Why the phone does not charge from yusb. Why not charging via USB cable. Why the phone does not charge: what to do. The phone is not charging from charging or USB. The phone shows that charging goes, but it does not charge: what to do how to charge

Recently faced a problem. The phone is charged from the USB with the help of a native cable, which is complete, but does not charge from the same Chinese.

And there is a strange, the phone writes that there is a charging, and nothing is charging in fact, the battery only sits down. Which nonsense.

Googled - such a problem is not alone, and in Runet, and there are a couple of references to such a problem on the Internet, though without solving.

The first thought was that in the original cable there is a tricky laying, which is a pull-up resistor bypassing specifications in order to inform the phone about the "originality" of the cable. Sounded, was not confirmed.

Next, for some reason, I had the idea that the inductance of the cable prevents the inductance, the phone quickly includes charging, measures the voltage drop, surprises its strong drop and refuses to charge. To test this hypothesis opened the cable and planted smoothing capacity closer to the plug. The cable is thick, inspired confidence, but it turned out that this isolation is so thick, the conductors themselves are thin.

Solded, checked - it did not help.

Then he chose on this topic. User Rob Led interesting data:

Sony Ericsson W 810i - - - - BST-36 battery, on the original BST-37 currents almost exactly 2 times more. - 4.4 V - 0.0MA / Tel does not see the charge 4.6 V - 0.0MA / The indicator is already with a zipper, then you see the charge, but on the fact of charge current 0. 4.8 V - 50.5mA / soo spent a long time charging 5.0 V - 107.8MA /. ... 5.2 V - 110.0 Ma / Current almost did not grow 5.4 V - 180 MA 5.6 V - 225 MA 5.8 V - 240 MA 6.0 V - 270 MA 6.2 V - 340 MA 6.4 V - 500 MA 6.6 V - 0.01 MA / TEL It goes into refusal- "charge error! Not a standard charger, immediately stop the charge!"

Easy the voltage at the connector under load - 4.46 V. In this case, Charging 4.96V. Measured the resistance of the wire - 2.2 ohms! The original cable has about 0.3 ohm resistance. Bingo!

The picture is such - the Chinese saved the copper and laid thin conductors into the cable. This does not interfere with the transfer of data and the work of most devices, but when trying to charge through the cable (maximum current from one USB port according to the standard 500 mA), the voltage u \u003d i * r starts to fall on the wire resistance. As a result, 4.46V comes on the phone instead of the laid 5V, from which the electronics behaves so strangely.

I cut the wire and rooted up to 10 cm, carry as an adapter in the backpack. Cropped to 10 cm charging perfectly went.

The phone does not charge from the computer - the causes and ways to solve the problem

One of the main advantages of the smartphone, like any other portable device (tablet, laptop, MP3 player, smart watches) is the ability to keep charging for a long time. However, recharge the device sooner or later.

Not so long ago, manufacturers have provided their products with original connectors, and it was possible to connect them to a socket or PC only by means of a branded charger and cable. Fortunately, today, almost all smartphones are equipped with a universal Micro-USB port (most of the models for Android) or USB Type C (new models on Android and iOS).

Such universalization significantly facilitated the life of the user. The loss or breakdown of charging has ceased to be a significant problem - they are all interchangeable. In addition, it appeared the ability to charge my devices directly from computer ports USB, that is, carry a bulky power supply unit no longer need!

Some manufacturers even stopped laying in the kit - only USB cable and all. But what to do if the smartphone refuses to charge in such a convenient way? We list the possible causes of the problem and ways to solve it.

Why does the phone not charged from the computer via USB port?

Consider first options at which there is no reaction to the connection. That is, there are no messages on the computer and phone screen, and the corresponding sounds do not reproduce from the speakers. There may be several reasons for this.

The phone is charging, but very slowly

So, you excluded all the causes listed above, but your smartphone persistently does not want to charge normally without a charger. That is, everything is in order with connectors and cables, you can normally connect to the computer, and it even sees the smartphone, but the charge level is almost not rising or even decreases. Most likely, you encountered one of two reasons.

In this article, we will analyze the main reasons for the fact that the phone does not charge through the charger, USB or computer, as well as imagine the instructions, how to fix it.

There are several reasons:

  1. Glitch in the operating system of the phone.
  2. Fault charger.
  3. Fault Battery Management Scheme.
  4. Physical damage to charging socket.

Now we will analyze the algorithms of action for each of them.

Glitch in the smartphone operating system

This is the easiest problem in correcting. In fact, in this case, the battery is charging, just does not see this system, that is, the percentage of charge is not added on the screen. This can be caused either by turning off the battery charge indicator in the settings or a glitch in the system. In the case of a glitch, it is enough to restart your smartphone on Android or iOS.

Sometimes the problem can be that the charging indicator is displayed incorrectly and the phone is turned off, although it shows that the battery is 100% charged, or is not charged to the end. This is solved with, or if the calibration did not help immediately, then by flashing and subsequent calibration of the battery.

The phone is not charging from charging or USB

This problem will require you more time to diagnose and money for a solution, but it should not deliver special problems. In this case, the malfunction can be concluded either in the breakdown of the charging power supply itself, or in the cable break. You can check the performance of the charger, you can take a voltmeter and measuring the voltage on the output connector. If there is no voltage, the charging will have to be changed, although in the case of a USB adapter you can first change the cable only. Buy best branded chargers, but if for any reason it is impossible, then it is necessary to carefully compare TTH new charging with TTH old and check its performance immediately upon purchase.

Battery Control Scheme Fault

Modern batteries have their own control and protection scheme and sometimes the problem can melt in it. Usually, problems in it are accompanied by a sudden disconnection of the device without subsequent possibility to enable it. In this case, it remains only to replace the battery.

Physical damage to charging socket

You can't fix this problem on your own, it requires access to the service center, so we will not consider it in detail.


And so we see that this kind of problem in most cases can be solved on their own and without special expenses, with the exception of cases of physical damage to the charging jack or when the battery is unbalanced. In these cases, the problem can be solved only when contacting the service center.

Why the phone does not charge: what to do by Dimkavarlamov Average rating 3.5 / 5 - 2 user ratings

Actually, a similar problem is very rare. As soon as you connect your smartphone / phone to the USB port of the computer or the laptop, it immediately starts to automatically charge. This is, so to speak, the norm. Even if you connect the device to the USB port of the TV, the smartphone will also start charging. Yes, not so fast, as from the network, but will be charged. Nevertheless, some users complain that when the device is connected, it does not even start charging. What is the matter?

If it were about the tablets, it would be much easier to answer the questioned question: this is due to the fact that some tablets models initially do not imply charging from USB. The reason is simple: they spend more energy than they get a computer or laptop from the USB port. This applies to large tablets, with much smaller smartphones there are no such restrictions, and therefore it is necessary to look for the cause.

Restart device

This is the first thing you have to do with such problems. If a smartphone software fails, it is a restart that allows you to cope with it in most cases.

Restart the gadget, connect again to the USB port and see whether the charging started.

Inspection of the cable

It would seem that it can happen to a USB cable? In appearance it is like new ... Yes, most often the USB cable really looks like a new or, at a minimum, is in excellent condition, but it still does not mean that it normally functions. Just just once again to perepay him, for example, the leg of the chair, so that he would stop working.

Check it, by the way, is easy. Connect the USB cable with a telephone to a network charging and see if the device is charging. If yes, it's not exactly the cable.

By the way, even if the cable is working, but you have another, try to use it.

MicroUSB Connector Cleaning Connector

Pay attention to the microusb port on the smartphone itself. Perhaps, dust and contacts need to be cleared in it - the problem is in them.

In a good way, contacts are better to clean the eraser, but they are not trivial to fit into such a small hole, so you can be used with a dental or match with a rut. And be extremely neat - one awkward movement and the microusb port will be disabled. In this case, the phone will not charge in general.

Using other USB ports

Be sure to use the other USB port if there is present. It is possible that energy is not supplied to the current USB port, or there is not enough current, or it has fallen at all.

Current shortage

If there is not enough current, the smartphone from the USB port will not be charged. However, like other devices.

Why is there a shortage of current? Causes can be different: lack of energy in the USB port, which is located on the front panel - the problem is common, you must use the port, which is located on the rear wall of the system unit; low-power chains of motherboard; Component settings, etc.

microUSB port does not work

In this case, we are talking about the microUSB port of the smartphone. If it fails, then the device does not charge in general and the output is only one - to change the item.

What if nothing helps?

To begin with, try to connect your smartphone with another computer or laptop to the USB port. If he does not charge in this case, it is probably in the device itself, but only a specialist can find out the true reason.

If you encountered a situation that the iPhone stopped charging, do not panic. It does not mean that your device broke and need to go for a new one. The reason may be frozen. And in this case, you can easily cope with the problem yourself. At all, you do not have to go to the master and lay out the round sum for repairs.

Sometimes it happens that the iPhone is not charging from the computer. But it happens that it is not possible to charge an iPhone from the network. Today we will speak in detail about the first situation.

What manifestations can this problem be? When the gadget is connected to the PC, the battery indicator usually pops up and a characteristic sound indicates connecting. If the charge does not go - nothing is observed.

Note that the owners of the fourth line are faced with such troubles. The simplest solution to this problem is to restart the smartphone. But it helps if there were problems of system properties. In other cases, approaches will be completely different. Read more about all this.

Charging problems can occur at the owner of a completely any iPhone model. Not a single user is insured. The most common sources of such trouble are listed below:

1 The device was connected to the old PC or laptop. If charging from USB does not go, it can be in the port. For some PC models, it is typical to turn off these elements to save energy. About this, many users do not know. Therefore, try or make the turning on ports, or find a socket and take advantage of it. 2 cord damaged or marriage. Often, charging does not go, because user bought a Chinese fake. For goods from Middle Kingdom, this is common practice. In this case, you will have to upset on the original cord. The same can be recommended for damage to the "native" accessory. In general, the cables for the iPhone are very fragile, so they should be handled with them. 3 Lower loop is faulty. Sometimes the "apple" device declares its owner that the accessory is not supported by them. The problem is, of course, more serious than the previous ones. But here it is not worth breeding a panic. Better as quickly as possible to repair workshop and replace the loop. By time, this operation lasts long. 4 The device has damage. After falling and shots often, the iPhones cease to charge. Here, too, it is also not worth it for a long time and find out the reasons for yourself. And even more so - to dig in the "stuffing". Just run running to the service. Perhaps specialists will be able to restore your device.

What to do if the iPhone is not charging

If your gadget stopped making meals from the original element, do the following:

1 Restart the system. This method seems so simple that users even remember him about him when they face difficulties. This uncomplicated action can be solved not one problem with an iPhone. 2 Thoroughly inspect the cord, charging element, port, outlet. Suppose, checking the charging unit is very simple. A cord is disconnected from it and an attempt is made to work with USB. If all is well, the source of the problem is hidden in the block, because the cord is accurately correct. 3 Clean the charger connector. How to do it, probably knows any more or less experienced owner of a smartphone from Apple. 4 Apply Recovery Mode - Recovery Mode. In terms of efficiency, it is close with the usual reboot, but better eliminates technical problems. Including arising with charging. But do not forget that after recovery in emergency mode, the device settings will return to the original. Therefore, take care of the backup in advance. 5 Eye to the repair shop, if none of the above methods led to a positive result. So your device needs careful inspection and serious intervention. Surely you need to open the case and attentive study of the content. Most likely. Repair will not be cheap. But then your gadget will be saved. By the time of replacing the battery or connector for the charging element will not take more than 30 minutes.

The introduction of the device in the named mode is carried out like this:

  • The user includes iPhone.
  • Press the home-element.
  • Connects the device to a PC or laptop using a USB cord.

The gadget is in the right mode, will testify the corresponding picture on the display. Get out of it even easier - you just need to click on "POWER".

IPhone Battery Charging Rules

And in order for the battery of your device to serve as much as possible, do not neglect the following rules:

1 Do not use and do not recharge the device under critical temperatures. Developers consider the most acceptable range of 16-22 degrees (but not more than 35). The overheating of the housing is very dangerous to go to an irreversible reduction in the battery capacity. 2 Apply only "native" charging to work with a gadget. Or take at least a certified cord. If you do not ignore this recommendation, you will never encounter problems. Who were considered in this article. 3 Do not allow an absolute discharge of an iPhone. It is meant to 0%. The period of life of the lithium-ion element is expressed among the cycles of complete discharge. Under the last term, the situation is understood when the device has spent the entire capacity of the battery. High-quality batteries withstand up to 600-ta cycles. And according to the manufacturer's allegations, the iPhone resource is equal to 500th cycles, and other "apple" gadgets - up to 1000. Each time you connect the device to a socket or to a PC, the battery life is reduced. And "to blame" in this is the depth of discharge. It turns out that the stronger the lithium-ion element is to discharge, the faster it will die. Accordingly, to increase its resource, do not allow complete discharge.

However, the personal experience of many users suggests that, of course, with accuracy, these rules do not undermine anyone. You will not walk everywhere with a thermometer and get it along with an iPhone. It is enough to avoid hitting the hot rays of the sun, not to leave it in the car and do not charge the attached anything.

In addition, it is known that with increasing the charge voltage of the lithium-ion element, only 3-5%, it will lose the container at each cycle 100% faster. To prevent this, in the original block and the device itself, the manufacturer has embedded special purpose controllers, monitoring process conditions. In Chinese fakes such technology, of course, no.


No matter how high-quality and powerful is a mobile product, sometimes any system gives failures. There are various malfunctions or breakdowns. Therefore, the holders of high-tech devices should always be ready to handle the service.

In order not to waste the time and money, if there are problems with charging the iPhone from PC, try first to correct the situation yourself. And if nothing helps - do not forget that 2 years the warranty is valid. Perhaps your problem will be removed for free.

The most standard breakdown in most laptop users is an uncharged battery when the power supply is turned on.

It happens that this trouble happens with the new (acquired) laptop.

There are some options for this.

For example, the system reports a connected battery, but not charging.

Also, the laptop itself may not respond to connecting to the outlet.

Let's analyze the most frequent causes of the occurrence of why charging does not go.

Weak tension

One of the most frequent reasons - you see that in the Windows alerts area there is a message system that the battery is charging, and in brackets - "Connected, not charging".

Message alerts

Check the voltage of the power grid.

Maybe the problem is in the entire apartment or a specific outlet.

Turn to the other and look.

Problem with cord

Under the braid can be broken by the wire.

In this case, you need to check the tester voltage.

If it is not, then attach it to another device or use the power supply unit (and you know what it works exactly).

Often, many have no such features and it is necessary to buy a new adapter.

Overheating battery

With this variant, the system stops charging so as not to damage the laptop battery itself.

If you just turned on it into the outlet and charges it is normal, and after a few minutes it suddenly stopped, then the reason in overheating the battery itself.

No charge with a good power supply

You, returning from the store with a new laptop, found that it does not charge and at the same time a licensed system was pre-installed on him?

In this case, there may be factory marriage, which is unlikely, or incorrect battery initialization (problem with the controller).

We carry out such actions:

  • Turn off the laptop itself
  • Turn off the cord from laptop
  • Pull the removable battery
  • Press the start key while holding it 15-20 seconds
  • We return the battery
  • Connect the battery
  • Turn on the laptop

These actions do not always help, but at least they are safe, easily done and you will save your time if the problem is solved.

There are two more varieties of this method:

1. Only for the case with a removable battery - charging disable, pull out the battery, then press the power key and hold the minute.

After connecting in such a sequence: the battery is the charger.

The laptop must be left off for at least 15 minutes, then turn on.

2. When the laptop is turned on, turn off the charging without removing the battery.

Press the start button while holding to complete shutdown (most computers up to click) another minute.

After the pronounced charging and after 15 minutes, turn on the laptop.

Problem with biosomes

If nothing of the above has worked, then the problem with the power management of the laptop and its charging may be due to the early version of the BIOS.

In this case, the owner of the computer will help reset the BIOS settings. To do this, perform such actions:

  • Turn off the device
  • Take out the battery
  • Turn off the charger from the network
  • Press the start key and hold her minute
  • Connect the laptop to the outlet without battery
  • Turn on and go to bios

Entrance to BIOS for various laptop models

  • Acer. - Such keys as F1, F2 or DEL.
  • ASUS - F2 or DEL keys.
  • Lenovo. - the same keys as in previous cases or F12
  • HP. - You can press the same buttons or ESC.

In other netbook / latch models, the same keys are used as described above during download.

1. Find Point Load Defaults. (It is in the EXIT menu).

In this way, you set the default settings that are optimal for your laptop.

3. Turn off the charging, insert the battery and you can run the computer.

After performing these actions, the system reports the correct charging and battery detection.

Take advantage of the next step if nothing of the above did not help.

Find on the official website of the manufacturer of your brand of computer download, in section "Support" Download and install an updated version of BIOS.

Do not make mistakes with the model of your device!

ACPI drivers and chipset

Eliminate them in the following ways.

The first one can help if yesterday your charging worked, and today I stopped, we follow this algorithm:

Go to the Device Manager (using the menu by right-clicking on the "Start" mouse)

In chapter "Batteries" Find "Microsoft API-Compatible Battery" Or similar by name, look if it is in the device manager.

If it is not there, then it can say both about the malfunction and the absence of contact.

Click on it right mouse button and select item "Delete".

Confirm the deletion by clicking OK button

After that, be sure to restart the laptop through the item

Failure after updating Windows

If the problem with charging occurred after reinstalling or updating the Windows system, then most likely you have no original chipset drivers and powered by the manufacturer.

Moreover, in the device dispatcher itself, the presence of installed drivers without updates for them can be displayed.

In this option, go to the official website of the manufacturer of your device, load and install the driver for your laptop model.

To orient you? Give below their names:

  • ATKACPI (for ASUS)
  • Separate Drivers ACPI

There are still other system drivers. As well as software (Power Manage or for Lenovo and HP - Energy Management laptops).

Power Supply

If the battery is connected in this case, it seems to be charged, but not really, it is necessary to overpow all the problems described above the problem of troubleshooting.

Did not help?

Then most likely the reason for this problem lies in power supply faults.

Look, whether the indicator is on the block itself (if any).

When the device does not turn on without an adapter, then most likely the reason in the adapter (but it can be in the connectors or electronic components of the device).

There are cases of faults both the charging and controller on it.

And there are still problems with a laptop connector or a battery connector - oxidized or spoiled contacts.

These same items are the cause of problems with the adapter and when there are no notifications about charging in the Windows system notifications.

In this embodiment, the computer runs from the battery and simply "does not see" the connected power supply.

Extra programs

If you have completed all previous items, but you understand that you have a device quickly "eats" charge, then you need to pay attention to working programs in the background.

To do this, open the task manager by holding the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination and analyze the use of the processor.

You must sort those applications from the list that the processor uses the most, and watch them for several minutes.

When removing programs operating in the background, we will prolong the battery life.

Checking Battery Wear

There are cases when the old battery does not charge, or is not fully charged.

This happens with very frequent use of charge / discharge cycles. This reduces the capacity of the battery itself, they say "quickly sits down".

And it turns out that it is very quickly discharged and is not fully charged.

The question arises, how to find out the real capacity of the battery and the degree of its worn?

You can take a laptop to the service center, and you can try to solve this problem yourself.

First method

Check these parameters via the command line.

We go to the Start menu and in the command line we enter

and press ENTER.

Either in the command line introduce

PowerCfg Energy

plus Enter key.

If the system requests administrator access, then you need to go from the administrator account

After that, an notice of the system should appear, and the report will be formed in 30 seconds.

In our version, the system placed it at " C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Energy-Report.htm«.

After that, go to dad with the report then copy it to the desktop and open it.

After that, in the file that opens, looking for a string in which there are information about the battery.

We are interested in two last lines that are highlighted with a yellow arrow.

New laptop with battery

This is a more significant problem, but before running to the store, where they bought, I advise you to reset the BIOS settings (how to do it above)

Be sure to check the label on the new and old battery.

Pay special attention to buying a new adapter is needed either with a laptop, or take with you old.

Replace the battery or buy a new one?

If you know specialist people who can do it, then contact them.

But you need to understand that this process is very laborious, requires considerable skills and practices.

Unfortunately, many companies assure you that they will help you, but in fact they need only your money, and after the intervention of "such specialists" you will have to buy a new battery.

By the way, the cost of such services is often the same for the price as the new battery.

To date, the electronics market is overflowing with suggestions.

And you are without much difficulty quality Chinese production battery, which is not inferior as an original, but it is an order of magnitude cheaper.

In any case, do not be discouraged, follow the items in this article.

If you yourself did not work out to deal with this problem, please contact a good service center.

Remember that the device must be carefully related to the battery, as this is a consuming element that can be very easy to fail.

If the charge circuit of your device is properly (it is normally charging from the other memory), but it does not charge from the charging you need (for example, through the cigarette lighter), you can do the following:
Replace / Repair / redo the cable from the memory to the charging device (no sense on the quality of the wire, often shorter and thick cable charges faster)
Replace / repaired / modify the memory (more powerful for the current it may be charged faster, instead of the memory you can use an external battery on some there are more powerful outputs - about 2 amps, can help if the device is discharged completely)

More details
Often the problem consists of only a USB cable with a large resistance (for example, wires are thin and long). Sometimes the cable can be partially torn off (one lived alive or torn wires are attracted to each other only with insulation) in this place the resistance increases sharply.
When trying to charge with a large current, the voltage drops significantly on a large resistance and becomes insufficient for the charging device. To transmit data and charge low-voltage devices, such wires can be approached, and for charging devices that require a high current - no. If there is no possibility to replace the wire, you can significantly shorten it or cut off the connectors from it and solder them to the larger cross section, as the information cable it probably will not work.
If the charging device is turned off (translate into sleep mode), the charging will go faster, or will be possible at all.
Most often, a power supply with a USB connector at an output is used as a memory, in which 4 contacts: two are 5 volts of DC and two information Data + and Data -. The charging device for correct charging (the task does not overload the memory, to ensure the highest possible charge, do not use an unidentified or weak charging) attempts to calculate the characteristics of the charger through the status of the DATA + and DATA signals.
Accordingly, part of the manufacturers can put jumpers, resistors, and more complex solutions between the contacts of the USB connection connector, with which the device will identify the memory as original and charge. Not "seeing" the necessary states of information signals, the device will not start charging.
The Micro-USB connector has 5 contacts, the additional contact is most often used to recognize the cable connection (for example, USB OTG cable is a jumper between 4 (ID) and 5 contact) and transition to master device mode (host), in some models It can affect the current consumed when charging the device.
If the rated power, the voltage and other qualitative characteristics are suitable for charging your device, the memory can be refined by finding the appropriate scheme.
You can not deceive the charge scheme (or use low-current memory when the loadable high-current device does not have a power recognition scheme), it is impossible to use a low-quality cable, because there is probably the charge anyway or it will be long, may fail or the charge or charge circuit Charging device.

The maximum current consumed by USB bus supply lines should not exceed:
USB 2.0 - 500 mA;
USB 3.0 - 900 mA;
USB 3.1 to 5a.
USB 2.0 While the most common - default device is guaranteed to be consumed up to 100 mA, and after coordination with the host controller - up to 500 mA.
Power supplies with USB output as a rule can give a significantly larger current than the USB port.
Often, to increase the current of the computer obtained from USB ports, the Y - type cable can be used to get the power at once from two ports.

AI Charger programs, App Charger, which help to charge devices faster, by receiving the current USB current of the larger 500 mA (probably it will not work on any motherboard).

Quick Charge 2.0 - Qualcomm technology that uses a more powerful charger and the use of larger voltage (Quick Charge 1.0 simply meant a more powerful memory - 5 volts / 2 amps)
Output voltage / current: 5V / 2A, 9V / 2A, 12V / 1.67A and 20 V
Power - about 18w
Quick Charge 3.0 - Qualcomm technology, relative to 2.0, the charge algorithms are mainly optimized, the speed relative to 2.0 has not increased significantly. Quick Charge 3.0 requests the device with the required voltage, which can be any in the range from 3.2V to 20V with a step in 200 million. Thus, a greater selection of available voltage indicators is ensured.

Battery Charging V1.2 Spec and Adopters Agreement (BC1.2)
IEC 62680-2: 2013 Part 2: Universal Serial Bus - Micro-USB Cables and Connectors Specification, Revision 1.01
IEC 62680-3: 2013 Part 3: USB Battery CHARGING SPECIFICATION, REVISION 1.2

The situation when the battery sits on the smartphone and there is no possibility to charge it, for many it is critical. That is why it is very important to find out why the phone does not charge, and choose the most optimal version of the problem. Instruction Suitable for all models and stamps: iPhone, Alcatel, Asus, Lenovo, Phillips, Prestigio, Sony Xperia, HTC, Samsung, Xiaomi, Umidigi, Leagoo, Doogie, Huawei, Homtom, etc.

In the process of charge, several things are involved at once: a charger consisting of a fork, tip and cord, as well as the battery itself. That is why if the smartphone does not charge and does not take energy from a regular or new purchased "Chinese" charging, check each node separately.

  1. Damage or clogging connector.
  2. The cord is moving (backstit) or the plug does not match the jack (for example, Micro-USB is not suitable for Type-C and Lightning).
  3. Failures in software.
  4. Wire fracture, "Split" wire.
  5. The use of dubious Chinese "crafts" for 20 rubles, veins in cheap versions are very thin and broken from a small effect.
  6. Too long wire than shorter length (30 cm. Ideal), the smaller the current loss. But here again it all depends on the quality.
  7. Battery malfunction (swollen, overheated, accounted for disrepair from old age).
  8. Through the power controller or incompatibility of the protocols.
  9. Strong loading of the processor, such as "heavy" game or watching 4K movies.
  10. No compliance with temperature modes. The process of replenishment of the battery does not occur at minus temperature ,.
  11. Forgot to "fly off" a protective sticker after buying a new gadget.

If the phone is normally charging, but quickly discharged - temporary wear of the battery. The standard battery life is from 3 to 5 years (equivalent to 300-500 discharge cycles), after which it begins to discharge a couple of hours after charging, or does not perceive it at all.

There is another factor, an infection has been infected with a virus causing problems in the power supply system.

It happens that the level of charge rises. But in fact, the battery does not take or does not react to the supply of energy and after the cable is turned off, the voltage drops sharply to zero.


For self-diagnostics, go through the test. A virtual assistant will define a malfunction and tell me what to do.

Not charging

To understand why the phone is poorly charged or the power indicator is not displayed on the display, you need to perform a few simple actions:

  1. Take not a native zoom and connect to your smartphone.
  2. Change the USB cable to the new one (pay attention to the connector, the 4th main - USB Type-C, Micro-USB, Lightning and Outdated Mini-USB are used now.
  3. The indicator caught fire, it means that the problem is charging.

If the other charger does not work and do not bring the charge level to the end, the likelihood is that the problem lies in the software, battery or cellular connector.

First of all, it should be carefully cleaned the nest. If it did not help, it is recommended to attribute a gadget to the service, because It will be necessary to repair it problematic.

A faulty power supply - it can repair himself, bossing the necessary part for replacement, but due to the low cost of YUSB cords, it is more logical to purchase a new one.

How to check the connector

Diagnostics The state of the USB cord is inspected with bright light using a magnifying glass. If it is contaminated, it should be cleaned with a thin brush dipped in alcohol. Dust and garbage create bad contact of the conductors and interfere with the current passage.

What to check:

  • The nest does not stick in the housing.
  • Not observed contaminants.
  • There is no visible deformation of the module (curved contact groups, geometry changes, etc.), while the smartphone will not respond to charging.
  • Visually no drop of water and moisture.
If there is no such thing, you will have to look for the cause in another detail.

How to check battery

The above method showed that the smartphone does not receive energy not as a result of a burnt memory, but due to the damaged cable. If the cable is enabled and writes that charging goes, but the phone does not charge, the likelihood is that the defective battery must be replaced.

  • The battery swelled and / or druits from the housing.
  • The battery is not completely and slowly charged, no more than 60-90 percent, - only replacing the module.
  • With a good memory, the cellular does not take or does not see charging, although the process goes.
  • Download utility for checking residual capacity.

So you need to test the battery: just replace it with another analogue and see if the indicator lights up when connecting to the outlet. For Apple technology, this method is not suitable!

Signs of infection with virus

The main symptom when the malicious program is infected with the lack of indication. He can also constantly hang, and if earlier the battery was held two days, then after the virus hit - it will be discharged in 5-12 hours (that is, very long).

To troubleshoot, you need to check the phone with an antivirus. If infected files are detected, they will be deleted automatically, and in the absence of such a possibility will have to clean the system manually, removing and the application itself containing viruses.

How to charge without a standard charger

In any store of cell phones, you can find a universal charger, suitable for both smartphones and iPhones. The battery can also be any.

In a different way, it is called a "frog", and it is very easy to use such charging:

  1. Insert the battery to the latch, the contacts "plus" and minus "should coincide.
  2. Insert the "frog" into the socket, leave to charge for a few hours.

Question answer

% is still not added

Or is the process only in the off state:

  1. There is not enough strength of the zoom. For example, the charger provides 250 mAh with the required 1000 mAh.
  2. USB lace extremely low quality and does not let the voltage more than 4.5 volts, and this is critical.

Not charging from a computer / laptop via USB

  • Most likely there is not enough current, for example, due to artificial restrictions on the company's motherboard. Or restrictions are triggered at the program level, you will have to look for new drivers for a USB concentrator.
  • This can happen if the cord is old or "works after time." Somewhere in it, contacts contacts. Especially relevant for "lochmatic" cables for the iPhone. In general, buy a new one.
  • Another banal reason is actual for different variations of Type-C - not the compatibility of the protocols. Each Type-C has a small microchip that is responsible for transmitting data and energy. At the same time there are a bunch of standards, for example, some cables can "refuel" full-fledged laptop care, while others can only exchange data.
  • It happens that the USB connector in the laptops connector is longer than the regular plug from the smartphone, and the "hardware" simply do not come into contact.

From cigarette lighter

If the car charging does not work from the cigarette lighter, a similar diagnosis is carried out (see previous sections), because The principle of supplying energy to the battery is the same everywhere.

From the radio

From Belubanka

Standard Satination, most often lacking output current from PowerBank'a. Or it's time to buy a new delibean. In the case of Type-C - it is possible and does not allow the battery.

From wireless charging

Not all models support the function of wireless energy transmission. First, make sure that the manufacturer laid this functionality in your gadget.

If you are sure that the wireless transmission is laid on the hardware level, but Zakam does not go, you need to check:

  • Whether the station is connected not to the network.
  • Does not go / whether the device is shifted from the city center.
  • Not dressed thick case or magnetic dock.
  • Whether the cable is not inserted or data transfer to the computer is not inserted.

If it does not help, believe the level itself on another device, if everything works as it should, carry your device to the workshop. Very similar to the problem with a wireless microcontroller.

Writes discovered moisture

Here are two options:

  1. The device fell into water or other liquid (beer, wine, juice, tea, toilet). What to do is written.
  2. There was a strong temperature difference, for example came from frost into a warm room and condensate was formed on the board. Wait a couple of hours and everything is normalized.

Low or High Battery Temperature

Operating temperature of modern batteries from +3 to 45 degrees Celsius. If these values \u200b\u200bare exceeded, the controller limits the receipt of an error to power elements. It is necessary to cool \\ heat the phone.

There was a strong blow or fall

Lithium-ion "products" do not like strong mechanical impact, and may fail with strong blows and drops. There is only the replacement of Moulie to the new one.

After a long non-use

A deep discharge occurred - use a "frog" to "push" and try to revive the battery.

To extend the service life of your iPhone or a smartphone based on Android, you need to adhere to the recommendations:

  • Do not allow the fall of the gadget.
  • Do not discharge the battery too often (no more than 1 time in 2 months) completely up to 100 percent. Ideal to keep a level from 20% to 80%.
  • Do not abuse the use of a low-power universal charger, even new.
  • Install anti-virus protection on the phone.
  • Do not leave the device in the cold or heat (operating temperature from +3 to 45 degrees).


With the problem of lack of charge, many smartphone owners are facing (both on Android and on iOS), but for diagnostics it is not necessary to attract the phone to the service: it is enough to use the instruction to find out the cause.

If the gadget is not charged in a consequence of the battery malfunction or stopped receiving energy due to the USB connector, it is recommended to contact the master. In other cases, it is enough to replace a spoiled charger to a new one, ideally on the original one.
