Forgot the security key of the network what to do. What if you forgot the password from Waifa: available options. Learning the network key saved in Windows

The comments often ask the question "I forgot the password from the WiFi router, what to do, how to find out and restore?". I am always lost in guess, what exactly did the reader mean - he forgot the authorization key to connect to a wireless network or password from entering the adjust router? In this article, we consider how to restore or on the extreme case, reset the password from WiFi built-in Windows tools or from the router control panel.

Methods of recovery password from Wi-Fi Routher Network

The problem of recovery Wi-Fi password was, there is and will always be relevant while there is a given wireless connection type. Well, indeed, we introduce it once and forget about him forever. Meanwhile, any Windows reinstall or even simply change the network adapter leads to the fact that you cannot access the Internet. We will deal with this question more.

In a situation where you want to connect any gadget to a wireless network, but forgot the wifi key, there are several ways to restore the password:

  • through computer
  • telephone
  • or on the router itself

WiFi Specialist Networks

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I believe that the most convenient to restore the lost password from the WiFi network is using a computer or smartphone, pulling it out of the Windows or Android file system. It is most versatile and easy when using a special free program.

How to find out the password from WiFi on Windows Computer?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that all passwords that ever were entered to connect to WiFi are stored inside the computer or smartphone operating system - Windows, Android or iOS - does not matter. They always lie in one of the system files. Therefore, you can see the key from Wi-Fi without resorting to the reset of the router.

Ways to find out the wifi password on the computer itself with the Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system installed on it:

  • through the program
  • built-in Windows

Security key restore via Wireless Key View

If you have ever connected to the network at least once, the password from which you want to remember, it is not necessary to break it with some left programs for this. There is a very good free utility that learn from the subsoil of the Windows operating system once entered password. It is called Wireless Key View - you can download the link. This program is working with any even the most complex type of WPA / PSK encryption and what is especially important - with any versions of Windows - 10, 8, 7, and even XP.

Download and run on behalf of the administrator - installation is not required. After a small expectation, the program will find all the keys to networks to which the computer has ever been connected with standard Windows Configuration (Wireless Zero Configuration in Windows XP and WLAN Autoconfig in versions above). In short, if you have not used any third-party applications to connect, then everything will be found.

After that, we save them in a separate text file and find the one that you need at the moment. After that, remember it, or you can change and put a new password on WiFi, which you can easily remember.

How to find out Wi-Fi password with built-in Windows 10?

If there is no possibility to establish a separate program, you will have to go more difficult. Fortunately, in the Windows 10 operating system, there is a built-in ability to restore the forgotten authorization key.

Click the mouse button on the network connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen and go to "Open network and Internet options"

A new window will open, where we switch to the "Security" tab and set the checkbox to "display input signs"

That's all - the current password from WiFi is now displayed before us - write it down and do not lose it anymore!

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How to find a forgotten password from your Wi-Fi on a router?

The most simple way to restore the forgotten password from your own WiFi connection is to see it in the settings in the router control panel.

However, it is worth noting that if we are talking about connecting to the public network outside the house, then access to the administration section is of course closed. Therefore, if this is your case, I recommend reading the solution options without access to the router - you can find them in other articles on the site.

If you have forgotten the password from the home network, and you have access to the router, then you need:

We will pass more on each item. You need to connect to the router on the cable for the PC or laptop to receive from it in automatic mode IP address and found yourself in one local network.

Unfortunately, the phone is not suitable for this purpose. So we take the Ethernet wire - it usually lies in the box along with the device - and insert it with one end to the computer's network card, and the other is in the LAN connector on the router.

We also check that in the Windows network connection settings flags to automatically receive IP and DNS servers.

After that, we will be able to dial the router address and log in to the control panel. In each router, it is carried out in different ways. About how to do this has already been described many times in other publications separately for each model, I recommend familiar with them if you do not know how to get into this hidden section.

But for your convenience, I created several similar articles on each individual router. Find them you can at the site

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How to restore the password from WiFi on the phone?

Now imagine one typical situation - you somewhere in some place got a password from WiFi connections - for example, from a neighbor connected their phone or tablet to it and use the Internet. After some time there was a need to connect to it also a laptop, but of course, the key has long been forgotten for a long time - what to do and how to find out the password from WiFi on your phone?

QR code

We begin to rumble in the phone settings to find this password - but to no avail, since it is simply not there.

Access to the router, of course, we also do not have.

Next, we take another smartphone to which the settings will be transmitted. It should already have a program to read QR codes in order to be installed - now you have no WiFi on it. Either you need to connect to the Internet through a 3G / 4G mobile operator. And the program is called QR Code Reader - there is both an AppStore and PlayMarket.

We launch this application and bring the camera to the smartphone screen with the Code with the settings from WiFi.

A few moments and the program considers network data and after confirmation immediately connect to it.

If you want to transfer data about the password with the iPhone, then in the standard properties of the firmware, it is not possible to generate such a code. In order to create it, you will need to buy a QRAFTER application for a small amount - in the free version it can only read, in a paid one - also create.

From files on phone

If you use the device with the Android operating system, that is, another way to learn saved passwords from WiFi. As you know, the system stores all its data in the form of files - and passwords too. And they are in the file


The only "but" - access to this file you will receive only with root access to the phone.
You can open WPA_Supplicant.conf through the text editor by connecting the phone via USB to a computer. Here is such a content, it will provide us:

These are names, passwords and encryption types from all stored in the network device.

WiFi Key Recovery application

There is also a way to find out this data easier - install the free WiFi Key Recovery program or its analogue WiFi Key Password, which also requires root rights.

Its convenience is that it is not necessary to rummage in system files - after starting the utility, it will simply show the contents of the same file itself on the screen.

These are simple techniques, with which anyone can quickly find the password to connect to the WiFi router, having only its smartphone on the hands. Use!

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Or, for example, another often occurring situation when you take the old router, which lay a couple of years on the shelf, and there are neither instructions nor the stickers or any other information. How to find out in this case, go to the router and change the password?

There are several ways to restore forgotten password. Most often, during primary configuration, users leave those data for authorization that were set on the default router. Therefore, you can do the following:

  • Watch it in the user manual
  • View on the sticker on the router
  • Find out from the site directory for authorization by model number

However, a more competent user would still change the password on the router to more reliable. In addition, increasingly firmware on modern models are made in such a way that with the primary configuration, the key is forced to change in mandatory. Therefore, it will have to do and roll back to.

How to reset the password on the router?

Instructions on how to reset the password on the router are asking for users of any models - TP-Link, ASUS, Zyxel Keenetic, D-Link, Tenda and so on. But in fact, the way is absolutely versatile!

Be careful - while all network and Internet parameters are reset!

To do this, we find a small "reset" button on the housing. It can be recessed into the housing to avoid erroneous clicks. In this case, to press it, take some sharp object, for example, a pin. Sometimes it is quite common, most often combined with the WPS function. In any case, clamp it when the router is enabled and we are waiting for 15-20 seconds.

After that, let's get to the admin panel using the default password.

    1. The easiest way to do is to see the instructions. But this is the perfect version. Most often it is losing it or thrown immediately after opening and primary setting together with the box.

    1. Also, in most cases, the password on the router is on the sticker on the bottom of the device. In addition to the login and Password, there is also a rule as a rule indicate the address in which you need to go to get into the admin.

I hope you all happened. If not, then ask your questions in the comments, let's try to deal with each individual. And no longer forget passwords from the router!

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If you have forgotten your pass from the network and because of this, you cannot connect other devices to it, but there is no access to the computer - our instructions will help you to watch the wifi password for Android.

With their help, you can find out all the necessary information, having only a smartphone whether the Android OS smartphone.

Method 1. View using the file system

The fastest way to find out the code word is to watch it with using a mobile gadget system.

Note that you can execute this method only if the smartphone used to be connected to a specific router.

Android works on the same principle as the UNIX system. The basis for the construction of all system functions is separate configuration indicators that contain the necessary operating system settings.

All of them are also stored in certain configuration options. You can view them any user on the phone of which root rights are installed.

In versions of the OS, without superuser admin rights, users will not be able to view system configurations. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to the conductor. It is recommended to use Total File Commander or ES File Explorer, since these programs can display all data types that are in the device's memory;
  • In the main Explorer window, select "Built-in phone memory" (not SD card);
  • Go to the DATA / MISC / WIFI / directory;
  • In the folder opened folder, find WPA_SUPPLICANT.conf. In earlier versions of the Android OS, it can have names consisting only of numbers, so simply open several objects with the extension .conf until you find the document with the desired content.

Open the found file. Its content will appear in the console will look like this:

It contains the network name and all the parameters you need to connect.

In the PSK string, the password value is indicated. In this case, the code word for connecting to Wi-Fi network WLAN_P6 will be "abcdoorioo".

It will indicate the parameters for all ever connected to the telephone routers.

Method 2. Using a browser

This method does not require the availability of superuser on the smart device.

To fulfill the task, you will need only a browser and a connection to the global network.

This method is similar to how you can see the Wi-Fi data on the usual computer.

Follow the instructions:

  • Connect to the router, access to which you need to see;
  • Now open the browser. We recommend using Chrome, Opera or Firefox. These browsers can easily display all the features of the settings window of different Wi-Fi models;
  • In the address stitch, enter the local host address or Different models can use any of two addresses, so enter them alternately until the browser does not appear for authorization (Login and Password time);
  • Enter login - Admin I. password - Admin. If the pair of data for the input does not fit, see the desired value on the bottom panel of the router and try again;
  • After successful authorization in the browser, the settings window will open. Go to the "Security" tab. In it you can view the key and change it.

Note, the settings open in the browser will help you change the existing key and a number of other router settings only with a smartphone or tablet.

Method 3. Using third-party programs

View the configuration of individual networks can be using third-party programs.

They allow you to not search for system files yourself. All the necessary information about it will be presented in the application and conveniently decorated in the form of a table.

WiFi Key Recovery is one of these utilities. The main application window displays information about the name of the smartphone manufacturer and the exact time of the latest update of configuration files.

The utility opens information about Wi-Fi automatically. The user can find a specific connection using a text field to search.

It is enough to simply enter the name of the required network so that it rises to the first place in the list of connections.

Each connection is divided into separate blocks, each of which has the following parameters:

  • SSID - the name of the previously used router;
  • PSK. - the desired password line;
  • Key Mgmt. - Name of encryption type that is used in a particular network.

Viewing a wi-fi key on Android will allow you to quickly find out the information to enter the router network.

Thus, you can connect other gadgets without using the computer to view the key.

Thematic videos:

Without Wi-Fi is unthinkable life. He is everywhere: in urban apartments, cafes, restaurants and even at public transport stops. When you need to know anything, seek help to the global network. Sometimes it happens that a person needs to connect a new tablet, a laptop or telephone to the network, however it turns out that he forgot the password from the router or from Wi-Fi. It is not worth worrying, because there are many ways to solve the problem and restore the password to enter both for the router and the network provided by the provider.

The Internet is useless if there is no access to its settings. Therefore, the question often arises what to do if suddenly forgot the password on the router. Ways to find out the login and password a lot, ranging from hardware reset and ending with recovery with third-party utilities and programs.

Factory passwords

All kinds of routers have one feature - standard passwords of routers installed by the manufacturer. As a rule, they are simple, so that people do not think for a long time, what username and password enter to go to the page with the settings. Most routers are Admin, Password,
12345678. Some companies leave the field with a password empty. It, like the IP address of the page, which is a special interface for setting the router and a wireless network, are shown on the bottom of the device.

Restoring access programs

Sometimes, software components are used to restore the password from the "Wi Fi" router. The most popular among users are RouterPassView or WirelessKeyView. However, there are a large amount in the market, respectively, each person chooses the appropriate specifically for it. In most cases, these tools check all types of files stored on a computer, including those hidden for normal viewing. Using utilities greatly simplifies access restoration for an unprepared person.

Popular is the RouterPassView program. The file is determined with the configuration in which the entire data set is located. But it does not appear just so, it is also important that it is desirable immediately after purchasing the device, make a "backup" and unload all the primary settings to the specified file. When it is assisted, the password from the router is restored. Moreover, with the help of the utility there are lost passwords and from the network of a specific provider.

As an example, consider how to make a "backup" for ASUS brand devices. First of all, you must go to the Administration page using the transition to IP address After that, in the "Administration" tab, click on the "Save" button. In the same way, by analogy with the described program, restore the settings using a configuration file or reset to factory.

To open the program, you should run the executable file. For the convenience of Russian users, folk craftsmen created a Russified version. After that, you should simply select the desired configuration file from the device.

A more advanced is the Router Password Kracker program, hacking the password from the router. To do this, this utility uses a special tracers dictionary, which is a regular replenished text file with the name PassList.txt. A feature is the ability to start without prior installation, which is convenient for masters in the IT-sphere and allows you to wear a program with you on a USB flash drive.

The interface is simple, in the form of a regular window. In one of the rows, the IP address of the router is specified, the hacking method is selected, and the scanning begins automatically.

Reset the router to factory settings

Instead of dealing with complex technical aspects, it is easier to reset the settings to the fact that the manufacturer has installed. It is done simply and does not require any special knowledge in the information sphere. It is enough to hold for a certain time a button that has the name "Reset". Sometimes it is hidden inside the case, which protects against accidental pressing. In this case, a needle is used or another such subject. After that, a factory password is applied to enter the page with the settings.

How to find out the password from wifi

Quite often, the user forgets the password from "Waifa". Of course, the provider calls, hoping that the technical support service will help restore the letter or digital code required when connected to Wi Fi. However, it is easy to solve this problem alone. The main council is the one that the unpleasant situation is better prevented. Even if it happened, it is necessary to find a password directly in the computer settings or a router and change the old to a well-memorable user.

Through the control center of wireless networks

The easiest way to restore the password through the network environment. This requires to get to the "Wireless Network Management Center". Go to it from the main screen of the Windows system: you need to send the mouse cursor, right-click on the network icon and select "Wireless Network Management".

There will be displayed by those to which the computer connected. Having found the necessary one by clicking the right button to select the item "Properties".

In the window that opens in the Safety Point, set the mark in the "Display Input Entered" column. As a result, the password will become open.

In the router settings

If you need to go to the router settings, then the "network state" tab, where the WPA key is specified. In some router models, you need to go to the "Settings / Protection of Wireless Mode" tab. It is in this line and a password will be located.

For greater visibility, consider a specific example when the router model is released by ASUS. First of all go to the Administration page. On it find the "System Status" tab. There are several fields, in one of which is the password. The same actions are performed for routers of other firms. The only difference is only in which the proposed data is located in the tab.

Special program

Also, the special WirelessKeyView program indicates how to recover password, displaying networks and their passwords used on a particular computer. A feature is that it works both on old systems, like Windows XP and on topical versions of Windows 10. The utility is launched without prior set, which is very convenient for users and masters. The required information is displayed in a special field.

However, there is one minus. You can detect a password in the event that an automatic login is used. This is due to the storage feature of the keys in the router drivers database.


So, if you forgot the password of the router, you should not panic. Solve this problem is simple. There are different ways to correct the situation. Most of them are reviewed in this article. If the owner of the computer does not understand the technical components at all, it should be remembered that with the "Reset" button, all settings are reset to factory. And also uses a convenient program. Wi-Fi password recovery will also not cause difficulties.

Many people turned out to be in a situation, Wi-Fi and a smartphone or a laptop catches many networks with a good signal, but there is a password on each network. Of course, we can say that connecting to someone else's network against the will owner is ugly. But what if connecting to the Internet is a matter of life and death? For such cases, there are several working options to circumvent protection:

  • brutfors;
  • change MAC address;
  • programs for hacking;
  • android application;
  • interception of traffic.

Brutfors is a banal selection of all possible combinations of characters from which a password can consist. This is perhaps the easiest way that can only come up with, because there is no special knowledge or complex software. But, on the other hand, the complexity of the method is that it is quite a mutually and the process can take a lot of time if the owner has established a rather complicated password.

Automatic selection of combinations

It is not necessary to carry out this operation manually. There are quite a lot of programs that automatically sequentially select combinations. It is much faster and easier for the user. But it is worth keeping in mind that the search for a suitable combination may take quite a long time, even if you use special software. A simple password like QWERTYUI can be hacked in less than a minute, but on the decoding / # 7 & //. 'Will take a lot of time.

WiFi Crack

One of the programs for automatic selection of passwords is WiFi Crack. It is very easy to use it.

  1. Download the program from any site that distributes such a software.
  2. Run the file and see a simple interface.

  3. At the top in the "Refresh" string, select the network that you want to hack and activate the program by pressing the "Scan for Access Points" button.

  4. Waiting for the completion of the scanning process of networks, click on the active button, in our case "Wi-Fi WPA", with the list of networks found.

  5. In the Select Target Access Point section, click on the desired network.

  6. At the bottom of the window, click on the "Browse" button to select the file with the vocabulary of possible passwords.

    The note! Most likely, the program will need to connect a dictionary to which it will use to select passwords. Usually, dictionaries are included with the program.

  7. Configuring the parameters, press the "Wi-Fi Attack" button and wait for the completion of the process.

  8. The final result of the program will be an inscription with a password under the "finished" line at the bottom of the window.

  9. We return to the program interface and click on the Key Database button.

  10. In the open window, you will see connected information, including Wi-Fi password.

The note! On average, the password hacking the program occurs in 30-90 minutes. Since users rarely install really complex passwords, most can be hacked for half an hour. But there are such passwords, on the hacking of which it can take not one year. So not every network gets to hack.

Change MAC address

Not always, passwords are used as protection for Wi-Fi. Frequently, users use a filter by MAC addresses. From the device, this network will be detected as an open and not requiring password. But the connection to it will not work, since our MAC address does not pass filtering. So, the only output is to change the MAC address of the device to suitable. But how to do that?

If you have completed these three steps, connecting to your network without a password becomes impossible. More precisely, you can connect it, but it will take so much time and energy that any hacker will quickly understand that the game is not worth the candle.

There are quite a lot of ways to hack someone else's Wi-Fi. But all of them are focused on users who did not take care of the security of the connection.

Video - How to hack Wi-Fi Password of the neighbor in 5 minutes

Five five ways to find passwords from wireless networks to which you once connected.

This method is suitable for your personal router or any other to which you have physical access. Most modern routers have a unique network name and the password assigned by default. Usually they are printed on a label with serial number and other service information or on a special sticker.

You can only get to the router and carefully examine his back side. If there is nothing there, try to look into the instructions or google the model of the router. Surely find what you are looking for.

2. Find out the password from the Windows network settings

If you are connected (or once connected) to the network via Windows, it will kindly prompt you for a forgotten password. Depending on the version of Windows, the name of the menu items may differ, but the meaning is about the same.

You need to go to the "Network and Shared Access Center" and get to the list of wireless networks. Then open the properties of the desired network and view the password in the "Network Security Key" field, without forgetting to put a check mark on "Display Inputs Entered".

With Mac, everything is the same. OS X stores a password from any network to which you ever connected, and, of course, you can see it.

It is done in the "Key Bond", where all your passwords are stored. Run it through Spotlight or from the "Programs" folder and select the "System" section on the sidebar on the left side. Next, we find the desired network in the list and click on the "I" button on the panel below. We put a tick near the "Show password" and after entering the administrator password, we see our password from Wi-Fi.

4. Find the password in the web interface of the router

If you have access to the web interface, then the router password can be found there. To do this, go to the browser at (or and enter a login and password. The menu structure of each manufacturer is different, but the point is to find the Wireless Network section, which has a Security option with protection options. It contains our key, that is, a wireless network password.

Looks like the menu you need something like this. The default password is hidden, and to display it, you need to click on the Display Password button or something like that.

5. Reset the password and set the new

Nothing will stand against rough strength. If the password cannot be obtained, then you need to hack it, that is, reset. This method is suitable only in the case when you need a password from your home router, but it will work on an absolutely any router, since each of them has a physical reset button. The only minus is if your provider uses specific connection settings, it will have to configure it again.

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So, we get a router from the cabinet, with the mezzanine - or where he is hidden there - and carefully look at the part of the ports and control buttons. Looking for a small hole, next to Reset written. This is the reset button. It is necessary to press it with a clip or needle and hold for a few seconds (if it does not help, then you find the reset and, without releasing the buttons, turn off the router for 30 seconds, and then, continuing to keep the button, turn on and release it in 30 seconds). After that, the router settings will be reset to standard and you can find out the password in one of the ways described above.