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Creating a schedule using the Chronograph 3.0 Master editor

IT specialist
CHSOSH named after.

The class schedule in a general education institution is one of the most important and effective types of planning educational work, the main organizational document, determines the effectiveness of work, and creates optimal conditions for the school’s activities.

The schedule maker must know the methodology for its preparation (we are guided by the “Methodology for Creating a Timetable in an Educational Institution”, 2003), the institution’s curriculum, staffing of teachers for the current academic year, the number of classrooms, their distribution by subject, their management, placement, occupancy, number of class sets, number of students in each class, specifics of the institution.

When drawing up the schedule for grades 5–11, we took into account the following specific conditions:

A separate schedule for primary classes in order to determine the availability of those teachers who teach in primary classes;

Employment in physical education classes at the gym and sports complex (on the terms of the contract);

Dividing classes with 20 or more students into subgroups in Russian and English; computer science;

Dividing classes into groups of girls and boys in physical education and technology lessons;

Paired lessons in biology, chemistry, technology;

Work schedule for external and internal part-time workers;

The schedule editor “Chronograph 3.0 Master” is located in the SBPPO “First Aid 1.0” on disk No. 27 “School Management”.

Install the schedule editor from disk No. 27 (Fig. 1)

Before you start, you need to read the program manual (call “Help” or press F1), which describes in detail the step-by-step operating algorithm.

Let's take a brief look at filling out the main work fields.

First, fill out the work field “Data about the educational institution” (Figure 2):

where you fill in information about the educational institution, bell schedule, number of classes, duration of classes and breaks, list of foreign languages, classes and their parallels, number of girls, boys, total number of students. On the weekly grid, by hovering the cursor over the desired cell and pressing the space button, we put a mark in the place (the cell will turn pink) during which the lesson is not assigned. So we marked the place during which class hours will be held (for example, Monday - 6th lessons).

Secondly, we fill out the “Weekly hours grid” work field (Figure 3), where, according to the curriculum, we set the number of hours per week for each class and subject. In the “Actions” menu, add the desired item (or remove it) (Fig. 4). In the schedule, we included only classroom hours and did not include extracurricular hours, for which we created a separate schedule. The program automatically summarizes the total number of hours separately by class, which is very convenient for checking. In classes where there are divisions into subgroups, by hovering the cursor over the desired cell, clicking the right mouse button, select the “divide into groups” command, fill in the window that appears (Figure 5).

Thirdly, we fill in the work field “Data about teachers”, where in the columns that appear, opposite the column “Names of teachers”, double-click on the desired subject from the list of subjects (Fig. 7)

Fourthly, we fill out the “Information about classrooms” work field, where we fill out the table according to the distribution of classrooms throughout the school. On the weekly grid, by hovering the cursor over the desired cell and pressing the space button, we put a mark in the place (the cell will turn pink) during which the office should be free. Thus, we have marked places in the gym where physical education lessons are held in primary grades and where physical education lessons should not be held in other classes. (Fig. 8)

Fifth, fill out the “Load Distribution” work field, where, according to the staffing, double-click to set the number of hours for each teacher. In the “Actions” menu we set paired lessons where required. (Fig.9)

Sixth, we fill out the work field “Teachers’ work schedule”, where on the weekly grid, by hovering the cursor over the desired cell and pressing the space button, we put a mark in place (the cell will turn pink) during which the teacher should be free (Fig. 10). In our case, the lessons of teachers who teach in primary classes at this time, as well as the first lessons of teachers who take children to kindergarten at this time, are marked as “free”.

Sixth, we fill out the “Scheduling” work field, where, having selected the desired teacher, double-click the desired subject and place the lesson in the desired place. It is advisable, first of all, to set lessons that need to be “confirmed” (by pressing Ctrl and spacebar, the cell will be colored in a blue frame). Auto-scheduling will not move these “confirmed” lessons. These are lessons that must be held at a given time. In our case, these are physical education lessons, which should not be held at the same time in the gym. (Figure 11)

After filling in all the required fields, you can give the “Preliminary schedule calculation” command. The program schedules 80-90%. After carefully reviewing and checking the assigned lessons, you need to adjust the schedule manually, because the computer does not completely set the lessons, does not take into account the teacher’s workload, the order of lessons by day of the week, etc.

After all the lessons have been entered in a consistent manner, select the “Offices” mode in the “Actions” menu and double-click on the desired classroom from the list, taking into account the assignment of classrooms to subjects and teachers. Free offices will remain green. (Fig. 11)

In the “Reports” menu, print all the necessary documents: schedule by class, by teacher, classroom occupancy, distribution of workload by class. (Figure 12)

Also in this menu, the program allows you to create schedule web pages for the school website. (Figure 13)

As a result, we came to the conclusion that the program is simple, convenient, and saves time in creating a schedule, especially for schools with a large number of students, classes, and teachers. Saved files can be moved from computer to computer (with the program installed), and a draft schedule can be created many times.

February 2011

"1C: ChronoGraph School 3.0 PROF" - a joint development of the company "1C" and the company "Chronobus" - is a new version of a multifunctional information system for electronic document management and automation of management of the main activities of an educational institution (OU) and is a logical development of the program "1C: ChronoGraph School" 2.5 PROF", supplied to all schools in the Russian Federation as part of the standard (basic) software package "First Aid 1.0" and "First Aid 2.0".

The configuration ensures not only the continuity of the databases and full implementation of the functionality of previous versions, but also contains a large number of newly developed algorithms and mechanisms aimed at implementing the requirements of the national educational initiative "Our New School" for organizing and assessing the quality of the activities of educational institutions.

1C:Chronograph School 2.5 PRO

"1C:Chronograph School 2.5 PROF" is an information system for administering the activities of an educational institution.

This is a multifunctional system that works as the basis for the formation of a unified information space of an educational institution. The program provides ample opportunities for:

  • creating basic information, including public information and periodized components;
  • automation of personnel work;
  • systematization of student data;
  • administration of the educational process;
  • support for educational content;
  • automation of financial and economic activities of an educational institution.

The functions for preparing reporting documentation allow you to generate final and statistical reports, both free and unified forms of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. The program also provides opportunities for independent design of reports.

To optimize the search for data in the institution's database, the program implements a separate keyword search interface with the ability to define the search area.

Interaction of the program with other information systems

To organize the relationship between the main information systems and additional information modules of the unified information space of the educational institution, the program provides:

  • uploading data on material assets into the package “1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions”;
  • loading data from programs for planning, organizing and managing the educational process “ChronoGraph 3.0”;
  • exchange of data with the program for scheduling in specialized schools “Profile”;
  • uploading data to the package “1C: ChronoGraph Education Department”;
  • uploading data to the package “1C: ChronoGraph Tariffing for Accountant PROF”;
  • uploading data to the package “1C: ChronoGraph Labor Compensation”;
  • data synchronization with the 3T: ChronoGraph Journal package;
  • exchange of data with software systems that provide support for learning content with digital objects and digital educational resources (DER).
  • uploading data about the institution and students in the Unified State Exam format.

In order to ensure the protection of personal information, the program provides the following capabilities:

  • uploading a database only with a password;
  • filling out, storing and maintaining consent forms for staff and students.

In order to implement the openness of the system, the program provides viewing of the description of the program metadata.

1C:Chronograph School 3.0 PROF

The program "1C: Chronograph School 3.0 PROF" provides solutions to the following tasks:

1. Creation of a school-wide information database (IDB) with support for full continuity of the IDB generated in earlier versions, including:

  • public access information (general directories);
  • periodized information (data from specific academic years).

2. Implementation of a comprehensive school management system, taking into account regional specifics of legal and financial regulation, including the generation of new information:

  • about the system of state and public school management;
  • about the organization and forms of work with parents;
  • about forms of information openness of the school.

3. Support for the technology of legal and regulatory support for school activities, including the creation of a new access mechanism:

  • to information bases of regulatory support at the federal, regional and municipal levels;
  • to the database of local regulatory acts of the school itself.

4. Implementation of the school’s electronic document management system, including new opportunities for the formation of organizational, administrative and planning documentation, as well as the exchange of information with external authorities and educational organizations, including the ability to:

  • sending emails using standard means of the installed operating system, regardless of the email client used by the user;
  • Expanding sections of information sent via email to student parents and external organizations.

5. Automation of the organization and management of the educational process, including new and improved mechanisms:

  • taking into account forms of educational activities, educational programs and the transition to new Federal state educational standards;
  • taking into account models of learning foreign languages, school specialization and participation in network educational associations;
  • planning the academic employment of students, including taking into account continuous classes and classes of multidisciplinary groups;
  • formation and maintenance of working educational and educational-methodological documentation, including electronic forms of class registers and forms of prompt notification of parents.

6. Automation of planning and organization of additional educational services, including new opportunities for the formation of:

  • list composition of groups of extracurricular employment, taking into account students of other educational institutions;
  • journals of additional education groups;
  • passports of student achievements.

7. Management of the processes of formation and recruitment of students with new mechanisms for ensuring:

  • record keeping;
  • expanding the functionality of a student’s personal card, including creating types and forms of social support;
  • possibilities for uploading/downloading students’ personal files in electronic form, in order to expand the range of electronic educational services provided and optimize information exchange between educational institutions.

8. Automation of the resource support system for school activities, including:

  • staffing, accounting and record keeping work, including:
  • expanding the functionality of an employee’s personal file,
  • implementation of personnel movement accounting (hiring/dismissal and vacations),
  • adding the ability to upload/download personal files of employees in electronic form, in order to expand the range of electronic educational services provided and optimize information exchange between educational institutions;
  • work on logistics, including a significant expansion of processed information:

on the provision and improvement of buildings and structures,

    • on material and technical means and certification of subject rooms, office premises and functional blocks of the school,
    • on the organization of meals for students;
  • work on financial support for the school’s activities, including full-time work:
    • to determine the budget characteristics of the school,
    • on the formation of the wage fund;
  • work to create a health and safety regime, including newly generated information:
    • on ensuring the security regime and security system,
    • based on anonymized data on the health of students and school staff.

9. Automation of the processes of analysis and control over the results of educational activities, ongoing, final and independent certification of students, including new mechanisms:

  • generation of analytical documentation, summary statements,
  • formation of journals for recording the preparation and results of the State Examination and Unified State Examination.

10. Formation, printing and export to standard formats of statistical and analytical reporting documentation, including unified forms and forms for assessing the quality of education, including newly developed types of reporting:

  • on the implementation of the national educational initiative "Our New School" (NNSH-S) at the school level;
  • on assessing the quality of school activities based on indicators of Comprehensive Education Modernization Projects (CPME);
  • on analysis of the implementation of educational programs, current and final performance and attendance of students, etc.

Information protection

In accordance with the procedure determined by the joint Order of the FSTEC of Russia, the FSB of Russia and the Ministry of Information and Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2008 No. 55/86/20 "On approval of the Procedure for the classification of personal data information systems", information processed in the 1C: ChronoGraph School program 3.0 PROF", can be assigned to categories 2 and 3, and the personal data information system can be assigned class K3. Mandatory certification of software used in information systems for personal data of the 3rd class is not provided.

The program provides an automated set of measures to protect information, primarily personal data of students and employees, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation (Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”).

This is an original computer technology that optimally combines a multifunctional mechanism for scheduling training sessions and operational management of the educational process with extensive additional capabilities for creating and maintaining a database of educational activities, full data exchange with other software developments, as well as creating, editing and exporting output forms.

The package is addressed to heads of secondary educational institutions responsible for organizing and monitoring the quality of the educational process; managers and specialists of educational authorities and educational and methodological centers.
A universal scheduling mechanism, including:

1. Taking into account the specifics of a particular educational institution and effective preparation of the following initial data:

A. General information and structure of the educational institution in accordance with Unified State Examination standards, indicating address and contact information; academic year and period; operating hours and call schedules; foreign languages ​​studied; a list of classes with their indexes, numbers and class schedules.

B. List of students with data on the Unified State Exam, indicating their full name, gender, subject they plan to take for the Unified State Exam, as well as the type, series and number of the personal identification document.

C. Weekly grid of hours based on the formation of a list of subjects and the weekly classroom load of classes, indicating their division into groups (up to 10 in any subject), as well as ranking the difficulty for each subject in points.

D. Data about teachers, indicating specialization, class management, part-time work, membership in a methodological association (PMK). For foreign language teachers, indicate the specific foreign language. Introduce service and pedagogical ranks.

E. Auditorium fund (list of offices), indicating their name and/or numbering; capacity and floor location (if necessary); subject specialization or assignment to teachers or classes, as well as pre-occupancy schedules for classrooms.

F. Distribution of the teaching load in the selected mode: by subject, by class, by teacher, taking into account the division of classes into groups and the introduction of the number of groups. Implementation of any specifics of organizing the educational process: conducting paired and continuous classes, setting the identity and complementarity of groups.

2. Creation of a methodically consistent school schedule based on:

A. Formation and optimization of teachers’ work schedules, taking into account the workload, class schedule and collaboration in groups.

B. Work with all sections of the schedule - weekly and daily schedule, by class and teacher - on one screen, using advanced interactive search algorithms in manual editing mode.

C. Application of advanced interactive automatic scheduling algorithms using:
- preliminary calculation functions;
- settings for calculating classes by school/parallels/classes/study groups;
- calculation settings for one/group/methodological association of teachers;
- calculations for one/several subjects;
- functions of imposing/removing restrictions in the organization of the educational process.

D. Visual control of student workload schedules by week, as well as the number of “windows” and teacher training.

E. Dynamic control over the distribution of classroom resources and automatic placement of classrooms, with manual editing capabilities and taking into account subject specialization and assignment to teachers or classes.

3. Prompt maintenance of the class schedule throughout the entire academic period with the possibility of:

A. Implementation of daily teacher replacements with the possibility of a multifunctional search for “free” teachers.

B. Involvement of school staff who are not directly involved in teaching classes to carry out replacements.

C. Prompt preparation of output forms.

D. Saving information and maintaining a database of replacements made throughout the entire training period.

4. Preparation and ability to configure printing parameters for output forms, including:

A. Printing any necessary information: reports, lists, graphs, etc. with the ability to configure/disable significant parameters.

B. Print reports as pivot tables or individually.

C. Printing a grid of the compiled schedule in a variety of options with the ability to customize the size of the output form of the final schedule.

Additional opportunities for managers:

1. Preparation of data about the educational institution and established reporting forms in the standards of the Unified State Exam (USE).

2. Formation of processing “Tariff List” in the prescribed form, based on information about teachers and load distribution.

3. Storage of information, generation of output forms of the Substitution Journal for the entire academic period and the Table (Summary Statement) of substitutions for a specific time period.

4. Export any output forms to MS Excel and HTML.

5. Formation of a template for a school Internet page.
Full data exchange with packages 1C: ChronoGraph Tariffication (PROF), 1C: ChronoGraph School, 1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0, 1C: ChronoGraph Contingent, and other joint solutions based on 1C: Enterprise.

Chronograph Master is an application that is designed for creating educational schedules. Can be used in all kinds of educational institutions, schools, technical colleges, etc.

The program greatly facilitates the work of head teachers, who are involved in drawing up schedules taking into account the working hours of teachers and the curriculum. But this is not all the capabilities of the application; there are many additional functions that help to further simplify the tasks of managers of educational institutions.

Features of Chronograph Master

In addition to the main task, using the presented software you can create lists of teachers and students. In addition, the application has an additional function that allows you to generate a list of individual students admitted to take the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam). For this purpose, a ready-made form has already been developed where it is necessary to enter the data of students and the subjects in which they will take the exam, along with this you can upload scans of documents confirming their identity.

And this is not all the capabilities of Chronograph 3.0 Master; it is worth highlighting an important function that makes it easier to work with the audit fund. In this case, there are also ready-made forms that can be filled out with important information, such as the layout of the building, available equipment, equipment in offices, and more.

The creators of the program did not forget about other important additions, such as a call schedule, substitutions, various reports, attendance tables, lists of excellent students, and more.

Other features

You can work with the application on a personal computer with any version of Windows. It takes up minimal memory and does not require high system requirements for full operation.

Chronograph 3.0 Master is able to open some documents of the 1C program and supports exporting files from MS Excel. Prepared reports can be immediately printed or saved as HTML files.

The presented software is distributed absolutely free of charge and entirely in Russian.

Main advantages

  • Chronograph 3.0 Master is intended for creating educational schedules;
  • Convenient and intuitive interface;
  • Ready-made document templates are available;
  • Distributed completely free of charge;
  • Can work on a PC with any version of Windows;
  • Many additional functions that greatly facilitate the work of head teachers;
  • Supports working with documents in HTML, XLS format.