Collective reception of terrestrial television. Satellite television for homes and hotels, collective TV. Types of single-cable systems

VIP TV offers construction (installation and connection) in the house of a collective network of satellite reception "Tricolor TV".

Using a cable, the Tricolor TV satellite signal is delivered from a satellite dish installed on the entrance or the entire house to the decoding equipment (satellite receiver), which is installed in the subscriber’s apartment.

The collective satellite reception network will provide subscribers with a wide range of services:

  • more than 100 TV channels, both in standard quality and in high definition (HD) format
  • additional services and satellite TV services

Advantages of a collective satellite reception network:

  1. Possibility of delivering local TV channels simultaneously with satellite ones in one cable.
  2. The ability to provide residents with television services centrally.
  3. Ease of expanding TV points - without major installation work, extra cables and equipment.
  4. Preserving the integrity of the facade of the house - the absence of satellite antennas on the walls of houses.
  5. Watching TV channels directly from satellite, without the services of an intermediary - a cable operator.
  6. Ideal reception quality and a large selection of TV channels offered to subscribers.

There are several ways to distribute satellite signals in apartment buildings.

Option #1. Network using splitters

Collective satellite systems built using splitters (dividers) are suitable for low-rise buildings.


  • the system is very simple and cheap (out of the three options offered)
  • it is possible to modernize the existing terrestrial television network

Flaws :

  • You can receive signals from only one satellite and in one polarization
  • additional services will not be available to the subscriber

Option #2. Network using multiswitches

The basis of collective satellite networks is made up of matrix antenna switches - multiswitches. The systems are more expensive than those using splitters, but have maximum capabilities and are most convenient to use. Suitable for multi-storey buildings.


  • you can collectively receive signals from several satellites and terrestrial television
  • the subscriber can receive any television and radio channels from all antennas connected to the system
  • setting up and using the receiver occurs in exactly the same way as if the subscriber were using his own individual antenna.

Flaws :

  • The system uses “multi-cable” trunk wiring, this makes installation somewhat more complicated, especially in old buildings
  • the number of receivers at the subscriber must be equal to the number of cables installed in the apartment

Option #3. Network using SAT headends

Using a signal distribution network using a headend, we will ensure reliable reception of all programs with the ability to connect the required number of TVs. This system is the most expensive (of the three proposed options), and here's why.

Unlike the systems discussed above, where the antenna outputs are fed to a common amplifier and adjustment is possible only within one of the ranges, installing a headend allows each channel to be independently adjusted. This option allows you to maximize the channels and level the signal level without losing quality. This option is also best suited in cases where signal reception at the antenna is at the limit of what is possible. If you value high quality and can afford it, then this system is for you!

This system can be used in multi-apartment buildings and is ideal for residential complexes with a single distribution network.

Improving systems satellite TV allows you to make it not only more accessible, but also more convenient. The only negative is that management companies impose their cable operators on residents of apartment buildings. Which, as a rule, do not shine with signal quality and variety of channels, but they charge about 2,500 rubles. per year from an apartment (with a Tricolor subscription fee of 900 rubles per year). This is why multi-storey buildings are literally strewn with television dishes, which significantly spoils the appearance of the building, not to mention the fact that each resident pays for the installation of their own satellite happiness.

Allows you to get rid of problems system collective satellite television , which can be implemented according to a multiswitch scheme. To implement the system, an antenna post is installed on the building, consisting of terrestrial and satellite antennas, and, through the use of satellite dishes larger diameter, TV signal quality in a collective system will be significantly higher than in an individual one. Residents of those apartments whose window locations do not allow the installation of individual satellite dishes have the opportunity to have modern high-quality television. Thanks to the use of collective satellite TV, firstly, the appearance of the building facade is preserved, which is very important, and secondly, problems that arise due to the work of closely located satellite dishes. Besides, collective satellite television costs consumers less than the cost of installation and configuration large quantity satellite dishes for individuals.

Subscribers throughout the house share one satellite dish. This is especially true in modern apartment buildings. Their external walls are usually covered with a ventilated façade, often made of glass or porcelain stoneware. Install a satellite dish on the wall directly next to the subscriber’s apartment is very difficult. Sometimes architects simply prohibit the installation of individual satellite dishes on the facade of the building. And space on the roof is limited. In addition, at least one cable must go down into the apartment from each individual antenna. In a typical “sixteen-story building” there are 48 apartments in one entrance - if every tenant wants install satellite TV, there will be up to 48 cables in the access riser! In a collective system, the cable from the subscriber socket reaches only the floor low-current panel, and the number of cables in the riser does not depend on the number of subscribers. For example, for collective reception of paid television satellite channels " NTV Plus" And " Tricolor“Only 2 riser cables are enough (plus a third cable for terrestrial TV). Because a collective system uses only one satellite dish, it is possible to use an antenna of excess size and higher quality than is typically used for individual systems. As a result, in the collective system satellite television there will be more reliable and high-quality reception. If reception is carried out from several satellites, it is necessary install several antennas. In a collective system, subscribers throughout the house use one common satellite antenna, so in a collective system it is easier to organize the reception of signals from many satellites than in several separate individual systems. Satellite television signals, like regular (terrestrial) television, arrive at the subscriber outlet via one cable. To connect to satellite television, the resident does not need to lay an additional cable - the satellite receiver is connected to the same outlet as the TV. This circumstance significantly simplifies the installation of collective satellite systems in old buildings: only the cable system located in the entrance and technical areas is rebuilt. floor, apartment wiring is old Subscribers save on purchase individual antenna: enough buy a satellite TV tuner and connect it to any subscriber outlet in the apartment. Resident who moved to house with shared satellite system, can use his old satellite receiver without having to reinstall the satellite dish. Agree that this is a very compelling argument for connect satellite TV.

Modernization of collective satellite system(for example, adding a new satellite) automatically covers subscribers throughout the house.

Well, and perhaps the most important thing. Due to the fact that our government, day and night, thinking about us and the income of selected groups of the population, is going to introduce the DVB-2 digital format throughout the country. You will still be robbed individually for watching channels (except for a handful of federal ones), plus you will pay what you are paying now to the management company. Why feed those who are already well fed?

This proposal is designed for HOAs and provides installation at home two satellite dishes for different satellites and digital terrestrial television, and then each resident can choose what is preferable for him. Let's say one satellite antenna is tuned to Tricolor TV and NTV+ and the other to CONTINENT TV with a Telecard, or it makes sense to install Active TV, which is also a rather interesting project of interactive television from a satellite with the ability to record TV shows in your absence and quite humane prices for equipment. There is a Federal package with 19 free channels. Plus existing broadcast or future digital terrestrial TV DVB T2 which in terms of image quality is the same as satellite television without a monthly fee. Cable management and its installation in this option will cost residents more than the standard option, but this is a completely obvious option. The downside is that HOAs are usually pocket companies from local boyars from the administration who charge for the existing terrestrial antenna and don’t bother at all and don’t even think about it in the slightest that there might be something better.

If we calculate at the moment, we pay for cable 210 rubles per month for the year, respectively 2520. The cost of installing a satellite cable network at the entrance to one apartment will range from 2-4 thousand, depending on the number of satellites selected and the necessary equipment. Service fee 70-100 rubles per month. There is no service fee for the first year (warranty).

The cost of an annual subscription for one receiver.

Terrestrial digital television 10-20 channels free

Tricolor TV HD 900 rubles per year

Telecard 600-880 rubles per year

Active TV 0-600-1000 rubles per year (now deceased operator)

For those who have their own satellite receivers, simply connect them to an outlet.

For those who don't have them, we can offer satellite equipment at discounted prices.

Cost of the receiver when connecting to our network

Any digital DVB-T2 receiver or modern TV

Tricolor HD receiver GS8307 RUR 7,100

Active TV receiver IVR 1121S 4200 rub.

Telecard receiver X80 3000 rub.

Year of service and subscription cost per one satellite receiver

Tricolor TV HD 840 (service)+900 (subscriber)=1740 rub. with 172 digital channels

Telecard 840+600=1240 or 840+880=1920 rub.

Of course, if there are 10 TVs in an apartment, then it is undoubtedly cheaper to watch them for 2520 per year with on-air interference, which is much more unpleasant to watch on LCD TVs than on CRT TVs, but it seems that CRT TVs died like mammoths in their time. And taking into account the fact that residents will soon pay for all repairs in the house at their own expense and in full. Having a bunch of satellite dishes on the roof increases the cost and likelihood of needing roof repairs. It’s one thing to have three satellite dishes installed by specialists, and another thing to have a bunch of them whipped up on your own. And considering that digital terrestrial television is slowly appearing, it would not be superfluous to install a good digital decimeter antenna with an amplifier in order to watch the available twenty terrestrial digital channels no monthly fee. Having purchased digital set-top box or a modern TV in which reception of terrestrial digital channels has already been implemented.

Collective television reception systems (CTRS) are an opportunity to receive a high-quality television signal in every house or apartment connected to the system.

SKPT stations are equipped with the required number of modules, which allows you to receive not only terrestrial channels of the MV and UHF range, but also a full set of NTV-PLUS channels and any other satellites or satellite channels at the request of the customer.

For quality collective reception channel subscribers terrestrial television In most cases, it is optimal to use direct amplified channel headends. The direct amplification head-end station is designed to amplify and equalize terrestrial television radio signals in the range 47-862 MHz.

A system for collective reception of terrestrial television using a direct amplification headend. When building a new home distribution network, the possibility of collective reception of channels is of great interest satellite television. This service frees subscribers from the cost of installing individual satellite dishes (but not from purchasing receivers and access cards to closed channels), as well as from servicing antenna systems. The construction of a system for collective reception of satellite television makes it possible not to clutter the façade of a building, which is often of architectural and historical value, with an abundance of different-sized satellite dishes.

The simplest and most common is the transmission scheme of NTV Plus encrypted digital packages in the SAT range (950-2150 MHz) in the distribution network. To watch NTV Plus channels, the subscriber needs a satellite digital receiver and an access card.

In this scheme, in addition to equipment for receiving over-the-air channels, offset satellite dish with a special converter, a modulator used to separate radio signals of different polarizations in the frequency range, a SAT range amplifier, as well as a special cable and couplers operating in the range 47-2100 MHz.

To receive television channels from several satellites, a system built on multiswitches is often used. This scheme allows you to receive, for example, program packages from NTV Plus, Hot Bird, Astra satellites. The selection of one or another channel for receiving programs occurs using a control signal from the subscriber receiver.

For a multi-apartment residential building, a system using a head-end station for receiving digital satellite television channels is more cost-effective. At the headend, in addition to equipment for receiving and amplifying terrestrial television channels, equipment is installed for receiving digital program packages from different satellites and combining them in the SAT range.

The addition of direct amplification headends with modern digital receivers allows satellite channels to be placed on the airwaves for viewing on a regular TV without the need for subscribers to use additional devices.

The following equipment is usually used for connection:

  • Satellite antenna.
  • Antenna is ethereal.
  • MMDS antenna.
  • Satellite converter.
  • Ether converter.
  • Headend base unit.
  • QPSK digital satellite TV module.
  • Splitter, tap, F-connectors for cable.

There are other options for collective television reception systems. The choice of a particular system is individual in each specific case and depends on a number of factors, such as the wishes and capabilities of subscribers, the total number of subscribers, the number of subscribers on the landing, the number of risers, the presence of an existing network and its condition, etc.

You can get acquainted with our services for collective television reception systems.

Methods and means of transmitting a television signal

For the first time, a moving image was transmitted over a distance on July 26, 1928 in Tashkent by inventors Grabovsky and Belyansky. Although the resulting images were crude and unclear, it was the Tashkent experience that can be considered the birth of modern television. The first television receiver in history on which this experiment was carried out was called a “telephoto”.

Although in a single family dwelling the use of a "one apartment - one cable" solution is obvious, in a multi-family dwelling there may be a technical and economic problem. The solution is a simple access cable. Holes called “windows” can be cut into the cable sheath through which any number of individual fibers can be extracted. This is possible thanks to the special design of the screen, fibers and special tools and accessories described in this library.

Terrestrial television

Satellite TV

Cable television

Collective television reception system (CCRT)

Purpose of SKPT
The collective television reception system (CTRS) is designed to receive terrestrial, satellite, and cable television programs and broadcast them over the building’s cable distribution network. (SCPT) provides the opportunity for each subscriber to view television programs broadcast from ground-based transmission centers, from artificial earth satellites (AES) and cable operators.

Schematic representation of the remaining fiber stock. The sum of the distances to the counter and the reserve wrapped by it must be greater than or equal to the distance from the bus to the PO box in the apartment. Installation of the cable itself is simple and should not be a problem for any installer. Cable storage should consist of at least two reels. This is done to prevent the fibers from slipping inside the shell. This is very important because the cable is often not used until further work has been done to bring the fibers into homes.

According to GOST 52023-2003 cable television system: A system that includes technical means and cable communication lines, providing communication services (television, radio broadcasting, other telecommunication messages).

It is designed for bidirectional or unidirectional transmission of radio signals of television, radio broadcasting, and other telecommunication signals between the source and the receiver. Standard transmission frequencies for television channels in home networks based on coaxial cables: 47-862 MHz, they form the uplink. Frequencies below 47 MHz are used for control functions - content selection, message transmission, etc., they form a downstream channel.

The fastening must not destroy the fibers, a minimum bending radius must be maintained, and adequate fiber reserves must be taken into account for the top floor branches. It should also be noted that the fiber can be pulled out when the cable is not wrapped around the stand or straightened. Otherwise, trying to pull out the fiber with resistance, we risk damaging it.

Bringing fibers into apartments. At some stage the fiber must be welded. So there are two possible ways. In the apartment, the cables end in a suitable socket or container. . Both windows and bare fibers must be protected from possible damage. The cable shield must be equipped with a protective casing and the fiber must be enclosed within a sheath. The cover can be directed under or over the plaster. If we decide to run fiber optics into walls, rethink their path. Later detection of any fiber detectors will not be possible and accurate documentation will be helpful.

Cable television systems consist of three main parts:

  • TV signal source. In this case, we do not mean the primary source (TV studio), but a secondary one, for example, an antenna or cable television input;
  • Head station- a device that converts the incoming signal into a signal transmitted through the distribution network;
  • Distribution network- a signal transmission network from the headend to receiving devices, classically built on the basis of a coaxial cable; more modern systems use an IP network infrastructure, including wireless wifi channels.

Its advantages include:

If the fiber feed points are more than 30 m away, the best solution is to prepare ready-made pigtails that can be welded to the fibers on the cable itself. Then, in the immediate vicinity of the cable, a box should be installed in which you can leave a supply of fiber, a welding site and go out into the apartment. Pre-made braids can usually be ordered in a shell, allowing them to be delivered directly to your home without the need for additional coating.

When performing a new installation or updating an old one, it is useful to use some of the example diagrams below. These settings are a guide for those who, depending on the location and power of the transmitter, must select appropriate antennas and antenna preamplifiers.

  • Low cost per connection point - the same service received individually will cost much more;
  • High quality signal reception - for a properly designed network;
  • Affordable service - also due to the number of connection points;
  • Preservation of the appearance of the building; installation of a large number of individual antennas is not required;
  • No additional cables running from antennas to receivers;
  • Possibility of quick modernization of the system as a whole.

Scheme for apartment buildings

Because cable television systems (CATV) are collective systems with a large number of subscribers; they are most widely used in the construction of apartment buildings. Signals from a source, which can be cable channels, terrestrial or satellite antennas, are connected to the head station, which consists of a base unit (chassis) and a set of functional modules. As a rule, the function of the headend is limited to simple amplification of incoming channels. The received signal through the distribution network is distributed along the main access channels, and on each floor it is branched to the required number of subscribers, while its quality does not deteriorate due to the use of amplifiers.

The article also mentions articles that explain the subject matter of the exams. The first part presents installations for single-family houses, and the second for an apartment building. Basic installation diagram for a single family home, which allows reception of terrestrial and satellite channels. The installation allows you to receive any terrestrial program in each antenna socket and one satellite program in all sockets. The satellite program can be changed from anywhere in the house where the extension cord is installed. Antennas and crossover mounted on the roof, amplifier, combiner and manifold in the attic.

To create a system for collective reception of digital television, a slightly more complex scheme is used. Now the functions of the headend are not limited to just amplification. Satellite signals are demodulated, while pay channels and encrypted programs are decoded and transmitted to the general network. Because cable operator has the ability to create its own digital packages, they are often re-encoded, but with the cable operator’s own encoding system, which gives it the ability to control subscriber access to programs and collect fees for viewing. The digital streams are then sent to the distribution network.

The tuner may be installed in the living room, it is necessary to predict the supply of an additional cable from the tuner to the meter in the attic. Here is an example of a scheme for building several families. The installation allows you to receive any terrestrial program in each antenna socket and when the subscriber connects to a satellite receiver, as well as satellite programs from the satellite that have been selected by the building administrator.

The biggest advantage of this setup is its flexibility. An antenna installation is a type of electrical system that is designed to provide radio and television reception at home. Antenna installation must be functional and aesthetic. The functionality will give you the ability to expand your installation as needed without having to rebuild it or connect new and latest electronic devices. Aesthetics is associated with the design of the system so that its elements do not spoil the balcony and facades of the building.

Depending on the headend model, it can generate a signal into a standard analog coaxial network, a digital coaxial network, or a digital IP network. Or in several types of networks simultaneously.

Currently, PON technology, which uses passive optical networks (Passive Optical Network) for signal transmission, is becoming widespread.

If we also consider high quality materials, we will get a reliable installation system. Installing an antenna makes it easy to take advantage of technological advances. In addition to terrestrial television broadcasters, satellite reception and cable television are also widely used. The building is inside the building, and its external extension is the antenna. The antenna installation consists of:

Design and installation of antenna installation

To improve the signal quality from the antenna, antenna amplifiers are used to connect installation components. Single-family homes will test 75 ohm cables to ensure good signal performance, even if they are run under drywall to remove and combine signals from different terrestrial antennas into a format suitable for further transmission by a single satellite cable cable for individual isolation. The modulator corresponds to their signal for TV reception.

  • Antennas are used to receive terrestrial signals at different wavelengths.
  • Antennas can be radio or TV.
  • The television antennas also include satellite reception.
When planning your electrical installation, it is best to think about the progress of the remaining home wiring, including the antenna.

The PON network is based on the use of just one transceiver device, from which information is sent to and received from subscriber devices. The number of subscriber devices depends on the power and maximum speed of the transceiver device. The operating scheme is based on the fact that a passive optical network with a tree structure is created between the central node and consumer nodes. Network nodes contain optical splitters that do not require power or maintenance. Direct operator-subscriber data transfer is organized.

Antenna installation is only required for apartment buildings. In other options, the project is voluntary. Always follow the rule that the antenna setting should be adjusted to the optimal signal level. First of all, you must plan the location and method of mounting the antenna and the location of the antenna sockets. The wiring system may have different waveforms.

Network through a star network - cables extend from one point to all rooms. This is a universal layout adapted to modern mesh network requirements. Signal parameters are determined by suppliers, and their quality cannot deviate from the norm.

The “trick” of PON technology is that through one channel, the subscriber receives three streams of digital data - telephony, Internet and television. At the same time, the network operator has the opportunity to get three different subscribers in the person of one, but at the same time he has the opportunity to reduce the total cost of services.

Cable television can be connected via cable, provided that such a system is installed throughout the entire residential building. It provides access to local cable channels. It is necessary to connect any company providing residential services with cable. Access to more than 15 main channels is only possible with a TV decoder.

You must declare at least 12 months of use or pay an additional insurance premium. Prepaid fees are required for the entire year and a binding contract is required. This system includes local television channels. Installing a satellite dish is complex and needs to be configured properly. In addition, for certain locations and buildings, it is prohibited to install any additional equipment on the roof or balcony. The installation allows you to connect only one outlet throughout the entire territory.

Scheme with head station and distribution over coaxial cable

Traditionally, cable television systems are collective reception systems with a large number of subscribers; their scale can be from an apartment building in a block; they were built by cable operators based on coaxial cable to provide cable TV services to the population. Previously installed systems still continue to operate at many facilities, although operators are gradually replacing them with more modern ones.

More glasses require additional decoders, additional wiring, or a limited wireless system. TV reception is carried out using an antenna located outside. Channel availability is similar to that of a basic cable package.

Many residential buildings are not allowed to install an external antenna. The basic installation allows only one receiver per room. Additional receivers are available for a fee. The price is 70% of the base amount. Every serial receiver requires an antenna cable. Subscription payments are made monthly. Payment for the access card is made every six months. You may purchase additional programs or packages.

The cable television system (SCTV, CATV) consists of three parts: signal sources, headend, distribution network. With this operating scheme, the “backbone” wiring is performed with one cable, and instead of expensive and complex matrix switches, compact and cheap dividers are used, so the system is inexpensive and easy to install.

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Payment is made in advance, divided into two parts, with deadlines of March 1 and September 1. What is the risk of not paying for the subscription? Failure to make timely collections is subject to interest and enforcement. Can your TV subscription be included in your rental?

Signal distribution schemes over IP networks. IPTV

This is the most modern technology used to create a system for collective television reception.

In IPTV systems, television programs are delivered to subscribers over computer networks using Internet Protocol (IP). Broadcasting is localized in the cable network of one operator - as a rule, this is an Ethernet or ADSL network. This network uses various mechanisms to guarantee the quality of video delivery. To watch programs, a TV is used, which is connected to a computer network through a special set-top box.

Hybrid systems

A hybrid network is a network consisting of copper and fiber backbone cables. The central headend is connected by fiber-optic communication lines to several local headends, which, through their own optical nodes, serve local optical-coaxial networks, each of which covers from tens to several thousand subscribers.

The principle of building such networks is based on the fact that the broadest and longest highways are built on fiber-optic cables, and networks in homes are built on coaxial cables or twisted pair.

Basic topologies for building hybrid networks:

  • FTTC. Fiber To Carb (fiber to a group of houses);
  • FTTB. Fiber To Buildin (optics to a building, structure);
  • FTTH. Fiber To Home (fiber to a house or apartment (PON)).

The name of the technologies reflects the balance between the optical and copper components of the hybrid network. In FTTC networks, coaxial cable technologies make up the largest portion and optical cable technologies constitute the smallest. FTTH networks, on the contrary, contain a minimum of coaxial technologies in their structure or do not contain them at all. It is this technology (better known as PON) that most fully meets modern requirements, because allows you to transmit the largest flows of information to the subscriber through the physical medium.

Development of cable television systems

The development of SCTV systems includes standard stages:

  • Determining the needs and key requirements of the customer;
  • Inspection of the facility to determine the location of equipment;
  • Development and coordination of technical specifications with the customer;
  • Development and approval of basic design solutions;
  • Expertise;
  • Development of the “Working documentation” stage;
  • Development of estimate documentation;

After this, the systems are implemented.

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Improvements in satellite TV systems have made it not only more accessible, but also more convenient. So, before, multi-storey buildings were literally strewn with television dishes. In the case of hotels, the situation was even more complicated; they had to either buy a plate per room, or be content with only partial satellite coverage.

Allows you to get rid of problems collective television system, whichcan be implementedboth according to the classical scheme (with a head station) and according to the multiswitch scheme. To implement the system n and an antenna post is installed in the building, consisting of terrestrial and satellite antennas, and due to the use of satellite antennas of larger diameter, the quality of the television signal in the collective system will be much higher than in the individual one. Residents of those apartments whose window locations do not allow the installation of individual satellite dishes have the opportunity to have modern high-quality television. Thanks to the use of collective TV, firstly, the appearance of the building's facade is preserved, which is very important for Moscow, and secondly, problems that arise due to the operation of closely spaced satellite dishes are eliminated. Besides, collective satellite television costs consumers less than the cost of installing and configuring a large number of antennas for individuals. Also collective television system can be combined with a video surveillance system, i.e. the signal from video cameras on the facade of the building, entrance or staircase is supplied to the system equipment, and images from video cameras can be viewed on the TV screen.

Hotels, using collective systems, were able to provide satellite television to each room. Excellent sound, excellent picture quality and a wide selection of programs. Satellite television for hotels is really convenient, especially for those who for some reason are forced to live in a hotel.

Usage systems collective television forresidential, administrative, industrial buildings, hotels, schools, hospitals, etc. allows you to significantly reduce the costs of installing, repairing and maintaining antennas. In addition, it frees up building facades and makes them more attractive.

From the owners cottage houses located more than 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, difficulties arise in the quality reception of Ostankino channels when installing over-the-air antennas. Therefore, we offer for cottage villages the installation of centralized collective television systems. To do this, an antenna post consisting of satellite and terrestrial antennas is installed in one place next to a small building (for example, a security post) in which the cable station is mounted. Next, the main cable from the station is laid overhead or underground from house to house. This system has a number of advantages over individual systems:

1. Digital image quality without subscription fees
2. The number of connected TVs is unlimited
3. Possibility to increase the number of channels to choose from due to satellite reception
4. The ability to integrate images from CCTV cameras into cable channels with subsequent broadcast over the cable network, which makes it possible to meet guests or restrict access without looking up from the TV.
5. The appearance of the village will improve.
6. Together with the collective television system, it is possible to install a fire and security alarm system, with an alarm signal output to the village security post.

Special offer based on a headend converting the DVB-T2 digital format to analogueAM format.

Headend with DVB-T2 to AM conversion for 10 channels + 1 additional channel with installation and configuration turnkey for 143,500 rubles.

The headend allows you to broadcast 11 analogue TV channels in excellent quality. If it is necessary to organize the broadcast of a larger number of channels, then 2 or 3 headend stations are installed for 22 or 33 channels, respectively. All TV models support the analog format, so no set-top boxes are required near the TVs. The proposal will be of interest, first of all, to organizations where there is a fleet of analogue televisions, and the quality of the terrestrial television image leaves much to be desired. Using the headend, you can achieve ideal image quality. The GS output signal level does not exceed 85 dBµV, therefore, to distribute the signal in large television networks, it is necessary to install a main amplifier. The head station is designed to work in networks with any number of subscribers.

Special offer of a collective satellite system
television based on a class A headend.

Head equipment with installation, configuration and programming for RUB 210,000. The kit includes:

Transmodulator of 4 satellite packages (up to 8 SD channels in each package, or up to 4 HD channels in each package),
- wideband TV signal amplifier,
-power unit,
- frame for installation in a cabinet,
-panel for attaching the module to the frame.

This equipment allows you to organize TV broadcasting of up to 32 satellite channels in your television distribution network (satellite channels are chosen by the customer). The transmodulator allows you to convert received open satellite channels from the DVB-S/S2 satellite format to the digital cable format-DVB-C. All modern TVs are equipped with DVB-C receivers, so there will be no problems with processing such a signal.
As a result, we get excellent quality digital television without additional satellite equipment at the point of receiving the TV signal. This offer is especially relevant for small and medium-sized hotels, apartment buildings and business centers.

Proposal for a shared satellite system
television on multiswitches.

Satellite television system on multiswitches for 72 subscribers (approximate number of apartments in a single-entrance 17-storey building) with the ability to receive 2 satellite television operators - Tricolor TV and NTV+ for 192,000 rubles.

The system consists of an antenna post, a matrix signal distribution system and a cable distribution network. The antenna post includes two satellite antennas with a diameter of 0.9 m, which are installed on the roof of the building. To distribute the signal to subscribers, 8 pass-through and 1 end multiswitches are used. The cable distribution network includes SAT reduction cables that are installed in existing low-current risers.

Multiswitch- an electronic device that provides connection and independent switching of a large number (up to 1000) subscribers to one or more (up to 4) satellite antennas.

The proposed system allows you to bring the signal from 3 satellite television broadcasting operators to each subscriber via one existing cable. Broadcasting of existing terrestrial television will remain unchanged for each subscriber. To connect the apartment to the network, there is no need to lay additional cables into the apartment. The subscriber can only choose one, two or all three operators he likes and connect to them. The number of broadcast operators and/or the number of subscribers can be increased at the request of the customer.
What is this system for?

The system allows you to get rid of a huge number of randomly located individual satellite antennas on the facade of the building;
- residents whose apartment windows are located on the north side of the house have the opportunity to connect to satellite television;
- the use of large-diameter satellite antennas allows you to receive and distribute the highest quality signal, even under adverse weather conditions.

This system can be implemented not only in residential apartment buildings, but also in hotels, office buildings, business and shopping centers, etc.

Proposal for a collective terrestrial television system
based on direct amplification headend.

Direct amplification head station and antenna post with installation and configuration

turnkey for 79,000 rubles. The system consists of:

Direct amplification head station (without channel conversion) AMZ-201 (manufactured by Telemak, Russia).
- antenna post

A schematic diagram of the system with all connections (including the power supply) is shown in the figure.

The GS head station ensures the formation, processing and delivery of signals and programs from the broadcast network of the Moscow region of the Ostankino TVC to the cable network. Functionally, the GS AMZ-201 is a set of channel selective amplifiers with automatic gain control (AGC) - AMZ-501. Technical characteristics of channel amplifiers are presented in the table:

Thus, the GS carries out channel filtering, amplification, summation and distribution of terrestrial television programs in the network.
The antenna post is an antenna-mast structure 6 m high.
The mast has 3 receiving antennas with increased gain. Each antenna is designed to receive signals from its own frequency range, i.e. MVI,II; MVIII and UHF range.
Functionally, the GS allows the construction of distribution networks for up to 1000 subscribers on its base.
This offer is intended primarily for construction organizations, but may also be relevant to other interested parties (rest homes, hotels, hostels, etc.).

A special offer of a system based on a programmable head-end station with the ability to process satellite and terrestrial signals.

Programmable direct amplification SAT-TV headend with installation and programming for RUB 47,000.

Possibility of mixing terrestrial and satellite television;

10 UHF filters with variable bandwidth;

Automatic memorization of settings;

Low noise factor and nonlinear distortion;

Automatic gain control (AGC);


Cloning internal configuration and blocking equipment;

Possibility of filtering LTE signal from base stations of cellular operators.

The figure shows an example of the installation of a headend station in a 3-story cottage:

The programmable HS allows you to process an on-air television signal from 3 bands and a satellite television signal in the 1st polarization. The processed signal is transmitted through the distribution network via one cable. Based on p With a programmable GS, it is possible to build a distribution network of up to 200 subscribers. This offer is especially relevant for owners of cottages and country houses.