Selling unwanted items online. A list of unnecessary things at home that you can make money on. What can you sell from unnecessary things?

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Even the powers that be do not shy away from buying used items: for example, the former Prime Minister of Australia boasted on his Instagram about buying a refrigerator on a consignment goods website. However, online trading does not always go smoothly - some people easily get rid of everything they don’t need, while others have goods waiting for months for a new owner. So what's the secret?

We are in website We know exactly how to sell unnecessary things, and today we share with you tips for successful online trading.

Unnecessary items that sell best online

  • Electronics, video games and computer products. Game consoles that you've given up on, an unnecessary but perfectly functioning phone, video game discs and digital players are just a few of the things that are sure to have buyers.
  • Clothing, shoes and accessories. A dress that was worn only once, shoes that were so beautiful in the store but turned out to be uncomfortable when worn, and something that simply didn’t fit. All these things can be sold and thereby partially compensate for your financial losses.
  • Toys and goods for children. Perhaps the most popular type of ad. The reasons are extremely simple: children grow up so quickly, and young mothers buy so much that most things remain in perfect condition (they haven’t even had time to use them). Feel free to sell them.
  • Furniture and large household appliances. Have you decided to update your interior or maybe buy a new refrigerator? Everything unnecessary can be sold: perhaps someone is looking for furniture for a rented apartment or cottage and will happily buy yours.
  • Collectibles. Old books, newspapers, records - what people don’t collect! Maybe the porcelain figurines that are collecting dust in your attic will become a real treasure for someone? In any case, you can try to turn antiques into money.
  • Services and handmade. Do you bake cakes, embroider or make flowers? Free classifieds sites will help you sell all your creations.

How to sell things?

1. Determine the optimal price

Perhaps the correct assessment of the cost of a product is the most important stage of the sale. Because it is based on price that buyers will filter ads and compare your product with similar products from other sellers. And no matter how you describe the merits of your product, no matter how good the photos you take, potential customers will first of all look at the price.


  • Assess demand. If there are plenty of similar products, then your business is bad. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell it at a higher price, so you will have to look for a middle ground or even dump it (which you cannot do for the sake of sale).
  • Do not set the price above 50–60% of the market price. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a used (even if only for a short time) item at the price of a new one.
  • Hold an investigation. See what prices your competitors charge. It is better to conduct reconnaissance on those portals where you, in fact, intend to sell. Determine the optimal price for yourself, but for a second put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Think about whether you yourself could pay the assigned amount for this product or not, and if in doubt, then feel free to reduce the price.

2. Take good photos

3. Write the right description

After reading the description, the potential buyer will decide whether he should contact you. And here you will have to remember the experience of writing school essays and attract all your literary talent. The description should be brief but informative. If you forget to write down the characteristics of the product, its size and describe its condition, then expect a flurry of calls, because people are interested in knowing what they are going to buy.


  • There is no need to indicate the reasons for the sale. Few people are interested in the fact that you are moving or that you are having a bad time and really need money. This is completely unnecessary information.
  • Catchy title. Don’t hesitate to use the tricks of the pros - a short and bright headline will attract the attention of buyers.
  • Format your text. Do not neglect paragraphs, because an ad that is well structured will probably be read to the end.
  • Publish the same product in different categories. For example, an advertisement for the sale of a DVR can be placed in the categories “Auto”, “Photo and Video” and “Security”. Accordingly, the chances that your product will be seen and bought will increase.

4. Never delay an item

People who often sell unnecessary things online are already accustomed to requests to postpone the goods until tomorrow, until Monday, until payday. There are many such “befores”. But think about it, because buyers are so fickle: today they got excited about buying an exercise bike and asked to put it off, and tomorrow they changed their minds about doing it.

When selling online, time is against you. If there is a person who wants to purchase the product immediately, then that’s great. Sell ​​and don’t be tormented by remorse for refusing someone’s request to hold the goods.

5. Add a bonus

Everyone loves gifts. Marketers have long used this trick to sell less popular products. A free gift or bonus with a purchase increases the value of the purchase in the eyes of the buyer. Why not learn the invaluable experience of your sales staff?


When selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. If you decide to part with children's clothes, then it would be useful to put a toy or some useful little thing. Be sure to write about this in your ad in the very first lines.

6. Give the buyer the opportunity to bargain

Another secret of marketers: too low a price can alert the buyer. A person who has decided to make a purchase begins to have doubts: what if the product is defective or not as good as the seller writes about it?


Set a price slightly higher than what you originally planned, and indicate in the ad that you are willing to bargain. The magic phrase “Negotiable” usually attracts thrifty buyers and those who initially did not even think about purchasing this item. Give in gladly. The result is an excellent mood for all participants in the transaction.

7. Consider postage costs

The Internet has united people from different parts of the world - international and long-distance sales and exchanges are no longer a rarity. When composing your ad, think about the issue of delivery. Who will pay for postage, delivery or courier fees? These details need to be agreed upon before the transaction is completed to avoid unpleasant surprises.

8. Follow safety rules

As for safety rules, every site that posts free ads usually invites users to familiarize themselves with these same rules. Do not neglect this opportunity, follow simple rules, and most likely the transaction will go smoothly.


  • Do not disclose personal information.
  • Get a separate SIM card for online sales and orders in online stores.
  • Make meetings with customers in crowded places or invite friends with you. Don't invite strangers home.
  • When selling digital and mobile equipment, take a photo of the serial number. Often, scammers replace the purchased product with a broken one, and then return it to the seller. As a result, the seller loses money and goods.

Products that cannot be purchased secondhand

  • Digital camera with video recording function. Video shooting mode heats up the sensor, greatly reducing its service life. The wear of this element is very difficult to determine, so it turns out that you are getting a pig in a poke.
  • Computer hard drive. A really fragile thing: even a slight blow can affect its performance.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle helmets, as well as child car seats. These are things that are literally responsible for life and health, and if misused in the past, they may not cope with their immediate functions. Don't skimp on safety.
  • Plasma panels. Phosphorus, which is part of the fluorescent coating of each pixel of the plasma panel, is unfortunately subject to the effect of burnout. A similar drawback is inherent in almost all TV technologies, but plasma suffered more than others.
  • Tires and wheels for a car. Purchasing these products is dangerous because it is simply impossible to find out under what conditions they were used.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners are high-power household appliances; they are used very often and not always carefully. The most expensive part in them is the motor, which is the first to fail, and its repair is very expensive.

Greetings! Don't know where to find “extra” money for investment? Have you tried rummaging around in your parents’ mezzanines or in the attic of your grandmother’s house in the village?
It is likely that you will be able to get very good money for unnecessary (in your opinion) rubbish! And today I will talk about what can be sold at high prices from.

The trinkets that used to gather dust in every second apartment have become seriously more expensive after the restructuring. Antique dealers estimate a nice porcelain piece from the middle of the last century at an amount ranging from a couple of thousand rubles.

Unfortunately, they won’t give a lot for any porcelain dog or elephant, but only for products with the “DZ” brand (Dulevsky Porcelain Factory). Before the revolution of 1917, its owners could afford to attract the most venerable artists (including the famous Vrubel) to work!

During the Soviet period, the enterprise was nationalized. Until 1991, the plant produced about 75 million products of excellent quality.

The products of LFZ (stands for Leningrad Porcelain Factory) and ZIK (Kalinin Factory) are also highly valued. Collectors are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for porcelain from the 1920s with a propaganda design in the format “He who does not work, neither shall he eat.”

Where to sell?

Porcelain can be offered to collectors directly on (for example, on Avito). In addition, the figurine can be immediately returned to an antique store. There they will evaluate it and find a buyer. True, in this case there is a high risk of selling out. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and ask collectors to give an initial assessment of the lot on a specialized forum.

TVs and radios

In 2016, an old non-working TV costs more than a brand new plasma. We are talking about the KVN-49 model. Kenigson, Varshavsky and Nikolaevsky in 1946-1948. created the first serial television in the USSR. Over the entire period, about 2.5 million KVN televisions were produced.

And knowledgeable people also buy pre-war SVD-9 (tube) radios at a high price. The price of such an essentially unnecessary little thing in the household starts at 20 thousand rubles. Moreover, the radio receiver being sold may not pick up “Russian Radio” or “Chanson” radio. It is enough for it to simply crackle and hiss like in old war films.

Where to sell?

The best option is to put up a lot with a photo and a detailed description on the Internet (on Avito, too), having first ordered an expert assessment of the rarity. Agree, you don’t want to sell a good thing cheap. And the price range in this category reaches tens of thousands of rubles.

Vinyl records

There were a lot of vinyl records in every Soviet family. And I can swear that almost all of them are carefully stored somewhere in the attic, in the pantry, or taken to the village.
The cost of a record, as a rule, is determined by the year of its release: the older it is, the more expensive it is (on average, from 50 to 300 rubles).

If you are lucky, and among the piles of stamps from home you find rare editions with a limited edition, then their price can reach hundreds of dollars.

Where to sell?

First, keep in mind that vinyl records are not sold individually - only in series (except for collector's items, of course). Secondly, they are purchased by specialized stores, as well as private collectors on social networks.

Mechanical toys

Soviet mechanical toys made of metal (spring cannons, pedal cars and ZIL trucks) are very popular among collectors. They are valued for their high build quality and quality materials. Today, such “eternal” cars can be sold for 5,000 rubles.

Where to sell?

On the Internet on thematic collector forums.

What else?

Additional list of rarities in demand among connoisseurs of antiquities:

  • Costume jewelry (vintage is back in fashion now)
  • (especially those that were produced in limited editions)
  • and binders of old magazines
  • Authentic Soviet-era paraphernalia (pioneer bugle and drum, badges and posters, postcards and busts of leaders)

What things cannot be sold at a high price?

Many things that were expensive at one time cost almost nothing today. Although all forums and collector sites are filled with advertisements for their sale.

The “black list” included Soviet carpets (which once hung in every home), televisions (except for the famous KVN), mass-produced furniture made of chipboard, photographic enlargers, irons and wristwatches (not made of precious metals).

There is practically no sale of crystal (of great value to our fathers and mothers), Zinger sewing machines, Soviet pianos, refrigerators and Rigonda radios.

Have you ever sold old things yourself? Subscribe to updates and share links to the most interesting posts with your friends on social networks!

Greetings, dear reader. If you are wondering how to sell used items online, then you undoubtedly need to get rid of excess personal goods quickly. Using the global network in this matter is quite profitable, because millions of users who may be interested in your products while away their hours every day.

I bring to your attention a review that will include:

  • the advantages of selling via the Internet are considered;
  • sales methods are shown;
  • Popular sites for posting goods are indicated.

Interested? Then read carefully and do not forget about the unique selling proposition, which will become a real magnet for Internet users and will allow you to get rid of unnecessary goods in the shortest possible time.

Why the Internet

When clearing out a closet, pantry or garage, many people find a bunch of things and objects that were purchased spontaneously, thoughtlessly. Have you ever had this happen? Having noticed such a product, a person begins to “brainstorm” (“where did I buy it?”, “why did I stop wearing it?”, etc.). Having found answers to all sorts of questions, some decide to keep the thing, while others decide to get rid of it.

I’ll say right away that I’m on the side of the other half, because unnecessary trash in the apartment serves not only as a place for dust to accumulate, but also as a vessel that attracts negative emotions. It’s not for nothing that they say: “...if a person does not have free space, then the Universe will not help fill it...”. Have you noticed that after you get rid of junk, you have additional income and new opportunities? If not, then it's time to try this principle for yourself.

So why is it more profitable to sell things, even used ones, via the Internet? The answers received to this question are advantages this method of selling goods:

  1. High speed of transaction execution. This is due to the fact that most of modern society uses the Internet in everyday life, therefore, it is easier for them to look at advertisements and purchase goods rather than run around stores looking for the right thing.
  2. There is no need to search and visit thrift stores to hand over goods, and then return to them in order to receive the proceeds. Value your time and don’t waste it on unnecessary actions.
  3. The cost of an item is set only by you and no one else. If you turn to the same consignment store, then they choose this indicator based on existing rules (taking into account markups for their work, according to the external condition of the product, etc.).

This list could be continued for quite a long time, but it seems to me that you understand and appreciate the advantage of selling goods via the Internet.

Ways to sell things online

So, you've decided to sell something online, but don't know how to do it? Everything is quite simple, because there are several ways to implement it:

  • use bulletin boards;
  • post on social networks;
  • use trading platforms.

Currently, you can find a lot of resources on the Internet where Internet users post all kinds of advertisements. Naturally, they are divided according to purpose(work, hobbies, personal belongings, real estate, etc.). Among them: (section “Ads”),, etc.

In order to place your ad, you will have to go through a short registration, then log into your personal account and make a sale from there. Be sure to post high-quality photographs of the product you are selling, because this way you increase the likelihood of its speedy sale.

If you don’t want to register on the suggested resources, you can use your own social media profile. Now Facebook, VK, Instagram provide excellent opportunities for generating additional income. I talked about this in previous articles, so read, explore new opportunities for modern business, and most importantly, use the acquired knowledge in practice.

On social networks you can find a lot of groups in which you just need to post an ad to sell any product. You yourself know that such resources have an audience of millions, therefore, someone will be interested in your offer.

For example, your baby has grown up, therefore, there are still children's things. What to do with them? There are 3 options: put it in a closet, give it to those in need and sell it. To do this, just find a community with a relevant topic (YU-MOM, My baby, Products for newborns, etc.) and post there a photo of the things you want to sell.

When creating a post, be sure to indicate the size and condition of the product, its cost, and area of ​​residence (it’s not convenient for everyone to get to the other end of the city). Why am I talking about this? It’s just that when your proposal is published, you will start receiving a bunch of messages with questions, but is this what you need?

Your task is to create a profitable unique selling proposition and duplicate it on your page. This way, this ad will be seen by a large number of users and in the near future you will sell your product.

For those who do not want to use the first 2 methods, trading platforms are perfect. The thing is that on these sites you can sell the product in different ways:

  • at a fixed price (you place an ad and wait for a buyer);
  • put the product up for auction (naturally, it must be a unique and high-quality product);
  • select a buyer based on his offer (you offer the item, and people – the amount they are willing to pay).

The presented implementation methods are quite interesting, but you will have to choose one. To do this, just carefully study the offer agreement that you accept upon registration, or continue reading the review and get a brief description of well-known sites.

Popular sites for selling things

On the Internet you can find a large number of platforms that allow you to sell goods of any value, however, each of them has its own characteristics. I will only focus on a couple of popular ones to point out to you those points that few people notice.– a free resource that provides excellent opportunities for selling any product. Even an unregistered user can view posted advertisements - this is a great plus. To sell an item, you need to go through the registration procedure and gain access to your personal account.

Advertisements are posted completely free of charge and are stored for 50-60 days, however, there is an offer from the creators: “if you want to secure your offer at the top of the page, purchase a package of services.” You don't have to agree to this.– a global platform that allows you to sell various products. Its sellers are not only ordinary people with unnecessary things, but also entire corporations. Free registration is a definite plus of the resource, however, for each lot displayed, you will have to pay a small percentage. Unfortunately, this is a significant disadvantage.

Bag. RU– a resource that provides the opportunity to put things up for auction completely free of charge. To do this, you will have to register on the official website, select high-quality photographs of your product and carefully think through the description. For completing a transaction, the seller must give 2-3% of the amount earned to the owners of the site for the opportunity to sell the goods.

If you have accumulated quite a lot of things and you want to start selling them, then you can create your own online store, because then you won’t have to share your honestly earned money with anyone. To implement this idea, you can use Evgeniy Popov’s proposal “Quick creation of an online store on the InSales platform”

That's all. If you still have questions regarding the sale of used items or have suggestions regarding profitable ways to sell on the Internet, then, of course, leave your comments. Well, I say goodbye to you, but not for long, since in the near future I plan to publish a new review that will help many Internet users find the answer to their question.

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

Have you accumulated a lot of old things that would be nice to sell, or have you purchased a batch of some fairly high-quality or simply very popular product at a cheap price? It is not necessary to obsessively offer old but good children's things to everyone you know in the first case, or rent a retail outlet and stand behind the counter in the second. Everything can be sold online. But where to sell things and how? More on this later.

E-commerce market

Business is moving en masse to the Internet. Online sales in Russia today account for only 2.5% of goods, but in fact this is quite a lot. Many businessmen no longer wonder where to sell things. Most of all (in monetary terms) Russians buy household appliances and electronics, clothes and shoes, accessories, auto parts, perfumes and cosmetics online. In some product categories (for example, household appliances and electronics), the share of e-commerce reaches 17%. Where to sell things online is no longer a problem.

Resale of goods

Among those who sell something online, we can distinguish ordinary Russians who want to profitably get rid of unnecessary things, and businessmen who make money from resales. Buy cheaper, sell more expensive - this is the main principle. They also do not wonder where to sell things online, unlike ordinary Internet users.

You can really make money by reselling. And for this you don’t need to have specific knowledge at all, but you will need start-up capital. You can buy something cheap abroad (usually on Chinese online stores) or purchase a wholesale batch at the appropriate price. Retail sales will be more expensive. The difference is the businessman's profit.

Where can I sell things for real money if the item was purchased for resale? Not all merchants who make a profit in this way have their own online stores. Quite a lot of people sell exclusively through social networks or online message boards - according to some opinions, people buy more willingly there.

Demand assessment

There is a product planned to be purchased for subsequent resale, and the goal is not to sell unnecessary things; first you need to assess the demand for a certain product on the market. How to determine whether a product will sell and where is the best place to sell things? It is enough to post several advertisements on boards and social networks and wait for responses. Find a product, determine a sufficient markup, and add the final price to your ad. Don't forget about shipping costs. Photos can be taken from stocks, but you will need to come up with a description yourself.

Don’t be afraid that the product is out of stock - if someone wants to buy it, just reply that the item turned out to be too popular and everything has already been sold out, but the next delivery is expected soon. Be sure to invite the interested person to let him know when the product will be in stock. If he agrees, then you already have a potential buyer, if not, it’s okay, the main thing is that there was a response, there was interest and a willingness to buy, even if only “here and now.”

If there are no responses within a couple of days, it may be worth trying a different product or editing your ad.

Social media

Where to sell things? You can get rid of unnecessary things or sell a purchase lot on social networks - now many people make purchases there. You need to create a group on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook, a page on Instagram or Twitter. These social networks are quite enough for the “complete set”, although even Twitter for some products will not be very popular.

Today a VKontakte group can be set up as an entire online store. The social network has added the “Products” service, the ability to add a beautiful and very convenient wiki menu, respond to comments and messages on behalf of the community, and not from a personal page. There are fewer opportunities on Facebook and Odnoklassniki, but the audience is older and has a regular income. Instagram is an opportunity to show a product “tasty”, because this social network is focused on publishing photos.

For example, where to sell children's things that the child has already outgrown? In this case, it is completely impractical to create a separate Instagram account, but you can submit an ad in city groups for mommies on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. What if you have to sell a batch of high-quality diapers at an attractive price, onesies, useful accessories for mothers, and so on? You will need a whole group, which can then be advertised in the above-mentioned communities.

Notice boards

Where else can you sell things online? Online message boards are also suitable: local, regional, national, international. True, you will have to pay for publishing more than two or three advertisements on some resources or even in certain categories, so this is rather an answer to the question of where to sell unnecessary things - individually and from a private person - such publications are allowed in for free. For a business account you will have to pay extra to the service.

One-page business card website

If there are few products, a small website will do. One-pagers present only one product in all its glory, describing its features as usefully as possible. There is also an order and payment form, delivery terms, guarantees, and reviews. Business card sites are not suitable for selling unnecessary things - it’s too much hassle, but for selling batches of popular goods they will be an effective tool. True, in the latter case, proper promotion is also important.

Full site

A full-scale website, your own online store - this is for those who have decided to do business on the Internet seriously. Such a platform is another answer to the question of where to sell things in Moscow and the regions via the Internet. It will require significant investments and the assistance of specialists in the field of programming and marketing, but it will have its own platform for selling goods. To sell unnecessary or old items, this option is not suitable.


How to set the right price for old things? For clothing, for example, the following rule applies:

  • -15-20% of the initial cost - the item is in perfect condition, never worn;
  • -30-35% - the item has been used, but the condition is like new;
  • -50% - the item was worn quite often, the condition is estimated at about 4 out of 5;
  • -90% - item with defects;
  • things that were purchased in an online store several years ago (at the old dollar exchange rate), for example, for $200, can be valued differently: now it’s about 1200 rubles, but then it was 600, so put it up for 600 rubles.

The same rules can be followed when setting prices for goods of other categories. If the item was purchased for subsequent resale, you can set the average price on the market or 5-15% cheaper.

Product photos

Websites where you can sell things make it possible to add pictures of the product. High-quality photographs are the calling card of any online store or social network group that strives for successful sales. You can take a photo of a consignment of goods or unnecessary things that you want to get rid of, and even with a small financial benefit, yourself, for example, on a smartphone.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the advanced camera settings available. The difference between professional equipment and a good smartphone is clearly visible if you don’t adjust the camera at all. The options that can be enabled manually are usually limited to white balance, post-processing, lighting settings, depth of field and shutter speed, but this will be quite enough. If there are still no such functions, you should install a special application from the Play Market for the Android operating system or the Apple Store for Apple devices. Some sites that sell things have a built-in photo editor (usually social networks).

Care should be taken to ensure proper lighting. You need soft, diffused light. It is not intense, spreads softly, emphasizing the necessary details. You need to shoot near a window on a sunny day. It's good to use plain white paper to reflect the light in the right direction. You can also build your own soft box for shooting. It is enough to take an ordinary lunch container with transparent walls, put a sheet of paper inside, and set the lighting on the sides. To attract attention, it is better to use an unusual background. You can use a standard white background, some people choose black or staged photos. But a good background at home can be a piece of old board, laminate, white bricks and the like. This is worth experimenting with.

Post-editing is also important. You can change the basic settings: increasing the brightness will smooth out defects and add brightness to the image, increasing the contrast will lead to greater clarity of the image, increasing the clarity will highlight small details and improve the overall quality of the image.

Product description

The description of the product must be “catchy” and complete, answering all possible questions of the buyer and evoking a desire to purchase the product. All sites where you can successfully sell things give you the opportunity to add your own description, rather than fill out a standard form, which will not provide the buyer with the necessary information in sufficient volume.

Firstly, you need to write specifically for your target audience. If you don’t know your target audience, look at the visitor statistics: this function is available both on social networks and on full-fledged websites or one-pagers. For specialized products, up to 90% of the audience can be girls or men, young people or more mature. This is what you need to focus on when drawing up descriptions: in the most general case, for children's products you can highlight safety, men value accurate characteristics and reliability, women value the appearance and positive emotions that this or that purchase will bring them.

You also need to adhere to your own style, make the descriptions of products that are presented on the same platform equally complete.

When describing a product, it is important to emphasize its advantages, not its functionality. It is better to leave dry technical characteristics in a separate column, and indicate the advantages in the description. Roughly speaking, sell not a bicycle, but an opportunity to become healthy, spend more time with friends, and follow the principles of conservation. It is not the product itself that needs to be sold, but the emotion of using it - this is the basic rule of a good description.

After the text block describing the emotions from using the product, you can move on to the characteristics. It is better to format them in the form of a list or a simple table - this form of presenting information is easier to perceive.

Don't forget about keywords - these are the hooks that will allow buyers to find goods on sites where they can sell things. But in no case should the text consist entirely of keywords; you just need to mention them from time to time. How to choose keys? To do this, you can use the Yandex.Wordstat service. If there are many competitors in your area, choose low-frequency keywords - with these you will quickly get to the TOP of search results. It is important to remember that the text will be read not only by search engine robots, but also by real users, so the inclusion of keys should be natural and not hurt the eyes.


Advertising is the engine of sales. If you are selling old items, at least share your ad on social media pages. If we are talking about resale, you need to conduct an advertising campaign. Groups on social networks can be advertised in numerous local communities, competitions also provide good returns, but an online store needs to engage in comprehensive SEO promotion.

Communication with the buyer

You shouldn’t forget that business is business, but it’s all done for people. To meet the needs of buyers.

You need to have respect for customers - respond to messages as quickly as possible, communicate politely, find out about needs, perhaps include small gifts with orders (this increases loyalty to the seller). Then sales will go like clockwork.

Many people are familiar with the situation when too many unnecessary clothes have accumulated in the closet - something they didn’t like, went out of fashion or didn’t fit after purchase. You don't have to throw it away, but try to sell it.

Almost all cities have thrift stores. You can drop off your belongings at one of these. It is advisable that your product is seasonal and not too old-fashioned. Bring things into salable condition - wash and iron them. Bring them to the store and make your offer. Discuss all the conditions in advance. The appraiser will then decide whether the items are suitable for sale and set a price. Remember that a specialized store will take approximately 30% of the cost for its services.

There is an alternative option, without any risks - to place advertisements on the Internet. The most popular bulletin boards are,, Bring things into salable condition. Ask your friends to wear them and take good photos. Be sure to attach them to your ad. Create a good text in which you describe as much as possible the properties of the item being sold and its dimensions. To avoid adding ads every day, download a program that will automatically send your ad to many boards. One such program is Add2Board.

You can use another method - organize an auction on the Internet. There are special resources where you can post advertisements for the sale of your items. Some of these resources are,, After posting, you will receive offers from people in increasing order by email. As a result, the clothes will go to the buyer who names the maximum price. The auction administration will send you his contact information. Contact him and arrange to transfer the item. The advantage of posting ads on the Internet is that your target audience increases significantly - you can even send an item to another country.

You can also place advertisements in newspapers in your city. Almost every city has newspapers that place free advertisements. The most common option is “Hand to Hand”. Purchase one option and look in the “Buy” section. Perhaps this way you can find a buyer. The newspaper indicates the editorial office number - call them, say that you want to submit an ad and simply dictate its text. The only downside is that you won’t be able to attach pictures, which is very important when selling things. But this method also has its place.