Encyclopedia Emodezi in Russian. Dictionary of emoji emoticons, or how to find out the value of emoji on Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Emoticon designation using text symbols

Today it is almost impossible to provide communication in chat rooms and social networks without the use of emoticons. They are able to give a network conversation the necessary degree of emotionality, which is difficult to express the usual set of letters and symbols.

In recent years, popularity has become conquered a unique Japanese style icons with which users did not come across. Many began to raise the question of what Emodi means, why such a set of smiles gained enormous popularity. After all, the EMOJI standard is used today in many messengers and social networks.

What does Emodi mean? Where did the new standard of emoticons appear?

Emoji first appeared in Japan. The unique style of the icons was developed since 1998. Despite the exotic origin of emoticons, even Europeans in most cases can be easily understood what Emodi means. Only in a minority of cases have to refer to directory on the Internet to understand what means something or another image.

For the first time with Emoji, the NTT-Docomo operator began to work. The standard of emoticons faced the managers of large companies based in the United States. As a result, they began to use even the guys from Google. In 2009, they connected Emodi to their Gmail postal system. But even after that step, the standard still did not have acquired the popularity that it has now.

In 2009, many users still made it difficult to say that they mean emoticons Emodi, when they met with unusual images. This success came to the Standard Developers in 2010. It was then that Emoji was officially included in Unicode standard.

How to pronounce

There are 2 main options for the pronunciation of the foreign name EMOJI. In both cases, the emphasis is placed on the letter "O". Some fans of the style presented icons believe that it is more correct to say "Emodezhi". However, the "Emodi" pronunciation option is mainly distributed. This is how the sound is achieved, close to the Japanese original.

To better understand what the emoticons emotions mean, it is necessary to disassemble etymology (origin) of the term. The name of the original style of the icons consists of two Japanese words:

  • "E" - "picture";
  • Modzi - "Letter", "written symbol".

If you connect two words together, then in the Russian-language version there will be something similar to the "letter-picture". Although, perhaps a more suitable option will be the "symbol-picture".

Distinctive features of Emodzi

Emoji icons have a lot in common with standard smiles from chat chats like ICQ and others. But there are significant differences. So, the symbols of Emodi are noticeably larger than in the classic version of "funny face." They are also much more diverse, allow us to transfer the almost complete range of human emotions, which he is only able to experience.

Why are European cultural representatives, it is often difficult to understand what Emodi means? After all, they are so similar to standard emoticons. The problem arises when a person meets an incomprehensible symbol that has not come across before. The reason for this phenomenon is the origin of the style icons. After all, he was developed in the country of the rising sun. So only representatives of Japanese culture can easily understand the meaning of any symbol. The rest of the people may be required to clarify.

Most Popular Empli Icons

The EMOJI icon set provides a huge number of different images for all occasions. One of the most colorful characters of the Japanese set of emoticons is a monkey. What is noteworthy the image of this animal? And what do the monkey icons mean in Emodji? Without additional explanations, it is really difficult to understand this symbol. However, the explanation is quite simple.

A monkey, which covers his eyes, advises the interlocutor on the other side of the screen "Do not notice evil." If we talk more precisely, then sending the image of a cute primacy to the opponent, a person asks for him not to concentrate on the negative side of the case. In this way, you can also give the interlocutor to understand that his message seems evil and repulsive.

Many people who are interested in communicating on the Internet are also interested in the question of what Emodezi with a white flower image. Some believe that if they sent a similar message, it means that the interlocutor is trying to flirt. In fact, a similar symbol in Japanese culture only means well-made homework. In this way, a person informs the other party that he worked fine.

Sometimes in order to express feelings, some words are not enough. In such cases, communicating in social networks, we appeal to Emodi. The winking "emoticons" and other symbols appeared back in the distance in 1999, but they won a great love of users only recently. Despite the fact that it uses almost everyone, the values \u200b\u200bof some pictures are not entirely clear.

In contact with

For example, two folded palms can be interpreted differently - perhaps they symbolize prayer, but it is also possible that these two people welcome each other with the words "give five". How to understand the meaning of those or other Emodi? We bring to your attention some tips that will help yourself understand the value of emoticons on the iPhone, iPad and MacOS.

Examples of Emodyz emoticons

Many users mistakenly accept this picture for crying face. In fact, the drop is not a tear, but sweat, meaning relief after the experience of unrest.

Do not mislead yourself, it is not a nut on all, but fried sweet potatoes.

The fact that at first glance seems a pyramid of balls for ping pong, in fact it is a "greeting card with a harvest holiday", symbolizing the Japanese traditional rite, which is held during the celebration of the Cusic.

If it seems to you that it is acorn, you are mistaken. In fact, this is chestnut.

You should not use this picture as a greeting card, since it is nothing more than a bookmark for the book.

This gesture means "OK" and indicates that you are fine.

Raised up palms do not mean recovering to the highest forces, but symbolize joy.

This "smile" means strong irritation and nervous state. Many users mistakenly use it to express contempt.

What looks like a black cube actually symbolizes the Muslim shrine of Kaaba in Mecca.

No, this girl does not grow on the head of the deer horns. She simply make face massage.

Often users resort to this picture when they want to express the denial of anything, but in fact she symbolizes a person from the information board.

This is not at all a dance movement, as it may seem, and prostrate hugs.

This boy did not fit and did not think. Believe or not, but it is bowed.

The "smiley" of the melting symbolizes silence. Nevertheless, it is often used to express confusion, even fear, and sometimes it is used as a character "Kolobok".

You may seem like a fire, but in fact it is the name Baj.

This sign is not a bizarre image of the house at all, but anger symbol.

The picture below appeared with the yos 10.2 output. Someone can see a glass of whiskey here, but in fact it's just a glass.

This symbol means not the usual laughter, but a hysterical laughter when laughing literally lying on the floor.

This image can be interpreted both as a jellyfish, and as an umbrella, however, Apple believes that the eastern bell is furin, ringing in the wind looks like this.

Do not confuse this symbol with the alarm button. In fact, it is a trackball.

Do not look for a hidden meaning in this sign, because it's just a hole.

It may seem that this guy is not anyone else, as the legendary Siggy is a stardast performed by the British artist David Bowie. Despite similar makeup, it is just a symbol of any singer.

How to find out the sense yourself (determine the value) of Emodi on the iPhone

Find out the value of emoji on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. very simple. Using a function Prophoving You can "make" iOS explain out loud, which means one or another picture.

1 . Go to iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch in " Settings", Select" About renovy» -> « Universal access» -> Speech -> Prophoving).

2 . Write a message and paste Emodi.

3 . Put the cursor next to the emoticon of Emodi, the value of which you want to know and click on the screen until the menu appears with actions.

Click " Choose", After which the emoticon will be highlighted, and then select the option" Spoke"I. voice assistant In Russian read out loud the value of the emoticon.

The base of emoticons that can be used in different services For communication and on various Web pages. You can copy any smile and insert it into the message e-mail, Vkontakte, Twitter or Facebook - it will be displayed in all these services and will have the same value. At the same time, it does not matter, from which device it was shipped.

Please note that the display of icons depends on operating systems, browsers and services for communication you use. Read more about this below.

Smilek categories:

What is the difference between Emoji from ordinary smiles

Emoji (Emoji) is a language of ideograms and emoticons capable of displaying both in a separate text message and on the Web page. Emoji is part of Unicode, which allows you to copy the emoticon code into the clipboard and insert it into the message of the messenger or social network, in the letter e-mail or on the forum. In this case, the symbol will be visible everywhere and will have the same meaning. And no matter what device it was sent.

Initially, EMOJI was available to users of smartphones exclusively in Japan. They came up with the Japanese programmer mobile operator NTT Docomo Sigetaka Kurit. He saw that, for expressing emotions, users often draw faces, resorting to brackets, quotes and darling, and decided to replace them with pictograms.

Western world first drew attention to Japanese pictograms in 2011, when Apple turned on them in the keyboard on devices with version of iOS. 5. At the same time, Emodi were included in Unicode.

Emoji mapping problems

Depending on the operating systems, browsers and services for communication, EMMZI-Smiley.

Since most sites use UTF-8 encoding, it is possible that instead of emoticons you will see empty squares. However, B. lately Browser developers solve this problem. The most correctly shows emoji latest version Web browser. Support for Japanese icons is also implemented in the updated. Most of the emoticons support, and. But users of Internet navigators, we do not recommend actively communicating with Emodi - you will not see at least 60% of what you send or get.

Also matters version of the OS. Windows 10 displays more emio-emoticons than in Windows 8, and in the 7 versions of them and less. In XP, they are not supported at all. Interestingly, in 8 and 10 versions of Microsoft Ourser, most of them are already integrated into, but it is not very convenient to use it.

Incomplete implementation in messengers and social networks

Many emoji-smiles are integrated into Hangouts, and VKontakte, but this incomplete integration - if you can insert such an icon in VKontakte message, then the question of

Emodezhi) is not an adverse product of the development of society. This is the style of icons (emoticons). Today, they became an important part of the history and culture of the whole world. Emodezhi found their place in the heart of almost every Internet user.

Many do not know what it is, and those who know and encounter them constantly, believe that Emodezhi is just another type of entertainment. In fact, this is not at all.

What is it? What are they needed for? We will try to understand this article.

Smiley, Emode and Sticker

Find out what? This is not exactly the same thing. Emoticon is expressed by emotions using conventional standard punctuation, for example ": -").

Emodezhi - code (normal standard symbol from Unicode), which is available on all platforms that support it, and dialing and transmitting only one specific code (for example, "\\ xf0 \\ x9f \\ x98 \\ x81").

The sticker is just a picture transmitted by a file or reference.

Definition of Emodezhi.

This is the language of emoticons and ideograms used in various web pages and emails. This is a way to communicate with graphics - instead of ordinary words, the combinations of pictures are used here. This language first appeared in Japan, and then spread all over the world.

Some of its symbols are quite specific in the culture of Japan. Here is some of them:

  • white flower (denotes well-perfect homework);
  • clan businessman;
  • a group of symbols denoting the popular food: Dango, Raman, Sushi, etc.

There are also emoticons arising from the initiative of Internet users, and in contrast to Emodzhi, they are a means of emotion with the help of existing typographical funds. Emodzhi designate faces.

History of origin

The very first Emodzhi was created by Sigtaka Kurit in 1998-1999. He was a member of the group who worked at that time to create a platform for the Internet I-Mode.

Then, a set of Emodezh was created - this is 172 characters having a size of 12 × 12 pixels. They were part of the functions intended to exchange messages for I-MODE, and were designed to facilitate and speed up electronic communication.

Nicolas Laufran back in 1997 began to conduct experiments with emoticons animated to create colorful icons that could correspond to the existing ASCII-Emotrons. The latter consisted only from ordinary punctuation marks. Thus, the first graphic emotons, which entered the online dictionary, were created by Laufran. Moreover, they were divided into categories: "Emotions", "Classic", "Holidays", "Planets", "Food", "Flags", "Sport", "Infants", "Nationality", "Entertainment", "Weather" , "Animals", "professions" and mn. Dr.

All these images in 1997 were registered with the Copyright Rights Registration Bureau, and then in 1998 were posted on the Internet in the form of GIF files. Thus, they became the first in world history with graphic emotons that began to be applied in various technologies.

What do I need an emoji?

Today, Emodezhi is another way to quickly communicate. Written speech has one significant disadvantage compared with the oral-complexity of the transfer of emotions. After all, when exchanging information in writing, the interlocutors do not see the expression of the face and gestures of each other. In addition, the writing on the Internet you need to have quick printing skills.

Of course, there are talented people (for example, writers), who know how to clearly and correctly transfer emotions, but there are few things, and it is simply not enough when communicating through chat and other services instant messages. Therefore, it was necessary to come up with something that could facilitate such communication, simply inserting a code or designation into the text, so that the emotion expression appears that displays the state of the speaker.

It is such a problem that in due time contributed to the emergence of Internet slang, although it is not very helpful to pass the attitude towards the written text or its author in emotions. But this was not enough - a serious breakthrough was needed.

Initially, the solution of this issue was emoticons. But at first, their application was considered not serious, but now it is permissible even in business correspondence (for example, a colon with a stick and bracket). Moreover, in this case it will even not matter if these badges are not converted to the image of the emoticon. Because everyone has long been accustomed to them, everyone understands what emotion these punctuation signs are reproducing.


Emodeji is a smile that facilitates people to communicate in social. networks and retelling plots of well-known works and films. To the question of who needs this network, creators emoji.li ( social network) They answered that Twitter was also not needed to anyone first.

It should be noted that Emodeji is actively involved in pop culture. These amazing even played an almost dominant role in the Katy Perry - Roar clip (in one of the versions).

As a result, Emodeji spread to the whole world, because they are very useful, funny and cute.


Not all emotions can transfer printed words. Emodeji is a wonderful find. Probably, it is also impossible to argue that with their help you can fully correspond, but one is clear that it is also impossible to present communication at all without Emodzhi. For example, they can quite easily pass the excess tragedy of sadness and contain self-irony. Emodezhi proved that they are capable of much.

For example, two folded palms can be interpreted differently - perhaps they symbolize prayer, but it is also possible that these two people welcome each other with the words "give five". How to understand the meaning of those or other Emodi? We bring to your attention some tips that will help yourself understand the value of emoticons on the iPhone, iPad and MacOS.

Many users mistakenly accept this picture for crying face. In fact, the drop is not a tear, but sweat, meaning relief after the experience of unrest.

Do not mislead yourself, it is not a nut on all, but fried sweet potatoes.

The fact that at first glance seems to be a pyramid of balls for ping pong, in fact it is a "card with a crop festival", symbolizing the Japanese traditional rite, which is held during the feast of the ceiling.

If it seems to you that it is acorn, you are mistaken. In fact, this is chestnut.

You should not use this picture as a greeting card, since it is nothing more than a bookmark for the book.

This gesture means "OK" and indicates that you are fine.

Raised up palms do not mean recovering to the highest forces, but symbolize joy.

This "smile" means strong irritation and nervous state. Many users mistakenly use it to express contempt.

What looks like a black cube actually symbolizes the Muslim shrine of Kaaba in Mecca.

No, this girl does not grow on the head of the deer horns. She simply make face massage.

Often users resort to this picture when they want to express denial, but in fact it symbolizes a person from the information board.

This is not at all a dance movement, as it may seem, and prostrate hugs.

This boy did not fit and did not think. Believe or not, but it is bowed.

"Smiley" without mouth symbolizes silence. It is often used to express confusion, fear, and sometimes it is used as a "koloboka".

You may seem like a fire, but in fact it is the name Baj.

This sign is not a bizarre image of the house at all, but anger symbol.

The picture below appeared with the yos 10.2 output. Someone can see a glass of whiskey here, but in fact it's just a glass.