How to make a tablet support from plexiglas. How is the stand for the tablet do it yourself? Wooden stand for tablet do it yourself

Stand for the tablet is a comfortable thing if you want to watch a movie, read the book on the tablet, and the one who is gaining texts, uses the tablet to show the photos of friends.

This thing is not worth buying, because it is extremely easy to make with their own hands from cardboard, tree, yes, in general, from any submitted items. Here are some beautiful ideas, with most of which any beginner will cope.

In fact, the stand for the tablet can be made almost from anything, including from what we usually throw out, so making such a stand with your own hands can be reasonably proud of yourself - you support environmental movement;)

1. The easiest way to make a tablet support with your own hands is to cut it out of cardboard.

Or not just from a piece of cardboard, but in a cafe, from a paper cup.

You can use part of the packaging of the iPad itself. And maybe the packaging designers secretly hoped that people would gues how to use the packaging and will not spend money on unnecessary accessories?)

2. Stand for a wire tablet.

From the wire, cheapest hanger, the stand is very quickly the stand for the tablet, and it can not be collapsed in one way ...

And you can take a piece of rigid wire and a couple of rubber for money. And also get a light and convenient stand for the tablet.

3. Stand for a tablet from undergraduate items.

If you are in the office and you urgently needed a stand under a tablet, for example for a presentation, then use gum for money and pencils (it is more convenient to take those with erasing rubber bands).

Exactly the same design will be from Chinese chopsticks.

The stand for the tablet will be very beautiful if it is cut from a natural tree and covered with varnish. But this option is a stand for those who have skilled hands and a lot of time.

But the stand for the tablet, which can be made seconds for 10-15. From the detail of the lego designer.

Again an office option. The stand for the tablet is perfectly working the stand for business cards from the usual stationery set.

If the stand for a metallic business card, then it can be bent further or screwed up a pair of self-tapping screws so that the tablet does not fall. Probably self-tapping screws to drive something soft (again with a rubber band for money).

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Stand under the tablet with your own hands.
The tablets are firmly entered into our lives, we use them everywhere. And I suggest you make your own stand under the tablet. Especially good such a stand under the tablet will look in the kitchen, but in principle, for the absence of another, you can use it in any other room.

1. Wooden cutting board (you can use, let's say, slightly cracking).
2. Wooden plinth (not everyone is suitable, one edge should be bent).
3. White skare, brush.
4. PVA glue.
5.Dextrubcin (preferably, but not necessarily).
6. A piece of wooden board.
9. Emery paper.

The stand will be made of three parts of a wooden cutting board, a piece of plinth, which will be used as a holder and triangular bar.

Blocks use as a support of our holder.

If there will be a wooden plank for the manufacture of a wooden plate, then it, of course, needs to be well cleaned with sandpaper.

The plinth must be sprinkled in size, the width of the cutting board, the edges to treat sandpaper, so that there would be no burstles.

Triangular bar, if so is not at hand, you can make a piece of thick wooden board from a piece. Draw a pencil and drank. I draw your attention to the fact that the triangle has an angle of 90 degrees, and from the tilt of the hypotenuse will be, in the future, to drill the angle of inclination of the stand.

Now the parts of the stand must be combined with each other with the help of PVA glue. It is desirable, to complete drying of the glue part to each other to press with the help of clamps.

After gluing. The general stripping of emery paper and painting. After drying, paint can be used.

So everything turned out to be an excellent stand under the tablet, inexpensive in the production thing that can be easily made with your own hands.

Stand for a tablet is a very convenient thing, with which you can put a gadget in any position convenient for you. It is especially necessary when watching movies or when reading e-books. In stores at the moment there are many options for data stands, but this primitive thing can be done with your own hands.

And about how to make a stand for a tablet, our today's article will tell.


First you need to find or select the pattern of the patterns of this item. And it is not necessary to contact the specialists - you can independently find it on the Internet, then download and print on the printer.

The printed drawing gently cut off the stationery scissors. After that, select the desired tissue for sewing and fold it in half (the front side folds inside). Next, attach a pattern and pencil to it (you can also use the chalk or dry soap piece) circle the drawing.


Before proceeding with cutting, it is necessary to sew 2 parts of the tissue or bore them with pins.

This is done in order for the fabric to be smooth and neat. Now you can safely cut down the contours of your drawing. As a result, you will succeed in several parts - one long rectangle and two pieces of a bit-shaped form.

How is the stand for the tablet do it yourself? Installing fasteners

According to the scheme of the purchased piece of leather, the mount is cut. Its with the help of the needle and threads should be sewed to a rectangular segment of the fabric.

Stitching a case

Guided by pattern, attach the side parts of the pillow to the central. Next on the sewing machine, step all the seams of the case. When all the details are sewn, the main form of the stand will be. At the same time, the pillow stand for the tablet (namely the rear part) should not be sewn. The hole that was formed there is filled with foam.

Insert foam

With a sharp knife and ruler, cut 1 piece of foam rubber size of 320x230x40 millimeters. Next form a stand form. The second piece of foam rubber must have the dimensions of 16-x140x320 millimeters (the base * height * is long, respectively). In the same way with the blade, make a triangle from a piece.

Now carefully shove the foam rubber in the case of the cover and fold 2 sections of the stand together. If part of the foam you do not fit, you need to remove it and cut a little.

All - at this stage, the stand for the tablet is successfully manufactured for the tablet. Now you will not constantly hold a heavy tablet in your hands and enjoy the convenient reading of e-books, watching movies or photos.

What is the effect of foam on the tablet?

Probably, each of us now thought "Will the computer burns in the arms of such a material?". In fact, no harm to the tablet does not affect the porpolation. Even on the contrary - due to its porosity, this material does not delay heat, and therefore your gadget will always be cooled.

How is the stand for the tablet in the car?

If you are often on business trips or just like to travel on a personal car, such a thing will definitely not be too much (especially since most of the modern gadgets can act as a GPS navigator). So, how is the automobile stand for the tablet do it yourself?

First you need to find some stainless steel strips. Alternatively, it is unacceptable to use plastic or cardboard (why we will tell a little later). Next, the prepared parts need to trim. For a passenger car, it is enough to prepare the stripes: 2 vertical length of 170 mm and 10 millimeters wide each, as well as one horizontal size of 250x20 millimeters (length * width, respectively). The edges of the bands are bended using the passage in such a position in which you can use the tablet.

The upper part of the stainless steel strips is flex a little more, as it will be installed in the car deflector. By the way, this is not the only place where this item can be fixed. The bottom strip serves to hold the tablet itself. The horizontal also performs the role of holding the gadget from the fall of the side. Thus, the device will be securely fixed and will not fall from the stand. At this stage, the automotive stand for the tablet with their own hands is successfully manufactured. And it is fixed on thin round magnets that can be bought at any stationery store. That is why the strips must be metallic, not plastic. The rear side of the magnets is attached to the deflector (with the help of the "moment" glue), and our stand will be attached to the front part. As you can see, the design is very primitive, but quite reliable.

Additional "Upgrade" Stands

For convenience, you can make additional inserts. They significantly expand the tilt angle of the tablet, which is very convenient for viewing various data and information. Also, the stand can be sewn or leather (depending on the host preferences).

The advantages of the automotive stand for the tablet made by their own hands:

So, we found out how the stand under the tablet is made with their own hands and how to make a car holder from metal stripes.

I once watched a film on Ipad, and suddenly it was tired of putting under the tablet that it fell. There are stands. But before the stand in the store - kilometers and money, and it is necessary right now and free.

There are sheets of cardboard and glue.
Task: Quick, easy and cheap to make a tablet stand.

What is required from the stand: stability, ease of installation and removal of the tablet, the possibility of installation at different angles, so as not to break.

Corners. At a minimum, a position with a slight inclination for individual use, and almost a vertical position, to be seen by several viewers are seen.

What are the stands?

A suitable prototype for making with your own hands did not meet. Not suitable: complexity, dependence on material and technology, low reliability of moving parts.

There should be no moving parts, but there must be different installation angles. The stand must be from a simple material (cardboard, in this case), but reliable and stable.

One-piece design with three fixed corners. Triangular section.

Distribute triangle corners for three installation options.

The sum of the corners of the triangle is 180 degrees, the sum of the angles of the deviation of the front edge from the vertical of 90 degrees. The tablet can be put at the angles of 15, 30 and 45 degrees from the vertical, turning the stand on the desired side.

Add clamps for tablet to the diagram.

Determine the dimensions of the cross section of the structure.

The minimum: being on the shortest edge, the tablet should stand steadily (the center of gravity below the top of the short face).

Maximum: the longest face should not be longer than the short side of the tablet.

Determine the width of the stand.
The criterion is simple: to be fine. A little less than the width of the tablet.

Make a layout and try.

Corrugated-cardboard sheets glue PVA.

The ends on the sample are saved with a sketch so that the cardboard does not rub the device body.


For the top it is convenient to take and transfer along with the tablet:

Three angle of inclination:

The sample works safely for a month.

Do you like to cook and watch your favorite TV series at the same time? Or maybe you often use culinary recipes from the Internet or electronic cookbook? In a word, if during your stay in the kitchen you often use gadgets, this master class should come in handy: we will make a comfortable stand for the tablet with your own hands. To do this, we will use the fact that it will not get out of the interior of your kitchen - the usual cutting board.

Young parents we also advise you to pay attention to this lesson. If your baby eats only under cartoons, then this homemade stand for gadgets is clearly useful to you: it is reliable, convenient and extremely simple in the manufacture. It is possible that all the necessary tools and materials are already in your home. Take a look at the list and boldly get out of the case - to make a stand for a tablet from a cutting board at home is absolutely not difficult.

What do we need?

  • small wooden board
  • molding or wooden plank
  • small wooden bar
  • paints
  • lobzik
  • super glue

Try to choose a cutting board of this size so that it fully supported the tablet, but it was not too big. Optimally, if its edges will act just a couple of centimeters.

How to make a stand?

Take the molding or bar and with the help of a jigsaw cut such a piece that will be slightly shorter than your board (or on a centimeter longer than the tablet).

Lay the edges of the plank with sandpaper to be smooth. Stick it on superciles to the bottom of the board.

From a wooden bar need to cut a rectangular triangle. The longer his hypotenuse is, the stronger the tilt of the tablet. Optimally make a high triangle with a sharp corner. Stick it to the back surface of the cutting board.

At the next stage, you can paint our support for the tablet: Write the front of the cutting board, the holder and the back support with one or more colors to its taste.

We advise you to try to use and additional ways of decoration. It can be a decoupage of wooden products (earlier we told you how to perform such a decor on the example of wooden stands). In addition, you can apply an image by stencil, perform airbrush or smear a beautiful picture.

You can write a stand and manually using thin brushes or make splashes with a wide brush. Also, your new handicraft for the kitchen can be artificially creating or decorate with stacked beads. In short, dozens options - choose the one that will fit into your interior.