Where to find saved collections on Instagram. Instagram has added a new feature that will remind you of Pinterest. How to Use Search to Engage with Your Audience

It would be difficult to find a person today who does not use Instagram. This service is one of the most popular for those people who like to share photos, thereby talking about their lives. At the same time, many users sometimes have a desire to download or save photos from Instagram to their computer or phone. But for some reason the developers did not think of a method by which it would be possible to do this without any problems.

This article will present 8 ways to save or download photos from Instagram.

How to download photos from Instagram to your computer or phone

Downloading a photo means saving a specific image on a device - computer, laptop, tablet or phone. It is necessary when you want to save a photo for later use or send to someone.

Configuring source saving

The user needs to go to their profile and click on the “Settings” tab. Then, in the list that opens, find the “Original Photos” button. Thanks to this method, the user can save all edited photos, as well as those just taken.

This method is worth taking note, since it is the main one and also one of the simplest. It is especially convenient when the original photo has been lost.

Taking a screenshot

Any device, be it a modern smartphone or computer, allows you to take a screenshot. On smartphones, to take a screenshot, you most often need to hold down the phone's On/Off button. But you need to remember that in this way the entire area of ​​the visible screen will be saved and after that, you need to crop off the unnecessary part of the image.

For a personal computer, the algorithm of actions is as follows: open the desired photo and click PrintScreen. This button allows you to take a screenshot, after which you can safely upload the photo to your PC. In addition, using a special screen recording program, you can select in advance which area of ​​the screen to save and no post-processing will be required.

Programs for download

This method is effective when you need to download many files at once. To do this, the user needs to use the service Instaport, specially designed for such purposes. All you need to do is download the application, log into it through your Instagram account and choose how to download a set of files (there are options for downloading in a .zip file, as well as an option for uploading photos to your Facebook account. In this way, you can upload both your own and other people’s photos.

There is another option for downloading photos to a personal computer - instagram. This service allows you to download any photos and is suitable for those who do not want to bother too much. All you need to do is enter your username and access to downloading their content is open.

Saving the image from the code

Right-click on the photo that opens. Next, in the action menu that opens, select “View code.” A box will appear at the bottom, where in the upper left corner we click on the mouse icon in the square.

We return to the screen, and point the mouse at the photo, and when it is highlighted, click on it. After this, a code with this photo will appear below in the box that appears. Find the image, right-click again and select “Open link in new tab”.

The image will open in a new tab where you can save it.

Downloading the source on iOS

This method is for iOS users. Instagram installed on this system has a special menu under the photos. In this menu you need to find the “Copy URL” tab. Then proceed exactly the same as in the previous method.

Collections on Instagram are an innovation from the developers of the application and social network Instagram. Which allows you not only to save the content you like, but also to group it into folders, creating the collections you need. In this instruction, we will look at how to create collections on your personal Instagram account, as well as how to save the content you like. This can be photos, promotions, videos, and even a carousel of pictures. We have already told you how to use them. But this material is a continuation of it, or to be more precise, a function that allows you to make collections on Instagram from your bookmarks. In order to group different content by topic and then easily find and view them.

A selection is an Instagram function combined with a tool such as bookmarks. If previously all your bookmarks were stored in your account, mixed together, now, thanks to collections, you can organize them into folders. Collections are separate elements (folders) inside your account that you can create, name and arrange photos in them, by style, theme, year, and so on.

How to create a collection on Instagram instructions

  1. Like all new Instagram features, the collection is extremely simple and intuitive. Let's look at an example of how to create a collection on Instagram.
  2. In your account, select the bookmark icon, where all the photos you have ever saved are stored.
  3. After the transition, the content you saved will open to you. On the page that opens, you will see all and collections tabs. You can switch to the collections tab or click the plus icon located in the right corner, above the collections inscription.
  4. After this command, a page will open, create a selection. Come up with a name for your future collection and click next.

When you have come up with a name for your collection and clicked next, you will be asked to select photos from the list of pictures that you have added to your bookmarks. You can create different collections and sort content by topic (as you wish).

Again; name of the collection, choice of photo or video. that you want to add to the selection. Click the checkmark in the upper right corner (save selection). We open the collections and find the photos and videos we need.

Lifehack: add collections directly from your Instagram feed

After you create at least one collection in your account, you will have access to the function of automatically adding a collection directly when saving content to bookmarks. For example, you are scrolling through the news feed of your account, you liked the content, you click add to bookmark, and a window with your collection folders pops up at the bottom. This option allows you to save a bookmark directly to the selected folder.

Ever since Instagram introduced the photo saving feature, users have been wondering how to use this feature. And the question: “how to see saves on Instagram and who saved my photos?” is the most pressing. After all, every person is interested in who liked the post so much that they don’t want to lose it?

Saved files are...

This feature is unlikely to be new to VKontakte users. I have not been registered there since the very beginning of the functioning of the social network, so my subjective opinion is that the ability to save VK photos has always been there. And you won't convince me.

And based on this, we can explain the function of saving publications on Insta: we click on the flag under someone else’s post, and it appears in the place designated for this. I find this option and its implementation very convenient. Now you won’t need to look at the post again later, send it to someone in Direct, or save the link. – read the material at the link.

Saved files are useful for everyone

Let's look at who and how this function will be useful. I will take cases of “usefulness” from my head, so don’t throw slippers at me. And let me remind you: I will give the most obvious and primitive examples of using this feature. Beyond this article, the only limit is your imagination.

  1. Businessmen. An example of working with competitors comes to mind. I imagine myself as a store owner. Moreover, a store that sells very common products. I won’t give examples because they might offend someone who is reading this article right now. So here it is. I'm a store owner and I'm going to launch some kind of competition, but I have no ideas. I even chose the most banal idea for business. And in order for these ideas to appear, I look at competitors’ publications. If I like any of their ideas, I save them. Then, after a fruitful day on the Internet, I simply look through the saved posts and choose the most interesting one for me in terms of implementation. Or, for example, I combine several competitions. And voila - something original... or rather, something more original than usual appeared on my profile. +1000 subscribers and +100 to karma;
  2. Bloggers. Here let's look at the benefits from the other side. Let's say I have my own blog and Instagram account. And I worked hard to make this profile very high quality, funny and interesting. Moreover, all this at the same time. And another way of promotion will be those same saves: users save them to, for example, use during a dispute. Or just to review it later. There are actually a lot of options. However, saved photos are another way to promote;
  3. For regular Insta users. Let's imagine that I am closely following some guy. And I notice a stir in the comments under one of his posts. In order to keep abreast of this hype and track down all my rivals, I save the post and open and review the comments from time to time.

Find the "saver"

For regular account holders there is no way to view “savers”. For business accounts, the functionality has been expanded, but it is impossible to find out who exactly saved the publications - only information about the number of saves is available. And there are no special sites or programs that supposedly show specific users who have saved this or that publication - these are scammers. No one can provide more information than the standard Insta app.

Now let’s see how you can see the number of saves.

How to view saves on Instagram?

To see what you saved, you need to do just a couple of actions:

  1. Open your page.
  2. Click on the bookmark icon. It is located next to the marks icon in the photo.
  3. Let's enjoy it.

It doesn't matter how many posts you have saved - they will all be here. For convenience, you can create collections. By the way, they will also be here, only on the next tab.

Deleting saves

Deleting saves is even easier than saving:

  1. If we need to remove a photo from a collection, we open it in the collections section.
  2. Click on the checkbox that was used to save.
  3. Select “remove from selection” or simply “delete”.
  4. Let's enjoy it.


So we figured out what saves on Instagram are, how to view them and how to work with them. Use this new Tool to its fullest. Come up with new ways to benefit. I believe that you will cope with this matter and become students worthy of your teacher.

The “Saved” section on Instagram is designed to save photos and videos that the user wants to return to again. A similar function is implemented in the VKontakte social network, where there is a separate album for photos.

What is “Saved on Instagram”

Thanks to the “Saved” section, the user will be able to put aside pictures that interest him in a separate folder on Instagram. By going again, he will be taken to the same publication. Exceptions include deleted photos and videos, as well as changes in the privacy of other accounts.

You can postpone any publication: both IGTV and posts from personal pages. Below the entry there is a special icon in the form of a flag. With its help, new content is added to a collection or shared album.

Where is “Saved” on Instagram:

The same is available from the computer version. Having gone to your profile, you need to scroll from the main section “ Ribbon» to the right – Saved. You can add new publications to the section both from your computer and from your smartphone. From additional settings - an entry from “Saved” can be deleted by clicking again on the “ checkbox».

With IGTV it’s more complicated: the video will be added to a personal channel, from where the page owner can watch it again.

Why do you need “Saved” on Instagram: to quickly find interesting photos, return to publications, without copying the link. That is, if the user liked a photo, he can return to it again. Also, the section helps not to lose important materials.

About how to properly use the “Interesting and Search” section to gain access to a new audience and increase sales on Instagram.

Promotion on Instagram is a difficult task. Methods of “promotion” have changed a lot in recent years: if it was once effective to promote accounts using automated systems (mass liking and mass following), now these methods are becoming history and are more likely to ruin accounts once and for all. account.

Pages that use “black” methods of promotion risk getting blocked (the so-called “Shadowban”, which will hide all account activity from other users, or the recently appeared “Sentry Block”, which will not allow the account to be authorized), have the lowest indicators of reach and engagement, are displayed low in the feed and are rarely included in selections and recommended ones. If you are serious about developing your Instagram, do not mess with mass likes and subscriptions - use only “white” methods of promotion that will give the best results in the long run.

Today we will look in detail at one of these methods - using the “Interesting” section and the built-in Instagram search to promote your account.

The “Search and Interesting” section will help solve many problems:

  1. If your account is included in the selection, you will gain access to a new wide audience that would not otherwise find you;
  2. You can use search to interact with people close to your business;
  3. You can use search to find the best hashtags for you;
  4. You can use search to find opinion leaders to collaborate with.

First, let’s figure out how exactly the “Interesting” and “Search” functions work. When you click on the magnifying glass icon, you will be taken to the general “Search and Interesting” section, while the main part of the screen is occupied by the “Interesting” selection.

What photos and videos go here?

This displays content that Instagram, based on internal algorithms, has determined is interesting to you.

First, Instagram focuses on the people you follow. Secondly, the system analyzes the likes and comments that you leave. Finally, Instagram tries to analyze and take into account what content your friends and acquaintances like. Based on this data, as well as many other factors hidden from us, the system generates a recommendation feed.

At the top of the screen there is a search bar, when clicked, a search interface opens - you can search in four categories:

  • Top (all other items together)
  • People (other Instagram users)
  • Tags (hashtags)
  • Places (geotags)

Instagram will not produce search results for each of these categories randomly, but in a certain sequence. On what basis does the system determine this sequence? Just like with recommendations in the Explore section, Instagram ranks search results based on your preferences - the people you follow and the content you've liked and commented on.

For example, if I search for locations by asking ‘‘Football’’, Instagram returns places where I can play near my home in Brooklyn:

We’ve sorted out “Interesting” and search - now let’s see how to use them correctly to develop your business.

How to get into the “Interesting” collection

Getting into the “Interesting” collection means getting instant access to a new audience that would otherwise never come across your profile. A new audience means new transitions to your account, and they, in turn, mean new points of contact and sales.

How to get there?

1. Make quality content

First and foremost, create high-quality and interesting content. Even if you are engaged in a seemingly boring business, find a human face in it and show it. Speak in simple language, show working moments and your team. Create content that people will want to interact with: like, comment, and ask questions.

Instagram takes into account the quality of your posts - only the most interesting ones are included in the recommended collections.

2. Add geotags

When you add a geotag to your post, you allow Instagram to more accurately understand what your content is related to and who might be interested in it. By adding a geotag, you increase your chances of getting into “Interesting” and, of course, appearing in search results for this geolocation, which can provide additional traffic.

By the way, did you know that you can add a geotag to a post in Stories? It's very simple - click on the stickers icon and select the geotag image.

After that, you can even choose the location where the geotag will be displayed: just drag it across the screen.

3. Add hashtags

Hashtags are another tool that tells Instagram what your post is about and who will be interested in it. Choose fairly accurate and specific hashtags: this way you will better identify the target audience of the post and get more traffic both from search (using hashtags) and from the “Interesting” section - if Instagram decides to recommend your post.

You can add up to 30 hashtags to a post, but is it worth it? We face a difficult question, which TrackMaven tried to answer in its study, which established the optimal number of hashtags for a post - nine. It is this quantity, according to the experiment, that ensures the greatest audience involvement.

All you have to do is trust the data and use it in your work - the more you rely on the scientific approach and statistics, the more impressive results you can expect in the future.

4. Choose the optimal time to post

By the way, if you have converted your Instagram into a business account, you can easily find out at what time your followers are most active - directly from the statistics in the official application.

5. Use live broadcasts

It's harder for a live broadcast to get on the Explore page than for example photos or even stories - but if it does, you'll get huge returns and engagement.

Live broadcasts have been a trend in recent months, and you should experiment with formats, which may include:

  • Answers to subscribers' questions;
  • Announcements of major events;
  • Behind the scenes tour;
  • Interviews and joint releases.

How to Use Search to Engage with Your Audience

If users or clients leave a review tagging your username on Instagram, you immediately see this mark in the activity feed and can quickly respond. But what to do if the mention of you was left without an @ tag? How to track such activity?

You can try to find brand mentions using hashtags and geotags. Let's talk in more detail about how to do this.

If you have a company hashtag that you apply to your posts, it's worth doing a search for that hashtag - maybe one of your users has used it too, and you can comment on their post or thank them for the review (this is also very important!) . Let's try to enter the corporate hashtag ''rayban'':

If your business is located at a specific address or you have your own geotag on Instagram, regularly check the results for this tag. And, of course, interact with all the people who checked in with you.

By the way, you can even interact with people who are close to your location, and not exactly in it: to do this, go to the “Interesting and Search” section, click on the search bar, go to the “Places” section and select “Near Current location."

How to Use Search to Find Thought Leaders

You must work with opinion leaders to develop your brand - they have a great influence on the decisions your customers make.

Dr. Jonah Berger from the Wharton School of Business, along with experts from the Keller Fay Group, conducted a study that showed that 82% of people are “highly likely” to follow the advice of an opinion leader. Compare this with the 73% of people who would trust the recommendation of an ordinary person, and you will understand that you need to work with leaders.

How to find them? We give you five ways:

Once again, let’s remember all the ways a business can (and should, we insist!) use the “Interesting and Search” section to develop their account:

  1. Reach a new audience by getting into the “Interesting” collection;
  2. Find the best hashtags and locations for your business;
  3. Interact with people close to your business;
  4. Find opinion leaders and do joint projects with them.

If you know other ways to use “Interesting and Search” that we did not talk about in this article, be sure to write about them in the comments - we will be happy to discuss!