Beeline has no money in the account. Beeline features at zero balance. Save time with the service "Consumer payment"

Beeline at zero enables its subscribers to take money into debt or ask for a contribution of friends, relatives. In order to remain an active user at zero, a number of services are provided that are available for registration if the activation conditions are complied with.

Beeline for minus does not block the SIM card, but allows you to use additional options. Some are connected in the form of a disposable service, while others will insure the Bilain Customer constantly if in the future its balance will again be minus or approach zero.

"Trust payment"

Opens the possibilities for zero balance the option "Trust payment". The amount of funds that the provider will be able to grant in debt directly depends on the expenses of the Subscriber to communicate over the past three months. The same time period is the basic condition for providing one-time supply. Only a client who collaborates with bilayn more than 90 days can take a confidential amount. The service is available on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond. Connection is possible by the * 141 # command to find out the credit and return date, it is enough to dial * 141 * 7 #.

Money is provided for a period of three days. The user can request any amount.

"Consumer payment"

The automatic mode of "trust pay" allows you not to worry about the balance. The provider will replenish the l / s when there will be less than 50 rubles. This is the minimum indicator, it is calculated by the company after analyzing the monthly spending of the client. If the subscriber is in roaming, then the debt figure will not exceed 150 rubles, even when the cost of communication is impressive. Terms and Instructions:

  • activation fee - 50 kopecks;
  • daily fee - 75 kopecks;
  • activation - * 141 * 11 #;
  • deactivation - * 141 * 10 #.

Amounts are indicated for Moscow subscribers and the region. Other clients who are afraid to stay at zero, you need to specify information by 0611.


The operator provides automatic payment through services, virtual wallets and bank cards. To do this, you need to set the route through which the money transfer request will be sent: the card number or wallet. With a post-postal calculation system, the setting is not required, according to the prepayment, the client who is afraid to stay on zero, recovering the request - * 114 * 9 #, deactivation - * 114 * 0 #.

"Top My Account"

When the client Beeline approached zero, the user can send a request to a friend or relative, so that he sent money to the balance. The option does not imply spending the sender. The service is valid not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also when departing to Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan and Ukraine. To do this is gaining * 143 * Number_abonent #.

Analogue option - "Mobile Translation".

Zero Balance in Roaming

If a person is in roaming and the state l / s approached zero, you can activate the "Planet Zero" subscription to stay in touch. Conditions:

Despite the fee that the provider takes every day, "Planet Zero" is the only option that allows incoming calls without costs outside the country. Otherwise, the tariff will have to change.

Call from the interlocutor

If it is impossible to replenish your balance, then you can make a call at the expense of the interlocutor. Activation subscription does not require. The 0505 query is sent, then a digital combination of a subscriber who must confirm the connection.

"Call me"

To send a request to another user, a team is provided * 144 * number_abonent #. Figures are prescribed completely, together with +7.

Before the call, it is worth checking how much money is left on l / s, so that during the conversation asking for replenishment. Postoplace check - * 102 #, in postoplate - * 110 * 45 #.

Additionally, Beeline provides each client the "Live zero" option, which allows you to stay in touch even in case of minus. If you do not turn off the mobile device, you can get through to the subscriber. Installing a personal threshold of expenses will allow you to control your balance. The service is issued in the Personal Cabinet of the Biline Resource or through the application. When the account remains less than 50 rubles, the autoinformer will send a notice of this.

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Quick response:
However, the first actions that should be taken is the completion of the personal account. To do this, you can activate the service "Autosplain". To use the service, you need to tie your bank card to the phone number in the "Personal Account. After that, the service is activated by sending USSD.-Proc *114# . After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the installed threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, one-time enrollment is 150.

  • *141# . Request for replenishing the account on the amount established by the provider.
  • *141*7# . Receiving information about the available payment amount.

The lack of a positive balance does not mean at all that Subscribers of PJSC VimpelCom will be cut off from the world of mobile communications. Users can receive incoming calls and sms, even leaving in minus, respectively, the number will always be available. It is more difficult when the user needs to call or enter the Internet itself, and the amount necessary for such actions is missing on the personal account. There is a way out in this situation. Beeline, services for zero balance make it possible to customers not only replenish the score, but also use voice communication and even send text messages.

Beeline at zero balance

Opportunities for the negative balance of Beeline subscribers are in fairly wide framework. However, the first actions that should be taken is the completion of the personal account. To do this, you can activate the service "Autosplain". To use the service, you need to tie your bank card to the phone number in the "Personal Account. After that, the service is activated by sending USSD request * 114 #. After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the installed threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, one-time enrollment is 150.

The second possibility of replenishing the balance at zero is a "trust payment". To manage the service, there are such commands:

  • * 141 #. Request for replenishing the account on the amount established by the provider.
  • * 141 * 7 #. Receiving information about the available payment amount.
  • Free room to solve common issues.

Important! The subscription fee for access to the Trust Payment service is not charged, but the operator writes off the Commission for conducting transactions.

The service "Trust payment is not provided in the following cases:

  1. The room is decorated for a legal entity.
  2. Postphoto tariff plans.
  3. Communication costs make up less than 50 rubles per month.
  4. The number is blocked at the initiative of the provider.
  5. The amount is on the account -30 rubles.

It is worth noting that the size of the available payment directly depends on the expenses of the subscriber for cellular services.


In addition to the ability to replenish the account, Beeline offers its subscribers such options:

  • Call due to another subscriber.
  • Request for account replenishment.
  • Sending messages with a request to call back.

Each of the services works even in cases when the subscriber's phone is zero. However, the conditions for the provision of services are different for each option.

How to call at the expense of the interlocutor? In this case, this procedure is performed:

  1. From the mobile device, a combination of 05050 and a subscriber number (no eight) is recruited.
  2. A connection is established where the user receives a notification that the bell will be paid from its number.
  3. There is a conversation or a call is reset by the interlocutor.

Important! Even if the subscriber rejects the call at its expense, the system automatically sends a text request to call back at the specified number.

It is necessary to clarify that you can contact the system not more than 15 times a day, the action option does not apply to regional and international roaming.

Users can refuse the service "Call by the Interlocutor" on your phone. For this, such a scheme is provided:

  • Sending a request * 155 * 0 # for shutdown.
  • Obtaining a system notification that the option is deactivated.
  • * 155 * 1 # for re-connection.

If there is no money, you can ask friends and loved ones about the account replenishment. To do this, the request is sent to such a content: * 143 * Telephone number #. The message comes to the recipient subscriber number and it can translate any amount to the specified contact from the personal account of its mobile. The service is provided free of charge, the subscription fee is not written off.

It is worth noting that the option is valid only within the network, the maximum number of appeals is 5 per day.

How to ask the interlocutor to call back? To do this, send a request * 144 * Subscriber number #. The service is valid for all customers Beeline Russia and the CIS, however, does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea. The number of requests per day - 10, the option does not need additional connections, the subscription fee is not provided.

Additional features

For all home network subscribers, the service "Live zero" is provided. The basic option is included in all operator tariff plans, and does not need additional activation. "Live zero" makes it possible to respond to incoming calls, take text messages, use the services of the number of number and call forwarding even with a negative balance of the personal account.

In addition, the users are available to the service "Speaking Letter". The essence of the option is that the subscribers can record and send voice messages to their native and friends. The service is provided free of charge, without a subscription fee, however, listening to the recording will cost 1.15 rubles per minute.

It is necessary to clarify that subscribers with zero balance can call technical support services, use short commands and phone numbers to connect / disable various options and subscriptions, contact representatives of emergency services of the city.

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At first glance, Beeline company provides its customers with ample opportunities for the use of communication services at zero balance. However, such care is tatting pitfalls. First, most services work only in the connection region, respectively, departure to the neighboring area cuts off the subscriber from cellular services. Secondly, the provider takes the commission for the option on advance enrollment of funds, and after the expiration of 3 days it detects the entire amount regardless of the state of the personal account. Thirdly, communication services at zero are still paid, even if not by the subscriber himself, but his relatives and friends. Therefore, the speech about "free cheese" is not coming here. However, it is necessary to pay tribute that the client can always be in touch, regardless of the state of the personal account.

Sometimes the mobile money ends just when urgently need to contact someone. In this situation, I will save the service "Call by the Interlocutor", Beeline provides it with all its customers to always stay in touch.

Take advantage of this option and gain a friend for its tools, all customers operator can.

To do this, you will not need to connect anything or configure, it is enough to simply enter the necessary combination of numbers. Additional use fee is also not charged.

How to call on biline at the expense of another subscriber?

To do this, you need to introduce such a combination: "05050 + phone number without 8" and make a challenge. Next, it will be necessary to wait until it is taken, or will cancel.

In case of cancellation, the operator will report the reason for the unsuccessful completion of the operation. If you did not work out, you can send a call to call back, using the command: * 144 * Subscriber number #.

How to accept or cancel a challenge?

When a person enters a request for a conversation for his funds, it is proposed to accept it - press the button 1, or refuse, pressing the cancel key. Tarispension will occur immediately after the start of the conversation. The price of one minute depends on the conditions of the tariff plan.

If the client does not want such calls to it, you can disable such requests. To do this, you need to send a USSD command with a set of numbers: *155*0# .

Then all incoming who want to make money will automatically deviate. If it became necessary to resume this service, type: *155*1# .


If there is no money on the phone and you need to contact another person, it is important to remember some restrictions:

  • The service is available only to Bilayna users.. You cannot dial the user of another operator in such a way.
  • Burnt using the other tools, turn out only if you call from home region. In roaming, this feature is not available.
  • With zero, you can make only 15 conversations per dayUsing the balance of the interlocutor. After the exhaustion of this limit, when trying to type a friend, the SMS message will automatically be sent to contact.

Beeline provides his subscriber several ways to gain another person if the balance has exhausted.

This will help solve important issues in emergency moments when you need to contact, but the money ended.

If this could not be done, you can use the service "Trust payment", which will replenish the score of the debt. When the required amount goes on mobile, it will be removed as repayment of debt.

Good time. Faced with this situation: with the prepaid tariff system "All for 500", I repeatedly wrote off a subscription fee in minus. My phone is blocked and I must biline 1541 rubles. 87 kopecks. Now on the balance sheet minus - 1541 rubles 87 kopecks. How the means for the services that I do not use are written off on the locked issue. The number is blocked for not paying services?!? Blocked 03/30/2017.

Here is the details of the account, at the same time on my account minus 1541rules !!! How so? Moreover, you write off constantly some car payments that I did not take, so also in a minus balance write off the subscription fee?!

date and time

All rooms
Volume of services
Change balance
End balance

02 Mar 2017, 01:17:27
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-491,37 rub.
-491,37 rub.

05 Mar 2017, 01:17:03
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-531,37 rub.

08 Mar 2017, 01:21:30
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-521.37 rubles.

March 11, 2017, 01:13:32
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-537.37 rubles.

March 14, 2017, 01:16:58
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-486.37 rubles.

17 Mar 2017, 01:16:35
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-539,87 rub.

20 Mar 2017, 01:17:20
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-540,37 rub.

23 Mar 2017, 01:15:01
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-539,87 rub.

26 Mar 2017, 01:17:16
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-540,37 rub.

March 29, 2017, 01:23:03
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-540,87 rub.

Update the data
Unload in Excel

date and time
All operations
All rooms
Volume of services
Change balance
End balance

01 Apr 2017, 01:20:28
Dover's connection fee. Payment

Basic balance
-40 rub.
-539,87 rub.

01 Apr 2017, 01:20:28
Write-off Dover. / Consumer payment

Basic balance
-501 rub.
-1040,87 rub.

Several times, communicated with those. Support in chat and by mail, everything has saved the dialogues, you will laugh, the first operator in the chat assured me until the last thing I did not have such a balance, but completely another that I should have 1041 rubles. After a couple of hours, it contacted another operator who assured me that all write-offs are true. This was followed by correspondence by mail, the result of which was such a letter:

Re: Re: By write off from the room
You have not paid communication services from 03/29/2017. You were granted a "trust payment" so that you can use Simkart and home internet. The service "Trust payment" is provided only for 3 days. 04/01/2017 The write-off of the service has occurred in full, the services were provided to you until you have formed debt.

At the moment, all accruals are correct, they took place for the subscription fee at the rate and for the service of the home Internet.

From March 29, 2017 there was not a single replenishment, so communication services were suspended. Now in order to resume communication services, you need to replenish the bill and repay all debt. Let me remind you that, according to the terms of the tariff "All for 500", the accrual of the subscription fee is a prerequisite for which you agreed when connected. If you do not replenish or not use, the subscription fee will be charged anyway. If you have additional questions, write to us the answer to this letter.
Thank you for using the Beeline services.
Hope Zl-on,
Customer support service "Beeline".

You do not seem strange such a recommendation when the subscriber is shown the balance in minus for 1541 rubles more than he should? I do not want more on this tariff. And why in case of insufficient funds, the subscription fee?! And it turns out like this: I did not use the services of the tariff plan, after it was reduced to 1541 rubles for the monthly fee? Because I wrote off a trust payment and I had a minus on the balance sheet. Those. The service did not use, but still pay?

For all the extracts, it turns out that I owe you 541 rubles rubles all, trustful payment + 40 rubles. for the service, but not 1041 rubles. And even more so no 1541 rubles, which is persistently displayed in the Personal Account. What is visible below !!!

All dialogues, account details and screenshots I have !!! In addition, I asked to suspend the action of the tariff for 500, and even change the tariff to the tariff without a subscription fee, but the operators in the chat were only translated on each other and during two hours of lost time did not happen. I asked, demanded, but as a pea wall.

I have no money to pay really deserved debt in 541 rubles, but not 1541 rubles, but in the personal account they write that in May I will be 2,000 rubles. No one goes to me on

The money ended in the bill in biline? No problem. Learn from our article about services and capabilities at zero balance.

Service "Call me"

This service allows you to notify a person that you are waiting for a call from him. The main advantage is that you can send a notice to the Subscriber of any Russian company providing mobile services, as well as the clients of the Georgian operator Beeline and the CIS countries.

The service is provided automatically, without connections and settings. It is completely free for all customers of the Beeline operator.

The selected subscriber comes from your behalf a message that contains a request for the chime.

You receive a notice of the success of the request for delivery:

  • To activate, enter * 144 * phone number #.
  • If you do not want you to come to call back, enter the code * 144 * 0 #.
  • If you again want to receive message data, then enter the * 144 * 1 # command.

This service is available not only in the home network, but also in roaming. During the day, you can send no more than 10 messages.

"Call due to the interlocutor"

This service allows the client to make a call due to the interlocutor. The service is available to all subscribers with a prepaid calculation system in the home network, in the roaming is not available.

Call by a friend only to Beeline subscribers, it is impossible to do this by numbers of other telecom operators.

To contact the interlocutor at his expense, follow these steps:

  • Type 05050 and the human phone number to which you are going to call, without 8 (for example: 050509601234567).
  • Press the call button.
  • The interlocutor comes notice that you are trying to contact him.
  • To accept a similar bell, the interlocutor must press the number 1. In case of failure, you just need to press the call reset button.
  • If the interlocutor refused to take a call at his own expense, you will be notified with the cause of refusal, and it will receive an SMS with a request to call back.

For a call subscriber, the call will cost 3 p. in a minute.

During the day, you can make no more than 15 similar calls.

Trust payment

If your mobile account is zero, use the "trust payment". After a set of a specific command, a certain amount will go to the balance.

It depends on what tariff plan you are serviced, and from how much we spend money on conversations per month. It acts 3 days.


  • If you want to know what amount goes on the balance, enter the key of the * 141 * 7 # keys and the call button. Terms of provision differ for different tariff plans.
  • To connect the service, type the combination * 141 #.

If, by the terms of the tariff plan, the subscription fee is removed daily, or there is no one, the amount you receive depends on the amount you replenished your mobile account over the past 3 months.

If the subscription fee is removed monthly from the account monthly, then the amount will be available to the subscriber board.

The cost of providing a loan and the resulting amount will be removed 3 days after replenishing your balance.

Customers with a post-post settlement system will not be able to use this service.

Receiving a trust payment is available only for those subscribers who are billion customers for more than 3 months.

"Top My Account"

This service allows you to ask for a close, replenish your balance. It is provided automatically and does not require connection.

The person you send a request will receive an SMS with the text containing your request. You will receive an SMS in response, which will confirm the delivery. Sending SMS data is not charged.


  • To send a request, enter * 143 * Number in international format #.
  • You can prohibit receipt of these requests. To do this, type the command - * 143 * 0 #.
  • To restore the reception of SMS notifications, dial * 143 * 1 #.

Installation of the ban is available only to Customer Bilain Russia.

Sending requests is possible to customers of any Russian companies on the provision of cellular services, as well as Beeline in the CIS. Service "Top My Account" is available in roaming.

During the day, it is possible to send only 5 sms

There is a possibility of sending a request to replenish a mobile account through the USB application - Modem Beeline:

  • To do this, go to the USB-modem application.
  • Find the Count "Top My Account" in the "Account Management" section.
  • Fill out the "Number" field - specify the subscriber's phone number in any format to which you appeal to.
  • Then click "Request", and this client of the cellular company will receive a notification to replenish the account.

"Live zero"

This service allows, even with a negative account balance, make incoming calls and messages and contact the customer support service of the operator.

This service is available for all clients of the calculation system. It should not be connected. By default, it is activated by all Customers of Beeline.

Cellular operator Beeline provided for its customers a sufficient number of services that allow them to be connected, even if their account is zero. Use!