PAYZA Log in to your personal account. Payza Wallet. Reception and Request PAYZA

Payza payment system. Simple registration in Payza. Or how to register at Payza for 5-10 minutes, not knowing English. Hello ladies and gentlemen, ready for registration in in 5 minutes, not understanding English? Well, while you are sitting on a disadvantage, I will say a few words about where he came from payza payment systemand why i wrote registration in Payza. - AlertPay.

No, it's not an eye, but rather a small historical reference. The fact is that PS Payza is the successor of the well-known balance system AlertPay. The basis of which was laid by the domain in 2004, registration AlertPay as PS took place in 2005. By 2012, the AlertPay electronic payment system covered 190 countries of the world and became a reliable partner for many inhabitants of the planet.

But the world is changing, and in May 2012, millions of users received a merger alertpay message with the British UK-Based Mh Pillars company, as a result of which AlertPay has become registration of What changed? - you ask. It is fundamentally nothing, the functionality expanded a little, and so this is all the same good-quality AlertPay represented by the new brand - Payza payment system.

Step-by-step registration in Payza for 5-10 minutes in Russian.

Here we actually approached the frightening many procedures - to registering in Payza COM, for registration is offered only in two languages: English or Français and the third is not given. But you do not despair, especially for you PAYZA Registration in Russian, simplified as much as possible, for each step there is a corresponding picture, which shows what and where to write, with tips in Russian. As a result, we get 100% registered in from the first time, not even knowing English.

It's important to know! For registration in PAYZA you need clean, not illuminated, reliable email (mail). In the Payza payment system, it will be your USD account, for example - in order to send money to your account in Payza, I will need to specify your mail - **** [Email Protected]****. I recommend to stop your choice on reliable mail from Google - registration Gmail. . With a little-known mailer, you may refuse to register in Payza.

It's important to know! Registration in Payza insists on a deliberate choice, and your first step to registration in the system is a choice of account: Starter, Pro or Business. The name of the accounts seems to speak for itself, but I still voice the main distinguishing features.

Register Starter Account - Basic account account, recommended for novice users for familiarization, for serious work. Payza Wallek In principle, it is not suitable, as it has a number of significant restrictions.

The turnover of funds should not exceed $ 400 per month, the Starter account life cycle is limited to $ 2000, after which you will be asked to register Pro or Business. In addition, it is allowed to register only two email addresses - two currencies, payments to the credit card are not accepted.

Register Pro Account - Professional or Personal Professional Account, the proud name itself speaks many. No limits on the turnover of funds, to send and receive funds, you can use both Payza wallet, and a credit card. For mutual settlements, 22 currencies are used, currency exchange inside Payza payment system, online trade, payments, cards are accepted in 190 countries around the world. With the sender of the funds, the Commission is not charged, 2.5% + 0.25 USD is held from the recipient - consider when conclusted the transaction.

Register Business Account - So to speak the account for carefree and successful business. Includes all the delights of Personal Pro, complemented by business tools. Increased PAYZA account protection, data encryption, sale and payment of services, managing multiple business directions from one account, monitoring of means of moving, instant notifications, salary accrual for employees, etc. In general, you are a businessman - register Payza Business, here you are prestige, and status, and extended opportunities.

We assume that important information is learned, and you know which PAYZA wallet account you need. So, we can safely register in Payza, it does not hold back. To do this, click the banner of the payment system (just below) or here on this link - registration in Payza.

We move to the official PAYZA website, and to start registration, we should press one of the proposed blue buttons - " SIGN-UP NOW " or " Get Your Account. " In both cases, you will be taken to the account selection page, the optimal Personal Pro Account is chosen on silence. You have enough to press the button " SELECT » – registration in Payza in Russian Began.

First step.
Enter personal data, an example of filling is shown in the picture. Fill out forms with Latin letters (English), Cyrillic (Russian) will not pass - registration in Payza will comprehend Fiasco. If you do not know how to write a name, city, take advantage of the street translator Google . In the Home Phone field, you can enter a mobile number (without gaps and the country code).

The second step.
We open a notebook - notepad, write the letter and numbers in the passage - we get a complex password to enter Payza account. The same macar of the figures invent the PIN code, it serves to confirm payment, operations with the score. Next, select the issue of security, write to the notebook, so as not to forget, the answer should not comply with the issue - so reliable.

Third step.
Fill out forms, guided by the prompts in the picture, click Final Step - registration in Payza is almost completed.

We are transferred to the page with a request to go to your email account. You were sent a letter with reference, when you click on which the Payza account is activated. What also indicates that there are no errors, and you are the owner of Email, for example - **** [Email Protected]****.

Now you can congratulate yourself - registration in Payza in Russian is completed. Press the "Login" button, enter email and password, here it is our payment system in all its glory, we use on health. If the article was useful for you, do not forget to click "I like". Good luck!

Best $ Wishes

Attention. On March 20, 2018, the US Immigration and Customs Police accused Payza in laundering more than $ 250 million of criminal money related to various types of illegal activities, starting with financial pyramids and ending with children's pornography. One of the creators of Payza Phalov's brothers Ferhan was arrested, and the other, Patel firology, was wanted. The website of the payment system on the was closed, now the plug from the US Department of Justice is hanging. The service moved to the domain of According to users, despite assurances in official offices in social networks on the work on the restoration of the performance of the payment system, all requests and appeals remain unanswered, and transactions are not performed.

Registration in this payment system is free and open to citizens of all countries (except Nigeria, Angola, Liberia and Sierra Leone). The system is distinguished by relatively low commissions, which are charged with recipients payments.

Advantages of the system:

  1. The system is international, that is, the inhabitants of almost all countries are open to the use;
  2. Convenient for receiving payments on sites;
  3. Profitable affiliate program;
  4. Many ways to enter / output money.

Registration in the system

The number of your account in Payza is an e-mail that you will enter when registering, so it is necessary to approach the selection of a mailbox for registration; Try to use for such purposes not public e-mail.

Having a bill in Payza, you can send money even a person who has not yet has an account there: you just go to your account and make a translation by specifying an e-mail address: he will be able to receive a payment sent to him by registering in the system on that e-mail who came money.

1. Personal Starter Account (initial personal account). This is the optimal option for beginners, and indeed for most users of the system. This is the only type of account released from commissions during translations inside the system. The personal account can be "binding" a maximum of 2 email addresses.
Restrictions of this type of account: account replenishment limit ($ 400 per month, 2000 $ per year); The inability to use the tools for receiving payments on its website.

2. Personal Pro Account (Advanced personal account). With this type of account you will no longer have restrictions on account replenishment and the number of E-mail addresses that you can associate with your account. Commission's size from the payee of payment having this type of account is 2.5% + 0.25 $ per transaction. Personal Pro accounts are available payments with a plastic card. In addition, users who have Premium Account are available to the entire set of tools for receiving payments on their sites using the PAYZA web interface, as well as the possibility of mass payments.

3. BUSINESS ACCOUNT. (Business account). Business Account has all the advantages available with Premium Account (tools for receiving payments, lack of limit on the number of mailboxes associated with the account). The system's commission here is 2.5% + 0.25 $ per transaction. The number of addresses with which you can associate a PAYZA business account is not limited.

You can choose the most suitable type of account for you - the registration of any of them is free. Attention! A free transition with Personal accounts on Personal Pro is possible in the system, but not on Business Account. If you want to have Business Account, select it immediately upon registration. In case you need you after you become a member of the system, you will have to register a new account (on a new e-mail).

At the final registration stage, you will be prompted to select an auxiliary password to confirm the transaction you are. Write it down, save in a safe place and do not lose! This is an extra, very effective way to protect your account: Even if the attacker gets access to your account, he will not be able to withdraw money from it, not knowing auxiliary password.

Registration in the system

Perhaps the registration of the account in Payza can cause some difficulties from users, with difficulty understanding English, so let's go through all the regime of registration together. This is how it looks (I present with the translation).

Stage 1. Choosing an account type and indication of the country of residence.

Find on the main page of the site "Sign Up Now" or "GET Your Account". We fall on the page with the following form:

We choose the type of account suitable for our needs, celebrate it and press the button SELECT.

Stage 2. Enter personal information

Translation of field names into Russian:

Salutation - Appeal (Mr. - Mr., MRS.- Mrs., etc.)
First Name. - Name
Last Name. - Surname
ADDRESS 1. - address (1st line)
ADDRESS 2. - address (2nd string, if one is not enough)
City. - City
Region - Area, Republic, District, Staff
Country. - Country (system determines your location on your own, and the country has already chosen)
Postal Code. - Postcode
Citizenship. - Citizenship (choose a country whose citizen you are)
Home Phone - Home phone
Occupation. - Occupation
Date of Birth. - Date of Birth

Stage 3. Entering identity data to enter account

Specify your (real!) E-mail - it will be your login when entering the account. Choose a password and enter it in the field * Password: and * RE-ENTER PASSWORD:

PIN-code is an additional safety measure: entering the PIN code you will need to confirm all the actions with cash in the account. Select Pin from 4 to 8 characters long. It should only consist of numbers.

If you forget PIN, you can change it: go to the account to the tab My Profile and follow the link Password / Pin.. Select Transaction Pin. And on the page that opens you can create a new PIN (after correctly answering both secret questions).

Write down your password to enter the account, secret questions and answers to them and PIN hide in a safe place and do not report anyone!

By the way. You can delete your account at any time (link Close Account In the tab My Profile -\u003e Personal). To confirm this action, you will also need to enter PIN.

Let's return to the registration process. After entering PIN, select a secret question and your answer to it (write them down somewhere in yourself - suddenly forget!). You will need you in case of a password.

The list of questions suggested next.

What Is the Name of Your Best Childhood Friend? -Mime your best friend's childhood friend?
What Is the Name of Your First Teacher? - The name of your first teacher?
What Was Your Childhood Nickname? - Your first nickname in school?
What Was Your First Pet "S Name? - The name of your first pet?
What Is the Name of the Street Where You Grew Up? - The name of the street on which you grew up?
What Was Your First Phone Number That You CAN REMEMBER? - The first number of your phone you can remember?
What is the color of the first car you owned? - The color of your first car?

In block Third Party Information (Information about third parties) Specify whether this account will be used by someone else besides you (any organization or person): yes (yes) or no (no).

Next, enter the proposed control set of characters and click the button Final Step., not forgetting to celebrate a check mark at the bottom of the point You acknowledge tat you have read and agreed to payza "s user agreement (You acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the Ulsovs of the PAYZA Custom Agreement). Another action option: Click the button Previous. - If you want to return to the previous page.

Stage 4. E-mail Validation and Account Activation.

At this stage, the system will send you to the e-mail that you pointed out in the previous stage, the link to activate the account.

Methods of replenishing accounts. Ways to output funds.
Commission of the system for money transfers.

Payza's payment system offers a number of ways to enter and output money from the account. Commission of the system is the same for all types of accounts. Below are tariffs for citizens of the Russian Federation:

Methods of replenishment of the account Commission System
Personal Starter Account Personal Pro Account BUSINESS ACCOUNT.
International Bank Translation (Bank Wire) * 20$
Receipt Is free
Money Order. Is free
Commission for making money 0 2.50% + $ 0.25 USD 2.50% + $ 0.25 USD

Available ways of outputting funds and fees for the conclusion depend on the type of currency that you operate. The number of types of currencies with which the system works is constantly growing, their list can be viewed.

In the system, the currency conversion is possible, the Payza Commission for this type of operations is 2.5%. Payza supports quite a lot of currencies, but the Russian ruble is not included in their number.

The table below shows the Commission of the system for the withdrawal of funds in American dollars (USD).

Cash withdrawals from account Commission System
Receipt Is free
Bank transfer (Bank Wire) 15$
Prepaid card alertpay. 1$

Commission for transferring funds from the sender of payment The system does not take. This commission is charged from the recipient, and the owners of Personal Starter Account, as seen from the table, are released from this type of commission (provided that cash receipts do not exceed $ 2000 per month).

Payza (AlertPay) to exchange operations with other payment systems also does not remain constant since the opening. At first, you could freely convert funds to E-Gold and back (while E-Gold was still alive and flourished), then the company banned any exchanges, then resolved again, but only for those items that are approved by the system. On the updated PAYZA website and this feature disappeared.

Thus, if you need an exchange, you can search for Payza (Alertpay) in private on the Internet. At the same time, you must be aware of all the risks of such exchanges and use all possible precautions, since these exchangers are prohibited not only by the Payza system (AlertPay) but also by many other payment systems, such as WebMoney.

Account Security in Payza

Of the advanced security measures, Payza uses perhaps only one: PIN for remittances. PIN should consist of numbers, the minimum length of the PIN code - 4, the maximum - 8. In this case, you can always change the PIN in your account. Entrance to a simplified account - by entering a registration email and password (even without a test of Turing), there is no protection by IP, browser, etc. Thus, in order to steal your account, the potential attacker just can only find out the login and password. Therefore, be very careful, do not tell your password to anyone and keep your computer clean from viruses and Trojans!

Verification of the account in Payza

The company's policy towards verification users is constantly changing. At first, the verification was voluntary, then it became necessary - without it it was impossible to introduce money into the system and withdraw them. At the moment, these operations are again seem to be available to disabled participants, but only having a Personal Starter OR Pro account - if you have Business Account, anonymous work in the system is not allowed for you. The system website also argues that for disqualified participants below the limits of all types of transactions, but it is not possible to find details in the FAQ system or anywhere else on the site.

The verification procedure is free and very simple. You need to upload to the site or send by regular mail your data, namely:

  • Scan document with a photo (passport, driver's license, etc.)
  • Scan of a document confirming your address of accommodation (receipts on payment of utilities, extract from the bank account, etc.).

After you send your documents, you can see the status of your application to verify in the account:

  1. Submitted: Your document is obtained.
  2. Processing: Your document is in the process of consideration.
  3. Approved: The document is accepted and recognized as sufficient to verify the person (in other words, your account is now verified).
  4. DECLINED: The document is not recognized as sufficient to verify (the reason you can see the section Notes. For this document). To verify verification, you need to download or send another document.
  5. Expired: The document sent by you no longer matches your current information in Payza account. This usually happens if you update your account profile. In this case, you need to go through the verification procedure again.

PAYZA Affiliate Program

PAYZA has an affiliate program to attract new participants. After registration, you can find in your account in the Referral Program section your referral link. It looks like, where ID is your personal number. You will receive $ 5 for each referral if you have less than 10; And if you get more, you will pay $ 10 for each. However, do not rush to rejoice: In order to make a participant on your attracted by you, it must meet the following requirements: Account is not lower than Premium; Conduct transactions (input or cash output) with a total of not less than $ 250.

Your comments:

After you can spend the first transaction in your PAYZA wallet. You have the opportunity to make money in the wallet with the help of a bank account, maps, replenish the Payza wallet by Bitcoins and several more special regional options. Your Payza account number is an email with which the account is associated.

Replenishment Wallet Payza.

How to replenish the Payza wallet:

With Payza, you can send money to any person, not even to the system client.

How to make a transfer or sending Payza:

As soon as the system processes the request, the sender and the recipient will receive a confirmation of the transaction to the mail. The translation will affect the Transaction History.

How to pay for purchases from the Payza wallet:

On the site accepting Payza, there is a Payza Checkout Screen. Click on a special payment button ("Buy Now", "Subscribe", "Place an order") and enter the data wallet. Select Payza Balance as a payment method. Confirm the transaction PIN. As soon as payment passes, you will be confirmed with the details of the transaction.

Reception and Request PAYZA

The sender should know the email address, which is enshrined your account to send funds. PAYZA request is carried out through the Request Funds menu item. Enter the mail to which the request will be sent.

Fill out the amount, currency, purchase type and other necessary notes, click Next. The request will affect your personal account.

Welcome to all, dear blog readers about earnings on the Internet site. Today, in line, we have an overview of the payment system - Payza, which is often necessary for the withdrawal of funds from foreign partners, seats earnings and freelance stock exchange. Especially for you, overview of work with a wallet or alertpay (his old name)!

PAYZA electronic payment system in the form of which we know it today appeared in 2012, as a result of the merger of two AlertPay payment systems and one more. The creators of Pause took from both payment all the best and tried to take into account the urgent needs of modern Internet users.

Benefits of Payza payment system

When working with the Payway, you can note a lot of positive moments, here are the main of them:

  1. When transferring funds from one wallet to another commission from users is not charged.
  2. A huge number of output options, including Bitcoin.
  3. A convenient and intuitive interface, as well as the ability to return the funds removed from the account.


The pronounced minus of the payment is complex and because of this, often unfavorable currency exchange with other systems common in the CIS countries, such as: WebMoney, and. The second drawback is the minimum transfer amount that is one dollar, which is not always convenient especially for beginners of their way to earn users.

According to the principles of operation, the PAYZA electronic transfers system is competitors who have already mentioned the payment on our blog: and Payeer. But often to withdraw funds earned abroad, for users of the Runet is not possible and the Piza is almost the only option.

An interesting feature of the system is that despite popularity in the post-Soviet space, the system works exclusively in English. A good solution for users who do not speak English will establish a special extension of auto-translation in the browser.

And so, let's start registration - go to the website of the ward And in the upper left corner of the site, click on the link "Sign Up" (which means - register):

Choose the account type (personal or corporate):

✅️ Restrictions of personal account:

  • there is no possibility to make collective payments;
  • there is no possibility to carry out online payment of goods;
  • the impossibility of payment for client accounts;
  • there are no notifications about transactions.

But this features are not necessary for the simple user, the main thing is that the system does not take the commission for transfers between users between users!

Next, in the pop-up window, select and specify:

  • the country (by default in the system of Russia (Russia));
  • greeting (Salutation): MR (man), MRS (married woman), MS (unmarried woman), DR (respected);
  • surname;
  • email address (e-mail);
  • a password consisting of at least 8 characters is better (save it a separate file);
  • we agree with the rules of the system (put a tick).

All data must be entered exclusively in English!

After that, a notification appears on the letter sent to the specified Mail:

Go to your mailbox and open a message from the ward where you need to confirm the E-Mail address:

Here is the actual registration, now the entire interface of the selected account type is available for use:

Now you can choose a user-friendly language (at the top of the right).

Below is a graph form in the form of a graph, which records all balance changes in the last 10 days:

All operations on the receipt and consumption of funds, you can see the springs page even slight below:

If a new account, then there will be empty!

Using the Payza system

For full-fledged work with a payment payment, you must fill out the profile data. Click "Profile Settings", after which the modal window will appear:

You have to spend a few minutes to answer the questions of the system.

Question 1. The generation.

Question 2. Personal address.

Question 3. Phone number.

Question 4. Here they will be asked to specify the data to protect the account:

  1. We choose the control question and enter the answer to it.
  2. Indicate the date of your birth.
  3. We come up with a PIN code from 4 to 8 digits.

Next, Payza will announce a successful configuration of the profile:

Replenishment and output of funds, as well as translations and requests

There are four types of fundamental finance operations:

1) Transfer of funds from one wallet to another ("Send Funds"):

Go to the transfer of funds and make the following data:

  • email recipient;
  • the currency in which the translation will be carried out;
  • amount;
  • we celebrate who pays the Commission;
  • payment option;
  • purpose of payment;
  • sender Note (if necessary).

After entering data, confirm payment:

2) The second type of financial transactions accomplished on the PAYS - a request for funds from the user (as registered in the system, and not) or in a different way of setting the account.

We specify an e-mail (who exhibit the score) and the requested amount.

✅️ If the dam has no account yet in the system, it will be invited to register.

3) Balance replenishment. The system is available to replenish 21 currency from 190 countries. The commission is charged for replenishment sovereign in the selected currency.

Available replenishment options are listed below:

4) the withdrawal of funds. There are certain inconveniences here, since there is no option output to a bank card.

Affiliate program

The ward pays 5 dollars for each user-attracted to the user, this rule applies only to the first 10 users. Next, the remuneration will be not 5, but 10 dollars.

To enroll the fee to your balance, the user's attracted user should get "Premium" status and make transactions in the amount of $ 250 and more. For the sake of fairness, it should be said that not all users will acquire the "premium" account, but there is still chances to work in such a way!

See our video wist video review:

On this, our Payza payment system review (Alertpay) approached completion, write in the comments about what payment systems you would like to read in the following articles. And before the meeting on the blog pages -!

Registration in Payza's payment system makes it possible to receive and send money online, handle payments on your website, shopping in online stores, buy and sell Bitcoin.

Registration in Payza is not provided in Russian, so I will consider in detail each register of registration with translated screenshots, as well as the workout in the PAYZA personal account.

Registration in Payza.

On the official website you must click on the SIGN UP button.

Next, you must fill out the profile and create a PIN, which will be confirmed by transactions in the system. After filling, click "Save and continue." It will be redirected to the Advanced Security page.

Advanced Security These are three options for the protection of your PAYZA purse: PIN code for transactions, avatar, unique signature. The code should consist of four-eight digits, the choice of signature and avatar is mandatory.

How does an avatar and signature help protect Payza account? Information from the accounts is vigorous by phishing, namely the creation of the PAYZA fake site, when entering the account through which you lose your registration data. Your avatar and signature will welcome when entering only the real site. With avatar, you can "play" - set up its appearance and gender.

How to configure PAYZA safety

Setting up PAYZA Personal Cabinet starts with a bank card connection and account. You can bind to your Payza account account of the Visa and MasterCard card. Cards can be used to replenish the electronic wallet (the output of the funds to these cards is still not available).

Sometimes it is required to check or verify the card before use in the system. PAYZA support will ask for certain documents in electronic form: Extract on the map, photo or scan of the front and rear of the plastic card. Before sending a photo, you must hide numbers on the map, but the signature should be clearly visible. Instructions for verifying a bank card on the "Credit Card Validation" page. Documents for verifying an account, accounts or cards must be clear, in a large resolution, preferably scanned.

Bank account In most cases, PAYZA electronic wallet is needed.

To output funds from Payza, verification is needed. This is done with the help of a passport or driver's license, the address is verified by receipts, which have your name, address and date. The document must be color, not less than 3 MB and in JPG, PNG or PDF format.

  1. Click on your name in the account and select "Verification".
  2. Select Document Validation.
  3. From the list of files, select the type of identity card and download. Click "Next", "Send".

Setting up business account payza

If you are planning to accept payments on your website and make payments, then you should choose a business account. Among the features of this type of account: processing of payments with credit cards, receiving payments with the help of Bitcoin, orders for orders via Payza, payment buttons, billing software has, mass payments, seller protection, etc.

Business account is also free. Difference in an individual account and business at the stage of filling the profile only in five sections with business information about the role of the company's activities. Fill in the industrial sector, enterprise address, customer service details, business category, account security details.

To set up payment, log in to "Account" and select "Payment Preferences".

Change the settings by your preferences:

  • Currency payments
  • Payments from disabilities
  • SEN Money function
  • Payments from abroad
  • Payment by credit card
  • Failed Subscription Payments.

Detailed description of each setup in Payza documentation.
It is necessary to get approval for your site so that the payment buttons function normally. Site approval is as follows: In the Account, select the "Business" tab, then "Websites". Enter the required data, click Next. Your resource status will be "in anticipation of the approval" about three days, after approval, you can immediately add the payment button on the website and accept payments. Details about business verification says