Foreign mailboxes. How to choose an email address

Decide if you want your name to be your email address. If you want your address to sound professional so you can use it for years, it's best if it's just your name. It will be easy for both you and your friends/family/colleagues to remember, and it won't make you feel awkward ten years from now. However, if your name is very common (for example, Ivan Petrov), then it is very likely that the email address is already taken, and you will have to come up with another one or add numbers, underscores, the first letter of the middle name, or something else to the name. Here are examples of possible options:

  • If you don't want your name to become your email address, get creative. If you're concerned about security and don't want to use your real name, you'll need to come up with an original address. Make a list of what you like: favorite sport, hobby, pet, TV series, country, celebrity, color, season, etc. Once you've done this, try to come up with an address based on one or a combination of these points. Here are examples of addresses created in this way:

  • Consider a family email address. If your entire family will use this mailbox - you, your spouse, your children - then it is worth reflecting this in the address. If you are going to do this, you can use your last name, the number of family members, the word “family” itself, and the like in the address. For example, if your last name is Smirnov and your family consists of four people, then the email address could be as follows:

  • Be prepared to change the spelling, add numbers or symbols. So many people use email that the address you choose may be taken. Therefore, to create a unique address, you will have to make some changes. One way is to change the spelling (change a letter, add an extra letter, etc.). Another is to add punctuation (an underscore or a period). Keep in mind that different mail servers may or may not allow a particular sign. Another way to create a unique address is to add numbers. They should be easy to remember (for example, you can use your favorite number). Here are examples of possible changes:

  • When choosing a mailbox, a new user racks his brains for a long time over the name of the future email, carefully going through the account and password options, but they do not attach any importance to the choice of service. True, sometimes there are attempts to pay attention to what kind of emails there are, and their goal is to choose a sonorous or easy-to-remember domain name. But attention should be focused on completely different advantages of mail: how stable the service is, the quality of customer support, methods of combating spam, etc.

    There are more than 300 types of domain addresses. In this list you can find the name of the country, and even the city. Many addresses indicate attitudes toward profession, religion, and are simply fun, for example, “” The mailbox has a capacity of 3 GB and a filter system that allows you to configure settings to combat spam. But the lack of opportunity to work in Russian makes this resource unattractive.

    Yahoo Mail

    It is difficult to choose a laconic name, especially since the resource does not immediately check for uniqueness. Although the use of the Russian language is provided, the translation of the names of some instruments baffles even a linguist. Unlimited mailbox volume and address book.

    Rambler Mail

    The initial size of the mailbox is 50MB, which is enough if you do not have active correspondence. Further, you can increase it by 50 MB daily. The maximum sending size is 25 MB. It is convenient to have a virtual Russian-language keyboard.

    Google Gmail

    Sufficient (1GB) volume of the box and mail (20MB). Of those emails that exist, it has the strictest spam control. The service is capable of blocking a user’s account if it suspects mailing or other “inappropriate” use of the resource. The fight against spam, in general, is carried out at the level, but sometimes harmless letters are filtered out. And, even if you mark the addressee as trusted, it is not a fact that the system will pass his letter tomorrow without delay.

    Has nothing to do with Google. Designed to organize free mail for domain name owners with site traffic of at least 500 visitors per day. But it will not always respond to a request to register a new user on an existing domain.

    Google's cousin Gmail. The same strict spam control. Almost 8GB of space for correspondence. Possibility of access from a mobile phone. The only difference is a different domain in the name.

    The ascetic interface and fast loading time leave a good initial impression. But any attempts (after registration) to send a letter to another domain address are unsuccessful. Attempts to do the opposite also failed.

    [email protected]

    The fight against spam and spammers is well organized. Letters are scanned by antivirus. Box volume – 10GB, can be increased. Using the "[email protected]" service, you can send up to 20 files with a volume of up to 20GB at a time. A lot of attachments can be downloaded in one archive. Wide range of text formatting options and the additional ability to store materials in a password-protected hidden folder. The most popular of all mails on the Russian market.

    Where is the best place to set up an email? It seems like a simple question. Not without a bit of life’s irony, one can answer it something like this: “Well, wherever it’s better, start there!” However, this is the “best” thing for everyone. That is, everyone puts their own definition into this word - “convenient”, “reliable”, “cool”, “fast” and many different other options.

    To confirm this reasoning, take, for example, e-mail’s cousin in real life functions - the home mailbox. As if it were a small thing in the household, it is also worn on oneself, symbolizing the sympathy and individuality of the owner. A container for newspapers made from a plastic bottle - there is somewhere to put it, and oh well (minimalism in this case is a big plus for comfort). A pink box with flowers is a sunny creative idea, like let’s make life more fun. The case for correspondence is stronger, made of steel, on the lid there is a hefty lock, as they say, with a secret - espionage passions, and maybe, imagine, quite justified (a person receives valuable, secret papers, special letters and other important things). So, this too can be called machinations for improvement. This is how we humans are structured - we desire and achieve convenience; even in the smallest things.

    What to follow?

    Well, we've sorted out the epithets, let's now use e-mail specifically. Still, there are general, or mandatory, characteristics that a postal service must have. And it is precisely if there are such that one can give preference to him without any hesitation.

    We list exactly what characteristics are needed for a guideline:

    1. Safety. Is it worth proving how relevant protection against hacking on the Internet is? And even in our times, when invisible Trojans, phishing traps, and even social engineering tricks are rampant here and there along the central highways and dark alleys of the Global Web. Online mail must adequately withstand virus attacks. And it’s even better if it automatically scans attachments to letters with an antivirus for the presence of a digital infection.
    2. Spam filter. A “tsunami” of messages from unknown recipients with all kinds of advertising offers and viral files is a fairly common occurrence in an email inbox. There is little pleasant: here the risk of catching malware increases, and the “junk” interferes with working with letters. But when all this spam obscenity is carefully filtered out in the mailbox, using e-mail communication is much better and, by the way, calmer.
    3. Convenience of the interface. If you are a beginner and in one or two minutes you found buttons in your profile for sending, deleting a letter, and figured out where which letters are saved, you can definitely say that the mailbox is easy to use. A visual control panel is also an important feature that greatly simplifies life when using online mail. Everything is in sight, everything is clear. Advanced add-ons and hidden additional options are another matter; you can deal with them later (and only if the need arises).
    4. Box volume. The larger it is, the better, of course. Particular attention should be paid to this parameter if you often have to send large files to friends, family, or work colleagues.
    5. Translator and spell checking service. Do you communicate for a long time with foreign partners, conduct business correspondence with serious institutions? Then be sure to ask whether these and other functions for text processing are available.
    6. Data backup, file storage, offline work. These options are indispensable when you cannot lose sight of some correspondence, data and information received from the addressee.

    Main candidates for selection

    But not only characteristics can help you make your choice. There is also a lifesaver called TOP - the most popular and widespread services on the Runet, providing e-mail absolutely free to everyone. It is quite logical that if millions of Internet users liked them, then perhaps you will like them too. And maybe not all of them, but just one of them. So it makes sense to get to know them better.


    A solution that appeared on the Internet on Humor Day, April 1, 2005. Maybe someone took it for a prank then, but most likely not for long. The creator of Gmail is the giant of the Web, the venerable billionaire company called Google. They don't joke about things like e-mail.

    According to statistics, in 2012 over 420 million people on the planet registered on Gmail. And for good reason - there are good reasons for this, or more precisely, advantages of the service:

    1. Integrated cloud file storage of 15 GB.
    2. A powerful algorithm for identifying spam messages (according to many IT specialists, one of the best).
    3. Stable operation 24/7. Cases of failures in this system can be counted on one hand. In percentage terms, Gmail uptime is 99.9%.
    4. Search for letters, message fragments in the mailbox upon request.
    5. Confidentiality of personal information. Data transfer via Google mail is carried out using the HHTPS protocol with a high level of protection from third-party interference.

    However, there are other advantages from the point of view of the average person on the Internet. Let's not ignore them either.

    A standard registration in Gmail, even for a user with basic computer skills, lasts no more than 5 minutes. The postal service requests all necessary verification tools and personal data immediately. She also asks for a phone number. The verification code is sent to him by SMS for free, regardless of what country the user lives in.

    Google Mail can work with several accounts (mailboxes) simultaneously. This feature comes in handy when several people work on the computer. Or the PC owner has several Gmail accounts and needs to quickly access them.

    The interface of the box will not make you wander for a long time in search of the desired command or setting. Everything here, as they say, is in plain sight. Red button “Write” - create a new message.

    Just below it are the categories of letters (Inbox, Sent, etc.). And under this menu is the “More” item. If you click it, it opens a panel with additional sections (spam folder, trash bin with deleted messages).

    Above the list of incoming letters there is a filter in the form of thematic tabs. Each tab displays letters with relevant content: Social networks, Promotions. It's setting up. To change the sorting configuration, click the “+” button (located on the right side of the last tab).

    Then add or disable tabs in the list (uncheck or check the box next to them). Click the "Save" button.

    Another remarkable feature of Gmail is the quick change of interface appearance. To modify, you just need to click the “gear” icon in the top right and select the appropriate format from the menu - Spacious, Regular or Compact. By the way, here you can go to the “Themes” section to download another graphic design in your profile, quickly go to the settings page, help desk.

    Among other things, from a Google mailbox, if you have all the necessary equipment on your PC, you can make calls to mobile phones, but, of course, you will have to pay for them. To activate this mode at the bottom of the profile page you need to click the “phone” button and then click “Call” and enter the number.


    Like Gmail, it is also the brainchild of a very prominent company. Namely Yandex - the author of one of the best search engines on the Internet. Accordingly, even if we discard all manifestations of praise and advertising, we can still say with confidence about Yandex mail - everything about it is good and fine. However, let’s move on from abstraction to specifics.

    The service has been operating successfully since June 26, 2000 (that is, for more than 15 years). Equipped with an integrated anti-virus service from Dr.Web. Can translate letters from foreign languages ​​into Russian. Among its other benefits:

    • unlimited box volume;
    • panel for managing other mailboxes;
    • access from any device (tablets, smartphones, laptops);
    • built-in organizer;
    • a set of tools for processing letters (design, editing, checking).

    The transition to the registration panel is carried out from the page of the search service - All you need to do is click the link - “Create an email”.

    The internal structure of the profile is in no way inferior to overseas Gmail. Correspondence sections are also visible and clearly sorted. There are also folders with drafts and spam. Below you can see the number of letters received and the email attached.

    In the next block, incoming messages are automatically sorted into tabs by type of information (Communication, Shopping, Social Networks, etc.).

    A panel is displayed above the open letter for quickly launching various operations: deleting, moving, creating a reply, etc.

    If necessary, you can configure the panel differently: remove it or add functional buttons.

    On the right side of the letter text there is a block “Letters on the topic”, it displays a list of received letters with similar content. This is very convenient when you need to read notifications from a specific service.

    A service for those who like to communicate not only through email, but also in the format of a social network. One of the oldest on the Russian-language Internet. Founded back in 1998 - when the Web was just beginning to grow. In addition to e-mail, there is a social service “My World” with all the corresponding attributes - a personal page, an avatar, folders with music and videos, comments and likes. And not only! The portal has a huge scale and is designed for a wide range of interests: games, romantic dating, weather, horoscope, news collections, etc.

    As for e-mail, it has a number of its own individual advantages:

    • decent operating speed: the service executes user commands in a fraction of a second;
    • convenient interaction with remote file storage “Cloud”: the capacity of the personal disk can be 100 GB;
    • the list of incoming messages is marked with letters on a colored background and avatars of the recipients;
    • support for sending “heavy” files;
    • quick switching between boxes (multi-profile operating mode);
    • processing of downloaded images (size adjustment, viewing);
    • inserting greeting cards into the text of the letter;
    • grouping messages into chains;
    • change the interface theme.

    The account panel has a standard appearance: letter sections are traditionally located on the left in the column, buttons with frequently used commands are located above the list of messages.

    At the very top of the account is a selection of links to other company services (including the Odnoklassniki website).

    Runet e-mail is second in popularity to the Big Three. But at the same time, it takes place and is not written off. After all, having a mail account, like in Google and Yandex, gives you access to other Rambler services.

    You can log in to Rambler mail through profiles on the social networks VKontakte, Facebook, LiveJournal. This is definitely convenient - it takes less time to authorize if the user often hangs out on personal pages and at the same time uses the Rambler email service.

    The mailbox control panel has approximately the same appearance as in the services discussed above. The “Write” button “hangs” separately in the top panel. There are also buttons “Trash” and “Lock”.

    Not from the TOP, but a worthy alternative

    As a hint for choosing mail, we cannot help but mention two more very decent, but less popular services.

    Yahoo! (in Russian – “Yahu”)- a product of American IT specialists. Founded in 1995. This is not only a mail service, it includes a search engine, all kinds of news sections. In the summer of 2016, the independent service Alexa Internet recognized it as the fifth site on the Internet by the number of visits.

    Despite the fact that Russian-speaking users do not particularly favor Yahoo mail, nevertheless, by definition of localization, its interface is displayed in the mighty Russian. The registration form is no exception. Translators are not needed, all overseas technologies, figuratively speaking, are available. Comfortable.

    The company even sued the corresponding domain zone from enterprising cybersquatters. Now you can type in the address bar and get where you need to go - to the offsite service.

    The list of functional attractions and features of Yahoo! mail:

    • vigilant spam filter: the developers assure that thanks to it the user will receive only what he needs; no chain letters, tricky wills or winnings;
    • data exchange via a secure network channel using the SSL protocol;
    • minimalistic and practical functionality;
    • integration with Dropbox cloud storage.

    Mail from Microsoft, after all, the creators of Windows. It is perfect for managers, businessmen, organizers, and executives. And also for ordinary users who actively use the company’s office programs from the MS Office package.

    It provides options for close interaction (receiving and sending data) with document editors. You can also use your Outlook account to access other Microsoft services.

    The graphic design and account management system in the mail service meets all modern requirements. The menu has the ability to configure thematic categories of letters and a data archiving function.

    If sanctions... or “local” services

    As an example, access to Yandex and is blocked in Ukraine. There are, of course, ways to bypass this blocking, but not everyone knows about them and not everyone knows how to implement them on their home computers. In this case, you can use mail services of domestic developers.

    An alternative is possible for residents of Ukraine:

    The standard set is a mailbox and 4 GB storage. And also a news portal on various topics and links to useful Ukrnet sites.

    The profile also has a familiar arrangement of elements: categories on the left, a list of messages on the right.

    There is an extended settings menu (opened by clicking on the “three stripes” button at the top right). Using its options, you can connect additional addresses to your account, set up an answering machine, interface, change the password, and color theme.


    When registering, it provides the opportunity to create an address with other available domain names:,,


    Mail service on a fairly large web portal. Provides e-mail after simple registration.

    It has a simple but very practical interface. Equipped with an “Address Book” option to save contact information of other users.

    The mailbox credentials can be used to log in to other functional sections of the Meta portal.

    Let's sum it up

    Now, dear reader, with complete composure, weigh all the pros and cons regarding the email services you are interested in and make your choice. In any case, nothing prevents you from registering several accounts with different mail services. Rely on your personal experience of using e-mail. Note for yourself useful features and shortcomings in the functionality and design of the box. This will also help a lot, but in the future, when selecting online mail that is optimally suited to perform your tasks.

    Hello dear friends and readers of my blog. Today we will look at one of the interesting topics - Internet mail services. Today this topic is relevant.

    In this article I will try to answer all the questions you may have when registering for mailboxes, how and why to use them, and also protect them from hacking.

    I will offer you several options for email services, and you try to choose which one suits you best. Are you receiving a lot of spam in your inbox? No problem. I will help you figure this out too.

    In the meantime, a list of several useful links for information if you need email newsletter services.

    So let's begin. First mailbox:– the most popular and advanced mailbox on the Internet. Made by Google.
    Web features of

    — execution of commands via the keyboard;

    — recipient selection lists;

    — updating the page without pressing the “Refresh” button.

    There is nothing complicated in using this service; the interface is simple and intuitive. Do you have any questions? mail will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the use of the mail service.

    Letters are not arriving? Do Ukrainian letters disappear from the text? Running out of space in your mailbox? - If you are familiar with these problems, then this article is for you.

    In this post, I tried to briefly review the email services popular among my colleagues, friends and acquaintances in order to outline their advantages and disadvantages. I've compiled a ranking of seven popular email services in ascending order, starting with the worst.

    Rambler mail - “mail to nowhere”

    Rambler was once one of the best search engines in RuNet, but now it has unconditionally lost its position. The once popular Rambler mail is hopelessly outdated and is an extremely primitive mail service. To somehow stay afloat, Rambler shows its users a lot of advertising.

    By registering on Rambler, you receive a mailbox of 20 (!) megabytes in size, which theoretically can be increased by 50 megabytes per day. The maximum possible size of “pumped” Rambler mail is 1 gigabyte and not a byte more. However, if you are not in the habit of sending photos by mail, then you can still put up with such stinginess of Rambler.

    The web interface of the mailbox is quite simple and clear. To protect against spammers, Rabler-mail requires a complete check number (captcha) every time you send a letter. It is possible that Rambler is simply distrustful of new users, but in my case, when I have to send up to fifty letters a day, such paranoia is extremely annoying.

    The maximum allowed size of an incoming/outgoing letter in Rambler mail is 25 megabytes. Considering that when sent, the size of the letter increases by about a third, the actual size of the letter, taking into account attached files, is about 16 megabytes. As for uploading files, in Rambler mail they can be attached to a letter only one at a time, and they are uploaded to the server only after clicking the “Send” button. I’ll note right away that there are much more convenient ways to download files, but more on that later.

    From the experience of corresponding with owners of mailboxes on Rambler, I can say that they often have problems when sending letters with attached files.

    I finally gave up on Rambler mail after less than half of the dozen test letters I sent reached the recipient (!), the fate of the rest remained unknown - they were on the list of sent ones, but I did not receive any error notifications.

    MetaMail - primitive in Ukrainian

    META - Ukrainian search portal was created back in 1998 and is focused exclusively on Ukrainian users. The only thing I like about META is its name, there is something patriotic in it.

    Like Gmail, Yandex Mail allows you to conveniently view sent documents directly in a web browser. In addition to regular letters, Yandex Mail allows you to send video letters recorded using a webcam. The Yandex Mail mail interface has a function for sending and drawing postcards.

    By default, the Yandex mail interface displays a small banner and a news block. But, oddly enough, both can be disabled in the settings. It is not clear why, but according to Yandex statistics, few people use this opportunity.

    You have decided to change your mailbox. How to do this painlessly?

    If someone has read this article to the end and decided to switch to a new email account, then I will hint how this can be done almost painlessly. Changing your email is almost like changing your mobile number - they will write to you at your old address for a long time. Therefore, I recommend paying attention to the functions of forwarding incoming letters as well as the mail collector, which is available in almost all mail services.

    With mail forwarding, everything is probably obvious - you indicate your new mail address and all incoming correspondence is forwarded to the new address.

    The mail collector is a very handy feature if you have multiple email addresses. You indicate the addresses and passwords of other mailboxes in your main mail, and it will automatically download new letters from them. Different email services may implement this function differently, so for detailed information I recommend checking out the help section.