Turn on Wi Fi on the phone android. How to enable a wireless network on a laptop. The connection is already used or not configured.

Not rare users face the problem of absence of the Internet, after connecting to Wi-Fi Wireless Point. Let's consider the main reasons why Wi Fi does not work and solve problems leading to malfunctions.

Important! As an example, the article uses images and names of the TP-LINK TL-WR741ND router parameters. In your case, the name of the items are probably different. In this case, the algorithm of action is common to all routers. There are general reasons for the inaccessibility of the network, regardless of whether you want to connect to Wi-Fi network from a laptop, computer or smartphone.

Problem 1: Connection Successful, but the Internet is missing

If the connection to the router is installed, failures in the settings and other malfunctions are probably missing Internet. To clarify, disconnect the Internet cable and connect to the computer directly. In the absence of a connection, you should contact the provider. If the Internet works with direct connection, then the problem is connected to the router.

Problem 2: The Internet works with a direct connection to the PC, but the Wi-Fi network is not available

To determine the nature of the problem, it is important to clarify under what circumstances an error occurred, which caused the violation of Wi-Fi. Let's consider the most likely reasons in such a situation and ways to eliminate.

System failure

In the process of work, sometimes there are program errors. Usually such a problem is solved by rebooting the router for 1-2 minutes. In rare cases, you need to reset the router settings.

To reboot, click on / off or remove the charging unit from the network. To return the router parameters to the original state, open the router settings menu or use the external switch.

Router new, incorrect Internet settings

When connecting a new router, you must conduct an initial setting where to set the installers for the Internet and activate the distribution of the Internet via the wireless network. If the router previously worked properly, the installation was likely.

Open the router control panel where you select WAN Settings. Make the settings with the proposed provider parameters.

Wireless network is not included

In the router settings, the "Wireless Settings" item also needs to activate the "Enable Routher Wireless Broadcast" parameters and "Enable SSID Broadcasting". Make sure the correctness of the selected region. Check if the DHCP parameter is activated.

Changed or updated firmware

After updating or change the firmware, some parameters are knocked down. If the settings are specified correctly, if possible, set the previous firmware version back.

Problem 3: Wi-Fi Network works, but sometimes turns off


Regular operation of the router under load, with a weak or missing cooling system, leads to malfunctions. At best, the rate of data exchange will worsen. At worst, the device will turn off for a while until the temperature is normalized.

Spend the back of the palm on the body. If you keep your hand is not comfortable, then the device overheats. Installation of the PC enclosure fan, for example, will reduce the temperature.

Network overloaded

When downloading a large amount of information, for example, torrent, other subscribers are physically lacking traffic. The connection remains active, but the Internet is not possible. In this case, it is worth limiting the download speed.

If there are no downloads at the moment, check if there are no third-party connections. To do this, open the "Wireless Mode" section, the "Wireless Statistics" item where connected devices are displayed.

Problem 4: Only a specific device is not connected to the network.

If a specific smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. It is not connected to the access point, it probably occurred in a system that requires reboot. You also need to enter the "Wireless Mode" section, then the "Filtering of MAC addresses in a wireless network", where to check whether the MAC address of this device is not blocked. If so, the blocking must be turned off.

Problem 5: All options are good, but a certain device does not connect or does not see the network

Make sure that the connected device supports the transmission frequency of the router signal - 2.4 and / or 5 GHz. Otherwise, the access point will not appear in the "Available" list for connecting.

Also open "Wireless Setup", where change the channel or set the automatic selection. Also set the mode of operation 11BGN, to support devices with old Wi-Fi modules.

Wireless networks allow you to connect to the Internet literally through the air. However, for this, your device must have a Wi-Fi module. The article will describe how to check the presence of this module for a laptop to turn it on. At the same time, ways to include through network settings in various versions of Windows, as well as the Wi-Fi driver update procedure on your laptop.

Check availability Wi-Fi on a laptop

All modern models without exception are equipped with Wi-Fi modules. You can make sure that you can use the documentation. In the technical guide in the characteristics of your laptop, you must meet the inscription IEEE 802.11 (may be present at the end of the letter A / B / G / N). This suggests that your device supports wireless data transmission protocols, respectively, has a Wi-Fi module.

You can contact the Internet. Find your model in any store or on the manufacturer's website. In the "Characteristics" section, look for the "Wi-Fi" standard or "Network Adapters" string. You can check the availability of the hardware thanks to the task dispatcher, but it will be told later.

Inclusion Waifa on the case

Some manufacturers of laptops to facilitate life users place the Wi-Fi enable button on the device housing. View the main panel with the keyboard. The button can be placed above the Escape key, on one of the function buttons or in the right corner. It shows an antenna icon with signals diverge from it. Many models have a light indicator that signals the functionality of the Wi-Fi module.

If you did not turn out to be near the keyboard, inspect the side panels. They can be located toggle with the ON / OFF positions or the usual button. Turn to the toggle switch to the ON position to enable the wireless network module.

The LEDs may tell you about the workability of Waifa. They can be built into the housing on the front panel or directly into the button.

Now you know where to look for the buttons and how to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop. Before switching to other ways, carefully inspect your device from all sides.

Enable keyboard key

You can also enable Wi-Fi on a laptop using a key combination. As a rule, additional laptop functions (backlight changes, shutdown and so on) are placed on the F1-F12 keys. In order not to interfere with the main purpose of the buttons, you can activate additional functions in conjunction with a special key. On the products of ASUS, HP, Samsung, Acer, Lenovo and others, the FN key is entered into the keyboard.

The user should start it, and then press the WiFay icon image button (it can be F2, F3 or F12. It all depends on the laptop model). If you successfully activate, you must light up the light indicator (if it is provided with the design), as well as the connection point selection icon on the toolbar in the lower right corner.

Check the adapter in device manager

If there are no hints for the presence of an adapter, we recommend looking into the task manager. Do this will help the following instruction:

Attention, if a yellow exclamation mark is lit in front of the adapter, it means that the device works incorrectly, respectively, it is necessary to reinstall the drivers (or put). This will be told in subsequent paragraphs.

Enabling Wi-Fi in OS network settings

If the driver is installed correctly, but it cannot be connected to the wireless network, you must activate the adapter in the operating system network settings. Next, we will describe how to include Wi-Fi on a laptop in various versions of the Windows operating system.

Windows 7.

To enable WiFay's network adapter on a laptop running Windows 7, you must do the following:

Wait for connecting. It will take a few seconds. After that you can connect to a wireless access point.

Windows 10.

The "dozen" has a different interface from the "seven", so many users do not know how to enable Wi-Fi through network settings. This instruction will solve all the problems:

You can also get in the Adapter Settings menu through Windows settings. To do this, select the "Network and Internet" section in them (sub-item Ethernet).

How to update the driver for wi-fi

The most common reason why Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop is the lack of or incorrect installation of drivers. This is a specialized software that allows the module to function correctly in your operating system. There are several ways to update the drivers:

  • through the standard Windows interface;
  • alone, i.e. manually;
  • with the help of specialized software.

Consider each of the ways separately.

Windows driver update

The standard Windows 7-10 operating system interface allows you to update the driver to any laptop component. You can do this through the "Task Manager":

  1. Enter the "Task Manager" (described in detail earlier). Find the required network adapter.
  2. Click on it right-click, and then click "Properties".
  3. Select the Driver tab and click "Update".

The system can issue a message that you have the latest version of the driver installed, but this information is not always truthful. If you cannot update the driver with this method, perform an independent installation.

Manual installation

This is the most reliable way. It is the download of the necessary driver from the developer's official site. You can find the driver in the "Support" or "Products" section. In the list you need to specify the model of your wireless adapter. Be sure to learn the discharge of your operating system (32 or 64 bits). It will be needed when downloading some individual drivers. As a rule, the file has the resolution ".exe".

To connect the Internet on a laptop through a wireless network, not only the WiFi module is required, but also an access point. To do this, at home, you will need to buy a router, and to enter the Internet, sitting somewhere in the cafe, it will be enough to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop and enter the password from the necessary network: setting the access point is the task of the owners of the institution.

WiFi Module is put in almost all modern laptops, and check if your device has such a function - simply. This will require:

  • Open the "Control Panel";
  • Run "Device Manager" (You can use the search bar);
  • Remove the network adapter block.

The existing device with the word "Wireless" in the title means that your laptop supports wireless Internet.

Enable "Wi Fi" on a laptop using a keyboard

Most often, "Wi-Fi" can be turned on with hot keys, usually two, pressed at the same time. Different manufacturers of laptops can change their combination, but the basic FN key, as a rule, is always. The second key to turn on the key - has a special WiFi icon, and is on the keyboard in the F1-F12 functional row.

To learn more about how to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop of a particular brand, you can from the following table.

In the devices of the last generation, "Wi-Fi" is turned on by a special slider on the laptop housing, but the network icon remains the same.

How to enable "Wi Fi" on Windows 10

On laptops with the "dozen" "wi fi" you can enable either in system parameters or using the notification area, and the second method is more convenient and fast:

1. Open system notifications on the taskbar.

2. Open the "Network" tab.

3. Turn on WiFi by clicking on the relevant thumbnail.

To enable "Wi Fi" on Windows 10 using the parameter menu, you must:

1. Open "Parameters" and select the "Network and Internet" block.

2. Click on the WiFi menu and enable the wireless network slider.

After these actions, the laptop will start searching for all available wireless networks. If it is already in memory, the connection will automatically connect; If the access point for your device is new and protected (you will see the lock icon) - you need to select it and enter the password for connecting to the Internet.

Connect WiFi on windows 7 and 8

For laptops on the past versions of Windows, the software inclusion algorithm "Wi Fi" is different.

1. Go to the Control Panel - "Network and Internet", or right-click on the computer icon in the notifications panel next to the clock.

2. Select "Network Management Center and Common Access".

3. Click on the "Changing Adapter Settings" menu.

4. Using the right mouse button, turn on the wireless network.

When "Wi-Fi" module will earn, you need to select an access point (the list will open on the WiFi icon in the notification area) and by entering the password if necessary, connect to it.

If the Internet via "Wi Fi" does not turn on

If Internet access on the laptop has not appeared after all, connect the network wire to the computer directly, open the "Device Manager" panel to the computer, select the "Network Adapters" tab, find your WiFi Module in the list and try updating the drivers. After that, turn off the Internet cable and restart the laptop.

If you do not turn on the Internet after that, there are either problems on the provider side, or incorrect router settings, or the "Wi Fi" module is defective. The cost of repair in the service center is from 1000 to 2000 rubles, but you can do the external WiFi module - on Aliexpress, such devices are about 150 rubles.

Routers and access points with Wi-Fi - an integral attribute of the user's home and mobile Internet for 10 years. One day, the speed of the Wi-Fi network can decline greatly, and sometimes the wireless connection disappears completely and for a long time.

The main reasons for violation of the Wi-Fi network

Wireless access to the Internet may be related to different reasons: router failures, incorrect settings for a computer or smartphone, interference from a number of equipment, etc. Viruses can violate work, and even the actions of hackers. In all cases, it is necessary to identify the cause of the fault and try to eliminate it - first independently, and if it does not work, contacting professional computer users.

Wi-Fi network is visible to devices, but they are not connected to it

The reasons for which connections to the Wi-Fi network may not be somewhat.

Wi-Fi network is not visible devices

The reasons for which the Wi-Fi network is not visible from the gadget or PC, several.

Wi-Fi on a PC or tablet does not work after reinstalling Windows

There are several reasons - from hardware to software.

Video: Wi-Fi does not work after updating Windows 10

Laptop or tablet connected to Wi-Fi, but there is no Internet

The reasons are related to the fact that there is no access to the Internet on the router.

Internet through Wi-Fi is, but turns off by itself

There may also be several reasons.

  1. Inappropriate Internet connection quality. If the provider has an unreliable communication channel either in the battle for first place in the list of the most popular operators overwhelmed with customer number, the speed of separately taken users will be very low, the connection is often reconnected due to equipment overload, and the incoming traffic is to hang. Earlier, cellular providers suffered - at the initial stages of the development of the 2G / 3G / 4G coverage area. Demand in the conditions of the collapse of the price of 1 MB of traffic have been ahead of the construction and launch of new network objects.
  2. Hanging ROTITER RAM (data buffer overload). It will help his restart.
  3. The device overheated - in any modern technique there is protection against overheating by microcircuit. Throwing to overheat as a CPU / RAM of the router or access point and any of its microcontrollers processing incoming / leaving on LAN or Wi-Fi data. It is advisable to turn off the router for at least a few minutes.

In the case of a bad 3G / 4G signal and high Internet speed simultaneously overheat, it can also be 4G modem used with the router. Android-smartphones and tablets (Yota subscribers), distributing every day to 40 GB on Wi-Fi (in 2000 - it is Nokia and Motorola mobile phones connected via cable or bluetooth), talk about cases when the device was heated as a kettle and It was disconnected every hour or two downloades / distributions of torrents on the PC. Similar happens with routers.

Wi-Fi does not work because of failures in firmware and viruses

Whatever the simple, friendly and protected firmware (firmware) of the router - from failures in work and viruses the router itself is not protected. Viral technology violated the operation of Apple, Android and Symbian gadgets. The viral code penetrated the cardmates, ATMs and access control systems on protected objects with the Internet, detected the firmware in USB modems. Routers are not insured - neither purely wireless from Beeline or Yota, nor home ZyXEL and TP-Link, no Cisco access point, nor purely cable equipment used on objects where any wireless element is prohibited by security rules.

Software failures may occur as because of the inept flashing (for ignorance or chance, power is reset at the time of updating the firmware in the router flash memory) and wear of the flash memory chip itself (even go to the router settings is not possible - underloading web pages interface in the browser).

Viral activity is expressed in reprogramming the router settings: Changing the IP DNS to the values \u200b\u200bof the malicious server, substitut the primitive passwords or shutting down the Wi-Fi security settings, switching the wire and mode protocols to the cellular networks, etc. To correct, do the following.

Sometimes the virus changes the firmware file immediately before loading it into the router. Solution - Remove viruses with PCs, applying all means up to the formatting of the drive (of course, moved before this valuable data to other media) and download the official version of the firmware re-from the manufacturer's website.

Slow Internet speed via Wi-Fi

The reasons are related both to the quality of access to the network and with the parameters of the Wi-Fi communication.

  1. Low speed cable or cellular provider at the rate. If Rostelecom and its dealers have no speed limited, then in cellular networks, for example, in MegaFon or MTS, after a certain number of traffic gigabytes per month speed drops to 64 (or 128) Kbps. Change the fare and provider.

    MTS company limits the speed of the connection on the Haip tariff after the resolution of the subscriber is 7 GB of mobile traffic per month

  2. Unstable work of LAN-Ethernet networks 10/100. Feel like a speed due to a damaged cable of the provider, which comes from the optical terminal in the entrance to the apartment, as much asking, you can, watching the movie in (Ultra) online online: reproduction of movies, yesterday still stable, "slows down" every second By loading data. Several years ago, the provider itself was, but now the speed of all the same Rostelecom has increased so much that 95% of the time it will be normal, excluding the evening hours when the load is maximum. With permanent "brakes" online video from 100% confidence, you can suspect a malfunction of either cable or the router itself.

    When cable malfunction or router, the connection speed drops sharply

  3. Routher data buffer overload. Restart it.
  4. You walked too far from the device. In fact, the Wi-Fi speed depending on the distance between the router and the gadget / PC, as well as from the Wi-Fi signal on the gadget itself hesitates hundreds of times - from 1 to 300 Mbps, so Wi-Fi technology is arranged. If the speed in one room is 150-300 Mbps, then in the neighboring it can already be from 11 to 54 Mbit / s, and in the entrance or on the street - drop to 1 Mbps. To connect via cable (LAN cable length up to 250 m) interruptions from Wi-Fi will not affect.

    Choose autotlow speed using Wi-Fi technology

The last item requires explanation. The fact is that the speed of Wi-Fi switches the router and the gadget automatically. Even if you enable the maximum (802.11n or 150 Mbps), then departing into the next room, you can lose the Internet connection - the incoming and outgoing traffic "hang" will stop opening sites and work messengers, even such simple as ICQ Since no longer level speed (802.11g, or 54 Mbps) will be turned on.

Different types of Wi-Fi networks support different data transfer speeds

Check the speed avtotor in the router settings.

Council for experimenters: without stipulated antennas and amplifiers do not place away from the router.

Video: How the speed of the provider "cuts" by the router by Wi-Fi

Other Wi-Fi errors and their solution

A complete list of errors in Wi-Fi is not limited to the failures of the Wi-Fi repeater or problems on the side of the provider.

Network cable is not connected

The provider's network cable connected to the WAN jack may not be connected both to the router itself and in the entrance terminal. The reasons are as follows:

  • damaged cable wires;
  • broken fixture of the RJ-45 connector, holding the cable in the LAN nest;
  • disabled electricity (the terminal has no autonomous power supply);
  • the LAN interface malfunction in the terminal and / or in the router (burnout of the network equipment on the entire area from the supply of the power grid, by chance of a twined network wire, a static discharge when touched by materials or a lightning strike into external cables);
  • faulty LAN network card in a PC or laptop (it happens that the adapter in Windows is defined as a working device, but it is impossible to identify the connection);
  • viruses on a PC, overbabble Windows performance (displaying incorrect connection status or a deduction connection in minutes and clock).

The connection is already used or not configured.

Error 651 reports that the modem or allocated has already been used either not configured.

If the router is not configured or already used by other processes, an error is issued 651

Remove and reconfigure your connection. The instruction is suitable for Windows 7/8/10 - Working with the Network Connection Settings Master In the last versions, nothing specially enriched.

  1. Give the "Start - Control Panel - Network Management Center and Common Access.

    Network Settings Center Ready to work (Windows 7/8/10)

  2. Select Creating a new network connection.

    To create a new connection, select the connection option to the network.

  3. Choose a high-speed connection.

    In the Connection Type Selection Step, set the PPPOE protocol

  4. Enter the connection name, login, password, check the password memorization. It is advisable to enable the use of this connection by other users (if the problem is common to all).

After pressing the "Connect" button, the Internet connection will be installed. When saving a problem, contact the provider support. In the worst case, it helps to reinstall Windows.

Infinite receipt of the IP address from the router

Without receiving at least a temporary IP address from the DHCP-range of the numbering of the IP addresses of the router, the gadget or PC will not be able to enter the network. And this is characteristic not only Wi-Fi connections - the assignment of the IP computer or mobile device is laid when creating TCP / IP.

If the device "hung up" at the stage of receiving the IP address, you must check the router settings

Required IP Routher IP Settings.

Wi-Fi settings check

Make the following.

  1. Restart the router.

    In order not to pull out the power adapter from the outlet, double-click the shutdown button.

  2. Let the DHCP - DHCP setup command, check whether the DHCP function is enabled and which address range is assigned to third-party devices.

    Check that WPA2 / TKIP encryption is enabled and the key known to you is appointed.

  3. Go to "Filtering by MAC addresses" and verify that the MAC address filter settings are disabled, and the option "Take requests from devices whose MAC addresses in the list does not mean" (ALLOW THE STATIONS SPECIFIED by any Enabled Entries in He List to Access) - installed.

    Filter on MAC addresses often makes confusion when Wi-Fi safety requirements are not so rigid

  4. Save the settings by clicking on each of the Pages "Save" button, and try to reconnect.

You may need to restart the router.

Check services and connections in Windows

Ensure that all the important service networks, addresses and protocols are activated correctly. The following services respond to Windows network capabilities:

  • DHCP client;
  • DNS client;
  • wLAN auto-tuning service;
  • web client;
  • iP Support Service;
  • routing and remote access;
  • server.

Make the following.

Connecting the router or cable modem to the network is impaired

ADSL modems, popular in the 2000s, are actively displaced by ONT-Modems (network optical terminal) - these devices support the Internet speed to 1 Gb / s (using GPON technology), which differs from the ADSL-modem bandwidth 10 times. Already Rostelecom and local providers provide Internet speed of about 35-100 Mbps.

Wi-Fi speed reduction can be not only understated external speed on the cheapest from the available tariffs, but also damage to optical cables on the ONT-modem site - the domain terminal is the nearest provider node. It may also be damaged by the LAN cable on the router section - ONT-modem.

Router In Access Point mode, acts as a LAN / Wi-Fi distributor

Diagnostics of the entire router subnet (router itself and its external cable) The user can spend it himself. In case of damage to cables and equipment, including ONT-modem, telephone, IPTV console and cables in the entrance should be used by the help of technical specialists in the same "Rostelecom". This is also explained by the fact that if a twisted pair can be restored / replaced independently, the toolkit for the splicing of damaged Wolse at the subscriber simply may not be.

Video: The tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi - a survey lecture

Solving problems with Wi-Fi at home does not cause special difficulties. In many cases, the user will figure it out independently. Specialist assistance is required only in cases where problems arise on the provider side.

After all, no hope - many users, updating their iPhone or iPad, noticed that Wi-Fi is no longer possible to disable through the control center. That is, by clicking on the Wi-Fi switch, the video of the video that he walked (the Wi-Fi icon), but did not turn off completely.

This is how it happens:

that is, even forcibly turning off Wi-Fi, we see that the system allows it to disable it only until tomorrow, and then turn it on the itself. What is it for arrogance?

So wants apple

Without Wi-Fi or Mobile Internet, a modern smartphone is a lifeless toy. Thus, the iPhone cannot update services, receive notifications, use system applications to discreparation of developers from Apple and collect the necessary information for the manufacturer.

That is why companies producing smartphones are very profitable for their product as long as possible remained connected to the Internet. Apple decided to make it brazenly and radically, trite forbid to disable Wi-Fi through the control center.

For a user, this is bad, since the included wireless networks increase battery consumption, and they can simply create inconvenience, such as accepting notifications from social networks and other messengers.

How to turn off wi-fi completely

Now turn off the Wi-Fi completely in iOS 11 only through the settings. Everything is simple - go to the main iPhone or iPad settings,

we find the Wi-Fi point and translate it into the off position.

The fastest way to get into this menu is to use 3D touch on the settings icon, on the iPhone home screen. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this, just now Wi-Fi is disabled a little different.

Look at once: