Installation of file protection from copying from a flash drive. Removing protection from recording from a flash drive. Program Methods Unlock Flash Media Standard Windows

Those who actively use flash drives in the process of their work, probably not once thought about the issue, how to protect the device and stored on it. Protect from viruses that can penetrate the drive if you have to connect it to foreign computers. Protect, perhaps from intentional actions of colleagues at work, thirsting to destroy stored information. Protect from children. You can protect at least from viruses and children's pranks using a mechanical switch to protect against recording if the flash drive provides. If there is no such switch, you can resort to the program analogues of such a mechanism. And if necessary, even strengthen the safety of stored information. About this, actually, and we will speak further.

How to protect a flash drive from viruses and erasing information

Ratool program

Protect removable drives - flash drives, SD cards, optical disks - from recording unnecessary information and removal, on the contrary, the small portable Ratool portable program can be required. It can be free download on the developers website:

Two main features Program:

Prohibition of data recording on the media and blocking the deletion of existing data;

Full blocking of the carrier.

Run Ratool. To prohibit the recording on the USB flash drive and delete data from it, in the Program window, select the "Allow read only" item. Click the "Apply Changes" button.

We will see the notification in which it is said that to apply the changes made, the flash drive needs to be reconnected. Click "OK".

We take out the USB port flash drive and insert again. Now, when you try to copy files to a USB flash drive in Windows Explorer, this process will hang on 0% and will not move further.

And when you delete files from flash drive, the operation will be simply ignored. But the Total Commander who wants to work unauthorized with our flash drive will tell about what is happening. When copying files within the file manager, we will see a message that, they say, there is no access.

And when trying to delete TOTAL COMMANDER data, it will ask for removal of recording from recording.

Ratool If necessary, can block the flash drive completely - to make that the computer will not determine it at all. To do this, in the program window, you need to select the last "Block USB drive" and apply changes.

And, as in the previous case, reconnect the USB flash drive.

To return everything back - make a flash drive defined by a computer or allow data record - in the Ratool window, select the first item "Allow reading and writing ...", apply changes and reconnect media.

From the intelligent third-party persons who can reveal the secret of the protection of the flash drive from recording, the Ratool Arsenal has the ability to access the program subject to the password input.

A simple and convenient mechanism of work Ratool, alas, is not devoid of flaws. The media blocking is performed by means of this program concerns only the current computer device. On another PC, on another laptop, the flash drive will not be protected from recording. On any new device will have to run Ratool and carry out the operation to ban the recording of the data regarding exactly this device. Fortunately, weighs the program very little, so it can be placed on the USB flash drive and always carry. Ratool is a Windows program, runs from the EXE file, therefore, it will not help in cases of connecting a flash drive to computers based on other operating systems.

Windows Local Group Policy Editor

Ratool, in fact, is a simplified mechanism for blocking removable media, which can be carried out on its personal or working computer by means of Windows itself - using the Group Policy Editor. The latter cannot be used in the Windows Home edition, but in the Pro edition of the Pro with its help you can block flash drives, SD cards, optical discs and other drives both for all and for individual computer accounts. How to work with the editor in principle and in terms of creating restrictions only for individual users is considered in detail. Its p. 3 describes how to disable data recording on removable media.

Even the first way, not to mention the second, is good when the flash drive is used in a limited circle of Windows computers. If the circle of computers is wide, more relevant other actions will be. It is possible, for example, in a separate way to secure the flash drive from the possibility of the penetration of malware. Well, the question with blocking the possibility of deleting data by third-party persons is desirable to replace the question of accessing access to the drive in principle.

Protection of flash drives from viruses

Protect a flash drive from viruses will help the recording mechanism on it special hidden files with zero size. They have names and expansion of autorun files, which is usually masked by malware, are not deleted, not overwritten. They are just stored on a flash drive, not taking place. If the virus tries to overwrite them, he will not be able to do it. Create such files - Flacks can, for example, a free portable Flash Defender utility, you can download on our cloud storage by reference:

Run the utility. In the left side of the window checkbox mark the USB flash drive. On the right click the "Select All" button, then "Delete".

If there was hidden files with names from the Flash Defender list before this flash drive, they must be removed so that the utility can create their own files. Next, on the right side of the window, click the "Select All" button and click "Create".

All - now you can not be afraid to connect a flash drive to the computer of each oncoming transverse. At a minimum of the classic scenarios of the spread of malicious software, such protection will work.

Encryption flash drive

Windows has its own regular disk encryption mechanism and removable media, but since we need a universal way to access the flash drive data, it is impossible to consider it in this context. BitLocker is not available in the Windows Home Editor, the dominance of which can be observed on many OEM inhabitants. A universal protection method can offer a TrueCrypt cross-platform program. It encrypts the carrier, passages access to it. It can be operated with Windows (including a portable version), Mac and Linux. We considered in detail this program in articles about "" and.

One of the most reliable funds, storage of personal information is a flash carrier. For many, such a device becomes the first assistant in the work, with its help you can easily transfer the necessary information just in your pocket. If we are talking about the security of the storage of various programs and files, then not rarely use special software (software). It is intended to protect the media from copying, removing or moving materials, as well as from reading, without the introduction of a special code.

But even if you did not use similar programs, and when the transfer command is launched, an error has highlighted: "Disk is protected from recording", you should not panic, set the reason and use the methods offered. Removing the protection from the flash drive is absolutely not a component of special work task, and the main thing is solved and saving the purchase of a new one.

The reasons

Blocking flash drive can be provoked for many reasons. The most frequent listed here:
  • Invalid Windows settings, for example, software prohibition - installed in the operating system;
  • Carrier malfunction, often poorly produced "flash drives" - Chinese fakes of world leaders;
  • Physical switch in an incorrect position;
  • The carrier is infected with a virus;
  • Malfunction USB port ports;
  • Lack of driver responsible for proper device recognition;
  • Incorrect use. For example, you can not extract the media until the process is completed: recording, jump, renaming, moving or reading;
This is not all the reasons that cause the result of the recovery of the media from the entry. But if you still faced a similar error, it does not mean that you need to change the flash drive.

Proven methods for removing protection from the drive

On the Internet, the mass of recommendations for deliverance from such a problem, both hardware and software, and the most important thing - the author write such posts: that its method is "the most-most".

We provide to your attention "Top 7 effective ways" how to remove protection from writing from a flash drive, all of them were checked and confirmed by a large number of users.

Hardware method using the Windows command line
First you need to start the string, we make it simultaneously pressing the keyboard key on the keyboard: Windows + R. The "Run" window opens and enter the command " cmd."And click the OK button;

System Response Reaction - Opening Command Line;

You need to enter " Diskpart.»;

and press ENTER. New window will open - the disk management program;

To continue, enter " lIST DISK.", Confirm the action by pressing the ENTER button;

The window that opens will appear the list on which you want to determine the number of the required media, focusing on the amount of memory, in our case it is a 5-flash drive on 8GB. Select a disc using the command: Select Disk) (, where -) (, this is the disk number, in our case 5;

After you wrote: "The disk) is selected (", enter the following command, which will remove the block from all protected files, when opening the read-only error. Command: aTTRIBUTES DISK CLEAR READONLY (can be copied);

When "disk attributes are successfully cleaned," you can finish working with the program by entering the "EXIT" command.

Closing the utility, check the media for performance. Unsured in the action of the method, you can use the device further, without excess costs.

Scanning for viruses
One of the most relevant ways to solve the problem under consideration is also the scanning of the media for infection with viruses. To do this, you will need to go to "My Computer" and click the name of the name, for example, "Disk Z" by the operating system to the device.

After that, choose from the menu item "Check for viruses". After a few minutes, the scan response window will be displayed on the screen. This method can be applied to any antivirus software installed on your PC.

The flash drive can be protected from recording unauthorized installation of viral support. A clearly demonstrated method will help in solving this problem, as well as protect your computer from the automatic installation of unnecessary gadgets.

Hardware button on the media. Mechanical protection
On some models of portable USB drives there are built-in protection, which turns on / off using the installed button. Be sure to pay attention to this, the button should specify the "open lock" to allow recording and moving.

Often, utilities created for formatting are used to eliminate this error. Remember, all files from the media will be completely removed when using this method.

Application of Windows Group Policy
It is possible to limit the rights of local group policies, the elimination of such infringement needs to be carried out by following the algorithm:
Simultaneously click Windows + R and enter the command gpedit.msc., pressed ok;

In the window that looms, we sequentially go to tabs:

  1. Computer configuration;
  2. Administrative templates;
  3. System;
  4. Access to removable storage devices.

Pressing twice - the Options window opens;

We put the mark on "disable" → "Apply" → and confirm by pressing "OK".

After performing such a simple process, you can easily remove the interference in the infringement of the rights of using the media and continue to work.

Programs to eliminate the error

If the above methods of hardware elimination did not give the desired result, it is worth trying with software.

For expensive, software discs are intended for expensive information, for less valuable drives there are also a lot of programs, for example:

JetFlash Recovery Tool. - Free free access program, designed for carriers of A-Data and Transcend. Its main functionality includes eliminating write and read errors, as well as unlocking. By downloading the utility from the resource of its creator, run using the file with the same name, format.exe. After waiting for the installation, click the jfrecoverytool.exe label. When the working window opens - insert a USB flash drive and click "Start". After the process is completed - check the error drive.

APACER REPAIR - The utility is created individually for carriers of the proper production of Apacer Technology Inc, also applicable for third-party drives. The functionality is able to eliminate the problems with the record. The program is being downloaded is recommended from the official resource, where it is posted and is available for free for download. After completing the download process and connecting a USB drive - run the utility. First of all, it will make formatting to which will be a warning. By clicking "Format", a successfully completed process will allow you to forget about the recently exciting problem.

Knowing the name of the brand of its carrier, you will not be difficult to choose the required program, there are weights on the Internet of the Internet. It is to solve such problems that producers create them and post on Internet resources, it is worth noting, they are all free access.

It is not always possible to determine the true cause of the fault and remove the protection against recording. But taking advantage of the following ways, as a result, you will accurately understand what to do next: safely use a good device or still buying a new one will become an inevitable event.

We do not guarantee the safety of information!

USB USB flash drive and convenient invention. Inserted a flash drive, copied the document in a few moments and removed into his pocket. Quickly and information climbs a lot. But what if you need to prohibit the use of flash drives on the computer to avoid theft of documents from the disk? How to make it so that it is impossible to copy files with confidential information from a computer disk to an external medium? How to protect information from copying? To protect important information from copying, use the USB management program with USB MANAGER. The utility blocks access to USB ports and to the ports connected to the port and other USB information storage devices, as well as printers, scanners and multimedia devices to play sound.

Usb Management Computer Ports

To prohibit use on a USB port for flash drives, to block the connection of printers, scanners, or USB audio devices, in the main program window, it is enough to click on the icon next to the image of the device type. If the device is disabled by the USB Manager program, then when it is connected to the port nothing happens, the operating system simply will not see and define the device, respectively, and access to it will be impossible. For example, when you connect a flash drive when blocking the USB drives program, the disk is simply not appeared in the Windows Removable Wire Explorer. In order for the user to be able to change the USB Manager settings, you can set a password to control the USB ports of the computer. And so that the user does not guess how blocking access to ports, the program can run as a hidden process.

USB Manager Screenshots

Official site:
OS: 32.64 Windows XP / VISTA / 7/8
Supported languages: Russian and many other
Version: 2.0
License:freeware. (free)

File size 1.4 MB

More interesting programs:

  • Smartlubard is the first Russian program that allows you to optimize the management processes of the Lombard Business
  • UndeletemyFiles Pro Free program to restore remote files

Previous programs.

USB drives are small, portable and universal storage devices. Flash drives are very convenient for data transmission between computers. However, due to its portability and compactness, USB carriers can be easily lost. Consequently, you need to take care of reliable protection data on the flash drive.

Unfortunately, you cannot simply set the password for the entire drive, as in the case of a smartphone or computer. To enhance your files, you need to use encryption. If you do not want to separately buy a secure flash memory device with hardware encryption, you can use free programs to get a similar security level.

In this article, we led some simple ways to protect files and folders on a USB flash drive.

If you need to protect only individual important documents, and in the encryption of entire folders you do not need, you can simply restrict ourselves to the installation of password protection for individual files.

Many programs, including Word and Excel, allow you to save files with password.

For example, when the required document is open in the Microsoft Word text editor, you can go to the menu File\u003e Information, Select item Document protection and option Encrypt with password.

It remains only to set a secure password and confirm its installation. Do not forget to save the document and be sure to remember or write down the password.

Download the VERACRYPT portable version and unpack it on a USB disk. When the application is started, a list of available disc letters will appear. Select a letter and click Create volume

To create a virtual encrypted disk inside the file, select the option Create an Encrypted File Container And click "Next".

In the next step, you can choose Tom Type: Normal or Hidden. The use of hidden volume reduces the risk that someone will make you reveal the password. In our example, create a normal volume. Next, select Placing an encrypted volume - a removable USB disk.

Complete encryption and specify the volume size (should not exceed the USB disk size). Then select the encryption and hash algorithm, you can use the default settings. Then install your volume password. In the next step, your random movements of the mouse will determine the cryptographic force of encryption.

After the encryption is completed, connecting a USB media to any computer each time, you can start the veracrypt locked on it and mount the encrypted file container to access the data.

Veracrypt supports encryption entire sections and data storage devices.

Download VERACRYPT and install the program on the PC. When the application is started, a list of available disc letters will appear. Select a letter and click Create volume. The VERACRYPT volume creation wizard will be launched.

To encrypt the entire USB drive, select the option Enchant non-system section / disk And click "Next".

In the next step, you can choose Tom Type: Normal or Hidden. The use of hidden volume reduces the risk that someone will make you reveal the password.

On the next wizard screen, select the device, i.e. Our removable USB disk, and then click "OK" and "Next".

In our example, create a normal volume. On the next wizard screen, select the device, i.e. Our removable USB disk, and then click "OK" and "Next".

To encrypt the entire USB drive, select Encrypt the section on the spot And click "Next". Veracrypt will warn you that you must have a backup of the data - if something goes wrong during encryption, you can restore access to your files. Then select the encryption and hash algorithm, you can use the default settings. Then install your volume password. In the next step, your random movements of the mouse will determine the cryptographic force of encryption.

Then select the cleaning mode. The more rewriting cycles, the more reliable cleaning. On the final step, select ChiffraceTo launch the encryption process.

After completing encryption, connecting a USB media each time, you will need to mount it using VeraCrypt to access data.

Many modern archivers, including free 7-zip, support AES-256 encryption and password protection.

Set 7-zip, then right-click on a file or folder on your USB drive and select 7-zip\u003e Add to archive. In the Add to Archive window, select the archive format and set the password. Click "OK" to start the archiving and encryption process.

When a USB flash drive or memory card is protected from recording, you can only view and copy files from the media. Write the data or remove them from the disk, how to format it, it will not work.

You can correct this error by turning off the record lock in one of the following ways.

On the SD cards and some USB drives, there may be a switch that activates physical recording protection. Even knowing about his destination, users sometimes forget about this detail, because of what difficulties are experiencing.

If there is such a switch on your flash drive, disconnect it from the system and slide the lever so that it is not in the Lock position. After that, repeat the entry.

If there is not enough space on the flash drive to copy files, the system usually reports this direct text. But sometimes instead of a standard message, the computer writes that the flash drive is protected from recording.

Just in case, look at the free amount of the drive and, if it is not enough to write new data or just too little, delete unnecessary files from the flash drive. After that, try to write the necessary information on it.

Errors associated with recording protection may be the result of malicious programs. Check the drive - and better and the entire computer is using. Perhaps it will solve the problem with a flash drive.

If the defense has enabled as a result of a software failure or change Windows settings, the registry editor can help you. To open it, press Win + R, enter in the Regedit field and click OK.

Using the sidebar, go to the directory: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ STORAGEDEVICEPOLICIES. When you see the WriteProtect parameter, open it with a double mouse and make sure that its value is zero. If necessary, change it and click OK.

If the StorageDevicePolicies directory is missing in the system, create it yourself: right-click on the Control section, select "Create" → "Section" and name it StorageDevicePolicies.

If there is no WriteProtect parameter, you can add it. Right-click on the StorageDevicePolicies section and select "Create" → "DWORD parameter (32 bits)" and name it WriteProtect. Then open it and make sure that the parameter value is zero.

5. Disable recording from recording on the command prompt (Windows)

Protection can also be deactivated using the command line. To open it, type in the search by the CMD system, click on the Right-click item found and select "Startup from the administrator."

  1. In the window that appears, enter the DiskPart command and press ENTER.
  2. Then enter List Disk and again - ENTER.
  3. When the disk table opens, determine the size of which of them is your flash drive, and remember its number.
  4. Enter the Sele Disk command [Your flash drive number] (Specifies the number without square brackets) and press ENTER.
  5. Then Attributes Disk Clear Readonly and again - ENTER.

After that, the recording from recording should be removed and the flash drive will earn as it should be.

The MAC write protection message may be caused by a software collection on a flash drive. In this case, it is worth checking the drive using the "disk utility". Open it in the Finder → "Programs" → "Utilities".

On the sidebar, select a problem flash drive. Then click in the top menu "First Aid" and click "Run". If the system finds errors on the drive, it will try to restore it.

If none of the listed actions helps, try using built-in tools or third-party utilities. It will erase all the contents with it, but you can pre-copy important data from the drive to the computer.

If you fail to format the disk, you may have to use special utilities from manufacturers.