Connecting wires of 10 squares. How to set up a local network between two computers. Compound of wires of larger cross section

In order for the power supply in your homes has always been high-quality, uninterrupted and reliable, it is very important when they are installed correctly connect the wires. There are a lot of ways a lot, we will consider in detail each individually with its advantages and disadvantages, with a step-by-step instruction of switching. And also pay attention to the eternal issue of electricals - how to connect wires whose veins are made of different metals (for example, copper and aluminum).

Removing the insulating layer from the wires

Immediately I would like to dwell on the question that will be common to any way. Before connecting the wires into the common electrical node, they must be cleaned from the upper insulating layer.

This can be done with the help of a montarian knife. This method is simple, but the likelihood of damage to the conductive conductors is large. To do everything right, it is necessary to clearly follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Position the wire on some flat surface (type of table).
  2. Press it in the index finger of the left hand.
  3. Right hand take the knife and slightly press it into the insulating shell of the wire. In order not to hook a metal core, place it towards the cut at an angle. If the angle is direct, there is the likelihood of a circular survey of the veins, as a result of which it can subsequently break.
  4. Holding a knife in such a position. The index finger of the left hand slowly scroll through the conductor to one full turn, thus having caught insulation throughout the circle.
  5. It remains only to pull the cut piece of insulation.

Professional electricians are now sure to have such a fixture as stripper in their arsenal. This is a multifunctional tool, with it, you can remove isolation from the wire or cut the cable. It can be simple, semi-automatic and automatic. The most important thing is that when removing insulation, the stripper is not damaged by the conductive lived. Under each standard core diameter, such a tool has a calibrated hole with a cutting edge.

The length for which the conductors must be cleaned, for each connection method is different.


Let's start with the simplest and well-known method - twist. It can also be called the most old, no wonder the electricians between them are called the cleft "Dedovsky method".

We will not tell you that such a connection of wires is distinguished by strength and reliability. According to the main document in PUE electrical engineering ("Rules of electrical installations"), a twist is prohibited at all, despite the fact that it is used everywhere. The fact is that in those days and the load in the apartments was only from lighting, radio or television. If we consider what is now the load in modern apartments with a huge number of household appliances used daily, then no old isolation, sections lived and the wire connection methods are no longer suitable.

Nevertheless, we will talk about a twist, and even first of all, because it is the main stage of such compound options like welding and soldering.

Positive sides

The most important advantage of the twist is that it does not require absolutely no material costs. All that will require is a knife for removing the insulating layer with wires of wires and passage to perform the connection.

The second indisputable plus of the twist is the simplicity of execution. No special knowledge or skills need, will anyone who ever kept the Passatia in his hands.

In the twist, you can simultaneously connect several wires, but their total number should not exceed six.

Negative sides

The main disadvantage of the twist is its clothes, with time it weakens. This is due to the fact that residual elastic deformation is present in the cable veins or wire. In the place of the twist increases the transition resistance, which is fraught with a violation of contact and heating. At best, you will discover this in time and rebuild the connection site, ignition can occur at worst.

With the help of a twist, it is impossible to connect the electrical pipes made from different metals. In order of exception, it is possible to twist the copper and aluminum wire, but only if the copper live will pre-serve the solder.

In electrical engineering, there are the concepts of a terminated or indefinite compound. So the twist does not apply to any or another. The connector connection is characterized by the fact that its ends can be disconnected many times. In the twist it is not fully made, every time after another promotion and the twist has lived, they will deteriorate. It is impossible to call the twist with an indefinite compound, because it does not require the concept of strength, reliability and stability in it. This is another minus of the twisted connection.


If for some reason you have no opportunity to apply other ways to connect electrical wires, you can use the twist, just make it high quality. Very often it is used as a temporary option and is replaced in the subsequent more reliable ways of switching.

How to connect wires using a twist? For starters, veins are cleaned with 70-80 mm. The main thing, all switched conductors twisted into one single twist at the same time, and not to wink one around the other.

Many mistakenly begin to twist the veins among themselves from the place where the insulating layer ends. But it is better to hold both cores in this place in this place, and the second to capture the tips of the wires and produce rotational movements in the direction of the clockwise direction.

If the cross section is small, you can make a twist with your hands. Align the conductors on the insulation section and hold them tightly in this place the left hand. All switched tips are inne into one single bend at an angle of 90 degrees (the bending lengths of 10-15 mm will be enough). Right hand hold this bend and rotate along the clockwise arrow. It must be done firmly and firmly. If the hands at the end are already difficult to twist, use the passage, as described above. As soon as the twist becomes smooth and beautiful, you can trim the bend.

You can connect several wires so that it is easier to twist them easier, make a long bend, somewhere about 20-30 mm.

How to correctly perform the twist of the wires shown in this video:

There is also a way to perform a twist of wires with a screwdriver, see here:

About the cleaner of wires using a special tool See here:

Now the resulting twist must be thoroughly insulated. For this, the tape is used. Do not spare it, wind in a few layers, and insulating not only the connection itself, but also stand on 2-3 cm on top of the insulation lived. Thus, you will provide a clench insulating reliability and save the contact compound from moisture.

Conduct the connection of the wires and with the help of thermal tubes. The main thing is not to forget to put on the tube in advance on one of the connected lived, and then push into the place of the twist. Under the thermal influence, the thermal tube is compressed, so it is slightly heat its edge, and it grasp the wire firmly, thereby ensuring reliable isolation.

If the twist is performed qualitatively, there is a possibility that it will last you for many years, subject to the normal load current in the network. But still it is better at this stage not to stop and strengthen the place of connection with welding or soldering.


Soldering is when the electrical wires are connected using a molten solder. This type of connection is most suitable for copper wires. Although now there are various fluxes and for aluminum, experienced electricians prefer to refrain from such a soldering. But if necessary, you can use special fluxes and soldering even copper with aluminum.

Positive sides

This type of compound with a twist is no longer compared, the soldering is much more reliable (according to reliability it is inferior only to welding).

Using soldering, you can perform a compound of stranded and single-core wires, as well as lived various sections.

This type of connection does not require any maintenance of the entire period of operation.

Soldering is considered low at cost, only a soldering iron will be needed from the tools, and the flux with the solder is quite inexpensive, and the flow rate is completely meager.

Negative sides

The disadvantages of this method should include high difficulty. Soldering requires certain preparatory work, wires of wires before twist, you need to first post. The soldered surfaces should be before the start of operation free from oxides and absolutely clean.

And of course, you need experience of ownership of a soldering iron, that is, someone who will connect the wires by the soldering method should be a definite qualifications. Indeed, in the process of soldering, it is very important to withstand the necessary temperature regime. The unheated soldering iron does not warm well the connection; Overheating is also unacceptable, because it will be very quickly burning the flux, not having time to do your job.

Soldering - the process is unprecedented, but this minus is compensated by reliability, which is obtained from the contact connection.


Step-by-step soldering process looks like this:

  1. Remove the insulation from the veins by 40-50 mm.
  2. Before the brilliance, clean the curtain areas lived with the help of sandpaper.
  3. Pulse in the rosin preheated soldering iron and take them on the stripped surfaces several times.
  4. Perform a twist.
  5. Stretching the soldering iron to bring to the shipment.
  6. Now immediately recruited a swift twist, the tin must melt and fill the gaps between the turns.
  7. Thus, the entire twist is enveloped by Tin, after which it is allowed to cool.
  8. Harded soldering wipe with alcohol and insulate.

Soldering wires soldering iron shown in this video:

Soldering wires with a gas soldering iron:

Scrucus soldering by immersion in molten solder:


In order for the connection of the electrical wires as reliable as possible, the consistent consuming method is necessarily fixed with welding. It looks like a soldering, only now instead of the soldering iron, a welding machine is used.

Positive sides

This method is most preferable to all others, since the reliability and quality corresponds to all regulatory requirements.

The welding method is based on the contact heating of the tips of the wires by the coal electrode, until the ball is formed (contact point). This ball is obtained in one whole of the fused ends of all connected lived, which ensures safe and reliable contact, it will not weaken over time and oxidize.

Negative sides

The disadvantage of welding is that for conducting such works need certain knowledge, experience, skills and special devices, often have to contact the specialists.


In order to connect wires using welding, you will need the following devices, tools and materials:

  • welding inverter with a capacity of at least 1 kW, the output voltage should be up to 24 V;
  • coal or graphite electrode;
  • glasses or mask to protect the eyes;
  • welding leather gloves to protect hands;
  • montarian knife or stripper for removing the insulating layer from the conductors;
  • sandpaper (for stripping connected conductive surfaces);
  • insulating tape for further insulation of the compound welding site.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Each wire connectable is released from insulation by 60-70 mm.
  2. Clean the curtain veins to the shine with the help of sandpaper.
  3. Perform a clench after biting the length of its tips should be at least 50 mm.
  4. Top of twist fasten grounding ticks.
  5. To burn an arc to the bottom of the twist, bring the electrode and touch them slightly. Welding occurs very quickly.
  6. It turns out a contact ball to which you give time for cooling, and then breathe a ribbon.

As a result, the end is almost a solid wire, that is, the contact will have the smallest transitional resistance.

If you connect the copper wires in this way, the electrode choose the coal copper.

I would like to recommend if you acquire a welding machine (it will be useful not only to connect the wires, but for many other purposes), then choose exactly the inverter option. With small dimensions, weight and consumption of electrical energy, it has a wide range of welding current adjustment and issues a stable welding arc. And this is very important to be able to adjust the welding current. If you choose it correctly, the electrode will not stick, and the arc is steadily resting.

How the welding is performed, see this video:

We reviewed the basic types of wire connections. Now briefly talk about ways that apply less often, but also guarantee quality and reliability.


For this method, special tubular sleeves or tips are used, with which the connected wires are crimped and pressed. The essence of the method lies in the joint deformation of the sleeve and inserted in her lived. When deforming the sleeve is compressed and squeezes the conductive surfaces. Conductors are included in mutual clutch, which ensures the reliability of electrical contact.

A plus of such a compound is reliability, as well as what can be attributed to the category "made and forgot", it does not need it.

But along with the positive parties, the crimping and a number of flaws are also. First, a special tool is required (crimping press or mechanical or hydraulic mites). Secondly, the quality of the connection directly depends on the correctly selected sleeve (it is chosen depending on the number of coupling lived and their sections).

Before connecting two wires with the help of crimping, they are not only cleaned by isolation, but also lubricate special paste. Aluminum is treated with quartz-vaseline paste, it removes the oxide film and does not give it to appear again. For copper conductors, quartz impurities are not needed, enough technical vaseline. It is needed to reduce friction. Also, the lubricant minimizes the risk of damage lived during deformation.

Next, the cores must be inserted into the sleeve to mutual emphasis and on both sides, an alternate crimp is made. The compressed connection location is insulated with an insulating tape, lacker or thermal tubes.

How to connect wires with sleeves is shown in these videos:

Bolt connection

Bolts for connecting wires used to be used often, now this method is more inherent in high voltage chains. Contact is reliable, but the electrical node connected in this way goes too cumbersome. Until recently, large junction boxes were installed in the apartments, they were somehow somehow, but such a connection could be located. Modern boxes miniature and are not calculated under the switching of wires by a similar method.

But it certainly needs to know about it, because it is one of the ways to solve the everlasting problem of the compounds of conductors made of various metals. The bolk contact is ideal for switching absolutely incompatible livers - thin and thick, aluminum and copper, single-core and stranded.

Cores of wires must be cleaned and tips twisted in the form of rings. A steel washer is put on the bolt, then the rings of the connected wires are thrown down (this is when they are from homogeneous metal), then another steel washer is followed and everything is twisted with a nut. If you connect aluminum and copper wires, it is necessary to arrange another additional washer between them.

The advantages of such a compound concluded in its simplicity. If necessary, the bolt design can always be promoted. If necessary, you can add more wires of the wires (how much will allow the length of the bolt).

The most important thing in this form of the connection is to prevent direct contact of copper and aluminum, do not forget to lay an additional washer between them. And then such a switching unit will last long and reliably.

Modern technologies

In many cases, the methods considered gradually go into the past. The factory wire connectors came to replace them, which much easier and accelerated the assembly and switching work:

  1. Terminal pads inside which there are brass tubular valves. In these tubes, stripped wires of wires are inserted and fixed by screwing the screws.
  2. Caps SIZ, inside which are covered springs. Cases are inserted into the cap and then it is turned on with a small force clockwise, thereby silently squeezed the connected wires.
  3. Self-slip terminals. They are enough to position the wiring, and there it is automatically fixed due to the clamping plate.
  4. Terminal lever execution. This connecting element of reusable use. It is enough just to raise the lever, insert the conductor into the contact hole and omit the lever back, the reliable fixation is provided.

We do not tell in detail about all existing terminals, as there is a separate article about it, where each type of wire clamps is considered in detail.

We hope that we intently explain to you how to connect the wires correctly. Choose the way that suits you. When choosing, consider the cross section and material of the conductors, the location of the connection is (on the street or indoors), the load current value that will flow in this electrical circuit.

There are such situations where you need to connect two computers over the network, but there are no network equipment through which you can do it. In this case, I will give several tips how to connect two computers on our own.

If two network cards are installed on one of the computers, then you can open access to the Internet on both computers.

Consider two connectivity options. The first option - when on both computers is installed only on one network card. The second option - when two network cards are installed on one of the computers, in this case you can connect to both computers Internet.

What do we need to connect two computers over the network?

1. Of course, two computers that will be connected to the network.

2. Cross cable to connect computers directly.

3. A pair of straight hands.

If you do not have a cross cable, it can be purchased at any computer store or on the radio market. If there is a traction to make it yourself, I bring it below its pinout

It looks like a ready-made cable like this:

If you have a cable, you can proceed to setting up the network between computers.

Connect Computer + Computer (with one Network Card)

The first and most common option when in each of the connected computers only on one network card. In this case, computers can be combined with each other, but they will not have access to the Internet. The connection scheme is shown below in Picture:

After physically connecting computers Cross Cable, you need to configure the network. If you know how to configure the network in the computer, then you just need to configure the network as shown in the picture. If you do not know how to configure the network, read further.

To set up the network, go to Control PanelNetwork and Internet - Click on the link " Change adapter settings“.

Two times click on network connection (I have two, physical card and virtual from)

and open the properties of the connection

In the window that opens, you need to open properties " Internet protocol version 4 TCP / IPv4

In the window that opens, set a tick " Use the following parameters"And specify network settings

IP address:

Subnet mask:

Main gate: Empty

After that, click "OK" - "Apply" and we do the same manipulation on the second computer, only in the IP address indicate

After that, computers will start working on the same network. Check it possible by ping. Open the command line on the second computer (Win + R - command "CMD") and enter the following in it:


in response, you must receive a successful exchange report:

In the same way, check from the first computer, specifying the address If you see the same thing, then everyone did it right and now you have two computers on the network. If the ping does not pass, check what they did wrong. I also pay attention to blocking the network can firewall or antivirus.

Connect the computer to the network + computer with the ability to enter the Internet

Now let's talk about how to connect two computers over the network with the possibility of getting both on the Internet. All this is possible, provided that an additional network card will be installed on one of the computers, in which the Internet cable will be stuck.

Settings are similar to those described above, the only difference: you will need to specify the gateway on both computers.

Also on a computer that has access to the Internet, you need to configure the distribution of the Internet over the network. To do this, let's go to the properties of the network connection (which indicates the address and in the tab " Access"Install a tick

That's all, after that, the Internet should work on both computers.

As you can see to connect two computers over the network, it's not so difficult if you have questions, I will be glad to help in the comments.

The most important elements of any electrical network are points of connecting wires. The reliability and durability of the electrical network depends on the quality and correctness of these works. Unfortunately, such poor-quality works can not be diagnosed, the disadvantages are manifested when the system loads. At the same time, a poor quality is started to warm up and this often leads to a fire, which is not always able to localize.

This review describes the main types of wire connections with photos, their classification and application.

Regulatory documents

There are many ways to connect wires. Their use or prohibition is regulated by the current rules of the electrical installation devices (PUE), which approves the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. They should not contradict the current document.

The regulatory framework over time is adjusted, since there is a steady increase in electricity consumption and some types of compounds do not provide the necessary reliability in modern conditions. For example, in accordance with current rules, it is impossible to use a twist without additional fixation, which has been widely used before, as there are better and no less affordable modern technologies.

In order to determine how it is better to connect wires, it is necessary to study all available technologies, determine their advantages and disadvantages. First of all, they are classified as necessary for additional skills for work. Do not require their fastening using terminals, various spring clamps, bolts and caps of PPE.

Each solution has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, they differ in the simplicity and reliability of the installation. In general, it can be said that quickly performed contacts with the use of various terminals and clamps can weaken over time and lead to accidents. High-quality contacts made using sleeves, soldering or welding require more time and are not subjected to disassembly.

Thus, reliability is directly proportional to the complexity. Before connecting the wires with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions. It is worth noting that in all the works it requires preliminary cleaning of materials from an oxide film.

Specifications of various options

Let us consider creating additional tools in more detail. They allow you to get reliable connections designed for large currents.


This type of electrical wire connection is widespread. Most often it is used for copper conductors. For this you need a soldering iron, tin and rosin. The sting is wetted by a small amount of molten solder, which is then transferred to a twist when it is heated. The remains of rosin evaporate when warming up. Before soldering a few lived, it makes sense to raise each of them separately.

Such solutions are very conveniently used for the conductors of a small diameter, both single-core, and with a large number lived. Work should be performed as quickly as possible not to melt plastic isolation. In this way, aluminum can be connected, but this requires a special flux and solder.


Welding withstands large currents and has mechanical strength. You can join both copper and aluminum. It is very convenient for lived a large diameter. They are twisted into one bundle, and using the welding machine through it is passed the high current, which melts the metal at the end of the twist.

In order to get a neat contact, you must first take off and select the parameters of the welding equipment. This can be done using unnecessary trimming. It is necessary to melt metal without damaging isolation.


Covering is performed using a sleeve and a special tool. They are made of copper and aluminum. This operation is quite simple, but requires the selection of the sleeves of the desired size and a special tool for their compression.

Works are performed quite simple: the veins are folded into the beam, are inserted into the sleeve and crimped in several places. It can withstand thumb. The greatest difficulty consists in selection of the sleeves of the desired diameter: they should not be too large or small.


As described above, this method cannot be used without additional fixation. Since it does not allow you to create reliable contact. A twist is used in combination with soldering, welding, crimping or use of PPE. Before fixing the wires exposed to a twist.

The described three methods involve their subsequent electrical insulation. To do this, use an insulating tape for electrical installation works or heat shrink tubes. They are made of polymer material, which allows when heated to reduce their diameter several times.

Products produced various nomenclature. First of all, it is necessary to allocate the need to use outside the premises of light-resistant materials. For shrinkage, it is best to use an industrial hairdryer or gently warm the polymer pipe with a soldering iron.

For reliability, after installing the first tube, mount the second diameter tube. After shrinkage, the material must reliably close the ends of the contact.

The following solutions do not require additional snap and allow you to easily perform the correct connection of the wires at the initial level of qualifications.

Terminal blocks

Previously, they were widely used, thanks to their cheapness and reliability. It can connect wires of different sections. They can be copper or aluminum, can consist of one or many lived. They are clamping with screws on the contact block.

The disadvantage is that they are connected only in pairs. For a larger number of connections, special jumpers are required. There are other options for easier connection.

Connecting insulating clamps

One of them is the use of SIZ caps. This is a plastic cap within which the spring is installed from the metal. It cools on a bundle, twisting them, plastic serves as electrical insulation. Such contact is very reliable. There is a domestic development of the company KZT, which dresses directly to the twist.

Wago clamps

This type of connection conquered the market for convenience and simplicity. They connect all sorts of conductors. Clamps are produced on various number of connections.

The disadvantage is that the design has a spring, which can weaken over time, which can lead to an accident and ignition. Therefore, only original, branded products should be purchased.

Bolted fasteners

This type of fastening is classic, allows you to connect copper with aluminum. Consists of a bolt with a nut and three washers. It can be made independently in the absence of other connectors.


The choice of how best to connect wires depends on their type, budget and time. If you follow PUE rules, you can perform safe and reliable contacts that will serve for many years. It should be remembered that in any case, these works must be performed as neat as possible and cautively, without a rush.

Photo process connection process

The fact is that it is impossible to connect the copper and aluminum wires to the twist.
There are several reasons for this. The main is the problem of oxidation of an aluminum wire in contact with copper - a galvanic pair is formed, which slowly but correctly destroys the connection. And the faster, the larger current through this twist goes.
Of course, in a couple of hours, this connection will not fall apart, even if it turns on the heater or kettle through it. But over time, the resistance will slowly increase, because of which the twist will be worse and stronger. And if the load is not constant, but an episodic, then constant cycles heating-cooling will even more deteriorate the conductivity. Different materials during heating are expanded in different ways, and the switching on-shutdown of the load through such a twist will be equivalent to the constant twitching it there. You understand, no good things will lead to anything.
Well, if just heating, it usually can be traced according to the characteristic smell of burner isolation. But the sparking of the connection, especially next to the wallpaper or something flammable can easily grow into a fire.
What solutions exist to solve this problem?
Polyethylene Terminals
Here is such a thing:

Sold in any economic store, worth a penny.
Inside, here is such a brass sleeve with two screws:

Pull the wires in it, clamp the screws:

This I specifically pulled it for clarity. Together with the insulation, it will look like this:

Each segment can be cut off. It would seem that the ideal option. But there is a nuance (c)
Although these nuances and flaws are a car and a small trolley, do not be fooled on simplicity.

In general, it is desirable not to use such terminals. If you use, then only with single-linked wires and for connecting something small - light bulb, fan (not industrial). And no aluminum!
It is also desirable to buy not Noname China, but the terminals of normal manufacturers: a thirtony, ABB, LEGRAND, believes

Cost: from 10 to 50 rubles.

Pads from solid black plastic. Already better.
Have a removable lid:

And here is such an internal structure:

We unscrew, put the wire, clamp.

Pros - does not pinch the screw, but a metal plate. Click to the bottom steel plate. In addition, the upper part is not flat, but with a characteristic surface that increase the cliff surface:

Due to this, you can clamp stranded and aluminum wires. Aluminum, however, it is desirable at least sometimes to check for weakening clamping. I saw the pads on the currents 25a and 40a.
The inconvenience - it does not cut and not sharing, or buy a bunch of small (I have not seen less than 6 pieces), or even to put one large wire.
Cost: from 30 to 80 rubles.
Self-slip terminals (WAGO or REXANT series 773 and their copies)
Or they are also called express terminals. Like these ones:

Very comfortable things. I cleaned the wire, put inside to the end, ready:

Inside there is a presser plate (blue arrow) and a small shine (orange) from the tinned copper:

When the wires are stuffed in it, this is what:

The plate presses the wire to the tire, keeping the pressure all the time. And the design of the pressed part on gives the wire falling. It can hardly pull it out. In general, they are disposable, but if you really want, it neatly rotating the wire around its axis it can be pulled out.

Since the copper contact is tinted, in such a terminal you can insert an aluminum wire without fear of problems. At the same time, constant pressure will not give an aluminum wire.
White pasta (on the next photo you can see, white mass on contact) is a quartz sand with a technical vaseline, especially for aluminum wires. Quartz sand - abrasive, which is written oxide film from the surface of aluminum, and Vaseline does not give it to re-on.

The same terminals, but transparent:

They do not differ anything other than the dye. Well, in transparent terminals, it is more convenient to see the wire - to the end will shove or not.
Plastic - non-flammable, with an increase in temperature melts, without highlighting harmful substances into the air.
Designed for 25 A, and this is about 4 kW. Attention! Current are indicated only for the original WAGO terminals.
Terminals Rexant (Manufacturer - SDS Groups), use other spring steel, which relaxes when heated. Accordingly, the maximum current is limited, except in the lighting it is not recommended.

Here is the test in which they kept 50a and did not even melt. Well, it is in ideal conditions - in air, cooling was good. And the terminals are original, yes.
Cost: from 2 to 6 rubles, depending on the number of contacts

Terminals WAGO series 222 with lever. I saw only Vagovsky, others do not produce.
For particularly difficult cases, when there are several types of wires, different thicknesses, aluminum, copper, and so on.

Raise the lever:

Pulling the wires, lower the lever:

If necessary - you can raise the lever, pull the wire, insert another. And so many, many times. Great thing for those chains whose wiring can change a bunch of times.
Eat everything in a row. Current - up to 32A. Inside - a plate that presses to the total tire is associated with a lever.

Sandy design, in general.

Schinka - irradiated copper, as usual:

Cost: from 5 to 15 rubles.
Scotch Loki, Scotchlok, electric connector with mortise contact.
It is for low-voltage (network, telephones, LED lamps, etc.).

The meaning is simple - several wires are stuffed in such a thing:

After that it is snapped by passats or any gulling tool. No, there is of course a special tool, but I do not see the point in it - it is a small passage with flat sponges.
Especially they like the installers of the SCS and networks, for simplicity, the cheaper, waterproof, and the lack of the need to remove the insulation.

Inside - a hydrophobic gel that protects against corrosion, moisture, oxidation, etc. And a plate with cutting surface:

Or two plates:

Here it is clear that it happens with the cable after the sealing:

Knives cut the insulation, and tightly pressed to the wire. There is also a version for two cables at once, and the plates are slightly thicker - it is quite suitable for lighting:

Self-disposable and maintenance-free. It is necessary to replace - a piece of cable with them is bought off, and a new one is set.
Cost: from 1 to 4 rubles per piece.
For large currents
For such cases there are sleeves:

At the top - aluminum and copper cable sleeve, down - universal copper irradiated:

Inside the wire (or several) is shoved, the sleeve is crimped with a special tool. Unfortunately, some kind of bad man is superior my ticks, so I will not show them. Here in Google, I found a picture:

And this is how the compressed sleeve looks like:

The huge plus is that when the size is properly selected and the correct crimping, the resistance is not decreasing compared to the conventional wire. And maintained, which is sometimes important. This means that it can be stirred (after normal isolation, of course) into the wall, bury in the ground (taking care of waterproofing) and so on.
The sleeves with a flat end and hole are used mainly when grounding when the wire must be connected to the housing:

The sleeves with a screw clamp - when you need to hold the wire without the tool.

Toki - similar currents for the cross section of the copper wire, which coincides with the inner diameter of the sleeve. \\
Cost: from 10 rubles per sleeve, from 1000 for crimp.

On multicore wires

And there is also a situation where you need to connect a single-core wire with stranded:

No, in general you can lose and clamp already as Mon-Fil. But there is an option easier:

Called NSHVI - the tip pin sleeve is isolated. Meaning simple:

We select it with the diameter under the cross section of the wire, we gently twist, so that it is not fluffled, we put on the tip and pressed over the entire length (well, at least 3-4 times). All, now this wire can be clamped into any compounds, without fearing that the veins break down, contact or something else will break. It is important to correctly select the diameter of the tip depending on the wire, otherwise the contact will be worse, and the wire can slip out.

It often happens that there are two computers in the house and it is often necessary to share the large amount of information between them. If such an exchange rarely happens with a small number of files, then the use of a flash drive is logical. Otherwise, it is better to create a home network. It allows you to make data exchange at high speed between devices within this network. Let's deal with what is comfortable home network.

Using a flash drive is not entirely convenient: the files are slowly copied, due to memory restrictions, you will have to constantly erase and pump new files that takes away a lot of time. Consider combining two computers through a home group. For this purpose, you must have a router at home, to which both computers are connected using a network cable or Wi-Fi connection. To combine two devices for sharing information, you need to create a home group on one of the devices. The computer on which it was created is the main network of the network. Another device that is a subsidiary towards the master must simply connect to this group.

What actions need to be implemented in order to compound:

  • On the right side of the desktop taskbar, where the system icons are located, find the monitor image by pressing the right mouse button on it, select the "Network Management Center".
  • In the window formed, allocate the "Home Group" item. In a new window

click on the button "Create a home group" and in the section that appears by the section "Next".

  • Now you have to choose - which folders will be open to other network devices. When everything is ready, click "Next."
  • The next window will ask us to come up with a password for accessing the group and write it to the appropriate text field. Thus, only those who know the password can use the home network, and no one can make a connection to it. In case you forget the password better to record it on a piece of paper.
  • Finally, click the "Finish" button, which serves as the end of the procedure.

Home network, phased setting in pictures

Home network computers. Completion

Now, knowing the password, you can connect to the group from any device on the network.

What you need to implement to connect to the host computer:

  • Open the "Network Management Center", after which it will appear with the "Join" button.
  • Next, you should choose the resources you are ready to provide access for the main computer.
  • In the next window, print a password that was recorded when creating a home group, and press "Next". All, the connection is established. Now you need to configure sharing folders and disks:
  • Select the desired folder or disk, right-click on the folder, disk, or file, and select the "Properties" sections.
  • In a new window, select the "Access" item and click on the "Advanced Settings" section.
  • In the settings, mark the "Open access to this folder" item and click "OK". Now the disk is available for the group and you can carry out different operations with it: copying files and folders, viewing and so on.

Now to work with folders and files of the main computer, you must open the network on your child computer and find folders to which access on the main computer is allowed. These files can be copied to a child computer, from a subsidiary to the main, and the other, which is provided for by the operating system. There may be a lack of connection with the correct settings. The reason may be antivirus, which does not allow connecting to other computers. In order to open the connection, it is necessary to turn off the antivirus at the time of operation in the home group.