the place where the signal level reaches the maximum value. Such a place you can determine how you yourself (when buying an amplifier, our specialists will prompt how to do it better), or order a service to measure the signal level and installation of the strengthening system.