Fortune telling in VK. "Free" divination. True on free fortunellers. How to ask a good fortuneteller's question for free

The assistance of the fortunehock is very often the only way to find a way out of a difficult life situation. Now you have a simple and sure method to get rid of the problems oppressing you in the shortest possible time.

How to ask a good fortuneteller's question for free?

We are all curious. Each of us, though little, but I want to open the veil of the future and see how events will develop in the future. This is exactly what is the main essence of any divination. However, his sacred meaning is in a deeper analysis of the past and present. It helps to find your hidden flaws and guess secret desires; Disclose the essence of the problem and what factors played a decisive role in its appearance, as well as warn from negative events and people in your life.

The fortune telling should benefit and calm the heart, so in this matter you should trust only the professionals of your business. We are accustomed to looking for advice based on your or someone's life experience. But, unfortunately, it does not always lead to good results. Any kind of problems require an individual approach and consideration. Agree, it would be stupid to try to find yourself, looking in someone else's reflection.

Those or otherwise, all events occurring in our lives affect our fate. And in questions of fate, you will best help to figure out a professional fortune teller. A person endowed with not only the gift of dialogue with fate, but, first of all, which can adequately understand and evaluate the existing problem. A person who is capable of subtly and tactically lead us to the correct solution, showing the whole true picture of things.

If you are in finding a free good fortune-up - our service is always at your service. Astro7 provides you with a wide selection of consultants who can solve any of your problem. In case you use the service for the first time, everything you need from you is to choose a specialist who most liked you, and ask a bonus free question of the fortuneteller. Get rid of the movements of the experiences, anticipate the brewing conflicts and free yourself from the fear of ignorance. Let your life benefit with new paints after the free help of the fortune car Astro7. After all, solutions can be much easier than you imagine.

Recently, ads began to meet very often "Free" fortune and fulfill free rituals. Pseudo-fortunewalks promise the result almost on the day of circulation.

An inexperienced reader docked on his problems may seem that here it is to solve all difficulties. But this is far from that. Our work only at first glance seems simple and easy. Magic work is complex and painstaking. Requires tremendous efforts, both physical and moral. Compliance with posts and other rules last our life. The master wakes up before sunrise and goes to bed far over midnight. Among other things, we must pay taxes. What free work can we talk about?

According to my customers, the "free" fortunelocks say that they do not take money for their work, but this is not so. In rituals require a lot of components, here they are played out appetites from various sorts of swells. Yes, in our work, we often use candles. They sometimes need a lot, including candles from Jerusalem, from the temple at the Wall of crying. It is really not easy to purchase. But pay tens and hundreds of thousands, sending them to translations to unknown bank accounts, I consider not appropriate.

Many times came to me unfortunate people who were injured from such fraudsters. Do not believe the fortune tellands that work at a distance and free that guarantee the result for 1 day.

Remember cheese in a mousetrap? Free fortune telling - very tasty cheese in the hands of fraudsters ( free fortuneral ).

The best result is achieved with direct contact with the master. Yes, we can work at a distance, but only if the person applied to us is well acquired, because one of the main laws is visualization, no one has canceled. We should feel good. And this can only be achieved with direct contact with the client. After all, it is often required not one ritual, but a whole complex to achieve the desired result.

I do not recommend also often running from one fortuneteller to another. After all, the master knows what he has already done what to do at another stage. The new master will start everything from the beginning, thereby disturbing previous rituals. You can return to zero again, to your problem again, without achieving the desired result.

Everything needs a planningness, especially in magical practice. Remember this. The master who is not hidden is unknown where, and there is a direct contact with you and there is your support and support in a difficult life situation. These are precisely those people who will be next to you will help, will support, will give the wise everyday advice, will solve your difficulties with you.

I wish you all the best so that all troubles and sorrows went to you by the side. Health to you and happiness. Your Larisa.

07.07.2015, 19:19


I, witch Olga, there was always a sorry for those who, without understanding what he was doing, begins to engage in magic, giving ads "Magi Vkontakte", "Love Vkontakte", "Magic" and "divination vkontakte" in order Time to be either in a cancer hospital or in a clinic for insane. And even to distraunt yourself in ambulance. But believe me, I do not scare anyone !!! I simply remind, as always, that the classes of magic for those who were not selected to connect to knowledge and energies by the highest forces are incredibly dangerous. And you, Magi Charlatan Vkontakte, I ask for this not to forget.

Only speech will go about a friend. About how to just start making money in the class of magic, without becoming neither by the magician nor the witch, and without exposing its energies by testing the daily execution of rituals. Karma will smell it, and great. Yes, so that payments will have to pay all this life, and the whole is the following. Yes, and your children and grandchildren will have to connect to pay for debts that you get, deciding to practice witchcraft.

But if the choice is made, then let's go through this path to the end. And let's start with "Organization of an income business," as such attempts to cheating like to call on business ideas. And I met such texts of the business ideas that were offered to offer people a spell Vkontakte and Vkontakte fortune telling.

The algorithm of earnings is incredibly simple. So Mags VKontakte (more precisely - Magi Charlatan VKontakte) Forward !!! It looks like this:

1. We write in Yandex or Google request-phrase "Witch Witch", or "Vigo Vkontakte", or Magi Vkontakte.

2. Find the most professional site offering to order a fortune telling at a personal meeting or divination online.

3. Unceremoniously we carry everything from him that will like - photos, texts, even a description of the services, comments and thankful letters of customers.

4. After that, again, without paying a penny, we create a page in social networks or classmates, we publish everything stolen, interspersed with demotivators, with personal photos and stories about your magical greatness.

5. Approve the price for your "services", modestly appreciating the fortune telling in 300-500 rubles, and the guidance of the attitude or damage is 1500-2500 rubles.

6. We believe that now we are "Magi Vkontakte."

7. We begin (I will immediately use the Internet expression again) begin to chop loot. ***

*** - An example of such a page from the Magi Charlatan VKontakte series you can see on this link. ( And she belongs to another pseudo witch named Alina Samoilova, of all skills and sciences, it was best to have mastered only one - theft of someone else's content and other photographs, with the help of which he tries to give his wretched VKontakte page at least some kind of mystical entourage.

What is wrong in this, seeking many perfect, scheme? First of all, the fact that it is impossible to earn a lot of money on a similar scope. Competition among those who are solved on such fraud are too large. Secondly, almost everything in it is so ridiculous and so much gives the profanation that the algorithm given by me can also be used for another purpose. With its help, you can detect fraudsters that have false esoteric services on the network.

1. We take on the site (personal page of VKontakte) Magician or witch fragment of any text or any article, and run it through the program to verify the text for uniqueness. And immediately find the site-source, understanding - publishing the contents of the content, we want to deceive.

2. With the help of similar programs, check the posted photos on the authentication and about the miracle !!! - They are stolen here, here and here !!!

3. We check the filling of the page or the deceiver or deceiver site - and it is in 99.9% of cases, it makes it think about the issues available from the author with adequate perception of the world, or for some reason makes you remember to remember younger school or kindergarten.

4. We pay attention to the price, we see: "300-500 rubles divination", "1500-2500 rubles a spell or damage." And it is here that stop doubtfully in fraud, realizing that we really want to deceive.

The fact is that a professional witch or sorcerer will never work at a similar price. Even if he (she) performs a spell of Vkontakte or divination by VKontakte. And all because the price of real magical services is made up of very many criteria. To understand why real witches can not work for a penny, you should remember that:

For the development of magical mastery, they spent many years;

They enjoy the magical objects that cost big money;

Some training did not cost one hundred thousand, and I have books, each of which stands as Mercedes, without which I am, Witch Olga, would not have become the witch that I am now;

It happens that during the day, weeks, and then you can fulfill only one ritual - it's just not enough forces to others; And to live a week or a month for 300 or 1000 rubles any witch (even quite crazy), well, can not.

And add to this the need to restore your strength after a particularly complex ritual was held, which takes at least several (sometimes much more) days; The fact that some divisions and witch rituals have to do free of charge; Or the fact that real professionals spend on the guidance of the same damage or love spell far from one day. Added? Then think for yourself why the real Witch will never appreciate its services at 300 or even 1500 rubles.

It is a pity that such arithmetic, despite all his simplicity, the magicians of Charlatans Vkontakte can not master anywhere. Therefore, they are ready to offer "magic services in VKontakte" at a rush price.

But all these "great magicians" and "unsurpassed witches" are pierced not only on this. Here is the link that will curious to see everyone who was interested in the topic of conversation proposed by me.

If you decide to visit it, pay attention not only to the content of the first message itself, but also to comments on it, since thanks to them to understand who are actually the magicians of Charlatans VKontakte, where is it easier.

As it turned out, the sending of such personal messages is engaged in Alina Samoilov already mentioned above on the site in contact. And as confirmation of the expedited divination, Charlatanka Alina Samoilova sends my author's photo stolen from my site (pre-cut off part of the photo with my name and copywriting sign):

And pierced the magicians of Charlatans VKontakte (yes Imagi in classmates and Facebook too) on their own laziness, when, not just taking as the basis of the same advertising letter, and simply substituting his name in him, start to spam, trying to convince users to appeal to their Services.

"Love VKontakte cheap!" - They promise.

"Foreign VKontakte for the price of import substitution!" - They say their calls.

But since the database of the mailboxes in all these magicians is one, then it turns out that on average, each user receives 3-7 identical letters, understanding how high the activity of the witch-cheat and magician-fraudsters Vkontakte.

And again a small lesson from the witch Olga:

None witch will never impose their services. Yes, she will definitely tell about himself, but only on the pages of a personal resource, filled with copyrighted articles and copyright photos. But otherwise she will always rely on the highest strength, knowing that if they consider that she is really able to help someone, the highest strengths themselves will lead to her a person who needs her help.

A different magic does not work, and this will confirm any esoteric to you, regardless of who he is such is a practitioner of the fortune teller, Altai Shaman, or Magi Vkontakte. Well, if the highest strength does not lead anyone to you, and you have to send spam in the hope of earnings, what kind of money are you? ...

Probably, each social network user at least once, but came across ads of fortune-telling: about the possibility of predicting the future, to help in a difficult situation, make a "love spell" or "rite of money." The proof of their effectiveness is the reviews of allegedly satisfied customers. But can there be reliable such "comments" on the Internet? Doubtful!

Digestices and psychics have always had more popularity in humans, however, if earlier ads on the love spells and magical assistance were found only in newspapers or on pillars, now they have firmly taken their positions on social networks. And after all, it's no secret that many of them are ready to go to any tricks to lure the round sum from the client. However, the less demanded "magicians" does not become from this.

Not so long ago, I began to notice that my people attend completely not familiar to me, with ads on the wall on the provision of magical services with 50% discounts and 100% warranty. Each fortune teller laid out a list of services provided by it and price list, and the evidence of their well-completed work served as grateful customers.

I decided to find out if these people really have unique abilities and know how to predict fate, as well as test the truthfulness of feedback on their work. Selected several ads of fortune-telling, which could answer for free on one any question of your question for feedback on their personal page.

For my appeal, I came up with a notorious story about unhappy love, not looking for relations with parents and failures in school. And for accuracy I attached a photo with the best friend. By the way, I have no problem, nor in the family, nor in my personal life I do not have.

The text was: "Hello! I saw your advertisement on the Internet and decided to take the opportunity to ask one question. I have a difficult life situation. There is a young man, we meet for several years. I love him very much, but recently often swear. Relations with parents are also not addressed. There were many problems with learning. What could be the reason? And how can I establish a relationship with your loved ones and parents? "

The first one I sent this message, has become a certain hereditary goal of Olin (the name is changed). It is worth noting that on the page of this woman there was not a single photo and no additional information, but the whole wall was covered with the words of gratitude from satisfied customers.

Olin, having familiarized with my situation, made his verdict: "The girl you are prominent, a lot of evil eye on you, from here and problems in life. I can make a charm in the photo. You have a rival, you want to lead the guy. But you do not give it to anyone, but in this I can help. "

I did not hear anything concrete. She did not see that the young man in the photo was not at all the love of my life, and all the alleged turmoil in my life brought to the envious and Schalu. All communicating with a fortune room was built on my re-addressing, which would be already on a paid basis.

The next "specialist" became the "white sorcerer" of Afim (name changed). On his page, she laid out her photo in the process of divination on maps. Is it worth saying that there were also many customer reviews from the photo. It is interesting to note that all "satisfied customers" last visited the day the day of leaving the reviews on the page at the Afim. Probably, life after appeal to it was improved, and the social network began to distract from life.

"White Witch", after reading my message, answered like this: "You are very sad. I see your health is bad, you often caress. You need to get rid of it, and then we will straighten the rest. Young, beautiful you. You need to take care of yourself. You need to make a plot in the photo. "

When I answered her that my health is good and I feel good, I do sports, I do not feel any discomfort, I learned that my painful disease will still manifest. They say, it is better to make a conspiracy now, until it became bad.

When I began to ask the fortune tune about what it expects and on the basis of what she did such conclusions, then the "white sorceress" replied simply: "I see so much!". And after it brought me blacklist so that I never bothered her again.

By the next fortuneteller, I did not even handle the invented problem. I decided to immediately find out why all feedback on her page from Fakes, which went to the network only once and that it can provide if there is no adequate and truthful reviews. The gaddle of Zulu (the name is changed) simply ignored my message, and after also added to the list of people unwanted.

It is not excluded, of course, that in the process of his mini-investigation, I found only unaffected providers, and somewhere there, in the mass of ads, there were the most that really possess the gift of clairvoyance and can help people in a difficult situation. Perhaps, but not a fact.

According to the psychologist Sergey Vladimirovich PetrushinaThe popularity of fortune-felon is explained by the fact that practical psychology helps them - the ability to quickly "read the" person, its subtle signals of manifestation of unconscious on non-verbal signs, possession of imperative techniques, that is, hypnotic practices. In addition, people like people when they say about them, the children's infantal region of the psyche, faith in a wonderful one affects them. This is exploited.

"People attract irrational, so they are ready to pay for it, there is demand for this. But except for charlatans there are specialists in working with impanderable. The rational science does not recognize them, but there is an area of \u200b\u200bpsychology that studies them is transpersonal psychology. Sustainably psychics work in military departments, but this is a closed war. Therefore, in the press all the time there is a double information - they scold them, they praise them. As a result, information is resetting for people ", - says Sergey Vladimirovich.

If you still decided to contact the help of psychics (What I do, by the way, I do not advise!), come to this as analytically as an analytical as possible, in the essence of the answer to your question. One of the main signs that the scammers are intimidating and threats to the approaching danger, which they are trying to take a man depressed "in turn". Even if something coincided, do not lose your head, keep calm and continue to observe.

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