Wannacry virus clone paralyzed computers "Bashneft. Rosneft reported a powerful hacker attack on their servers in Rosneft do not work computers

How to unlock the screen or listen to the podcast on iOS.Surely knows each of our readers. But how it is to perform simple system functions Android? And which of these two systems "simplicity" is the simplest? Famous edition CNN. conducted a thematic study of 15 parameters.

In contact with

Let's start with the functions with which it copes better iPhone..

Login to the system

Thanks to scanner fingerprint smartphone Apple. Not at all requires the user to memorize any numbers. There is a similar function and android smartphones Samsung. Other devices on the OS Google It is possible to enter the face recognition - not a very reliable thing, I must say.


The "Favorites" is much better done on Android (see image. But there is no worthy analogue from Google today - so in the end IS still wins IOS.

Make a snapshot / write video

On Android there are excellent camera application, view photos are possible in full-screen default mode, but the iPhone camera is much better. But it is better to manage with snapshots after all on Android. Well, ICloud is a full nightmare, confident CNN journalist.

Music / Podcasts

Apple has iTunes - it says everything.

Check email

Apple automatically recognizes your settings. Exchange For a working mail. "- stock" Android client for email and looks worse, and gives less opportunities to work with mail.


The iPhone has a physical switch. On Android, you need to turn on the smartphone screen and clamp the POWER button. In other words, make more actions - so the victory remains for the iPhone.


Starting with iOS 7, each iPhone has a convenient flashlight - it is in the control point and is called swipe from the bottom of the screen. Android need to download a special application that usually needs a lot of system permissions.

And now - functions with which Android copes better


Basic Android keyboard is better than its analogue in iOS, including swipe gestures. What is especially valuable - the punctuation signs fit on the same screen as the letters (Apple, really can not do the same thing?!). True, IOS shortened the lag on another item - now Apple users also have the ability to install.

"What time is it now?"

the iPhone displays the clock only after the owner's action - you need to press or on the HOME button, or on the power button. Motorola, Samsung and HTC have smart covers and sensors that will automatically display the time on the screen when you take the gadget from your pocket. There is an Android and a special screensaver, whose duties include a clock showing on the locked screen.

Using and organizing applications

Apple and Google have long been solved all the problems with the application store. But Android is on the head higher in the case of their organization. The most important thing is on the main screen, unnecessary is removed on the backyard. Applications for iPhone located in folders look randomly. In addition, Android widgets are much more useful than similar applications from Apple.


In response to notifications can be given immediately, without entering the application itself. There is no such thing in Android - but it is more convenient to delete them. Just one swipe - and ready. And on Android there is a Google Now, which magically notifies the user about when it is necessary to go out, so as not to miss the next meeting.


Google Maps is the best mobile application for the whole history of the genre. It is on the iPhone, and on Android, but native it is only on the Google Operation. This means that Siri's voice assistant cannot use the entire power of Google's card - she has only his own, far.

Voice teams

Since we started talking about digital assistants ... Siri is a slightly assistant, but in fact he knows how to do so much. To tell the truth, Google Now is a little better. But it can be activated by the voice team - the famous " OK, Google».

... As a result, CNN counted 7 "victories" for the iPhone and 6 - for Android smartphones at two draws (using contacts and search).

Of course, as in any study, there is an element of subjectivism (and where without it?), Did not cost without omissions (as about comparing the possibilities of browsers?). What do you think about these comparisons you, dear readers? Android is really close approaching iOS, or ... or the CNN editor is just a phone on Android? Share your opinion in the comments, friends!

Today, modern technologies have entered into everything that surrounds us. Who could submit 10 years ago that the power of a personal PC can fit on the phone. These metamorphosis gave rise to a new class of mobile electronics-smartphones and tablets.

As you know, there is competition in any business, and in categories of goods oriented on an ordinary user, it is especially great and cruel. It concerns this not only technical specifications and the appearance of the device, but also the operating system on which the device is based. At the moment, the IOS operating system from Apple and the Android operating system from Google participates in this derby.

IOS operating system

The IOS operating system (reduction from iPhone Operating Systems) was presented in 2007 along with the advent of iPhone 2G. This event produced a real technical revolution in the world of mobile electronics. People were a new merge of the music player, a phone and a camera in combination with touch control of the device and a pleasant eye appearance. Over time, the operating system was improved and brought to mind.

Apple devices

Today, applications from Apple are considered a benchmark for beauty and power, which affects the choice of the smartphone to the iOS. Software developers also attracted this operating system. Indeed, so many applications as they are in the AppStore, there is no place in Play Market, no anyhow else. Due to the fact that the model range of devices is sufficiently small, and their appearance is unified, then there are a large set of accessories for them. You can easily find covers, protective films, cates and the like.

IOS management

iOS is quite easy to control and does not contain too much. Even the most close character will be able to make friends with IOS. This operating system is famous for its efficiency and performance, as well as, as mentioned above, (very) a large selection of applications.

Regarding the design of this OS, it is possible to argue for a long time, but what we have now is satisfied with me (not quite, but still).

Closed IOS system

Apple is famous for its meticulousness, which can be how to admire the user and scare away. The closeness of the system is the headache of "apples" and application developers. For example, it is impossible to simply transfer music from the desktop PC immediately to the device. To do this, you need to run iTunes and after the "dancing with a tambourine" with a bunch of different synchronization, you can throw music to the device. It is connected with the author's fetishism and a bunch of different rules, and these initiatives "proceed from above", which dues not only to users, but also to developers. Recall the story about in contact for iPad. The application was removed from the AppStore due to the presence of pirate music and pornography. Most of us are registered in this social network and no one except Apple find anything forbidden (if you should not look for). Apple completely monopolized a default browser niche. You will not be offered to open a link to Google Chrome, Yandex. Browser, coast will make you use Safari.

IPad or iPhone memory

The amount of memory cannot be increased by SD drives. But this is not so big minus, because 32 gigabyte iPad or iPhone is just enough for you.

Apple batteries

A larger minus is a worn battery than now, unfortunately, it sins not only Apple.

Customization iOS.

Customization iOS is impossible. You can only change the wallpaper, to increase the font and change the icons in some places.

Stability of IOS

In the latest IOS versions began to disappear the stability of the system, which is pretty spoil the image of the company from Cupertino.

Nevertheless, IOS remains one of the most popular and recognizable operating systems.

Android OS.

In 2008, Android OS-mobile operating system was presented. Since the same way, Apple roads and Google diverged.

Today, Android is the most common mobile operating system. Since the iOS closed system, then you do not install it on Samsung. Android has a very large range of devices on which it can work.

The main cons of Android

The main consoles and knuckles addressed to this OS are associated with slow work and fast discharge of the device. But if you think about it, you can understand that most problems are associated with the characteristics of the phone itself.

MicroSD and removable battery

Most devices have a slot under a microSD and a removable battery, as well as a Micro-USB input, unlike the Lightning connector (which can be connected by any side, unlike Micro and Mini USB). But, as I said above, now manufacturers begin to refuse to place the SD slot and the possibility of changing the battery.

Play Market.

If the demand is growing, then the offer is growing. Develop and launch the application on Google Play will not be much labor, as a result of which the choice of applications in Play Market is quite large due to the less rigorous Google policy in relation to the developers. But there is no loud without good. Many applications carry a malicious code (more simply speaking viruses), and just poor-quality.

Customization of devices

Customization of devices at height. A huge variety of launchers and widgets will be able to change the appearance of the operating system beyond recognition.

Unification of devices

With the unification of business devices are more complicated. If for Samsung Galaxy S5 you will easily find various covers and protective films, until for some Prestigio search for accessories will seem hell. All this depends on the mass, quality, and, of course, the price category of the device.

Root-Rights for Android

If you are not satisfied with the default software, then with a large probability, you will find various custom firmware for your device. What is the custom firmware? In essence, it is the same factory firmware, but with a change in appearance and functional.

If you right-click on the usual file, you will see the "Open on behalf of the administrator" item. This means that the full responsibility for these actions lies on the administrator, that is, on you, the reader. Root-right for Android-the same item "Open on behalf of the administrator". These rights give us many possibilities compared with the factory functional. Without root-rights, it will not be easy to install Custom-Recovery, which in turn will be an obstacle to the installation of custom firmware and other non-factory extensions.

When you buy a phone on Android, then, to our unhappiness, there are pre-installed applications, most often a demo-game, in which most people play well, will not. It is impossible to remove them ...

... without a "magic key", koimy are root-rights.

Oddly enough, even such giants like Samsung, establish these surrogates to their products that several spoils the company's image.

I will be silent about phones that are included in the price spectrum from 1000 to 7000 rubles, because we will see the pre-installed software on each second smartphone.

You know, I bought myself an iPad of two years ago and was fabulously glad. In fact, I bought it due to quality and design. I am completely satisfied with it, but sometimes I have the thoughts about what I would have bought a tablet on Android, because everything is "harder" there. For example, it is not necessary to open all links with a standard browser, you can choose the one that you like more (Opera for example). It is much easier to throw music, pictures, movies. But the feeling from Android is still not the same from Apple.

Imagine VAZ 2105 and Mercedes. On Mercedes, nothing needs to be changed, sat down and drove in comfort. But sometimes it bothers. I want adventures, then why not "matting" over the "five"? He saw the roof and rejoice, and here you are a convertible. I wanted, put the turbine and tear off the muffler so that the sound was louder. Mercedes sorry (not so much sorry for cars, how much money).

Thus, we can find the pros and cons, but for yourself these platforms I defined it.

IOS - for lazy and aesthetes.

Android - for guys and experimenters.

Indeed, although Android was created in many respects as a copy of IOS, it turned out a good competitor out of it, and together IOS and Android "dealt" with all the others: Symbian, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone, which in the last years of her life also wore a Windows name Mobile than made a lot of confusion. Because the most Windows Mobile that reigned in the smart phone market at the time of the appearance of the iPhone, it was a completely different operating system, nothing to do with Windows Phone.

Nevertheless, what was iOS and Android on their start, not at all like what they are now. For 10 years, the operating systems peased the ideas of each other, and today there is no such difference between them, as it seems at first glance. Let's get on the main differences.


Oddly enough, but the first difference is the brand of the smartphone itself. In the case of iOS selection is not: This is only Apple. There is no other. In the case of Android, these are several dozen brands - from large, which may well take apple on all items to small Chinese nameless basements. Since the price of one brand, as a rule, is not changing very much, then the choice of the brand is also the choice of the price category.

Again, in the case of Apple, there is no choice: their smartphones are quite expensive, even if we are talking about the already fallen last year's flagships or initially "budget" iPhone 5C or iPhone SE.

In short, smartphones on iOS are on average more expensive than Android. It is worth it in mind.


The issue of convenience is very subjective, and what is convenient to one may simply be a real hell for another. Therefore, the Internet is littered with messages about how the typical user of the iPhone tried to use Android and could not get used to, as well as the opposite.

However, why we generally included this item in the article: the fact is that Android has no single interface. Classic, "Clean" Android is really not the most convenient thing to use the thing, but most manufacturers make their interface, not to mention the Google Play app store you can download any other. And if one interfaces simply change the view of the icons, then others seriously process the menu logic, and visualization in various modes of operation.

On the other hand, IOS has other interfaces can not be: what is there, the more and you have to use. If you do not like it, the alternative is only Android.

The only thing that seems to us objectively uncomfortable in Android, regardless of the interface, is to enter the text in the horizontal orientation of the display somewhere in the mail or messages. As a rule, in this position you see only the keyboard, the text entered and nothing else. But with an increase in the diagonal displays, users are increasingly turning the phone on the side, except for video, watching movies or games.


Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

Programs for iOS and Android are mostly identical. If any service wants to make a mobile client application, then the version immediately come out: for iOS, and for Android. The price in most cases is also the same - 0 rubles, 0 kopecks. Although there are differences. On average, paid applications on IOS are slightly more expensive, but it is on average - as "average temperature in the hospital."

But there are two nuances. The first - the functionality of the applications is limited to the operating system itself. In most cases, there is no difference, but, for example, on the Android application can penetrate the system deeper than on iOS. For example, various clients for connecting to other Android devices can activate Wi-Fi, scan access points and choose the appropriate, and they offer it to the user manually on iOS.

There is also a question with backups. If a full backup is in general the entire contents of the phone (including SMS and save in games), you can make standard tools, then there is no such functionality on Android, and all backup applications require root access that automatically makes it possible to pay Google Pay payments, and also reduces safety.

The second nuance is the default applications. If you do not like, for example, a standard Android browser, a standard email client or photo gallery, you can set another application and configure it to start the default. It is impossible to iOS. That is, you can install a third-party application, just run it manually. For example, if you want from the mail client to open a link in the browser you need, on iOS in one click it will not work.


Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

All restrictions for applications exist in iOS not just not to create the user inconvenience. On the contrary. The safety of this operating system is still much higher than android. Yes, you can sometimes hear that hackers hacked someone's iPhone, but, as a rule, it was made by a simple selection of the password, and the victim also somehow this password compromised. Therefore, only all sorts of stars were watched, and not all in a row. It is not yet possible that the "stars" themselves organized this "hacking" for the sake of PR, otherwise how to explain that one time such stories were noisy by one by one, and then all over once stopped?

In addition to restricting applications in rights, IOS security is also provided with picky up program moderation that developers are loaded into the App Store. Such moderation lasts a few weeks and passes in manual mode. This, of course, makes the result dependent from the human factor, and therefore it is purely theoretically, something malicious to penetrate the App Store may still. However, it will not stay long there anyway. It is much more likely (and it often happens) that the moderator will reject the normal application for some kind of contrived reason, and simply re-requesting moderation so that another employee approved everything.

On Android, the application appears on Google Play for a few hours after downloading. All moderation is performed postfactum, and then if there is a precedent (someone declared about problems with the application). Almost any person, carved the source code of another application, can lay it out and under its name, replacing there, let's say a few lines of code or adding malicious code.

Additionally, Android is easy to "infect" from the outside, for example, through a browser. After all, the installation of applications is available in this OS and not from the Google Play store. Yes, it will take part on the owner of the phone, so the attackers go to various tricks, trying to convince the user that this requires this utility installation to him just need and need to give her all the permissions that she will only ask.

In general, to safely use Android, you need to be constantly alert. Although in relation to iOS this advice will not be superfluous.


If you summarize, the choice between Android and iOS is in 2018 not so unequivocal. Operating systems are very similar, and differences are more cosmetic. Perhaps the most serious difference is the security that IOS will still be higher. If you are already used to some operating system or a specific interface, there is no one to change one thing. But if you are just now acquire a smartphone (or you had, for example, Windows Phone), then choose by means.

Comparison of two Android and iOS operating systems.


Before you go to the store for a new mobile device, each person faces the problem of choosing the operating system

  • To date, there are several operating systems, however, for the first place there are fierce struggle such sales giants like iOS and Android. Fans of both systems are continuously arguing among themselves, prove that it is their system worthy to be known in the world. But which of them is actually right?
  • This article presents an unbiased opinion on both operating systems, their main advantages and disadvantages are given, and which one to choose - to solve only you

Basic differences of operating systems iOS and Android

  • The IOS operating system is the brainchild of the Great and Mighty Steve Jobs, the founder of the famous world of Apple brand. Initially, it was designed exclusively for iPhone smartphones, but over time it was optimized and under another company products.
  • The main difference of the operating system is the closed code. This means that users cannot change and modify the system to their own way, but this has a positive effect on the stability of the system.
  • Android operating system was developed by the famous company Google and was created as an alternative to IOS, which until 2009 did not have competitors in the market. Android developers went back and made the main advantage of the operating system open to edit code, so users were able to adjust the system for themselves, create a variety of applications and optimize games with PC for mobile devices

IOS and Android interface

  • In the question of the interface, the Android is definitely defeated. Thanks to the open code, users can download and install a huge number of diverse widgets, launchers and icons, so that it is possible to stylize the interface as you like and even make it identical iOS
  • In IOS, all interface changes are limited. All you can do is change the location of the icons and change the desktop wallpaper

Game and Apps in App Store and Google Play Market

  • In this question, it is difficult to give preference to any operating system. If you believe users, then for iOS there are more games and applications and the first novelties come across the App Store
  • However, Android is not far behind its competitor in this regard, but its main advantage is a large number of free applications, when almost all applications are paid on iOS

Safety iOS and Android

  • As mentioned above, thanks to the closed code, the IOS operating system is not only stable, but also safe. You will not be able to pick up any viruses on your device, because all applications and games in the store are official developments.
  • Android system does not have this level of security, but this problem can solve the installed antiviruses that will check all applications for infection and eliminate it if necessary

Ratio of price and quality iOS and Android

  • In essence, IOS and Android are not different from each other and stand on the Linux kernel. Many IOS supporters prove that this system has the best speed, but they forget that speed more depends on iron than from software. Android is installed on a large number of devices of different manufacturers and some of them are largely superior to IOS by power
  • The price of devices with the Android operating system is significantly lower than on Apple's products. As mentioned above, the operating systems are almost different from each other and Apple does not produce any unique components for their devices, however, the prices of these devices exceed several times the prices of their counterparts. This is connected with the great popularity of the brand and people overpay for the capped apple.

Rosneft complained about a powerful hacker attack on its servers. This company reported in his Twitter. . "A powerful hacker attack has been implemented on the company servers. We hope that this is not related to current judicial procedures, "the message is specified.

"On the fact of Kiberataki, the company appealed to law enforcement agencies," say in the message. The company stressed that the hacker attack could lead to serious consequences, however, "due to the fact that the company has moved to a reserve management system for industrial processes, neither prey, nor oil preparation is stopped." The interlocutor of the newspaper "Vedomosti", close to one of the structures of the company, indicates that all computers in the NPZ "Bashneft", "Bashneft-mining" and the management of Bashneft "have been uniformly rebooted, after which the unidentified software was downloaded and brought out the screen saver of the virus Wannacry. "

On the screen, the users were asked to translate $ 300 in Bitcoins at the specified address, after which the users allegedly have been sent to unlock computers to the e-mail. Virus, judging from the description, encrypted all data on custom computers.

Group-ib, preventing and investigating cybercrime and fraud, identified the virus that struck the oil company, Forbes informed in the company. It is about the virus-encrypter Petya, which attacked not only Rosneft. GROUP-IB specialists. It was found out that about 80 companies in Russia and Ukraine were attacked: Networks "Bashneft", Rosneft, Ukrainian companies "Zaporozhelenergo", "Dneproenergo" and the Dnieper Electric Power System, Mondelēz International, "Oschadbank", Mars, "New Mail", Nivea, Tesa and others. Kiev metro also underwent a hacker attack. Government computers of Ukraine, Auchan shops, Ukrainian operators (Kyivstar, Lifecell, Ukrtelecom), Privatbank are attacked. Borispol Airport, presumably, also underwent a hacker attack.

The virus is distributed or as Wannacry, or through the newsletter - employees of companies opened malicious investments in email letters. As a result, the victim's computer was blocked and the MFT (NTFS file table) was firmly encrypted, the representative of the group-ib explains. At the same time, the name of the encrypter program is not specified on the lock screen, which complicates the response process to the situation. It is also worth noting that Petya uses a resistant encryption algorithm and there is no ability to create a decryption tool. Encipher requires $ 300 in Bitcoins. The victims began to translate money on the wallet of intruders.

GROUP-IB specialists found that the recently modified version of the PETYA encrypter - "PetrWrap" used the Cobalt group to conceal the traces of the target attack on financial institutions. Cobalt's criminal group is known for successfully attacked banks around the world - Russia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Belarus, Poland, Estonia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Taiwan and Malaysia. This structure specializes in non-contact (logical) attacks on ATMs. In addition to ATM management systems, cybercriminals are trying to access interbank transfers (SWIFT) systems, payment gateways and card processing.

Computers of the oil company Rosneft have undergone a "powerful hacker attack", externally similar to the modification of the sensational Wannacry encrypter virus. The company appealed to law enforcement agencies, there is an investigation.

Rosneft stated that her servers were subjected to a "powerful hacker attack." This company wrote in his Twitter. . Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev told RBC that most of the company servers have reliable protection and assured that the company understands the consequences of a hacker attack on its system.

The materials that have fallen at the disposal of the editorial board make it possible to argue that Rosneft computers struck the virus-encrypter similar to Petya. The source in law enforcement agencies told RBC that networks under control of Rosneft "Bashneft" were the same attack.

Sources of "Vedomosti" add that all computers in the UPZ "Bashneft", "Bashneft-mining" and the management of "Bashneft" "unisputably rebooted, after which the unidentified software was downloaded and the Petya virus screensaver was displayed. The publication notes that a message appears on the screen with a proposal to translate $ 300 in Bitcoins at the specified address, after which users will be sent to E-mail to unlock computers. It is also emphasized that the virus encrypted all data on custom computers.

Currently, the Arbitration Court of Bashkiria completed the meeting, which was considering Rosneft and the "Bashneft" to the Sistema and System-Invest System on the recovery of 170.6 billion rubles, which, according to the oil company, "Bashneft "Suffered in the form of losses as a result of reorganization in 2014. Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev noted in Twitter, which very much hopes that this attack is not connected with the company's lawsuits.

UPD: Malicious Program (new Ransom option: Win32 / Petya by Microsoft Distribution) started distribution on June 27 in Europe. The first incidents were registered in Ukraine, where a total of 12.5 thousand computers were infected. In total, companies in 64 countries, including Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Russia, USA and many others suffered from the new encrypter.

The new Petya encryption is equipped with a network worm features that allow it to quickly spread over the network. At the same time, it uses an exploit for a long time closed vulnerability in the SMB CVE-2017-0144 protocol (known as EternalBlue), which was also exploited by a virus-encrypter. Additionally, Petya uses the second for the CVE-2017-0145 vulnerability (known as EternalRomance), also closed Microsoft in the same ballot).

On June 27, Rosneft announced a hacker attack on its servers. At the same time, information about the similar attack on the computers "Bashneft", Ukrenergo, Kyivenergo and a number of other companies and enterprises appeared.

The virus blocks computers and extorts money from users, it looks like.

A source close to one of the structures of the company notes that all computers in the UPZ "Bashneft", "Bashneft-mining" and the control of "Bashneft" have been uniformly rebooted, after which the unidentified software was downloaded and brought off the Wannacry virus screensaver. " On the screen, the users were asked to transfer $ 300 in Bitcoins at the specified address, after which the users will be sent to unlock computers to the e-mail. Virus, judging from the description, encrypted all data on custom computers.


"The National Bank of Ukraine warned banks and other participants in the financial sector on the external hacker attack by an unknown virus into several Ukrainian banks, as well as on some enterprises of the commercial and public sectors, which is happening today.

As a result of such cyber, these banks are difficulties with customer service and banking operations. "

National Bank of Ukraine

Computer systems of the Metropolitan Energy Company "Kyivenergo" were undergoing a hacker attack, Interfax-Ukraine in the company.

"We have undergone a hacker attack. Two hours ago were forced to turn off all computers, we expect permission to include from the security service," said Kyivenergo.

In turn, in NEC "Ukrenergo", Interfax-Ukraine agency reported that the company also faced problems in the work of computer systems, but they are not critical.

"There were some problems with the work of the computers. But in general, everything is stably and controlled. The conclusions on the incident can be made according to the results of an internal investigation," the company noted.


The network "Ukrenergo" and DTEK, the largest energy companies in Ukraine, were infected with a new form of a virus-encryption officer resembling Wannacry. This TJ told the source inside one of the companies directly faced with a virus attack.

According to the source, during the day June 27, his computer rebooted at work, after which the system allegedly started checking the hard disk. After that, he saw that a similar thing happening on all computers in the office: "I realized that the attack goes, cut off my computer, and when I turned on, there was a red inscription about Bitcoin and money."

Computers in the network of logistics solutions DAMCO are also amazed. Both in European and Russian divisions. The coverage of infection is very wide. It is known that in Tyumen, for example, everything is also boiled.

But back to the topic of Ukraine: almost all computers of Zaporozhelenergo, Dneproenergo and the Dnieper Electric Power System are also blocked by a viral attack.

We specify - this is not Wannacry, but similar in his behavior of malfunction.

Rosneft Ryazan NPZ - disabled the network. Also attack. In addition to Rosneft / Bashneft, other major companies were attacked. Reports about problems in Mondelēz International, Oschadbank, Mars, New Mail, Nivea, Tesa and others.

The virus is defined - this is Petya.a. Petya.a eats hard drives. It encrypts the main file table (MFT) and extorts money for decoding.

Kiev metro also underwent a hacker attack. Government computers of Ukraine, Auchan shops, Ukrainian operators (Kyivstar, Lifecell, Ukrtelecom), Privatbank are attacked. There are reports of a similar attack on Kharkovgas. According to the system administrator, Windows 7 was installed on the machines with the latest updates. Pavel Valeryievich Rosenko, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, was also attacked. Borispol Airport, presumably, also underwent a hacker attack.

Telegram Channel "SibibersEkuriti and Co.

June 27, 16:27 At least 80 Russian and Ukrainian companies were injured from Petya.a virus, Valery Baulin, a representative of Group IB, which specializes in early detection of cyber threats.
"According to our data, as a result of the attack using a Petya.a encrypper virus, more than 80 companies in Russia and Ukraine suffered," he said. Baulin stressed that the attack is not related to Wannacry.

To stop the spread of the virus, it is necessary to immediately close the TCP ports 1024-1035, 135 and 445, stressed in Group-IB<...>

"There were Bashneft, Rosneft, Ukrainian companies" Zaporozhelenergo "," Dneprönergo "and the Dnieper Power system," Rosneft ", Ukrainian companies" Zaporozhelenergo "," Mondelēz International, Oschadbank, Mars, New Mail, Nivea, Mars, New Mail, Nivea, Tesa, and others are also blocked by Mondelēz International. The Kiev metro also underwent a hacker attack. Government computers of Ukraine, Auchan shops, Ukrainian operators (Kyivstar, Lifecell, Ukrtelecom), Privat Bank. Boryspil Airport, presumably, also underwent a hacker attack, "says GROUP-IB.

GROUP-IB specialists also found that the newly encrypter Petya was used to conceal the traces of the target attack on financial institutions.



Wannacry's extortion virus came to shift the same encrypter, but with a less intricate name -
. In the afternoon of June 27, Petya attacked about 80 organizations in Ukraine and in Russia. Later reports about hacker attacks came from Europe and India. According to preliminary data, computer networks in the Netherlands, France and Spain were infected with a similar virus-extortioner.

In Ukraine, a government network was amazed, in Russia - Rosneft, Mars, Nivea and others. In the Kremlin stated that their virus did not affect. Meanwhile, Kiev was responsible for the attack on Russian special services, calling the element of the hybrid war.

According to GROUP-IB, the Petya.a virus blocks computers and does not allow to run the operating system. For renewing the work and decoding of files, it requires a redemption of $ 300 in Bitcoins. A large-scale attack on oil, telecommunication and financial companies in Russia and in Ukraine was recorded in the region of 14:00 in Moscow, the TASS reports.

According to the Kaspersky Lab, encrypter uses fake Microsoft's counterfeit electronic signature. An electronic signature technology code is used to show the users that the program is developed by a trusted author and guarantees that it does not harm. In the Kaspersky Lab, it is believed that the virus was created on June 18, 2017.

To stop the spread of the virus in Group-IB, it is recommended to immediately close the TCP ports 1024-1035, 135 and 445.

Petya virus spread throughout the world

The experts have already reported that the new Virus-extortionist Petya spread beyond the CIS and struck computer networks around the world.

"Petya virus with contact address [Email Protected] distributed all over the world, the huge number of countries are affected, "wrote on his page in Twitter. Head of the International Research Team "Kaspersky Lab" Kostin Rayy.

He clarified that Petya uses the fake digital signature of Microsoft. According to Rayy, hackers-extortioners have already received at least seven payments as a repurchase for returning access to computers attacked by the virus.

Reuters agency reporters report that the Hacker Attack has spread to Europe countries. Virus extortioner penetrated, in particular, in computer networks of Great Britain and Norway. In addition, traces of Petya were found in India.

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Pavel Rosenko announced on his page on Facebook that the government's secretariat has ceased to work in the Secretariat for an unspecified reason. "Ta-lad! If anything, we also have a network" lay down ", hike! Such a picture shows all computers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine," he wrote.

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has already warned banks and other participants in the financial sector on an external hacker attack by an unknown virus. The NBU also noted that due to cyberatas in the financial sector of Ukraine, security measures and countering hacker attacks were strengthened in the press release of the regulator.

In Ukrtelecom, stated that the company continues to provide Internet access and telephony services, and computer systems accompanying a call center and subscriber service centers do not work.

At the airport, Borispol, in turn, warned that "in connection with the external situation, delays of flights are possible." Currently, the official website of the airport passengers is not available online flight schedule.

In the Kiev metro stated that as a result of the attack, the payment card payment function was blocked. "Sub-contact metro cards work in normal mode," said in the metropolitan subway.

In Ukrenergo, they reported that the company already conduct an investigation into the fact of Kiberataki.

In addition, the hacker attack led to the disconnection of the computer system for monitoring radiation background at the Chernobyl NPP. Computers running Windows had to temporarily disable, the radiation monitoring of the industrial site was translated into manual mode.

Currently, the Center for Monitoring and Response to Computer Attacks In the credit and financial sector of the Bank of Russia, together with credit institutions, it works to eliminate the consequences of the identified computer attacks, stressed in the Central Bank.

Hacker attack, presumably, and all the computers of the corporate server of Moscow restaurants of the Tanuki - Ers network restaurants are also subjected to TASS.

The press service of the Rosenergoatom reported that all NPPs of Russia work in normal mode. The absence of traces of hacker attacks were also confirmed in Inter RAO, Enel Russia, Rossetia and the "System EEC" operator. In "Rossetia" added that appropriate measures were already taken to prevent possible hacker attacks.

Petya virus

The virus-extortionist, which blocks access to data and requires $ 300 in bitcoins for unlocking, is known in various modifications since 2016.

Malicious program applies to spam-letter. In particular, the first versions of Petya were masked under the summary. When the user opened an infected letter, a Windows program that required administrator rights appeared on the screen.

If the inattentive user agreed to provide the program with the relevant rights, the virus rewritten the bootable hard disk area and showed a "blue death screen", which suggests to restart the computer.

Before Petya was Wannacry

The previous large-scale attack on the organization around the world, whose weapon was the Wannacry virus, occurred on May 12. The virus encryption is massively disabled computers and demanded a redemption for decrypting user files. It was reported that Russia more than other countries suffered from Wannacry. Kiberataka, in particular, touched upon MegaFon, MIA, Sberbank, Ministry of Health. The attempt to infection was reported to Russian Railways and the Central Bank, where they stressed that the attack was unsuccessful.

Experts of the American company Flashpoint came to the conclusion that the creators of the wannasry virus can be commemorated from South China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore. In the group-ib hackers from the DPRK, which, besides, tried to give themselves for Russian.