Data for semantics - Yandex Wordstat. Types of frequency of search queries or why the position on the monogrammer does not guarantee the receipt of traffic that means absolute and relative importance

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Free search statistics and selection of words from Yandex. Mostly the service was created to evaluate Yandex Direct advertisers. But later, became a tool and SEO optimizer.

Why do you need Yandex Wordstat?

What will he help:

  • Selection of effective keywords for the contextual advertising company or for search promotion of the site (semantic kernel).
  • Traffic forecast, evaluation of the frequency of key phrases and niche as a whole.
  • Help in developing the structure of the site.
  • Detection of trends in phrases.

How to work with the service?

To work with Wordstat is necessary registration in the service By email or through social networks. If you already have an account in other Yandex services, you can use it to work with the selection of words.

Login (Right Top Angle)\u003e Registration

Tool "According to"

When logging in, you have the default tool "according to".

  1. Input field of query - In this line, we introduce the word or the phrase according to which we want to see the data.
  2. Service tools - Displaying words by regions and history (trend) request.
  3. All regions - The choice of the region to be displayed statistics.
  4. Platform - The choice of platform for which statistics will be displayed.
  5. Last update - Date of the latest data update in the service.
  6. Left column WordStat. - The list of queries in which the word or phrase entered in paragraph (1) is contained.
  7. Right Column Wordstat. - Shows the list of phrases that could still look for people who introduced our word or phrase.

We will describe in more detail how the left and right column Yandex Wordstat works.

Left column

In the left column displays all phrases that contain our entered request.

For example, we introduce a request yandex Wordstat. We will seem all phrases that contain our request, while the order of words will not matter.

It must be remembered! The digit opposite the request is the number of deposits of this phrase per month, and not the number of transitions on this phrase! For example, if we go to the search system, score phrase yandex Wordstat And click Find - this will be 1 showing on this phrase.

The digit displays all requests included in it.

For example: in the number of hits 60 897 on request wordstat Yandex. Include all the numbers of requests below that contain the phrase yandex Wordstat or wordstat Yandex. The order of words does not matter.

And in the number of hits 2295 by phrase yandex Wordstat Key Included the number of shows on the phrase yandex Wordstat Keywords.

If we click on the phrase yandex Wordstat Key, We will be convinced of this. We will display all phrases that are included in this request.

This is the main principle and logic of the instrument "according to" and the left column WordStat. For a more advanced display of statistics, there are state selection operators.

Even shows the frequency (frequency). Straight, the frequency of the phrase Yandex Wordstat is equal to 60 897.

Main operators Yandex Wordstat

There are two main operators:

  1. Exclamation point.

They can also be used together with each other. Consider the essence of the application of each operator on the example of the simplest request.

Exclamation point

Speaking before the word! you fix the end of the words before the sign ! .

That is, writing ! Buy! phoneThe display shows will no longer enter the words declining, for example: phones, bought and other modified endings and declining words in front of!. But here in these shows include all phrases that I have exactly writing buy phoneFor example, these shows include such requests: how to buy a cell phone where to buy a phone, etc.

An exclamation mark fixes only the exact writing of these words in front of which it stands.

Through the Basic Operator, the "exclamation mark" user can see the results on a specific request without any decline in one or several words contained in the phrase.


Injecting phrase "Buy phone" In quotes, you will see the number of options for only this request without other than any additional words, that is, this request may include phrases: buy phones, buy phones, bought a phone, etc. This is no longer included with other additional words, for example: how to buy a phone where to buy a cell phone, etc.

The value in quotes is called phrase frequency.

Sharing Catch Operators + Exclamation Sign

Prescription " ! Buy! phone "You will fix the request itself and the end of the words. Thus, you will learn exact frequency on a specific request without additional words, allowing to predict the number of transitions on this request. But remember, the number of hits is not the number of transitions, therefore it is only approximate data, it is also necessary to understand that the number of clicks decreases depending on the site's position in the issuance of the search engine on this request.

Mortgage value + exclamation mark is called accurate frequency.

Additional operators

There are another 5 main auxiliary operators opening even more opportunities in Yandex Wordstat:

  1. Operator Plus. To use it indicates a symbol + . It helps to find search queries, where there are stop words, such as unions, prepositions, etc.
  2. Operator "Square brackets". Symbols with writing the key phrase between them are used. With it, the alignment of words in the phrase is recorded, that is, they remain in such a manner as you prescribed them. The operator is relevant when it is necessary to analyze the popularity of similar phrases on various requests.
  3. Operator "or". Used using a symbol | and important for the operational session semantics on a webpage, as well as in the process of comparison or "offset" in the statistics of some phrases.
  4. Operator "Minus". It is prescribed for its application. - . It removes requests that are unnecessary to study the words statistics.
  5. Manager "Grouping". Symbols are indicated () Inside which the above operators are prescribed to use them together.

Examples of using operators

We present below examples of applying all the above operators, both basic and additional.

"A plus"

We are displayed all the words where the word contains. work and preposition on the. Operator +, as if fixed the pretext on the.


We are shown all the requests where there is a word windowbut no word price.

"Square brackets"

We recorded an exclamation mark an accurate writing of words, with quotes, we recorded only words prescribed between them, and we recorded the order of words in square brackets.

"Grouping" and a complicated request

Another convenient feature provided by Wordstat service. It allows you to set the length of requests (2, 5 words, and so on) with the entry of the keywords and produce their parsing. This feature is especially useful in cases where the webmaster is working on a site dedicated to a very popular topic and, having collected the maximum number of pages, cannot obtain all search phrases relating to this niche.

On a note. Statistics Yandex Wordstat When analyzing one request gives a maximum of 41 pages, but it often happens that the phrases for a request much more, and not everyone can see.

To collect all the phrases whose length contains 3 words, this design is used: "SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG"

By specifying such a request, you will collect not the maximum number of search phrase pages of different lengths, and 41 pages only phrases are long in 3 words containing SAMSUNG keyword. If it is gradually analyzing requests, the length of which is from 2 to 7 words, then you can collect completely all statistics on the SAMSUNG word.

Right Column Wordstat.

Shows that they still searched for people by entering this request footwear.

Query history

The "Query History" tab was created to study the dynamics of requests over the past 2 years, as well as determining their popularity depending on the season. For example, to find out how consumer interest to the Samsung Galaxy S9 model changes. There are settings for schedules for weeks or months, there is still the opportunity to filter the type of device, such as display only on smartphones.

Absolute value - This is our actual value of the shows during certain periods of time.

Relative value - This is the ratio of the absolute value (hits) to the total number of all shows. This indicator shows the popularity of the specified query among all other requests.

It is impossible not to mention this function as receiving the frequency of the query in a particular region. The ability to divide the total frequency of the query by region allows you to analyze how often a certain phrase is introduced by users of a particular region, and how popular it is here.

So, a request containing words "buy" and Sochi Most often inhabitants of the city of Sochi, and it is logical. However, delving into the possibility of this function, you can open for yourself and much more unexpected results.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

For convenient use of Yandex Wordstat, there are a special extension for the browser, which is called Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

After installing it, you have a special window in your browser, in which you can add keywords from Vordstat. Added words are marked with gray. List of words can be copied, sorted.

Video instructions like the use of Yandex Wordstat


Free Yandex Wordstat service is the most important tool for SEO specialists and advertisers Yandex Direct. It allows you to study in detail the statistics of the search engine requests and analyze the selection of words to attract more target audience on the program. Today we studied all the most important functions of the service, the successful application of which will help you make your resource more noticeable and withdraw it to the leading position of the search engine.

How to correctly check the frequency of search queries in Yandex and clean them from "garbage"? What operators to use to maximize keyword details? How to check the basic and accurate frequency? All details in this article.

Frequency - This is the number of search queries scored by users for a certain period of time. In the Yandex Wordstat service, this statistic is displayed in a month. Most webmasters and website owners are familiar with this service, however, even many experienced professionals do not fully understand the entire applied power of this tool.

Check the frequency of requests in Yandex for "kettles"

In order to check the basic frequency, it is necessary to drive the keyword in the WordStat search string. By default, statistics are displayed in all regions and devices, however, you can detail it on desktops, mobile devices, only phone numbers and only tablets. In addition, the service automatically shows similar keywords, provides an opportunity to see the history of specific search queries for 2 years, as well as detail requests by regions and cities. In this article, we will consider only statistics by keywords, all WordStat devices and regions.

Consider the display of the basic frequency of Wordstat on request "Buy Castle".

So, the number 244 253 is next to the phrase "Buy Castle" indicates the number of hits per month on all requests with a keyword "buy a castle": "Buy Ignition Castle", "Buy a lock on the door", "Where to buy a castle", "buy a door lock", etc. The upper number of appeals is the sum of all the downstream shows on all displayed words..

But how, in this case, check the number of shows strictly on request "buy a lock" (door), removing all nethematatic trash: "Children's locks", "ignition locks", "car lock", etc. For this, WordStat operators exist.

6 operators to refine requests

Operators WordStat. - These are symbols that will help you more accurately formulate a key phrase to obtain statistics. They currently exist 6.

OperatorWhat is he doingExample key phraseDisplay statistics
! Hard fixes the word (time, genus, number, case)buy castle in! Moscow
  • Buy castle in Moscow
  • Buy castle for door in Moscow
  • Buy Castle Moscow
" " Quotes fix the number of words in the request"Buy Castle"
  • Buy Castle
  • buy lock
  • Buy castle in Moscow
+ Plus records all particles, prepositions and service words in the request. Default they ignorebuy lock + on the door
  • Buy lock on the door
  • Buy lock on the entrance door
  • Buy door lock
- Minus removes all the extra words from the Castle -Automobil
  • Buy lock on the door
  • Buy Ignition Castle
  • Buy lock for car
Square brackets fix the order of words in the requestbuy [door lock]
  • Where to buy door locks
  • Door locks to buy Moscow
  • Buy door lock
() and |Pipe (vertical feature) and round brackets help when grouping complex queriesbuy Castle (cheap | Door)
  • Buy door lock
  • Castles buy cheap
  • Buy door lock cheap

The entire charm of operators is that they can be used with each other. Sharing operators to detail requests gives a good webmaster a powerful SEO tool that will help not only collect a high-quality semantic kernel, but also to strip out of the entire mass of requests it is the necessary objective statistics without semantic garbage.

Determine the exact query frequency: Pro Level

Let's try to combine operators, and let's see what happens. For example, take a new request to "buy a car". Basic frequency of 1,533,200 show per month for all regions and devices.

This is a very wide request that includes many other subqueries from different niches, for example, "buy a washing machine", "Buy Audi Machine", "Buy dishwasher". How can we detail these requests? Suppose we are interested in washing machines.

If we want to see the exact number of requests for the key phrase "buy a washing machine", start using operators: quotes and exclamation mark. It turns out 9257 shows per month. Note that the number of appeals in the table remains basic.

To see the same request, but at the same time hardly fix the sequence of words in it, eliminating, for example, the requests for a "washing machine", "washing machine", add an operator. The exact number of deposits is on this phrase with the preservation of the shape and sequence of words - 8903.

Notice if we change the sequence of words in our regular expression, then we will get a completely different result of the shows - only 308. It is quite logical and intuitive that the number of people who are looking for a washing machine with a greater probability will build their request with the words "buy ".

But if we change the word form of this request, then, again, we get a completely new result.

So, for example, you can fix the pretext in the query and add a geo-dependent word. Please note that the screenshot takes statistics in all regions of WordStats, and not just in Moscow.

Go ahead. Suppose you sell only washing machines with no accompanying goods. The request "buy a washing machine" includes many subqueries, among which "buy a sink for a washing machine", "Buy a TEN for a washing machine", "buy a hose for a washing machine". To collect the desired semantics, you will have a lot of time to check each request using the operators "" and!. In this case, the "minus" operator will help us.

Thus, you clean the "trash" requests in statistics, filtering only relevant keywords for your business.

Frequency check: 80 LVL

Go to more complex statistics collection intacts on requests from Yandex.

Example # 1.

Let's start with the operator "" and we formulate one rule of its use: if the same pretexts or words are present in the phrase enclosed in quotes, then one of them is replaced with an existing word in the attached request. For example, consider the request "car on credit Moscow."

If you add another pretext "in" before the word "Moscow" to this keyword, we will receive the following data.

Thus, the repetitive pretexts "B" were merged, and another word was added to the requests. For different requests, these are words "buy", "bu", "new", "pledge", used. "" Emboss ".

This reception is an incredible tool for information sites, the main purpose of which is the growth of traffic. It allows you to choose from the subject the entire range of requests that include a specified number of words, for example, all requests on the subject of 5 words. As a rule, very extended requests from 5-7 words are less competitive, to attract traffic accordingly and take high positions on them easier. And if these requests are not inferior in high-frequency requests? The sample of the most high-frequency and least competitive requests will allow you to quickly achieve results. Let's consider an example.

In this request, we ask the Wordstat to show the range of requests, which includes 7 words that define the words "instructions for use". 5 words "instructions" are combined, one remains one, 4 words are replaced with new invested requests. We look at one of hundreds of invested requests, the frequency of request from 7 words is 8090 shows per month. To compare the request to "buy a car in Moscow" has 647 shots per month. The template rupture has not happened yet? Then go on.

Example # 2.

Now they will go into battle more complex operator () and |, with it, we will collect the pool of requests, from which in the future we can make tag pages. Take for example a request to "buy a BMW car". This brand of cars, her series can search for the most different requests: "buy a BMW car", "Buy BMW X 6", "buy a BMW 5 car", etc. In order to receive a pool of requests without repetitions, we use a regular expression:

Buy (car | Machine) (BMW | BMW) - Schedule -Photo -Not - Wrongs - Too-buy - What

Add a number of irrelevant minus words at once, which are not suitable for our business. We obtain the following data that later is easier to structure.

This sample will help you easier to collect data for tag pages and data clustering.

noteIt is impossible to use operators in one expression "" and () |. The logic of the operation of one operator violates the logic of the other.

Example # 3.

This example is suitable for rapidly structuring information sites or collecting tags for online stores. For example, we will take an informational site about fishing and try to quickly get the main directions and places of fishing through the grouping of requests for pretexts. We will make it a simple regular expression:

Fishing (+ with | + on) -Igra -Free-Wood -Sour

Minus words, of course, you need to add, but in this case it is just an example. We get this result:

Example # 4.

The sharing of operators will help you delimit similar by writing, but different requests in meaning. For example, the request "buy a tour to Moscow" implies sightseeing train in Moscow.

Request "Buy a tour in Moscow" implies accounting of a geoposition of a user to buy a tour of Moscow.

Example # 5.

Another example of a regular expression that will help you to collect requests for tag pages or catalog filters in the swimwear niche.

Even if these examples do not belong to your niche, we hope they will help you improve your work skills with Wordstat. If you have any questions, you found mistakes, or want to add an article, please write in the comments, we will gladly answer you!

Before doing something on the Internet: Create a site, customize an advertising company, write an article or a book, you need to see what people are generally looking for, what are interested in what is introduced in the search bar.

Search queries (key phrases and words) are most often assembled in two cases:

  • Before creating the site. In this case, you need to assemble the maximum keywords to cover your entire sphere. After collecting, search queries are analyzed and on the basis of this decide on the structure of the site.
  • To configure contextual advertising. For advertising, not all choose, but only words for which you can determine interest in the product or service, it is desirable to be an active interest in the words "buy", "price", "order", etc.

If you are going to set up contextual advertising, then.

And below, we will look at how to assemble the statistics of search queries in popular search engines, as well as small secrets how to do it better.

Immediately add that I myself use paid services, because you can collect the amount of data for a very long time that I usually need to promote and configure advertising. But when you need to quickly look, then these methods are also suitable.

How to see Yandex requests statistics

The Yandex search engine has a special service "selection of words", located at It is very easy to use: Introduce any words and usually, except for statistics for these words, we also see what they were looking for together with these words.

It is very important to understand that statistics on shorter queries includes statistics of all detailed requests with these words. For example, in the screenshot request "Request Statistics" includes Request "Yandex Query Statistics" and all other requests below.

The right column displays the requests that people searched for people who have searched the request you entered. Where does this information come from? These requests that were entered before your request or immediately after it.

To see the exact number of requests on the phrase, you need to enter it in the "phrase" quotes. So, specifically the request for "query statistics" was looking for 5047 times.

How to view Google search query statistics

Recently, the Google trend tool has been available for Russia, it is located at . It displays the popular search queries recently. You can enter any of your request to assess its popularity.

In addition to the frequency of requests, Google will show popularity by region and similar requests.

Second way Watch the frequency of google search queries is to use the service for advertisers. To do this, you need to register as an advertiser. In the "Tools" menu, you need to select a "keyword scheduler" and further "get query statistics".

In the scheduler, except for statistics, you will learn the level of competition of advertisers on this request and even the approximate cost of clicking if you decide also to advertise. By the way, the cost is usually overestimated.

Statistics of search queries Mail.Ru updated the tool showing the statistics of search queries The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by sex and age.

It can be assumed that the Yandex word selection service also takes into account requests from Mail, because At the moment, the search engine Mail.Ru shows the advertisement of Yandex, and the service is mostly designed for advertisers. And before, by the way, Google advertising was shown in Mail.Ru.

In addition, you can use such a cunning. The approximate distribution of the audience between the search engines is: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio may change. (For example, programmers can give Google preference.)

Then you can see the statistics in Yandex and divide on 6. We get an approximate number of search queries in Mail.Ru

By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between the search engines for February 2014 can be seen on the screenshot below:

Rambler query statistics

From the graph, it is already possible to see that the search engine Rambler covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at:

The principle is the same as in other services.

Bing's search engine enjoys even less than our compatriots. And to see the statistics of keywords, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

You can do this at, and the request statistics can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising company:

Yahoo query statistics

In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. View search query statistics It is necessary here

How to see Search queries YouTube

YouTube also has its statistics of search queries, which is called the "keyword prompt tool". It is mainly designed for advertisers, but it can be used to prescribe suitable keywords from your video.

And it looks like this:


We reviewed all popular search queries selection systems. I hope this review will be useful to you to write articles, creating websites or advertising settings. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

One of the most popular modules in Rush Analytics is the Parser Yandex Wordstat, and it is not by chance. When collecting the semantic kernel, it is necessary to know exactly the frequency of the collected queries, in order to properly arrange priorities for promotion and get rid of "garbage" and zero requests. Often it is worth the task to break through several tens of thousands of frequency requests in Yandex, but this is not a simple task for the self-writer parser workers and desktop programs, and that is why:

  1. Yandex Wordstat has good parsing protection, such as BB IP addresses from which the PARSING is carried out and throwing off caps in response to requests from bots. To effectively collect data from WordStat, you need an effective algorithm for connecting IP addresses and other tricks
  2. To parse a large amount of data using desktop programs, you will need a lot of IP addresses (proxy), which Yandex with ease of banits with a non-optimal connection algorithm, and proxies - the pleasure of the cheap
  3. Also, the parseing will require the automatic introduction of a large number of capping (for example, the ANTIGATE connection for this task). This factor, in the non-optimal parceration algorithm, can make the Parsi itself unprofitable, since the cost of caps will be excessively high
  4. Most desktop programs do not have protection against data loss when collecting. So, for example, by collecting half of the data and spending money on it, with a failure in a parser, you risk not only not to get the remaining data, but also to lose already collected

PARSING Yandex Wordstat in
Rush Analytics.

Given all the difficulties that may arise when Parsing Wordstat, we made our Wordstat parser as fast as possible, convenient and resistant to the maximum number of patient problems:

If you need a speed filming of Yandex Wordstat - Rush Analytics the best solution, especially if you need to collect large amounts of data. For users with the need for a collection of more than 100,000 requests per month, individual conditions are provided, just write to our support on

There are several services to predict search queries frequencyBut most specialists use the service from Yandex - Yandex Wordstat.


Yandex has a significant market share (large data sample) and a convenient tool for analysis (Yandex Wordstat). In a Mail tool, you can get more advanced data for each key query, but on a much smaller data sample. Yandex Wordstat service was created primarily for Yandex Direct, but is very useful for SEO specialists.

3 types of query frequency in Yandex Wordstat

Every day SEO specialists use 3 types of frequency in their work. You need to catch the difference and learn to interpret information correctly, understand its value.

The total frequency is the predicted number of shots per month of the introduced phrase with any other words in any case / declination / number, etc. That is, if you enter the request [Pizza delivery], then get the number of posts per month of such requests, like: [Pizza delivery], [Pizza delivery around the clock], [inexpensive pizza delivery in St. Petersburg at 3 am], [Pizza Akhtynzan Delivery to Ekaterinburg], etc.


The numbers next to each request in the results of the selection of words give a preliminary forecast of the number of hits a month that you will receive by selecting this request as a keyword. So, the figure next to the word "phone" indicates the number of hits on all requests with the word "phone": "Buy phone", "Cell phone", "buy a cell phone", "buy a new cell phone in Krapinka", etc.

That is, Yandex tells us that the word "pizza" and any phrase with the word "pizza" will raise 2,242,196 times a month, and the phrase "Pizza delivery" and all phrases with the phrase "Pizza Delivery" will raise 240 705 times a month. With this information, you can find interesting request clusters that are gaining users and analyze the needs of potential customers. For example, it is clearly seen here that only 10% Users who were looking for something related to pizza are looking for its delivery.

Part of users want to receive pizza around the clock, and for another part of users it is very important that the pizza brought quickly. This is very valuable information for your business, so experiment and look for interesting needs for queries.

2. Accurate frequency of requests

Accurate frequency is the predicted number of appeals per month of the introduced phrase without any other words, but in any case / declination / nec, etc. That is, if you enter the request "Delivery of Pizza", then get the number of posts per month of such requests like: [Pizza delivery], [Pizza delivery], [Pizza delivery], etc.

To obtain accurate request frequency, the entire request must be taken in quotes:

Accurate frequency will help to find key queries that users really gain. Also note that only 6% of users who are looking for something with the delivery of pizza are limited to the request [Pizza delivery], and 94% of users are complemented (specifying) their request.

3. Super accurate query frequency

Super precise frequency is the predicted number of shows per month of the introduced phrase without any other words and in specified case / declination / number etc. That is, if you enter a request "! Delivery! Pizza", then get the number of posts per month of request [Pizza delivery].

To obtain accurate frequency of the request, the entire request must be taken in quotes and put an exclamation mark before each word:

Super accurate frequency allows you to reveal in what case, numbers and declination people are gaining certain requests.

Prepositions in Yandex

In Vordstat, pretends are not taken into account when you analyze the total frequency. If you need to watch a key request with a pretext, then before the pretext you need to put "+".

Fist the difference:

Imagine that you want to find out how many people want to buy tickets to Moscow. If you pick up [Flights to Moscow], you will receive 716,174 of the total frequency, but in this frequency and requests are included [Flights from Moscow], [Flights Moscow], [Moscow Sochi Flights] and others.

But if you enter the request [Flights + to Moscow], you will see 66,841 of the total frequency. The numbers differ 10 times, I hope that you will not forget to indicate "+"

The Yandex Wordstat service has the ability to analyze the frequency of requests for the required region. Sometimes it happens very useful.

In some areas of activity, you can find suitable queries for yourself, which are found only in certain regions. For example, the names of geographic objects.

Also provided a separate functionality where you can see the popularity of any keyword in different regions.

Seasonality (query history) is a very useful functionality with which you can analyze the frequency on a keyword in different periods of time. Data is stored for 2 years.

For example, this is what the demand for tickets to Moscow looks like in different times of the year:

Additional operators

There are some operators who use qualified specialists. If you are just starting to develop search engine optimization, then you should not focus on them.

Operator "-"

The operator "-" allows you to remove unnecessary words (by analogy with the directory).

Operator "|" (or)

Operator "|" (or) allows you to get the result at once in several conditions.

Operator "()" (grouping)

Operator "()" (grouping) allows you to combine the conditions.