Presentation on the topic Social relations slides. Presentation on the topic "Social Structure and Social Relations". Tasks in groups

Lessons 1-3. Social Structure and Social Relations

Social science

Social stratification .

Social stratification for K. Marx and

M. Weber .

Social mobility I.

social "elevators."

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Lumens and marginals.

Trends in the development of social relations.

The separation of society into groups is called social Differentiation

Imagine a company from the point of view of social differentiation.

  • The first group is a primitive society.
  • The second group is a slave-owned society.
  • The third group represents feudal society.
  • The fourth group is a capitalist society

A large group of people at a certain position got a name stratum (layer), and the combination of social layers located in the vertical order - social stratification .

Remember and name the causes of inequality.

Imagine that you are present at the discussion club meeting. The following point of view was put on your discussion - a modern English political scientist claims: "The whole history of mankind proves that inequality is necessary to achieve some ideal of human perfection, both individual and collective."

Divide into two groups: critics and positivists , Discuss the problem of uneven distribution of wealth between people, bring arguments to protect your position.

Is the inequality eliminate? Do you need to strive for this? Express your opinion, reinforcing it with arguments.

Types of social stratification

economic stratification (It is expressed in the difference in income, living standards, in the existence of rich, poor and middle layers);

political stratification (division of society on managers and managed, political leaders and mass);

professional stratification (Allocation in the society of various groups by the nature of their activities, classes).

Types of stratification systems

  • Slavery
  • Caste
  • Class
  • Classes

  • Slavery - Extreme form of inequality, when some individuals are the property of others.
  • Caste - A group whose members are associated with origin or legal status, which belongs to which is hereditary, the transition from one caste to another is practically impossible. (Endogamia)

Historical types of social stratification:

  • Estate - A group that has enshrined custom or law and inherited rights and duties. Clauses were based on land ownership. The characteristic feature of the class is the availability of social symbols and signs: titles, uniforms, orders, ranks.
  • Classes Depending on the difference in the economic situation of groups of individuals, inequalities in possession and control over economic resources.

Tasks in groups

First group - "Social stratification according to K. Marx" (paragraph 2 § 1).

Second group - "Social stratification according to M. Weber"

(clause 3 § 1, document to paragraph with. 15).

Third Group - "Social stratification in terms of

modern sociologists "(additional material).

Strats vary:

Classes differ:

in terms of income;

the main way of lifestyle

including in power structures;

property relations;

social prestigious;

self-esteem of its position in society.

at the place in the social production system;

relation to the means of production;

roles in the public organization of labor;

according to methods and sizes of the obtained wealth.

A combination of social movements of people in society called social mobility.

  • What questions did we consider in the lesson?
  • List the key lesson concepts.
  • There were various options for long-term social policies in the world. Each country solves its problems in its own way. After listening to the material, discuss each of the social policy options, identify their advantages and disadvantages. Which options seems preferable to you. Position argue.

Slide 2.


  1. Social stratification.
  2. Social stratification according to K. Marx and M. Weber.
  3. Social mobility and social "elevators."
  4. Lumens and marginals.
  5. Trends in the development of social relations.
  • Slide 3.

    What do you think does the process of growing in society mean?

  • Slide 4.

    The separation of society into groups is called social differentiation

  • Slide 5.

    Submit society from the point of view of social differentiation.

    • The first group is a primitive society.
    • The second group is a slave-owned society.
    • The third group represents feudal society.
    • The fourth group is a capitalist society
  • Slide 6.

    Before you, the scheme of medieval society. Comment on it in terms of social


    Slide 7.

    A large group of people at a certain position received the name of the stratum (layer), and the totality of social layers located in the vertical order is social stratification.

    Slide 8.

    Remember and name the causes of inequality.

    Imagine that you are present at the meeting of the discussion club, which discusses the problem of inequality. The following point of view was put on your discussion - a modern English political scientist claims: "The whole history of mankind proves that inequality is necessary to achieve some ideal of human perfection, both individual and collective." Divide into two groups: critics and positivists, discuss the problem of uneven distribution of wealth between people, bring arguments to protect your position.

    Slide 9.

    Is the inequality eliminate? Do you need to strive for this? Express your opinion, reinforcing it with arguments.

    Slide 10.

    Types of social stratification

    Economic stratification (expressed in the difference in income, living standards, in the existence of rich, poor and middle sectors);

    Political stratification (division of society in managers and managed, political leaders and mass);

    Professional stratification (allocation of various groups in society on the nature of their activities, classes).

    Slide 11.

    Tasks in groups

    • The first group is "Social stratification according to K. Marx" (paragraph 2 § 1).
    • The second group is "Social stratification by M. Weber" (paragraph 3 § 1, the document to the paragraph with. 15).
    • The third group is "social stratification from the point of view of modern sociologists" (additional material).
  • Slide 12.

    Slide 3.

    Historic Types of Social Stratification

    • Slavery is the extreme form of inequality, when some individuals are the property of others.
    • The caste is a group whose members are associated with origin or legal status, the belonging to which is hereditary, the transition from one caste to another is practically impossible. (endogamy)
  • Slide 4.

    • The estate is a group that has fixed custom or law and inheritance transmitted rights and obligations. Clauses were based on land ownership. The characteristic feature of the class is the availability of social symbols and signs: titles, uniforms, orders, ranks.
    • Classes arise depending on the difference in the economic situation of groups of individuals, inequalities in possession and control over economic resources.
  • Slide 5.


    • All citizens come in one of three classes - 1) rulers, 2) warriors and 3) workers (farmers, artisans, doctors, actors).
    • Plato believed that the rulers should not own any private property, except as the minimum necessary, so that they do not protect their own interests. They must focus only on public well-being.
  • Slide 6.


    In all states there are three elements: one class is very rich; the other is very poor; The third is medium. This third is the best, since its members under living conditions are most prepared to follow reasonable rules. It is from the poor and rich, one grow criminals, and other fraudsters. The state where the middle class is numerous and stronger than both others, combined, is best managed, because there is a public equilibrium.

    Slide 7.

    Inequality, stratification and class

    • Inequality is the conditions under which people have unequal access to such social benefits as money, power and prestige.
    • Stratification is associated with methods with which the inequality is transmitted from one generation to another; In this case, various layers of society are formed.
  • Slide 8.

    • Inequality. The farmer gathered a rich harvest and has the opportunity to expand its farm; At the same time, the shepherd suffers great losses, as half of his livestock dies from the disease. As a result, the material well-being of these two people is different.
    • Stratification. The farmer expands its plot of land, and after death, each of the children receives a farm of significant sizes. But when the shepherd dies, his children do not inherit nothing. The same is repeated among other farmers and shepherds.
    • Class. Over the years, farmers are combined into a group based on common interests and feelings of superiority over the shepherds, whose feeling of their belonging to the group also arises; They are soluble with general discontent, for example, it is about the fact that farmers are deprived of their water supply.
  • Slide 9.


    • The class is due to the existence of social groups that have unequal access to wealth, power and unequal prestige; The situation occupied in society sometimes makes them influential political groups.
    • Classes can be large groups of people who differ in their overall economic opportunities that significantly affect the types of their lifestyle.
    • social structure arises about the public division of labor, and social stratification is about the public allocation of labor results, i.e. social benefits.
  • Slide 10.

    Class stratification

    • classes are not created on the basis of legal and religious norms, membership in them is not based on a hereditary situation;
    • class systems are more mobile, and the boundaries between classes are not rigidly outlined;
    • classes depend on the economic differences between groups of people associated with inequality in possession and control over material resources;
    • the main base of class differences is the inequality between the terms and conditions of labor - is valid for all professional groups as a result of economic circumstances;
    • social mobility is much easier than in other stratification systems, formal restrictions for it does not exist, although mobility really restrains human starting capabilities and the level of its claims.
  • Slide 11.

    Stratification by Marx

    The stratification of the Company in Marx is one-dimensional, is associated only with classes, since its main foundation is the economic situation, and all other (rights, privileges, power, influence) fit into the "Procrusteo bed" of the economic situation, are combined with it.

    Slide 12.

    Max Weber Social Stratification Theory

    • property, or rather the types of its ownership, provide an opportunity for economic classes, in which they distinguish access to power, the formation of political parties, and the prestige of individual of them creates status groups.
    • classes take place only in society with capitalist system.

    Pitirim Sorokin: "Specific and social stratification are numerous. However, all their diversity can be reduced to three main forms: 1) Economic, 2) political and 3) professional stratification. "

    Slide 13.

    • The highest layer of the highest class is rich aristocrats, for example, Prince Charles.
    • The lower layer of the highest class is millionaires in the first generation, which are often associated with the criminal world, expose their wealth, are sometimes associated with a criminal world, have a strong character and phenomenal enterprise.
    • The highest layer of middle class is highly educated intellectuals (doctors, lawyers) and business people (capital owners). These intellectuals managed to invent an outstanding invention and gain large profits from the sale of this invention.
  • Slide 14.

    William Lloyd Warner (1898 - 1970).

    • The middle class medium layer.
    • The lowest layer of the middle class is stationery employees, secretaries, cashiers, ordinary doctors, school teachers.
    • The highest low-class layer is qualified workers. These include qualified electricians, mechanic to repair control and measuring instruments and automation, welders, turns, car drivers, etc.
    • The lowest layer of the lowest class is homeless tramps, beggars, criminals and unemployed
  • Slide 15.

    Figures of inequality (stratification profile)

  • Slide 16.

    Allocate the main types of social community

    • The aggregation is a lot of individuals located in the same place at the same time (queue, passengers in transport).
    • QuasiGroup: a) crowd - internally unorganized many individuals with spatial proximity, general external incentives and emotional communities; b) Audience - many individuals related to the communicator in order to obtain information or emotions (viewers in the cinema, visitors lecture).
    • The social group is a collection of individuals interacting with each other on the basis of the expectations of each member of the Group in relation to others, aware of its belonging to this group and recognized by members of this group from the point of view of others.
  • Slide 17.

    Social group; aggregation; Quasigroup

    1. It is characterized by steady interaction, the stability of existence in space and time.
    2. Wears a situational character.
    3. It has a certain degree of cohesion.
    4. It is a structureless education.
    5. It is characterized by the homogeneity of the composition.
    6. Inherent heterogeneity of the composition, intergroup character.
    7. Enters wider communion as structural elements.
    8. Not capable of performing more general communities as their structural units.
    9. Has a high level of social control.
    10. It has a low level of social control.
  • Slide 18.

    Social mobility - the transition of people from one social group to another

  • Slide 19.

    Social elevator

    • Social elevator is the conditional name of the set of factors that have a decisive impact on vertical social mobility.
    • 1) crisis society (revolution, war, conquest); 2) Normal society (army, church, family, marriage, school, property).
    • Pitirim Sorokin, studying mobility except the "elevators" opened social "filters", interfering with individual promotion "Top". Social filters: 1) cents; 2) quotas; 3) exams; 4) certification; 5) fines; 6) definition of status; 7) ranks; 8) benefits; 9) Privileges
  • Slide 20.

    Lumens and marginals

    • Lumpen - proletariat (from him. LUMPEN - "rags") - the term introduced by Karl Marx to indicate the lower layers of the proletariat. Later, "lumpen" began to be called all the declacial segments of the population (tramp, beggars, criminal elements and others). In most cases, Lumen is a person who does not have any property and living random earnings.
    • Lumpen - declassified elements, people without social roots, moral code, ready to unanimously obey strongly, that is, in the present moment real power. The lipenation of society occurs in the conditions of the social crisis.
    • Marginal (from Frenchmarginal, Latinmargo - Edge, border) - 1) on the border of two media; 2) a person who turned out to be outside the specific social layer, the group (marginal person, marginal).
  • Slide 21.

    Positive and negative sides of marginalness

    • Marginality is usually associated with painful psychological experiences.
    • This position is dangerous, because a person can start feeling superfluous, unnecessary.
    • this provision can be an impetus that will force a person to make efforts and either adapt to society, restore its position in it, or change the social structure.
  • Slide 22.


    • Collars (gold, white, gray, blue) - the conditional designation of various categories of female labor:
    • Gold Collars - Scientific and Design Staff. White collars - engineering and technical workers and office employees. SERVICE collars - employees of the social sphere industries; Blue collars - workers engaged in physical labor. Bark collars - the generalized name of the hired labor faces that have become unemployed. Titched collars are the conditional designation of the newest generation of computer-nemomans, which have a complex system of sensory and executive bodies. In the future, it will be able to replace a person in many industrial processes. Zelene collar - autonomous intelligent robots that serve as an artificial workforce.
  • Social structure and social relations. Lesson in social science. Profile level. GRADE 11. MOU Ilyinskaya secondary school. Teacher Smirnov Evgeny Borisovich. Smirhov.

    The main objectives of studying the problem of attitude of people to those or other groups. Moving people or groups in social space. Formation and decay of individual groups. The essence and manifestations of the social oppression of various approaches to the analysis of the social structure of the company's publicity of K. Marx and M. Weber.

    Social stratification. PRIMITIVE SOCIETY. Allocation of groups with privileges and responsibilities. (Leader-approximate, rejected) subsequent stages of the complication of social bundle. Differences of groups not only in the presence of specific features, but also in access to the Company's economic resources; Political vlas, education and other social benefits. Depending on the possession of resources and boards, people are built along the inequality scale. Position on this scale (layer) - a set of social layers located vertically-- Social stratification

    Social stratification. The term stratification is borrowed by sociologists in geology, but the critics of this point of view consider that the specifics of social stratification is that it reflects the principle of inequality. Different estimates of inequality 1. Economic distribution of wealth between people - the result of an unfair public device, leads to increasing conflicts in society. A layer of idle people appears 2. The factory stimulates competition, strengthens the desire of capable people to promote key posts in society. Your assessment of this phenomenon and the cause of the appearance of the Inequality?

    Social stratification. Is the inequality eliminate? 1.Marsism comes from the need to destroy inequality. To do this, it is necessary to destroy private ownership of the means of production, change the system of economic relations. 2. The power is estimated as a positive phenomenon. Social homogeneity will lead society to death. 3. Social bundle processes can be regulated

    Social stratification. Its types of economic difference in income level, living level, existence of rich and poor. Political stratification of society on managers and managed, political leaders and a lot of professional stratification - the allocation of groups in the society of groups by their activities

    Social stratification in Marx. K. Marx considered the main form of S. Stratification - Public Class. In the Epoch of Enlightenment, the combat theory of the class-main separator was the size and form of income. Three classes were distinguished: 1.Fodelays. 2. Bourgeia. 3. Working.

    Social stratification in Marx. K. Marx created a new theory of classes on the basis of property relational relationship. Class having owned bourgeoisie. Class eligible property work class. Antagonism Property-results Results And its assignment was possible as a result of political domination class of owners.

    Social stratification in Marx. Thus, on Marx objective, primarily economic factors determine the class stratification. At the same time, he took into account the subjective factor-class consciousness. Subsequently, an idea based in Marxism consider property relations as the basis for the allocation of public classes was perceived by sociologists, but social development led to the creation of new theories.

    Social stratification on Weber. M. Weber Like Marx highlighting the classes used the criterion of wealth - accumulated income. But he tied this indicator and with attitudes towards property funds and a market system, primarily with the labor market. People who do not possess property can get it using knowledge and qualifications - to ignore life chance. In addition to the classes, Weber allocates status groups of groups, estates, bureaucracy.

    Social stratification on Weber. If classes differ in life chances, then status groups - style (lifestyle). Class and status positions do not always coincide- (aristocracy) Weber allocated another type of stratification based on the authorities influencing political decisions (elite) and deprived of this Weber's approach to stratification is based on three main criteria: 1. Property 2Prestiz 3. Vlas. There are researchers who believe that Marx Theory has advantages over Weber. - C.15- source.

    Social mobility and social "elevators" Social mobility - the transition from one social group to other horizontal mobility - the transition to a group at one level vertical mobility is moving from one stage to another. 1.Social descent 2.Social climb. Closed socio-"Custom Structure" in India. Open social and industrial. Social mobility is enhanced in the course of revolutions, conquest

    Lumens and marginals. Lumped - from German- "rags" tramp, beggars, bums. Marginal - from Lat. "Are on the edge" - groups occupying an intermediate position between sustainable communities. And the lumines and marginalies seek the regime of the "strong hand" at the same time, the people from the marginals are successful and entrepreneurs.

    Trends in the development of social relations. Stable social structure in traditional societies. In developed countries, west is the growth of a new middle class. Which promotes stability. Reduction of the working class and an increase in the service sector. "Functional unemployment. State regulation. Used Literature Objective: Textbook for 11th grade of general education institutions: profile level / Oh. Bogolyubov, A.Yu Lazebnikova, A.T. Kinculkin et al.); Edited by L. N. Bogolyubova (et al. - M.: Enlightenment, title slide. - Kagaya. Hoshiuavi. COM /

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    § 1. Social Structure and Social Relationship Society 11 Class (Profile)

    Social Group - any aggregate of people having any common socially significant sign. Various social groups occupy a different position in society. This pollinium is determined by unequal practices and privileges, responsibility and obligations, property and income, attitude to power and influence among members of its community.

    Social differentiation is the division of society to various social groups that occupy a different position in it.

    Social inequality is the uneven distribution of society resources - money, power, education and prestige between the various layers of the population.

    The difference in groups on the principle of inequality is expressed in the formation of social strata. The stratum is a large group of people at a certain social position.

    Social stratification is a combination of social layers located on different steps in a vertical order. The term "stratification" is taken from geology, where it denotes the location of the vertical layers.

    Criteria of social stratification income power education prestige

    Types of social stratification Economic: difference in income, living standards, presence of poor and rich. 2. Political: division of society on managers and managed. 3. Professional: by the nature of activity, classes.

    Approaches to the analysis of social stratification of social. Stratification of social Stratification by Marx on Weber

    Answer questions about § 1 (paragraph 2, p. 7-8) 1. What did Marx consider the main form of social stratification? 2. What is the novelty of the theory of MARKSA classes? 3. What are the general conclusions from his theory?

    Answer questions about § 1 (p.3, p. 9-10) 1. What Weber considered it. Form of social. Stratification? 2. What is the main criterion he highlighted? 3. What groups, in addition to the classes allocated a sociologist? 4. Give examples of status groups. 5. Name the selection criteria for status groups. 6. What is the difference between classes and status groups? 7. What other type of stratification allocated Weber? 8. Make general conclusions by Weber's position.

    Social stratification on Marx at the main form of social stratification is a public class. The main sign of the class is the attitude towards the property of production. Class-owner class who does not possess property antagonism in relations between them, class struggle. Conclusion: Class stratification of society determine economic factors.

    Social stratification on Weveree allocated in social. classes structure ch. The criterion is wealth, the accumulated income for each person allocated status groups (caste, class, etc.) Criteria for the selection of status groups - ethnic belonging, territorial community, religious views, the community of profession, prestige) the type of stratification based on the authorities politicians. Class, Elite of the Group, deprived of the authorities: Weber-based approach to stratification is based on three main criteria: property, prestige, authorities

    strath Class varies by: income level by the main features of the lifestyle of the inclusion in power structures of ownership relations Social prestige of self-assessment of its position in society in the system of social production relation to the means of production of role in the public organization of labor, ways and amount of wealth

    Social mobility is the movement of people from some public groups to other, changes in their status.

    Closed total. Structure: Custom system in India, limited social. Mobility in patriarchal, feudal societies.

    Modern Democratic Society Open: Restrictions for Travel Removed

    Types of social mobility vertical (ascending and descending) Horizontal movement from one stage of the social hierarchy to another transition to a group located at the same level as the former (without status change) types of social mobility Individual group move down, up or horizontally occur from Each person, regardless of other movements, occur collectively (for example, after the social revolution, the old class is inferior to the domination of the new class)

    Social "elevators" (Channels of social mobility) are the paths for which people are moving from some social groups to others.

    Social "elevators" by P. Zerokina Army School Church

    Modern Social Elevators Social Family Status Physical and Mental Abilities, External Personal Information Change of Place of Residence Receive Education and Education Army Service

    Factors affecting Group Social Mobility Social Revolutions Foreign Interventions Interstate and Civil Wars Military coups change of political regimes Structural restructuring of the economy

    Social mobility may be accompanied by lumenization and marginalization. Unstable social groups of lumines - lower sections of society: the declamic part of the population, incapable of independent actions; People dropped to the bottom of life (beyond, bums, tramps, criminal elements - a nutrient medium for extremist organizations.

    Unstable social groups of marginals - groups occupying an intermediate position between sustainable communities. Types of Magnagalov Muarigornal: arise as a result of migration to a foreign ethnic group Economic marginals: the loss of work and material well-being is generated by religious marginals: persons standing outside traditional sociomariginal confessions: appear in connection with the incompleteness of social movement

    Types of marginal political marginals: There are due to the loss of generally accepted norms of political culture of biomariginal: people whose health ceases to be a matter of concern from the state. Channels marginalization of migration, war, revolution, natural disasters

    Marginals are danger to society: they strive for solid hand, become the base of antidemocratic regimes. Exceptions: immigrants from these groups are adherred and successful in the profession.

    Homework: § 1, make a plan on the topic "Trends in the development of social relations", (paragraph 6, p. 13).

    Literature: 1. Social Studies. Grade 11: Cheb. For general education. Institutions: Profile. Level / L. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, A.T.Kinkulkin and others. Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova. M.: Enlightenment, 2011. 2. Social Studies: Social Relationships: The Examples-Tutor for Preparations for EGE / P.A. Baranov, Syu.Shevchenko. - M.: Ast: Asterstere; Vladimir, 2012.