Programs for remote desktop access. Long Hands: Remote Computer Management with Android Devices. Installing TeawViewer

Online tracking and remote control

How to trace the child if you are not near? Easily. There are programs that allow you to view the screen via the Internet using the reference to the account. Moreover, in addition to the tracking function, each of these programs has a lot of additional functions. Let's consider the most popular software for tracking and remote control.

NEOSPY - a program for remote tracking for a user PC with the online screen viewing function via the Internet (with a reference to the account). With this software product, you can always view the screen of your home or work PC not only from another computer, but even from the phone or tablet via the Internet. The program is easy to install: You download from the official website the installation wizard that downloads the program itself and establishes (by the way, there are no promotional and obsessive toolbars that even large software companies softelling in the distribution). Next, after installation, go to the settings and tie the program to the account, after which the screen viewing is available online.

NEOSPY Spyware Program

In addition to the usual viewing, you can choose what to see: the window opening on the keyboard visited by the user sites, as well as correspondence in the Messenger PCs installed on the user PC.

As can be seen from the screenshot of the settings, the program provides a lot of opportunities that everyone chooses for itself, based on its goals and tasks.

Bring an account is completely easy. Select the "View via the Internet" item, enter the username and password, click "Connect". Turn on tracking.

Now go to the program website, enter the login and password, go to the tab "Account" and click on "Your Computers".

Online tracking in account

In addition to viewing the screen itself, you can connect to your webcam, which will help watch not only for the actions on the computer, but also near it. You can trace whether your child does homework.

In case the program stands on a portable device - the program shows on the map of the geographic location of your device at the time of use.

It should be noted that from the considered programs of this kind, it is NEOSPY makes it possible to conduct a hidden online tracking and allows you to save video from the screen in your account. There is also an opportunity to ross, and not to watch all the videos entirely. In contrast to Neospy, other programs do not save video, and for tracking it is required to constantly be connected to the screen.

An important distinction of Neospy from other presented programs is completely hidden observation, that is, the user does not see messages about your connection on its screen, such as in TeamViewer and other programs, thanks to this, your child will not know about the observation of it.

What could be still done with neospy?

Traffic encryption. All data transmitted through the server is securely encrypted. They are almost impossible to decipher. Neospy uses AES encryption data transmitted on the network (image screen, motion pointer, keyboard signals, etc.). Double password protection. First - online account: password, which is used to enter the online system. This allows you to just view the list of computers previously added to the online system, but does not allow you to contact them. The second password (and most important) is a password of access, which allows you to connect to a computer and see confidential data.

The interface of the main window

Remote access alerts

When using the "Messages" option, you can notify the user about anything. Other security features:
The user cannot delete or close the tracking module even through the task manager.

Remote Desktop.

When managing a remote PC, the screen of this computer is displayed (via the Internet or local network) on your own monitor. That is, you can see everything on a remote PC, as if sitting in front of him, regardless of the distance between the PC.

The program allows you to work with various PC removed at the same time, from anywhere in the world.

How does Remote Desktop differ from other programs?

The main advantages of remote control NEOSPY are:
- Built-in keyboard spy;
- high speed and performance;
- The Internet gateway allows you to connect to a remote PC for a firewall or when there is no IP address routing or IP address varies dynamically - this is a unique feature of the program!
- Low load on the network, due to the optimized data compression algorithm. Encryption algorithm makes the use of the program absolutely safe;
- Multiple simultaneous connections. Using this feature, the network administrator can effectively view various remote computers at the same time;
- the graphical interface is convenient and intuitive;
- Remote desktop is installed easily. You do not need to be a computer specialist for configuring and working with this software.

Ultravnc - this program is effective and simple, and, not less important, free. It displays the desktop of the remote PC (through the Internet or LAN) on the screen of your computer. The program makes it possible to use your mouse and keyboard to control the remote computer to which you connected. You can manage this computer as your own. For technical support workers, this program will be especially useful, because It will help you quickly access the PC client and carry out the necessary operations where the client would not be. The program does not require particularly complex actions from the client and runs from the file. Ultravnc works great running almost all OS (Windows: from Windows 95 to Windows8, Linux, Mac OS) x32 and x64. Using the built-in viewer, you can exchange files between computers.

Ultravnc. interface

Who will use Ultravnc - for those who need support for remote Windows users. Products were specifically designed to meet the needs:

  • Reference service;
  • IT departments;
  • Users who want to help their relatives and friends, or access home PC from work or an Internet cafe.

DameWare Mini Remote Control

Powerful PC remote control that work on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. DameWare Mini Remote Control (MRC) is one of the best software for remote management software. DameWare Mini Remote Control is available with DameWare Central Server and Administration Console for Extended Control. MRC is licensed by the number of equipment in your organization. The program was created more than 10 years ago and since then, thousands of IT administrators received an ideal connection with remote servers, PCs and laptops thanks to the DameWare Mini Remote Control. DameWare MRC provides remote control for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux systems and includes many remarkable PC remote control.

Understandable control interface. You can receive information from remote computers that can be anywhere: in the same building, at the other end of the city, or around the world. DameWare MRC makes remote use of the desktop incredibly fast.

Advantages of the DameWare Mini Remote Control:

  • Remote control of Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Connection via MRK, RDP or VNC with one console. For each user, a separate screen is created for easy remote troubleshooting. Possible file transfer during the remote control sessions Mini Remote Control can be deployed from the DameWare of the Central Server and the Administration Console, which provide advanced control capabilities from the Unified Center. You can restart the computer and enable sleeping computers, remotely edit the BIOS parameters, create Mount ISO images on remote PCs. It is possible to install or reinstall OS remotely.

    Using the chat function in the DameWare MRC, you can communicate online with remote users to configure their computer. DameWare MRC allows you to determine the rules for accessing the remote PC for various types of users: Require non-administrators to receive permission for remote connections; Allow administrators to connect without permission; Manage access rights through Group Policy. Automatically deploy a remote control: DameWare MSI Builder is included in the IRC, which allows you to create a MSI package to install the Agent customer service MRC, including with any user settings. DameWare Mini Remote Control supports identification and remote connection using a smart card. MRC is included in the remote support for the administration of the DameWare system (DRS) system. In addition to the IRK, the DRS software package includes DameWare Mobile, Windows administration, Active Directory, management, configuration and export tools. However, it is necessary to consider that to download the trial version you will need to fill in the registration form.

Radmin 3 - a remote control program by your PC running Windows. The program makes it possible to work immediately on multiple computers quite fully, just connecting the remote PC desktop. Software allows you to use multiple languages, share files. The possibility of working in Telnet mode makes it possible to manage a large organization remotely without problems.

Remote control Radmin.

Program capabilities:
- A program is compatible with all versions of Windows.
- Excellent speed.
- Safe connection.
- Supports Intel ® AMT functions.
- Works under Windows 8 x86 and x64.
- Support for multiplayer chats, both text and voice.
- Work with multiple monitors.
- Easy and easy to install.
- File transfer is protected.
- Does not require a lot of system resources.
- Supports multiple connections at the same time.
- Tech support is free.
Additional features:

The ability to select the screen transmission mode: from 2 thousand to 16 million colors.
- Support for the wheel of the mouse.
- Support key combinations.
- There is no restriction on the resolution of the remote PC screen.
- The viewer is compatible with Wine (operates under Linux OS).
- Support for the clipboard.
- Unlimited address book.
- Embedded by RADMIN servers.
- Excellent reference.
- Work in Telnet mode.
- Ability to shut down the PC.
- Logging all connections.

Another program that allows you to easily connect to any computer that has access to the Internet - TeamViewer. Just just id and password, because the program has the ability to launch even without installation. TeamViewer is a PC management program, demonstrating a specific window from your screen to other users, which helps to conduct employee training, hold meetings, listen to employees' report and simply discuss and plan work without leaving the computer.

Remote control via TeamViewer

You can create an account on the program website and add any computer to the address book. Lists are supported inside the book, which will allow you to connect to the desired computer in just two clicks, simply selecting the desired PC name from the list. For permanent connections, you can set a permanent password and save it in the address book. This will allow you to quickly connect to the desired computer without entering the password. Advantages of TeamViewer: The program has a conference mode (but there is a limit of 25 participants). There are support for mobile devices. You can do screenshots in real time. TeamViewer guarantees the connection of the connection. The program is conditional and has free use limitations. Paid opportunities are more suitable for large companies. However, there are some problems of connecting between different versions. The user with 9 version can no longer be connected to the user with 4 versions.

AnyPlace Control is a remote control program. The program shows the remote desktop desktop client on your screen and allows you to control it remotely using your own mouse and keyboard. Some of the popular software applications include remote support within the corporate environment or simply work at home with remote access to office computers.

The transfer of files between the Anypace Control PC provides a simple and secure file transfer option between the PC using the interface that is similar to Windows XP Explorer. AnyPlace Control file transfer software is very fast and reliable. Even in the event of a network failure, it will resume the transfer in the place where the failure occurred. Thus, there is no need to start the procedure again. No need to adjust the router or firewall. You can connect to the remote desktop in three different ways: "IP connection IP address", "Account-Connection" and "Connection ID" AnyPlace Control provides access to a remote PC via the Internet, which do not have external IP addresses. You can easily connect to another PC with dynamic IP addresses or internal (192.168.xx) addresses without any additional network configurations. You can easily connect to the PC via the Internet, even if it is behind the router, firewall or proxy server. No need to open the firewall ports or customize the router.

Anyplace Control Interface

You can connect to your client in a few clicks. AnyPlace Control does not require special computer skills. If the standard setting of the host module is too complicated, then the remote user can manually download the software by clicking on a special link that has a preset host module (does not require installation or any additional setting).

Summing up, we can say that most programs support the most necessary functions - direct control of the remote PC. Some are free, some will have to buy. Some programs support the creation of accounts that further simplifies remote control. Often you can simply view the screen of the remote computer without intercepting the control of the latter. However, not all programs are multiplatform. Some work exclusively under the control of only one operating system, which is not very convenient in a large organization. For such purposes, it is much more appropriate to use paid global products that support the creation of accounts and PC lists, saving passwords, work running most of the most popular operating systems and which are easily integrated into a large organization. If you just need to periodically observe remotely behind the screen of your home PC, it makes no sense to buy expensive software, most of whose functions you will not be useful. It is also worth paying attention to the work of the program: Some explicitly show your remote presence on the computer, and some do not show themselves that it will be very useful for hidden monitoring of the computer.

Programs that may interest you

- Program for tracking a computer.

- verification of the loyalty of the spouses;
- monitoring children on the Internet;
- Calculation of negligent employees at work.

Neospy intercepts and sends you all the correspondence, screenshots, visited sites and passwords.

Passwordspy - program to restore saved passwords from browsers and mail programs.

- restoration of lost passwords;
- Support for more than 100 programs (IE, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Outlook, The Bat! And others);
- Portable version can run from the flash drive.

Browsers, postal programs, program for fast messages keep information about the passwords you use and Passwordspy can restore them.

VOICESPY - A program for a hidden recording of conversations in Skype.

- Fast installation and permanent recording of all conversations;
- fully hidden operation mode;
- Sending recorded conversations in MP3 to email.

Internet Sheriff - Locking unwanted sites.

- protection of the child from harmful and corrupt information;
- blocking entertainment and social networks for workers;
- Ready lists porn sites, social networks, entertainment sites.

Reprinting materials from the site site is allowed only when saving all indexed links, including links to the program page in the site catalog

Remote Control Programs PC are well known to any system administrator or employee of the technical support service, since in its daily activities they are constantly faced with the task of administering servers and PC users of the local network. The most common utility for the remote PC management is, of course, Remote Desktop Connection is included in the Windows operating system. This fact is explained not so much by its functional capabilities as the fact that it is an integral part of the OS, and therefore it is not necessary to acquire it separately. As for the functionality of this utility, it is usually not enough in practice, therefore specialized third-party software packages are often used. In this article, we will look at specialized software packages intended for remote control of computers.

If you try to classify remote control programs, then it can be divided into two types: utilities that provide access to the desktop of the remote PC, and the utility providing access to the command line of the remote PC. The first of them provide users with the ability to work with a remote PC in the same way as local. The second type utilities allow you to automate the operation of the network, running on several selected network computers the same or different applications, as well as, for example, to create a schedule for starting programs on remote PCs. It is absolutely pointless to try to compare these two types of utilities, as they are used in different situations and for various purposes.

Note that most of the remote control programs operate on the "client-server" principle, that is, you mean the availability of server and client parts of the program, which are respectively installed on the managed computer and on the PC from which control is performed. To control the remote PC, it is necessary that the corresponding program module (server part) is running on it. Some remote control utilities allow you to remotely install the server part (if there are appropriate administrative rights), and sometimes this procedure is absolutely transparent for the local PC user (as a rule, in this case the server part is installed as a service on a remote PC). But some utilities require "manual" installation of the server part of the program.

In this article, we will present to your attention a remote management program focused on using Windows-platforms. It should be noted that in the process of preparing the publication, we viewed several dozen utilities for the remote control of the PC (the benefit of them is not much difficult to find them on the Internet). However, as it turned out, not all utilities are workable and generally deserve mention. Therefore, we will dwell only on those of them that are really efficient and have been tested by us in the real local network.


AnyPlace Control 3.3 refers to the category of client-server applications.

A HOST module is installed on the PC managed, and the PC from which control is performed is the Admin-program module. Of course, it is possible to simultaneously install both modules on any PC of the local network. But the most interesting thing is that the AnyPlace Control 3.3 program provides the ability to remotely install a Host module to any computer of the local network. And all that is needed for this is to choose a computer on the local network and start the HOST module remote installation procedure. Naturally, it is necessary to have administrator rights.

Note that the AnyPlace Control 3.3 program supports a Russian-speaking interface.

AnyPlace CONTROL 3.3 allows you to work in two modes: viewing and control. In the first mode, it is possible to display a remote PC desktop on the screen and monitor the user's actions, and in control mode - completely intercept the control of the remote PC. An interesting feature of the remote control mode is that the work of the user's remote PC itself is not blocked. However, both in the other mode of a remote PC receives a notification in the form of an icon in the system tray that its computer is "under the hood".

To connect to a remote PC, it must first be selected from the list. The built-in scanner allows you to display all the computers of the local network (domain or working group), and you can configure the filter to display only a PC that already have the installed client part of the program, that is, those that can be connected.

After selecting computers to which you want to connect, they are added to the list and become available for remote control (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The main window of the AnyPlace program
CONTROL 3.3 with the displayed list of computers,

The undoubted advantage of this utility is that it allows you to remotely manage multiple PCs simultaneously. In this case, it is possible to simultaneously execute on managed PCs such commands as shutting down, reboot and terminate a user session.

To prevent unauthorized access to the PC during the installation of AnyPlace Control 3.3, you can set a password for access to the controlled computer. Among other interesting features of the program are to configure traffic encryption when the PC remote control and the use of a common clipboard between the managed computer and the PC from which is controlled. True, send pictures through this buffer will not work, but text fragments are transmitted without problems.

In conclusion, we note that the demo version of AnyPlace Control 3.3 is valid for 30 days after installation. The price of the full version of the program depends on the number of PCs on which it is installed, at the rate of $ 17.5 per PC.

Access Remote PC 4.12.2 (

The Access Remote PC 4.12.2 utility also refers to the category of client-server applications and allows you to intercept the desktop and get full access to any PC where the server part of this program is installed, from any other computer (Fig. 2). Note that the server part of the program is installed on the PC managed, and on the computer from which the control is produced is the client part. When installing the server part of the program on computers to be remote control, the username for which remote control is authorized, and access password.

Fig. 2. Transfer of files between computers
In the Access Remote PC 4.12.2 utility

ACCESS Remote PC 4.12.2 Program provides the ability to manage computers both on the local network and via the Internet and even through modem connections. With a remote computer management, the local user operation is not blocked, and that the computer is controlled from the outside, as well as about who exactly controls the computer, the local user can learn on the icon in the system tray. In addition, the server part of the program allows you to disable all remote users from PC if necessary, change passwords, view the statistics of each remote control session.

Access Remote PC 4.12.2 provides two modes of operation: Full control mode of the remote PC and monitoring mode.

The disadvantages of this utility include the impossibility of remote simultaneous control of multiple PCs using a single interface. However, you can simultaneously run multiple sessions of connections (each of them in your own window), and then the ability to manage multiple remote computers is implemented. Another disadvantage of the program is the inability to remotely install its server part.

The advantages of Access Remote PC belongs that it can work with firewalls, supports dynamic IP addresses and, importantly, practically does not slow down even on slow network connections, including modem. In addition, this utility allows you to easily transfer files between computers, for which there is a special Transfer Files mode (Fig. 2), and also supports work with the exchange buffer, that is, it allows you to synchronize the exchange buffers on the local and remote PC, which simplifies text transmission Fragments between PC. Another advantage of the program is to support encryption when transferring data to the RC4 algorithm with a 160-bit key.

The free version of the program is full-featured, but the number of its launches is limited - only 30 times.


LANHELPER 1.61 (Fig. 3) is a small utility that allows you to automate the process of managing the local network.

Fig. 3. Main window Utilities LANHELPER 1.61

With it, you can make a remote shutdown or reboot at the same time multiple network computers. On deleted PCs, you can run applications (if they support the launch from the command line), in addition, the simultaneous launch of the same applications on the managed PC group is supported.

The LANHELPER utility has a built-in set of commands that can be performed on remote PCs (Fig. 4). In this case, it is possible to specify the time when the application is launched, and the time interval, according to which applications are started on the PC (minimum interval of 1 min). You can also make up the schedule for running applications on remote PCs. The most important advantage of the program is that it does not require the installation of the client part to the remote PC to implement all its capabilities.

Fig. 4. Remote command execution
simultaneously on multiple computers
Using the LANHELPER 1.61 utility

In addition to remote execution of commands, the LANHELPER 1.61 utility allows you to view, run and stopping various services on remote PCs (Fig. 5), as well as send messages to users (to implement this feature, you need to activate the Messenger service on all PCs).

Fig. 5. Working with services on a remote PC
Using the LANHELPER 1.61 utility

To implement the options for running applications and execute commands on remote PCs, you must have administrator rights.

The demo version of the LANHELPER LANHELPER 1.61 program has a limited period of validity - 30 days, the price of the license is $ 49.95.

DameWare NT Utilities (

The DameWare NT Utilities software package is a powerful remote local network administration system. It is based on the Microsoft Windows NT Administration Utility Utilities, combined with a very convenient single interface. Most of the package incoming utilities from the Microsoft Windows NT Administration Utilities set have advanced features, and in addition, it has a number of unique utilities. In particular, the package includes the DameWare Mini Remote Control utility, which allows you to fully control the working desktop of the remote PC, as well as the utility to implement the command line mode on the remote PC.

When you start the DameWare NT Utilities package, the entire network is automatically scanned and in the main program window displays all available domains and working groups, as well as computers in the selected domain / working group (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Main Window DameWare NT Utilities Utilities

Briefly list the features of the DameWare NT Utilities package: With it, you can view information about hard drives on deleted PCs, get acquainted with the content of Event Log event log, view information about connected printers, about running processes and services, about installed applications, collect detailed applications PC configuration information, to receive service information about PC users and much more. There are also additional features: you can quickly edit the registry on a remote PC, send messages to users via Messenger service, remotely turn off or restart computers and, as already mentioned, receive full control of the remote PC via the command line or desktop.

The undoubted advantage of this software package is that to implement remote control, it is not necessary to manually set the client part of the program on a remote PC. When you try to control a remote PC through the desktop or command line, the DameWare NT Utilities program automatically displays a request to install and launch the required service on a remote PC. In this case, the user of this remote PC learns about interception of control in the pop-up window, which displays information about which PC is remote control.

The advantages of DameWare NT Utilities can be attributed to simultaneously connecting to multiple computers to manage them, as well as the fact that the local user is not blocked during remote control.

In general, this software package is a powerful and convenient tool of network control.

The demonstration version of the program is full-featured, but with limited 30 days of validity. The price of one license is $ 289. In addition, you can separately purchase the DameWare Mini Remote Control package for remote control of computers through the desktop, one license will cost $ 89.95.

Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9 (

The current version of the Omniquad Instant Remote Control Utility - 2.2.9 is not yet not new, but still remains one of the best in its class.

Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9 utility allows you to get full control over the remote PC through the desktop. A distinctive feature of this utility is that it does not require the installation of the client part on the controlled PC. When you get access to a remote PC on it, the corresponding service is initially launched on it, and the user managed using this PC program does not receive any notice and does not have the opportunity to find out that its computer is intercepted. This allows you to use this utility for hidden monitoring of user actions. Note that the ability to control the PC without prior notification of the user, not all remote control utilities have.

When you start the program, the network is automatically scanned, and the main window of the program displays the computers of the network environment (Fig. 7). After allocating any computer, by pressing the Remote Control button, interception of the remote PC control is made. The operation of the local user is not blocked. In addition, it is possible to launch this utility in the monitoring mode of the remote PC desktop.

Fig. 7. Main Window Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9 Utilities

Note that for remote control, it is necessary to have appropriate access to PC. If you use a firewall (Firewall) on a remote PC, you must open port 6003 used by this default utility. In addition, you can assign the Omniquad Instant Remote Control program any other port (while open ports can be scanned).

The disadvantage of the program is that it does not support simultaneous connection with multiple remote computers.

The demo version of the utility has a limited period of action - 30 days, the price of the license is $ 39.


According to the spectrum of functionality, this product (Fig. 8) to some extent similar to the DameWare NT Utilities package. The EMCO Remote Desktop Professional software package is a set of functional tools to implement remotely manage the local network and monitoring its condition.

Fig. 8. Main Window Utilities Emco Remote Desktop Professional

When you start the program, you can activate a network scanner that allows you to collect detailed information about all the local network computers, about the applications installed on them, about the processes running, about the versions of the existing operating system, about installed equipment, etc. In addition to automatically collecting information about network computers (this process lasts sufficiently long) PCs can be added to the list and manually.

The package allows you to remotely start and stop service, restart and disable computers. The most interesting feature of this program is the ability to fully control the remote computer - for this it is enough to highlight the desired computer in the list and go to the Viewer tab. If the computer management is performed for the first time, you must install the NetServer service on a remote PC. This procedure is remotely and is absolutely imperceptible to the local user. After the NetServer service is running on a remote PC, you can connect to it, get full control over control and then work with a remote PC just as with the local one. With a remote control of the computer, the local user is not blocked; True, if you use the mouse at the same time, it is hardly possible to use anything.

Since no notifications that the computer is controlled from the outside, the local user does not receive, the EMCO Remote Desktop Professional software package can be effectively used to secretly monitor user actions.

Another important advantage of the program is that it allows you to simultaneously remotely manage multiple PCs. At the same time, a special window is assigned to each session with a remote PC.

From the disadvantages of this program, we note the complexity of its configuration when using Windows XP SP2 on the controlled PC. Moreover, as practice shows, the need to configure depends on which patches are set. Of course, the program is made by step by step instructions of the changes that will have to be done in this case (more precisely, the program loads the appropriate instructions from the site), but all this is rather inconvenient and impractical.

The demonstration version of the program is designed for 30 days and supports only 25 local network computers. The price of the package depends on the number of computers on the network: 50 computers (minimum number) - 135 dollars; 1000 computers - $ 1295

Radmin 3.0 Remote Control (

Of all the products considered by us, the RADMIN 3.0 Remote Control utility from the company Famatech The most "fresh" - its new version came out in early 2007.

This utility is designed to observe and obtain full control over the remote PC in the local network.

Radmin 3.0 Remote Control is equipped with only the necessary means to control the remote PC and is very easy to configure (Fig. 9). Thanks to this, it is easy to master it. The utility works on the principle of a client-server application and includes two parts: the first (server) part is installed on the controlled PC, and the second is on the PC from which control is performed.

Fig. 9. Main Window Utilities Radmin 3.0 Remote Control

The shortcomings of the program should include the absence of built-in tools for remote installation of the server part (RADMIN Server) on a controlled PC, so if you need to control any PC on the network, you will first have to install the corresponding module on it.

Serious, in our opinion, the disadvantage of this utility is the lack of a built-in network scanner, which does not allow you to receive a PC list to which you can connect.

Well, the last disadvantage that was discovered during testing this program is that the utility needs to be configured or simply disable the Firewall on the controlled PC in case Windows XP SP2 is used on it.

The utility works in several modes: file transfer, full control, view, Telnet, shutdown and command line mode. There is a built-in file manager, with which the files are transmitted from one PC to another. The program maintains traffic statistics and can encrypt data.

Using Radmin 3.0 Remote Control, you can manage both one remote computer, and at once, with each other, it is installed for each password. To ensure an increased level of security, you can take additional precautions: Enable password overpowering and make a list of prohibited IP addresses.

In the latest version of the program, many interesting innovations appeared:

  • support for Windows Vista;
  • text and voice chat with the ability to conduct conferences and share personal messaging and password protection;
  • an increased level of security, providing protection against attacks and protection of active data on the network;
  • different access rights for each user;
  • IP filters to restrict access to specific IP addresses and subnets.

In general, it should be noted that this utility loses in its functionality to similar remote control utilities. Lack of a built-in network scanner, the need for a local installation of the RADMIN Server module - all this significantly limits its functionality.

In conclusion, we note that the cost of the license RADMIN 3.0 Remote Control is $ 49 per PC.

Atelier Web Remote Commander 5.59 (

Atelier Web Remote Commander 5.59 (Fig. 10) is a small utility that, according to the plan, must ensure complete control of the remote PC. It consists of two parts and works on the "client / server" principle. In addition, it is possible to remotely collect information about the hardware configuration of the PC and others. However, to list all the capabilities of the utility in this case, it is unlikely to make sense, since it is so raw that it is hardly possible to use it.

Fig. 10. Information Window Utilities
Atelier Web Remote Commander 5.59

From the explicit disadvantages you can allocate the lack of reference. In addition, the program does not have a built-in network scanner, because of which it is necessary to explicitly enter the name or IP address of the computer, to which you need to connect, which is extremely uncomfortable. But the main drawback is that to implement the connection to a remote PC, it is primarily necessary to install the appropriate program module (there is no built-in tools for remote installation) and somehow set it up.

Unfortunately, as we set up a program, we failed to carry out a remote connection (the connection was carried out on a local network between two computers with the Windows XP SP2 operating system). Although the program is paid (the demonstration version has a limited validity period), but absolutely useless and inoperable. Our verdict is "in the oven" such programs.

Remote Desktop Control 1.7 (

Remote Desktop Control 1.7 refers to the category of client-server applications, that is, a HOST-module of the program is installed on the controlled PC, and the PC from which control is performed is an admin-module.

According to its interface (Fig. 11) and functionality, the Remote Desktop Control 1.7 package is very similar to AnyPlace Control 3.3, but has some important differences (and for the worse), for example, it does not have the ability to implement the remote installation of the Host module to any local Local PC network. In addition, to work Remote Desktop Control 1.7, you must configure the Firewall on the managed computer (add a program to the allowed list), while the AnyPlace Control 3.3 program does it automatically.

Fig. 11. Main window program
Remote Desktop Control 1.7 with the displayed list of computers,
to which you can remotely connect

For its functionality, Remote Desktop Control 1.7 is similar to the AnyPlace CONTROL 3.3 program: it allows you to work in two modes: viewing and control; In the viewing mode, you can display the remote PC desktop on the screen and monitor the user's actions, and in the control mode - completely intercept the control of the remote PC.

The utilities allow you to remotely manage multiple PCs simultaneously. At the same time, simultaneous execution on managed PCs of commands such as shutdown, reboot and completing the user session.

In conclusion, we note that the demo version of Remote Desktop Control 1.7 is valid for 30 days after installation. The price of the full version of the program depends on the number of PCs on which it is installed, - $ 15 per pc.

TIGHTVNC FOR Windows 1.3.8 (

TIGHTVNC FOR Windows 1.3.8 - absolutely free utility for remote control of the computer, which works on the "client-server" principle and has two modules: TightVNC Viewer and TightVNC Server. The TIGHTVNC Server module is installed on a PC controlled, and TightVNC Viewer - on a PC from which control is performed. There is no means for remote installation of the TIGHTVNC Server module. In addition, before starting work, it is necessary to configure the TIGHTVNC Server module by specifying a connection password. To connect to a remote PC, it is enough to specify its DNS name or IP address and select the type of compound (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Connection to a remote PC using utility
TIGHTVNC FOR Windows 1.3.8

The only function of the TIGHTVNC For Windows 1.3.8 program is to obtain full access to the remote computer desktop and control it using the mouse and keyboard. If we consider that the utility is absolutely free, it can be recommended to home users.

Ultravnc 1.0.2 (

UltraVNC 1.0.2 utility is another absolutely free, but, nevertheless, a very effective utility for a remote control of a PC operating according to the client-server scheme. The UltraVNC Server module is installed on the managed computer, and on the computer from which the control is carried out is the UltraVNC Viewer module. Remote installation of the UltraVNC Server module in the program is not provided, so installing modules are necessary locally.

The UltraVNC Server module has a lot of settings (Fig. 13) and allows you to set a password to connect, select the ports used, etc.

Fig. 13. Setting up Ultravnc Server module

When accessing the remote PC desktop in full control mode, the local user operation is not blocked. In addition, UltraVNC 1.0.2 utility offers a number of additional features. For example, there is a built-in chat, with which you can exchange messages with a remote PC. Also provides the ability to transfer files. In addition, the UltraVNC 1.0.2 utility provides encryption of transmitted data, which provides for the exchange of keys between computers.

In general, it can be noted that Ultravnc 1.0.2 utility is a highly efficient means of remote control of the PC and it can be recommended both for home users and for corporate use (especially with the fact that the utility is free).


There are three options for RealVNC: Free Edition, Personal Edition and Enterprise Edition, which differ from each other with functionality and cost.

RealVNC Free Edition has minimal features and is absolutely free. Actually, in this case, we are talking only about the possibility of gaining access to the desktop of a remote PC.

Option RealVNC Personal Edition offers a number of additional features. First of all, this is the traffic encryption along the AES algorithm with a key length of 128 bits (Fig. 14), and the automatic generation of encryption key is supported. In addition, it is possible to use the user's authentication, as well as file transfer between computers and much more.

Fig. 14. Traffic Encryption Setup
and user authentication
In the RealVNC Personal Edition program

A distinctive feature of the version of the REALVNC Enterprise Edition is its multiplatform. That is, this program, having all the functionality of the REALVNC Personal Edition, can be used to remotely manage computers on which Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and MAC OS and Windows 95/98 / ME / NT 4/2000 / are installed XP / 2003 / Vista.

The cost of the REALVNC program depends on the number of licenses (the number of managed computers) and on the delivery option. Thus, the cost of the Personal Edition variant is $ 30 per license, and the Enterprise Edition option is $ 50 per license.

Hidden Administrator 1.5 (

Hidden Administrator 1.5 (Fig. 15) is another free program for remote control of computers, and, as follows from the name, it allows you to carry out hidden monitoring of computers.

Fig. 15. Main Window Utilities Hidden Administrator 1.5

The program works on the "client-server" principle. The server part is installed on the controlled computer, while the means for remote installation is not provided.

In addition to the function of gaining access in full control mode to the remote computer desktop, Hidden Administrator 1.5 offers a number of additional features: to receive a remote PC configuration information, exchange files with a remote PC, send messages to a remote PC, turn off or restart the remote computer, work with Registry of a remote PC, receive and transmit the clipboard, run programs on a remote PC and much more (Fig. 16). Enumeration of everything that this program is capable of, it would take a mass of time. Note that the only thing that she does not know how to do is encrypt traffic. Naturally, it is provided for setting a password to connect with a remote PC and even configuring an IP filter on computers from which remote control is possible.

Fig. 16. Selection of action with remote PC
In the Hidden Administrator 1.5 program

This utility is best in its class, and it can be recommended to home users.

Surely, not every PC user (especially newcomer) knows that you can safely control the computer at a distance, and fully! Those. So, if you are sitting and working at your own computer, but being at a distance, and do it, for example, from a tablet or other computer. It happens very convenient and, for example, I use this opportunity regularly. Why do I need it? I work a lot on the Internet, but I always can't sit at my computer. It happens somewhere or somewhere to leave someone, and any urgent matter appears and I need my computer to open some kind of program, run something, see. The computer to carry with you always and everywhere is very problematic. He weighs about 4 kg, which is well felt when carrying :) But I always have a tablet or a smartphone with myself, from which at any time and from anywhere I can connect to my computer, which leaves the houses included. And so, I can work for him as if I am at home. Another reason for remote access is the ability to ask you some familiar or colleague to deal with any problems in the settings, programs on your computer via remote access. You can also help someone to solve some problem on the computer, connecting remotely to this person. Well, the last ... It happens that the right computer is in a hard-to-reach place or need to go. In this case, it is also the easiest to connect to it remotely and ready!

In this article, it will be about how to remotely manage the computer from any device and with the help of this manual you will learn to do it even to do even being a newcomer! We will consider the most, in my opinion, convenient for this business program - TeamViewer and today I will talk about the basic most necessary and useful features. Yes, it is also free for non-commercial use! There are only 2 conditions for remote control of devices: the availability of a connection to the Internet on both devices, as well as the availability of the TeamViewer program on both devices.

To date, TeamViewer is supported by all devices:

    Smartphones based on Android operating systems, Windows Phone 8;

    Tablets on the same Android systems, Windows Phone 8;

    IPad all modifications;

    Computers based on the Mac, Linux, Windows operating system.

For all these devices, you can download TeamViewer Application for free.

Interestingly, the fact that you can manage and vice versa - smartphones and tablets from a stationary computer.

So, we'll start on the steps to deal with the program, starting from the process of its installation.

Installing TeawViewer

    First you need to download the program itself. It is best to download from the official site, because there will always be placed the latest version. Go to the official website TeamViewer on the link:


    At the top of the page that opens, it is impossible not to notice the big "Free Full Version" button. Here it is and click:

    After downloading the file, we find it on your computer and run. The file will be called: "TeamViewer_Setup_en":

    In the next window, the program will be asked to select the TeamViewer use option. These settings can be changed after installation at any time. If you want to manage this computer (which you install the program) deletely, then immediately select the appropriate item. Otherwise, select Simply "Set".

    Below, it is necessary to choose the "Personal Non-Profit Usage" item, since the program is distributed only for this option of use.

    At the end, we set the checkbox "Show Advanced Settings" and click the "Accept - Next" button:

    Windows Account Controls can request your confirmation to continue the installation. Just press "yes":

    In the next window, check the path where the program will be installed, and if you wish, change it. But I recommend leaving the default path. Options below can not be included. All of them, if necessary, can be set after installation. Click the "Finish" button:

    A quick process installation process will begin, which will take from a few seconds to a minute.

On this installation of the TeamViewer program is completed! Go to its settings and use.

TeamViewer Setup

Configuring uncontrolled access to the computer:

Now we can freely manage this computer with any other device, wherever we are in the Internet access area :) But for this we will deal with the information that we (or anyone else) need to know that we can Connect to this computer is remotely removed.

Data required for remote control by any device:

The most, perhaps, it is important to know the data by which you can connect remotely to the current computer.

To connect to this computer from another computer / device with the installed TeamViewer, you need to know only:

    ID of this computer;

    Password to access this computer via TeamViewer (not to be confused with a password for logging in Windows!).

All this data are located in the main window of the program:

According to my example (see the image above) for remote access to this computer at the moment I need to specify on a remote device ID: 900 288 832 and password: 6SX71K.

ID in TeamViewer for each specific computer does not change. Those. The one that is specified in the window you will always specify when you remotely connected. And passwords in TeamViewer have 2 types: temporary (random) and personal (permanent). Now more about this:

I hope you understand the difference in passwords :)

Now we will go on the main most important settings of the program.

The main settings of the program:

    To go to all program settings, open the "Advanced" menu and select the option "Options":

    We immediately get on the "Basic" tab. Here you can enable or disable the automatic launch of the TeamViewer program when booting Windows. If you are going to manage this computer remotely, I strongly recommend leaving this item included. Then you will not have to run TeamViewer manually and especially if you are far away, and TeamViewer will not run on this computer, you will not be able to connect to it.

    Below you can see the message that you are attached to the previously created account. If you click the Delete button, you can break this connection.

    On this tab, important settings that are not exhibited by default, no more. Go to the next tab "Security".

    On the Safety tab, we can change the "personal" password, indicating the new and repeating it at the very top. Below you can configure the "random" password, setting it the number of characters. By default, such a password will always be issued from 6 characters.

    In the last section "Connection Rules to this Computer" section, you can enable or disable deletely log in using Windows password. The most reliable to leave this parameter specified by default, i.e. - "Is not allowed". Connect the easiest way through the TeamViewer password and will be safer.

    Tab "Remote Management". There are important settings here. All these settings are global - i.e. For any connection. But if you have created an account for you (as stated), then for each computer added to your personal list, you can set your connection settings, but this later.

    This is how the settings look like on this tab:

    At the very top, you can configure the image quality when connected to a remote computer. Leave better or "Automatic Quality Choice", or "Optimize Speed". I always put the speed optimization to connect to the remote machine and work almost without delay even through the mobile Internet. Minus only one - image quality (how we see a remote computer) will not be the best, but sometimes it is not even noticeable.

    Below, as you can see, the "Hide Wallpaper on a remote machine" option is enabled. This means that when connecting to a remote computer, the desktop background will be simply black there. I always leave this option enabled so as not to spend resources on loading, sometimes a large background image.

    Advanced settings are even lower, which are configured in each preferences. For example, if the "Play Computer and Music Sounds" feature is enabled, you will respectively hear all the sounds of the remote computer.

    It is useful to enable the option "Transmit a key combination" option. If this option is enabled, connecting to the remote computer, you can use the key combinations familiar to you. For example, the quick opening of the task manager is "Ctrl + Shift + ESC".

    In general, here you need to configure the way.

    Let us now go to the Computers and Contacts tab.

    The Computers and Contacts tab will display the settings of your account, in which all the remote computers you have added will be visible. On this tab, you can change the account data, as well as the configuration of the display of computers.

On this basic settings we disassembled. Now let's go to the main - remote control of the computer.

The principle of remote computer management

Driving a computer or any other device (TeamViewer must also be installed on them!) We can, as I said, from any point where there is access to the Internet and it is enough to know the managed device ID and its password (random or permanent ). Knowing these 2 parameters, we can control the computer.

Let's try to connect to the computer remotely:

    In the main window of TeamViewer, where the "Manage Computer" section is located, specify the ID of that computer, which will be managed in the "Partner ID" field.

    If you have created an account, then we can immediately make a computer on our favorites list by pressing the button with the image of the stars:

    We will open the access settings window to the computer, which we add to the list:

    In the image above, I noted those fields and lists, where it is best to make changes:

    • Specify the password if you know the "personal" password of the remote computer. Otherwise, leave the field empty.

      Specify the network name of the remote computer (for your own convenience). It will be displayed in the list of your computers.

      Optionally, you can ask a description of the deleted computer added for convenience, if you have a big list.

      In the "Window" list, I chose "full-screen mode". This means that when connected to a remote computer, TeamViewer will display a remote computer in full screen. It will look like you are fully working for that computer. You can choose another parameter, such as "window mode", and then the remote computer will be displayed in the window.

      In the list "Quality" I also choose to "optimize speed" in order not to sacrifice the performance, especially when connecting to a slow Internet.

      "Identification mode" is better to always put the "TEAMVIEWER" identification. Then you will be enough to know the password specified for a particular computer in the TeamViewer program to connect to it.

    The remaining settings can be left with the "inherited" value, because, as a rule, there is no need for them and, in the extreme case, you can configure at any time.

    When the settings are set, press the "OK" button.

    Computers that you will add to your list will be seen in a separate window, as in my example in the image below:

    In the example, I added a computer named "Test TeamViewer".

    Now that the computer is in the list to connect to it, just click two times the left mouse button by its name. If the password you immediately pointed out, it will not be requested and there will immediately be connected (within a couple of seconds).

    Another way to quickly connect to the computer, if you for any reason have not started the account and do not put computers in your favorites list, it's just entering the ID to the appropriate field and click "connect to a partner":

    By default, it is worth the "Remote Control" mode, which we need. And the "File Transfer" mode we can enable at any time during a remote session.

    Now the window will be issued, where you want to enter a password to connect to a remote computer:

    Enter the password and press the "Login to System" button.

    Connection usually occurs in a couple of seconds, but it depends on the speed of the Internet with the same side. After connecting to a remote computer, the window will look like this:

    As you can see, the remote computer screen is black. As you probably remember, in the settings we left the "Hide Wallpaper on a remote machine" option included. As a result, the wallpaper on a remote machine was black, which will reduce the consumption of resources, and immediately after disconnecting from the remote computer, its desktop wallpaper will be returned to the previous appearance.

This is so simple and easy to connect to a remote computer :)

You can fully manage the computer at any distance, and at the same time look it will be exactly as if you are sitting on that computer.

Once again I remind you that the same can be done with almost any device. If you have, for example, there is an iPad, then download TEAMViewer on it (it is always free!), Enter ID and password of the remote computer, and that's it! You connect and you can manage it directly from the tablet, and it is also very comfortable!

Now consider some features available to us during a remote session.

Functions available during a remote work session on a computer with TeamViewer:

So, we are connected to a remote computer. We see the panel with a set of functions. Let's go through the most necessary of them:

    The button under the number "1" allows you to break the connection with the remote computer at the time.
    After any completion of the TeamViewer program on both devices, a window will be issued that the free session is completed. Just always press "OK":

    You can also instantly break the connection by being the remote computer. For example, someone remotely assisted help on setting up the system or eliminates some problem. If suddenly, that man began to make any actions on your computer, which, in your opinion, does not need to do it, then you can break the connection alone alone in the form of a cross (see the image below):

    The button under the number "2" allows you to hide this panel of the remote session functions.

    The button under the number "3" allows you to instantly switch to full-screen mode, which I use in 99% of cases.

    A very useful feature is to transfer files from a local computer to remote and back. You can do this by simply dragging the desired files from the window of your computer to the remote computer window.

    Another way is to use the Special Manager - "File Transfer". It opens from the same panel that is fixed at the top. Select the "File Transfer" item, and then again "File Transfer":

    A special manager will open - the conductor. There is also nothing complicated here. We specify, from which folder of the local computer will be transmitted, then you specify the folder where the file is transferred to a remote computer. Then select the file itself on the local computer, which will be transmitted and press the "Submit" button:

    The file will be transferred to a remote computer. In my example, I transmitted an image file called "" from the "Downloads" folder onto the remote computer desktop:

    After sending the necessary data, the file transfer manager can be closed, and a window will be issued with the transfer statistics of your files, where you need to click "close" again:

    Or you can minimize this window.

    There are 3 more very useful features that are available during the remote session. This is the possibility of voice communication, video broadcasting and chat support.

    All of these 3 functions can be activated by selecting the "Audio / Video" menu:

    Here you can change scaling, for example, turn on full screen mode. Here, in the "Quality" submenu, you can choose the quality display quality on the remote computer you need, for example, by including "Optimize Speed". You can also change the resolution of the remote computer (for example, if the resolution of your local computer is very different) and show / hide the wallpaper on a remote machine. Everything else is not so essential and necessary ...

Well, perhaps, all the most useful, that you need to know how to remotely manage the computer using TeamViewer :) The cool program is not true? :)

The most important thing is that it is extremely simple, even the newcomer will cope with it. Well, of course - free! In general, the best decent replacement program "TeamViewer", I, honestly, did not see.

And now I think that in a couple of weeks I already execute an article, and you will be able to familiarize yourself with the next testing of the new autochercker!

Well, now I say goodbye to you for a week ... Good luck to you and always good mood! ;)

Remote computer management programs allow you to remotely manage another computer via the Internet or on the local network. It is convenient when it is necessary to help not a very experienced user, for example, a relative or a friend, a badly dismantling in a computer something to do something on it, without going from his cozy chair and not spending his nerves and time for telephone conversations. Such programs are still convenient to use for remote work, for example, from home to connect to the office and on the contrary - to access your home PC, for system administration of a whole Park of computers and servers.

We will conduct a comparative analysis of remote control programs, select their advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most popular programs for remote access, you can quickly download and install it or immediately run, without installation, it will not even be able to cope with this not a very experienced user. When starting, the program displays the ID window and password to access this computer, as well as TeamViewer allows you to connect to another computer by setting its ID and password.

The program has several basic modes of operation. This is remote control, file transfer, chat, demonstrating your desktop. The program allows you to configure round-the-clock access to the computer, it will be convenient for system administration. The speed of operation is quite worthy, there are versions for all mobile platforms, for various operating systems, which is very pleased. A simple and fully understandable interface plus a number of additional utilities to extend the program functionality will be useful for remote support services.

Although the program is free, but only for non-commercial use, as well as when working with it, more than 5 minutes there is a number of difficulties, such as TV can block a remote connection session, recognizing it as commercial use. For round-the-clock remote access or administering multiple computers, computer network, you will have to pay for additional program modules. The cost of the program is high.

This program is ideal for a one-time remote connection or use of its short periods of time. It is convenient to use from mobile platforms, but do not administer a large number of computers. For additional modules will have to pay extra.


Simple, but quite a powerful software program, consists of two parts, the first server that needs to be installed or run on a remote computer and viewer that allows you to manage another computer. For work, the program requires a little more skills and experience from the manager, although the server work is even easier than in TeamViewer, the server can be installed once and no longer you need from the user, the ID will always be permanent, it can even be set in manual that Very convenient for memorization. The LiteManager Free version is free for personal and commercial use.

In the program, in addition to the main remote access modes: Remote Control, File Transfer, Chat, Task Manager, Registry Editor, There are unique features, for example: inventory, screen recording, remote installation. The program is free for use on 30 computers, it can be used for round-the-clock access without any additional modules. There are no restrictions on time. It is possible to configure your own server ID to configure the corporate support service. The program does not have any restrictions on time and locking.

There is not enough customer under mobile platforms or other systems, there are restrictions on 30 computers in the free version, to administer more of more, you need to purchase a license. Some specific work modes are available only in Pro version.

The LiteManager program is suitable for providing remote support, to administer multiple dozen computers absolutely free to configure your own remote support service. The cost of the program is the lowest in its segment and the license is not limited to time.


The program is mainly similar to TeamViewer, but a simpler option. There are only the basic modes of operation - view and control, file transfer, chat. The program can work without installation, free for non-commercial use.

A simple and easy program, you can work both on the Internet and on the local network, has minimal settings and does not require any special skills and skills. By comparison with TeamViewer, a softer licensed policy.

Minimum features for remote control, administer a large computer park will be difficult, with a debt of use, more than 15 hours per month, the work session may be limited or blocked, paid for commercial use,

This program is more suitable for a single connection to a computer and not highly complex manipulations, for example, as providing assistance not to an experienced user in configuring a computer.


One of the first remote control programs and known in its circle could not be mentioned, more intended for system administration, the main focus was on security. The program consists of two: server component and client. Requires installation, not an experienced user will not just understand with it, the program is designed mainly to work on the IP address, which is not entirely convenient to provide those. Support via the Internet. The program is paid, but has a free test period.

The program has a high speed of work, especially in a good network, thanks to the video driver capturing the desktop, increased reliability and safety. Intel AMT technology is built-in, which allows you to connect to a remote computer BIOS and adjust it. Implemented only the main modes of operation Remote control, file transfer, chat, etc.

There is almost no possibility to work without an IP address, i.e. Connect by id. There is no client for mobile systems. There is no free version, only a test period of 30 days. For working with the program you need an experienced user skills. When you connect a video driver can turn off the AERO graphic shell, sometimes the screen flashes.

The program is more suitable for system administrators to administer computers and servers on the local network. To work via the Internet, you may have to configure the VPN tunnel.

In the era of the Internet technologies, people increasingly began to use funds remote control computer. Thanks to the Internet by the user, even with a smartphone, it is possible to remotely manage your computer.

We will analyze the situation: for example, you forgot to turn off the computer at home or you need to run or close some application. In this case, your smart phone will help you on which the utility is installed to manage your home PC. With this mobile utility you can not only turn off the computer, but also open or close the programs you need. In this material, we will consider in detail the software that helps manage through the Internet computer, whether it is a laptop, tablet or smart phone.

Remote computer control using TeamViewer 11 utility

We first consider the utility for quick access to the remote PC TeamViewer.. The utility has become so popular that millions of fans worldwide won. At the moment, a version is available at number 11. You can download TeamViewer on the official website. The installation is quite simple and comes down to the clicks pair and the adoption of the license agreement. After downloading and installing the utility will have such a view in Windows 10.

The program window is divided into the upper toolbar and is divided into two blocks. The first block, directly, is responsible for setting up your computer. That is, your ID and password are displayed in it. Using the ID and password, you can connect the user and manage your PC. In the second right-hand unit of the program there are tools that allow you to connect to a remote computer, having an ID and user password.

In this example, we will describe the management of computers using TeamViewer running Windows 7, XP operating systems and 10. First, we first try to connect to a computer with the Windows XP operating system. Computer, from under which we will connect to PCs with XP, running on Windows 10. First of all, the PC user with XP must tell us its ID and password. After that, in the right part of the program, we enter its data, that is, its id. Then the window should appear in which you want to enter a password to confirm.

After a few seconds, the program must connect to the remote client, and you will see the working desktop of the remote PC with Windows XP.

In the window that appears, the top panel of the speed control of the computer and the desktop appeared. If you go to the first tab of the quick control panel " Actions"A list of functions that you can perform relative to the managed PC will open.

This tab includes such teams:

  • Completing a user session;
  • Blocking user access;
  • Set of key combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del";
  • Detailed information on the system on a remote machine;
  • Access additional users to manage PCs.

On the second tab of the quick control panel " View»We have access to the control options with the appearance of the PC control window. For example, in this tab we can set the quality that will be displayed in the window or change the screen resolution.

The third panel of the quick control panel " Communication"Responsible for such options as voice and video chat. Also on this tab is the ability to switch between users, that is, you can change control.

FIRST TABLE OF THE FAST MANAGEMENT panel " Files and additional features"Gives the administrator such as:

  • Remote printing over the Internet from an administrator computer to a printer of a managed PC;
  • Screen screenshot on a remote machine, saved to a specific format;
  • Record what is happening on the desktop remote machine on video;
  • Fast transfer of files via the Internet from a managed computer to the administrator or vice versa;
  • Creating a remote quick VPN network on the Internet to protect information.

Managing remote machine with OS Windows 7. Almost no different. Below is a window with access to a remote machine on a seven, where we see its desktop.

Windows 10 is also no different. Below is shown a window with a work desk on a dozen.

Since TeamViewer works, as a service in Windows, has a permanent and fast access to the Internet, in the utility because of this often occurs. conflicts with antivirus.

If you notice that the service conflict with antivirus, make it in the list of exceptions in the settings of the antivirus.

Many users are asked if it is possible to conduct hidden control using TeamViewer. There is no answer to this question. If you need to keep hidden computer management, then you need such utilities like AMMYY ADMIN., Litemanager. and Radmin.. These utilities can work without signs of warning on a remote machine And manage PCs as a service or process in Windows.

Manage Windows XP with smartphone on Android and Windows Phone

For example, take a smartphone with an operating system Android. In the operating system android there is your application store called " Google Play." To control PCs with an XP OS through Android we will load mobile version TeamViewer. on the phone. To do this, let's go to the Android OS store " Google Play."And upload TeamViewer. The installed version of the mobile version of TeamViewer on android looks in this way.

At the moment, version 4.5 is available for Android. To connect to a PC with Windows XP, sim sim simply enter the ID and password. Connecting, we will fall into such a window.

The image shows that at the bottom of the window there are five icons and see the desktop XP. The first icon in the form of a cross will allow you to exit a remote session. The second icon in the form of a keyboard will allow you to call the virtual keyboard android.

The third icon in the form of a wrench will allow you to call the tab " Actions»With an analogue on a desktop version of Windows. True, the functionality of this tab is very limited on android.

The fourth tab will take us to settings Android version of the TeamViewer program.

If you do not need remote control via Mobile TeamViewer, then when you start the program below there are shortcuts, computers, chat and files. These labels will allow you to lead a chat with a remote interlocutor or share files with it.

If you have any difficulties with the program, then on the company's website there is a support service that will help solve your problems. In addition, on the support service site you can specify explicit errors in the program. The program is very popular and comes out not only on Windows and Android. For example, there are versions to Windows Phone and Linux.. On Windows Phone, the application looks like this.

Download the TeamViewer application for Windows Phone can be in App App. Windows Store.. As for Android, the application for Windows Phone is absolutely free. It should also be noted that the expanded license on the utility has several advantages related to the support service and TeamViewer Manager.. I also want to mention that in addition to the management of the Windows itself, you have the ability to manage devices on Android and Windows Phone from a laptop or stationary computer.

Also briefly consider the Utility for Windows Phone called Microsoft Remote Desktop Preview. This utility can be downloaded for Windows Phone phone in the store. Windows Store.. This utility allows smartphones on Windows Phone to quickly access the RDP protocol. That is, on a Windows Phone smartphone you can get quick access inside your local network, for example, via Wi-Fi. To establish a connection from a smartphone in Windows, you need to enable remote control. To do this, in the properties of the system, we put a tick in the block " Remote assistant».

Now, to connect to a PC on Windows, we need a user password and a computer. To connect to the utility on the phone in the fields " User Name."And" Password.»We recruit the IP address and password of the user.

After these actions, we will fall on the XP desktop, as in the previous utility. We also note that the article describes the work with RDP in more detail.

For corporate clients company ManageEngine. Developed a software product Mobile Device Management for Android. Mobile Device Management for Android software allows you to control hundreds of devices in android in a corporate environment. In the software product Mobile Device Management for Android, the system administrator can fully monitor, control, audit android devices and ensure secure storage of corporate data on them. Mobile Device Management for Android allows you to manage such operations:

  • Registration of devices and setup in various networks and on the Internet;
  • Make quick access to various networks;
  • Management of android device profiles;
  • Management of applications and android and customization services;
  • Security management on the Internet;
  • Creating detailed reports with a description of the application of applications and the device itself;
  • All administration is hidden from the user.

Expand the remote server management capabilities.

To extend the remote administration of Windows-based servers, developers offer special means. In this section, we will look at how you can put these funds on the seven and a dozen. Basically, such opportunities will be most interesting to system administrators and IT specialists. Thanks to these means, the admin will be able to edit, configure and delete user credentials and domains, remotely include the necessary services, and disconnect unnecessary services, work and configure with DNS and DHCP, configure group policies and a remote desktop. You can describe these settings for a very long time, as Windows servers are very high. Therefore, we will describe the process of enabling remote server administration for Windows 10 and remote server administration to Windows 7.

You can enable these tent settings by downloading the installation package from the site\u003d45520.

To enable these settings in the seven, we need to go to the tabs Programs and components \\ Enable and disable Windows functions»In the control panel. Next, you must put a tick, as shown in the image below, after which you confirm the installation of these components.

Below is a panel with remote administration tools in Windows 10. The image shows that the user is given a large set of tools, which includes server management management, local security policies and other means.

Examples it can be seen that to enable remote server administration tools for Windows 10 and 7 for even novice PC user.


In this material, we got acquainted with the means of remote PC management, both with the help of another computer and using a smartphone. We also got acquainted with the remote administration of Microsoft servers. We hope our material will be useful for you, and you can easily manage your remote computer and its desktop.

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